Comic games at the table. Board games for adults are cool sitting, at a wedding, at an anniversary, at a birthday party. Cool table contests for a fun company "Spy passions"

  • 29.10.2019

Life is too unpredictable to be sure that a relationship that has turned into a marriage will last forever. Someone is lucky to meet their man, with whom they are hand in hand both in grief and in joy, while someone on the way to this meeting has to go through parting and even divorce. But since life is one and it is important to live it in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful, many women who broke up with their spouses for a variety of reasons should understand for themselves further. This will restore peace of mind and restore confidence in their own attractiveness.

How to live if the husband is gone

Before the spouse decides to divorce, a lot of time will pass from the moment when the family cools down. Not a single representative of the stronger sex will leave his wife and file for divorce after the first serious quarrel. They get too used to comfort in order to quickly take and create a lot of problems for themselves that will have to be solved as soon as they are left alone.

Men can endure claims for a very long time, and unwillingness to take care of their appearance, as before, and the lack of common topics for conversation. And even if he had an affair, and he fell in love, it is not so easy to hurt another and admit to himself that he made a mistake by marrying. People do not want to experience guilt and will endure to the last in order to avoid its appearance: and live with the unloved, and endure the antics of friends, and the inattentive attitude of their parents.

Therefore, when the husband slams the door and leaves after another quarrel, it will be quite unexpected, no matter how much the spouses have quarreled up to this point. And as soon as the passions subside, fear will appear in the heart that everything is over and there is no more hope.

In fact, his departure means only that he does not know how to cope with the situation that has arisen, he has run out of arguments, arguments, patience, only rage, anger and resentment remain, because they do not hear him and do not take into account his interests, and he lacks the courage to express them. Yes, and in relation to a weak woman, such an act can only be committed by a tyrant and despot. A normal man, when he cools down, will return, expecting changes. But so that his departure in such a situation does not become a tragedy and does not lead to a final break later, it's time to think about what is happening and why the relationship has turned into a battlefield.

If you don’t think and ask after he returns (and the first few times he will definitely return) what doesn’t suit him and tell you what doesn’t suit you, you should clearly understand that everything will end either with a life similar to serving hard labor, or his final departure.

When the husband left completely and all quarrels and debriefing ended, you should not pursue him with calls, messages, requests to return or talk. Too much desire to see him, to communicate with his parents will not help to establish mutual understanding, but will only cause even more irritation and rejection.

Remember your self-esteem. This will not only preserve your sense of self-respect, but will bring real benefits. Since those who feel sorry for themselves and humiliate themselves, people try to avoid. They look too pathetic. Therefore, it is much wiser to pull yourself together and be on top. This tactic is bearing fruit. When the husband notices that his wife is not killing him, does not run after him and does not beat in hysterics, he begins to wonder if he hastened to leave.

After all, when a person does not demonstrate that he is hurt, offended, does not try to show that he is ready to fix everything, just pay attention and do as he wants, the other himself begins to wonder if he made the right decision, maybe he underestimated how he good luck with your wife. Painfully calmly, she reacts to his demarche and unwillingness to find out the problems that arise, without which not a single family relationship can do.

What to do if the husband left

Despite all attempts to stay away from him and not show how much it hurts you, he still doesn’t call for a long time and doesn’t return, you shouldn’t get hysterical and panic. It doesn't make any sense, and it won't change anything either, it will only make it more frustrating. It is better to decide right away: do you want to return your husband, be free or turn into a victim. You can return your husband only if he still has feelings, but he must realize this and take the first step himself. Trying to put pressure on a person, the result is not achieved, on the contrary, he moves away even more and makes sure that he was right.

Because it is unlikely that you will show restraint, calmness and fortitude in your attempts to convince him to return. You will most likely cry and lose your temper. Men are generally lost at the sight of women's tears, not knowing how to react to them correctly, and in such a difficult situation, they will also get angry, believing that you are manipulating them.

Asking is always unpleasant, especially when it comes to personal relationships. And when it is accompanied by tears, reproaches, accusations and anger - anyone will want to run away from this. People have not learned to say that they are hurt and unpleasant because of what happened directly. They usually express this by blaming others as traitors. And in this case, even the one who is really to blame will begin to defend himself. And another scandal, and even after the break, will only aggravate the situation, and not fix it. So stay calm and do your best to stop when you feel like dialing his number and talking.

There is no need to find out how he is doing, how he ate, how he is with work, what he does. You can call only once, when you decide to apologize for all the bad and offensive words and deeds that you have done towards him, even if you don’t know what he was specifically offended by and how they could offend him. He knows about it.

When nothing more than an apology follows, he will understand that you are serious and really heard him and left the choice to him. Any representative of the stronger sex will appreciate it. One of the complaints against the female sex in recent years has been the reluctance of women to recognize the role of men in relationships and attempts to do and decide everything for them. It is difficult to say whether this is always the case, but they perceive any claims and demands as an attempt to infringe on their rights. It seems to them that constantly criticizing and comparing with others, their loved ones obviously do not trust them and try to force them to do what they need, depriving them of initiative and the right to choose.

If the husband left for another, this does not mean that it is time to answer in the same coin. No new connections and attempts to arouse jealousy in him will help to establish mutual understanding. Of course, jealousy can change the situation in your favor, since the stronger sex is very sensitive to whether other men like his woman or not, only for how long his suddenly flared interest. When he disappears, especially since this has already happened once, you will again think about how to live without a husband, and another attempt to play on his sense of ownership will no longer work.

But communication with the opposite sex will allow you to feel like a woman and think about whether you need someone who went to another, with whom he has obviously been talking behind your back for a long time, someone who was afraid to say that feelings had faded and did not try to revive them or leave immediately.

Seeing the interest in the eyes of men, any woman will feel better, though if she is not depressed and not neurotic. Since for them the gap is a real grief that they can experience for years and the attention of the opposite sex will only make them compare and always come to the conclusion that their husband was the best. And again tears, tantrums and a complete breakdown.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that any woman is capable of living without a husband and living happily, but without plunging into memories of a happy past, even if it never was, as happens with those who, for various reasons, are neurotic and have relationships them were neurotic. And in this case, you will first have to deal with your internal problems, and then decide how to live happily without a husband.

Don't give up no matter what happens. Be true to yourself and believe that you deserve better. And if this man didn't appreciate you or you did incorrect choice It doesn't mean that all is lost for you. Only those who are confident in themselves and in the fact that there will be a holiday on their street achieve success. Therefore, your task is to take care of yourself, pamper and love yourself so that this happens as soon as possible, and you are 100% ready for this.

Definitely happy! The absence of a husband should not, in any case, overshadow your existence! If only because we come into this world alone and leave in the same loneliness. So, in any case, we should be the central object of our life.
Of course, life is happier and warmer with her husband. But if it so happened that you have lost a spouse, or have not yet acquired, or parted by mutual agreement ... You never know what could have happened to you ... And you are absolutely not going to acquire a new spouse in the near future, I advise you to buy a cat or a dog, and for fun, something that cheers you up.

Travel. Listen to music. Draw. Create. If a wound gapes in your soul, transform the energy of pain into creative energy, get distracted and occupy yourself with beauty! Read books! In them you can find oblivion and solace. Answers to disturbing questions and illustrations to them.
Help the poor and suffering! Get involved in volunteering and charity work. When you feel that you play a big role in saving and improving lives and their qualities, you want to live.
Fall in love. In anyone. Even if it will be an unattainable actor living out his life on the other side of the earth. The energy of love is always beautiful and noble. It has the power to purify and transform us. Both the country and food can serve as an object of love ... Yes, anything. Everything that has the heart and soul.
Most importantly, be happy! And live in harmony with yourself. With or without a husband.

I think that it’s just difficult for you to say so now at the beginning after a divorce, and then I think that you will get used to it and everything will settle down. Living alone is not so bad, you will get used to it, you will begin to see happiness in another business or occupation, and then a person too.

But here you can’t rush, live alone, relax and try to understand that living alone is not so bad. In any case, it's better than just anyone. Time must pass after a divorce, I don’t advise you to rush into a relationship right away. This can again lead to serious consequences from which it will also be difficult. It always seems that this is happiness, but in real life quarrels and misunderstandings begin.

After some time, you will understand that you need or do not need a man, if you need one, then he will definitely appear and everything will be fine with you.
The main thing is not to rush time and not regret a divorce or separation, if a man does not want to live with you, then why force him.

So you shouldn’t be afraid of loneliness, you might even like it, which is also nothing good in my opinion, you don’t need to delay loneliness either, otherwise you won’t want to live with anyone at all.
Everything should come by itself and you will live in complete harmony with yourself and with your thoughts.
Good luck!

How to live without a husband? And how did our grandmothers and great-grandmothers live after the war? How do millions of people like you live today?

Life always puts everything in its place. If you have a black streak now, it means that white will come just around the corner, you just need to be a little patient and wait.

Not too much depends on us in this life in this regard. Work, career, we can do it, but alas, not everyone succeeds in arranging their own personal life.

But you should not despair. You are alive, healthy, and if fate wishes, you will not be left alone in the future. It is hardly worth regretting what happened and you are now alone.

After all, it has already happened and nothing will change. So try to love your life the way you have it.
Life is one and there will be no other.

Quite often it happens that a woman can be left alone without a husband. This can happen in such cases:

- the death of her husband.

What reason would not be worth remembering only one thing - you need to live on, and if there are still common children, then even more so. Life does not end there, and you need to live by yourself and raise your children to their feet.

In life, a huge number of all sorts of problems can happen and they need to be endured steadfastly. Perhaps it is you and life itself gives such obstacles to temper your character.

It is necessary to live and, according to the circumstances, try to live happily and cheerfully. Our life goes on under any circumstances.
As many say, we would have health if it were then and everything else would be.


2. Not least important is the moral aspect. We, women, are waiting for warmth, care, attention, understanding. It is very disappointing to realize that all your worries and troubles are taken for granted. And what is the answer??? I'm not talking about coffee in bed. Just an elementary question "What happened? Why is the mood bad?" - You will not get it. It's a shame to be a husband's wife and at the same time feel incredibly lonely.

I don't want to say that being a wife is bad. A woman is by nature created to be a wife and mother. But, at the same time, happy family life. And if for some reason there is no husband, well, well .. There is nothing wrong with that. In any situation, you need to find positive sides and use them. No one should even think that you are not happy. On the contrary, let them envy you. Try to pay more attention to your appearance, always be well-groomed (with manicure, pedicure, make-up, do not forget about caring cosmetics). Go out to people. I don't mean a market or a supermarket, cinema, theater, just a walk in the park. Life goes on and it's beautiful.


A large company can gather for any reason. It can be any event like birthday or housewarming. In any case, for the event to be successful, the organizer, and this one is always present, needs to be well prepared.

Organization of birthday contests and quizzes

To make the holiday a success, it is worth paying attention not only to questions regarding the menu, table setting and musical accompaniment.

All this, of course, is important, but also to achieve the most pleasant effect, you should take care of contests and games. And nothing that the company consists of adults - they are also not averse to having fun and fooling around.

Difficulties may arise in the fact that not the whole company will consist of well-known people, it is quite possible that there will be those whom you have seen only a couple of times or do not know at all. In this case, it is important that communication is equally easy for all participants, and no one feels “out of place”.

Here, games and contests for a birthday at the table are very useful, as they help to defuse the situation. Also, the company can be people of different sexes and ages. This should also be taken into account and strive to ensure that the program contains entertainment that is interesting to all categories of people.

For example, older people will appreciate quizzes, and young people will appreciate funny pranks. Here are some options for contests that your friends and family will love and turn a banal feast into a truly unforgettable holiday.

Fun contests for a large group of adults

Table funny competition “Who thinks about what”

For this competition, you need to prepare well. Pick songs that have funny lines that could pass as someone's thoughts.

The main thing is that there is nothing offensive in them, and make a cut from these lines. For example, such lines as: “I want to get married, I want to get married”, “Natural blond, there is only one in the whole country” will do. Find a hat, the funnier it is, the better.

During the feast, the chosen host announces that he has a mind-reading hat. Then he dresses it in turn on the heads of all the guests. As soon as the hat touches the person's head, the assistant turns on a musical selection with the desired line. The main thing here is that the words of the song are suitable for this guest.

Competition with a glove and water “Glorious milk yield”

Stock up on medical gloves, one per guest. In each of the fingers (at the very end), make a tiny hole with a thin needle. Now it remains to conveniently fasten the gloves on the chair and pour water into them.

The task of the guests is to try to milk their glove as quickly as possible. It is especially fun if the guests are completely unfamiliar with village life.

Laughter and joy are guaranteed for everyone, the main thing is to overcome embarrassment. And if the participants have already tasted some alcohol, then watching their efforts is a pleasure.

Funny contest with photos “Can you guess?”

You need to find photos of celebrities on the Internet or in a magazine. The host (better if it's you) chooses any guest and asks him to turn away. Then he explains the rules: “I will now show the guests a photo of an animal, your task is to ask quality questions and guess who is in the photo.” Guests can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Now the host shows a photo of the star, and the player, believing that the photo is an animal, asks ridiculous questions: “Does the animal have a tail?”, “Does it eat grass?” etc. The fun hall (and the player after the end of the competition, when he understands what's the matter) will receive in full.

Competition for those who love movement

Guests are divided into teams of the same number of people. The bigger the team, the better. Each team chooses a color for themselves, and the participants tie a ball of the corresponding color to their leg. You need to tie it with a thread so that the ball lies on the floor (it doesn’t matter how far from the leg).

The host gives a signal, after which each team tries to burst the opponent's ball. The one whose ball failed is out of the game. The team whose player keeps his ball until the end of the match wins. To make it more difficult, each team can choose several colors, but then you need to remember your team exactly so that in the heat of battle the balloon does not burst on your own.

The game is good for warming up between delicious meals. It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

Fun competition for lovers of delicious drinks

It is required to prepare ten disposable glasses and drinks. In front of the guests, different drinks are poured into each glass. Both ordinary and flavored with salt, pepper or other spices can be poured (so that the taste deteriorates, but does not bring harm to health).

Glasses are placed in a tight pile. Those who wish are given a table tennis ball, and everyone throws it into a glass. In which of the glasses the ball will fly, then the player must drink.

These fun birthday table contests will make your celebration even more interesting!

Funny games for birthday guests

Blindfold contest “Make a wish come true”

Each of those present puts one item in a bag. A leader is chosen who is blindfolded.

His task is to pull one thing out of the bag and say what its owner should do. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the presenter. He can offer to sing, crow and much more.

Most importantly, the task should be humiliating for the guest, and also contain difficulties in performing.

Competition for art lovers “Modern storytellers”

Each participant of the event has the skills of a certain profession. But, the more a person works in a certain area, the more relevant terminology appears in his vocabulary. It can be easily used not only for business, but also for fun. Give each player a piece of paper and a pen.

The task is that the player chooses any fairy tale for himself and tries to write its analogue, but only in professional language, for example, turn the fairy tale into a police report or medical report. After the specified time has elapsed, all fairy tales are read out and the winner is selected by general voting. It becomes the one whose fairy tale is the funniest.

An interesting competition for guests “Guess what is in the picture”

It is necessary to find some interesting image and prepare an opaque sheet, much larger. A hole is made in the sheet with a diameter of not more than three centimeters. The image and the sheet covering it are installed in a place convenient for all participants. The facilitator must move the sheet with the hole over the mysterious image so that the participants can see small pieces of the drawing.

The winner is the one who guesses faster than others what drawing is hidden behind the sheet.

Entertaining game “Write a funny story”

Participants sit in a circle. Each is provided with a pen and paper. The facilitator asks his first question: “Who?” Participants write on a piece of paper the character they have chosen for their story, then fold the piece of paper so that the word is hidden, and pass it to the person on the right.

The facilitator asks the following question. For example: “Where is it going?” Again, everyone answers (you need to answer with a detailed sentence, and not a few words), bends the sheet and passes it on. And so on until the host runs out of questions.

There are no restrictions on the questions, but they must be asked in such an order that the answers together form a coherent story. As a result, when the story is written, all creativity is read aloud.

Incendiary contests for adult parties

A fun game with clockwork dances and a headscarf

All you need for this game is a small handkerchief and good music. The music should be cheerful, so that the guests would be happy to perform unimaginable pirouettes.

You need to become in a large circle, and choose the first player. For fun, you can do this with the help of lots.

The one who happened to dance is located in the center of the circle, a scarf is tied around his neck, and everyone starts dancing. The central dancer, after a certain number of movements, must give his handkerchief to any other person. To do this, without stopping the dance, he takes it off himself and ties it in a knot around the neck of the chosen guest, after which he kisses him.

The chosen guest with a headscarf stands in a circle and dances, and after a short time passes the handkerchief further.

The dancing continues until the host turns off the music. When everything is quiet, the one who is in the circle at that moment should shout something funny, for example, crow.

Funny contest to dress up a friend and speed

Participants are selected and randomly divided into pairs. By the number of pairs, you need to pre-assemble packages with a variety of clothes. The number and difficulty of dressing all sets should be as similar as possible. All players are blindfolded. Within the couple, there is a choice of who will wear and who will wear.

On a signal, the first one starts to get clothes out of the bag and tries to put them on the second participant. Time is given only a minute. The victory is for those who put on more clothes and do it more correctly. You can not limit the time, then those who quickly put on all the things from the bag win. It is especially funny when a couple of two men have to wear only women's clothes.

Hit the target in the "Brave Hunters" contest

Two or three teams of three people are formed. They will be hunters. One of the participants will play the role of a boar. Each hunter receives tightly folded pieces of paper - they will be a kind of cartridges. Hunters strive to hit a wild boar, but not just a wild boar, but a special target.

The target is drawn in advance on a cardboard circle.

At the beginning of the game, this target is fixed on the clothes of the boar, approximately on the lower back. On a signal, the wild boar tries to run fast and dodge, and the hunters aim at the target with all their might. The space for hunting is limited in advance, and the time is clearly defined. You need to engage in such entertainment while still sober. Also, hunters cannot hold a boar by force.

Fun game for greedy people with balloons

Buy and inflate a sufficient number of colorful balloons in advance. Scatter them on the floor before playing. Participants are selected and, as soon as the go-ahead is given and cheerful musical accompaniment is turned on, everyone begins to try to catch and hold the maximum number of balls.

Cool games and competitions for the company of drunk guests

Contest with a bakery product "Guess the poem"

The selected participant puts in his mouth so much bakery product to talk was very, very difficult.

After that, he is given a sheet with a verse (the main thing is that no one knows this verse).

The second player listens carefully and writes down what they understand, after which they read it. The resulting text is compared with what was actually in the task. You can use not only poetry, but also prose.

Funny competition with chairs and a rope “Obstacle”

Two couples are selected (mandatory guy and girl). Two chairs are placed in an empty place, between which a tight rope is pulled. Each guy must take the girl in his arms and step over the rope. In no case should you touch the rope.

The task is executed in turn. After taking the first height, the rope rises higher and everything is repeated until someone can cope with the height.

Pair competition for accuracy “Cigarettes and potatoes”

Two participants are selected. A rope is tied to the belt of each, on the tail of which hangs a large potato. You also need to stock up on two packs of cigarettes, already empty.

The task of the players is to push their pack faster than the opponent with the help of tied potatoes until it reaches the intended finish line.

Free your opponent from clothespins and win

Couples are called to a large free space in the room. 14-20 clothespins are attached to the participants (of course, on clothes). After that, the players' eyes are tied and they must, while the perky music plays, find and remove the maximum number of clothespins from the opponents.

Competition with fins and binoculars “Diving race”

Participants are selected who put on flippers and, looking through binoculars, but only with reverse side must reach the finish line.

Memory and mindfulness game “Come up with associations”

Those who wish sit down or stand in a row, so that the beginning and end are tracked. The first player comes up with some completely unrelated words. The one following him must connect them and tell a story with them, which could very well be in reality. Then he says a new word. The third one adds text with this word to the voiced situation.

Example: the first two words are “telephone” and “birch”. The situation with them is as follows: “The wife is tired that her husband is talking on the phone all the time, and he began to live with him on a birch.” The new word might be "sofa," in which case one might add to the situation: "Sleeping in the nest was not as good as sleeping on the couch." And so it goes, as long as there is a fantasy.

For complexity, the host can at any time ask one of the players to repeat everything that was said earlier. The one who fails is out.

Competition for a group of people “How to find application”

Five to ten people are selected. Any object is placed in front of them. Their task, in turn, is to voice the application of this subject. Moreover, the options should be as applicable as possible. The one who does not invent anything is out. Whoever survives to the end wins.

It would be a good idea to supplement contests with prizes. You don't need anything expensive. Small trinkets, such as key chains or figurines, are perfect. If the event is on the occasion of the New Year, then prizes can be chosen with the theme of the symbol of the year or Christmas tree decorations. Also, on any holiday, you can use chocolate bars, sweets, and not fragile fruits as prizes.

Prizes will add enthusiasm to the guests and the desire to win, so the comic fight will become even more interesting and lively.

Funny contests at the birthday table at the table will turn your name day into an unforgettable celebration. Moreover, any competition can be made more difficult or more creative elements can be added to it. And, most importantly, they can be held not only on holidays. Give good mood yourself and loved ones at any time. After all, it only takes a little imagination.

Evenings when friends come to our house, we want to spend as much fun as possible. But it also happens that the guests ate, got drunk, talked a lot and it seems that there is nothing more to do. Good hosts have in their bins the best table games and birthday contests for adults, which will dispel boredom, make friends, and give everyone pleasant emotions. Table competitions for the birthday of adults are very diverse:

  • dance;
  • Picturesque;
  • Vocal;
  • With and without props.

You can continue this list for a long time, but it’s better to try contests for cheerful company than read a hundred times. But before you start the game at a birthday party, you should familiarize yourself with its rules. This opportunity will be yours right now!

The article contains table games and contests that are very popular among all generations. To warm up on your birthday at the table, you can start with simple word games.

Warm up games

Game - "Alphabet around"

The first player sitting at the table must choose the letter he likes from the alphabet (the letters “y”, “s”, “b”, “b” and “e” may be an exception). Next, the players, observing the turn, pronounce the names of objects that begin with the selected letter. The main condition is to name such items that are in the room where the game takes place. The winner is the one who says the last word.

Competition - "Ordered Burime"

This competition begins with the first letter of the alphabet (the letter "A") the first person must come up with a congratulation or a toast starting with this letter, then everyone in a circle gives the same starting their speech with the next letters of the alphabet, that is, the second player starts with the letter " B", the third - "C", and so on.

The letters "s", "b", "b" should be skipped. To make the competition more fun, you can set a rule that you need to tell a joke, funny story or just jokes. The winner can be determined by group voting. During most adult birthday contests, funny situations occur, which is why table entertainment is so loved by many.

Games after warm up

Not a single anniversary, birthday or any other holiday can do without jokes, quizzes, practical jokes, tongue twisters, funny contests, riddles and other entertainment.


A funny game for celebrating a birthday is "Nonsense", because it is able to reveal all the most secret. The most secret secrets will be open to the public. The meaning of the game is that the cards are formed in two piles, one is a question, the second is an answer.

Players take turns taking a question and choosing to whom it will be addressed, the answer by another participant is also selected from the pile. So the game goes in a circle between all the participants, during the game everyone will be very surprised to know what your comrades are doing, what their favorite hobby and fun company will become even more friendly.


The “History” quiz game will make you think and laugh heartily, before starting the game you need to prepare cards with the letters of the alphabet, the players are divided into teams, and each team takes one letter for itself and comes up with a story so that all words begin with the chosen letter. This game will be a great way to have fun if the players have a good imagination.

Repeat after me

The game is designed for large and small companies for both youth and adults, its meaning is that the participants simultaneously pronounce a word, due to small prompts, it is necessary to build an association understandable to everyone, and come to one word on subsequent circles. In addition to pronunciation of words, you can use other comic tasks for guests at the table.

Disappeared words

Before the start of the game, one person - the host composes a story in which all those present participate, while the fairy tale has lost some words, the participants are faced with the task of supplementing the fairy tale with words using the maximum flight of fancy.

The word must be guessed, while specifying whether it is male or female, subsequent participants come up with words based on which gender was marked by the first participant. When the word is named by everyone present, the game comes to an end and forms a whole, forming a full-fledged fairy tale.

Developing competitions

Table competitions that develop confidence, artistry and improvisation skills will be a good entertaining and educational component of the celebration.

Laugh not funny

Before the start, two teams should form, in one team, the participants should do their best not to laugh, while the second team has the main goal - to make you laugh. If everyone in the first team laughs, then the second team wins.

Mouth full

For the game you will need small caramels. The participant puts one caramel in his mouth and says congratulations on the holiday, and so on in a circle, with each new circle caramels are added. The winner is the participant who most clearly pronounces congratulations with the maximum number of sweets in his mouth.


The long-known and beloved game will always be a generator of good mood at the holiday. Its meaning is, without using words, to show other participants the word that the leader has thought of for you. You can play both between teams and individually. The game is suitable for all ages, adults can add a reward for guessing the word in the form of alcoholic drinks to the game.

props games

An interesting option to diversify your leisure time at the table with pieces of paper.


At almost every holiday, people say wishes to each other so that they become memorable in front of each present, a piece of paper is laid out on which it is necessary to write the subject of congratulations in advance, for example, “a wish related to food” - “let life be sweet”. You can come up with a wide variety of topics for wishes, thereby making those present have fun from the heart.


The game is perfect for the company of old friends. The organization goes like this: the participants need to be divided into two teams, tied to the leg of each participant on a long thread Balloon the same color as the rest of the team (to make it easier to understand who is “one of us”).

On the “Start” command, the players begin to step on the balls of the other team lying on the floor, the winner is the team that bursts the balls of the opposing team the fastest. At the same time, the person whose ball has already burst leaves the general playing area.

A game for the thirsty

It will be a great addition to outdoor recreation in big company. For the event, you will need the number of plastic cups a little more than the number of participants.

Each cup is filled with different liquids, some can be mixed with other drinks or even added to spoil the taste. The cups are placed in a row, the participants need to hit the cup with a ping-pong ball. When hit, the contents are drunk.


a great game for young people and tipsy company. To carry out, you need to stock up on clothespins. Any number of clothespins is hung on each participant, and the goal of the other participant with closed eyes is to find them all by probing the body of the first player.

The game can be played on several pairs and the winner is the one that finds all the clothespins in the shortest possible time.

Unusual entertainment

Food chaos

Pay your attention to festive table when you get bored at home. For funny contests you can use interesting foods. For example, you can give each guest a rug of potatoes and knives. In this way, today's bored guest can turn into an inspired creator.

The task for the sculptors will be to carve a portrait of the birthday man. Another option is to divide those present into two teams and distribute large bowls of candy to each team. Both teams must build the tallest tower by using the maximum candy from the vase. The team that built the tallest tower wins.

Mysterious Messages

An example of a detective game is "cryptic messages". Without leaving the table, each member of the company will be able to participate in the game. The point is that the presenter pronounces the SMS aloud, and those present, in turn, must guess who sent this message. But the most interesting thing is that the senders are feelings, not spiritual objects.

Fairy tale for adults

This competition is an excellent simulator for the speed of thinking and imagination. The main task is to retell the scenario of a famous fairy tale, such as Cinderella, Thumbelina, to translate it into a new “adult” way, using as much professional terminology from the field of medicine, jurisprudence, politics and other modern wording as possible in their description.

As a simulator, you can use the game "help your neighbor", the presenter asks a wide variety of questions, while the person who is being asked should remain silent, instead, the answer is expected from the player to his right. Whoever does not have time to figure out what the question is to him is out of the game.

To maintain silence

Sometimes quiet birthday games are a leisure activity or just a time to take a break from the noise. One of these "quiet" games is "King".


The point is that a king is chosen among all those present and a scene is played out: he takes a place away from the rest of the company members, who are united in a small circle.

The task of the king is to choose a minister for himself, who must approach the king as quietly as possible, even the rustle of clothes is not allowed. The minister who was unable to quietly reach the king returns to his seat. The king who broke the silence is also overthrown, and the minister who was able to reach the king quietly takes his place.


An excellent solution for maintaining silence will be the well-known and long-familiar Silent. Silence is maintained until the leader's command "Stop". In order for the holiday to take place on "Hurrah", its preparation must be taken very carefully, putting your soul into it. You can also connect guests to this by telling them to take the necessary props before the start of the event, but not saying why.

Table competitions in video format

In addition to competitions, board games can also be prepared in advance. Now this area of ​​entertainment is so developed that many of them can be spent several hours without noticing how the time of gaming entertainment has flown by.

Celebrate the holiday with a cheerful company correctly and interestingly. People are tuned in to a positive wave, they have not forgotten a good mood at home, their faithful companion is laughter. In a cheerful company, all worries go by the wayside. In the foreground - jokes, fun and a great meal. joke quiz for a fun company, it is thought out in advance. For the success of the quiz, the presenter must be in the most favorable mood. He has a big responsibility! Good luck to him and all the participants of the comic quiz!

1. For what reason do the eyes sometimes leave their place and move higher?
Answer: due to surprise ("eyes on the forehead climbed")

2. What is the main disadvantage of cabbage rolls?
Answer: they are lazy ("lazy cabbage rolls")

3. What color can you bring an angry person to a fever?
Answer: to white, "bring to white heat"

4. From which movie is the phrase "I don't need money, I'm going to get rich, but not now"?
Answer: D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers

5. What flower helped the monster to become happy?
Answer: scarlet flower

6. On what part of the human body is it worth hacking information?
Answer: on the nose ("kill yourself on the nose")

7. In what part of the world is a person prancing, making a hasty acquaintance with something?
Answer: in Europe ("gallop across Europe")

8. What is the name of the holiday for actors or students who play scenes of a humorous nature?
Kapustnik +

9. What age person has trouble remembering information?
Answer: a young girl ("girl's memory")

10. What royal person is usually remembered when talking about distant, distant times?
Answer: King Pea

11. How many boxes can a talkative person weave?
Answer: three ("weaves from three boxes")

12. Speaking of hunger, which relative do we remember?
Aunt + (“hunger is not an aunt”)

13. What are the mandatory payments you need to make to ensure a sweet, peaceful sleep?
Answer: taxes (“pay your taxes and sleep well”)

14. Which Christmas tree usually freezes in winter?
Answer: small ("little Christmas tree is cold in winter")

15. How do we say (using the festive vocabulary) in the case when a person turned out to be not the way we would like?
Answer: "He is not a gift"

17. What subtle invisible component of the human body do we warm?
Answer: soul ("we warm the soul")

18. How many points do we usually give up front?
Answer: one hundred (“give a hundred points ahead”)