Life stories. Short stories for the soul - small spiritual stories with meaning. Funny stories

  • 28.10.2019

You can write a beautiful letter to your beloved man in separation, in prose. Love, beautiful letters for men.

Has your loved one moved away? Do you miss him so much that you can't find a place for yourself? Do you really want to talk about feelings, and about what is happening now with your soul? Write a letter to your one and only! He will certainly be very happy with him, believe me! Reading your letter, he will have a great desire to quickly rush to you and never part with you.

A letter to a beloved man. Beautiful love letters.

L love letter to a man who is far away:

I feel so cold without you... The room is so empty... And I hate the bed and the room because you're not around right now. I cannot say that I hate the whole world, because there is a lot of good and bright things in it. But you are more precious than everyone and everything. Expensive. You know about it…. Everyone around knows about it: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, doors. They pity me, they see how often I cry. And the pillow - girlfriend, every evening, bathes under the waterfall of my tears .... I can't stop crying. We haven't seen you for a very long time. Eternity! Wish this eternity would end.

I remember the taste of your tender lips .... They caressed my body so fabulously. I will never forget every second spent with you. She is beautiful, like all our nights. I thank you for being with me. Yes, you are near, despite the distance. I see your eyes when I close mine.... They are so beautiful, so adorable….

You are always there…. You are in my heart, in my soul, in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my mind, in my life. I feel bad without you, sad, bored, dreary. Come back soon. I miss you so much...

Forgive me for the fact that, sometimes, offended you .... Forgive me to dissolve the guilt that haunts me. I want to burn with a spark in your unforgettable embrace, I want to feel every line of your face, I want to enjoy the melodiousness of your voice ....

I don't know how I used to live without you. Most likely, I confused life with existence. My life began only when you graced it with your presence. I am happy with you. And I don't need another man. I can't even think about others! My thoughts are programmed only for you and what is connected with you. For others, there was no time, no desires, no thoughts, no place in my huge heart.

I love you…. The aroma of my love is in everything: in the sky, in the clouds, in the sun's rays, on the ground, in the air .... And in every letter, in every word that you see in this letter. I am writing it to make you believe: I miss you very much. I miss every molecule of my body…. Too bad you don't feel it right now.

I listen to the noise of the trains, hoping that you are on one of them. I peer into the sky, dreaming of seeing the plane on which you will arrive .... Or maybe you will fly to me on the wings of an elf? Then I will not close the window so that you can, at any time, fly into it. I'm waiting for you all the time, at any time of the day .... Come, come, come... Come back!

I'm waiting for your calls, like a miracle. I pierce the phone with anticipation. And if it's not you who's calling, I'm very, very upset. I need your calls, my sunshine. Why do I call you exactly the sun? Simply, no one but you will warm me with its warmth: I only need you.

Your name warms me. I call you in my dream. Can you hear my call? Answer me, otherwise I'll just go crazy ...

I want to hear your footsteps in the hallway. I want to know that you feel good with me, that we will always be together .... However, you yourself know perfectly well what you need to tell me so that the soul, from happiness, turns into a beautiful bird, and flies in me, because you are with me again ....

Tell me what are you dreaming about? I will definitely try to fulfill all your dreams. I want to do this to prove to you the power of my love. She is limitless. Do you believe me without proof? Then I beg you, come soon.

All poems are written by you .... The scent of your cologne is in the air.... I "released", a little bit, your perfume to represent that you are now close, close. I listen to the wind. He is behind glass. And I will not open the window so as not to frighten him away. Perhaps, in gratitude, he will tell me about you.

I want to get to know you again, to learn you by heart. You are the best thing that happened to me. You are my talisman, my meaning, my healing. I am ready to do everything for you. What do you want? Lovers - everything is possible. I will, if need be, easily lay down my own life for you. I will light all the sunrises and sunsets with caress, I will drink all the misfortunes so that you do not encounter them ....

I love you…. And it is these words that I am ready to repeat to you constantly. Want? I will write them all over my body ....

I go crazy about you. And, sometimes, I can’t believe that I deserve such happiness as you. And you didn't even know that you can be someone's happiness? You can everything…. You are my ideal. You have no flaws.

Do you want me to spread, with a luxurious carpet, the whole sky under your feet? Do you want me to make the land yours? I know you don't need it. I believe you need. I never doubted you for a moment. After all, relationships are the sweetness of trust. I have always believed in you and will always believe in you.

Forgive me for jealousy: I'm afraid that you will be taken away from me. Forgive me for being rude: I am an imp with the appearance of an angel. Forgive me for the truth: it is bitter, but it breathes with a clear conscience. Sorry for the misunderstanding: it happens to everyone ....

I see you even on the palm of my hand, because, on it, I often put your photo in order to absorb your image with my eyes, glances and soul. I want to bring your photo to life…. I'm sorry, I can't say otherwise. I miss you….

You are my dearest person. I feel how painfully creep the days in separation from you. Who came up with all these distances? Have those who composed them never experienced feelings of true love?

Come back. I'm waiting for you. I'm looking forward to it like never before. Let's start new life: without quarrels, insults, scandals. Let all these negatives no longer dare to overshadow a sincere feeling.

Let's forget about all the bad things. Let's cross it out, trample it, burn it, incinerate it, cut it .... Let's keep only each other and our future. And it, if we try, will be the most beautiful and happy. And we will definitely try, I know!

To be continued:

In this vain world, two halves meet one day - He and She. Each couple has their own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

There are many reasons for parting: misunderstanding, accumulated resentment, betrayal, and just a feeling that the relationship has reached an impasse.

Almost all stories have a beautiful beginning, but not everyone is able to put a beautiful end. It is difficult to gather my thoughts and say calmly: "I'm sorry, we need to leave." The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

If separation is unavoidable, try writing Farewell letter boyfriend or boyfriend.

Girls, of course, are subtle creatures, but often it is they who take the liberty and say the last goodbye. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

You can write a message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

Farewell letter to boyfriend

For example, this:

“Hi, zaya. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, lately all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

I already forgave you. And goodbye!"

who do you love

"Darling, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write you in a letter everything that I can’t put into words when we meet. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relations lead to nothing.

You rarely call, you perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I'm not made of stone, and I feel it all.It hurts, it's hard, I won't pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

But, so be it, I let you go free swimming. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I failed to make you happy. Let everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you're afraid to say. Fly, my dear, fly!

I release you. Forever and ever. Goodbye!"

who offended

"Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. There is not enough spiritual strength for poems and rhymes. My strength left along with tears, which I stopped with great difficulty in order to put an end to our history.

We often quarreled, saying hurtful words to each other. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. Hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and ... nothing at all.

Let's confess to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we have destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

We're breaking up. Sorry and goodbye!"

who changed

"My dear! How difficult it is for me to collect my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter when you don't see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your act showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, come out of habit, and even apologize out of habit. Somehow insensitive and insincere you get it. Why do we need extra problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You already started.

Happy travels, dear! I forgive you and let go. Forever and ever."


"Hi Hi! I don't even know how to address you now. The heart is beating and shouting to you “beloved”, “native”, “only”, and the mind is sobering and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems like it was all a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some kind of impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I again live and breathe deeply.

Even though you are no longer in my reality, no one will rip you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

Beloved husband

“My dear, dear man. Life decreed that you and I turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we broke up?

Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?
Is love doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? Somehow this is wrong, unfair. Feelings must be mutual.

Maybe so many problems have piled on you that you stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart be freed from captivity, that love will rise in your soul. I wish you good, light, warmth and, of course, love!

I'm sorry. And goodbye!"

Video: Letter to a loved one

To a married man

“Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to a still loved one! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's amazing that you couldn't resist.

I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was wonderful, like a dream. Sadly, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have fallen on you like a man. At first, it will certainly be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the path to nowhere. A beautiful dream dissolved in the rays of a clear sun, it is time to face reality.

Be happy with the one who is your legal wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let me go"

who threw

"My favorite! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love and will always love. It hurts me, it hurts me to tears. Burning tears - that's what warms me in the last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to break out of its chest. And now it beats muffled and doomed, as if imprisoned forever in a dungeon.

Why did you go away? He did not explain anything, did not say goodbye, did not hug. He just disappeared from my life and that's it. I can’t believe that life goes on, and you are not around, and there will be no more. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy!

who you don't love

"Dear friend! I'm glad I met you on life path. You are wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and care beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You are probably aware of this yourself.

I can no longer date you and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I'm not the one who will reciprocate your love. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches an impasse. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

SMS message

Modern girls can end a relationship by sending their ex-boyfriend a farewell text message.

Here are some examples:

"Baby, it's over between us. Goodbye!"
“It can’t go on like this anymore, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered!”
"I'm sorry, it's over, we're not together anymore. Goodbye"

Remember that sending the "last" SMS is dangerous. There is a high probability of receiving a lot of bewildered or even offensive text messages in response. A beautiful one-way farewell letter on paper will indicate the seriousness of your intentions.

The choice, of course, is yours. Perhaps you, like Tatyana Larina, would like to rhyme your last message.

touching poems

Everything in this world is not forever
Everything in the world has an end in sight.
I will hug you by the shoulders
And I whisper: "I'm sorry, goodbye."
No need for extra explanation
No need for tears and insults.
Let there be no love between us
Let's be friends.

It is difficult to decide and send a farewell letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of a loved one.

Who knows, suddenly this message will take your relationship to a new level, help resolve accumulated misunderstandings and improve shaky relationships. Be happy!

In the era text messages and hasty e-mails, a good old letter, especially a handwritten one, can be considered a rare and special gift. Love letters are relics that are read and treasured many times over. This will be the perfect gift for your loved one. Writing a love letter is not difficult at all. However, you will need to think things over carefully in order to properly express your feelings.


Preparing to write a letter

    Get over your fear. You have the right to decide what to write and what not. You don't have to follow a particular love letter template, write poetry, or use high-sounding phrases. If you don't want to do this, don't. The best thing you can do is be yourself when you express your thoughts in your letter.

    Create a mood. Go to a separate room and close the door. Remove items that may distract you. Such items can be electronic devices that can interfere with your concentration. Create an atmosphere that will inspire you. Turn on the music and light the candles.

    • If you have a song or album that reminds you of this person, play it; it will help you revive memories and feelings.
    • You can also put a photo of your loved one and look at it while writing a love letter.
  1. Express your feelings. Every person in life has had moments when he or she experienced very strong feelings. Remember these emotions; remember how you felt when all your attention was focused on your loved one, you thought only about him and your feelings for him. Try to restore those emotions, your emotional and physical sensations. Describe your feelings, try to put them into words. Write down what you feel.

    Think about the person you love. Why do you love this person? What attracted you to it? Perhaps you liked the attractive appearance, character, temperament, sense of humor and others individual characteristics. Mention this in your love letter. Write to your loved one what you like about him. Also, write about how much you appreciate what your loved one does for you.

    • Think about who your significant other is to you? Your best friend? Your kindred spirit? Make a list of the qualities you like in your significant other.
    • Make sentences using the information from the list. "I love to hold your soft hand in my hand", "I love it when you look at me, thereby showing that everything will be fine" or "Your smile and laughter determine what my day will be like."
    • Do not focus only on appearance, otherwise your feelings will seem superficial. But don't focus solely on personal merits, because that will make your attitude seem too platonic. A love letter should convey sensuality and respect for your partner. Show sensuality, but not necessarily erotic.
  2. Use memories to guide your thoughts. Most likely, you have had many pleasant moments with your partner. Perhaps you can remember pleasant stories that happened to you and your loved one. Good memories will enrich your relationship.

    • Remember the time when you met or a spark jumped between you. Recall the moment you realized you wanted to be with this person. Write about it in detail. If you can remember, write what your loved one was wearing, where you met, and how you felt. Remember if you were nervous or feeling confident.
  3. Think about the future. Your relationship has a past, but it also has a future that you can write about in your love letter. If you are far apart now, describe all the things you want to do together when you meet again. When you have serious relationship, discuss specific goals, dreams, and fantasies about a future together. Write it all down.

    Imagine that this is your last day on earth. Love letters helped soldiers during the war to survive the most hard times. Think about what you would say if tomorrow didn't come. Convey your feelings through every word, don't be shy.

    Composing a love letter

    1. Record a draft. At this stage, you don't have to worry about grammar and spelling. Your goal is to write down what you want to say to your loved one. After that, you can already check and fix the errors. Your letter is an expression of your feelings and emotions. Therefore, focus on this completely, to be honest and frank, conveying your feelings and emotions.

      • Set aside enough time for this, do not rush. If this is the first love letter you write, keep that in mind. You are learning, so don't worry about making mistakes.
      • Write in a style that suits you. There is no need to imitate someone. Your loved one should feel like it's your message and not someone else's. It should be sincere and convey your feelings.
      • Think about your partner and your relationship as you write your letter. The first declaration of love to a girl or boyfriend will be very different from the love letter that you write to your wife with whom you have been living for 20 years.
      • Be sure to mention your feelings in the letter. The phrase "I love you" always touches the heart, so you can use it.
    2. Write the beginning of the letter. Tell your loved one why you are writing the letter. Your soul mate should immediately understand from the first lines that this is a love letter. Think about what prompted you to write this letter. You could write something like this: "I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I love you, and I want you to know how much I love you."

      Write the main body. Here you can write down your memories and stories, as well as mention what you appreciate about your partner. Write about your feelings, about what you like about your lover. Be sure to mention why you love this person. Recall the stories that are associated with your relationship. Write to your loved one how much your life has changed in better side when you met him and how empty your life was without him.

      • With the help of a love letter, you can express your deep feelings that you cannot tell your lover or lover in person. Take this opportunity to say more than you normally would, and express the depth of your feelings. Use the ideas you wrote down as you prepared to write the letter. They will help you write it.
      • If you are not good at writing poetry, you can use your favorite poet's verse or quote that best expresses your feelings. Be sure to mention in the letter that the lines of the verse do not belong to you, so that your loved one does not catch you in a lie or think that you are the author of the verse.
      • If you want your words to touch the heart, keep writing. Just be real. If your partner loves you, he will like your letter too.
    3. Be positive. Your soul mate will most likely treasure your letter. Do not write moralizing in your letter. This is your chance to express your feelings, how big they are. In addition, this is an opportunity to tell your loved one that your life has become much brighter from the moment he appeared in it. Therefore, avoid negative moments.

      • To make your letter positive, describe your feelings that you are experiencing at the moment. Of course, you can write a story about how you fell in love, but it is more important for your lover or beloved to know how you feel now, what emotions you are experiencing at the moment, being near her or with him.
      • You can write something like "Now, ten years later, I still feel butterflies in my stomach when you smile at me" or "I love you more and more every day."
    4. Tell your loved one about your devotion. Talk about a shared future. Mention how important your relationship is to you and be sure to say that you would like it to last forever. Be sure to write about how devoted and faithful you are to your loved one. Say what it means to you to be with your partner forever.

      Write an ending. End the letter on a positive note. You can end the letter by mentioning how much you love your partner. You can write something like "I'll be thinking about you all evening" or "I really want to spend the rest of my life with you."

    Letter design

      Choose good paper and stationery. Do not send a love letter to e-mail; give the person something to touch, feel, and if you're lucky, shove under your pillow at night. It is best to write on plain paper in a regular (eg white), soothing (eg cream), or sensual (flesh) color. Thanks to this, your loved one will understand how much he means to you.

      • If you don't have a pretty sheet of paper, you can use a regular sheet from a notebook or notepad. What is written on it is more important than what the letter is written on.
      • You can artificially "age" plain paper, or even make your own if you don't want to use a plain piece of paper.
      • Use black or brown ink to make the writing look emotionally stable and classic; avoid "teacher's colors" like blue, green and red, otherwise it will look like you are checking homework.
    1. The greeting should look like an appeal to a loved one. Refer to him or her as “beloved/beloved”, “darling/darling”, “beautiful”, “most desired/most desired”, or, if appropriate, by an affectionate name. If you are already in a romantic relationship, you can write “my/my” (for example, “To my dear/my dear ____”), but do not do this if the letter is only a declaration of love. Otherwise, it may seem presumptuous and possessive. Instead, use the more distant phrase “To dear/to dear ____,” for example.

      Put in the date. Be sure to put the date when you wrote this letter (month, day, year). This will be a wonderful reminder for years to come. Thanks to this, your loved one will be able to remember the time when he received this love letter. He will read this letter again and again. Therefore, some of the phrases that you used in this letter will be quoted more than once in your life.

      Rewrite your letter from draft to Blank sheet paper. This will be your final cut. Write legibly and be careful not to blot your letter. Pay special attention to calligraphy, take your time, your letter should be as accurate as possible. Do you want your loved one to be pleased to read your love letter?

    2. Sign the letter. At the end of the letter, you can write: “Yours / yours”, “Forever yours / yours”, “I kiss and hug”, “I kiss”, “I love” and “With eternal love”. If applicable, please indicate pet name, a joke that only the two of you can understand, or you can even answer a question that has gone unanswered for a long time. This will make your message more personal.

      • If you want to make the letter more romantic, write a simple but gentle conclusion. "With eternal love" or "Forever yours / yours" would be suitable options.
    3. Put a romantic stamp, for example, in the form of a bouquet of flowers, which will decorate your letter. If you want, you can put the stamp upside down, which usually means "I love you".
  4. Make a surprise for your loved one. You can send a letter using a special postal service to make a surprise for your lover or sweetheart. Thanks to this, your loved one will feel more pleasant emotions and remember this moment better. You can also place the letter under your pillow, in your closet, or on your plate during dinner or breakfast.

    • Please wait a bit before sending the email. After you write the letter, put it aside. Read it again after a while and make sure that there is nothing in it that you will regret later. Then send a letter and wait for a passionate response from your soul mate.
    • The most important thing about writing a love letter is that it must come from the heart. Don't copy platitudes from the Internet, and don't ask friends or family members to write the letter for you. Let your heart speak.
    • If you're spraying perfume, be careful not to get the letter wet!
    • Think about what you are saying.
    • When you write a letter, don't beat around the bush. If you are writing a letter of eternal love to your partner, then stick to it. Don't write, "I love how your collar on your blouse matches your eyes," or anything like that.


    • Keep in mind that not everyone considers love letters to be a special romantic gesture. If the recipient of the letter is not imbued with such a sign of attention to the core, try not to take it to heart. This is a sign of your love. The process of writing and delivering a message should bring you more pleasure than the reaction received in response.

Hello beloved!

You know. I have never written a letter to a loved one. It really is an unusual way. But I'll try. Just please read to the end.

I do not even know where to start. It's been over two months since we met. And I remember that day. It is impossible to forget him, because he laid the foundation for our relationship with you. Even if they did not last long, about two months, but they were amazing for me. After all, I was the happiest girl in the world, and even despite the fact that we quarreled, cursed, resented each other because of all sorts of petty trifles. These were my best two months of happiness!

I remember how I fell in love with you. This was our second meeting. And for this short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. I caught my breath, my heart stopped and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I couldn't even imagine what it felt like. When I was driving home, there were a lot of different thoughts in my head and I could not concentrate at all. I couldn't believe that all this was happening to me. But, only at home, I began to realize that I was in love with you. In love with your smile, your beautiful eyes, your voice, you the way you are. It was both scary and good at the same time. But in those moments when I saw you, I was filled with happiness, joy, warmth, giving hope for something more.

I have to admit, I have never loved anyone as much as you. Of course, at first I tried to close my eyes to it. But then I realized that you can close your eyes to what you see, but not to what you feel!

I keep asking myself why this is so, why I can’t be with my loved one, why I need such a punishment, such pain, I didn’t deserve it. I am also a man, I am a girl, a girl who fell in love for the first time with all her heart, who once confessed her love, received a knife in the back. Why didn't you ever think of me when you hurt me. After all, each time the pain became stronger and stronger, and the traces of it are deeper and deeper in the soul.

What are your words about love? And I believed in them. Everything happened so realistically. And I completely trusted you, every word you said. Did it turn out to be a game? I am not a toy. I am a girl who has a heart and a soul. And you know, when a man truly loves a woman, he will never let her leave his life! Even if she wants to. He will try to fix something, change, and not only in her, but also in himself! Because, having lost a loved one, you lose an irreplaceable part of your soul, you stop living, you simply begin to exist, without feelings, without emotions. Only with hellish pain.

I don't make sense of my life without you. You are my meaning, my goal, my addiction. The fire that you kindled in me still burns in my heart. I will never be able to forget you. I won't even try. May it be better for everyone else that I become heartless. Because they will never have a place in my heart. You became the first and only one whom I allowed to enter my heart, but you did not believe me, I saw it in your eyes, in your smile, in your every gesture. I felt it. I do not want to be unnecessary, annoying, imposed. But I understand that it is.

You will never understand how much you broke me and with what difficulty, now, I am trying to glue myself piece by piece every day, through all the insults, all the pain and tears. I will no longer write, call, I will not look for meetings, I will not nervously run up to the phone when the music starts, why? All this is pointless and stupid.

I hope that the day will come when we will meet somewhere by chance. Let's look into each other's eyes, and there is still the same brilliance, all the same feelings, nothing has changed. Only there will be light sadness in my soul, and we will part as usual, but this time I will try to hold back my tears, I will not cry, but just smile. I will smile for you, so that you don’t have sadness in your soul, so that you don’t get upset. No matter how painful it is for me, I never cease to thank fate for giving me you. I wish you only happiness. I want everything to be fine with you, from this I will be calmer. I want you to finally meet your one true love and be happy with her. I want you to never experience the pain that I experienced. Remember you forever in my heart. I feel you. I love you.