What to do if you are mentally ill. I feel bad, what should I do? Self help guide. Positive thinking is the best medicine

  • 28.10.2019

Do not forget that life is not one day. If it didn't work out today, tomorrow things will be different. Friends forgot to call - there will be time and you will not call. All the clouds that are gathering over our heads are all temporary. Difficulties must be overcome.

“It happens that wherever you look, everything is bad. Hands down, I don’t feel like doing anything, my heart is sad and, as luck would have it, my friends don’t call, there’s a blockage at work, and a nightmare on TV, the pictures taken by my beloved Sony DSC-TX55 disappeared without a trace on the PC. - writes the website growth.in.ua. And what to do when everything is bad? How to get out of this state when you feel bad? What to do?

We offer you a number of tips and we hope you find the answer for yourself, what to do when things are bad.

1. Think only positive things.

Remember, absolutely everyone can change their life. Only desire is needed. And to change your whole life you need to start with your own thoughts. If you constantly think about only bad things, it will come to you. You have heard many times the phrase that thoughts are material. What does this phrase mean?

2. Talk about good things

It is not enough just to think about the good, because the word is also material, and therefore it is necessary to talk about the good. With friends, at home, at work, say that life is getting better, everything is just fine. If acquaintances begin to discuss the topic in front of you: “where is this world heading”, do not support this discussion. After all, you know that everything will be fine, life is getting better every day.

3. Don't drink

Do not try to flood all the problems with alcohol. They will only add up. In addition, you will lose your health and a lot of money. The same goes for smoking. This is a direct path to permanent illness.

4. Go in for sports

You can advise to go in for sports: it gives positive emotions, health. It is not necessary to achieve records, just a regular run, swimming pool, morning exercises are enough. It not only invigorates the body, but also tempers the spirit. After that, you will not want to think about the bad, decide how to overcome depression.

5. Love

Love always changes life for the better. She brings a lot of positivity and happiness into our lives. This bright feeling turns our life upside down, inspires us to exploits, to achieve success. What can be depression if you love and are loved?

6. Give free rein to your emotions

It's not true that tears won't help me. Sometimes it is enough to cry when the soul feels bad to see life in a new light, to understand that it has not ended yet, that there are other interests in life.

Try to look at your situation impartially. Is she really that bad? Look around, how many people around you are much worse off. But they continue to live, rejoice, fight.

8. Communicate

When everything is really bad, you really want to withdraw into yourself, not to see anyone, not to communicate with anyone. This is the wrong way. On the contrary, be among people who can listen to you and relieve suffering.

9. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, start taking action

Stop feeling sorry for yourself: many are worse off than you. Get started. This is the only way to change the situation. Or start a new life.

10. Ask for help from loved ones

Feel free to ask family or friends for help. For any person, timely support is very important. It will help to solve a lot of life problems and find a way out of any situation, and especially when bad at heart (what to do?).

There are days when everything seems black and hopeless, when it hurts and it's hard. Few people, getting into such a situation, clearly know what to do when their hearts are bad. Everyone has their own recipes. Someone turns on sad music and revels in their grief, while someone seeks to unwind.

What to do when the soul is bad?

Finding and fixing the cause

Understand the reasons for your condition - a person does not feel bad just like that, without a reason. Everything has a reason, and your condition too, you just need to find them. How to do it? Some reasons are obvious, others are hidden in the depths of the soul and may not be clear or obvious. How to find hidden reasons? Immerse yourself in your state, try to strengthen it. This should be done very carefully and with what can help, for example, music that matches your mood. Develop thoughts that come to mind in this state, think about where they come from. Think about what images and associations this condition evokes in you, whether you have had it before.

Eliminate the cause of your condition. Yes, sometimes it is simply impossible - you cannot resurrect a loved one or correct any situation, but you can eliminate the cause of your condition, for example, imagine a dialogue with someone who is no longer there, with your offender or with yourself in the past. You can eliminate things that remind you of the traumatic situation - photos, gifts, things, maybe even smells. The fewer things that remind you of painful events, the easier it is to stop thinking about them.

Change will help

Change the environment - you can just go out for a walk, meet someone, go to a new place or leave the city altogether. By changing the environment around you, you will again be able to change the way of thinking and associations that the place in which you are evokes. Get distracted, get new impressions and emotions. Yes, even if you just decide to make repairs or rearrangement at home, there will be something to distract yourself with and where to apply your strength.

Work - do something tangible, something in which you will immediately see the result, it can be needlework, drawing, cooking, and even the same repair or rearrangement of furniture. Get yourself and your body active. Seeing that your strength is not wasted, but with benefit, you will feel much better.

We create a positive attitude

Give yourself a holiday - please your body or soul. Give yourself your favorite bubble bath, eat your favorite foods and especially sweets, change your hairstyle, or go from the movies to good film.

Think about your achievements - remember everything that you managed to achieve, what you are good at, maybe you have awards and just something that you can be proud of. It can even be trifles, the main thing is that they are useful and remind you of the good and what you can do. I learned to swim, I found the best green tea, I learned to understand car models, I met all my colleagues, etc. You can make yourself a list of your achievements and admire it when you feel sad. Lists of material acquisitions will also help.

New goals and achievements

Make a plan or just come up with a goal to which you will strive. It may be a desire or a dream, but it must be something that you can really do yourself. At the beginning, you can set small goals that will help achieve the global one. For example, the global goal of “losing 20 kilograms” can be divided into small ones: eat right, do exercises, run, do aerobics. It is useful to set deadlines, but they must be realistic. Do not drive yourself with impossible deadlines, it is better to take time with a margin and be proud of yourself if you completed the plan earlier.

Here are 7 steps that explain what to do when the soul is bad. Decide for yourself what better fit exactly for you and to what extent to follow each of them; whether to dive into your grief to look for reasons or immediately leave it and get rid of reminders. If your condition worsens for no apparent reason and you don’t feel like doing anything, contact a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

A "stone" in the soul is not a simple depression "from a light bulb." This means that there are unfinished problems in life, and thoughts are painful and confused. There seems to be no one to load the burden of their problems on, everything must be decided by yourself, and it is not known what exactly to do with everything that has piled on.

And when the very peak of bad luck comes, everything is bad, there is emptiness in the soul, and hands drop, only then does that same depression begin. If you are already in this state, then let's dig - what went wrong?

Procrastination is a complicated word, but its essence is familiar to almost every person. Psychologists use this word to mean postponing things “for tomorrow”. This “tomorrow”, again, is postponed for an indefinite day, and meanwhile other unfinished business is collected in a huge lump.

No, this is not simple laziness, when a person just wants to relax and gain strength. This is a load of those problems that need to be done urgently, so rest is out of the question. But other things cannot wait, and they are all just as urgent. As a result, everything is done in a hurry at the last minute and typ-blunder.

The result - the result did not bring joy, the chance of victory was missed, and hence the moral emptiness. To prevent this from happening, here are some tips:

    Get down to business - try to complete it right there. Well, at the very least, take a short time out for inspiration.

    Do not grab everything at once, doing everything halfway. It is better to abstract from other problems, but focus on the most important.

    Don't make promises to everyone to look nice. It is better to refuse once and remain honest than to promise, not to fulfill, and then hide.

    Delayed the case - check if there is still a chance to catch up. If there is - do everything without delay, if not - "forget it."

    Don't be upset about what you missed. This is a lesson for you - either you are trying to take on the unbearable, or the process itself is unpleasant for you, which means it is not needed.

Procrastination is dangerous when it comes to personal health or the health of loved ones. These are the problems that cannot be ignored. And everything else is nonsense: work, household chores and other trifles. So they were not so important if they could be postponed.

Therefore, the emptiness in your soul is just a time to think about new plans. Like a space on the keyboard between words: finish one word - "space" - start another. Just do not repeat your mistakes, make at least a clear schedule.

Almost all people are afraid of losing the property they own. Fear is almost obsessive. They think - if they lose everything, and there will be not only emptiness in the soul, but life will lose all meaning.

Nowadays, the path to enrichment is too easy. Take loans, mortgages - here you have housing, and a car and a house full of all the good things. But it's worth losing prestigious job how everything goes upside down:

    The apartment and the car are taken away for non-payment.

    All the gold remained in the pawnshop.

    Loans choke, gathering in interest.

The emptiness in the pocket is the emptiness in the soul, no one can help, because even friends have defected to the side of more successful friends.

Unfortunately, the weight of such problems is felt by the vast population of our country. They beckoned everyone with too sweet candy, without explaining how bitter it is inside. And only a few look at everything with optimism:

    They did not live richly - and there was no need to start. Again, a rented apartment - and do not care. Mortgage - the same rent, only much more expensive.

    Thanks to fate for helping me get rid of false "friends". Now it is clear who is who. True friends remained close even in poverty.

    Credits will go away and be forgotten. And fate gave a chance to start living with clean slate and pointed out past mistakes.

    The main thing is that the key phrase here is “start living”. And therefore - everything is just beginning, and it's time to fill this emptiness in the soul with something new and good.

If you don’t look at everything with optimism, you will mentally kill yourself and your family. But in such a situation, at least one person is needed who will pull all those suffering up, and not down. And it would be better if that person is you.

In general, all these problems should be looked at philosophically: “Thank you, God, for taking money. All my relatives are alive and well, and this is the main thing!

Changes in personal life - and not for the better

This is where the spiritual emptiness closes with difficulty. Only doctor time heals. In some cases, though, all is not lost.

abandoned husband

Such sad changes in the family knock a woman out of balance for a long time. Especially when a viper-razluchnitsa appears on the way. First, tantrums, threats, belittling, and then - depression, emptiness, heaviness in the soul.

But how many times have such gulens returned home with a confession? And how many times has it happened that women have already “boiled over” and their spouse no longer wants to be allowed on the threshold? Yes, and how many times women fell in love in a new way, and she no longer needed this old womanizer!

Therefore, if your husband is now lost, and you can’t find a place for yourself, know that he is actually still alive. There are many options to return him to the family, and one option is that you no longer need him.

Or maybe you're guilty of something? Maybe there is a chance to fix something? Maybe there isn't any streak? Then don't put it off until tomorrow - dry your tears and act today.

Loss of a loved one

Here everything is more difficult. For example, my mother passed away. You have already cried out all the tears, the terrible days of all the farewell ceremonies have passed, and you have gone into a deep depression. You look at one point, you don’t want to communicate with anyone, even though you are insanely lonely.

So far, time is working to heal you psychologically. For now, nothing is needed. The unobtrusive care of relatives and friends is good. The main thing is that they don’t pull you now in order to “knock the depressive nonsense out of your head.” It's not stupid, that's how it should be.

The best way out is to communicate with someone who has already passed a similar stage. Only he will help to calm and explain how best to get out of depression. It is to him that there will be trust. Just don't get hooked by any sect.

I hear the ringing of apathy, but I don't know where it is

The worst thing is to succumb to depression, when you wind yourself up incomprehensibly. I want to cry - but there seems to be no reason. Some melancholy, nothing more. It either spins in the abdomen, or gives off with pain in the heart, but you don’t understand: is this a premonition of something not good?

Yes, there is fear for the future - you are waiting for something, but you have worked yourself up in advance that the outcome must necessarily be bad. This is the mistake of many people. Moreover, the roots of such behavior sprout from childhood.

If from childhood you grew up in some kind of inevitable fear (there was violence and tyranny in the family), then such an oppressive state will always accompany you. It is called the pursuing and punishing superego. Moreover, if what scares you still happens, then you will only blame yourself for this.

If your condition is already close to the fact that only a bear bed saves you, then read the article. Maybe that's where your depression lurks, up to health problems. But if you are still able to move and work, then a few tips will not hurt you:

    Don't beat yourself up with stupid things. Like, I had a bad dream or a fortuneteller guessed something there. A dream is just a reflection of our thoughts, therefore such a “scenario” develops. And the fortuneteller needs to earn money, so he prophesies all sorts of nonsense.

    Surround yourself with positivity. I want a chocolate bar, but I want a Sabantu with my friends. Watch comedies on TV, switch thrillers and don't watch politics.

    Do not lay your problems on others if they are incompetent in this. Lawyers and doctors are one thing, amateurs who promise but don't deliver are another.

    Think only of a good outcome. And for this, act on your own, if it is in your power. Again, don't procrastinate anything.

In general, you can easily get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the soul with the help of some sedative medications. And they can't be ruled out either. She calmed her nerves - she cleared her head for good thoughts - and so many solutions will immediately be found to throw off a heavy mountain of problems from her shoulders!

Why do I feel so bad that I do not feel the harmony as it was before? How to get rid of the terrible feeling of emptiness that accompanies me everywhere? The soul suffers from such thoughts, but there is simply no desire to live. When life acquires the status of "everything is complicated", and the day consists of nothing but failures and moral stress - it's time to sit at the helm of your "ship". The search for reasons will help to direct them to a new direction, because they contain the “root of evil”. Help is just around the corner - just read to the end.

Everything is very bad or why it happens

When the morning begins not with a cheerful exercise and a smile, but with sadness, complete hopelessness - obviously, you need to think about yourself. Where does that deep sadness come from, from which it is difficult to get out for weeks? Why does a mental breakdown occur, and you are no longer that cheerful person, but a gray shadow? Negative emotions await at the most inopportune moment when we do not expect it. Yesterday there was an affair with a loved one, prosperity, peace, but today everything is awry. Negativity can fly into life, but it is important not to let it stay here. When everything is bad - and with it the energy to do something disappears. It is important to understand what exactly is the cause of sadness. This state has obvious as well as hidden features.

When a person says "help me bad" - he may experience:

  • Family problems- the most frequent case. Within the framework of misunderstanding on the part of close, eternal quarrels, isolation in oneself is born. Negative feelings arise due to insufficient love, mutual understanding, support.
  • Everything is very bad at work.. Colleagues do not understand, and this boss always criticizes? Do you have to drive for hours to another part of the city, and then stay until night in the office? Intense employment is capable of making a stale cracker out of an energetic personality. A disloyal team is a common cause of nervous breakdowns.
  • I am in poor health. When you feel your weakness, you want to cry and return to normal. A habitual life with light thoughts is hard to imagine without good health. It is important not to delay, consult a doctor and bring yourself back into shape.
  • How bad it is for me, because the person I love left me. Nights without a break in tears, a sad look out the window, apathy towards the outside world - all this evokes depression. Difficulties in a relationship make few people happy.

A person can also say “I feel bad” if he has been unable to get out of a bitter state for a long time. Negativity tends to turn into chronic depression that is hard to find peace of mind. One reason can be reflected on another, which creates a chain of unpleasant consequences.

For example, a university student has problems communicating with classmates. He always comes home bad mood, ignores relatives on a nervous basis, is rude to them. This provokes parents to a scandal and a verbal skirmish begins. At the same time, the child of the family ceases to study well, which threatens him with a departure from the budget for the contract. The family cannot afford to pay for education, and the son, under a wave of depression, begins to take alcohol and smoke. This is a rather banal example, but it takes place in real life.

Like this case, there are thousands of others, and the conclusion is the same - people are driving themselves into a dead corner. It is worth dealing with one problem, which will eliminate the appearance of the following. The way out of depression often lies before our eyes.

What to do when it's bad

I feel bad and it morally eats me up every day - help me! It is important to immediately pull yourself together and do something in the form of a moral shake-up. The feeling of helplessness gradually makes the person uncontrollable. Stress is increasingly affecting behavior, many things cease to please, as before, and strong feelings cease to help morally. In advanced cases, scolding yourself for being too exposed to circumstances is the best lesson you can learn.

Advice, a word from the outside sometimes cannot break through that wall of misunderstanding that a person himself has created. Feeling so bad that you want to make ends meet? We take will into a fist, we call the most important people whom we can trust, and we express everything that has accumulated during this time. Comrade, native will always understand, help in Hard time. Perhaps all this time the victim lacks sincere understanding, freeing himself from all this confusion.

If the feeling of “I feel bad” has taken possession of you, then read our tips and they will certainly help you.

avoid loneliness

When everything is very bad, you don’t need to finish yourself off with silence even more. In such an environment, a person escalates the situation, becomes vulnerable. ? It is important not to justify your behavior and blame others for your troubles. Under any circumstances, you can be distracted. Why not read a book? Watch an interesting movie or go shopping? How about the idea of ​​listening to your favorite music that will get rid of the inner barrier? Karaoke, by the way, helps a lot.

Surround yourself with care

This advice complements the previous one. A positive charge can be received from bosom friends who can drive up at any moment, call in a cafe! There will always be someone who is with you, like "do not spill water." I feel very bad, but no one will cheer me up! What to do? It is important to defuse the situation and go out into the outside world. Why not get to know interesting person, not to go on a long-awaited date, cast aside fears and offer someone a meeting? You can cheer yourself up if you stop thinking about painful things.

Overcome fear and make amends

To avoid this, you need to correct that fatal mistake that is the cause of everything. The problem has been going on for months, maybe years? Such a stone on the soul simply stifles the opportunity to live fully! If your conscience is tormenting, then you should not be afraid to apologize, to tell the truth. I would like to say about my feelings - the main thing is not in a rude form, but it is understandable, so that it is clear to a person. Fear gnaws, deprives speechless - this does not need to be put up with. You can always make amends, which will not only reassure you, but also your opponent.

Make time for sports

Sport is a radiant vitamin, from which the body flutters, the soul is relieved, the mood is renewed. Breathing with free breasts, in a beautiful, strong body - isn't that happiness? Regular exercise builds willpower. It is she who is often not enough to deal with the moral blues. After a few months of fitness, the gym, someone who used to be without strength for any reason, today will confidently stay afloat.

Have fun and relax

When, you should allow yourself to relax. A holiday is impossible in a gloomy, heated environment. Terrible sadness will be melted if you go on a long-awaited journey, please yourself with a gift, invite your relatives to a restaurant, go out of town to nature. Why not visit the spa for a relaxing massage? Or maybe go to a football match and cheer for your favorite team? It is worth replacing the usual habitat with something bright, as we play with new colors.

Proper nutrition and personal care

I feel bad because I'm ugly, fat, angry at any reason. We are what we eat. Gastronomic interest woke up in a person since ancient times and has not faded since then. We eat to move, to think, to grow mentally and physically. You can feel lightness in thoughts in a healthy body. It's time to get rid of extra pounds, because of which there is no feeling of freedom.

It is worth replacing eating cakes with fresh fruits, and fast food with vegetables, cereals, and fish. Everything should be in moderation, but you should never let yourself go to disgrace. In a state of prolonged depression, a person with a radiant smile, a thin waist, an even skin tone turns into a kind of unhealthy personality. P.S. Dark chocolate, tea, oranges perfectly tone up!

Positive thinking is the best medicine!

Why do I feel so bad? It's about thinking! It is important to reconsider your view of the world, not to give up, to see the future in your future. Bad thoughts directly leave an imprint on the worldview. Even on a gray day, you can think about the world around, health, the ability to walk, see, dream. Someone now has a completely terrible situation, and we, at times, get upset over trifles.

You are great for reaching the victorious end of this article. We believe that now you are less worried about the thought "I feel bad and my life is over." Continue today with new thoughts about the good, find a way out of this trap. It's never too late to start a change for the better, and it's even useful!

Stress, work, problems and other factors constantly affect a person. Therefore, sooner or later, he is faced with a feeling of exhaustion or fatigue, which manifests itself in the onset of a state of physical, psychological or moral fatigue. If, after an adequate respite, physical strength returns, then it is very difficult to restore psychological, and especially moral fatigue.

Description of the features of moral fatigue

Moral fatigue is a psychological characteristic that reflects the state of complete depression of a person, leading to the absence of any interests, unwillingness to live, unreasonable claims to oneself and biased self-esteem.

Danger moral fatigue It consists in a gradual psychological and neurotic disorder, leading already to physiological consequences, such as chronic depression, neurosis, psychosis, etc.

From a medical point of view, moral fatigue is a narrower and more specific aspect of psychological fatigue. It is influenced by factors that depress the moral component of the human psyche - these are:

  • regular humiliation from outside, for example, from parents, husband (wife);
  • beloved (th), children, underestimation of the authorities, social inequality;
  • actions committed earlier and not allowing to live in peace;
  • often, corny, overweight, can lead to a similar condition.

Various factors can develop moral fatigue in a person, both external, independent of him, and himself, through “moral self-blame”.

It should be clarified that there is no gender and age for this diagnosis. Strange as it may sound, a small child, for example, living in an incomplete family, can also get morally tired. Firstly, he understands that there is no one parent (father, mother) in his life and this is already a trauma. Secondly, mom or dad, who themselves are constantly tired, regularly drive evil on him. Thus, the child is subjected to moral oppression and destroys himself. There is a question why my father left me and what I am guilty of before my mother, or vice versa. Being in such a state and thoughts, the child himself destroys his personality, he becomes withdrawn, low self-esteem is developed with self-doubt, resentment against life appears, as a result of which, thirst and interest in it will disappear. And this is only the most primitive example, and there are millions of such situations.

The state of moral fatigue can arise from a simple act that a person has committed, and repents all his life, realizing the impossibility of correcting it, or he did not do it and regret it. Such a heavy moral burden leads not only to psychological, but also to physiological consequences.

Signs of moral exhaustion

Psychological signs of moral fatigue are:

  • unwillingness to live;
  • lack of pleasure from previously joyful and familiar activities (the range can be different, from work, hobbies, cooking, sex, meeting friends to communicating with relatives, friends, children);
  • loss of interest in something;
  • chronic reluctance to do something against the background of loss of interest;
  • low biased self-esteem and constant claim to oneself;
  • "self-discipline";
  • life dissatisfaction.

Psychological and neurological symptoms are manifested in:

  • mood swings, irritability;
  • lack of sleep;
  • aggression;
  • unexpected rise in tone during a conversation;
  • tearfulness, depression, tantrums.

Physiological symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • palpitations, tachycardia;
  • diarrhea, dizziness, weakness;
  • headache, decreased immunity.

Visual manifestations:

  • a person always has downcast eyes, which do not express any interest and desire for something;
  • stoop, shoulders also lowered, unsteady gait;
  • untidiness in appearance and clothes are complete bad taste.

The main difficulty lies in identifying moral fatigue in a person, diagnosing it. Often this problem is discovered quite late, because people have a tendency to hide their problems, and the symptoms are attributed to overwork and other factors.

Treatment of moral fatigue

Important! How to get rid of moral fatigue, there is no specific answer, since moral fatigue has purely individual causes and manifestations. Much depends on the psychotype of a person, the situation in which he finds himself, factors of environmental influence.

First of all, regular psychological self-therapy is necessary:

  • resolving external and internal conflicts as they arise, without accumulation, but it is better to avoid them;
  • after labor stress, try to relax;
  • periodic change of scenery - visits to excursions, recreational activities, travel;
  • playing sports, an exciting hobby that can distract;
  • communication with friends, relatives, the absence of increased requirements for oneself;
  • avoidance of excessive self-criticism, healthy good rest and sleep.

Additional factors can also worsen the state of moral fatigue: vitamin deficiency, which depletes the body and reduces immunity, insufficient and irregular nutrition, which leads to stress in the body, insomnia, leading to neurological disorders, loss of attention and memory.

Considering the fact of the influence of moral fatigue on the general state of human health, complex therapy is required to restore it.

Therefore, in the presence of appropriate symptoms, it is necessary to contact specialists - psychologists, neuropathologists, who will select medications to maintain the body and stabilize it.

  • three quality meals a day, to restore the exhaustion of the body. The use of certain foods: bananas, spinach, legumes, nuts, figs and garlic, containing vitamins and useful elements that can fight moral exhaustion, stimulate brain activity;
  • taking infusions of sedative herbs that stabilize the state of the nervous system. For example, a mixture of tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, valerian with the addition of the pharmaceutical Corvalol is suitable for such purposes. All ingredients can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies. Mixed in a glass container of tincture of 25 ml, respectively, and then with Corvalol, which is enough 15 ml. The hermetically obtained mixture is closed and stored in a dark place. As a rule, such a mixture is taken at bedtime, 1 tsp. diluted with cool boiled water. The maximum dosage is no more than 2 times a day.

Often, with moral fatigue, a person is forced to turn to specialists in the field of psychiatry, who directly select drug treatment, in the form of antidepressants and certain therapy, then a spa rehabilitation is prescribed.

Moral fatigue is a serious psychological and social problem that affects both the person himself and his environment. First of all, the tired person must himself realize that he needs to get out of this state. However, with proper therapy, there is a quick rehabilitation.