Freight dispatcher for private drivers. Private cargo transportation dispatchers in the city Contacts of cargo transportation dispatchers

  • 03.11.2023


The services of a cargo transportation dispatcher are usually used by start-up entrepreneurs or companies that have recently been working in the field of cargo delivery. Newbies in this business have not yet acquired regular clients and have not established stable connections. The dispatcher’s task is to connect the customer and the carrier for the purpose of their cooperation. Finding a dispatcher will take some time and effort.

From the numerous offers, it is necessary to make the right choice, because the success of all work in providing services in the field of cargo transportation depends on how good a specialist the dispatcher is. You can find a dispatcher on various Internet resources. Numerous transport exchanges offer their services as an online dispatcher. On such web sites they post information about what goods need delivery and contact details of shippers. It also describes in detail the nature of the cargo, the direction of transportation, and the required delivery times. It is not necessary to choose the appropriate cargo yourself; after registration, you can place on the transport exchange information about your car (model, carrying capacity, etc.), about the cargo that you plan to transport, and about the directions of cargo transportation.

The media are slightly inferior to the Internet in terms of search capabilities, but with their help you can select a suitable dispatcher. It is necessary to advertise the search for an employee in advertising publications and newspapers, as well as review offers published in the media.

Another way to find a dispatcher is to search among your friends. It is quite possible that one of them works in the trucking industry or knows someone who works in this field. If you have a good relationship, your acquaintances will not withhold information about where to find the dispatcher, but will help you do it. There is no need to be afraid of competition; the cargo transportation market does not experience a shortage of orders for the transportation of goods. Specialists who have been involved in this activity for a long time can not only tell you where to look for the responsible dispatcher, but can also advise who specifically to contact.


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To transport goods, reusable containers are often used, suitable for transportation by various modes of transport. The most widely used are standard ISO containers, the dimensions, weight and volume of which are fixed values ​​​​defined by the International Organization for Standardization.


If there is a need to transport cargo to the territory of another state as quickly as possible, then you should give preference to international air transportation. In addition to speed, this type of transportation is highly reliable.

Logistics is a promising area of ​​business, where there is a significant shortage of qualified specialists. Since this activity involves remote work, most logisticians prefer to turn their own home into a kind of control room. Below we propose to consider the questions of what a home-based freight dispatcher is, where to start and how to properly organize this business.

The cargo transportation dispatcher is a person who helps to establish contact between the cargo owner and the direct contractor

The most profitable areas of logistics

The high level of income of representatives of this profession is pushing an increasing number of people to master the necessary skills. However, many people overlook the amount of workload in this area. That’s why, before we talk about how to become a logistician, let’s pay attention to the main nuances of this area.

There are three separate areas in logistics that allow remote work:

  1. Dispatching service– an employee in this field acts as an intermediary between the truck driver and the customer. The dispatcher’s job responsibilities include receiving calls from potential customers, appointing a contractor, as well as calculating the cost of the cargo transportation itself. In addition, a representative of this direction must coordinate various delivery details. In most cases, the customers are small companies that do not have trucks. The work of the dispatcher is carried out in shifts and is highly paid. The lack of necessary practical knowledge makes this vacancy desirable for women on maternity leave.
  2. Logistics sales manager– the responsibilities of a representative in this area include comprehensive measures to attract potential clients. A logistics services manager must constantly study changes in the market, as well as maintain a database of potential and regular customers. The responsibilities of representatives of this profession include drawing up reports and concluding contracts, as well as promoting the company in the market. Managers work directly with manufacturing enterprises and companies that produce commercial products. The level of income of a representative in this area depends on the number of transactions concluded, since the salary is calculated on the basis of percentage deductions.
  3. Logisticians– the most valuable personnel in this field of activity. The logistician’s task includes coordinating the work of the warehouse, tracking the status of transportation, making calculations aimed at reducing costs, selecting clients and developing a route. Most often, these specialists are hired by a company acting as a supplier of inventory items.

What does it take to become a logistician?

Unfortunately, the current level of domestic education is insufficient to educate highly qualified professionals. Therefore, you can only obtain the necessary knowledge through private courses or during practice. However, before starting to engage in logistics, a minimum set of theoretical knowledge is required.

Only a competent and experienced freight dispatcher is able to find for a client in a short time the transport necessary for the delivery of various types of goods

The ability to understand the types of vehicles, knowledge of the most popular routes, classification of inventory items and methods of calculating the most convenient route to the destination will allow you to get the maximum income from this activity.

In order to work from home, you should take a number of logistics training courses:

  1. "ESHKO" course. This course includes thirty individual lessons with experienced teachers. The average cost of a month of training is about ten dollars. Training is carried out remotely using special magazines that cover the main tasks encountered during practice;
  2. Logistics course provided by the Lectorium website– this program is based on fifty videos and sixteen practical tasks. The duration of training is about 4 months. This course was developed by specialists from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Training is conducted online and free of charge.
  3. Training courses at the Moscow State Technical University. During this course, students will be faced with solving eight problems taken from practice. Students of this course will gain knowledge about the rules for choosing a carrier, calculations of fuels and lubricants, as well as working with various tracking systems. The organizers of this course provide their students with the opportunity to visit companies involved in cargo transportation. The cost of a full course of training is about 25,000 rubles.

However, in order to feel confident in this profession, you need to acquire additional skills. Constant self-improvement and acquiring new knowledge increases the chances of getting a highly paid position. When considering the question of how to make money on cargo transportation, you need to focus on the need for the following knowledge:

  1. English language. Knowledge of English opens up the prospect of cooperation with foreign companies, which significantly increases potential income.
  2. Knowledge of computer and application programs. In order to work as a freight dispatcher, you must be able to work with Microsoft Excel. It is in this program that most economic and statistical calculations and current documentation are completed.
  3. Marketing and communication techniques. The dispatcher's task includes constant contact with carriers and clients. That is why a logistics service employee must be endowed with communication skills and the ability to resolve controversial issues.
  4. Time management. The freight dispatch service must be in touch within twenty-four hours. Most dispatchers work in shifts, which requires representatives of this profession to be able to plan their own time.
  5. Knowledge of geographical features of the regions. An employee of a logistics company must know all the geographical features of the regions that they will encounter in their work. The logistician’s task includes working with a map, analyzing climatic conditions and studying the socio-political situation in the region where the main activities will be carried out.

In most cases, the employing organization is responsible for training dispatchers. In order to assess the prospects of this professional area and career growth, you should begin your development as a specialist precisely from the position of a dispatcher.

A home dispatcher is a special employee who is responsible for receiving and transmitting information

Working hours and income level

Despite the prospect of a high and stable income, it should be understood that logistics is a complex task that requires a person to constantly process large volumes of incoming data. The ability to make decisions in stressful situations is not available to everyone, therefore, before plunging into this area, you should carefully analyze the tasks that you will encounter during your working life.

The average monthly income of a newcomer in this field is about 15,000 rubles. A true specialist in this area can earn up to 250,000. It is important to note that this level of income can only be obtained with permanent employment in one organization. Middle category specialists, working at home, earn about 70,000 rubles.

It is necessary to clarify that the amount of monthly income is directly dependent on the type of activity. Working as a freight dispatcher from home involves a shift schedule, which means that work hours will be only 10-12 days a month. In most organizations using the services of remote dispatchers, the daily rate is about 1,000 rubles. Thus, the amount of monthly income will be about 15,000 per month.

A manager in the field of sales of logistics services does not receive a fixed rate, but a certain percentage of the contracts he concludes. Despite the fact that a representative of this area works on a standard schedule, the number of concluded transactions has a wavy nature. Based on this, calculating the level of monthly income is quite problematic.

Let's look at an example of concluding a deal. Let’s imagine that the sales manager managed to conclude an agreement worth 25,000 rubles. In the example under consideration, the income from the conclusion of the contract will be about 7,000 (30%). With proper organization of work activities, the number of concluded transactions can reach ten. Based on this, we can say that this activity can bring in about 70,000 rubles every month.

The average salary of logisticians themselves is from 120,000 rubles and above. Work as a logistician at home is carried out in the form of outsourcing. This means that your main task will be to constantly search for and attract new clients. The role of employers of “home” logisticians is most often small companies that do not need to frequently use such services. Concluding an employment agreement on remote work with large enterprises is complicated by the format of this activity.

Freight dispatcher at home - a very convenient job for cargo owners

Necessary equipment

Having theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of logistics is not enough to start working. For remote work, it is necessary to properly prepare the workplace in order to avoid possible interruptions.

In order to provide dispatch services for cargo transportation, you need a modern computer with broadband Internet access. You should always have a smartphone at your fingertips that also has an Internet connection. Most specialists in this field use several phones in their work in order to always be in touch.

A special program must be installed on your computer to receive incoming calls. For greater mobility, you will need to purchase a special headset. Since the task of dispatchers is to print various documentation, you will need to purchase a printer and scanner. In the work of managers, an electronic digital signature is often required in order to be able to conclude transactions via the Internet.

The average cost of organizing a workplace is about 50,000 rubles. Therefore, before purchasing the necessary equipment, it is worth considering in advance the area in which you are going to carry out your activities.

Where to look for clients

When considering how freight dispatchers work, you should pay special attention to methods for finding potential clients. The main client base in this type of activity consists of small enterprises engaged in trading activities and production. In addition, your clients may be organizations involved in leasing warehouse space or providing forwarding services. Jobs in this business area are divided into two main areas:

  • vacancies for beginners with minimum wage;
  • vacancies for professionals with extensive experience.

Transport services have been in great demand in recent years and, as practice shows, provide good profits

It is best to work at home with vacancies from the first option, since such practice will allow you to gain experience and gain the necessary knowledge for further development as a specialist.

You can find your first employers on various job sites, freelance exchanges and professional forums.

Often, novice logisticians begin their professional activities by sending out resumes to companies involved in cargo transportation. In order to receive your first order, you need to find several companies involved in the transportation of goods in your region and visit their Internet pages. Such sites often contain a “vacancies” section. When sending your resume to the employer’s email address, you should indicate in advance that you are looking for remote work.

One of the key points when searching for future employers is a well-written resume. A beginner specialist without rich practical knowledge should indicate his level of education. If you have completed several different training courses in this field, be sure to add this point to your resume.

In contact with

Today you can increasingly find queries like this on the Internet: “ I’m looking for cargo for transportation through a dispatcher.” What does this mean? And it says that people whose activities are directly related to freight transportation (cargo search managers, owners of transport companies, etc.) are increasingly looking for cargo for transportation through an intermediary (dispatcher). Let's look at the main features of such a search, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the rules that allow you to find the most profitable cargo in the shortest possible time.

So, how do you even find cargo for trucking today? To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • place an advertisement in one of the media (as an option - on a bulletin board or any information portal);
  • working directly with potential clients who need to constantly call or send commercial proposals (which takes a huge amount of time);
  • launch your own advertising campaign (perhaps the most expensive search method);
  • contact the dispatcher for cargo search

But today we will look at the work of searching for cargo through a dispatcher.

Who is a traffic controller and what do you eat him with?

A dispatcher for the transportation of goods is a person (individual or legal entity) who performs an intermediary role between the shipper on the one hand and the carrier (any person carrying out the transportation of goods) on the other. Sometimes such a dispatcher is also called a logistician, a forwarder, or simply an intermediary.

As we have already said, the dispatcher’s assistance in finding cargo for transportation is many times superior to any other methods. The thing is that the dispatcher has at his disposal a huge customer base that is constantly updated with the most current offers, which allows him to find a profitable customer in the shortest possible time, as well as cargo for passing transportation. And most importantly, the dispatcher is in the office at the computer, so he has the opportunity to search for cargo almost on a regular basis. What does this give? And this gives information and the opportunity to “catch” a really interesting cargo.

And, what is especially important is that cooperation with such an intermediary as a traffic dispatcher absolutely does not require financial investments at the very beginning of work (which cannot be said about placing advertisements, working with potential clients, or, especially, an advertising campaign). What is especially good about working with an intermediary is that he receives financial benefits only in one single case - if he finds a suitable customer for you (and then only after the customer pays in full for your services). Thus, it looks most attractive in comparison with any other search options, in case you do not want or do not have the opportunity to independently check hundreds of different sites and look for cargo there.

Dispatcher tasks

So what does a freight dispatcher do? His direct responsibilities include:

  • One of the primary tasks of a freight dispatcher is to search for cargo
  • providing professional assistance in organizing the transportation of goods;
  • working with information about cargo (their key parameters);
  • searching for the most suitable vehicle for their transportation;
  • assistance in organizing loading and unloading operations (when required):
  • assistance in preparing all documents necessary for the transaction;
  • full quality control over all processes from the beginning of the transaction to full payment.

Main advantages

So, we can already formulate the main advantages of working through freight dispatchers:

  • Searching for cargo through a dispatcher saves time;
  • the ability to find permanent loads and associated loads;
  • minimum “empty” runs;
  • access to cargo within 24 hours;
  • weeding out unscrupulous partners;
  • minimum financial investment;
  • the ability to select groupage cargo, thanks to which you can reduce the cost of transportation;
  • possibility of expanding the client base;
  • quick coordination of any actions;
  • There is a whole system of bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

Freight dispatchers website

It's no secret that today we do almost everything using the Internet (we solve everyday issues, work, etc.). Thanks to the network, the process of searching for goods for transportation has become even simpler and more popular. Of course, the Internet is ready to offer the dispatcher a professional tool for work. There is an opinion that dispatchers have a “special dispatch program for cargo transportation.” Actually this is not true. Everything is much simpler. Today there are more than a hundred sites on the Internet where you can find cargo. Some of these sites develop their own software that is installed on the user's computer. This is done in order to tie the client to the software and protect it from the influence of competing sites. But you and I know that instead of one dispatch program, you can find hundreds and thousands of times more cargo on the network. True, this task is not trivial, since it is practically impossible to search for cargo on hundreds of different sites for searching for cargo, which are also updated every minute. But transradar is ready to offer a solution.

Online assistant for cargo transportation dispatcher

How it works? Everything is very simple! As they said earlier, there are hundreds of sites where you can find cargo... But there is one caveat - the “lifetime” of especially profitable offers is not long (no more than half an hour). In such a situation, how can the dispatcher “catch” that profitable cargo that will bring maximum profit to the carrier?

To help dispatchers and logisticians, we created the Transradar service. Its main task is to collect the most important and relevant information about free cargo from many different sites, so that the dispatcher can see, firstly, the “whole picture of the market” and all the variety of offers. And secondly, make the process of finding the best deals as easy as possible using a flexible filter system.

Working with Transradar, you can get a whole range of advantages:

  1. Significantly save time searching for current and profitable offers
  2. Reduce empty runs
  3. Increase the profitability of the transport business several times over

And all this is completely free. Tempting? This is more than real! Moreover, you don’t even need to register on the Transradar website.

A common type of service in our time, in which any cargo is moved using various types of transport. Private cargo transportation services offered either by individuals, entrepreneurs or specialized transport companies. depends on the weight of the cargo, its dimensions, loading time, distance, etc.

In the field of cargo transportation there is such a thing as. The dispatcher can be either a company or an individual. These are people who have a certain database of driver data.

They are beneficial because they work directly with the shipper. Although there is private freight dispatchers, engaged separately in searching for transport and searching for shippers. Both are brokers between the shipper and the carrier.

The responsibilities of a transport company dispatcher include receiving orders from customers by phone, distributing vehicles according to orders, calculating prices, drawing up contracts and insurance.

Working with a private dispatcher is mainly based on a verbal agreement. Private freight dispatchers also receive calls from clients who require some type of transportation, and then redirect the call to any of the available drivers whose transport meets the customer's requirements. Basically, a private freight dispatcher does not sit in an office at a computer. The main tools of his work are a telephone, a good memory and a notebook. It is convenient to work with private cargo transportation dispatchers because you can call at any time and the dispatcher will answer wherever he is, accept the order, and, if necessary, provide advice. After all, his salary directly depends on the number of orders.

The main qualities of a first-class dispatcher are high professionalism, responsibility, and competent performance of their duties.

At first glance, the work seems quite simple, but this is not true. Since he must, firstly, fulfill all the customer’s requirements, and, secondly, provide the drivers with the necessary degree of employment. The main advantages of such an organization of cargo transportation are an incentive for drivers, efficiency and simplicity. Working with one reputable freight transportation service provider is much more convenient, comfortable and safer.

To date private freight dispatcher is a sought-after specialist in the field of transport services.

For private drivers this is an additional 50% of orders. Logisticians and dispatchers help find convenient and profitable orders for both drivers and customers looking for a car. By typing into the Internet search, looking for a cargo or finding a cargo, you can get many paid services and not find a related timely option. The freight dispatcher will help you carry out cargo search through the cargo transportation website //site/ throughout Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Free cargo search via Telegram, VK, Web version

Free cargo search via , VK, Web version on our website Poputnogruzoff. We offer to find cargo through a dispatcher throughout Russia for private drivers of a 20-ton truck or for gazelles up to 2 - 2.5 tons. We work through mobile phones, Telegram and Vkontakte and through the website //site/

We invite truck drivers to cooperate:

  • Gazelle farmer, booth, awning
  • 5 ton Foton Mercedes Man
  • 10 ton Foton Mercedes Man
  • Truck 20 tons Foton Mercedes Man
  • Refrigerator + – 20C
  • Open side: Katyusha, pyramid
  • Isothermal van
  • All metal body