Come up with a name for the union for the farm city game. How to name a company: examples of names. Wild West: New Lands

  • 06.11.2019

The name should be understandable to people who have no idea about the specifics of the farm. Then the name will be remembered and buyers will buy products again and tell their friends about it. To make a good choice, you need to look at the farm through the eyes of a city dweller.

Make a list of words associated with leadership, superiority, victory. You can find such words in the sports field. Try to find as many words and phrases as possible. Don't focus on this list just yet, because it doesn't need to be used in its purest form.

Think of words that include the first letters of the names of what is grown on the farm. The word "aba" indicates that the farm supplies pineapples, bananas and oranges to customers. Add similar words to the list obtained at the 1st step.

Talk to city dwellers to find out what associations they have when they mention the farm. Write down the words they say. Add these words to the general list.

Find out which cities and countries grow the same crops as the farm. You don't have to go to encyclopedias. It is enough to look at the products of competitors. Add to the list the cities and countries that are popular with buyers, where the products are brought from.

Write down the words indicating the time of delivery of products from the farm. If you supply customers all year round, add relevant phrases to the list. As a result, the list can contain several dozen words. Now everything is ready to choose a good name.

Retire so that there are no distractions. You need inspiration, and for this you need to focus on the problem being solved, immerse yourself in it.

Look at the list and try to match different words. In this case, unexpected ideas will appear. Write them down on a separate sheet. Do not rush to take a break, even if it seems that the name is found. Keep working until you run out of ideas.

It is advisable to test the name on strangers. Will they understand your idea? It is better to make sure of this before the name appears on product labels and company letterheads.

Helpful advice
Set aside the ideas you find for a few days. Take a break, take a break. Then go back to the list and make your final decision.

Owning a farm is not only exciting, but also profitable. A novice farmer can be recommended to create a rabbit mini-farm. And after the first experience comes, farm holdings can be expanded.

“Rabbits are not only valuable fur,” it is difficult to find a person today who has never heard this phrase. Indeed, from rabbits you can get fur skins, fluff, and their meat is nutritious, although dietary and in good demand. They are unpretentious in breeding, multiply very quickly, food for them is cheap, and one small stack of hay for a mini-farm is enough for the whole winter in abundance.

4-5 animals are able to significantly increase their livestock in a year and begin to bring the first profit. But don't rush. Before buying animals, you need to equip an aviary suitable for their maintenance. The cage for rabbits should be spacious enough, provide the necessary amount of light, provide airflow and at the same time protect the rabbits from drafts. In a heated room, the rabbits will continue to breed in the winter, which will significantly increase the productivity of the farm. It is better to make the floor of the cage slatted, which will allow the waste products of rabbits to roll into a special tray. This design will not only facilitate the care of animals, but also protect them from infectious diseases.

As an automatic drinker, you can use ordinary five-liter bottles of water, turned upside down into a substituted bowl. The bowl should not be very wide and relatively shallow, in such a bowl the water will stagnate less, and the animals will have constant access to clean water. Equip a feed trough for granular feed next to the drinker. The feeder should look like a reservoir from which the granules will be fed into the cage along an inclined plane. It is better to close the feeder with a sheet of plywood, making a feed hole measuring 100 by 100 mm for each animal. To feed rabbits with vegetables, root crops and hay, it is worth equipping a separate feeder.

When equipping an aviary, do not forget about the nesting place for the motherfucking female. The delivery room should be well heated and large enough to accommodate a female rabbit and 10 young rabbits. If the area allows, you can set aside space for a walking paddock for your rabbits, but remember that rabbits are rodents and they are good at digging. The usual metal mesh netting, from which the floor and walls of the corral will be made, will not allow your rabbits to scatter.

When the aviary is ready, you can start buying the first animals. Carefully inspect the rabbits when buying, the animals must be healthy and vigorous, with a clear look, no traces of a runny nose, moderately well-fed. After all, they will become the basis on which the success of your small farm will depend.

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A well-organized agricultural business brings good profits. To organize your own farm, you need to perform a series of actions and collect a package of documents. The list of documents will vary depending on the target orientation of the business.

  • -passport
  • - an application to the administration
  • - farmer's certificate or registration legal entity
  • - coordination with the architecture
  • - business plan and project
  • - permission from SES, firefighters and labor inspectorate
  • - administration decision
  • -staff

For example, to organize a farm with directed breeding and maintenance of large cattle you will need to buy farmland and get a farmer's certificate. If the focus of the business is the breeding of small animals or a pig farm, then it is not necessary to obtain farmland and a farmer's certificate. Although the most profitable and profitable development is received by a business that is additionally aimed at growing its own animal feed.

To run an extensive business, you need to obtain a farmer's certificate or register as a legal entity. As mentioned above, for breeding and keeping cattle, a certificate of a farmer and farmland is required. Because cattle need to be pastured and a large amount of fodder for the winter must be prepared.

You will also need a business plan and project. After receiving all documents and completing construction works permission should be obtained from the regional SES, firefighters, labor inspectorates.

With all the documents, contact the administration for a decision to open a farm.

The farm will need to hire attendants who will directly care for the animals, as well as an accountant, livestock specialist, and a veterinary specialist. If you additionally grow feed on your farmland, you will need to hire an agronomist, because without this specialist it is impossible to produce timely sowing and harvesting.

The construction industry is constantly improving. And if earlier stone was used for the construction of buildings, now prefabricated structures have become especially popular, the construction of which uses light, durable and dense material, for example, steel. Moreover, the most common elements building structure are metal trusses.

  • - calculator;
  • - building codes and regulations P-23-81 "Steel structures";
  • - building codes and regulations 2.01.07-85 "Loads and impacts";
  • — technological requirements.

Choose a static truss scheme and decide on the outline of the chords of this design. The choice of one or another outline of the trusses is determined by the purpose of the structure, the type of roof, as well as the angle of its slope and other factors. As a rule, for buildings of civil and industrial purpose split farms of a trapezoid shape and with parallel belts are used.

Determine the general dimensions of the farms. Provided that the technological requirements do not provide for something else, the length of the trusses is determined so that the total cost of trusses and supports is minimal. In other words, when assigning general sizes, rely on economic considerations. When determining the height of the trusses, consider the following indicators: the material used to cover the roof, the ability to transport the structure, the minimum weight requirement, and the ability to provide a given angle of slope of the belts.

Calculate the building lift, that is, the reverse bending, which is extinguished under the influence of a strong load - the trusses take on the design position. The construction lift is calculated in metal trusses with a span of more than 36 meters and trusses made of high-strength steel and aluminum alloys.

Determine the dimensions of the panel: they must correspond to the distance between the elements that transfer the load to the metal structure. Remember: the dimensions of the panel must correspond to the angle of inclination of the brace. For different designs of trusses, the brace angle may vary. For example, if the lattice is triangular, the angle of inclination of the brace is 45°, and if the lattice is 35°.

When calculating trusses, the distance between their nodes (assuming that the coating will be made of metal panels or huge reinforced concrete slabs), specify equal to the width of the panel or (in run coatings) the run step.

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All calculations are carried out very carefully! In order to avoid mistakes during construction, seek the help of an experienced specialist who will point out the errors in the calculations and help correct them.

Helpful advice
To avoid long and tedious farm calculations, you can use the existing standard projects truss and truss trusses used in industrial and public buildings.

An experienced artist can draw anything - even a farm. If you do not consider yourself a professional yet, you should know some of the nuances that allow you to make the farm believable and realistic in the drawing.

  • - paper;
  • - brushes, pencils;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints;
  • - nature or photographs of the farm.

Decide which farm you want to represent in your drawing and what you want to convey to the viewer. If you decide to draw a large livestock complex, try to convey the scale of the organization, for example, to show long rows of barns or large grazing fields. Wide perspectives and a large number of repeating details will be appropriate here.

If you need to draw a small private farm, try to convey the diversity and versatility of such a farm. To do this, depict a variety of animals living on the farm: a cow, chickens, pigs, horses. At the same time, try to show the plot, and not a simple set of animals and buildings, for example, a departing wagon that everyone sees off, a midday rest, a hot season - haymaking, morning milking, etc.

If you live in a metropolis and have never seen a farm, look at photos of it or visit relatives in the village. The villagers should look around with different eyes to see the beauty in their usual things.

Choose paints and canvas that best convey the mood of the painting. For a hot summer day, pick up a pastel of warm and hot tones, and for a cold rainy morning, take pen ink.

Try to resist the temptation to put too much in the foreground. Only the most important should be here, and in order for the eye to move further, deeper into the picture, connect the foreground and middle plans with roads, paths or other elements that lead into the distance.

Pay close attention to the ratio of light and shadow in the farm drawing. Shadows will help you break up the foreground and bring out objects and animals. Spectacular picture will give sun glare, for example, in the water or in the hair.

After you have completed the main outlines, move on to drawing the details of the drawing - pebbles, grass, harness, tools, etc.

Neighborhood in Hay Day is a group of players united in one community, the purpose of which is mutual assistance, participation in group events and just communication with each other.

The neighborhood unlocks at level 18, when the neighbor's house located opposite the kiosk can be repaired.

The repair cost is 10,000 coins, the recovery time is 1 day.

Repair will allow the player to create their own or find existing neighborhoods by name or in a suggested list. Neighborhoods can have up to 30 members.


Each neighborhood contains a name, emblem, type, and minimum level to join. All items except the title are subject to change at any time. The leader has the right to delete the neighborhood, provided that he is the only member.


There are 3 types of neighborhoods:

  • Anyone enters. Any player can join as long as there is a required minimum level set by that neighborhood.
  • Request. To join, the player must send a request, and the participants, in turn, will accept or reject it.
  • Just an invitation. Only invited players can join.


In the emblem settings, players can choose:

  • Symbol (horse, truck, steering wheel…)
  • Pattern (spiral, chess...)
  • Background (round, square, jagged, shield-like…)
  • Symbol and background color (yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, or red)


There are 4 positions available in all neighborhoods: leader, co-leader, elder, and member.

  • Managers can kick, promote, demote, invite and accept players. They can also delete jobs and change settings.
  • Co-leaders are practically equal to the leader, but cannot change the rights of the leader and co-leader.
  • Elders can invite and accept new players to the neighborhood.
  • Participants have no special rights.


  • Neighbors can communicate with each other using online chat.
  • Neighbors can visit other neighbors' farms.
  • The best neighborhoods are displayed on the board at the end of global events.
  • Neighborhoods can compete at the races.

A name is a promise... it is the first thing a consumer learns about a company or its product...

Henry Charmesson

A name for an organization can be compared to a person's name. It becomes fateful, reveals personality traits and distinguishes from the crowd. Any company also has its own character and features.

A good name reflects the value of the company and its products in the minds of customers. Few people know that the Caribbean island known as Paradise did not attract tourists while it was called Pig. 'Gooseberry' from China became popular in the US after it evolved into 'kiwi fruit'.

Examples of successful brand names will help evaluate contemporary meaning naming.

What is quality naming?

Naming is not just a play on words, but a significant element of marketing. Professional selection of names for organizations, products, brands is becoming more and more relevant.

High-quality naming is the foundation of a competitive brand and effective promotion in the market. Its main goal is the positioning of the company, product, service.

Naming is used to solve various problems, including:

  1. The need to emphasize special properties, to distinguish the product from others.
  2. The desire to evoke positive associations and emotions: trust, admiration, interest.

Smetana Domik v derevne or Demyanova Ukha restaurant... A good name can inspire you to become a good basis for brand promotion.

5 stages of work on the name

  • Positioning, definition of the market segment

Without marketing research branding is impossible. Who is the target audience? Which group do they belong to potential consumers? What is the market niche and strategy of the company. For example, the name of the travel agency "Exotic Wedding" indicates a narrow specialization.

  • Standards and requirements

What criteria must a firm meet? Examples should reflect the company's strategy and fit into the market situation.

  • Idea generation

Brainstorming, group discussion or employee survey. Ideas can be generated in any form, but at this stage it is important to refrain from criticism.

  • Idea Analysis

Evaluation of options and how they meet the original standards. Semantic and phonetic analysis of names. Lexical and psycholinguistic testing.

  • Testing

Clients or potential consumers are involved in the "field tests", who finally decide how to name the company. Examples are included in the survey. The organization of testing is most often carried out by research companies.

An obligatory element of naming is the necessary for registration due diligence developed name. In many cases, it is required to pay attention to the meaning of the name in foreign languages.

Thus, all the extensive work of creating a new name is two steps. Firstly, you need to formulate a message for the consumer, and secondly, translate the message into a commercial form.

10 Ways to Choose a Company Name

  1. Use the language and words of the client. What does the prospective buyer value in a product or service? What benefit will he get? The proposed product should be close and understandable to the consumer, like "Your Realtor" or "Agusha".
  2. Dictionaries help to enrich vocabulary. original ideas can be found using dictionaries of associations, explanatory or foreign.
  3. The collected information will help to formulate slogans. You don't have to start with a title. Naming is a creative process.
  4. Analysis of the names of firms-competitors. When choosing a name, it is worth considering their successful options or mistakes - for example, such curiosities as the Labor Callus company, the New Hair hairdresser or the Padun bank.
  5. Do not rush to cross off the selected ideas from the list, but put them away for a few days. After one or two weeks, it will be easier to evaluate a worthy option with a fresh look.
  6. Before finally deciding how to name the company, examples should be checked for uniqueness.
  7. Evaluation of consumer opinions can significantly speed up the search. It is not enough just to contact friends or relatives. Organize a customer survey to evaluate the selected options, invite them to come up with their own names.
  8. In some cases, it can be useful to look at the world around you. A brilliant idea can be born unexpectedly. The Adobe founder chose this name after the river near his home. Remember that registration as a trademark of generic and specific concepts is not possible.
  9. Use the data of psycholinguistics, choosing what to call according to research, give a result with the right choice of letter combination. It is recommended to use the letters "D", "L" (cause joyful emotions). The letter "K" tells customers about the speed. But it is better not to take hissing or deaf ones, they tune in to the negative. The letter "Z", as it turned out, causes fear.
  10. There are more than thirty techniques for the formation of names. From names with classical Latin roots to rhyming names. For example, the creator of a global sports brand was known among friends as Adi (it turned out to be a compound abbreviation "Adidas").

What is the name of the construction company? Examples

Name for construction company should focus on target audience and reflect the scope of the company. "Bystrostroy" - a good choice as the name of a company specializing in the construction of houses in a short time.

The agency “Apartments de Luxe” will attract a category of clients with certain incomes, and “ New house"- a more democratic name.

How to name the company? Examples of names such as "Stroygarant", "Stroytekh" are understandable to the population and inspire confidence. Stroygefest, Neostroy or StroyCity are intriguing. The abbreviation will not work, as it can scare off a potential customer.

For organizations working with individuals, a simple version of "Bogatyr", "StroyNaVek" is appropriate. When cooperating with foreign partners, it is important to carefully consider how to name construction company. Examples should reflect professionalism. Preferably a catchy name on English language. For example, "Leader Builder" or "Prof building".

Choosing a Law Firm Name

Industry standards strongly influence the conservative legal business. The choice of options for the company name is very limited. What is the name of the law firm?

Examples show that names with Latin terminology or euphonious surnames of partners, combinations with general concepts(“consulting”, “legal league”, “bureau”, “group”). New words are also used, but the client does not always associate them with legal activities.

Successful options include Zetra or Asters. This is an example of how short and consonant names win over names that are understandable to the population, such as "Legal Aid".

Names that carry monumentality, confidence and positive are popular. "YurMagistry", "Arman", "Legal Center" or "Legal Company".

Naming in the field of trade

The marketing name positions and promotes the product. How to name trading company? Examples should be memorable and beautiful. The harmonious perception of the name by ear plays a big role. For sale is what causes pleasant associations.

Superlative names (Mega, Extra, Maxi, Super) are often used for trading houses and chains. An interesting method of words with errors. "GastroGnome" instead of "Deli", "StakeHolders" instead of "Steakholders".

A play on words is popular, for example, the Cool Place fishing store, the Terry Paradise store, which sells bathrobes and towels.

In any case, faceless names like "World of Taste" or "Wonderful Product" should be avoided.

How to choose a name for a furniture company?

The furniture market is one of the most saturated. In order to stand out from the competition, you need an original, but understandable, selling name.

What is the name of the furniture company? Examples - such as "Servant`s", "Divan Divanych" or "Mr. Mebel", will play the role of advertising and save money on promotion.

Many manufacturers seek to master a certain market niche. For small and medium-sized companies, focusing on the direction of activity and specialization is useful. “Furniture Workshop/Studio…”, “Sofa Formula”, “Your Kitchens”.

The production of luxury furniture, taking into account the interests of wealthy clients, will require a name that emphasizes the status: "GrantMebel", "Furniture House", "InteriorLux".

There are also funny names: "Soft place" (sells sofas and armchairs), the firm "Sidaun" or under the name "Mebelov".

In fact, 90% of all brand names were invented "on the knee" by directors or managers of organizations. Only 10% of market names are classified as professional namers. It is noteworthy that it is these 10% who own 90% of the market!

So you got the long-awaited level 29 and decided to create your own neighborhood. But you can't decide on a name. That's right, the name of the neighborhood is an important point.

Having little experience in this, I will still try to help you in this matter. First of all, you need to decide what age farmers you would like to see in your company. And it is the name that will influence the age and gender of farmers who will reach out to you.

Whatever you call a neighborhood, that's how it will live.

In the name of the future neighborhood, use only your native language. Or the language you would like your joining farmers to speak.

Having decided on the name, do not rush to create a neighborhood. Type it in a neighborhood search and see if that exact name comes up. 99% that it will already be, and even if it does not exist, 99% that it will be created later. But this is not a problem, in Hay Day it happens to find hundreds of neighborhoods with the same name. Only the ID and emblem distinguishes them. That is why, before creating another neighborhood with the same name, decide which emblem to choose so that it is different.

But I would advise being original when naming your neighborhood. It is not necessary to repel the theme of the game. Try to use some philosophical statement. Remember, you can change everything except the name of your community at any time, so pay close attention to the name. But still, I can offer you a few original names.

Interesting and unique names for your neighborhood

  1. Smooth beds Malibu
  2. Advanced Collective Farm of New York
  3. Przhevalsky Horse Farm
  4. best farm on the moon

These are just a few possible interesting names that can help you give birth to your own, more interesting one.