People are the main resource of a business. Appraisal procedures: growth points of employees Annual staff appraisal

  • 05.04.2020

Annual performance appraisal of employees ( short course)

Annual assessment in 2011 in the Concern Expected results: % of branches Coverage of the branches of the Concern's subsidiaries and affiliates (AER, VNIIAES, ENITs) 30% of managers Trained managers, including 14% of managers Evaluated employees % RCC Coverage ind. goals

Content 1. The essence of the performance management process Definition and results of the performance management process Content and stages of performance management The main components of performance management 2. Conducting an annual performance assessment 3. Setting goals 2

What is performance management? This is a process of continuous improvement of the organization's efficiency, which is based on communication and constant monitoring of employees' achievement of goals and compliance with the required level of organizational competencies, aimed at involving all employees in a single process of implementing the company's strategy, as well as developing organizational culture 4

Calendar plan Annual evaluation November May August February March April June July September October December January Budget planning KPI review Goals review Results review Cycle start

6 Steps of the Annual Assessment Evaluation of achieved results Interviewing the employee STEP 1 Assessment of competencies STEP 2 Preliminary final assessment STEP 3 Assessment of the employee's potential STEP 4 Setting individual goals for the employee for the coming year STEP 5 STEP 7 Agreeing preliminary assessments STEP 6

The ability to turn strategic objectives into individual activities, plan and control the effectiveness of their implementation Continuous monitoring of the state of the staff and its compliance with the tasks: the level of development of competencies, the potential of employees, the level of motivation and loyalty of employees. Identify potential candidates for horizontal and vertical relocations and form a talent pool; Associate remuneration (changes in salary/bonus according to KPIs) with individual performance and employee development. What does performance management give to the organization, managers and employees? Knowledge of assessing the level of development of competencies and potential: planning own development; career planning. Knowledge of the expected result of work and performance evaluation criteria: involvement in the activities of the unit and the company; awareness of personal responsibility for the result of work; reducing the likelihood of negative perception of feedback or personnel decisions based on performance. Outcome for the organization and manager Outcome for the employee 7

Planning and setting goals, defining KPIs Planning and setting goals, defining KPIs MonitoringMonitoring Feedback Grade. Personnel decisions decisions Enterprise strategy Management skills Goals of directions, departments, departments WHAT? WHAT? HOW? HOW? Individual goals Rosatom's strategy Functions and tasks Competences Performance management system Business plan of the Company Individual plan of the Employee February-March April-December January-February 5

9 Ensuring consistency of goals at different levels Head 1 Head 1.1 Head 1.2 Head 1.3 Head Head Head Director 1

The main components of performance management - KPI KPI (key performance indicators) - performance criteria of the organization and employees 8 KPI reflect the strategic goals of the organization. The manager's KPIs should ensure the fulfillment of the KPIs of the higher level (decomposition principle). KPIs are included in the KPI maps of managers, which are developed for 1 calendar year. KPIs are related to the position (when a manager is replaced, KPIs do not usually change) In 2011, KPI maps should be developed for all managers of the State Corporation and its organizations up to the level of department heads. The results of achieving KPIs affect the calculation of the annual bonus.

The main components of performance management - individual goals Individual goals - correspond to the functionality of the employee and are aimed at achieving the goals of the unit within the framework of the Company's strategy. Goals are set for 1 calendar year. Goals are formed taking into account: - KPI map of the head - Goals of the head - KPI map of the employee (if any) - job description- possible personal goals of the employee to change behavior or training, which are critical for the implementation of any strategic tasks, and it is advisable to attribute them to goals, and not to a development plan. The results of achieving individual goals and assessing competencies are reflected in the assessment of the level of performance, which can affect: annual bonus - 20% in the KPI map, reflecting the assessment of the manager; ISN. 9

How to set goals? SMART Specific Goal Setting Technique Goals should be as clear and specific as possible so that all people involved in achieving them understand what they are. M easurable Objectives must be measurable in order to assess the extent to which they have been achieved. It is important to single out not only final, but also intermediate evaluation criteria. A chievable Goals must be achievable in terms of external factors and internal resources. And at the same time, they must be complex enough that significant efforts must be made to achieve them. R elevant (Agreed) Objectives should be related to other higher-level goals, as well as strategic goals, and work towards their achievement. T imebound (Defined in time) A time frame must be set for each goal. It is required to determine the term for both the final and intermediate results. 12

Examples of goal setting Evaluate the compliance of goals with SMART criteria: Development of an enterprise budgeting methodology, basic automation of the budget process. Prevention of unauthorized access to nuclear materials and nuclear installations, prevention of their theft or damage. Ensure the implementation of a single procurement standard for all departments of the enterprise. Ensure the implementation of at least 90% of requests within the timeframe specified in the contractual work regulations. eleven

Chief Accountant Provide the chief accountant of the branch "Directorate of Leningrad NPP-2 under construction" Ivanov I.V. assistance in the development of his career, the formation of individual plans, the development of professional and managerial skills and competencies within the framework of the Mentorship program under the Rosatom Gold Reserve project. December 2010 Prepare comments and proposals for the Rosatom State Corporation project “Development of cost methodology”, hold meetings with representatives of Rosatom State Corporation and development contractors in order to substantiate and include comments and proposals in the methodology, and also taking into account the “Peculiarities of costs in nuclear energy » Allocate a separate section of the year to the Group’s cost methodology Ensure phased preparation and coordination with Rosatom State Corporation of the Accounting Policy for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting for 2011, implemented in the accounting and tax accounting subsystem for the CA-LNPP link using SAP ERP Guidelines for the attribution of expenses for the central office of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC to account 26 “General business expenses” in accordance with the approved staffing CA Concern, EUP and ENP. August 30, 2010 Complete a 40-hour program and receive a certificate in order to confirm the certificate of a professional accountant. November 30, 2010 Head of Reporting and Methodology Department accounting Ensure the implementation of the level 2 FEB CFD transformation program in terms of accounting Conduct an analysis of existing processes for recording accounting transactions in CE-2. Based on the analysis, develop an action plan for the implementation of a control system that allows minimizing errors in the accounting report

What do ratings mean? Exceptionally high level of efficiency. The performance and all or some (the most important for this position) competencies, professional and technical knowledge and skills are at a level above the required one. The results of the work go far beyond the immediate responsibilities assumed by the position of the employee and the goals set. At the same time, the results of the work had a significant positive impact on the work of the entire department, and can also serve as a model for other departments. High level efficiency All duties are fulfilled in full. Many results exceed those planned, achievements are beyond the scope of immediate responsibilities. All key competencies, professional technical knowledge and skills required for a particular position are developed to a sufficient degree or at a level above the required one. The employee coped with emergency situations and achieved results, despite the unplanned difficulties that arose. Standard Performance Level Key responsibilities completed. The results are mostly in line with what was planned. Some tasks have not been completed in full. Separate competencies, professional and technical knowledge and skills required for the position held by the employee require development. Less than standard performance The worker is doing his or her job key responsibilities only partially. Some tasks have not been completed. The competencies, professional and technical knowledge and skills required for this position are poorly developed. There are specific misses that can be clearly articulated. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of work. Unsatisfactory level of efficiency The employee does not cope with his functional responsibilities and the tasks assigned to him. Competencies, professional and technical knowledge and skills required for this position are not displayed. 16

17 Next Steps 1.In due time Review your individual goals for 2010 2.Set goals for your direct reports. 3. Agree goals with the immediate supervisor 4. Set individual goals 5. Approve the goals with the immediate supervisor (3 signatures on the form) 6. Submit the completed forms to the personnel management service

Most people does not love annual reviews of their performance. Managers don't like to conduct them, and subordinates don't like to be the object of scrutiny. However, they are still ubiquitous and are beginning to be implemented.

In the process of performance evaluation, a large number of errors are made. Below are some rules for your attention, following which, you can be sure that the performance evaluation will be carried out correctly.

Preparing for the Assessment

For a subordinate, there is nothing more unpleasant than to come to an assessment of the effectiveness of his work unprepared (which in itself makes him pretty nervous), and for a manager to realize that the most important issues for the upcoming meeting are not prepared.

Prepare good questions to evaluate the performance of employees can be quite difficult, but it must be done.

Use these questions to identify the real attitude of employees to their work, completed smart tasks, its perception and opportunities for professional growth. Keep this in mind when creating a list of questions.

Throughout the evaluation period, certain records must be made to record the results. This will help to avoid the so-called novelty effect. After all, this happens quite often during the assessment. Managers most often evaluate an employee based on facts from the recent past instead of getting the full picture for the entire period.

Taking notes every time you meet with your subordinates (perhaps in a face-to-face meeting once a month) will give you a complete picture of their performance.

Conducting an objective assessment

Take care to learn about the employee the opinions of as many people as possible. The concept of 360-degree feedback is very important as it helps to avoid influencing the assessment of your own opinion of the employee.

As soon as you get the opinions of colleagues about the employee, you can immediately begin to form his profile. With a high degree of probability, you will hear repeated statements (both positive and negative) about the employee.

Conducting employee self-assessments

In the list of performance evaluation rules, this item is perhaps the most important.

You need to ask subordinates to conduct a self-assessment immediately prior to the performance assessment. This will make the employee more open to feedback, as he will have the opportunity to reflect on his mistakes and achievements in advance.

In order to help your subordinate begin self-assessment, you can even ask him or her a couple of leading questions. good examples such questions are:

  1. What do you consider your biggest achievement in the last month?
  2. Name a task or project that you have worked on that you are most proud of doing.
  3. What do you think you could do better?
  4. Name one thing that you will be working to improve by our next meeting.

Listen while assessing

Many leaders make this mistake all the time. Many people do not listen in order to understand a person, they listen in order to answer him. If you learn to listen and hear the employee during the evaluation of his performance, you will receive a lot of valuable information.

Active listening is a quality that you need to work on developing. This quality will allow you to better listen to the person and hear exactly what he says, and not what you would like to hear.

This proven technique allows people to communicate and feel comfortable while communicating.

Don't Make Feedback a Sandwich

For those who don't already know, a feedback sandwich is a situation where a certain amount of constructive feedback is "sandwiched" between two positive reviews.

The idea behind the feedback sandwich is not to shock the employee with constructive feedback, diluting it with positivity.

The problem is that this sandwich doesn't work.

Your subordinates are smarter than you think. They understand what you are trying to do and are more likely to take positive comments less seriously, questioning their veracity.

Another reason why a feedback sandwich can be dangerous is that sometimes subordinates only hear what they want to hear. So, for example, if you say, “You did a great job, but there is one thing I would like to point out,” then it is likely that the employee will stop listening to you after the words “you did a great job.”

In addition, many employees want your feedback based on their skill level.

Praise achievements

This can be done at the beginning or at the end of the performance evaluation procedure. But in any case, it is very necessary to emphasize and praise certain achievements of an employee.

Encouraging this or that achievement of a subordinate, be as specific and specific as possible. This is another reason why you need to keep recording.

Carry out the evaluation process in a positive way

The way feedback is given is very important. So, for example, instead of saying "Next time you should do it better" or "What happened to that project?", you should be more friendly.

Why not say something like “Do you think it would be better to do it this way? Will we get top scores thus?" or "It's just thinking out loud, but what if our next project shall we do so? What do you think about this?"

Link to a date

The manager must do everything possible to ensure that the assessment is carried out on the appointed day, so that it is not postponed or canceled. You need to understand that for subordinates this is a kind of stress. And postponing the day or time of the assessment is a lack of respect for the employee.

Demonstrate your participation during the assessment

Be attentive to your subordinates and show your respect towards them. Don't let yourself swing in your chair or check your cell phone.

Treat your subordinates carefully and with respect. They will succeed.

Don't delay feedback

On this score, studies give an unequivocal answer: the faster you give feedback, the faster you will get the result.

Tightening with feedback only reduces its effectiveness.

Organize a complete performance evaluation process

Monthly or annual performance reviews are just a small part of the overall performance management process, which includes many steps, starting with goal setting.

The success of an organization, as you know, depends on the quality of work and the involvement of staff. It is important for Baltika to maintain leadership positions in the Russian brewing industry, so the company is very attentive to the issue of evaluating the professional qualities, skills and achievements of employees.

Baltika has been operating in the brewing industry since 1990. In 2006, it merged with Vena, Pikra and Yarpivo, and in 2008 became part of the Carlsberg group of companies. It has breweries in ten regions of Russia and Azerbaijan. The number of personnel is more than 12 thousand employees.

Annual performance appraisal

After the merger of Baltika with the companies Yarpivo, Vena and Pikra, the management did a lot of work aimed at creating uniform standards, including in the field of interaction with personnel. For example, in 2006 an annual performance appraisal (APR) was introduced, which is mandatory for all employees.

The HR managers of Baltika developed the EOD concept on their own (without the involvement of consultants), focusing on international developments and successful experience large Western and Russian companies. The event is an individual conversation between the employee and his immediate supervisor, during which the achievements of the subordinate over the past year are discussed, the level of development of his competencies is determined, and tasks for the next period are set. Based on the results of the meeting, the manager and the employee jointly fill out one of two evaluation forms - full or shortened. The first version of the form includes sections:
general information;
performance evaluation;
competency assessment and training planning;
employee development in the company;
setting goals for the next year;
general comments.

The abbreviated form includes the following evaluation criteria:
initiative and interest;
discipline and appearance;
responsibility and quality;
teamwork and mutual assistance.

EOD in an abbreviated format is passed by employees who perform simple functions at the enterprise: cleaners, drivers, loaders, security guards, mechanics, technicians, etc. For the rest, EOD in full format is required.

The corporate materials on AOD* describe in detail the rules for assessing the competencies and performance of an employee for the year, as well as the procedure for filling out the form:
corporate competency model with positive and negative indicators;
a scale of assessment of competencies with a breakdown of values ​​(“unacceptable”, “needs development”, “effective”, “exceeds the requirements”);
principles for assessing the achievement of quantitative and qualitative goals, formulas for calculating the achievement of quantitative goals.

However, the most important component of the EOD is not filling out the assessment form, but an open dialogue between the superior and the subordinate. Giving this or that assessment for a specific competence, the manager must necessarily support it with examples of work situations, projects or assignments that the employee has coped with or failed to cope with. The head evaluates the activities of the subordinate based on the results achieved by him for each task, the deadlines and the percentage of its completion **. The employee has the opportunity to verbally offer his own version of the assessment of competencies or performance results, backed up with specific examples and facts. This approach provides both a constructive exchange of views, allows the employee to receive "live" feedback from superiors and makes the evaluation result as objective as possible.

The assessment form completed at the end of the conversation is agreed with all parties interested in the assessment, including the senior manager and the functional (if any). Then it goes to the personnel directorate, where the correctness and completeness of its filling are checked.

The final stage of the EOD is the formation in the Corporate training center training plans for employees and functional units in accordance with the areas of employee development identified as a result of the analysis of the assessment forms, as well as the needs of the company and its budget.

It is important to note that not all staff skills and abilities are improved through training and training programs. For example, in order to develop such a competence as “initiativity”, a Baltika employee can be included in a working project group, where his active participation is required. Another option is for the leader, who is interested in the professional growth of his subordinate and increasing the efficiency of his work, to build such interaction with him in which the employee's initiative is encouraged, and he himself understands that proactive behavior is expected from him.

The material result of the annual performance appraisal for an employee can be an increase in salary and a bonus. The amount of the latter for those who pass the ASU in the reduced format depends on the assessment according to the criteria listed above. For those who go through the full procedure, the salary increase is carried out based on the assessment of competencies, and the annual bonus depends on the final percentage of the tasks completed, personal performance and company performance as a whole.

The main goals of the EOD, therefore, are to identify the strengths of the employee and areas for his development, to set goals for the next year, to provide feedback from the manager and to conduct an open dialogue between the boss and the subordinate. Such annual monitoring is an excellent basis for the development of an employee in priority business areas.

The personnel performance review, including in terms of competencies, for the past 2008 was Baltika's third in a row. He confirmed that each time the leaders are more responsible in assessing their subordinates. This trend is quite natural: the more carefully and objectively managers evaluate the activities of their staff, the more carefully they think over the tasks for employees for the next year, and the more significantly the efficiency of employees and the company as a whole increases.

Center for Assessment and Development

Currently, tens of thousands of foreign and large Russian companies use assessment centers as a tool for a comprehensive assessment of personnel. In Baltika, this is the Center for Assessment and Development (CER), and the main meaning in the name is put into the word “development”, since final goal procedures - not grading, but identifying areas for further improvement of the employee.

The essence of the DER is that in the course of role-playing games in which employees take part, through specific behavioral manifestations, the level of development of certain corporate competencies in them is determined (see Appendix). One such game lasts from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours, and in general, the CER takes from 4 hours to a whole working day. Role-playing games mean a series of exercises, simulations, cases, within which situations are created that are close to real ones, where a certain task is set for employees. For example, during a group discussion (one of the exercises used in the DER) come to common decision(distribute the bonus fund, develop a strategy for promoting the product on the market, etc.). Performing it, players have the opportunity to show the full range of their abilities and skills. By observing the participants, you can see how well each of them works in a team, listens to others, to what extent he is a leader, whether he knows how to influence.

All the details of "gaming" behavior are recorded by a group of specially trained observers, which include not only employees of the holding's personnel department, but also functional managers. At the end of the exercises, each participant is given marks, which are discussed and agreed with all observers in the process of the so-called integral session. It is important that only apparent behavior is evaluated, without assumptions and conjectures.

As you know, a person in similar situations demonstrates the same characteristic course of action for him. These features, identified during the DER, with a high degree of probability (65-70%) can also manifest themselves in real work situations, therefore, at the moment, the Assessment and Development Center is the most accurate method for predicting the behavior of personnel, the effectiveness of their work in a particular project , reducing possible risks. In fact, this is the same diagnosis, thanks to which the employee finds out (or is once again convinced) which of his skills and qualities are especially strong, and which competencies need to be “pulled up” to increase his leadership potential and develop existing abilities. In addition, a participant in the business game has a unique opportunity to gain experience in situations that he has not yet encountered in ordinary life. At the same time, the analysis of one's strengths and the identification of hidden resources allow one to develop an effective strategy for further development and, having implemented it, conquer new professional and career peaks. In this way, business games help employees not to be afraid of possible difficulties and tune in to constructive, fruitful activities.

At Baltika, DERs are held regularly:
to identify employees who need further promotion exactly to those positions where they will be most effective (most often such candidates are found in the sales department);
when conducting internal competitions for vacant positions, as well as through a career planning program for promising employees.

The HR Directorate of the company considers the CER to be the most effective method evaluation, since it allows you to obtain reliable information about the level of development of competencies and the potential of the employee. Considering that one of the company's important goals is to build up intellectual capital, the large time, financial, and organizational costs for conducting an assessment are fully justified.

Unlike the EOD, the main task of which is to evaluate a subordinate by a manager based on daily work results, the DER is an assessment of competencies (most often managerial) in order to select applicants for promotion and plan their career, development and training.

As an example of a DER, consider the experience of a “mass” assessment of employees in 2008. It was conducted among the leading production specialists and heads of most of the regional divisions of Baltika. The employees involved in the DER were participants in the Perspektiva succession planning program. The main purpose of the series of assessment and development centers was to identify the strengths of successor candidates* for key positions, as well as areas in which they need to improve in the coming years. Work on “weak spots” was supposed to ensure that candidates develop competencies to the level required in higher positions.


In the case “Conversation with a difficult subordinate”, the role of such was played by an employee of the personnel service, and each candidate for successor acted as a leader. The goal of the RER participant was to solve a difficult problem with the worker. During the game, managerial competencies were assessed (leadership, development of subordinates, the ability to set tasks, motivate, etc.), and it became clear what qualities the candidate needed to improve.

Conducting a large number of DER, on the one hand, turned out to be a complex, lengthy and laborious process, and on the other hand, very effective precisely because of its scale. For example, the pooling of the resources of individual branches within the framework of the Perspektiva project and the joint holding of the Assessment Centers saved time and effort for Baltika's HR specialists.

In 2008, the Human Resources Directorate managed to make a fairly complete analysis of the level of development of corporate competencies of current and future heads of production units in each of the branches and in the company as a whole. For branch managers and HR specialists, this practice helped to get to know their employees better. Each of the participants of the DER received feedback, a detailed report on personal results, as well as individual plan development, which was compiled jointly with his immediate superior.

The work carried out made it possible to identify a number of general trends. For example, it turned out that the heads of production departments have the most developed competencies "task management" and "influence". And such as “management of subordinates” and “development of subordinates” require additional efforts from the majority of participants in the “Perspective” program - training, self-education, and changing the model of managerial behavior.

Informing about the assessment

Baltika uses the following tools to inform employees about the goals, objectives, procedures and schedule of the assessment:

1. Corporate monthly newspaper "Moya BALTIKA", which covers the main events taking place in the company. In addition, a regional supplement is released quarterly at each branch to keep employees up to date with local news. The newspaper publishes articles about what changes have taken place in the field of assessment in the current year, how this or that assessment event went, etc.

1. Internal corporate portal "Dialog", which is the official information system"Baltic". It acts as a source of exclusive information for employees, a single point of access to applications and databases, a platform for communication, as well as a tool for receiving and providing feedback on internal issues. Through the portal's corporate forum, any employee can ask a question to top managers of the company. Posted on the portal electronic documents for AUD (assessment forms and instructions for filling them out, regulations for the procedure, a list of positions subject to AUD in an abbreviated form, etc.).

3. Quarterly meetings of employees with the management of Baltika. They discuss the latest news and changes in the company, employees from different regions can ask top managers questions in real time, including questions about the assessment.

4. Information stands on which the digest is promptly displayed latest news organizations. They contain information about the period for which the ASU is scheduled for the current year, what dates the trainings are scheduled for, etc.

On December 8, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works started the annual personnel assessment. For Zaporizhstal workers, this is absolutely new opportunity professional growth, career management and competency development. Line managers have already learned the methodology and the main criteria for assessing personnel, and communication sessions are being held in the divisions, during which Zaporizhstal employees will receive comprehensive answers to their questions regarding the new project.

"DM" turned to the HR Director Andrey Luchenko with the most pressing questions on this topic.

What is the annual staff appraisal?

– The annual assessment of personnel is a summing up of the results for the year for each of us, each division and the enterprise as a whole. Performance appraisal is an assessment of the degree to which an employee has completed the tasks set at the beginning of the year. One of the main goals is to determine the performance of an employee in comparison with his colleagues, reward the best, identify promising employees and areas for their development. That is, to sum up the outgoing year and determine the goals and ways of development for the coming year. For each employee, this is an opportunity to objectively evaluate the work done, compare it with the goals set at the beginning of the year, and outline areas that need to be strengthened to increase personal effectiveness. We emphasize that any assessment is an incentive to develop your competencies, achieve your goals and search for new solutions.

– Who will be included in the number of assessed employees?

Since the assessment of personnel at MK Zaporizhstal starts this year for the first time, the number of assessed employees will include only the managers in whose subordination the teams work - from directors in areas to foremen.

– How is the staff assessment carried out and by what criteria are employees evaluated?

– The annual assessment consists of two parts: an assessment of the results and achievements of an employee for the year and an assessment of his competencies. The main criterion is the evaluation of the results achieved by the employee. The fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the employee is assessed, that is, the fulfillment of personal goals according to KPIs (performance maps). For those who do not have KPIs implemented or do not have performance maps, the assessment is made according to three quality criteria: the degree of implementation of goals and objectives, the quality and economy of resources. The second criterion is competency assessment. Competencies are patterns of behavior that are expected of employees. Competency assessment allows you to determine how the behavior shown by an employee in work situations corresponds to the values ​​of the company. In other words, responsibility, efficiency, professionalism, adherence to standards are evaluated. safe work the ability to work in a team, etc. The mechanism for conducting personnel assessment is simple and understandable. At the first stage, the employee conducts a self-assessment of competencies, fills out his “Annual Assessment Form” and submits it to the manager. In turn, the manager evaluates the results of the employee's work for the year, forms goals for the next year and the employee's rating based on the ratings received. The third step is a dialogue between the manager and the employee, during which the results of the assessment are discussed, strengths assessed employee and prospects for development, set goals for the next year. At the fourth stage, the personnel assessment committee reviews all assessment results, consults on appeals and approves the final assessments.

– Can the assessed employees influence the assessment or challenge it if they disagree?

Personnel evaluation is a transparent and understandable evaluation system. As part of the assessment, the manager meets with the assessed employee. At the same time, both the manager and the employee have the opportunity to express their opinion. The value of a face-to-face meeting is to exchange views on what worked better and what worse, and what skills the employee needs to develop to improve results in the future. If, during the discussion of assessments, the employee does not agree with the results (on one or more criteria), he has the right to file an appeal to the chairman of the Assessment Committee. Such an application will be considered at a meeting of the Committee in the presence of the employee.

– What will the annual assessment of the personnel give to Zaporizhstal workers?

Based on the results of the assessment, ratings are built in the unit, according to which all employees are ranked according to the categories-assessments "A + / A", "B", "B-" and "C". Managers can recommend employees with grades "A + / A", "B" to the personnel reserve structural unit and enterprises. In addition, the results of the assessment are the basis for a differentiated review wages. Employees who, according to the results of the assessment, received marks “B-” or “C”, in next year more efforts will need to be made to improve their performance and develop competencies. Thus, a direct relationship is established between individual performance, employee behavior and the size of his salary.

- Thanks for the interview.

"A person in his place"... For us, this approach to using the potential of each employee is the norm. To identify the abilities of people and determine the prospects for their development, we apply the most modern techniques. Most importantly, the assessment of the personnel gives the company's management the most valuable information for making decisions. management decisions, helps effective organization all other HR processes. Knowing the strengths of employees, their needs and motives helps us develop people in a targeted way and move them up the career ladder in a timely manner.

The basis of DTEK's personnel management is a performance management system, within which a "three-dimensional" assessment model is implemented, which makes it possible to measure the effectiveness, competence and potential of a person ( rice. one).

Rice. 1. "Three-dimensional" assessment model

The founder of scientific management, Peter Drucker, said: “Only what can be measured can be managed.” Therefore, in our company, assessment is one of the most important processes, an obligatory component of all stages of personnel management ( rice. 2): selection/appointment; goal setting/evaluation; remuneration; staff development; performance evaluation.

Rice. 2. DTEK personnel management model

The personnel development department of the corporate center and the relevant divisions at the enterprises are responsible for conducting personnel assessment in our company. The HR Development Department consists of four divisions:

1) assessment and development of personnel;
2) distance learning;
3) management of the personnel reserve;
4) DTEK Academy.

Basic purpose department is to create and manage a system for assessing and comprehensive development of the company's personnel, and the main tasks:

  • development and implementation of assessment procedures;
  • creation of training programs;
  • coordination of the development process of employees;
  • advising and assisting employees of other departments in the implementation of their development plans.

When implementing its tasks, the department actively interacts with other divisions of the company - not only in the field of personnel management, but also in production areas.

In the process of developing mechanisms for assessing and developing personnel, internal regulations (required provisions, instructions, orders, etc.) were developed and approved, which the department is guided by in its activities.

The main type of assessment at DTEK is annual performance appraisal, which is held at the beginning of the calendar year (after receiving data on the results of the company's activities for the previous year), which allows you to calculate the level of implementation key indicators efficiency (KPI) established for employees in the reporting period. At the same time, such technologies as interviews, evaluation interviews, determination of KPIs, analysis of normal distribution are used.

The annual assessment is based on the principles and rules that are common for all departments of the company:

  • transparency and accessibility of the principles and stages of the periodic evaluation procedure;
  • balance of assessment indicators;
  • clarity of evaluation criteria;
  • confidentiality of individual assessment results;
  • consistency of the assessment system with other management practices of the company.

To assess the activities of employees, specially designed forms are used: questionnaires for managers and questionnaires for specialists, which differ in content and purpose of use.

Evaluation at the recruitment stage

The economic crisis of 2008–2009 did not lead to significant changes in the labor market: the flow of resumes both before and during the crisis was quite dense, and the quality of candidate training remained practically unchanged. Of course, as DTEK's image as the best employer strengthens, the interest of specialists from other cities increases. In order to meet the company's needs for highly qualified specialists in the current conditions, we use an evaluation procedure at the stage of selecting the best candidates.

The process of filling open vacancies consists of several stages:

  1. Receiving a request from an internal customer, which contains detailed description requirements for a candidate for an open vacancy.
  2. The work of employees of the selection and adaptation department for this application:
    • conducting telephone conversations and personal interviews;
    • testing of selected candidates ( Additional Information helps the manager to make the right decision);
    • assessment of candidates' compliance with general corporate requirements and criteria declared by the customer;
    • formation of a group of candidates based on the results of the selection (usually at least five candidates are presented to the customer).
  3. Providing selected candidates to an internal customer. At this stage, the internal customer selects the candidates who seemed to him the most interesting and suitable.

Then personal meetings and professional interviews are held with managers - direct and higher. It is possible to hold group meetings during which several internal specialists talk to the candidate.

To test candidates, we use:

1. Methodology "Professional personality questionnaire" (Occupational Personality Questionnaire, OPQ) of SHL. OPQ gives a description of the behavior of a person in a professional environment - assesses the likelihood of a certain type of human behavior in various work situations. The questionnaire allows you to get indicators that characterize various aspects of behavior on 30 scales, which are grouped into categories:

  • people management;
  • task management;
  • managing your own behavior.

According to the results of the test, the customer receives a full report - on 30 scales and three categories, as well as a forecast of the candidate's possible behavior in professional activity(a fragment of the report on the results of passing the OPQ test is given on rice. 3).

Rice. 3. A fragment of the report on the results of passing the OPQ test

2. Ability tests:

  • a test to assess the ability to logically analyze verbal information (important for candidates for managerial positions);
  • a test to assess the ability to work with numerical information (presented in the form of graphs and tables).

Based on the results of testing, the manager receives a full report or (on request) a shorter one - in certain areas, scales, with the required degree of detail.

All methods used are computerized, which allows:

  • quickly process large amounts of information in a short period of time;
  • enter the results of the assessment of all employees in the database;
  • track the dynamics of changes in indicators to assess the progress of employees as a result of training and development;
  • conduct analytical studies (for individual departments, professions, groups of employees);
  • reduce the labor intensity and cost of valuation procedures, etc.

Of course, the HR service strictly observes professional ethics: all test results are confidential information, without the permission of the applicant, it is not transferred to third parties.

Competence Model

The basis of the assessment system (competence and potential), training and development of personnel in our company is the corporate competency model.

Under competence we understand the quality of a person, described in terms of observable behavior, necessary for effective performance certain activities. Competence is an integral characteristic, which may include:

  • knowledge (possession of information);
  • skills (the ability to successfully perform certain actions);
  • motives (desire for something) and attitudes (attitude towards something, personal position, belief in something);
  • personality traits (individual psychological features defining ways of behaving in different situations).

We distinguish several types of competencies:

  1. Corporate:
    • set corporate requirements for all employees of the company;
    • determine the career growth potential of an employee in the company;
    • describe personal attitudes and motivation of a person.
  2. Managerial:
    • describe the managerial skills and abilities necessary for a successful leader of our company;
    • determine the readiness of the employee to perform managerial functions.
  3. Functional:
    • describe the specific skills and abilities necessary for an employee to successfully perform functional duties.

The main features of corporate competencies: compliance with the requirements of a particular company, taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise and "internal universality" - the level of development of the required competencies of all DTEK employees must comply with corporate requirements.

Corporate competency model DTEK is a set of key competencies that employees need to successfully achieve the strategic goals of our company. Within the framework of the corporate model, the requirements for employees are specified - key competencies:

  1. Corporate:
    • result orientation;
    • openness to new things;
    • analytical and systems thinking;
    • initiative;
    • focus on economic feasibility;
    • cooperation.
  2. Managerial:
    • strategic vision (only for the first level of management);
    • development of subordinates;
    • performance management;
    • resource management (material, time, financial, human);
    • effective communication.
  3. Functional:
    • orientation to the internal client;
    • internal consultant;
    • information gathering and attention to detail;
    • solution of problems;
    • adherence to standards and norms;
    • change management;
    • strategic vision.

The development of a competency system was only the first step towards restructuring of the entire personnel management system. Then it was necessary to form all the main HR processes based on the competency model: selection, evaluation, remuneration, development, career advancement, motivation. In addition, it was necessary to carry out a lot of explanatory work, to train managers at all levels. Today, four years later, every DTEK employee knows what competencies and assessment are, and managers actively use new terminology and confidently perform all procedures related to various types estimates.

Annual staff appraisal

Since 2006, DTEK has held an annual comprehensive assessment of employee performance (Performance Appraisal), which includes the following steps ( rice. four):

  • competency assessment;
  • performance evaluation;
  • drawing up a development plan (corporate minimum);
  • setting new goals.

Rice. 4. Annual performance review cycle

The procedure for assessing the effectiveness of employees provides for the following steps:

1. Planning of work, approval of schedules for the assessment. The evaluation department draws up an extended schedule for the evaluation procedure. It displays 1) the main assessment stages in which employees take part, and 2) internal preparatory steps that employees do not see and do not take part in (there are about 40 such stages in total).

2. Notification of the start of the evaluation procedure. From the corporate portal, we send messages to employees that indicate the timing of the assessment.

3. Self-assessment of competencies. Each employee, using our instructions, independently completes the self-assessment section in the Employee Performance Assessment Form.

4. Conducting evaluation interviews. After the competency assessment, the manager meets with the assessed employee. During the interview, they jointly:

  • determine the strengths of the employee and directions for further development;
  • evaluate the achievement of goals for the reporting period;
  • draft development plan(PR) employee for the next period.

During the assessment interview, the immediate supervisor evaluates the level of development of the subordinate's competencies - fills in the appropriate section of the assessment Form. They then discuss together:

  • results of competency self-assessment;
  • examples of the manifestation of the assessed competencies;
  • level of development of competencies - compliance with established requirements.

The employee's opinion about his strengths and weaknesses, his vision of the results of his activities, the arguments and evidence given are taken into account when making the final decision.

When evaluating performance, the manager analyzes the degree to which the employee has achieved the goals set (KPI achievement) and gives expert assessment achievement of the subordinate. The manager and the subordinate are expected to clarify all points of contention and come to a common opinion.

Then the manager, together with the assessed employee, sets goals (KPI) for the next period and makes proposals for further professional training (which is necessary to achieve the goals).

in the development plan, or corporate minimum(required for all employees of the company), includes: one competency development program, one professional program and three distance electronic courses (at the choice of the employee). The employee himself, his immediate supervisor and a specialist from the assessment and development department, who directly organizes the training, are responsible for the implementation of the activities included in the plan.

The implementation of the employee development plan is a KPI for managers, which is taken into account when evaluating its effectiveness. The percentage of implementation of development plans in the company is high.

5. Use of the evaluation results. After agreement with direct subordinates, the manager is obliged to transfer the completed and signed evaluation forms to the company's evaluation and development department within the established time limits. Based on the results of the annual comprehensive assessment of employee performance, decisions are made on:

  • bonuses;
  • salary review;
  • enrollment in the personnel reserve;
  • promotion.

Then the data (assessment of the level of development of competencies and the degree of achievement of the set goals) are transferred to the compensation and benefits management department. On the basis of this, employees are rewarded and salaries are reviewed in accordance with the Company's Remuneration Policy.

6. Summing up. After summarizing the results of the assessment by departments, a summary analysis is made for the enterprise. The results of the assessment are taken into account when planning the payroll fund (PWF) and the budget for training for the next period (for individual divisions, enterprises and for the company as a whole). Based on the findings, further improvements are also being made to assessment procedures and training plans.

At first, the annual assessment was carried out using paper forms, but later we converted it to electronic form. To automate the assessment process, a special section has been created on the portal of the DTEK Academy - "Annual performance assessment" ( rice. 5).

Click image for a larger view

Rice. 5. Tab "Annual performance evaluation"

Here, each employee has his own page, to which he, his managers and employees of the HR department have access. All information is entered in the fields on the corresponding tabs ( rice. 6).

Click image for a larger view

Rice. 6. Tab "Evaluation of performance"

Before the beginning of each assessment procedure, we train employees and managers. They attend information sessions, study a special training course (it is available on the internal portal). This is a mandatory step for all employees of the company: those who have not completed the training do not get access to their evaluation forms.

Assessment of the potential of managers

To assess the potential in the selection of candidates for managerial positions, we use the methodology "Center for Assessment and Development", TsOiR ( Assessment and Development Center). We adopted this particular technique because it has the highest predictive validity among all existing assessment methods - up to 70%. The predictive validity of other assessment methods (recommendations, interviews, ability tests, etc.) is much lower - 7–30% (maximum). In addition, this technique allows assessing not only the level of formation of the employee’s key competencies at the current moment, but also his potential, which means that it is very accurate to determine the ways for further training and development.

As a rule, developers offer two options for using the Assessment Center methods:

  • payment for evaluation of individual employees;
  • acquisition of the right to independent use within the company, which involves training the company's specialists - assessors (expert observers) in the skills of preparing and conducting assessment procedures.

We chose the second option, which allowed the company, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of conducting assessments, and on the other hand, to fine-tune the assessment and development system to the needs of our organization. In the article "DTEK's Human Resources Management System" we have already talked about the principles of forming a talent pool. A prerequisite for enrollment in the reserve is the passage of the TSOiR. Assessors not only prepare and carry out all assessment procedures, but also act as curators: they take care of reservists and provide them with methodological assistance.

The work on mastering the methodology of the digital transformation was carried out in stages:

  1. First, a corporate competency model was developed.
  2. Then, with the help of consultants, the employees of the corporate center were assessed - about 150 people in total (10 assessments).
  3. Only after we were convinced that this technique suits us, the final decision to purchase the technology was made. Since 2007, we decided to abandon the practice of attracting external consultants. Among the products on the market (all of which are protected by copyright), we have chosen the technique Russian company"ECOPSY Consulting"; it is widely used in large companies Russia (metallurgical, oil refining, etc.).
  4. Then we trained and certified 12 corporate assessors from among the employees of our department, so now we evaluate DTEK employees on our own. Most of our assessors have a humanitarian or psychological education, but they are also familiar with production technologies and understand the problems that arise in production.

Today, the CR is an integral part of DTEK's personnel management system; its resources allow us to evaluate all employees of the company. This direction is special department management of the personnel reserve, which employs certified assessors.

The full cycle of one assessment procedure is three days (the size of the group cannot be more than 10 people). Estimated " throughput» TsOiR - 40 people per month; but although this is an extremely labor-intensive procedure, we see its effectiveness, so we plan to use it constantly. The full cycle of assessment of all managerial personnel is two years, which is determined by the period necessary for the formation and development of competencies (an average of two and a half to three years).

Center for Assessment and Development

Who is being assessed at the COiR:

  1. Heads of the corporate center (all levels of management) who have already been assessed more than two years ago.
  2. Heads of the corporate center (of all levels of management), who have never been assessed before, are sent there “automatically”.
  3. Employees in non-managerial positions:
    • first of all, the specialists who, according to the results of the Performance Apprasial, showed the highest production results;
    • the rest of the employees undergo selection testing to determine their ability to work with information and analyze problems.

The lists of RC&R participants include those employees who, based on the results of testing, scored the required number of points, but - below the established target value: it makes no sense to invest additional funds in training employees who are recognized for this position as overqualified1.

What Happens During the RC&R:

I stage. During the working day, participants perform business exercises, take part in business simulations and role-playing games. Each of them in various exercises is observed by different assessors - this increases the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment. The assessors enter their observations in special forms - note the manifestation behavioral indicators 2, which describe the observed competence.

This is very interesting job, so all members of the group are actively involved in the process; people note that the day goes by very quickly.

We start our group work by introducing the participants and assessors. The assessed people are then offered a variety of exercises - both group and individual.

With great interest - one might say, with excitement, the participants of the OCiR play an intellectual quiz (similar to the famous TV show "Oh, lucky!"). This is an individual exercise, it is carried out in pairs: "expert - participant". The task of the assessee is to answer the maximum number of quiz questions within five minutes. Questions are divided into 10 difficulty levels (six each): difficulty increases as the level increases. The proposed questions are not outside the scope of the program high school. The participant chooses them independently - in any order, any level of complexity.

First, a warm-up is carried out - a person can choose any three questions (the time for answering them is not taken into account, but points for the warm-up are not awarded). This helps a person to understand the format of the game, "feel" the complexity of various levels, build own strategy. Then the game "by the rules" begins. For each correct answer to a question, the participant receives from one to ten points (their number corresponds to the level of difficulty of the question). For each incorrect answer to a question, the participant loses from one to ten points (also according to the difficulty level of the question). Thus, a person can end the game with a negative balance of answers. On average, participants "earn" 47 points for the quiz.

After the end of the exercise, the assessed employees, together with the assessors, discuss the results of the game. Evaluating the performance of this exercise, experts pay attention not so much to erudition, but to the participant's ambition, his ability to build a strategy and tactics of activity, attitude to his results - achievements and mistakes, victory and defeat. The information obtained makes it possible to evaluate competence "result-oriented".

Several team games are used in the CR process. For example, to come up with and make (with the help of the simplest stationery) a “corporate coat of arms” for the conditional holding “Agroinvest”, etc.

II stage. An individual competency-based interview is conducted with each assessed person (takes about two hours). At the previous stage, the assessors formulate hypotheses regarding the presence of certain competencies in each of the participants of the CA&R. During the interview, the expert asks the participant to provide examples of actions from Everyday life and work situations to confirm (or disprove) hypotheses.

Next, the experts will have to work hard: they finish processing their evaluation sheets, and then at the general session, according to a certain methodology, they bring together the scores for each of the participants (an example of the consolidated report of the Central Committee on DTEK's competencies, see application). Final decisions are made on the basis of consensus - experts conduct a dialogue until their positions are fully agreed. The search for consensus is a lengthy process, but there are no serious disagreements (“battles”): there are uniform standards, standard procedures for monitoring and evaluating. At the same time, since people are all different and our experts are no exception, some estimates differ. The team of assessors has already accumulated sufficient experience, so the differences are overcome constructively. In addition, the time spent was reduced: if at first it took from one and a half to two hours to sum up the results for one participant, now 40 minutes - an hour.

III stage. After completing the procedures for approving grades, the employee receives feedback - this is the most important point TsOiR. Communication must be very delicate, so the assessor meets with each participant individually. Feedback gives a person the opportunity to see himself "from the outside", to find out the opinion of a competent specialist about his strengths and weaknesses, to determine promising directions development, get advice on correcting mistakes and specific recommendations for self-development.

Interested in their development and career growth people listen to the words of an expert: they write down his recommendations, use the findings of the CR when building plans for individual development. For those employees who are selected for the talent pool (“Top 50” group), expert opinions form the basis of development plans.

During the use of this technique for four years, we are constantly improving it, adapting it to the needs of our company.

The most difficult part of the COiR methodology is exercises (individual and group):

  • they require quite a lot (seven to eight exercises for one assessment);
  • very high labor intensity of development;
  • they need to be constantly updated.

Now we already have three exercise packages with different scenarios, in addition, we are planning to purchase a fourth one (for those employees who will be assessed in autumn 2010).

To date, 806 people have already been assessed using the assessment methodology: employees of the corporate center and managers manufacturing enterprises. Some employees have already undergone this procedure several times - in 2006 and in 2008. If a person showed good results, and then confirmed them in the new assessment cycle, he remains in the personnel reserve, but if the results have deteriorated, he will be excluded from the reserve.

Based on the evaluation results, we select those employees whose values ​​and competencies are in demand in our company. This minimizes the risk of people leaving, including the risk of losing investment in their education. For us it important question because at the DTEK Academy, reservists are trained under expensive programs.
1 Overqualified (English.) - "over-qualified", that is, having more knowledge, skills and / or experience than is necessary for the work performed.
2 Behavioral indicators- description of specific actions, behavioral reactions, etc., indicating that the subject has the assessed competence.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment