Name days e. When is Elena's name day according to the church Orthodox calendar? Elena's name day according to the church calendar: dates by months A short prayer to Saint Elena, Alena, for every day

  • 29.05.2020

When by church calendar Elena's name day: March 19, June 3 - Elena Equal to the Apostles, Constantinople, empress; June 8 - Elena the Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus; November 12 - Elena Serbian, Queen.

Characteristics of Elena's birthday:

The origin of the name is ancient Greek - interpretations are inaccurate. Chosen, light, etc. Perhaps from the ancient Greek language - "torch". In the legends of the Gnostic sects "Simonian", "Elenian" is the companion of Simon Magus. In Greek mythology, she is the most beautiful of women. Elena's name day four times a year.

Elena is a kind, somewhat shy girl in an unfamiliar society. However, in the circle of her peers, she is cheerful, lively, inventive (for various pranks). Likes to lead them. Basically, on trifles: go there ... bring this ... or maybe not that ... etc.

But Lenochka does all this out of mischief. In her inner essence, she is a serious girl: she reads a lot, writes poetry in her treasured notebook, loves to listen to mysterious stories at dusk.

In adult Elena, all these features will be preserved, however, they will be hidden deep inside. Except that her penchant for funny pranks on April Fools' Day - April 1, or Christmas Eve, or under good mood. And on other days - in no case, because by this time Elena Ivanovna (or Petrovna) was already a candidate of science, or even a doctor of science, the head of a creative or scientific (mainly agricultural, biological) team.

She has a good husband, also a PhD, who adores his wife (but does not show it). Elena also loves her husband, obeys him (at least he thinks so). They have smart, serious children, also researchers. True, sometimes one of the children does not follow in the footsteps of their parents, but is engaged, but in Elena's opinion, God knows what, but in fact art: theatrical, artistic, photography, music. If this is a daughter, then she is most likely the wife of an artist, musician, artist. And all together they are a friendly, good family, where Elena is an unspoken commander until she is very old.

The name Elena signifies female nature, but not in the bodily moment of marriage and birth, as well as not in the spiritual moment of eternal femininity: Elena is eternal femininity. It is most determined by the spiritual moment of the women's organization.

Congratulations on the birthday of Elena:

Do not forget to celebrate Elena's name day and congratulate Elena on Angel Day.

On the day of the Angel, beautiful Elena,

We wish you love and smiles,

And the sky is clear, and sunlight,

And avoid big mistakes.

I just want to be happy!

Helen, you are more beautiful than any roses!

Be smart and patient

To know no troubles, no tears!

May happiness always be

On the day of the angel today, Lena,

Let luck await you

And all good things will come!

I want to find happiness

And you can't change your life

To live whole and sensibly,

And only sincere love!

Lena, the name day has come again,

What will this holiday bring?

We would only wish for the best -

May good luck always await you

Sea of ​​laughter, true happiness,

May success accompany everything

I want true love

So that there are no obstacles for happiness!

Elena's name day, Elena's angel's day.

In Greek, the name Elena means- "with bright, sparkling."

"By name and life (i.e. life)" says the ancient folk wisdom. The name given at birth is often the main accent that defines the character, and indicates the path to be followed in life. Often, to understand, to more fully reveal the meaning of a name, the biographies (lives) of those saints who not only bore this name, but also glorified it through the ages by the feat of their lives, help.

Elena's name day, An's dayElena's gelas are celebrated

28 January; June 3; June 8; June 10th; August 10; September 17; November 12

Today, June 3rd, is St. Helena of Constantinople, Equal to the Apostles, Empress May
Quick reference:
The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena (Flavia Julia Helena Augusta) was born around the year 250 in the small village of Drepana in Bithynia (near Constantinople in Asia Minor). In the early 270s, she became a wife, or concubina, that is, the unofficial permanent cohabitant of Constantius Chlorus, who later became the ruler (Caesar) of the West. On February 27, 272, in the city of Naiss, Elena gave birth to a son, Flavius ​​Valerius Aurelius Constantine, the future Emperor Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. She became famous for her activities to spread Christianity and for her excavations in Jerusalem, during which, according to Christian chroniclers, the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-Giving Cross and other relics of the Passion were found. Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena died around the year 330.

As a child, Elena loves when her parents pay attention to her, tell fairy tales, and lull her to sleep. But in communicating with her peers, she does not get along well for the reason that they do not understand her. She is a little closed in herself, has any interests, ideas and activities that are understandable only to herself.

Elena always has a lot of hobbies, as everything new captures her completely. Moreover, she successfully combines all these hobbies. Everything beautiful attracts her.

Elena most often looks like her father. In any case, she inherits his character exactly. To him, the name of Elena generously adds emotionality and categoricalness. Emotions in Elena's life generally play a big role. In her youth, she gives the impression of being closed and shy, but upon close acquaintance it becomes clear that she is a cheerful person, a great dreamer and optimist.

Elena is very gullible, she is easily deceived. However, if she then finds out about the deception, then the person who deceived will lose authority in her eyes.

Most of all, Elena succeeds in areas that require communication. Love, as a feeling, appears to Elena as a result of compassion.

Helena never marry for convenience. They choose only the person they like. Even if her parents don't like him, she will still marry him.

Immersed in the world of her emotional experiences, she is indifferent to the imperfection of everyday life, easily manages with small things, and is not picky. At home, Elena usually reigns peace and tranquility. She is a homebody, caring mother. A good hostess happens only by mood. The rest of the time, he treats the kitchen as a boring, but necessary element of being.

Alena, Lenochka, Elena -
You are not more beautiful in the world.
What is there in the world, in the universe
You are the brightest light of the sun.

You are near - bad weather is running away,
With you there is no trouble and grief,
After all, living with Elena is happiness,
Keep your wonderful secret!

How beautiful is this name!
How much warmth and radiant light!
How much hope, faith, love,
Give it to all your loved ones!

Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Lenok, Alena, Alenka, Alyonushka, Alenochka, Lesya, Lesenka, Lesechka, Lelya, Lelechka, Yelyusha, Yelyusya, Lusya, Lyusenka - these are diminutive forms of the name Elena.

We wish you a lot of joy, happiness,
Love the strongest and most huge,
Loyalty to the most reliable and tender,
The sun is bright in the sky, as before,
Best friends are always by your side
Close, beloved and only with you!

A short prayer to Saint Elena, Alena, for every day:

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Elena,

as if I diligently resort to you,

ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

The Holy Empress Helena was canonized as Equal-to-the-Apostles for her invaluable merits in the discovery in Jerusalem of holy places connected with the last days of the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only five women are canonized as equal to the apostles, among them is the holy empress Helena. She was the mother of Saint Constantine the Great. Thanks to her and her son, Christianity has become one of the major religions in the world. They come to her with a request for help in healing. When Empress Elena is depicted with her son, Tsar Constantine, politicians, businessmen, leaders of various levels, as well as those who are experiencing financial difficulties turn to them in prayer for help in matters of affairs.

Memorial Day of the Holy Empress Elena Equal to the Apostles takes place twice a year: March 6/19 (commemoration of Elena's acquisition of the Life-Giving Cross) and May 21/June 3.

Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova), reverend
Memorial day set Orthodox Church May 28/June 10.

Saint Elena Diveevskaya was born in 1805. Together with her brother, she lived in their family estate, which was located in the village of Nucha, Nizhny Novgorod province. She was a cheerful girl, loved secular entertainment and dreamed of marriage.

Her brother, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was much older than his sister. One day he got sick. The desire to be cured led him to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. From the old man, the man came out healthy and full of strength. Meanwhile, Elena Vasilievna, traveling, she was left without servants in the carriage. Suddenly she saw a terrible snake above her. In fright, she prayed and promised the Mother of God to go to the monastery for her salvation. The monster disappeared at that moment. Saint Helena decided to fulfill her vow. For advice, a seventeen-year-old girl turned to St. Seraphim of Sarov. But on the first day and all subsequent ones, when she came to him again, he answered her that she would get married, she didn’t need to go to the monastery. In fact, the old man tested her. Elena Vasilievna has changed a lot during this time, she has become serious and thoughtful. Three years passed, finally, Saint Seraphim told her that soon she would become a bride, as he had promised, but the bride of the Lord.

Saint Helena became a novice at the age of 20 and lived in the Kazan community for seven years. The Monk Seraphim appointed her a clergyman and a sacristan. In the monastery, she worked and prayed a lot. She always helped people, but she did it secretly. The brother of Elena Vasilievna sold the estate, bought the land on which they began to build the temple, but fell ill again. Father Seraphim told Saint Elena Diveevskaya about this: “He needs to die, but he is needed for the monastery, accept obedience, die for him.” And so it happened. Before her death, the saint spoke about a beautiful vision. The Mother of God showed her the monastery of Heavenly Diveevo, which was of extraordinary beauty.

Elena, martyr, daughter of St. Alfea
Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on May 26/June 8.

The Holy Martyr Helena, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, who, together with her brother Averky, died for the confession of faith in Christ.

Personalized icons, as a rule, depict the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena of Constantinople.

Elena Equal to the Apostles - see.
Olga (in baptism Elena) equal to the apostles, led. princess of Russia

Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 11/24.

The first Russian saint. Princess Olga became the first ruler of Kievan Rus to be baptized, and thus predetermined the adoption of Christianity by all the ancient Russian people. She began to be revered as a saint during the reign of her grandson Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia. Revered as the patroness of widows and newly converted Christians.

According to the chronicles, the future Grand Duchess Olga was from Pskov, she belonged to the family of the princes of Izborsk, one of the ancient Russian princely dynasties. This family had both Russian and Varangian roots. Helga, in Russian pronunciation Olga, became the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Igor, the son of Rurik. Igor is the first Russian prince known from simultaneous Byzantine and Western European sources. He was killed by the Drevlyans (one of the Slavic tribes), from whom he collected tribute.

After the death of her husband, Princess Olga was forced to take power over a huge, still emerging state into her own hands. In her reign, she showed herself as a person with an unbending will and high dignity, invincible courage and a truly state mind. She had the honor to make a choice that determined the subsequent fate of Russia, and the princess herself defined church veneration as equal to the apostles.

Icons of the same name:

Elena Serbian, queen, reverend

Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on October 30/November 12.

She was a queen, perhaps one of the kindest queens in the history of mankind. Her generosity knew no bounds. She helped the poor and widows. For orphans, she opened a school where they lived and studied. The Queen maintained and built temples and churches, including the beautiful Gradac Monastery on the banks of the Brvenica River. She was a pious ruler and a wonderful mother. Elena - Princess of Anjou, was born in France. Having become the wife of the Serbian King Urosh the First, she gave birth to two sons and gave them an excellent upbringing. The subjects loved not only herself, but also her children, who were later recognized as saints.

Elena Serbskaya died in 1314, before her death she accepted monasticism. She was buried in the Gradac monastery. Three years have passed since then. The monk saw the queen in a dream, where she ordered to raise her relics from the earth, which was done. The relics turned out to be incorruptible.

The female name Elena is one of the most common in Russia. And yet, not everyone knows its meaning and history of appearance. Let's fill this gap and tell you where the name Elena came from, as well as what secret it carries in itself and what fate is in store for its owner.

Name in history

The origin of the name Elena is not in doubt among historians - it first appeared in Ancient Greece. According to legend, this was the name of the daughter of Zeus, the most beautiful of women, because of which the famous Trojan War broke out.

But experts explain the meaning of this name in different ways. Some argue that it was formed from the name of the Greek sun god Helios and means "sunshine". Others associate it with the moon goddess Selena, and then the interpretation will be "moonlight." There is also a version according to which the name Elena comes from the self-name of the Greeks - "Hellenes", in this case its meaning is "real Greek".

In Orthodoxy

The name Elena is in the church calendar. In the history of Christianity, there were several saints or martyrs who bore this name. But the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen of Constantinople, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, enjoys special reverence. According to legend, at the direction of this wise woman, excavations were organized at Golgotha, as a result of which they found a cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, and other relics.

Elena's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar falls on the following dates: January 28, March 19, June 3, 8 and 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12. One of these days the owner of the name should choose as the day of her guardian angel.

Various forms of the name

From the full name Elena, the abbreviated Lena is formed. In order to "not get lost in the crowd", some prefer the short names Elya or Elenya.

Diminutive nicknames are suitable for a girl - Elenochka, Elenushka, Lenochka, Lenusya, Lenulechka, Eleshka, Elenka, Yelyunya. Sometimes you can hear such options - Yelyosya, Lesya, Lelya or Lenya.

The name Elena is common not only in Russia, but also in other European countries. You can find out what forms it takes in different languages ​​from the table.

In addition, there are folk forms - Elenia, Yalena, Ilena and others. One of the variants of the name - Alena - has recently been used as an independent one.

Famous namesakes

List famous women that bore or bear the name Elena, can take more than a dozen pages. Therefore, our list includes only the very best.

  1. Elena Vasilievna Glinskaya (1508-1538) - Russian empress, mother of Ivan the Terrible.
  2. Elena Mikhailovna Zavadovskaya (1807-1874) - Polish noblewoman, who was dedicated to poetry by Pushkin, Lermontov, Vyazemsky.
  3. Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874-1967) - Russian and Soviet pianist-teacher, one of the founders of the Moscow Musical College.
  4. Elena Andreevna Gan (1814-1942) - Russian writer.
  5. Elena Nikolaevna Gogoleva (1900-1993) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989) - Russian and Soviet poetess and translator, author of poems for children.
  7. Elena Vasilievna Obraztsova (1939-2015) - Soviet and Russian opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR.
  8. Elena Anatolyevna Chaikovskaya (born 1939) is a Soviet and Russian figure skating coach.
  9. Elena Vladimirovna Kondakova (born 1957) is a Russian cosmonaut.
  10. Elena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva (born 1982) is a Russian pole vaulter, two-time Olympic champion.

There are many actresses among the talented owners of the name Elena. Suffice it to recall Safonova, Sanaeva, Tsyplakova, Yakovleva, Proklova, Nightingale, Koreneva, Drapeko, Shanina and others no less popular and famous.

Character and fate

The impressionable, emotional and easily excitable owner of the name Elena lives in a fantasy world.

Like her fabulous namesake Elena the Beautiful, she is waiting for her prince and dreams of an amazing fate. But will her dreams come true?


The little girl is shy and laconic. She does not like the company of her peers too much, preferring to spend time alone, so it is very difficult for her to enter kindergarten.

The girl grows kind and sympathetic. Outwardly, she looks more like her father, but she is drawn to her mother and grandmother, helping to do housework and doing various tasks.

Helen has a good memory, she easily learns school material and could get one five. But the girl is restless and a little lazy by nature, so she does not always do her homework on time.

Lenusya is very artistic and has a number of other talents: she sings well, draws, dances. The girl loves needlework and often school age sews clothes for herself and knits wonderful warm clothes.

In her youth, our heroine becomes more sociable, so her circle of friends expands. Often Lenochka becomes the soul of her company, because the guys are impressed by her optimism and fantasy.


Prone to acting and impersonation, our heroine often chooses the career of an actress for herself. Often she finds her calling in music, painting or modeling. But if Elena wants, she can become a good accountant, economist, physician or teacher.

So school years physical education is one of Lena's favorite subjects. Very often she enrolls in various sections, choosing mainly those where you can show yourself in all its glory - gymnastics, figure skating or athletics. Among the owners of this name are many outstanding athletes who have achieved recognition and success.

Elena has a rather easy attitude towards money. She is not too upset when she does not have them, because she is used to being content with little. And when financial position woman improves, she spends money right and left without any regret. With this approach, our heroine will never be able to become a successful business woman, which, in truth, she does not particularly strive for.

As in childhood, Lena does not like noisy companies and cheerful gatherings. She prefers to spend her free time reading a book or watching an interesting movie. She is not burdened by loneliness, since our heroine still goes into the world of invented images and phenomena and feels very comfortable in it.

Love and family

Lena has many admirers, with whom she openly "plays", often leading to despair or an unprecedented intensity of passions. Our heroine herself most often does not experience ardent feelings and can suddenly part with a gentleman without explaining the reason.

Elena gets married more often not out of great love, but because "it's time already." Her husband will be a man who can provide financial well-being family and will not be too picky about home comfort.

Lena skillfully plays the role of a good housewife, although in fact she does not feel much desire to do home improvement. She is frankly too lazy to perform routine work, although she is quite capable of changing the entire interior or setting a chic table for the appearance of her husband.

Our heroine loves to shop and often spends money on absolutely unnecessary things. But nevertheless, her household will never be "hungry and ragged", since Lena puts care for them in the first place. Moreover, a woman takes all the problems of people dear to her very close to her heart, worries and worries about them.

Name Compatibility

Elena has a well-developed intuition, therefore, when choosing a life partner, she is primarily guided by her feelings. But at the same time, she does not discount the forecasts of astrologers, especially regarding the compatibility of names.

Our heroine has a rather jealous character. Moreover, not only other ladies, but also friends, work and even a husband’s hobby become an object.

Health and hobbies

Despite the love of physical exercises, our heroine cannot boast of good health. In childhood, she often catches a cold and is sick for a long time, which gives complications to the kidneys.

In adulthood, Elena's nervousness and emotionality affect, adding a whole "bouquet" of nervous diseases. A woman needs not only to have regular check-ups with a doctor, but also to try to relax more often, walk or swim in the pool.

Lena loves animals, so cats or dogs always live in her house. She is not indifferent to flowers and arranges a real greenhouse in the suburban area, planting various ornamental plants.

Our heroine prefers to relax in comfortable small boarding houses and hotels, where there is no hustle and noisy companies. Therefore, most often she goes on vacation out of season.

Main character traits

It is rather difficult to understand the nature of the owner of this name, since she is too changeable not only in mood, but also in behavior. But still its main qualities can be identified.

And yet, the highlight of Elena's characterization is her talent, against which all negative traits fade. After all, it is thanks to him that our heroine will achieve real success and be happy.

Each person has his own patron saint and the dates of commemoration of the saint whose name his parents named him. Each name carries its own information and endows its bearer with special, unique qualities in its own way. The girls bearing the beautiful name Elena were no exception. Possessing interesting character traits, Elena's holy name day is celebrated several times a year.

The history of the origin of the name

The history of the name Elena is rooted in the distant past and it is still completely unknown what kind of people first began to call their daughters in this way. There is a myth about the beautiful Elena in ancient Greek mythology, where she was the daughter of Zeus and Nemesis. There are tales about girls with this name in Russian folklore, Elena is beautiful, wise.

Translated from ancient Greek, this female name means “light” and “sun”. Some consider Elena to be derived from Heleos, others are sure that the name originally sounded like Helena. In astrology, Mercury is considered the patron of this name, and Gemini is called the auspicious sign of the zodiac.

To attract good luck, the owners of this name must wear clothes of all shades of scarlet, yellow and green. But among the stones, chalcedony is especially suitable for Elena, which will become an excellent talisman and save the hostess from ill-wishers. Aster and orchid will fill life with harmony and bring good luck to the house.

The female name has both the full form Elena and the abbreviated one:

  • Lena;
  • Leka;
  • Lenok;
  • Lenochka.

Some mistakenly call Len Alyons, but this is wrong, since these are two independent female names that have different meanings and characteristics. It is noteworthy that in the Orthodox world Alena is patronized by saints with the name of Elena, since the Christian model of Alena is not in the calendar. Alena celebrates Angel Day in the same way as Elena, several times a year.

Patron Saints and Name Days

Elena's holy name day according to the church calendar falls on the following dates:

  • 28 January;
  • March 19;
  • 3, 8 and 10 June;
  • July 24;
  • August 10;
  • September 17;
  • November 12th.

At the end of January, Elena's name day is celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar. Congratulations are received by all those girls who were born on the dates closest to the date. On this day, the Great Martyr Elena is venerated. Almost nothing is known about the life of the saint, and she was canonized for her deeds for the sake of Christ.

In March, Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen of Constantinople is commemorated, who lived in the period from 250 to 330 in Central Asia. The mother of Emperor Constantine, the empress accomplished many feats in the name of the true faith, and for this she was canonized among the saints of heaven. The second date of her remembrance is June 3.

On June 8, the Orthodox celebrate the day of St. Helena, who was the daughter of one of the prophets. A woman was stoned to death for believing in God.

June 10 is the date of commemoration of the Reverend Elena Diveevskaya, who was born in 1805 in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The girl was left an orphan at an early age and at the age of 20 she decided to devote herself to serving God. Having taken monastic vows, she lived in the Diveevo Kazan community until 1835. A woman died at the age of 27 from a serious illness and was listed as a saint for her sincere faith in Christ.

In the middle of summer, on July 24, they accept Lena's congratulations, who were born on the dates closest to this day. On this day, Christians commemorate Tsarina Olga, who was the wife of Grand Duke Igor. Having passed the rite of baptism, the queen took the name Helena and after the death of her husband worthily ruled Kievan Rus and carried the Christian faith to the pagan masses. The queen built a lot of temples and churches in her life.

18 years ago, Elena Astashikina was canonized as a saint, and the feast day of this new martyr falls on August 10. A woman was born in 1878 in a peasant family of the Penza province and at the age of 17 she became a novice of the Pokrovsky Shikhansky monastery in the Gorodishchensky district. By the age of 35 she became a nun and after living in several monasteries she returned to her native village. On August 10, Astashikina, at the age of 59, was shot for practicing Christianity.

Martyr Elena Chernova is remembered by Christians on September 17th. The woman was canonized 12 years ago, and she is considered a new martyr. Little is known about her, she was born in 1874, and at the age of 69, a woman was shot for practicing Orthodoxy.

In the last autumn month, November 12, congratulations are received by Elena, whose angel's day and name day fall on this date. Warm wishes are also addressed to those girls whose birthday was a little earlier or a little later than the indicated date. On this day, the Orthodox commemorate Elena Serbskaya, who, when she was tonsured a monk, took the name Elizabeth. The woman was the wife of the king of Serbia and during her lifetime she built churches and was active in charitable activities. After her husband's death, she became a monk and entered a monastery. The queen died in 1314.

Positive qualities of Lena

Having learned some facts from the life of the patron saints Helen and Alain, you can analyze this beautiful, bright female name. Calling their daughter Lenochka, parents give her such positive qualities as:

Little Lenas are always mischievous and love to control others, especially yard boy friends or classmates. Despite all the outward seriousness, in the soul of the owner of this name are very cheerful and love to make fun of others.

From an early age, Elena has shown interest in creativity. In order to channel the overflowing energy of the child in the right direction, parents are advised to send their daughter to dance or drawing. At school, the girl studies well and pleases her elders with diligence and good grades.

Relations with the opposite sex are developing well, since Lena always prefers male society to female society. The stronger sex considers an always smiling girl an attractive special and trying to win her over. Elena is amorous, but madly in love with her husband and tries to take care of him.

If Lena has children, then there will certainly be a girl among them who will not follow in her mother's footsteps and will completely devote her life to art. The owners of this name are good housewives, but often very lazy and unhurried in their decisions. By the age of 40, they already lead a department in a large organization or have some kind of scientific title.

Negative Traits

But among positive qualities a person can often be found negative, and Elena in this regard was no exception either. There are few downsides in the character of such girls, these include:

  • laziness;
  • slowness;
  • cunning;
  • prudence.

Sometimes an active and cheerful woman is simply too lazy to do something herself, and she, with a clear conscience, will shift this responsibility to someone else. Lena does not like loneliness and routine work, which in the shortest possible time can drive her into a deep depression and detachment. In the family, the owner of this name usually invisibly leads her soulmate and children.

If you are going to celebrate a name day, you should first see which of the days in the calendar is closer to your birthday. On this day, a person is recommended to go to church and light candles to the patron saint indicated in the church calendar. And in the evening you can invite guests to the table or arrange a quiet family dinner. Gifts on this day can and should be given, you can also read a verse with congratulations and sincerely rejoice that fate brought you to the birthday man.

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