Short sentences that make you think. Smart statuses about life. “Sometime in the future you will realize that the years of struggle were the best of your life.” Sigmund Freud

  • 28.10.2019

30 deep and interesting quotes that give food for thought:

  1. Your mind is being programmed. And if you don't program it yourself, then someone else will do it for you.. © Jeremy Hammond
  2. Having a low opinion of yourself is not modesty. This is self-destruction. © Bobby Sommer
  3. The same word sounds differently in different writers. One's insides are dragging behind the word. Another takes it out of his coat pocket. © Charles Peguy
  4. Minimalism is not the absence of something. It's just the perfect amount of something. © Nicholas Burroughs
  5. Some tourists think that Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in fact it is a city of freedom. It's just that in conditions of freedom, the majority chooses sin. © John Green
  6. If you think you've already achieved enlightenment, just try spending a week with your family. © Baba Ram Dass
  7. The mind quickly adapts to everything except longing.. © Emily Dickinson
  8. The color of truth is grey. © André Gide
  9. Television will never be an art form because it indulges the expectations of the audience. © Michael Haneke
  10. I noticed that even people who say that everything is predetermined and that we cannot change anything always look around when crossing the road. © Stephen Hawking
  11. Life is not what you get. This is what you do with what you get.. © Stephanie Perkins
  12. It is impossible to become educated if we only read what we like. © Joseph Joubert
  13. Sometimes, if you really want to eat a cookie, but you can’t, I think about it. What is more pleasing to God? For me to be happy? Or to eat only what is supposed to? … And I eat a cookie. © Dalai Lama
  14. Something always held us back and made us weaker. It turned out that it was us. © Robert Frost
  15. If you want to do something great one day, remember one day is today. © George Lucas
  16. I write like I'm saving someone's life. Perhaps my own. © Clarice Lispector
  17. Books have the same enemies as humans: fire, dampness, animals, weather, and their own content.. © Paul Valery
  18. Culture is yours operating system. © Terence McKenna
  19. Practice kindness all day long to all the people around you, and you will realize that you are already in heaven. © Jack Kerouac
  20. All art is autobiographical. Pearls - the autobiography of an oyster. © Federico Fellini
  21. Real teachers use themselves as a bridge over which they invite their students to pass. And then, taking the student to the other side, they happily destroy those bridges, encouraging them to create their own. © Nikos Kazantzakis
  22. The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world. © John Steinbeck
  23. Travel only with those you love. © Ernest Hemingway
  24. A lighthouse doesn't run all over the coast looking for a boat to save. It just stands in one place and shines. © Ann Lamotte
  25. If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you", that's enough. © Meister Eckhart
  26. Only the weak are sent on a safe path. © Hermann Hesse
  27. The planet doesn't need a lot of " successful people". The planet is in desperate need of peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. She needs people with whom it is good to live. The planet needs people with morals who are ready to join the fight to make the world alive and humane. And these qualities have little to do with "success" as it is defined in our society. © Dalai Lama
  28. At the age of five I learned to read. Nothing more important has ever happened in my life.. © Mario Vargas Llosa
  29. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be repeated again. © André Gide
  30. I have committed the most terrible sin of all possible sins. I wasn't happy. © Borges

There's always some excuse for not living your own life 3

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere words than the church. 26

The length of the line of human life does not depend on the person himself, but the width of this line is set by the person himself 23

We buy ourselves an image that others buy. 13

Love and puppies are born blind (Swedish proverb) 22

Appreciate the people who found mutual language with your cockroaches...! 37

Words are like keys: with the right choice, you can open any soul and close any mouth. 26

Look ahead, you can change the future. And the past, so it's already gone. 15

Happiness is when one and the same person is in the house, at work, with friends and in the head. 30

Who wants - is looking for a way, who does not want - the reason. 24

The direction is always the same, advice where to go is always a lot. 13

Always consider the offer thoroughly, before you accept it and get fucked! 9

The stronger sex is weak because of its weakness towards the weaker sex... 14

How to make a person tell the truth? To piss him off so he doesn't have time to make up lies. 24

All your life you try to become God, and then you die... 16

If one day a week to be yourself and do what you want, then the remaining 6 days will have to restore your reputation. 29

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing... 25

Very few people live for today. Most prepare to live later. 13

When you were born, you cried and the world laughed. Live so that when you die, you laugh and the world weeps. 25 (1)

Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level, where they will crush you with their experience. Mark Twain 23

Take risks! If you win, you will be happy, and if you lose, you will be wise. 19

When I think I'm brilliant, I go to wash the dishes. 15

If you caught a bird, then make it so that it can fly away, but does not want to. 20

Make your present beautiful, and then your future will be beautiful. 31

For dreams to come true, you need to have a loving wizard nearby, and not a talkative storyteller. 32

If you feel happy for more than one day, then something is being hidden from you! 16

Don't say you're fine - don't make people angry. Do not say that everything is bad with you - do not please your enemies. And in general: talk less, let the people around you sleep better. 57

It would be nice to have a "do not think about anything" function. 34

Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. Therefore, women wear makeup, and men lie. 24 (1)

We are given the opportunity to choose, but we are not given the opportunity to avoid the choice. 23

What is quickly done, quickly perishes. 14

Learn the rules so you know how to break them... 14

Sometimes you need to stop, take a break from the worldly bustle, take a deep breath and think about the future. Quo vadis? - Where we are going? Are we moving in the right direction? Maybe change course? What are we striving for? It is likely that the statements of the great representatives of humanity will help you find the right guidelines.

The life of a modern person with its endless flow of information is complex and multifaceted, and often people are simply lost among the variety of events and everyday routine. Here it is important to feel in time that you are starting to go with the flow, and not to let circumstances take over. Be the creator of your own life, do not rely on fate - fortune is a capricious lady, she may not smile.

Read these thoughtful sayings of famous people, ponder them, and perhaps they will help you take stock of your own life. Take a moment out of your daily routine and find some time for yourself.

No matter how busy you are - at work or at home with children - try to set aside at least a few minutes every day to switch to another wave and reflect on the essence of being. And - who knows? - maybe these great quotes will help you find your place in life.

1. “Sometime in the future you will realize that the years of struggle were the best in life”, Sigmund Freud.

2. “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, treat it differently, Maya Angelou.

3. “The greatest difficulty of this world is that fools and fanatics are always sure of themselves, and wise men are filled with doubts,” Bertrand Russell.

4. “The thoughts that get us where we are are different from those that get us where we want to be.” Albert Einstein.

5. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Make me do it and I will understand.” Confucius.

6. “I believe everything has a reason. People change so you learn to let them go; everything around collapses so that you learn to appreciate when everything is fine; you believe when they lie to you, so that over time you learn to trust only yourself; and sometimes something good falls apart to form something better.” Marilyn Monroe

7. “Never let yourself be silenced, never let yourself be made a victim. Do not accept someone else's interference in your life - create it yourself, Robert Frost.

8. “You will stop worrying about what others think of you once you realize how rare it is,” Eleanor Roosevelt.

9. “Just because something isn’t profitable doesn’t mean it’s worthless.” Arthur Miller

10. “Promise that you will always remember: you are braver than you think, stronger than you look, and smarter than you think,” Alan Alexander Milne.

11. “There is only one place in the world that you can truly do better, and that is yourself,” Aldous Huxley.

12. “A tree is judged by its fruits, but a man by his deeds. A good deed will never go unnoticed. Those who sow politeness reap friendship, and those who cultivate goodness will gather love”, St. Basil.

13. “It is not the strongest species that survive, and not the most intelligent, but those that are able to quickly respond to changes,” Charles Darwin.

14. “Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who are afraid, too long for those who mourn, very short for those who are happy, but for those who love, time is eternal.” Henry Van Dyke .

15. “You don't have to be a fantasy hero to do something, compete with someone. You can be an ordinary guy, motivated enough to achieve difficult goals, Sir Edmund Hillary.

In continuation of a good tradition, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the statements of famous people - about how they see life.

Happiness is not sought, like gold or winnings. It is created by themselves, those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; you don't need a reason to be happy. Happiness is natural and unreasonable. Osho

Old people always advise young people to save money. it bad advice. Don't hoard nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. Henry Ford

There are no perfect people - just find someone as crazy as you. © Eddie Murphy

Never think that you have done something wrong in the past. Always look to the future with your head held high. Don't be sorry.

The complete absence of the need to prove something to someone is a good sign of harmony inside.

I wanted to return, to catch the disappeared moment, but I immediately thought that even if we turn back, it will be different, even the sun will not remain in the sky

Your time is limited, so don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Steve Jobs

The man said and the man did - these are two different men!

I suffered because I was bound, and now I suffer because I am free. Frederic Begbeder

It is pointless to torment yourself, since nothing can be done. Erich Maria Remarque.

The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea,

The sea laughed at the naive grief.
Omar Khayyam

It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with herself, and only then with a man.

Laugh heartily and get plenty of sleep - these are two best medicine from any disease.

It is impossible to offend a wise person, because one cannot be offended by the truth, and the untruth is not worth attention. It is better to have an inverted psyche, crazy ideas, to be incomprehensible and a little sick in the head, than not to be different from the bedside table that stands by your bed.

Sometimes, a person appears in your life ... and everything goes to hell ... and mood, and reason, and brains ...

I've never been as cold anywhere as with you.

Do not judge someone else's past - you do not know your future. The older and wiser a person, the less he wants to sort things out. I just want to get up, wish all the best and leave.

Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship means only a little less than family. Mario Puzo "The Godfather"

Never dive deep into a person. One day you want to come up for air and hit your head on the ice. It's not hard to kill love, it's hard to kill memories. There are people in the world that you just love. Just. Not for anything. You feel good just thinking that they exist. They may be very far away, in other cities, even in other countries, but you know that they love you too. Just.

In fact, anyone will hurt you. You just have to find someone who is worth your suffering. - Bob Marley

Don't be afraid of God - be afraid of yourself. You yourself are the creator of your blessings and the cause of your disasters. Hell and heaven are in your own soul.
Pierre Marechal

Because of the fear of being alone, you do so many things that it's not even you.

At first I plan to go to work in full dress, but in the morning my laziness says: “here are the jeans. here's a sweater... stomp like that"... Public opinion is the opinion of those who are not asked. Bruce Willis

You can never forget what you want to forget the most. Chuck Palahniuk

The world is a book, and if you haven't travelled, you've only read one page.

There is something about music that cannot be recorded. Life cannot be written down, the heart cannot be written down… the moment of creation is inherently elusive…

Nothing really belongs to us except the past.

I did not begin to love you less, I just decided that I should appreciate myself more ... Angelina Jolie

A friend is known in trouble... A hero in battle... A wife in poverty... A husband on maternity leave.

People only succeed in one thing perfectly - to disappoint each other. Requiem for a Dream

Remember - this day is not subject to exchange and return.

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

On our life path nothing is random. All our meetings are predetermined. And for what? For each of us to learn something.

Time passes, but habits remain.

We live in a world where a smile no longer means a good attitude towards you. Where kisses do not mean feelings at all. Where confessions don't mean love. Where everyone is lonely and no one tries to change it. Where words lose all meaning because they carry lies.

In an instant, you can become a different person. It is as if the whole universe, which has been secretly hidden from you all your life, suddenly opens up to you.

I'm tired of people. But I love to laugh. I can't laugh alone.

One of the secrets happy life- continually give yourself petty pleasures.

The best gift that fate gives us is the people to whom we say “thank you for being you”. Ersin Tezjan

The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. Lies are always complex, pretentious and verbose. L.N. Tolstoy

Unspoken emotions never die. They are buried alive, but later they come out not at their best.

Through the slid down roof, the stars are better seen.

Nowadays, people can come up with a whole speech to justify themselves. But they can't say a simple phrase: "Sorry, I was wrong."

How to trust the inner voice, if in the morning, when you have to go to work, he says that you need to sleep?

The correct answer comes to us in the very first seconds. This is then included experience. Alex Dubas

It's better to fall sometimes than never to fly. One must love life more than the meaning of life. F.M. Dostoevsky.

After so many extraordinary things happen to you in a row, you involuntarily begin to think that there are not so many truly impossible things in the world.

Nothing makes life more interesting than fighting for it. © Robert Heinlein

What does it take to enjoy life?
- Look around you. Matsumoto Jun

Life goes breathless without an aim. @ F.M. Dostoevsky

Nothing disappears without a trace. For better or worse, nothing can be completely forgotten. Something always remains in the hearts of people. And what is stored in someone's memory will never disappear. Do not imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself. © Dale Carnegie

It is impossible to live in this world, but there is nowhere else. Obviously, only my head is not properly placed on my shoulders, because everyone else knows much better what I need to do and what to avoid: only I myself, a pathetic madman, cannot advise myself anything! Don't we all look like statues to which other people's heads have been put? Isn't that right, dear neighbor? Oh no, you are the exception. Friedrich Nietzsche

The highest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved; love for your own sake, or rather, love in spite of you. © Victor Hugo

For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. Erich Maria Remarque Remember, those who write and call first need you. The rest didn’t give a damn about you ... I tried to drown my sorrows, but these bastards learned to swim. People came, people left ... What's the difference? The main thing is to look at who remains, and there are only a few who truly love you and cherish you. © Friends

You can seduce a man who has a wife. You can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a woman he loves.

“We must try to do everything well: it will turn out badly by itself.”

Andrey Mironov

A person in life has everything he wants, and if he doesn’t, then he doesn’t want enough. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

Never be afraid to do what you can't. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

When we surround ourselves good people and good thoughts - life begins to change for the better.

Don't hold a person in your head when you can no longer hold their hand.

In our time, people have lost interest in life, they do not get bored, do not cry, they just wait for the time to pass. They have given up the struggle, and life has given up on them.

The most important thing in life is desire. You can achieve anything you want, the whole world lies before you, nothing is impossible. All you need is to wish. If you have a desire, nothing will stand in your way. Aim high.

Understand: time does not wait for a person. What happened yesterday is already history. What will happen tomorrow - no one knows. Today is a gift.

There are books that you read and think that they have no right to end, come off and leave you.

They say women are the weaker sex... But not a single man with a hangover will be able to ... cook borscht and clean the apartment!

A girl should be loved, happy and beautiful. She doesn't owe anyone anything anymore...

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet: I don’t take what they offer, what I want is far from me. Have to pretend not to be hungry.

Only by losing everything do we become free to do anything. Chuck Palahniuk. Fight club

A person will never be able to explain why he loves, if he really loves.

Life is like electricity: you get up with tension, you go to work with resistance, you sparkle all day, and you come back home and ... you pass out!!!

Leaving is always much easier than staying.

What do you think about in moments of peace and quiet? How far have you come or how far should you go? About your strengths or weaknesses? About what can happen in the best case, or the worst that can happen? At times like these, pay close attention to your thoughts. Because perhaps the only thing that needs to change in order to experience more happiness, love and vitality is your way of thinking.

1. You cannot change what you refuse to face.

2. Sometimes good deeds end in failure, but they are replaced by even more important and more successful ones.

3. Don't think about the price. Think about value.

4. Sometimes you need to step back to see certain things clearly.

5. Too many people buy things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they don't know. Read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad.

6. No matter how many mistakes you make and how slow your progress, you are still ahead of those people who have not yet tried to do anything.

7. If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before making room in your heart for people who didn't make the effort to stay there.

8. Make at least one person smile and maybe you will change the world - not the whole, but at least the world of this person.

9. Saying that someone is nasty or ugly will not make you more attractive.

10. The only normal people you know are the ones you don't know much about yet.

11. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

12. The most painful thing is to lose your head because of the strong love for someone and in the denial of your individuality.

13. Better to be alone than to be in bad company.

14. With age, we understand that it is not so important to have many friends as to have one, but real.

15. Making 100 friends is easy. But to have just one friend who will be on your side, even when hundreds of people are against you, this is an amazing thing.

16. Giving up does not always mean showing weakness, on the contrary, sometimes it means that you are strong and smart enough to put everything out of your head and move on.

17. Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours in the day as Helena Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, etc. ...

18. If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't want to do it, you will always find an excuse.

19. Don't choose what looks pretty; choose what makes your world beautiful.

20. Falling in love does not mean making a choice. Choose whether to stay in love.

21. True love obliges not to be inseparable, but to be faithful to each other, even in separation.

22. While you are busy looking for the perfect person, you are likely to miss the imperfect person who could make you absolutely
23. Never do something reckless just because you are temporarily upset.

24. You can learn something valuable from your mistakes, if you, of course, do not deny them.

25. In life, if you risk nothing, in fact you risk a lot.

26. Once you stop chasing the wrong things, you will be able to catch up on the right things.

27. Every situation that has ever happened in your life prepares you for the moment that lies ahead of you.

28. There is nothing boastful about your superiority over another person. True boasting lies in your superiority over the person you once were.
29. Trying to be someone, you waste your time.

30. You will never become who you want to be if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now.

31. People hide more from you than they show.

32. Sometimes people do not notice what they are doing for them until they stop doing it.

33. Don't listen to what people say, look at what they do.

34. Being alone does not mean you are alone, and being alone does not mean that you are alone.

35. Love is not based on laughter, showing off, or walking together. Love is being with a person who makes you happy in a way that no one else can.
36. Anyone can walk into your life and tell you how much they love you. But not everyone will be able to show it, prove it and stay in your life.

37. Light candles, drink wine, dress nicely. Don't save everything for a special occasion, today is the occasion.

38. Love and appreciate your parents. We are so busy growing up that we forget that our parents also age with time.

39. If you are forced to compromise and give in to your principles for the sake of the people around you, it's probably time to change the people around you.

40. Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the ideas of the people who love you.

41. When someone tells you: "You have changed", then most likely you have stopped living the way they lived before.

42. It is not necessary to listen to the person who disagrees with you.

43. Be happy. Be yourself. If others don't like it, ignore them. It's your choice and you don't have to please everyone.

44. When things are going well for you, your friends know how you are and who you are. When luck is not on your side, then you already know who your friends are.

45. Do not look for someone who will solve all the problems for you, look for someone who will help you with their solution.

46. ​​Thinking that the world will be fair to you just because you are fair is like hoping the lion won't eat you because you don't want to eat him.

47. No matter how good or bad you live, wake up every day, be grateful for your life and all that it has provided you. Someone is now fighting for a piece of bread.

48. The most insignificant manifestation of kindness is much more valuable than mere intention.

49. Many people are very poor because the only thing they have is money.

50. Learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate the things you once had.

51. When you start noticing something good in other people, you eventually stop seeing and looking for the good in yourself.

52. You won't drown by falling into water. You will drown standing in it.

53. Better to know and be disappointed than never know and always wonder.

54. We do not want some things to happen, but we have no right to change anything, we do not want to know some things, but we must learn them, and there are people without whom we cannot live, but one day we will have to let them go .

55. Happiness is not in what is happening around you, but in what is happening inside you. Most people always expect happiness from other people, but, in truth, it is always born not outside, but inside you.

56. If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past. If you lie, the lie becomes part of your future.

57. What you do every day matters more than what you are going to do soon.

58. You will not be able to start a new chapter in your life if you are still rereading the previous one.

59. Things work out best for those people who do their job regardless of what awaits them in the end.

60. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change anything, change your thinking.