Thinking of a successful person. How to develop it? Thinking of a successful person Successful people and their thoughts

  • 16.06.2021

Successful people differ from unsuccessful people in only one way - with your thinking. They think differently. They react differently to what is happening, they treat situations differently. Here are the main differences successful person from a loser.

  1. Search for the guilty. A loser will always find someone to blame for his failures. Everyone is to blame - the parents, because they did not give him something in childhood, the state, because it is not correct, the government, because it is not interested in his life. The crisis, because, as always, he violated all plans. A partner (husband or wife), because it is their fault that I do not develop, they do not give me ... And so on. He will never tell himself that in everything that happens in my life, only I myself am to blame, the whole life depends on me! Successful people never blame anyone. In their mindset, parents gave everything they could, the partner will always support, the government ... but what do I care about the government! A successful person is firmly convinced that everything in life depends only on himself. Only he can influence his own life.
  2. Losers never take risks. The loser says: "Yes, I live badly, I earn little, the family is a mess ... But, firstly, it's not my fault, and, secondly, because I can't change anything. Taking risks is for stupid people. Better plucked tit in hands than the most beautiful crane in the sky!". And no matter how many opportunities life gives him, he will miss them all, considering that it is too risky, to give up everything and turn life around 180 degrees. It's not for him. A successful person, on the contrary, does not miss a single opportunity. It doesn't mean he's rushing" head over heels". But he does not miss the opportunities that life gives him!
  3. Successful people always bring everything to its logical conclusion. Losers, on the contrary, they light up brightly and fieryly, but quickly go out. They begin to be tormented by fears and doubts. How many times have I watched people sign up for my free webinars and then decide not to go. And how many of these opportunities miss the losers in their lives. A successful person, even if for some reason he could not attend the webinar, always asks me: "Can I get a record?" Remember, I'm talking about free events. And so it is with everything. Losers light up, but their motivation is enough for a day or two, and then they begin to be tormented by fears and laziness. They are afraid that something can actually change in their life, and laziness says: "Why are you doing this? Waste of time! Let's get some rest!"
  4. A successful person knows how to admit their mistakes. He admits that he was wrong, draws conclusions and moves on. A loser, on the other hand, never admits to himself that he "screwed it up". He will tell everyone and himself that it just happened that way, that things happened that way. That it's not his fault, he's just always unlucky! That's how unlucky he is. He perceives any failure as a blow of fate, and, instead of thinking about how to avoid it in the future, the loser simply stops doing anything at all. Why do something? You see, I tried, and what came of it?
  5. A successful person is always evolving. In general, people are so arranged, they cannot stand still. People either grow in their development, move up. Or they slide down. It can't be otherwise, that's the way the world works. A successful person is always ready for something new, he is interested in learning new things, he is ready for novelty. The loser thinks that he already knows everything, why else study? So I always want to ask such people: "If you're so smart, then why are you so miserable?"
  6. A successful person always strives for more. The loser is used to being content with what he has. Yes, says the loser, I don't have much money, but I'm honest! Yes, I have a small apartment, but I have my own, many live with their parents. A loser always compares himself to others, and more often than not, to even bigger losers than himself. A successful person never compares himself with anyone, seeing something better than he has, he just strives to get it.
  7. Successful people motivate themselves they are on a wave of positivity. They do not look for negativity where there is none. They are always tuned for the best. Only losers tend to whine and complain about life, about people, about partners, about the country, about the government. They find the negative in everything. Whatever happens in their lives, the losers manage to paint even the most joyful event in black colors!

After reading this article, the loser will say: “Some kind of nonsense! Oh, I’m also a writer! They wrote all sorts of nonsense here! And how many mistakes!”

A successful person will add a couple more items to my list.

If you want to be successful, change your mindset. What you have been doing all your life has brought you to exactly where you are. If you don't like where you are now, maybe it's time to reconsider your life and your attitude to life?

Every person is born to be happy. Absolutely everyone. And only our own attitude to life, our thoughts affect whether we feel happy and whether we believe that we are able to succeed. It is thinking that determines where and how we are moving.

Most people believe that successful people are always lucky, which they initially good start- inheritance, rich parents, in a word there is a good initial capital. Certainly, there are some. But not all people who have achieved significant success in life started with a solid amount of money. There are many successful people who have risen to the pinnacle of success, having experienced a considerable number of failures and even bankruptcy. This only confirms that it is not about start-up capital. The main secret of any successful person - his thinking, which is fundamentally different from the thinking of losers.

Successful people are positive. They always enjoy life, no matter what. They know how to find the good in almost everything. It is always a pleasure to communicate with them, because they are smiling and friendly. Such people literally infect with their positive.

Successful people believe in themselves and in their success. They never say to themselves, “I won’t succeed,” because they are determined in advance to make every effort to make everything learn. But even if something fails, they, unlike the losers, ask themselves the question “How and what can I do in this situation?” and looking for ways to achieve positive results.

Successful people are not afraid of mistakes, because they understand that only those who do nothing will not make mistakes. Mistakes give experience, and experience is the most valuable acquisition.

Successful people never look for excuses for their inaction. They are well aware that no one is interested in excuses. Only the result matters.

Successful people are always honest with themselves. If they lack the knowledge or experience to solve a problem, they are able to admit it and are not afraid to ask for help. If fear overcomes, they seek in themselves the strength to overcome this feeling and move on.

Successful people are persistent in achieving their goals, perceiving any difficulties not as problems, but as tasks that need to be solved.

Successful people are not afraid of responsibility. They make decisions on their own, even if these decisions differ from the opinions of others.

Successful people know that the best investment is an investment in yourself, in your development, education, and health. Unsuccessful people would rather buy another trinket than a useful book.

Successful people don't dwell on things that have outlived their usefulness (work, business, relationships, etc.). They don't try to ride a dead horse hoping to revive it. (Sergei Azimov)

Successful people are always FOR a mutually beneficial partnership. They understand that if you build relationships on the principle of mutual benefit, this contributes to long-term cooperation.

And finally successful people always active. They prefer to act and take full advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

As you can see, it all depends on the attitude to a particular situation, to life itself. Think positive. Smile at life and life will smile at you!

Everyone has their own path to wealth and prosperity. Many seek to read advice from the rich and successful in order to repeat their scenarios exactly, but this does not work.

To get off the ground, it is not enough to apply any one recommendation at random to your life. Success comes to those who know how to think right and do a lot. In this article, we have collected the best business advice from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved a lot. Read, get inspired and apply!

1. Build business from the heart.

« If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart.» © Thomas John Watson

« If you are doing something that improves people's lives, then it is really valuable.» © Mark Zuckerberg

When a person wants to earn as much as possible without thinking about what he will give to the world in return, the business has no chance to survive for a long time. The law of conservation of energy works here too. If you want to get a lot, think about what benefit you will bring to humanity.

2. Define a goal.

« I am often asked: “Where did you start?”. With the will to live. I wanted to live, not to vegetate» © Oleg Tinkov

Why do you need your own business? What will you get by doing it? What is your strategic goal? The answers to these questions will pave the right path to learning the secret to success.

3. Be unique.

« To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population» © Donald Trump

Learn to think differently from the majority and be different from everyone else. The right way to do this is to be yourself, or rather best version myself. You will succeed!

4. Improve your skills.

« Young people should invest, not save. They should invest the money they earn in themselves in order to increase their value and usefulness.» © Henry Ford

They pay a lot to true professionals in their field. Once you can earn money by chance, but they always have a high income only the best people in your field. How to become rich and successful person? The advice is simple: upgrade your competencies, be cooler than the rest in what you do.

5. Create the right environment.

« Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. Life is already full of those who want to drag you down» ©George Clooney

The people in your circle influence thinking more than you might think. Successful people's advice on how to become successful is full of recommendations for connecting with those you admire.

6. Take action.

« Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Wishing is not enough, you have to do» © Bruce Lee

What makes a successful person stand out from the crowd? The ability to quickly move from thoughts to actions. This does not mean that you need to rush headlong into everything that you dreamed about at night and seemed brilliant. This means that you need to clearly think over and write down the strategy and tactics, and then do your best to achieve your goal. Advice from successful people confirms this.

7. Value your time.

« The only difference between the rich and the poor is how they use their time.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« When it came to your mind a good idea, act immediately» © Bill Gates

Time is an irreplaceable resource. In any list of quotes about success, you are sure to find business advice for beginners: learn to prioritize and spend time on the most important things. The advice of successful people is that in order to succeed in something, you need to catch trends and bring ideas to life faster than others can.

8. Be confident.

How to become a successful person in life? The advice of experienced people makes it clear that without faith in oneself and one's own strength one cannot go far.

If you have problems with this, admit them right now and go to a psychologist before starting your entrepreneurial journey. If you lack self-confidence, it will be so difficult for you to survive the first difficulties that will inevitably arise that there is a high probability of falling out of the race. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress and pump up your personal qualities in advance.

9. Know that you are not worse than others.

« Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do» © Brian Tracy

Remember the saying "Gods don't burn pots"? When it's scary to approach something very desirable, it always seems that we are worse than those who are close to perfection in this matter. In fact, this is only partly true: the beginner simply has less experience. But that's just for now. To earn it is a very real task, and not an exorbitant dream. Business advice from successful people to help you: you, too, can achieve everything that others achieve. Remember this.

« Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on» © Steve Jobs

An entrepreneurship and marketing guru wouldn't give business advice just like that. Admitting mistakes is difficult, but necessary. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. If something didn't work out the first time, it will definitely work out the fifth time.

Thinking about how to be successful? The advice of successful people will prompt the right direction of thought, but will not stand your fate for you. Study, be inspired by the examples of successful people and build your success according to your own rules!

Register for an open online meeting for entrepreneurs, bloggers and everyone who starts their project on the Internet. We will tell you how to use social networks, collect subscribers and turn them into money.

Why do some people's dreams come true, while most people's dreams remain dreams? The answer lies in three things:
1. How successful people think.
2. How successful people dream.
3. What successful people do to achieve their dreams.

How successful people think.
Do you want to become rich? And for what? To do nothing? Will not work. Everyone wants it!
But on the way to wealth and success, you will understand that it is impossible to do nothing. You can only waste your time. Why are those who have enough money to live the rest of their lives at the highest level still working? Because it helps them reach their goals. “What are the other goals? They have everything,” you ask. And, of course, you'd be wrong. Achieving a goal is like fulfilling a wish. It's insanely nice. Much more pleasant than going to the sauna or flying to a prestigious resort. Only those who have done a great job, got the opportunity, seized it and climbed higher. high level compared to others, can understand it.

“It takes a lot of willpower,” you say. And you will be right. But people who quit because they complain about their lack of willpower will never rise higher. Need incentives to get started? This is just the thinking of a person who really wants to get everything without doing anything. You just need to get down to work right now, when you remember about it. And the next day you will be proud of yourself, and this is the best of all incentives. People who once did not break down, and continued to act when the rest gave up, can no longer stop. After all, the previous day serves as an incentive for them today.

All sources dedicated to have good advice that could help you become rich and happy. Why are so many of them not digested? Someone will say that there was no motivation, someone will say that your goal was incorrectly formulated, someone else will say something, there are many opinions. But among all these thoughts there is one property that mysteriously connects them. Guess what? They all justify you.
He could not - he had an incorrectly formulated goal, well, next time ...
He couldn't - he didn't have enough motivation, let him try to find something that will push him, and next time ...
He could not - he was constantly distracted by some small things. When he deals with them, that's when ...
Ask yourself one question: what is stopping me from moving up? There may be many answers. But they are all wrong. There is nothing stopping you from being successful. Except for one thing: unwillingness to achieve it. You want to get, but not achieve, success, wealth, happiness.

What do successful people dream about?
How should you dream? You need to dream according to certain rules. Ordinary dreams have a bad property - they do not come true. It is necessary to remake the dream into a goal, the realization of which is already much more likely.
What should be the goal:
1. Positive. That is formed without negative words. “Get rid of the habit”, “do not get into debt” is an example of incorrectly set goals. The subconscious mind does not know the “not” particle, and your desire is much less likely to come true.
2. Main, or secondary. You should have a main goal that you will achieve, and many small sub-goals, achieving which, you will gradually approach the main one. " " - the main objective. "Buy tickets and play", "" - subgoals.
3. Clearly set. "Buy a cool car" - the goal is set incorrectly. You have to dream about a certain car, or at least a car from a manufacturer that you absolutely love.
4. Alluring. You yourself should want to achieve this goal more than anything. “Buy a fur coat for your wife” - if you really want this - please, but it should not be otherwise.

Since you are on this site, then most likely you are interested in the lottery. Hitting the jackpot, winning $1,000,000 – why not a tempting and well-defined goal? Also read the Igroblog, there are many stories of lucky people who managed to win the lottery! Try to feel their way of dreaming, thinking and acting!

What successful people do to achieve their dreams.
If you have clearly formulated the goal, you like it, then you should have enthusiasm. You will want to do something, but, unfortunately, it is not for long. Many people do everything right, but give up after a couple of weeks, becoming more and more convinced that they are not capable of anything. In fact, the abilities of all people are the same, but some achieve goals, and some quit.
Think about the goal. If you really want to achieve it, you must think about it, remember it as often as possible. Do you want a car? Buy a frame, print out a photo of this car, and insert it into the frame, hang it in a prominent place. Do you want to draw the winning lottery ticket? Put your photo with a million in an embrace on your computer desktop. Imagine your success, think about it. But thoughts, of course, are not enough. We need to move towards the goal. Start acting, even if it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, this should not stop you. You will see, soon you will come across a great opportunity, a good opportunity! Then grab onto it and don't let go.
Everyone is waiting for an opportunity, but it's still not there, do you give up? Don't be like those athletes who start running every spring, but give up after a week. Capabilities. They are everywhere.

The famous conductor Valery Gergiev is a millionaire. Hermitage director Mikhail Piotrovsky is a millionaire. The popularly beloved artist Oleg Tabakov is a millionaire ... It is unlikely that they, going into the profession, were thinking about how to get rich. Money was "attracted" to success in the profession and demand from the viewer.

The role of Lady Luck in all these cases, we think, is also huge. The mass of people talented in their field vegetated and vegetate in obscurity and practical poverty. What is missing for a person to change the situation? How are money and psychology related? What is the secret of rich and successful people? Is it all about luck or is a person the blacksmith of his own happiness?

"Lucky for those who are lucky." Increasing the likelihood of success

Hoping for luck alone is like playing in a casino all your life: you can be left without your last shirt. We repeat, no one has canceled the role of Fortune, but if we do not create situations with our own hands in which we can get lucky, then the probability of luck tends to absolute zero. The point is the elementary law of probability: in order to find a treasure, you need to SEARCH for it, and not wait for it to be on the threshold: it will not be. Unlucky the first time, the second, the third - lucky the tenth. In the end, instead of the treasure, there will be something else, but also very valuable.

Putting aside the story of the treasure, let's turn to the story of the job search. If you look for it, you will definitely find it. If there was none, at first any will do, just to start earning. And once you start doing this, you can look for more suitable options. The main thing is only to be able to “process” failures, or, in other words, to keep the presence of mind. It is the presence of the spirit essential quality any successful person. Failures and failures happen to everyone, but some get up and move on, while others drop out of the game.

Successful people create situations in which the likelihood of success is increased. They are not afraid to take risks, take responsibility, they are not too lazy to think about their moves in advance, like a good chess player thinks over combinations and strategy for the future game as a whole.

A wealthy person has created his own wealth. He did not expect favors from nature, society, the state or the universe. If you earn little, then nothing will change until you yourself begin to change the situation. It is very possible that you will have to learn something in order to earn additional income. For example, the same stock trading on Forex. Competent traders make great money, tested on personal experience. Maybe this is your chance too?..

Great Power of Action

The secret of successful people is that they do things. With a capital letter, an Action is an action that should change the situation radically, and involves other people, material resources, and ideas into its orbit. A common example of an Act is "starting life over." For example, change profession and place of residence. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” our ancestors said, and they were absolutely right.

Often the Deed itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy expenditures. And the effect of it is truly enormous, when everything turns upside down, and the alignment of forces on the “battlefield” changes dramatically.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be taken into account. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person's desire to do things. First: mentally prepare for the worst case scenario. Second: “lay straws” on this worst option. Third: prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

The technology of the Deed resembles the preparation and conduct of hostilities. A good officer is always aware of the possibility of failure of the operation and the loss of personnel. But a good officer prepares for battle in such a way as to, ideally, save all the people and equipment, calculates options for defense and retreat.

So, Peter the Great, at the founding of St. Petersburg, decided to build the most modern fortress for those times to defend against the enemy. The fact is that the city was laid in a very dangerous place, and a Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka never took part in hostilities, but in the event of aggression, the enemy would not have been very good.

The life of the first Russian emperor can be considered a model of how to perform Deeds, defeat enemies and achieve success.

The price of success

Let's be realistic: you can't just learn to "attract money." This is all mysticism, and there are no magnets that can enrich the owner. Whether wealth, fame or success is the result of enormous and hard work. Moreover, the opinion of others, especially relatives, who may not understand and not make many of our decisions, also has a powerful effect on us.

Taking a step towards success, we must step out of our comfort zone! That's it, there will be no more quiet evenings on the couch watching TV, there will be no more hours of "sessions" in in social networks. There will be a lot of work and development of new knowledge... You need to be ready for this, otherwise you shouldn't even start.

Rich, famous and powerful people have such a quality as the ability to "turn your face to the wind." When the rest hide in the hold of the ship, they take the helm in their hands, not dodging the hurricane, but looking directly into the eyes of danger. And the danger gives way under the gaze of a strong man.

They don't go for a bear without a gun

To go to sea, you need at least a boat. To fill up a bear, you must first buy a gun and ammunition (and learn how to shoot). Of course, you can hope for luck and that it will turn out to frighten the beast with a stick ...

A successful person always prepares for a project in advance and according to plan, collects resources, and only if they are available enters the game. One common reason many good initiatives fail is lack of preparation.

You can not immediately collect significant resources to start a serious project. Do you have plans, do you have attractive goals? Make a plan right now, where to get it from and what resources are needed to implement them? Start small. Is it possible to lay the foundation stone for success right now? Get started!

In our work, we are guided by the principle of the famous British businessman and billionaire Richard Branson: “To hell with everything, take it and do it!” Branson is the owner of Virgin, a diversified corporation that does just about anything, even spaceflight. Richard even has his own island, and he achieved all this himself. And Branson was born in an ordinary family of lawyers, and Fate assumed him a quiet and typical life of a British lawyer. Branson refused this fate, and his super-saturated life can only be envied.

Those who know how to count money become rich. If you cannot say how much money you have in your pocket at the moment, correct yourself and learn to count everything to the penny. Money does not appear by magic. As soon as you do not count money, it means that it is a sinful thing to think that they fall into your wallet from the sky. Such a position is good only in one case: if you are the son of an oligarch, and dad will always “warm up” with any amount, no matter what you want. But in this case, the real rich man is exactly the oligarch dad, and not his son, who, in fact, spends other people's money.

Financial control is the most important managerial function. The accounting department of a good enterprise works from morning till night on reporting, in which, as a result, a mosquito will not undermine the nose. Personal finance is no different from corporate finance (except quantitatively). A person who is not able to manage his own money is not able to manage anything in his life. Conversely, if someone is good at managing personal money, he can, if he wants to, become a wealthy person (and most likely he is).

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you suddenly receive a significant amount (or expect to receive it). Is it about a win, a well-earned income or a bonus at work? Yes, that's right, we think: "I'm finally going to buy myself ..." Then you can substitute anything into the equation, from a new smartphone to jewelry or a car. Spontaneous purchases, of course, are permissible, you can’t deny yourself pleasures. But the core of the problem is that some people are subject to spontaneous spending, which they constantly make. Thus, having received a significant amount, a person quickly gets rid of it, as if it “burns their hands”, instead of investing part of it in liquid assets.

Certainly good Appliances, modern computer, fashion clothes must have a place. But a person who manages money competently buys all this according to plan, when he realizes that he will not “run out of money”. By the way, many truly rich people (at least in Europe and the USA) are modest, do not disdain to attend sales, purchasing clothes and other things at discounted prices.

Such was, for example, the brilliant manager, the famous manager of the Ford Corporation, and then of the Chrysler Company, Lido Anthony Iacocca. He is known all over the world for his book "The Career of a Manager", which we recommend reading to anyone who wants to learn how to manage finances and their own lives in general.

Forget about problems! No, really forget about the problems, because there is no such thing. At least for someone who thinks like a successful person. For a successful person in life there are no problems, but there are tasks. Feel the difference? Everything is very simple: you need to treat many matters more calmly and more thoroughly, not to give feelings the upper hand over reason. A problem is a task loaded with negative emotions, psychologists say, and this is absolutely true.

What is the difference between drivers with many years of accident-free experience? First of all, calmness behind the wheel and unhurried driving style. The basis of their philosophy is the famous "three Ds", that is, "give way to the fool." Let him fly towards the accident. In principle, you can get to know a person well very quickly: just look at how he drives a car in difficult road conditions. And it is true that life is often compared to the road. For a successful person, his path is a winding multi-lane freeway filled with a variety of cars. Here you need to be able to calmly maneuver in order to reach the goal healthy and mentally balanced.

Be healthy!

Rich people care about their own health. There have been exceptions in history, but as a rule, in order to make money, you need good health: physical and psychological. Do not neglect preventive examinations good doctors, give yourself feasible physical activity, eat well, find time for proper rest, as well as hobbies, rational leisure.

These tips have been repeated in the business literature thousands of times, but they are still stubbornly neglected, paying with illness for success. It must be remembered that the main thing is the goal, not the process, but achieved goal It would be nice to have time to enjoy. Think health.

What to do if your health is not very good, and psychological problems prevent you from changing something in life? Getting rid of problems, even gradually, is your first small step towards personal success. There will always be resources to make a key gesture that will trigger an avalanche of further effective actions. The most microscopic possibility that we have created contains the "genes" of future huge prospects.