Where to find the bookmarks bar in Yandex. How to set visual bookmarks in Yandex. Adding bookmarks in Yandex Browser

  • 12.03.2020

Hello dear friends! I think you had to regularly open the same site on the Internet. And in order not to waste time and not constantly look for it through the search bar, you need to add it to a specific list of the installed web browser. Therefore, let's in this article we will master some of the basics of working with bookmarks in the Yandex browser. And, in order not to pour a lot of water, we will immediately move on to practice.

How to save a bookmark in Yandex browser on Windows

Open your favorite site that you want to add to the list. On the right side, in the upper corner, in the address bar we find an asterisk and click on it. It was gray in color, and after pressing it should turn yellow. This means that we have successfully added this site:

It remains only to correct the site name and click on the "Finish" button:

Bookmarks bar

And so, we learned how to add sites to the list of favorites, now let's display the panel on which they will be located. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select "Settings" from the drop-down list:

This will open the settings page. We find the line "Show bookmarks bar", set the switch to the "Always" position and then put a bird in front of the item "Show icons":

The desired line appears at the top. In order to see all of them in full, just click on the arrow in the corner of the panel:

To remove it from Yandex browser, right-click on it and select "Delete":

Bookmark Manager

Similarly, you can delete or sort them into folders in the manager window. In order to get into it, click on the already familiar settings button and select the "Bookmarks" item:

How to add a visual bookmark to the scoreboard

In addition to the usual ones, there are also visual ones in the Yandex browser. We can observe them when opening a new browser tab. In fact, by default, their set on the scoreboard is formed by tracking the sites you visit most. But we can customize this scoreboard at our discretion and increase the number of bookmarks in Yandex browser.

To do this, at the bottom of the scoreboard, click on the "Add" button:

At the next stage, enter the address of the desired site and click on the "Finish" button:

How to add a bookmark on your phone or tablet

There is nothing complicated here. Launch the browser and open your favorite site. After that, click on the menu button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and select the “Add to bookmarks” item from the drop-down menu:

After that, correct the name and click on the "Save" button:

Web page bookmarks play the same role as in a paper book. There are situations when you find interesting, useful information, but at the moment there is no way to read or study it. To do this, there are notes so that, without wasting time searching, you can quickly find the page you need. Learn how to create, save, export them for the Yandex browser. armed detailed instruction, even a beginner "computer genius" will cope with the task. You will only have to choose an acceptable option for saving pages in the browser.

What are Yandex visual bookmarks and where to download them

Yandex visual bookmarks are a convenient way to use your favorite and frequently visited sites ( social networks, online stores, thematic forums). Outwardly, it looks like a colored tile with thumbnails of sites, links to which they store and are part of the Yandex Elements, are included in the standard Yandex browser content package, which has undergone major changes due to the rework of the extension: appearance, customization and became a new product on the computer horizon.

For browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, additional installation required. An easy way is to visit the Yandex portal (yandex.ru), where you will be prompted to install additional extensions or plugins for the browser you are using. You can see the offer at the top of the screen, being on the main page of Yandex.

How to install for Google Chrome

During the installation of the Chrome browser panel, you will need to use Yandex Elements, about the easy way his search has already been said. By clicking the "install" button (at the top of the monitor, in the center), you can open the following window, on which you need to click "install" under the inscription "Visual bookmarks". In the pop-up window that appears, click Install Extension.

After this operation, when you open a new tab of this browser, you can select the "icon" of your favorite resource. If you want to see existing pages in Google Chrome without using third-party extensions, then right-click on the free field, just below the address bar, and check the box next to "Show bookmarks bar" at the end of the list that appears. After performing this simple action, they will be placed under the address (search) bar.

In Mozilla Firefox

Bookmark this page Mozilla browser You can use Firefox in at least four different ways. All of them will lead to a single correct result. Choose for yourself the one that seemed simpler and more affordable.

  • The first of these is that when you are on a page whose address you would like to save for the future, you must click "Bookmark this page" (the button looks like a white five-pointed star and is located at the top right of the address bar). The asterisk will change color, turn blue and "jump" to the adjacent button. Your note is stored there. To view it, click on the adjacent right grid square and find the line "unfiled" - this is the place where your important pages are collected.

  • Perform this operation by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + D keys (this key combination is applicable to all versions of any browsers working with the Windows operating system). After clicking on the star and adding the page to the favorites list, this icon changes its color.
  • The method is possible using the context menu. It is necessary to move the mouse cursor over the link - it can be a single word, part of the text, a picture. Externally, the cursor will change and will look not like an arrow, but a hand with an outstretched index finger. After hovering, you need to click on the link with the right mouse button - a context menu with possible options for actions will appear. You must select the item "Add link to bookmarks", in the window that opens, confirm saving.
  • For the last option to add pages, you must use the "View" menu (located at the very top of the screen, between the "Magazine" and "Tools" menus). We select the “Add page” item, the current one is saved and remains available during subsequent sessions with the computer.

You can view the saved pages in Mazil under the address bar on the Panel (frequently visited are displayed there) or by pressing the key to the right of the asterisk with which you bookmarked the page. Please note that if you do not see your saved pages in their usual place (under the address bar), then you need to make sure that the "View" menu settings are correct.

To do this, you need to perform the following simple operation: on the very top of the screen we find the "View" menu, click on it, select the first item "Toolbars". Along with this, another side additional menu will open, where there should be a checkmark in front of the “Bookmarks Bar” item. After making sure that the necessary pages are saved correctly, you can always use them, at any time convenient for you.

For Internet Explorer

The process of creating bookmarks in the Internet Explorer browser is similar in its capabilities to the previously discussed Mazila browser. The difference is that in Internet Explorer, visual bookmarks are identified by a Favorites button. To use Yandex bookmarks, they must first be installed. most accessible and fast way is the use of Yandex portal resources (element.yandex.ru).

After clicking the "Install" button, a panel will appear on the screen asking for an action. The download of the application installer will begin after the Run operation command. After the process is completed, you must click the "Install" button. The task will begin to run. Additional confirmation of the user's rights to install the application may be required.

After the installation of the application is completed, you will be able to use all available functions. At the end of the installation process, a small window will appear informing you of this. You must click the "Finish" button. It is possible to customize the application to your preferences, such as changing the main background, where the saved pages are tiled.

How to make and save my bookmarks in Yandex browser

Bookmarks in Yandex appear immediately after saving, by automatic transfer from other browsers installed in your operating system. If you have previously used this application on other devices, such as a smartphone or work computer, then synchronization may be used. It allows you to enjoy all your saved pages, web browsing history on any of your devices with installed by Yandex browser.

Make new bookmarks in the ways listed earlier that work for this browser as well. Using the key combination CTRL + D, which are called "hot keys" (with further confirmation of saving the page) or pressing the "Add to bookmarks" button - a yellow asterisk, indicating that the current page has already been added. Additionally, you can use the "Add" function if you want to open a new browser tab (in the lower right corner).

To do this, on the address bar you will need to write a link to the page that you want to add. You can use another way: on the ribbon under the search bar, select the icon of the desired site in your browsing history. By clicking on it, the page will be automatically added to your bookmarks and displayed among the Yandex Visual Bookmarks tiles.

How to find bookmarks in Yandex browser and export

It should be remembered that Yandex Visual Bookmarks are automatically displayed in the application workspace when a new empty browser tab is opened. They look like a mosaic of thumbnail images of frequently used web pages, with corresponding icons. To view all saved pages, you must click the "All bookmarks" button, which is located under the mosaic. Like in many other browsers, folders are located under the Yandex address (search) bar. There you can easily find your useful, favorite pages.

If you have previously used another browser and you need to use the information stored there, then use the ability to export these and other settings. To do this, you need to get into the settings. Under the address (search) bar, click "Add-ons" and click on "Browser Settings". In the settings window that appears, go down the page and find the "User Profiles" section, then the "Transfer bookmarks and settings from another browser" button.

After clicking on it, an additional window appears where you can select a browser. From it you will export settings and pages, as well as the content that needs to be transferred. After selecting all necessary settings click the Transfer button. After this operation, all your favorite and useful bookmarks will become available in one browser. In a similar way, you can import the information you need.

There is another way to export information, from an html file. To do this, with an empty browser tab open, you will need to click the "All bookmarks" button, which is located under the Visual tiles. In the window that appears with a list of all pages, you should find the "Organize" button (with a triangular arrow on the right). When clicked, a context menu appears where you need the item "Copy bookmarks from HTML file ...". Next, the Explorer window opens, where you can select a folder and specify the location of the file from where you are going to export information.

How to delete or restore visual bookmarks in Yandex

There comes a time when the stored information becomes very large. Part of it is already outdated and of no value. You can always delete the accumulated links, sites, by clearing the storage and freeing up space for other new necessary information. If you hurried up and deleted something that you didn’t want, it is possible to return the information to its place. To delete and restore Yandex Visual bookmarks, use several methods.

  • You can remove bookmarks if, when opening a new empty tab, click the "Settings" button, under the images of Visual tabs, and then, by clicking on the cross (upper right corner), delete unnecessary ones.

  • Press the right mouse button in the application area next to the address (search) bar and select the “Bookmark Manager” item on the context menu that appears, where data about all the pages you have saved are stored. You can sort the list with them according to the parameters convenient for you. When you right-click on any of the list items, a context menu appears, where you need to select the "Delete" item if you no longer need the selected line.
  • If you accidentally deleted the wrong list item, you need to return the bookmarks by performing the operation back. To do this, press the right mouse button again, in the context menu that appears, select the "Cancel deletion" item, which will restore the page by canceling the last deletion command in the task manager.
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How to make a bookmark in Yandex browser? Adding, removing, finding, restoring. Working with visual bookmarks. I show clearly. I explain clearly.)

Hi all!
In this article I will show what this tool is for and how to use it.
It seems that the topic is quite banal, but at some point everyone starts somewhere.
Let's say I also did not always know what they were for and how to use them.
Now I can’t imagine how it is possible to work without them).

What is this tool?
You liked the article, or the video, you don’t have time to study everything, or you want to show it to someone.
Put it, then clicking on this tab, you get to the desired site.
They are divided into ordinary and simple.
Everything in order below.

How to add a bookmark in Yandex browser

In fact, this procedure will take 1 second of your time and one to two mouse clicks).
How to make a bookmark in Yandex browser?
1. Open a search engine, select the information you need.
2. In the search bar, where you type in a query, look for an asterisk.
3. Click on the star. A "window" will open.

4. "Name" This is the name, write as you like to remember.
"Done" save.
Next, I will show where the Yandex browser bookmarks are stored.

Where are the bookmarks in Yandex

I saved the entry I needed as "yasha"

In order to open my bookmarks on Yandex, you need.
1. Open the search engine, click 3 horizontal lines.
2. Click on them, point the arrow at the star.

Next, a tab will open.

On the left side are all the records we have saved.
In this case, "Yasha" is the latest.
Next, we will get rid of unnecessary ones.

How to delete all bookmarks in Yandex browser

1. We go back to the search engine, click on the three horizontal bars.
2. Lead the arrow to the asterisk.
3. On the tab that opens, select and click "Bookmark Manager."

4. Move the arrow to the desired page to delete. A triangle should appear. You click on it.

5. Click "delete."

If you need to remove all of them, carry out such actions with each one, until it stops).
More on visuals. By the way, a very interesting thing, it does not differ much compared to the usual ones.

The main difference is that they are located on the start page and with pictures.

How to add visual bookmarks in Yandex

Let's see what it is.
Opening the start page on it they are located.
It looks like this.

If you yourself did not add anything, Yasha himself adds the sites on which you spend the most time.
To add the page you need, click add.

Next, you need to insert the URL of the site page or title.
I will insert the main page of my blog.
In my case it will look like this:

Click "add signature" and "done"
In its final form, it looks like this:

When you click on the tab, you will be taken to the saved page.
If you need to delete, hover over it, a cross will appear.
Click on it and it will be removed.
If your bookmarks are gone, don't be scared) and in no case restart your computer!

Otherwise, nothing can be done and all data will be lost.
I'll show you how to fix this issue later.

How to restore bookmarks in Yandex

1. We go to the control panel, press the three horizontal dashes.
2. Asterisk.
3. "Tab Manager"

4. Organize
5. "Cancel deletion"

This lesson came to an end.
Any questions, ask happy to answer.
Bye everyone!

Bookmarks can be very useful if you often visit a particular site or, for example, want to save a page so as not to lose it and always have necessary information at hand. Various bookmarking systems are implemented in many browsers, however, in the browser from the Yandex developer, there is an express panel where you can add convenient and visual visual bookmarks. This article provides a guide on how to make a regular or visual bookmark in Yandex browser.

Standard Interface

Roughly speaking, a bookmark is a link in some way. You click on a button, logo or image - and the program redirects you to the desired page.

Yandex browser has a special convenient panel on which you can place many such hyperlinks.

In order to add a new tab to a panel, you need to do the following:

Now, when you open a new blank page, your hyperlink will be located immediately below the search bar. When you click on it, you will be redirected to the saved site. You can also choose not to place an item on the Quick Access Toolbar below the address bar by selecting "Other Bookmarks" for the "Folder" option.

If you want to have access to this interface all the time, and not just on blank pages, you need to RMB click on an empty space on the panel and select the "Show Bookmark" item.

Visual bookmarks

On other browsers, you can use this service only by installing, but in this browser this is not necessary - everything is already preinstalled. Open a new tab to get to the express panel. Most likely, the system will automatically add several sites that you visit most often.

Each element looks like a small copy of the site or a rectangular picture with a logo. In terms of the mechanics of its work, it is no different from ordinary bookmarks. In order to add a new object, you will need to click on the “Add” button with a plus sign on a gray background.

Here you can specify the URL of the resource or select the one you need from the provided list. Just click on the desired image and it will be instantly added to the interface.

This is done quite simply, in just a few clicks. In addition, you can add bookmarks in Yandex Browser in 3 different ways. Also below there is an instruction on how to save pages in the mobile Yandex Browser (on Android phones and tablets). Which of these methods to use is up to you.

How to add a page to the bookmarks bar in Yandex

The first way is the easiest.

  1. Go to any website.
  2. Click on the gray star on the right side of the URL bar.
  3. Click Done.

Check: the added page will appear on the bookmarks bar.

By the way, it is not displayed by default. To make it visible, go to "Settings" and opposite the line "Show panel" select "Always". Additionally, you can still check the box "Show icon". So more beautiful.

If you did everything right, the star will turn orange. If you need to edit something, click on it again. Here you can:

  • change name;
  • select another folder;
  • delete page.

And one more small nuance: after clicking on the star, you do not have to add websites to the quickbar.

How to create multiple bookmarks at once

Another way to add new pages to the Yandex Browser bookmarks bar is group.

Right-click on any tab and select "Add All Tabs" second from the bottom. Or just click Ctrl+Shift+D. Specify a folder and click Save.

In this way, absolutely all open tabs are saved. Consider this. That is, either close unnecessary pages, or add them one at a time.

How to quickly enable a bookmark on the Tableau in Yandex

  1. Copy the website address.
  2. Open a new tab.
  3. A scoreboard will be displayed in front of you. Click the Add button.
  4. Copy the website link here. If you wish, you can click "Add signature" and make a small note.
  5. Ready. Now visual bookmarks have been replenished with one more new button.

It's so easy to add a bookmark to the Tableau in Yandex. Thus, you can quickly save as many sites as you like.