Rostelecom began rebranding with a teaser advertising campaign

  • 21.11.2019

Rostelecom has launched a teaser advertising campaign dedicated to its rebranding. Billboards with the new logo appeared in St. Petersburg and its suburbs. Photos of billboards are posted on the portal.

There is no mention of Rostelecom itself on them. There is only a new logo, shaped like an ear. This logo was discussed in the press in the spring as a possible option. Then the representatives of Rostelecom reported that this was really one of the possible concepts of the new symbolism, but they promised to finally decide on it only in the fall.

In addition to the "ear", another alleged Rostelecom logo has recently appeared on the Internet. The company itself does not comment on the rebranding that has begun. Apparently, the advertising campaign began not only in St. Petersburg, but also in all major regional cities, since similar billboards appeared on the streets of Barnaul on September 2.



Rostelecom did a great job - they made a logo in the already declining trend of “voluminous-what-does-not-be-understandable”. However, compared to what it was - quite nice. Like all Russian telecoms, Rostelecom is extremely far from the revolution, and, apparently, it doesn’t need to, - says Danil Snitko, art director of the creative agency PUNK YOU. - The authors and the customer, fortunately, had something to be inspired by - the logo clearly hints at its commitment to the camp of telecommunications companies, it wants to be like Swisscom and, especially, Telenor. Although it is unlikely, of course, that this will be a “live identity”, like Swisscom’s – we have such “people will not understand”. About the teaser, I must say, there has already been a slight rustle in in social networks, where people are perplexed about what is being advertised and shares links to the site (about which, to tell the truth, nothing is clear either). Let's see what the pleaser will be," adds Snitko.

“I perceive the new logo of Rostelecom positively, as an example of a logo with “relevant literacy, but the design was obviously let down,” says Nikolai Obblapokhin, creative director of the corporate branding department at Depot WPF agency. - As for the desire to get into the world trends of the category (swisscom), this is not a "mandatory program". It is the task for strategists and designers to find original solutions that would differentiate the brand in the category. As for advertising, it is too early to evaluate it until the teaser campaign is over" , - adds Obblapokhin.

"The new sign of Rostelecom (if it is, in fact, it), unfortunately, is no better than the old one. Most likely, the authors of the logo decided to give color and volume to the letter "P", which begins the name of the company, but in the end they got ear - this sign is not perceived in any other way. The blue color only indicates that the ear has been frostbitten - winters in Russia are harsh. True, the course with red-orange insides of the ear is not clear - perhaps this is some kind of inflammation, "says Andrey Kalibabin , headman of the artel Vasisualia Utkina. - In general, the sign turned out to be rather dull - it seems that the ear was made of wax, which has warmed up in the sun and is now flowing down somewhere.

Let's see what the font part will be. Western brands have long used only lowercase letters in their styles, while Rostelecom, at least on posters so far, has solid capital letters. The use of cheap typesetting is also surprising. It is enough to look at the logo of the same "Swisscom" to understand that the font in the logo must be display," adds Kalibabin.

From the site

Trend example - Swisskom rebranding

On September 15, the Russian national telecommunications company Rostelecom presented its new corporate brand.

The press conference was held in the format of video communication with Moscow and the regions. In Barnaul, the journalists were invited by the Altai branch of the company.

Brand Consolidation

Via a video link, Rostelecom President Alexander Provotorov (Moscow) explained the prerequisites for rebranding: the merger of Svyazinvest holding companies in April this year and the decision to consolidate the portfolio of brands, of which Svyazinvest has more than 60, under one umbrella.

Today, Rostelecom has begun to provide a full range of voice communication services, high-speed Internet access and interactive television. The communication campaign accompanying the rebranding will be held under the slogan "More Opportunities!".

Ear at the base of the logo

The new brand was developed by the TNC.Brands.Ads branding company, with the participation of the Russian branch of the Leo Burnett creative agency, which is part of the Leo Burnett Group Russia.

A new sign in the Rostelecom logo is a three-dimensional image of the Cyrillic letter "R" - the first letter in the company's name, derived from the word "Russia". "R" is stylized in such a way that it evokes associations with the ear. This sign shows not only nationality, but also symbolizes the openness of the company, the desire to conduct a dialogue and listen to the opinions of consumers.

The traditional strict dark blue color of Rostelecom was replaced by a softer light shade of blue and was complemented by bright orange - a symbol of positiveness and cheerfulness.

In addition, the three-dimensional mark in the company logo is now accompanied by the name in a modern, high-tech font. It replaced the poster font that was previously.

And if earlier Rostelecom in the perception of consumers was associated with a company that had a heavy load of decades, now the focus of the renewed company is people. And the logo reflects the values ​​of the new brand - Humanity, Quality of services, Universality, Responsibility and the desire for Innovative development.

Mystery and riddle

An advertising campaign to promote a new corporate brand takes place in two stages. The first one is Mystery. Its purpose is to draw attention to the new logo. Teaser billboards with the words "pride", "beauty", "interesting" and a blue-orange ear are placed in the regions.

The second stage is Revelation. Its goal is to build emotional connections with consumers and explain that Rostelecom is a universal brand in the communications services market.

Vladimir Tkachev, CEO Leo Burnett Group Russia, talking about advertising campaign on the launch of a new brand, noted: “ creative idea“More opportunities to communicate the main thing” reflects the new Rostelecom's ambition to become a modern high-tech company that builds its business on product quality and customer care.”

Answering journalists' questions, Pavel Zaitsev, Vice President and Commercial Director of OJSC Rostelecom (Moscow), noted that rebranding work had been carried out since December 2010, the project team consisted of 30 people, the cost of brand development was 12 million rubles, the cost of launching the brand to the market - 760 million rubles. The entire rebranding process will take two years. In the near future, 14 flagship stores with a new design will open, where consumers will be able to appreciate the level of comfort offered by the updated Rostelecom. When asked by a journalist from St. Petersburg that the new Rostelecom logo resembles the symbols of the telecommunications companies Swisscom and Telenor, Pavel Zaitsev replied: “They are as similar as we are.”

New brand presentation

In contact with

On September 15, Rostelecom held a nationwide video press conference to present its new corporate brand. Before the large-scale, which ended, Rostelecom was a backbone operator that worked mainly with big companies. As a result, he had little need for a memorable consumer-facing brand. At the same time, other companies that were part of the SvyazInvest holding (such as VolgaTelcom, for example) had their own own brands well-known to consumers in the regions. After the merger, Rostelecom (which is logical) needed to bring this entire gallery of various regional brands to a common denominator. The branding company TNC.Brands.Ads, as well as the Russian branch of the creative agency Leo Burnett, which are part of the Leo Burnett Group Russia, were involved in this work.
As a result of the joint work of branding specialists and Rostelecom's own employees, a new brand aimed at people. Ordinary clients of the telecommunications company will first of all notice the new corporate identity and logo of Rostelecom: a three-dimensional image of the Cyrillic letter “P” stylized under the ear. As the developers assure, this sign, on the one hand, demonstrates the national identity of the company, and on the other hand, symbolizes the company's openness to dialogue and readiness to listen to the opinions of consumers.

In addition to changing the corporate identity, Rostelecom is also changing its policy related to working with clients. Obviously, the united company, having a huge network of interregional highways, will be able to provide the widest range of voice communication services, high-speed Internet access and interactive television. Therefore, the main slogan characterizing the changes in the company will be the slogan "More opportunities!".

According to the President of OJSC Rostelecom Alexander Provotorov, "the rebranding was necessary, first of all, in order to bring the corporate brand in line with the new business strategy and new priorities". “Today, our focus is on people with their interests, desires and needs. We are creating a single information space in Russia, where everyone can easily fulfill their communication needs.”, - A. Provotorov explained.

In turn, Natalya Mesh, Managing Director of TNC.Brands.Ads, noted: “The rebranding of Rostelecom is a unique project in terms of scale and timing. The new brand is in line with the trends modern market telecom services and finely tuned to their target audiences. The promise of the new brand "More Opportunities" expresses Rostelecom's desire to make people's lives more comfortable, easier and richer by providing the full range of communication services in a convenient, understandable and accessible form.".