How to make a project from Murzilka children's magazines. Presentation on the topic “Murzilka is my favorite magazine. I find educational information in the “Travel and Discoveries” section

  • 30.11.2023

Answers to assignments. Kutyavina S.V. Notebook on literary reading. 2nd grade.

Answers to pages 42 – 43

1. Write the name of your favorite children's magazine.

2. Think and write why it is called that.

It is named after the fairy-tale creature, the yellow and fluffy Murzilka..

3. Write what sections are in this magazine.

“Murzilka Art Gallery”, “Murzilka Detective Agency”, “This is Interesting!”, comic book “The Adventures of Murzilka”,There are games, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, coloring books and homemade items, and works by contemporary children's writers are also published.

4. Find out which of your classmates reads this magazine. Write down the number of these guys in numbers.

5. Present an illustrated story about your favorite magazine on this page. Ask mom or dad to help you.

"Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and art magazine.
Published since May 16, 1924 and addressed to children of primary school age. Over the 90 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its publication has never been interrupted. In 2012, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records: “Murzilka” is the children’s magazine with the longest period of publication.

It is named after the fairy-tale creature, the yellow and fluffy Murzilka.

The main difference between the children's magazine "Murzilka" is its high-quality children's literature. Over the years, Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, S. Marshak, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Valentin Berestov, Yuri Korinets, Sergei Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky, A. Mityaev, Andrey Usachev, Marina Moskvina, Victor Lunin, Leonid Yakhnin, Mikhail Yasnov. Currently, the magazine also publishes works by contemporary children's writers. Murzilka publishes children's fairy tales, fairy tales, children's stories, plays, and children's poems.

Such artists as Evgeny Charushin, Yuri Vasnetsov, Aminadav Kanevsky, Tatyana Mavrina, Viktor Chizhikov, Nikolai Ustinov, Galina Makaveeva, Georgy Yudin, Maxim Mitrofanov have worked and are working in the magazine.
“Murzilka” is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and writers. For many children living in the periphery, the magazine still serves as a supplement to literature textbooks. The magazine's regular columns are full of interesting, educational materials, including games, puzzles, puzzles, crosswords, coloring books and homemade items.

In May 2014, the magazine “Murzilka” celebrates its 90th anniversary. Several generations of children in our country were raised on the materials of the Murzilka magazine. The purpose of the interactive presentation “To the 90th anniversary of the magazine “Murzilka”” (hereinafter referred to as the Presentation) is to inform students about the history of the creation, development and present of this publication. Presentation slides tell about writers and artists whose works are published in the pages of the Murzilka magazine. The magazine "Murzilka" is aimed at children aged 6 to 12 years and serves as an excellent basis for instilling in them a love for the Motherland, nature, people, etc.
The first slide of the Presentation introduces students to a cheerful little man - Murzilka, who in 1887 arose as a result of the work of the Russian writer Anna Borisovna Khvolson. Outwardly, Murzilka of that time was completely different from our contemporary.

Due to the outbreak of the First World War, the publication of the Murzilka magazine was suspended.
And only on May 16, 1924, the first Soviet children's magazine “Murzilka” began to be published, in which the main character was transformed into... the boy Petya’s dog.

The modern look of Murzilka was invented by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky, who painted it in 1937.

From the beginning of its formation to the present day, the editors of the magazine “Murzilka” have published on its pages the most interesting children's stories and poems by the best writers of Russia (S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, B. Zakhoder, A. Barto, M. Prishvin , K. Paustovsky, N. Nosov, E. Uspensky and many others).

Separately, it is necessary to note the colorful and fabulous design of the magazine, which is the result of the creativity of wonderful artists (T. Mavrina, V. Chizhikov, A. Kanevsky, E. Rachev, N. Ustinov, L. Tokmakov, E. Charushin, etc.). The editors of the magazine pay great attention to introducing children to masterpieces of world painting.

The magazine "Murzilka" is unique in its history, because... Over its 90 years, its production has not stopped. In this regard, in 2011, the magazine was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the magazine for children with the longest period of publication.” Even during the Great Patriotic War, the magazine was published. An interesting fact is that the July 1941 issue of the magazine “Murzilka” was 75% devoted to the biography and work of M.Yu. Lermontov (15 pages out of 20), which speaks of raising children in the glorious traditions of our country’s past.

The magazine "Murzilka" is currently published in beautiful design and on excellent paper. But in addition to the paper version, there is also an electronic version of the magazine on the website

The Murzilka magazine has an excellent addition in the form of charades, crosswords, riddles, puzzles and other games. The Presentation also pays attention to these additions. It is suggested to draw a clown, solve two crossword puzzles and one rebus. All these games are presented in an interactive form.

The “Draw a Clown” slide is aimed at children studying in a special correctional school and shows the principle of drawing a clown using a broken line using numbers.

The slide “Solve the crossword and find out the magic object” allows you to solve the crossword together with your children by adding the missing words in the name of the object (... - invisible, ... - self-assembled, etc.).

A slide with a crossword puzzle “Grammatical addition and subtraction” will show children how such crossword puzzles are solved.

A slide with a rebus demonstrates the principle of solving puzzles (aimed at students at a special correctional school).

The conclusion of the Presentation is the “Music Page” slide, which displays the history of the Murzilka magazine by film showing magazine covers (one cover for each year) for the period from 1924 to 2014. The magazine covers are shown against the backdrop of musical accompaniment - songs about Murzilka (words by S. Lezhneva, music by O. Yudakhina).

At the end of the Presentation there is a list of sources of information and links to illustrations.

  • Choose a magazine you would like to talk about. For example, the children's magazine "Murzilka".
  • Find information about the creation of the magazine and its name.
  • What sources of information will you use? Write it down.

Magazine "Murzilka", Internet.

  • Take notes (write down briefly what you learned).
  • The magazine was created in 1924 Published since May 16, 1924
    Named after a fairy-tale creature yellow and fluffy Murzilka.
    The image has changed in 1937, thanks to the artist Aminadav Kanevsky.
    Murzilka a fluffy magical hero, as yellow as a dandelion, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder.
  • Which section of the magazine did you find interesting? Why?

I like the section “Murzilka Art Gallery” because it talks about modern masters of book illustration, and also presents the artists’ illustrations themselves. This is very interesting to me because I myself draw illustrations for the books that I read and love.

  • Which work in the section did you like? Who is its author? What is it called?

I really liked I. Antonova’s story “Experiment” (Murzilka magazine, No. 2, 1999)

  • Write down the names of works that made you smile or laugh.

I. Antonova "Experiment", Y. Akim. “There is a student in our class”, L. Panteleev “The letter “you”.

I love reading the magazine "Murzilka" because “Murzilka” is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and writers. For many children living in the periphery, the magazine still serves as a supplement to literature textbooks. The magazine's regular columns are full of interesting, educational materials, including games, puzzles, puzzles, crosswords, coloring books and homemade items.


"Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and art magazine.
Published since May 16, 1924 and addressed to children of primary school age. Over the 90 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its publication has never been interrupted. In 2012, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records: “Murzilka” is the children’s magazine with the longest period of publication.
It is named after the fairy-tale creature, the yellow and fluffy Murzilka.
The main difference between the children's magazine "Murzilka" is its high-quality children's literature. Over the years, Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, S. Marshak, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Valentin Berestov, Yuri Korinets, Sergei Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky, A. Mityaev, Andrey Usachev, Marina Moskvina, Victor Lunin, Leonid Yakhnin, Mikhail Yasnov. Currently, the magazine also publishes works by contemporary children's writers. Murzilka publishes children's fairy tales, fairy tales, children's stories, plays, and children's poems.
Such artists as Evgeny Charushin, Yuri Vasnetsov, Aminadav Kanevsky, Tatyana Mavrina, Viktor Chizhikov, Nikolai Ustinov, Galina Makaveeva, Georgy Yudin, Maxim Mitrofanov have worked and are working in the magazine.
“Murzilka” is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and writers. For many children living in the periphery, the magazine still serves as a supplement to literature textbooks. The magazine's regular columns are full of interesting, educational materials, including games, puzzles, puzzles, crosswords, coloring books and homemade items.

MBOU "Bakhtyzinskaya basic secondary school" Project: "My favorite children's magazine - Murzilka" Completed by: 2nd grade student Masha Sedyakina Supervisor: Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kolbnev

The goal of the project: to introduce classmates to the magazine “Murzilka” and talk about the history of its creation.

Project objectives: - To trace the history of the origin and creation of a specific hero of “Murzilka”; - consider the historical path of the journal from creation to the present; - compare and identify the differences between the children's magazine "Murzilka" of the mid and late 20th century and the modern publication.

Action plan: Select a journal; Find it in the library; Get acquainted with the issues (look at the cover, the sections it contains); Find out the history of creation; Present the magazine in class.

About the magazine My favorite children's magazine is “Murzilka”. I've known him for a long time. There are a lot of issues of this magazine in the school library and I often take it for independent reading. In addition to reading, I like to look at children's drawings, get acquainted with competitions and quizzes. In one of the issues of the magazine there is an interesting article “Polite Word”. It talks about the words that we should always use when communicating with others: thank you, please, hello and many others.

A bit of history At the end of the 19th century, Canadian artist and writer Palmer Cox came up with a series of poems with his illustrations about the little people “brownies”. A little later, the Russian writer Anna Khvolson, based on Cox’s drawings, wrote stories about little forest people, where the main character was Murzilka (the writer came up with the names herself) - a little man in a tailcoat, with a cane and a monocle.

On May 16, 1924, the first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published in the USSR. Now Murzilka was a small white dog and appeared together with his owner, the boy Petya. In 1927 - 1928, the magazine published “Murzilkina Gazeta”. In 1937, the artist Aminadav Kanevsky created the image of the correspondent puppy Murzilka, which became famous in the USSR - a yellow fluffy character in a red beret, with a scarf and a camera over his shoulder.

However, in 1955, at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, Murzilka turned into a miniature boy correspondent, whose adventures were the subject of several cartoons released in the late 1950s and early 1960s. In 2011, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It has been recognized as the longest running children's publication

Speaking in front of the class

Literature Murzilka Magazine Textbook reading for 2nd grade

"Travel and Discovery"

"Travel and Discovery"

Travel and discovery

The regular columns of the magazine are full of interesting, educational materials that are a worthy addition to the study of school subjects. Main sections: 1. “Murzilka Art Gallery” Here I get to know famous and recognized painters and artists. Their reproductions. For example: Karl Bogdanovich Wenig, a famous artist of the 19th century and his famous painting “Ivan the Terrible and his mother.” 2. “Read” Murzilka advises reading. Here I get acquainted with the releases of new collections of poems and books 3. “Book Club” Based on the books I have already read in the “Murzilka Book Club” I answer quiz questions. 4. “Travel and Discoveries” Together as travelers, I made many discoveries for myself while reading this section. 5. Each issue of “Murzilka” has games, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, coloring books and several homemade constructions.