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Week 1 of Great Lent. The Triumph of Orthodoxy (a selection of materials on the site)

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Orthodox calendar

St. Porfiry, archbishop. Gazsky (420).

Rev. Sebastian of Poshekhonsky (c. 1500). Mch. Sebastian (c. 66).

Shmch. Mikhail Lisitsyn presbyter (1918); ssmch. Peter Varlamov presbyter (1930); ssmch. Sergius of the Resurrection Presbyter (1933); ssmhh. John, Ep. Rylsky, and Presbyter John Dunaev, rec. Anna Blagoveshchenskaya (1938).

@At the 6th hour: Is. V, 7–16. Forever: Gen. IV, 8–15. Prov. V, 1– [email protected]

We congratulate birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Saint Porfiry, Archbishop of Gaza

Celebration day: February 26

Saint Porfiry, Archbishop of Gaza , was born about 346 in Thessalonica, in Macedonia. His parents were wealthy people, and this enabled Saint Porfiry to receive a good education. Having a penchant for monastic life, at the age of twenty-five he left his homeland and went to Egypt, where he asceticised on Mount Nitria under the guidance of the Monk Macarius the Great (Comm. 19 January). There he met with Blessed Jerome, who was visiting Egyptian monasteries at that time, and together with him went to Jerusalem to worship the holy places and the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (Comm. 14 September), after which he settled in the desert of Jordan for prayer and fasting. There Saint Porphyry fell into a serious illness. For healing, he decided to go to the holy places of Jerusalem. Once, when he was lying in complete relaxation and oblivion at the foot of Golgotha, the Lord visited His servant in a saving dream. Saint Porphyry saw Jesus Christ descend from the Cross and address him with the words: "Receive this Tree and keep it." When he woke up, he felt healthy. The Savior's words were soon fulfilled: the Patriarch of Jerusalem consecrated Saint Porphyry to the rank of presbyter and made him guardian of the Holy Tree of the Holy Cross. At that time, Saint Porphyry received his part of the parental inheritance - 4,000 gold coins. He distributed all of them to the needy and to adorn the temples of God.

In 395, the bishop of the city of Gaza (in Palestine) died. Local Christians went to Caesarea to Metropolitan John with a request to appoint a new bishop for them, who could counteract the pagans who prevailed in their city and oppressed Christians. The Lord inspired the metropolitan to call the Jerusalem presbyter Porfiry. With fear and trembling, the ascetic took the hierarchal rank, bowed to the Life-Giving Tree with tears, and set off to fulfill a new obedience.

In Gaza, he discovered only three Christian churches, and a great many pagan temples and idols. At that time there was a lack of rain and a great drought. The priests offered sacrifices to the idols, but the calamity did not stop. Saint Porfiry appointed a fast for all Christians, performed an all-night vigil and walked around the whole city with a procession of the cross. Immediately the sky was covered with clouds, thunder rumbled and heavy rain poured down. Seeing such a miracle, many pagans exclaimed: “Christ alone is the True God!” After this event, 127 men, 35 women and 14 children joined the Church, having received Holy Baptism, and soon 110 more people.

However, the pagans still oppressed Christians, removed them from public positions, and burdened them with taxes. Saint Porfiry and Metropolitan John of Caesarea went to Constantinople to ask for protection from the emperor. They were received by St. John Chrysostom (Comm. 14 September, 27, 30 January) and rendered effective help.

Saints John and Porfiry were introduced to the Empress Eudoxia, who at that time was expecting a child. “Work for us,” the bishops said to the Empress, “and the Lord will send you a son who will reign in your lifetime.” Eudoxia very much desired to have a son, for before her daughters were born. Indeed, through the prayer of the saints, an heir was born in the imperial family. In 401, the emperor's decree followed on the destruction of idol temples in Gaza and the granting of privileges to Christians. In addition, the empress gave the saints funds for the construction of a new temple, which was built in Gaza on the site of the main temple.

By the end of his life, Saint Porphyry fully established Christianity in Gaza and completely protected his flock from the oppression of the pagans. Through the prayers of the saint, numerous miracles and healings were performed. For 25 years, the archpastor instructed the verbal flock and reposed at an advanced age, in 420.

Troparion to Saint Porphyry, Archbishop of Gaza

Your labors and illnesses, even according to piety, / who will confess, father? / day and night you did not stop working, / until you cleansed Gaza from wickedness, you planted piety, / so always you are the representative of your flock, / so, holy Porfiry,// pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: Who will tell about your labors and illnesses, leading to piety, father? For day and night, working unceasingly, you cleansed Gaza from impiety, you planted piety, therefore, as the patron saint of your flock, Saint Porphyry, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Porfiry, Archbishop of Gaza

We adorn your most sacred morals, / you have lit up the priesthood with clothes, / all-blessed God-wise Porfiry, / and exalt the healings, / praying unceasingly for all of us.

Translation: Adorned with the most sacred disposition, the clothes of the priesthood lit up you, all-blessed God-wise Porfiry, known for the power of healing, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Reading the Gospel Together with the Church

We continue the study of the Holy Gospel History and in this program we will talk about the Nativity of Christ, based on the text from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2, 1-7).

2.1. In those days a command went out from Caesar Augustus to make a census of all the earth.

2.2. This census was the first in the reign of Quirinius over Syria.

2.3. And everyone went to sign up, each in his own city.

2.4. Joseph also went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David,

2.5. register with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was pregnant.

2.6. While they were there, the time came for her to give birth;

2.7. And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and swaddled Him, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in an inn.

(Luke 2:1-7)

cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses


P preparing her faithful children for the grace-filled time of Great Lent, the time of special spiritual exploits and repentance, the Church brings to our attention the parable of the prodigal son (see: Luke 15:11-32).

(MP3 file. Duration 9:19 min. Size 6.8 Mb)

Hieromonk Ignatius (Shestakov)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

AT section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: online courses " Archpriest Andrey Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to be baptized themselves, or who want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five categorical conversations, which reveal the content of the Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed, explain the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism, and provide answers to common questions related to this Sacrament. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

O The lectures of the course are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation #1 Preliminary Concepts
    • Conversation #2 Sacred Bible Story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation #4 Christian Morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently asked Questions
    • Orthodox saints

Reading the lives of the saints of Dmitry Rostov for every day

new entries

Radio "Vera"

Radio VERA is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy

Pravoslavnaya Gazeta, Yekaterinburg

Pravoslavie.Ru - Encounter with Orthodoxy

  • Week 1 of Great Lent. Triumph of Orthodoxy

    The revealed teaching of God is preserved in inviolable integrity solely and exclusively in the bosom of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

  • You could rely on him even in the most stalemate situations.

    Such Christians as Father Daniel are, in our apostasy times, artificial phenomena.

  • Orthodox reaction to the Pseudo-Council of Lyon in 1274 and contemporary ecclesiastical inertia

    Although this is not an ecumenical, but a local decision, it is canonically justified and correct, valid throughout the Church and recognized by the entire Church, with the exception of three Churches.

  • Prosphora, artos and ... cakes for priests

    The faces of the Lord, the Virgin, saints on prosphora are a late custom, and the blasphemous fashion is associated with it to place icons, the Bible, temples on cakes and pies. And these "spiritual" delights are not at all harmless.

  • Holy Fathers on Great Lent and Its Correct Understanding To Every society, like every person, needs a bright spiritual ideal. Society needs it especially acutely in the era of the "Time of Troubles". What serves us, the Russian people, as this spiritual ideal, the spiritual core, the force that has united Russia for a whole millennium in the face of invasions, troubles, wars and other global cataclysms?

    H There is no doubt that Orthodoxy is such a binding force, but not in the form in which it came to Russia from Byzantium, but in the form in which it acquired on Russian soil, taking into account the national, political and socio-economic characteristics of Ancient Russia. Byzantine Orthodoxy came to Russia, having already formed a pantheon of Christian saints, for example, such as Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist and others, deeply revered to this day. By the 11th century, Christianity in Russia was only taking its first steps, and for many ordinary people of that time it was not yet a source of faith. After all, in order to recognize the holiness of the alien saints, one had to believe very deeply, to be imbued with the spirit of the Orthodox faith. It is a completely different matter when before one's eyes there is an example in the person of one's own, a Russian person, sometimes even a commoner, performing holy asceticism. Here the most skeptical person towards Christianity will come to believe. Thus, by the end of the 11th century, the Russian pantheon of saints began to form, revered to this day on a par with common Christian saints.

Literature, the word, is one of the main instruments of dialogue among young people, the intelligentsia, and the clergy in the context of Orthodox culture. It is worth paying attention to periodicals that have a bias towards Orthodox ethics and are aimed at young people. To date, there are a sufficient number of such publications. This article contains brief essays on several periodicals that can be combined under the name "Orthodox magazines". Information from such publications can be recommended for acquaintance in educational institutions as an elective or used by synthesizing with material from a number of humanitarian disciplines.

Several Orthodox magazines were selected for this review: Vinograd, Naslednik, Neskuchny Sad, Foma, Russian House, Tatyana's Day, Slavyanka, Orthodox Book Review. Copies of these publications are available in many parish libraries, making them easy to access. Publications have their own Internet portals, so you can get acquainted with their materials online.

It is worth starting the review with the magazines Vinograd and Naslednik, since from the list of the above-mentioned publications, these two main topics are the problem of children, youth, family and education. And, as you know, the family is the first step in the formation of the younger generation.

"Grape" It is noteworthy that on the pages of this magazine considerable attention is paid to the problems of adolescent education and the solution of these problems in an Orthodox way, with an appeal to traditional spirituality and the cultural experience of previous eras. Thus, a dialogue between modernity and tradition is carried out on the pages of the publication. A great emphasis in the magazine is placed on the problem of motherhood and male upbringing.

Orthodox youth magazine "Heir" addressed to a young audience. On the pages of this publication you can find many interesting articles, reports, essays, interviews, which are of interest primarily to young people in their content.

It is also worth mentioning separately the version of the magazine on the Internet. Diverse content and user-friendly interface are very attractive from the point of view of the average Internet user.

"Grapes" and "Heir" are excellent both for individual acquaintance and as additional literature to help school teachers and teachers of secondary vocational schools, i.e. people directly involved in the problems of children and adolescents.

"Boring Garden" positioned as a magazine about Orthodox life; very informative and comprehensive. On the pages of the magazine one can get acquainted with the traditions of Orthodoxy, with Orthodoxy in the context of history and modernity, much attention is paid to the correlation of science and faith, faith and modern culture, religion and politics, the dialogue of the Church and society, the dialogue of Orthodoxy with other world cultural traditions.

Magazine "Thomas" can be characterized as a cultural, educational, analytical, religious publication. It positions itself as an “Orthodox magazine for doubters”, which initially speaks of the democratic nature of the publication. The journal actively analyzes contemporary social and cultural processes.

"Russian house" - a magazine, from the name of which the patriotic orientation of this publication is immediately clear. On the pages of the "Russian House" there are a lot of interesting material: problems are discussed, answers are sought to many questions related to the position of Russia in the world, the problems of Russian culture, the current state of the Orthodox faith, many interesting facts from the history of our country, the diversity of Orthodox traditions and canons is revealed.

The three publications listed above are designed for a diverse, but, above all, thinking audience. These journals can be recommended as additional literature or as material for extracurricular activities for high school students, as well as students of liberal arts colleges and universities.

Online edition "Tatyana's Day" very informative and remarkably interesting news portal, has a characteristic bias in the history of Orthodox culture. Here you can get acquainted with a very diverse material, elements of Orthodox ethics in the context of the historical, cultural and social process.

This Orthodox Internet portal can be very useful from a religious point of view. The information of this online publication can be used as additional material when working with such disciplines as philosophy, theology, religious studies, social studies, history and a number of other humanitarian academic disciplines universities.

Orthodox women's magazine "Slav" differs from all of the above publications in that it is addressed directly to the beautiful half of humanity. As in all such publications, Slavyanka touches upon issues of female beauty and health, the family hearth, and the upbringing of children. The pages are full of reviews, interesting articles, interviews, very well chosen photographic material. What distinguishes this publication from other women's magazines is that "Slavyanka" addresses its readers through the prism of Orthodox traditions, the primordially Russian vision of the image of a woman.

The Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church publishes a magazine "Orthodox book review". The magazine tells about all the most important events in church book publishing and book distribution: about official events, exhibitions, meetings, presentations, the release of new books. The Orthodox Book Review publishes reviews, annotations, reviews, interviews, articles about the book culture of different times, and many others.

In conclusion of the review, it is worth recalling that Orthodoxy is not just a form of religion, Orthodoxy is a whole cultural and ethical position, the soil of the Russian worldview, the foundation of the people and the country; The Russian language has the character of a unifying language, linking together a great colorful nation, it is the language through which the succession of cultural values ​​and traditions is carried out by generations.

It is important to raise interest in Russian culture and Orthodox traditions. The future moral image of our people and country depends on the information field in which the worldview of the young generation is formed.


HISTORY OF THE MAGAZINE (Orthodox newspaper LEUSHINO, No. 5/106, 05.03.05)

At the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, not far from the chapel of Blessed Xenia, the grave of Alexander Popovitsky is still preserved. Few now remember the name of this pious St. Petersburg merchant, the founder of the best in pre-revolutionary Russia Orthodox magazine - "Russian pilgrim". It became a unique photo chronicle of the Orthodox life in Russia on the eve of its catastrophe.

Blessing of Father John of Kronstadt to the readers of the Orthodox magazine "Russian Pilgrim"

The journal was founded by A. Popovitsky in 1885 with the blessing of Father John of Kronstadt. Dear Father, not only blessed, but even joined the editorial board of the journal. The magazine regularly published materials and sermons of Father John of Kronstadt. The portrait of the Kronstadt pastor with his blessing to the readers became famous. Who would have thought that 70 years after the revolution, this magazine would be revived. And where? In America.

Orthodox magazine: the idea of ​​​​revival

The idea of ​​an Orthodox magazine came from St. John of Shanghai. And it was already done in the 1980s. spiritual brothers monks Seraphim (Rose) and German (Podmoshensky). The revival of the magazine was a miracle, the return of Pilgrim to Russia, the return of Russia itself. Of course, without the prayers of St. John of Kronstadt, this miracle would not have been possible.

How the "RUSSIAN PILGRIMNIK" was revived

15 years ago, in 1990, the first issue of the Orthodox magazine "Russian Pilgrim" was published, revived in America. On March 4, 2005, the celebration of two anniversaries of the magazine took place in the temple of the Leushinsky metochion: the 120th anniversary of the founding and the 15th anniversary of the renewal. Its editor-in-chief, Archimandrite German (Podmoshensky), spoke about how the Orthodox magazine was revived.

“The publication of this magazine was inspired by the missionary work of St. Herman of Alaska. The idea of ​​the publication was not mine, but that of Father Seraphim (Rose). Our brotherhood of St. German was created with the blessing of Bishop John of Shanghai. We started publishing in the 1960s. on the English language magazine "Orthodox World". Then Seraphim Rose said: "We must also publish in Russian." I answered: "Who needs it ... Russia is no more." And he says: “Russia cannot die. There must be another king."

In his holy corner already then an icon of Tsar Nicholas II hung and a lamp was burning. “And what is the king doing in your apartment?” And he gave me a complete understanding of what God's anointed is. At this time, I received a letter from Athos from a Greek from the Belozerka skete, where he wrote that he had found a binder of the Russian Pilgrim magazine in the attic and it was a pity to throw it away. He sent it to us in America. O. Seraphim, seeing the magazine, said: “That's what Russia needs. Any sectarians send anything. We Americans received Orthodoxy from St. Herman and should help Russia in gratitude. We made the first issue by hand, cutting photocopies from old issues and making a color cover. I went to Russia in 1990 and brought back 1100 copies. They were confiscated from me at customs: “Give me a certificate that they are needed in Russia.” Metropolitan Pitirim issued such a certificate. And I started handing out a magazine to every church along the way. And this year the 33rd issue of the Orthodox magazine was published.