Hiring a leader. How to apply for a CEO job. Who signs the order

  • 03.11.2019

The coefficient of variation is used to analyze the spread of the selected bids. In the event that the obtained value exceeds 33%, then this is a signal of the heterogeneity of the obtained values ​​and the probability of excluding the largest and smallest values ​​from the calculation.

The calculation of the coefficient of variation is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 567 dated 02.10.2013, in which guidelines as defined by the NMCC. According to this regulatory legal act, in order to obtain the necessary information about the current price level, the customer must:

  • send a request for proposals to at least 5 performers;
  • publish the corresponding price request in the EIS;
  • find information about the cost in the register of contracts;
  • to analyze the received information.

In 44-FZ there is no direct indication of the calculation of the coefficient of variation, in Art. 22 does not fix the requirements for the need for its use and the maximum size. According to Order No. 567, the coefficient is calculated according to the following formula (clause 3.20):

V = (σ /<Ц>) × 100,

where σ is the standard deviation, which is defined as follows:

  • Qi - price;
  • <ц>— arithmetic average price;
  • n is the number of offers;
  • i is the current value.

If several items are planned in the order, then the coefficient of variation is calculated for each such item to exclude values ​​with a large range.

In the event that the coefficient of variation in the calculation is greater than 33%, this indicates that the prices used by the customer are not homogeneous, and the purchasing specialist should use other cost information.

Price conversion index

In order to correctly calculate the NMCP using the comparable market method, the customer must compare them for the purchased goods, works and services (clause 3.17 of Order No. 567). To bring the obtained figures into a comparable form, it is possible to apply a price conversion index, taking into account differences in the quantitative, qualitative and financial characteristics of GWS. Using the conversion index, the customer can take into account a number of criteria:

  • quantitative and qualitative indicators of goods, works or services;
  • order execution time;
  • availability of advance payment and its amount;
  • delivery address;
  • taxation and customs duties;
  • the term for the formation of information about the cost;
  • the scale of the order, etc.

The prices of previous periods are brought to the current price level according to the following formula:


  • kpp is the coefficient for recalculating the cost;
  • tf is the cost data generation time;
  • t is the month of NMCC settlements;
  • CPI - consumer price index for the current month as a percentage of the previous month in accordance with the information set on www.gks.ru.

Index deflator

The deflator is a factor that is used to convert current prices into constant prices.

Annual deflator indices are used in determining the NMTsK, since when applying the market analysis method, price information should be analyzed taking into account commercial conditions for the supply of GWS comparable with the conditions of the planned purchase (part 3 of article 22 of 44-FZ).

If in the procurement it is required not only to calculate the cost of work, but also to distribute it by years (periods), then such a calculation at the rates of the corresponding years is carried out using deflator indices (Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development No. D28i-659 dated 10.03.2016).

If the purchase concerns either federal facilities, or those facilities that are financed at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation different levels, then deflator indices are used, which are prepared annually by the Ministry of Economic Development and published in the socio-economic development forecast.

Also, deflator indices are used in determining the NMTsK by the design and estimate method - prices are calculated using deflators by type economic activity.

The deflator index is key indicator for predictive pricing. Calculated with the help of deflators, they are the most objective, reflecting the real cost level of GWS without taking into account inflationary indicators.

Information for calculating deflators is taken from statistical reporting data, and forecasts of socio-economic development by region are taken as a basis. The main deflator indices used in predictive planning:

  • consumer price index;
  • producer costs;
  • changes in real wages and real incomes of the population;
  • changes in the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar (for purchases in foreign currency).

CPI calculation formula:

Current basket value / Basket value at the beginning of the period (or base year) × 100.

If the current cost of goods in the consumer basket is 165 rubles, and at the end of the previous year their cost was 160 rubles, the annual deflator will be equal to:

165 / 160 × 100 = 103.1.

Producer price index

This is a coefficient that takes into account the dynamics of prices from manufacturers in the context of industry specifics for various types economic activity. First of all, the index is used in industries directly related to energy, mining, manufacturing, retail, construction and agriculture. The analysis is carried out for 2 options: taking into account the export component and excluding the export component.

The producer price index takes into account the change in the price index of a certain set of goods (raw materials, materials, components, etc.) at the wholesale level during the reporting period in relation to the base period. The PPI is one of the indicators of the future rate of inflation.

It also illustrates the dynamics in a particular industry, as well as the movement of income from the sale of goods, works and services.

The index is calculated using the following formula:


  • PPI i - change in the cost of the i-th industrial product;
  • P t is the price of the i-th industrial product at the end of period t;
  • P B is the cost of the i-th industrial product in the base period.

The information base of the calculation is made up of statistical data relevant at the time of the calculation.

The main characteristic of the price dynamics is made using the calculation of price indices.

A price index is a relative indicator, expressed in coefficients or percentages, that characterizes price changes over time (dynamic index) or in space (territorial index).

Price indices are divided into individual (private) and general.

Individual index prices characterizes the ratio of price levels of one type of goods.

General index prices - a relative value that characterizes the change in prices of a set of a number of heterogeneous goods.

Depending on the tasks set and the availability of initial data, various forms of indices can be used to calculate price indices: aggregate, arithmetic mean and harmonic mean, less often geometric form.

All these forms of indexes are considered in the general theory of statistics course.

Currently, Goskomstat of Russia calculates price indices for two sectors: manufacturing and consumer.

AT consumer sector, the consumer price index for basic goods and services (CPI) is calculated.

AT production sector, several indices are calculated:

    Price index of manufacturing enterprises for industrial products;

    Price index for the acquisition of material and technical resources for the main production;

    Sales price index for agricultural products;

    Price index in capital construction;

    Freight price index.

Consumer price index characterizes the change in time of the general level of prices for goods and services purchased by the population for non-productive consumption. It is calculated as the ratio of the value of an actual fixed set of goods and services in the current period to its value in the base period.

A fixed set of goods and services is a representative sample of groups of goods and services most frequently consumed by the population. This set is the same for all regions of Russia. It includes three groups: food products, non-food products and paid services population.

The CPI is calculated monthly and quarterly on the basis of statistical data obtained during price monitoring. In addition, to calculate the CPI, data on the structure of actual consumer spending of the population for the previous period are used.

Calculation CPI produced in several stages:

    Individual price indices for certain types of goods and for a particular city are determined as a quotient of the division of average comparable prices:

Average comparable prices for a particular region are defined as the arithmetic average, weighted by the share of the population of certain regions of the region in the total population of the region:


where p k, i - the tariff of the k-th district in the i-th month;

d k is the proportion of the population of the k-th district.

    Determine aggregate price indices for individual goods, commodity groups and services in general for the region, economic region, RF using territorial weights.


where p 0, k d k is the product of the share of the population and the level of tariffs in the period taken as the base one.

In the context of a sharp change in the structure of production of the base and current periods, a modified formula for the Laspeyres index is used to calculate the composite price index, which has the following form:


where t is the current period;

t-1 - previous period;

p t -1 q 0 =p 0 q 0

The advantage of this formula is that the turnover of the base period is used as weights, which is successively multiplied by the last value of the price index.

The calculation of the consolidated CPI at the federal and regional levels is carried out weekly. To determine the index for a longer period (month, quarter, etc.), a chain method is used, i.e. weekly (monthly, etc.) CPIs are multiplied.

To characterize the level of inflation in the consumer sector, to index the income of the population, the general CPI is used, but the statistical authorities calculate a system of consumer price indices. It includes:

    The composite consumer price index for a full set of consumer goods and services purchased for one family and for the same set without non-essential goods (jewelry, cars, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products)

    CPI for certain socio-economic groups of the population with different income levels (10 decile groups of families);

    Living Wage Cost Indices;

    Indices for individual goods and services.

Analysis of price dynamics in the manufacturing sector of the economy is carried out by calculating producer price index industrial products. This index is determined by two methods: chain and basic.

Basic Index shows how many times prices have changed in the reporting period compared to the base period. It is calculated by dividing the price of the current month by the price of the goods in the period taken as the base.

The basis method is used only when the prices of goods produced over several years are analyzed.

The monthly index of the current period is determined by dividing the basic index of the current period by the basic index of the previous period.

Example: the basic producer price index for washing machines in March was 100.3%, and in April - 100.8%. Determine the percentage change in April prices.

I Apr =

Consequently, prices increased by 0.4% in April.

Using chain method The monthly index is determined by dividing the price of a good in the current month by the price of a good in the previous month. If it is necessary to determine the chain index for a long period, the monthly indices are multiplied. The chain calculation method is used with frequent changes in production.

The body mass index is a measure of the ratio of a person's weight to height. This parameter helps to determine deviations from normal body weight in one direction or another. Excess weight is dangerous for human health, as it often leads to heart disease. The online body mass index calculator allows you to quickly and accurately find out how your weight indicator corresponds to the norm. To calculate the body mass index, you need to select your height and weight in the presented service.

The body mass index for women is considered normal if the indicator is in the range from 20 to 22. For men, this indicator should be from 23 to 25. Statistics show that people who have this indicator in the range of 18-22 live longer on average than those with weight problems.

If your BMI is over 25, then this is a signal that you need to change your lifestyle. It is important to note that the formula used to calculate the body mass index may overestimate the obesity rate for people of athletic build, since the calculation does not take into account muscle mass.

The body mass index has become especially relevant in Western countries, where the problem of obesity has become quite acute. At the very beginning, the calculation of BMI was developed for sociological research Therefore, making a medical diagnosis using these calculations is not entirely correct.
However, the availability and ease of calculation made this calculator very popular among the population. If the index exceeds the number 30, then this most likely indicates obesity.
It must be understood that the body mass index is not suitable for making a diagnosis, but it can help as a control in the process of trying out a new fitness program or diet.
The BMI calculator will give you a starting point and allow you to track changes in body weight.

Formula for calculating body mass index (BMI)

To find out your BMI, you only need to divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.


The formula does not take into account the sex and age of a person, despite the fact that the BMI of men is higher than the BMI of women, as well as the BMI is higher in middle-aged people, and in children and the elderly this figure is lower.

The formula is not suitable for calculating BMI for children.

Summary table of values

Interpretation of BMI indicators, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO)