Create a new bookmark in google chrome. Working with bookmarks in Google Chrome: adding and importing, setting and saving, deleting and restoring. Video instruction for saving bookmarks

  • 12.03.2020

The function of adding sites to bookmarks (or "Favorites") allows you to get quick access to regularly visited resources.

Bookmarks can be found either in the settings menu or in the quick access bar (top or side)

Ways to add bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

1. The most popular way to add bookmarks in Google Chrome is to use the asterisk-shaped graphic located in the right corner of the browser's address bar.

When you click it, a window opens where the program prompts you to specify the name of the bookmark, specify the folder in which it will be saved. The star will turn yellow.

In the window that appears, you can add a new folder for bookmarks by clicking on the "Edit" button.

2. The fastest and easiest way to create a bookmark is to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D. The opened page will be added to your bookmarks folder.

3. Another way is to add it through the menu "Settings and Management" - "Bookmarks" - "Bookmark this page".

4. You can add pages to your favorites through the bookmarks bar. To activate it, you need to check the box in the "Settings and Management" - "Bookmarks" - "Show bookmarks bar" directory.

After the panel becomes available, by right-clicking on it - the "Add Page" line - you can add sites to your favorites.

Many people know the situation with the popular Google Chrome browser, when you need to add a tab of a specific site to the quick access page so that when the browser starts, an express panel with the necessary sites opens, such as in the opera browser or Yandex browser.

The thing is that immediately when installing Google Chrome, there is no such functionality. Of course, there is something similar to the express panel, but there is no way to add sites to it. Google Chrome itself determines the most visited sites and adds them to the quick access page on its own.

What do you need to be able to add bookmarks to the quick access page in Google Chrome?

There is a special extension that adds the ability to work with site bookmarks in the Google Chrome express panel. It is installed from the official Google app store in 1 minute for free.

To get started, launch Chrome and click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Go to the list of installed Google Chrome extensions

After that, a menu will open where you need to select "Additional tools" -\u003e "Extensions".

You will see a window of installed extensions for the Google Chrome browser. At the top left, click on the three horizontal bars to the left of the word "extensions" and then at the bottom "Open the Chrome Web Store".

Button with three horizontal stripes

Go to the install store for new extensions

In the window that opens, at the top left, where it says "Search by store", enter the phrase " Visual bookmarks". This will open a list of extensions. We are interested in "Visual bookmarks" with the caption below "Speed ​​Dial Dev" (Usually located in the first place in the issuance list).

Looking for visual bookmark extensions for google chrome

Click on the install button. In the next window, click "Install Extension".

Install visual extensions in Google Chrome

After a few seconds, the "Visual Bookmarks" extension for Google Chrome will be installed, and a request will appear in the upper right window with saving the changes made, in which you need to click "Save changes".

Closing training for expansion

We agree to the changes

A new start page of the Google Chrome browser will open in front of you, where you can add bookmarks to the express quick access panel by clicking on the “+” icon.

Hello friends and visitors of my Internet resource. I know many of you are interested in the question, how to make bookmarks in google chrome? Yes, Chrome is very friendly and that Google created. He recently celebrated his birthday.

In this regard, its creators released new version. Here you can download several favorite sites at the same time. You just have to go to the options and in the "basic" tab, select the desired pages.

start page is a page that contains content that, when launched, is displayed on your computer or smartphone in the first place.

This could be a document that is stored locally on your computer or, for example, a website that you visit very often. In some browsers, terms such as start page and home page are often used, which do not necessarily mean the same thing. But first things first…

It is a rather complex work - the best proof that it is software, with additional functions of direct hardware fully meet the requirements operating system ChromeOS.

The appearance of this browser at startup, and thus the main page of the site or home page(not the same in Google Chrome) may vary, for example, depending on which user profile was set by default. For simplicity, it's best to use Google Chrome with one, your personal profile.

SpeedDial 2 App in Chrome

According to statistics, Google Chrome is the most popular Internet browser. Users appreciate it for its undeniable benefits. In addition, the SpeedDial 2 extension in Chrome significantly improves the functionality, security and comfort of the browser.

Everyone has at least a couple of favorite web pages that they visit with high regularity. Printing them every time in the address bar is not particularly interesting job so the bookmarks were created. And here we are not talking about complete satisfaction, but Speed ​​Dial (FVD) comes to the rescue.

The extension changes the appearance of new bookmarks, which allows you to install any selected windows that contain links to selected sites and provide direct access. It becomes possible to save up to several dozen positions and there are ample opportunities for personalizing the visual page.

After installing the extension, you get a clean and accessible interface into which you can import all open tabs, or “manually” add pages by right-clicking on an open page and selecting the Speed ​​​​Dial 2 option from the Chrome context menu.

For added bookmarks, a thumbnail is generated or selected from a set of dozens of the most popular sites.

It's a really strong extension and provides a lot of configuration options. After entering the parameters, you have access to a variety of functions, divided thematically on tabs.

Speed ​​Dial 2 not only allows you to customize the thumbnail display or change the background, but has a number of other useful options. You can display a bar of installed applications (top/bottom of the page), and activate the sidebar. And here display bookmarks (searchable) and recently closed pages (also searchable) on the application.

But that's not all. You can also set page thumbnails, depending on the time of day you visit them. The extension "learns" based on viewing your history and notes when you made a visit in the morning, noon, evening or at night.
And they “embellish” completely beautiful statistics, showing in the form of a “cake” the pages that you visited ...

And that is not all. It is possible to import / export settings for this extension.

With the right dose of patience and time allotted for personalization, you end up with a really interesting and practical effect.

5 Tips for the Best Use of Google Chrome on Android

Are you using Google Chrome on Android? If so, then I have a few tricks and tips in store especially for you to help you better tailor the browser to your needs and reach its full potential.

Chrome on Android has features you might not have heard of. It is definitely one of the best browsers for Android, and with the following tricks, you can make it even better.

  1. Quick transition between open bookmarks.
    The number of open tabs is displayed, as in opera, at the top, next to the field in which the page address is indicated. When you click on the button with the number of bookmarks, a panel will appear on the screen with the ability to switch to another screen tab. However, there is a much faster and more pleasant way. Just follow the corresponding finger movement. By moving your finger left or right on the address bar of the browser, you can quickly switch between bookmarks, without having to extract the full menu.
  2. Restoring Chrome bookmarks on an Android smartphone screen.

    If you're using Android 5.0 Lollipop and you've chosen Google Chrome as your browser, you'll of course notice that the list with the number of open tabs has disappeared from the screen. Open bookmarks are synchronized with the way they are displayed.

    You only need to pull down the Chrome menu and then go to settings. A little lower, under the search, find the option that is responsible for combining bookmark browsing with browsing OS applications in Android. Just disable this option and then confirm the change.

  3. Sync bookmarks between devices.

    If you use Chrome on a tablet, computer, or other devices, it's worth syncing your bookmarks between them so that you can access all of your favorite sites from any computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. It's very easy - just sign in on all devices and use the same account as in the Google Chrome browser. On your smartphone, go to Chrome settings, then select "Google Chrome Sign-in" at the top. A window will appear with a list of accounts you can sign up with. You can only use the Google accounts that you have on your phone to sign in. If you want to enter with another account, then you first need to add it to Android through Settings - Accounts.

    Select your Google account from the list and sign in. Your name is now displayed in Chrome settings - touch it with your finger and select your address list Email to set up an account.

    The sync options are now displayed.

    Make sure the option is selected "Sync All", or if you want to sync only selected data, check the option "Sync Bookmarks".

    Do the same on other devices and computers by logging into the same Google account. In the case of the desktop version of Chrome, pull out the browser menu, go to settings and sign in to your Google account at the very top, where it says "Login". Synced bookmarks appear in the Mobile Bookmarks section.

    On the other hand, when you go to the "Bookmarks" folder on your phone, you will see the "Bookmarks on your computer" and "Mobile bookmarks" folders, which display bookmarks from your computer and other mobile devices connected to the same Google account .

  4. Transferring data to Chrome.
    Chrome has a built-in, and due to this, you can save a little more than 30% of the monthly transfer. Pages will weigh less and not use many MB of mobile Internet. To enable the option, you need to go to the Chrome menu and go to the settings. Choose "Data Reduction". Turn on the slider function in the upper right corner and you're done - the page will be immediately reduced through Google servers and sent in a compressed form.
  5. Enable read mode.

    There are still many sites that are not suitable for mobile devices, that are not readable on a phone or tablet, as they are very cumbersome. extracts text from the page and displays to the user mobile device in a convenient and readable form. Reader mode, however, must first be set. To do this, in the address bar write chrome://flags.

Good day to you, dear readers of my blog. With you, as usual, Dmitry Kostin. And I am very glad that you read my articles. Today is Monday (a hard day), but it's okay - soon it will pass. In the meantime, we will learn a very important thing in the google chrome browser. Which one? Well, you already understood from the title that we will learn about how to create a bookmark in Google Chrome.

What are bookmarks for? I briefly mentioned this when we got acquainted with our browser, but I'll tell you anyway. Bookmarks help us save sites or pages of sites for quick access to them or not to forget if the site is very valuable.

Well, let me not talk much, but I will tell everything with an example. So let's go!

Adding to the bookmarks bar

The bookmarks bar is such an additional bar under the address bar (something like the taskbar). The pages that we add here ourselves will be displayed here. Well, for example, try adding this page.

To do this, click on the star at the end of the address bar. You will be asked for a name (you can call it whatever you want for convenience or leave it as is) and a destination folder. Select Bookmarks Bar.

Now you can see that you have a brand new bookmark on this strip with the page that you added to your favorites. Try clicking on it with the left mouse button and you will get to it. Very fast and convenient.

If you do not have a panel by default, then you need to display it. To do this, go to "Management and Settings", then "Bookmarks", and from the new drop-down menu, select "Show bookmarks bar". But I recommend that you use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+B(Press at the same time). These hotkeys are also convenient to use when you do not want to see this panel all the time, but call it only when necessary.

Adding to other bookmarks

If you don't need a page on the main strip, you can add your favorite page to another folder. To do this, click on the same asterisk at the end of the address bar again. Then select the "Other Bookmarks" folder. And this page will not fit into the panel for you, but will be created in the folder for the rest of the bookmarks.

Let's check if our pages are remembered in the favorites. Display the bookmarks bar if you have removed it, and on the right (just below the "Manage and Customize" menu) you will see the "Other Bookmarks" folder. Click on it and you will see everything that you memorized in this folder. You just have to click on any tab and that's it. You are on the site.

There is another way. You can enter "Management and Settings", then select "Bookmarks", in the new menu that opens, select "Other Bookmarks" and you will see the same content as last time. As you can see, everything is in place and no one has stolen anything from you.

Creating a separate folder with favorites

Well, now let's create a new folder with favorites, because not all sites are thrown into the panel or something else. For example, you want to organize some sites or pages into categories. For this, a separate folder is created, for example, "Recipes" or "Sites with fun". Well, in general, I hope you understand me. It is so?

OK. Talk less, work more! Have you already understood what I want from you?) Yes. Quite right. Let's select a couple of sites from the same category to add them to a separate folder. I chose recipes. Found some cake recipes. So, first go to the tab with the first recipe and again click on the already familiar asterisk. Only now select the destination folder - "Choose another folder".

After that, a separate new window will open for you, you will need to create a special folder for your individual recipe sites. Click on "New Folder" and when it is created, simply rename it with any convenient name. Then click "Save".

The folder is created and our first bookmark is automatically placed in it. In the next case, almost the same thing happens as with the previous cake recipe, except that now you will not need to create a new folder, since it has already been created earlier. Those. just click on the star at the end of the address bar (well, you already know) and now select "Recipes" from the drop-down menu (or whatever you have).

You can find these bookmarks by going to "Manage and Settings" - "Bookmarks" - "Bookmark Manager", but it's easier to use the combination SHIFT+CTRL+O(the letter O is Latin, not the number zero). There you can already conveniently walk through all your bookmarked folders and work with them (move, delete, etc.).

You can also call the "Bookmarks Bar" familiar to us, if it is not there, and at the end of this strip you can see the "Other Bookmarks" folder. By clicking on it, you will see the folder we created (in my case, “Recipes”). Well, if you already understood, from it we make transitions to selected pages of sites with recipes for cakes.

I want to say that bookmarks greatly simplify the work at the computer and make it more productive. If you want to optimize, facilitate and make your work at the computer more productive even if you are a beginner, then I recommend you to look great video course which will help you with this. The course is built so perfectly that even a beginner will understand. In general, I highly recommend.

Well, for today I finish my article. Hope it was helpful for you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates to keep you up to date with the most interesting in the forefront. Well, I say goodbye to you today. Thanks for reading my blog. See you in the next articles. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin!

Do you visit a site regularly and want to open it with one click? Did you like the blog and want to save it in the Chrome browser? Or did you find an interesting article, but saw that it was too big and decided to read it later? In order not to lose it, you can bookmark the site. However, as in all the above situations.

The Google Chrome browser has a simple and convenient mechanism for adding bookmarks, so it's very easy to do this.

How to Save a Website to the Bookmarks Bar in Chrome

The bookmarks bar is a small area that is located just below the address bar. The pages you choose to add to Google Chrome are displayed here.

It is disabled by default in the browser. That is, hidden. To display it:

  1. Click on the icon with 3 dots in the right corner.
  2. Hover your mouse over the "Bookmarks" line.
  3. Select "Show Panel".

Or just press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+B.

After that, the following line will appear in the Chrome browser.

At first, there will be only one item - "Services". But it's easy to fix.

To add bookmarks in Google Chrome, open the desired site and click on the star in the address bar.

A small window will appear with the message "Bookmark added". But here you also need:

  1. Specify a name (name). By default, the full title of the site or blog is displayed here. You can write anything here. It is recommended to write a maximum of 1-2 words, because more simply will not fit.
  2. Select a folder (location) to save. The default option is Bookmarks Bar. He is what we need. Other options will be discussed below.

After that, click the "Finish" button. As you can see, the site has appeared on the panel. Now, to go to it, you need to open a new tab (Ctrl + T) and left-click on the link you just added.

Thus, you can add any number of sites. When there are too many of them, there will be an icon at the end of the panel. Click on it, after which all other sites that do not have enough space in this small line will be displayed.

How to add a site to other bookmarks

  1. You open the site.
  2. Click on the star.
  3. Specify any name.
  4. In the "Folder" field, select "Other Bookmarks".
  5. Click "Finish".

After that, a folder with this name will appear on the panel in the right corner. And when you click on it, a drop-down list will be displayed with all the pages that you have saved here.

Another way to bookmark a page in Google Chrome is to create a new folder.

This option is suitable for those who like to keep everything in its place. After all, in this way you can create any number of folders by building a structure that is convenient for you.

How to create a bookmarked folder? The easiest way is through the bookmark manager in the browser. To open it, press Ctrl+Shift+O (see the screenshot below for another way).

In this way, you can create any structure - for example, this one:

And when you add new pages in the future, all available options will be displayed in the "Folder" field. Choose any and save.

And the last way is to click on the star and click on the line "Choose another folder".

Here you can select any of the available ones or create another one (if suddenly it is missing) by clicking the "New folder" button. After that, click "Save".

This is how you add bookmarks in Chrome. And finally, a small bonus.

Adding a Folder to the Bookmarks Bar in Google Chrome

For convenience, you can add any number of folders to the panel. This will allow you to create more pages and conveniently group them.

How to do it? Right-click on the panel and select "Add Folder".

Or open the dispatcher (Ctrl+Shift+O) and create it there. And in the future, when saving new pages, simply select the folder with the desired name.


There are no restrictions here (except for your imagination). So add sites as you want, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.