Guess the riddle who teaches silently. Who speaks silently: a children's riddle with a deep meaning. Who speaks silently

  • 06.11.2019

Folklore is a part of everyone's life from the very beginning. younger age. First, children hear lullabies, then fairy tales, and at a conscious age they begin to be interested in riddles.

It is they who form in babies a certain associative thinking, which is necessary for every person in the future.

One of the most interesting puzzles for children is the riddle "Who speaks silently?". In fact, this question is very understandable for adults, since they often meet such a companion in their lives. Toddlers preschool age there are still no correct associations with a similar subject, therefore, not many can determine who speaks silently without a hint. In fact, even the smallest ones encounter a silent interlocutor - only with the help of their parents, because this is an ordinary book!

Just because adults read it aloud to kids, it can be difficult for children to understand that this is a book. With age, of course, they themselves are immersed in the world described on the pages, and can confidently assert that the one who speaks silently can sometimes tell much more than a real interlocutor.

Modern interpretation

Today, paper books are less and less interesting for the new generation - they are being replaced by electronic options various works. Now the answer to the riddle “Who speaks silently” can be safely presented by young people as e-book or any text file.

Despite this, paper pages will forever remain the best teachers and builders of the future character of the baby. After all, only they can be felt with your own hands, feel the pleasant aroma of the printing house and fully plunge into the world of fantasies described by the author. Only a real book can give a person a sense of unity with the text and excite his imagination. That is why the one who speaks silently will forever remain a tangible friend and adviser in hard or soft cover.

Children's riddle: who speaks silently? Correct answer: book. More specifically, the author of the book. Turning page after page, we plunge into his world. A good writer expresses himself in his work in such a way that he becomes a friend to the reader.

Book - teacher

As the saying rightly points out, "reading is the best teaching." No wonder there are textbooks. It is human nature to organize information. The child too. He draws conclusions from what he sees, what surrounds him. Meet the one who speaks silently. It's good when a kid loves books!

On the shelf of my little
Worth a group of friends.
They will teach, entertain,
They give encouragement and advice.

The book accompanies a person throughout his life. Its shape changes - from parchment to paper, from paper to electronic media. But the content remains. Parents enjoy reading their favorite books to their children. Voltaire said that when we read a good book for the first time, we meet a new friend. And rereading it again - we meet him again.

And the soul, after all, that's for sure, if burned -

She is fairer, more merciful and righteous.

Pushkin once remarked: "Genius and villainy are two incompatible things." Inspiration is given from above, and the book teaches good things. How to build, not destroy. How to heal with a word, not kill.

She is small

And she gave me the mind.

Gorky believed that the book makes life easier, puts thoughts and feelings in order, teaches self-respect, inspires love for humanity.

The book is a denouncer of evil

In world history there are shameful lines about burning books. They burned the Bible in the Middle Ages. They burned Remarque and Babel, Hasek and Gorky in Nazi Germany. In Romania, books were burned by wagons.

It was the one who speaks in silence, denounces tyranny, narrow-mindedness and fanaticism, and was dangerous. John Milton was sure that killing a good book is tantamount to killing a person. And Heine prophetically said: "Where books are burned, people will be burned."

The book can speak, reasoning and denouncing, consoling and giving hope. Good book- not just the one who speaks silently. Whom they tried to destroy, but she survived her persecutors. It inspires and indicates the meaning of life, gives strength to endure everything and endure in difficult times.

She speaks in literary language. It does not contain unprintable expressions. It is parsed for quotes. She does not return evil for evil. Perhaps it is worth taking an example from the book.

Children's riddle: who speaks silently? Correct answer: book. More specifically, the author of the book. Turning page after page, we plunge into his world. A good writer expresses himself in his work in such a way that he becomes a friend to the reader.

Book - teacher

As the saying rightly points out, "reading is the best teaching." No wonder there are textbooks. It is human nature to organize information. The child too. He draws conclusions from what he sees, what surrounds him. Meet the one who speaks silently. It's good when a kid loves books!

On the shelf of my little
Worth a group of friends.
They will teach, entertain,
They give encouragement and advice.

The book accompanies a person throughout his life. Its form is changing - from parchment to paper, from paper to electronic media. But the content remains. Parents enjoy reading their favorite books to their children. Voltaire said that when we read a good book for the first time, we meet a new friend. And rereading it again - we meet him again.

And the soul, after all, that's for sure, if burned -

She is fairer, more merciful and righteous.

Pushkin once remarked: "Genius and villainy are two incompatible things." Inspiration is given from above, and the book teaches good things. How to build, not destroy. How to heal with a word, not kill.

She is small

And she gave me the mind.

Gorky believed that the book makes life easier, puts thoughts and feelings in order, teaches self-respect, inspires love for humanity.

The book is a denouncer of evil

In world history there are shameful lines about burning books. They burned the Bible in the Middle Ages. They burned Remarque and Babel, Hasek and Gorky in Nazi Germany. In Romania, books were burned by wagons.

It was the one who speaks in silence, denounces tyranny, narrow-mindedness and fanaticism, and was dangerous. John Milton was sure that killing a good book is tantamount to killing a person. And Heine prophetically said: "Where books are burned, people will be burned."

The book can speak, reasoning and denouncing, consoling and giving hope. A good book is not just one that speaks silently. Whom they tried to destroy, but she survived her persecutors. It inspires and indicates the meaning of life, gives strength to endure everything and endure in difficult times.

She speaks in literary language. It does not contain unprintable expressions. It is parsed for quotes. She does not return evil for evil. Perhaps it is worth taking an example from the book.

Riddles teach the baby to think and analyze, improve diction and memory. Riddles on the topic “book” are also useful in that they let the child understand how great the wisdom contained on paper pages is. They stimulate interest in the printed word, instill love for it from an early age.

Who speaks silently?

Riddles appeared a long time ago, when many natural phenomena were still incomprehensible to man. Then a "secret language" appeared, which was able to turn any object or event in people's lives into a riddle. Now it is a word game, a trick question and a puzzle at the same time, but they still point to the essence of things.

With leaves, but not a bush,

Sewn, but not a shirt,

He speaks, but not a man.

The riddle about the book can be very wise and poetic all at once. Here's a prime example:

At the paper birds

Hundreds of wings - pages.

There are simple, but no less meaningful and deep in meaning riddles created by the talented Russian people:

Without a language, but he will tell everything.

She herself is small, but she gave her mind.

Rhyming puzzles

The riddle about the book is a storehouse Very often such riddles are presented in the form of a small verse:

Paper palace

The sage lives there.

Generously treats with knowledge

Everyone who visits.

It is important that the child be able to guess them himself, without the help of parents. At the age of three, he listens with pleasure to the magical stories that adults read to him, examines the colorful illustrations and probably managed to spoil appearance several books, so the kid will understand this riddle about the book:

Pleases with colors

And fairy tales.

When it gets messy

Let's put a dress on for her.

I know everything, I will teach everyone,

But I am silent, I am always silent.

To make us friends

You need to know all the letters.

There are more complex puzzles that are designed for children of primary school age. For example,

She speaks without a sound

But boredom is not friends with her.

Talk to her more often

You will be five times smarter.

If you really like the riddle about the book, then the child will want to learn it by heart and tell it to grandma, grandfather, teacher and friends in kindergarten or school with expression. Thanks to rhyming lines, the baby will learn to feel the beauty of his native speech.

The value of the book in people's lives

Humanity has treasured books for a long time. Ancient books were treasured and passed down through generations as a great value. In troubled times, they were burned at the stake, because they were afraid of the power and truth contained in them. The merit of the printed word in the development of civilization cannot be overestimated, and numerous proverbs and riddles about books serve as proof of this. Here are some striking examples of folk art:

Gold is sought in the earth, and knowledge is in books.

The book is the key to science.

The best gift is a book.

To be friends with a book is not to grieve for a hundred years.

In order for the baby to become inquisitive, active, do not neglect the riddles and the Riddle is the best means of development for the child. At home or on the way to Kindergarten use it to train the memory, imagination and logical thinking of the baby. A good and wise riddle is always in place.

Guess riddles. Write your answers in sentence form. Underline the subject and verb. Prove that it is the subject. 1. Who speaks silently?

Book. 2. What always walks, but does not leave the place? - sun. 3. What flies faster than a bullet? - thought.

You need to determine the main idea of ​​the text and draw up a plan in which each paragraph reflects the main idea. (text below) Many thanks in advance!

Serve the earth
If a if you want to destroy a man, give him everything, what he will require.
Accustomed only to take, he will never learn to give, that is to do good,
The earth feeds us all. We are speaking, what love her but love differently.
Some people live in the village but treats peasant labor with coolness, does not want
work conscientiously. On occasion, he, too, will probably say, what loves the earth on the
increased. But I don't believe him because he loves not the earth, a her gifts.
Likes to receive a don't give.
BUT you have to strive to give. I have been studying this all my life.
When my father found out what I taught myself to read and write
worried and thought what I want to become a scientist, I will go to the city and I will leave the earth.
But the field did not let me go, because since childhood I felt it
beautiful, compelling power. Loved the smell of ears and fragrant, fresh
of bread.

It is necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text and draw up its plan, in which each paragraph reflects the main idea. The text is below. Big in advance

Serve the earth
If you want to destroy a man, give him everything he needs.
Getting used to only taking, he will never learn to give, that is, to do good,
unselfishly love, care for others.
The earth feeds us all. We say we love her, but we love her in different ways.
Some people live in the village, but they treat peasant labor with coolness, do not want to
work conscientiously. On occasion, he, too, will probably say that he loves the earth, on
which he grew up. But I will not believe him, because he loves not the earth, but its gifts.
Likes to receive rather than give.
And we must strive to give. I have been studying this all my life.
When my father learned that I had taught myself to read and write, he
I was worried and thought that I would like to become a scientist, I would go to the city and leave the land.
But the field did not let me go, because from childhood I felt it
beautiful, compelling power. I loved the smell of ears of corn and fragrant, fresh
of bread.

find the grammatical basis in each sentence of the text, indicate the type of sentence (one-part / two-part)

A man was born. But who knows what will come of it? The concept of man in general is so limitless that it is impossible to answer such a question. A great artist, a great thinker, a great figure can come out of a child, Aristotle, Columbus or Shakespeare can come out - in a word, one of those people who are called the benefactors of mankind. It is possible, of course, not only a simple, ordinary person, but even an absolutely insignificant person, to emerge. On what reasons does all this depend? This question is usually answered without hesitation: from education, from circumstances privacy- in a word, from all kinds of influences, but not from the person himself. But those who see nothing further than such a view are cruelly mistaken. The greatness and dignity of a person most often does not stem from circumstances. This confirms daily experience. Often, despite all the efforts of parents, instructions, punishments, rewards do not produce the desired effect: books do not give thoughts, pictures of nature do not give sensations, and, in general, all possible actions on a pet do not give rise to his initiative, and often even interfere with its development. It is absolutely clear that each person can develop only when he develops himself. Upbringing, education do not produce development, but only give it an opportunity; they open paths but do not lead them. A person can go forward in his development only on his own feet, it is impossible to ride in a carriage. No one can educate a person if she does not educate herself. Our homeland presents us with many examples of original development. Even until recently, most of our wonderful people are self-taught, people who have received environment only a weak indication, a weak impetus, and those who created their own activity. Remember Lomonosov, running after the convoy of fish to Moscow. Here is an example of many of our figures.