Earn money online with withdrawal of money without investments. How to really earn normal money on the Internet without investments. Proven methods for beginners Making money on the Internet

  • 27.10.2023

The majority of people use the Internet only for entertainment or communication, more than 90%. But there are also those who use the Internet to work and earn money. And every year the trend for making money on the Internet is growing. But how to recognize really working ways to make money without cheating, among the many offers? Yes, so that you definitely get what you earned and don’t waste your time doing some work for pennies.

This article will cover all the basic issues related to working online. We will talk about what options and types of earnings exist today, what is their profitability, what are the prospects for development in them. In addition, we will talk about specific sites on the Internet where you can earn money from investments without cheating.

Who is suitable for working on the Internet with daily payment?

This is perhaps the first question that beginners want to know the answer to. Well, we answer: everyone can earn at least some money online, even those who have almost no experience working with a computer. For teenagers, students, mothers on maternity leave, pensioners— there is also a lot of work available online for these categories of the population. The main thing is perseverance and perseverance, and there is enough work for everyone!

How much can you earn working from home?

Much depends on whether you have any professional skills (appropriate education), whether you can navigate well in rapidly changing conditions, whether you have certain knowledge in any areas of knowledge, etc. To put it simply, with profitability everything is the same as in real life. Those who perform work that does not require any qualifications will initially be able to receive 100-200 rubles per day. But an experienced programmer or copywriter will be able to earn 3000-5000 rubles in the same time. Much depends on how much time you are willing to devote to work. Of course, the more you work, the more you earn.

An example of payment from one of the sites for completing simple tasks

You can enter a captcha for 600 rubles for a whole month and this money will only be enough to pay for the Internet, or you can master the profession of an SMM specialist in a couple of weeks and have a normal salary of 20-30 thousand per month. There are a lot of nuances, we will talk about this in the article.

Video: Remote work on the Internet from home without investment or deception: payment every day + 7 vacancies, 4 sites

TOP 12 Jobs on the Internet without investment and deception with payment every day

Now that you know that almost anyone can make money online, it’s time to talk about where, in fact, a beginner can start his career. It so happened that the topic of making money online is very popular with scammers, and many newcomers, unfortunately, fall for their tricks at least once. Read about how to protect yourself from scammers at the end of the article, but now we will look at options for making money on the Internet without investments, suitable for a beginner, and specific sites that provide such work, which, at least, definitely will not deceive you with payment.

Typing on a PC at home

A great way to earn money, suitable for anyone who knows how to press buttons on a keyboard. But finding such a job is not easy now, and the reason for this is scammers who offer to make money by typing and then scam their workers. There are countless of them now, so if you want to make money this way, be extremely careful. Usually they ask to pay for “insurance” before starting work, in case the deadlines are missed and a penalty is paid to the customer. After receiving payment, they disappear. Do not transfer money to anyone, only you should be paid for the work!

Prices for typing-text.rf

In the meantime, the work is really very simple. The customer sends you scanned documents, books, manuscripts and other sources from which it is impossible to extract the text automatically; you retype it manually. Payment varies from 10 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters. Much depends on your experience and desire to look for the best deals among customers.

Sites where such earnings are available:

  • Typing-text.rf
  • ADVEGO.com
  • Weblancer.net
  • Aveptext.ru
  • MoguZa.ru
  • freelance.youdo.com

In addition, pay attention to the assignments transcriptions(translation of audio/video into text) on these sites, this is another simple and decently paid job that does not require investment.

Filling out forms for money

To conduct social research, large companies conduct special surveys in the form of filling out questionnaires about the product. Few people are interested in completing them for free, but for a small reward this activity becomes much more interesting. Unfortunately, there are also many scams associated with this method. However, there are many proven resources that pay money.

The good thing about making money from surveys is that it is very simple and does not require the employee to work hard. However, it is unlikely that this method of earning money will be the main one. As a rule, they pay up to 100 rubles for one survey. Employees are most often notified of new surveys by e-mail. The problem is the number of surveys: employers are not very generous in sending new surveys to employees, which allows you to use this method of earning money as an additional one, but nothing more.

To avoid getting hooked by scammers, use the following services:

  • I-say.com
  • Platnijopros.ru
  • Anketolog.ru
  • Voprosnik.ru
  • Surveys.su

All these sites are aimed at residents of the Russian Federation; there is a wonderful site for citizens of other CIS countries Go.Anketka.ru, who also pays money for filling out questionnaires and surveys.

Earning money from likes and completing simple tasks

Performing simple paid actions is perhaps one of the most popular types of earning money on the Internet, if not the most popular. People fell in love with it because it does not require professional skills at all. In fact, all the work here comes down to pressing buttons, which makes it extremely simple. However, the wages here are quite modest, but you will agree that it would be stupid to demand big money for such work. But this work definitely does not require investments, and it is definitely without deception, you just perform the necessary actions and get paid.

Below is a list of sites where you can earn money this way:

SocPublic.com. A simple and intuitive interface and a lot of work - these two reasons are enough to call it one of the best resources for beginners. The essence of the tasks often lies in navigating through websites, clicking on advertisements, joining groups on social networks, registering on websites, etc.

You can increase your earnings on Socpublic by moving up the career growth system and receiving achievements.

Also one of the best resources for new workers. In many ways it is very similar to Socpublic. Many people started their earnings journey here.

Example of simple tasks on the Seosprint website

Globus-Inter.com. Nowadays, when the ruble is in an extremely unstable position, no one would refuse to earn in dollars. The Globus service gives us this opportunity. The essence of making money here is to watch advertisements that periodically appear on the screen of your computer or phone. To start working, you need to register and install the program. Earning money occurs in a completely passive mode, and appearing advertisements do not interfere with your work at the computer: advertisements can be closed as soon as they appear. Withdrawal is available to Webmoney and Paypal payment systems, the minimum amount is 0.5 US dollars.

This is how much Globus paid for 5 years of work. If converted into Russian rubles, this equals approximately 41 million rubles.

VKTarget.ru. This option is good for those who spend a lot of time on social networks. Now you can get money for likes, reposts, and joining groups. Just register on VKTarget, open the list of tasks and start earning money. To work, you can use all popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and a number of others. The big advantage of the service is that they often pay much more for one click than on axleboxes. For example, they can pay about 80 kopecks to join a group.

An example of simple tasks on the VKTarget website

Earning money by entering captcha

The method is very similar to typing, but instead of texts, here we are asked to enter a captcha - text from pictures used to confirm that a person is registering on the site and not a robot. Why is this necessary? For example, some advertisers conduct mailings on forums where registration requires a captcha. The registration itself is carried out by robots, but, of course, they cannot pass the captcha themselves. The one who enters the captcha does it for them.

In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the RuCaptcha website has gained the greatest popularity. It is worth noting that the payment is quite modest. For a regular captcha they pay from 1 to 6 kopecks, for a recaptcha (picture captcha) - from 6 to 12. However, there are people who manage to earn good money there. To get started, type the following address in your browser - RuCaptcha.com

Other sites for earning money by typing captcha:

  • Anti-Captcha.com
  • 2Captcha.com
  • Kolotibablo.com
  • MegaTypers.com

Earning money from clicks, reading emails and surfing

This method has already been mentioned in the article. Work of this kind can be found on active advertising services (boxes). But it’s worth noting right away that they pay ridiculous amounts of money for it, so you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it - the profit is not the same. Just try it for fun and comparison.

As you can see, for each of them they offer 3-5 kopecks. Is this money?

You can make money by clicking, reading emails and surfing on Seosprint, Seofast, Socpublic and others like them, to do this, select a section on these sites with the appropriate name.

Earn money by watching videos: methods + list of sites

But this method is already more interesting! The idea is something like this: advertisers offer to watch their videos on YouTube in the hope that you will be interested in their channel and subscribe, and you receive a small reward for watching the video. As in the case of clicks, this work will not bring you a decent income, but it also has advantages: on some services you can open tabs with videos, while you do whatever you want. Thus, it turns out to be a kind of source of passive income without investments.

You can earn money by watching videos on:

  • CashBox.ru
  • VKTarget.ru
  • VeeDok.ru
  • WmMail.ru
  • ForumOk.com

Earn money by writing reviews and comments

Here the employee will have to write short reviews and comments and post them on forums, blogs and other resources on the Internet. The fee for one review can vary - from 25 kopecks to 100 rubles, it all depends on the complexity of the comment.

Example of a comment writing task

The only serious problem with this method is that reviews are only paid after it has been reviewed by a moderator. If you make a post on some popular forum, there is a high probability that it will be deleted before the moderator has time to check it. But don’t despair, over time you will learn to leave comments in such a way that they will be deleted less often and thus you will be able to receive decent payment using this method.

This type of work can be found at:

  • Turbotext.ru
  • Advego.com
  • Postmatic.ru

Earning money by writing articles (copywriting and rewriting)

One of the most serious and most profitable types of online work without investment today. A copywriter is a text writer. Texts can be of different nature (artistic, commercial, etc.) - it all depends on the wishes of the customer. The range of topics is also unlimited.

There are two main types of work for a copywriter - copywriting and rewriting. Copywriting is about creating completely new texts. Rewriting is a kind of “retelling” of an existing text, presenting it in other words, as a result of which the new text turns out to be different from the original one.

At the same time, copywriting is much more complicated than the methods of earning money described above. To become a successful copywriter, you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and clearly, have creative thinking and love your job.

One of the main advantages of this method is decent wages. On average, they pay 45-70 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces, and even more for experienced copywriters with a reputation. At the same time, there is always a lot of work on copywriting exchanges. In order not to be unfounded, let’s look at the statistics of the Advego resource.

You can start your copywriting career at:

  • eTXT.BIZ
  • Advego.com
  • TextSale.ru
  • CopyLancer.ru
  • Text.ru

Author of school, student and scientific works

A great way to make money for school teachers, university professors and talented students. The range of work that can be offered here is huge - from simple independent tests and tests to coursework and dissertations.

Currently the most popular exchanges are:

  • Author24.ru
  • Studwork.org

Job – Article poster (content manager)

The essence of the work is to publish articles on customer websites, as well as make small adjustments to their content if necessary. A content manager must be able to format texts with headings, subheadings, lists and include the necessary photographs.

Example of a content manager vacancy in a specialized group

As a rule, customers hire content managers to work on an ongoing basis. You can search for an employer at:

  • FL.ru
  • Work-Zilla.com
  • Weblancer.net
  • MoguZa.ru
  • freelance.youdo.com
  • Avito.ru

Administrator of a group/public on a social network (SMM manager)

The essence of the work is generally similar to the essence of working as a website content manager, but this time groups on the social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki will have to be filled with content.

The SMM manager publishes news, monitors order in comments and spam, holds competitions and does everything to make the group look alive and subscribers want to stay in it. You can get paid for working in one group from 3000 to 10000 rubles per month, and if you work in several at the same time, you can earn a good income.

Earning money from freelancing

Freelancing is usually understood as the totality of all job offers that exist in a labor market free of contracts and labor obligations. In other words, freelancing can include any work that is performed on the Internet and the terms of which are negotiated between the customer and the contractor. As a rule, such work is one-time, but customers can apply again if they are satisfied with the quality of work.

Anyone who has professional skills and abilities can make money as a freelancer: programmers, copywriters, designers, video editors, etc.

For freelancers, there are special freelance exchanges offering work in different specialties. The most popular freelance exchanges these days are:

  • FL.ru
  • Weblancer.net
  • FreelanceHunt.com
  • ToDo.ru
  • MoguZa.ru
  • freelance.YouDo.com

How to recognize scammers - 5 basic rules

Unfortunately, many novice workers encounter scammers due to inexperience. However, avoiding their tricks is not so difficult; you just need to follow five rules:

1. When working with a customer on any service, carefully study his account. See what its reputation/rating is and what reviews other users leave about it. If the rating is low, and there are suspiciously many reviews reporting fraud, it is better to bypass the customer.

2. Avoid offers with too easy work and too high pay. Believe me, on the Internet, as in a regular job, there is no magic way to earn a huge amount of actions in a few simple actions.

3. Never send money to the customer as collateral. This will 100% turn out to be a scam.

4. Try to work through exchanges, where for each order there is a guarantee that the money will eventually end up with you. On classic exchanges, you should first of all look closely at those customers who have the option of a secure transaction available.

When working directly, you should always require an advance payment of at least 10-30% of the order value. In addition, you can conclude a civil contract regulating the terms of work and payment.


As you can see, on the Internet everyone can find a job to their liking, and in order for it to bring a good income, you only need the desire and desire to earn money. As in life, success comes to those who are not afraid to take action. Try different ways of earning money, don’t be afraid to experiment, communicate with those who work on the Internet, and you will definitely start living a new life, full of independence and financial freedom!

Write in the comments what work on the Internet you have already tried and what results you got. And also be sure to write which methods or sites have stopped working, so that others are warned!

Earning money from clicks gives an excellent start to beginners in understanding how to make money on the Internet. Almost anyone can start earning money this way. No experience required, all you need is a computer and Internet access. What is earnings from clicks and what is it used for? Let's look at it in this article.

One of the options for making quick money is to work for mailers, otherwise they are called an active advertising system - ATS.
Working on these sites does not require any special knowledge from the user; as a rule, what is required is a computer, Internet access and free time. The work is feasible for everyone.

What do they pay for there, what needs to be done

Payment comes directly from the employer - for reading letters, quickly browsing websites (surfing), performing various tasks - there are a great many of them with different costs, from about 50 kopecks to thousands of rubles per task. This includes working on click tasks, working on social networks, writing reviews, articles, comments, tasks on YouTube, registering on various sites, and others.

By posting such tasks in the ATS, site owners either promote their resources in this way or make money from advertising placed on them. For each user click on advertising blocks of sites, the web master earns certain funds.

The amount that can be earned per day on axleboxes depends only on the user - on how much time a person is willing to spend on doing this work and how simple or complex tasks he performs.
On average, in 1-2 hours you can earn 50 - 150 rubles.

To do this, you need to select tasks costing 2 -3 -5 rubles or more per unit from the list of tasks. If the tasks are reusable, you can add them to the “Favorites” folder so that you can perform these tasks daily or as needed without searching.
15-20-30 tasks are completed quite easily!

What's good about mailers?

The fact that the earned funds can be withdrawn immediately, instantly - to your electronic wallets (for example, Yandex.Money, Payeer, WebMoney), and from there anywhere, to cards, phone accounts, and so on.
Therefore, if you suddenly run out of money on your mobile phone, and there’s nowhere to quickly get it from, go to your mailbox, and in an hour or two your phone will be bursting with gratitude!

How do money payments happen?

The most popular systems used for payments are WebMoney wallet, Qiwi wallet, Yandex.Money, Payeer, etc.
Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended to create several wallet options for receiving payments.
Withdrawing funds from these wallets in the future is possible anywhere - to your phone, credit and debit cards, other accounts, etc.

For registration:
— in WebMoney — https://start.webmoney.ru
- in Qiwi - https://qiwi.com
— in Yandex.Money — https://money.yandex.ru
— in Payeer you need to follow this link Registration Payeer

There are actually a great variety of postal services (SARs) - there are some completely new ones that appear like mushrooms after rain, but preference is usually given to the time-tested SARs. It is on such sites that work is of particular interest due to its possibilities.
And the possibilities in these systems are varied:

  • standard click work without attracting referrals
  • teamwork
  • passive income from a team of referrals

Of course, for people who know how to invite and assemble large teams, working for SAR is very attractive
From the earnings of each invited person (referral), the inviter can receive from 20 to 40 percent of his income.
A little arithmetic (on average).

1 referral earns, say, 1000 rubles per month. Passive income from this person is 20%, i.e. 200 rubles.
100 referrals = 200 rubles x 100 = 20,000 rubles.

Very good!

Earnings on clicks from $1 to $5 per click. Is it true?

Quite often on the Internet you can find offers to earn money with tempting prices - from $1 or more per click. As a rule, these are job offers for foreign axleboxes (FAP).
But often these offers are nothing more than a bait, since payment without investing funds, without purchasing a professional account, and so on, has a much lower cost there - from 1 cent and below.
Such sentences might look something like this:

Of course, you can register in such systems for educational purposes, but you should not expect the promised $1 - $5 per click.
The Internet is replete with such invitations, and you should be extremely careful not to invest in untested projects.
Moreover, the ATS has been proven over the years, with a lot of different tasks and opportunities without investments in abundance.
Let's look at some of these.

Websites for making money from clicks

From the huge list of all kinds of mailers (SAP), we can recommend that beginners look at the most famous and stable ones - these are SEOSprint and Wmmall.

SEOSprint is rightfully considered one of the best ruble sites for making money on clicks and completing various tasks. Payment for work performed is carried out in rubles to various electronic wallets.

There are a great many tasks on SEOSprint - surfing, reading letters, tests, completing assignments.

A good referral program that allows you to earn money not only on tasks, but also by participating in competitions from the referrer (foreman), as well as use the opportunity to buy or sell referrals at the Fair, which brings additional significant income.

Wmmail - is considered the most ancient, legendary and best dollar mailer or ATS. He is one of the internet pioneers of active advertising and has maintained his popularity since 2004.

It is also rich in various options for tasks, payment for which occurs in dollars - this is the main difference and advantage of this mailer.
Payments are made exclusively on webmoney, so to work on Wmmall you will need to initially open wallets in this system.

The two above-mentioned mailers must certainly be present in the user’s “portfolio”, since there are currently no active advertising systems that are more reliable, stable and more profitable.

Earnings on clicks with Qiwi

Among the sites for making money on clicks there is a list of mailers from which payments can also be made to Qiwi, which is sometimes important for some users.
Among such sites the following can be noted:

Profitcenter - a decent place to make money with a lot of surfing, writing and tests. A huge selection of paid tasks, the price of some can reach up to 500 rubles! Withdrawal to Qiwi is possible.

Seo-Fast — a promising site that has been operating for more than 5 years. Has good earning potential. It is possible to withdraw to a Qiwi wallet.

Socpublic- if you know how to attract referrals, then this is the place for you. Numerous bonuses from the system for attracting referrals. Adaptive website design. A huge selection of paid tasks, a sea of ​​surfing, letters and paid visits. Withdrawal to Qiwi is possible!

WMRFast.com is a young, but very rich and interesting bookstore, here you can work and communicate - in the chat, on the forum, trade referrals on the stock exchange or at an auction. It can be fun!

Minimum withdrawal amount: 0.

WM-SEO is a specific site with a lot of work and different types of advertising. Minimum amount for withdrawal: 5 rubles.

Earnings on clicks in rubles

There are a great many sites for making money on clicks in ruble equivalent. It is sometimes difficult for beginners to make a choice due to inexperience, so we will take a closer look at the main worthwhile and stable mailers, work in which can give a good start for beginners.
When starting work in any of the mailers, it is worth remembering a simple rule - you won’t earn much from simple clicks and surfing, the most profitable work is completing tasks, the cost of which ranges from 50 kopecks to several hundred and even thousands of rubles.

Earnings on Seosprint

Seosprint is an email application with great capabilities, proven by time and millions of users. Many beginners, having tried this or that mailer, settled on Seosprint once and for all. The total number of registered users is in the millions, and the active ones working daily are about five hundred thousand. The amount of payments to users for the entire period of operation is RUB 274,161,065.82.
Impressive number!

Any user with a computer, Internet access and some perseverance can earn money with Seosprint. No special skills are required to, for example, browse websites or read letters by clicking a mouse.

How to register for Seosprint and take the test

To register for Seosprint, click:

Main types of earnings on Seosprint

  • surfing
  • reading letters
  • tests
  • tasks

Tasks are divided into many categories - registration only, clicks only, registration + activity, invitation to ref SEO, bonuses, social networks, You Tube, posting to forums/blogs, write an article, review/vote, investments, Forex, play games, mobile applications, others.

Registration in Seosprint is simple, just follow the specified link and enter the necessary data, confirming registration through the mail server.
After registration, you must fill out your account as completely as possible in order to initially increase your level in the system to “working” status.

In Seosprint, there are several status options that work like a career ladder - the higher the user’s status, the more opportunities he will have. Among them: “Passer”, “Worker”, “Foreman”, “Foreman”, “Businessman”.
The advantages of each status are clear:

For the entry level and the possibility of daily withdrawal of funds, it is enough to fill out all sections of the “Personal Data” to obtain the “Working” status.

Further work in the project depends on the user’s activity - the more time devoted to various tasks, the higher the income.

How a beginner can earn 100-200 rubles a day on Seosprint

There are some methods that allow you to earn a little more in a certain time, and each user gradually develops his own work pattern that is convenient for him.

  • Of course, perform more tasks than surfing.
    If the cost of a click in surfing is about 5 kopecks, then completing one task brings from 50 kopecks to tens and hundreds of rubles.
    For example, click tasks are completed quite quickly - from 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the complexity
  • Looking through the list of proposed tasks, you can mark interesting, expensive and reusable ones and add them to your “Favorites” and perform them daily.
    Thus, the number of tasks in “Favorites” will constantly grow and less time will be spent searching for interesting tasks.
    By performing the same tasks every day, the user gets used to it and gradually does them automatically, spending less time.

An example of an easy click task completed in a minute:

In the figure you can see a red star, by clicking which you can add a task from “Favorites”.
As a rule, an advertiser may have many such tasks. To view their entire list, you need to follow the link “View all author’s assignments” under the author’s name in the assignment. This will allow you to complete interesting tasks in a list without being distracted by searching for similar ones.

How to complete tasks on SEO sprint video

As a rule, beginners are concerned with the question of how much they can earn in Seosprint per day.
It is impossible to give a definite answer. There are users who easily earn 400 rubles a day on tasks, while others cannot even collect ten rubles.

What affects earnings

  • desire to earn a lot
  • amount of time spent
  • cost of selected tasks
  • referrer support

When working in a team, provided that the referrer (foreman) is ready to help his referrals, share interesting and expensive tasks, stimulate work with various competitions, you can earn an order of magnitude more.
In competitions, as a rule, there is a passionate struggle between participants, and the question is not so much the prize amount as the interest in winning.
Participation in competitions affects earnings for the better.

An example of one of the competitions:

To win in this case, the user showed approximately the following indicators:

Of particular interest in terms of earning money is the opportunity to create your own referral teams. For those who know how and love to invite people to projects, this is a “golden mine”!
The percentages received from such teams are quite large - 20-40% of the referrals’ income. Moreover, the interest is paid by the system, and the referrals themselves are not disadvantaged in any way.

According to Seosprint statistics, the number of people in individual teams reaches thousands, and the income of the referrer of such a team exceeds 1000 rubles per day.

The Seosprint mailer has these features and capabilities.
Register and earn money!

Earnings on clicks in dollars

Considering the stable interest in currency at all times, earnings in dollars are also in special demand.
There are quite a few sites offering payments in dollars, but most often these are English-language sites. Not everyone can figure out on their own the stability of these mailers, payments and registration, and more significant subtleties. Therefore, the most ancient of mailers - WMmail.ru .

Earnings on WMmail

For many years, the WMmail.ru mailer has been a leader among active advertising sites. A very profitable platform for ordinary users and an attractive platform for advertisers to promote their websites.
Because of this, the mailer has a wide selection of tasks - from simple clicks to complex, time-consuming tasks, for example, writing articles.

Payment is made in dollars to a WebMoney wallet. Payments are instant.
The minimum amount for withdrawal is 0.1$.
The cost of tasks ranges from a few cents per unit to tens of dollars.

It has a 5-level referral system, the ability to buy or sell referrals on the exchange, as well as a credit exchange.

Since registration in WMmail.ru is carried out through WebMoney Keeper, first of all you need to take care of creating a wallet in WebMoney.

Subtleties of registration on Vmmail

To register on Vmmail, click:

  • When registering, the system issues a specific access password, which must be written down and saved.
  • It is advisable to specify WebMoney details correctly, since it will be impossible to change them in the future.
  • To activate your account in a way, you need to immediately look at 25 letters that will be available.

In general, working at WMmail.ru is not much different from working at Seosprint, but there are certain features in Wmmail.ru that newcomers will not immediately learn about.

WMmail.ru has the ability to browse sites automatically - the so-called Autosurfing!
To do this, you need to download and install the WMmail agent program directly from the site. This program is similar to a mini browser that notifies the user if new links to surfing, autosurfing or reading letters appear in the system - a very convenient program. In addition, you can perform all these clicks directly from the program, without logging into your account through a browser.

The program looks like this:

Differences from conventional ATS

It is worth remembering that WMmail.ru is primarily a mailing list service. But reading letters here is not the same as in the SAR. Letters are sent to the mailbox specified during registration or directly to your account.
Reading a letter is not so much reading the text as following a link from it - it is for the link to the site that the advertiser pays.
About 20 letters can arrive per day - not a lot. The cost of viewing each is $0.0015-0.002.

Just like in Seosprint, you can’t earn much on the WMmail.ru mailer from letters and surfing, and the main income comes from working on Tasks.
At first you will have to work hard to complete the tasks, but in the process you quickly “get the hang of it” and further work progresses more fun.

It is on tasks that you can earn approximately 25-35 cents in 40 minutes. Considering the current dollar exchange rate, you can earn quite a decent amount in a day.

If difficulties arise in completing tasks, video hosting YouTube can provide some help. Just enter the query in its search - “How to complete tasks on the website WMmail.ru” - a lot of videos with detailed explanations will appear.

Register, work and earn money!

Earnings on clicks reviews

A lot of negative reviews about making money from clicks in mailers boil down to the fact that you can earn just a few pennies this way. As a rule, these reviews are posted in order to lure the user into supposedly more interesting and profitable projects - various HYIPs, where in one day they immediately increase 100% on the invested amount or various casinos, games for money, etc.

Quite often, beginners, doing the easiest and cheapest thing in mail services - surfing, also lose interest in this type of earnings, without having tried all the possibilities of the mail service.

In reality, there are much more positive reviews, since earning money in the SAR provides the opportunity for a good start financially for beginners, for young people and students, for mothers on maternity leave and for users who prefer not just to work, but to create their own business structures on the Internet.

For a student, 3-4 thousand a month, earned during breaks between studies, sitting in a soft chair at the computer, and not running down the street handing out leaflets, is a pleasant financial addition.

For schoolchildren, even a thousand a month, earned on clicks in between, is a pleasant incentive to higher dreams and heights, and besides, there is no need to ask parents for money again for the phone and other little things.

For people with free time, for example pensioners, there are a lot of examples where people earn 300-400 rubles a day from postal services without leaving home. And for many, this is a worthy budget support.

For businessmen - creating teams in SAR and postal services. Passive income with this approach sometimes replaces banal office work, and the amount earned from referrals is comparable to the average salary - 15-20-30 thousand per month!

Good luck to you friends and big earnings! Subscribe to new blog articles on the site and receive them directly by email.

Everyone can find a use for themselves!
Work and earn money!

Earn money on the Internet without investments with instant withdrawal of money updated: March 4, 2019 by: admin

Working from home and daily payments are very real and comparable things. We'll talk about them today. Perhaps you weren’t looking for exactly what you were looking for, but I’m sure you won’t regret it if, of course, you forget about the words: laziness, doubt, passivity. Looking ahead, I will say that work from home with daily payments will not require any investment from you. It's wonderful, isn't it?

Depending on your skills, desires and goals, you can choose a really good work from home job. Most likely, you expect to earn money and quickly withdraw your money. This is a completely normal desire, because probably somewhere deep down you have doubts and thoughts that your work may not be paid. This won't happen because today is your lucky day - honestly.

The article will present:

work with instant withdrawal of money(a great way to make money online for beginners and schoolchildren);

— (a method of earning money that will require some skills);

- (with payment today, tomorrow and the prospect of receiving even more).

Before I start, I’ll say that all ways to make money can become:

- part-time work;

- main source of income;

- favorite job.

You can focus on one of the methods or combine each of them (I chose the second)

Work with instant withdrawal of money. Where and how to start?

Perhaps, working with instant withdrawal- the easiest and most understandable way to make money online. The obvious advantage is that at any time you can take the money, slam the door, slam your fist on the keyboard and leave. Or start working, study the site, watch how others make money on it and grow. Try something new.

Actually, here is the site itself: .

Work on the Internet weekly payments. Who can handle it?

Despite the fact that this method of making money on the Internet is advertised as work on the Internet weekly payments, I will say that you can also withdraw money every day (as long as you have time to earn money). The advantage is the same as in the first case: if you don’t like it, we slam the door (if it has not yet flown out after the first time), beat a drum roll on the keyboard and say au revoir (arevoir). Like? We understand that you can earn $40-50 a day on the Internet and we work.

Here is the link to the site: .

Working on the Internet with perspective. More details

Whenever they told me about working with a prospect, I always thought that it was a mess or a scam. In today's case, working on the Internet with prospects is a little secret that I will tell you. It's about. All you need is 100 subscribers, which you can get very easily, and 3000 views on all videos. After that, you can go to contacts and write to me. I'll tell you what to do to master it work on the Internet with prospects.

Also, I am ready to advise on any other method of earning money presented on my website. Don't be afraid to try. When else will they show you how to make money on the Internet without investments, without asking for a penny?

Repost the article, maybe one of your friends needs:

— work with instant withdrawal;

- work daily payments part-time;

— working with prospects on the Internet.

Today I decided to write an honest article on the topic: how can a beginner really make money on the Internet without investment? Practical advice for beginners from many years of experience will be presented here. Only truly working and proven methods.

Below I will describe 5 popular and proven ways to make money online. The topic of making money on the Internet has become increasingly popular in recent years. In our difficult times, many people are looking for additional sources of income, including on the Internet. Today I will tell the truth and only the truth and try to dispel many myths about making easy money on the World Wide Web.

I’ll say right away that I am not a so-called “money maker” who everywhere teach how to quickly and easily make money on the Internet without any investment. Although, I think, I could also teach a lot, since since 2009 I have been very active on the Internet and earn money with my own labor and knowledge (in particular, I provide services for website promotion and contextual advertising). Plus, my websites bring in some income. But today we are not talking about my successes and achievements. Anyone interested in my humble person can always read about me on the appropriate page.

Earning money online without investments and without deception - myth or reality?

By the way, that review collected dozens of grateful comments, even taking into account the fact that my blog at that time had very little traffic. All the advice from it is still relevant today. Therefore, if you want to learn how to confidently distinguish worthwhile offers of income from “scams,” be sure to read the step-by-step instructions presented in the above article.

But now I would like to talk about something else. What do you think: for whom are proposals with promises of easy and quick money online usually written? For example, these:

“How to easily make money on the Internet?”, “How to earn your first money on the Internet quickly and without investments today?”, “How do I earn $500 a day?” etc.

All these offers of easy and quick money are aimed specifically at inexperienced people who know and know little in this area. In this case, it is not you who earns money. The money is on you. After all, as a rule, any “super-effective” and profitable system costs some initial amount, albeit not a very large one. How to understand whether this or that offer is worth your time and attention, I already wrote in.

Moreover, a couple of years ago I even recorded several video lessons on the topic of how to determine the level of trust in a particular site (service) or offer on the network. How to find out: can you trust a “domain”, how to make safe purchases online, etc. Below is the first video lesson from this mini-course.

Video lesson: “How to determine the level of trust in a site (domain) - safe online shopping”

But the most important thing is that I want to convey to you and “put” it into your head forever. Ask yourself the question: “What do you know and can do on the Internet?” Why and for what should someone pay you money? In your real life, do you pay someone just because of your boundless kindness? Do you give out money left and right in large amounts? Are you ready to tell everyone about “money topics”? If yes, then I would like to be on your friends list.

It is worth understanding the fact that the more people use this or that type of “cunning” income, the more competition grows. As a rule, after a “very secret” money topic appears in the public domain, it very quickly stops working or becomes less effective. Do you still believe that super cool “businessmen” want to tell you their secrets for ridiculous money? If yes, then Congratulations, you are a potential client for scammers and scammers.

I will not argue that there are consulting services, when an experienced specialist advises a particular business. I myself provide audit services for certain sites and draw up technical specifications for the client. In it I describe in detail: what needs to be corrected and implemented in order to receive additional targeted clients, how to improve website conversion, how to increase sales, improve search rankings, etc. But experienced specialists rarely sell their practical experience and knowledge (which they have accumulated over the years) cheaply.

So how can a beginner make money online without investment? What types of income are there?

Let's now figure it out: how can you really make money on the Internet without investments and what offers are there for making money online? First of all, I’ll immediately note: if any of you are looking for the “loot” button, forget it. I’ve been actively using the Internet for 15 years now and have never seen anything like this.

Immediately understand that online, as in real life (offline), money is paid either for real goods or for specific services. Simply put, if you do not have goods that can be sold, then there is only one type of income left. Provide some services. Although no! There are many types of income. Is there some more passive types of income - when you sleep and the money “drips”. Did someone think I was joking or trying to scam someone? No, I'm absolutely serious and below I'll tell you what I mean.

Method 1: Earn money online through remote work (freelancing)

First, let's look at the “simplest” type of earning money on the Internet for beginners to understand. This is remote work or so-called freelancing. I myself can call myself a freelancer, since in most cases I provide services to clients remotely. Moreover, I have a whole group of verified freelancers (remote workers) to whom I pay money for certain work.

For those who are interested in this type of income, I advise you to study at least the basic principles of this type of activity before starting work. By the way, a couple of years ago I also recorded a free mini-video course on the topic of making money online on popular freelance exchanges. It examines sites where thousands of job seekers and customers find each other.

The video tutorial below will discuss the most popular remote work exchange on the Russian-language Internet. In particular, not only the basic interface of the service will be shown, but also such issues as “a secure transaction with the customer” will be considered. In particular, you will learn: how to avoid fraud when a potential client pays for your work, and much more.

Video lesson: “Remote work on the Internet (freelance exchanges) - how can a beginner make money without investment?”

I also provide links to the two most popular remote work exchanges in the CIS FL.ru and Weblancer.net.

Method 2: “Passive” types of earning money on the Internet (affiliate programs)

Above I mentioned passive income on the Internet. I am sure that many people are interested in this option for generating income. It sounds great: “ You rest or do other things, and the money drips in.” ! It even smacks of some kind of scam or deception. But there is no scam here. This is a passive or active type of advertising of other people's goods or services. Or so-called affiliate programs.

What are we talking about? For example, an online store sells goods. If you attract a client to him who buys the product, you will be paid a commission. Or, for example, some service provides a certain type of service. For example, a hosting company offers to rent its servers for hosting websites. If you register in the affiliate program of a particular store or service, you will be able to receive on an ongoing basis from 30% to 50% from each payment of an attracted client.

It is worth noting that for the same hosting, site owners have to pay monthly and after each payment you will periodically receive your commissions. You can also give as an example the same popular link exchanges that also have affiliate programs and tens of thousands of webmasters and optimizers buy links to them every day.

Simply put, there are a huge variety of affiliate programs of various sites. And at first glance, this type of earnings may seem like an easy task for a beginner. And it’s true that it’s simpler: you go to thematic sites, forums and place your affiliate link in the comments and posts. People follow it, and then for years you receive your share of income from the owners of affiliate programs.

In theory, everything sounds very easy and cool. Moreover, proven and popular sites actually regularly pay large amounts of commission to their partners. Everything is automated there and there is no deception. If a person follows your affiliate link, then a special “cookie” is assigned to him for a whole year. And if he immediately or in the future places an order for a particular product or service and makes a payment, you will immediately receive your commissions. Their payment, as a rule, can be ordered through a special affiliate account once every 2 weeks.

Also a very popular way of earning money is participation in affiliate programs of various information products. Most often these are programs, scripts or educational video courses.

I don’t want to give examples or recommend any specific affiliate programs, since each of them needs to be verified and tested. Sometimes you recommend this or that product to someone, they will spend their money on advertising it, but will not receive the proper return. In the end you will be at fault. Although this could have happened for absolutely objective reasons. For example, the author attracted not the most targeted traffic to the selling site (for example, he failed to correctly set up the same contextual advertising).

It was not for nothing that I said about contextual advertising. Many novice participants in affiliate programs think that in order to make money on affiliate products, they just need to go to different thematic sites and leave their affiliate link there.

I’ll immediately bring you down to earth and dispel your rosy ideas about making easy money on the Internet in this way. I’m sure many have already imagined dollars “flying” before their eyes, etc. If everything were so simple, then many people would only be engaged exclusively in making money on various affiliate programs.

Of course, such earnings are very honest and can bring high income with the right approach. But what is the right approach? As elsewhere, without certain knowledge and skills, you will be able to make sales very unstable and most often “by luck.” Why, you ask?

Firstly, any visited Internet resource (forum, portal, blog) is almost always checked by moderators or site owners. And your wonderful epithets in favor of a particular service or product (along with your affiliate link) will most often be immediately deleted within a day of writing. What to do? Is there no way to advertise for free?

If you use your brains, everything will work out. But to do this, you need to search on forums and websites for questions from real users on the topic of your affiliate product and give them, as if “by chance,” an answer or a recommendation with your affiliate link to a particular site. Or create several accounts and ask under one name and answer under another. Moreover, it is advisable to “hide” the “tails” of your affiliate links through special services. When you get your first link, you will understand what it is. As a rule, in an affiliate link, after the address of the main domain of the site (after the name of the site, for example, site.ru/), immediately after the slash (“slash”) there are various numbers or letters.

In the picture below, the red rectangle highlights the so-called “tail” of the affiliate link:

Many “advanced” and “greedy” users, when they see such an affiliate link, deliberately cut off this “tail”, copying the site address without it. This will take them to the target site, but if they make a payment, you will not receive any commission. Although I don't quite understand such people. After all, for them the price of the product does not change. Your commissions are paid by the owner of the affiliate program from his earnings.

But many “well-wishers” do not want to express even a small “thank you” to you for your, most often, useful recommendation of a particular service or product. We have such “petty” people. And there are many of them. It doesn’t cost him anything, but on principle he doesn’t want to let you make money.

Therefore, if possible, try to “hide” your links through special services or use other “tricks”. Although this will not help from particularly “smart” users. But still, the chances of your affiliate link being “cut” will be significantly reduced.

Also, do not forget that moderators and site owners are not idiots either and this is not the first time they have seen such “brilliant” advertisers. When all these “recommendations” are added from recently registered user profiles who have not written a single message before, and then suddenly suddenly start talking about a specific site or product - it looks at least suspicious.

The same can be said about groups on social networks, etc. Of course, if you have old accounts on popular sites (maybe you buy them or connect your friends), then everything may turn out to be much simpler. But in general, I’ll tell you honestly and right away - this method of promoting affiliate programs is very complex, time-consuming and very often ineffective.

“But how do people make thousands of dollars on affiliate programs? I saw a screenshot of one partner, so he has hundreds of thousands of rubles in just one month!” - one of the readers shouted back at me.

I willingly believe you, I will answer. I'll say even more. I know partners who earn even more significant amounts. But who are these people? Are they geniuses or just lucky?

As a rule, these are the owners of the sites you visit. They advertise on their sites one or another affiliate product that may be of interest to visitors to this resource. They also include owners of large thematic mailing lists. But this is where the difficulty lies. To promote your website or newsletter and achieve high traffic, you need to spend a lot of time or money. Most often you will need both. And how much of these resources you will spend depends only on your knowledge, experience and skills.

"Crap! Why are you destroying all my dreams? Finally, give me a real way to make money on affiliate programs, or better yet, just a loot button! “- shouted another novice partner.

In reality, most partners make money through so-called contextual advertising. Which, if configured correctly, can bring a very large number of targeted potential clients. But it is not free and inexperienced people very often waste almost all their money on it, and receive either “zero” or minimal return.

But this does not mean that contextual advertising does not work! Believe me, with properly configured advertising campaigns, it simply works like a “money machine.” I see this in the example of my clients, to whom I provide services for “promotion” of their sites (SEO + contextual advertising).

Therefore, I would not advise absolute beginners to start making money on affiliate programs. At least until you learn to work with Yandex Direct at least at a basic level. By the way, for absolute beginners in contextual advertising, I once posted an excellent one. But below I will also say a few important words: both about contextual advertising and about the “promotion” of any sites in general.

In general, you can search for any affiliate programs, test them and make money from them. Well, I described the main pitfalls above.
If someone is scared off by the rather complicated way of making money on affiliate programs, then below I will tell you an option that is suitable even for the most beginners.

Method 3: The “easiest” method of making money online for beginners

What type of earnings do 90% of newcomers on the Internet who have no knowledge, skills or initial capital start with? The answer is simple - copywriting. Simply put, writing articles to order. What can almost every at least slightly literate person do? Of course write! There are millions of sites on the Internet and they constantly require new content: articles, news, reviews, etc.

I myself have several proven copywriters who write articles for my and client sites. Moreover, I am engaged in “promotion” of sites, and for this purpose new unique thematic articles are constantly needed. Another thing is that writing beautiful and unique articles is also an art. But for some customers it is enough to simply rewrite certain text in their own words (the so-called rewrite). They don’t pay very much for this, but for an absolute beginner this way of earning money is perfect. Just now you can earn your first reviews on the most popular remote work exchanges FL.ru and weblancer.net.

Almost everyone can check errors in the text using Word, but not everyone can write a beautiful and interesting article without the proper “skill”. Experienced “masters of words” charge for their work from 300 rubles per 1000 characters (this is about a quarter of an A4 sheet). It is worth noting that each character is one letter in the text; commas and other punctuation marks, by the way, also count.

For those who want to earn their living in this way, I advise you to first download a couple of useful programs onto your computer. For example, the same “character counter” in the text (there are a lot of free options), as well as a program for checking uniqueness. For example Advego Plagiatus. There’s no way without her. Not a single customer will pay you a ruble for the text if it is non-unique (copied from some site). The program should show the uniqueness of the text from 90% or higher.

It is worth noting that 80% of customers require rewriting from performers, not copywriting. How are they different from each other? Copywriting involves writing a new, unique article based on your “rich” experience. Ideally, you write exactly your knowledge of a particular topic. Of course, an experienced copywriter does not need to understand every area. It is enough for him to read several articles on a chosen topic and then write a retelling of what he learned from it.

But copywriting (writing original articles) always costs more. That is why many customers ask for rewriting, which is much cheaper. They simply give you the source (for example, a link to an article) and you rewrite it in your own words. Simply put, you retell it. The meaning remains the same, but the synonyms and sentence construction are different.

If we go really deep into the technical details, then you need to “break” the so-called “shingles”. I will not “burden” you with this topic in the article now. If anyone is interested, watch the video tutorial below.

Video tutorial: How to check text for uniqueness for free? What is text uniqueness?

I provide links to the most popular exchanges for copywriters. The same Advego, which was presented in the video above and also the well-known exchange TextSale.

Method 4: Earn money and build your own business on the Internet

Most likely, you are interested in another question: what types of businesses exist on the Internet? As you already understood from what was written above, there are many types of earnings and monetization of your Internet resources. But here comes the main problem for beginners – creating their own website.

Method 5: Create your own online store and start making money from it?

Of course, creating a simple website to present your services is not difficult now. You can study some video courses on this topic. You can order the necessary website from freelancers. There are also many free solutions, for example, the same ready-made online store can be created in literally 2 clicks through the popular and reliable service Insales.

It is worth noting that quickly creating your own website or online store is not a big problem in our time. There are millions of such sites created “in 5 minutes” on the Internet. And they lie “dead weight” and do not bring any profit to their owners (or mere pennies). Another thing is to ensure that your website (for example, the same online store) looks as attractive as possible, enjoys the trust of customers, has all the necessary functions for sales, etc. For this you will need additional knowledge.

You can immediately turn to professional studios to develop a “cool” website or online store. But most often they price their services very expensive. Sometimes their prices reach 300,000 thousand rubles per site and even more. Yes, yes, this is not a typo; some studios ask for the creation of serious projects from 1 million rubles or more. It is clear that such amounts are acceptable only for already existing and successful businesses. And for beginners who are just looking for opportunities to make money on the Internet, such amounts are very frightening and seem like something unattainable.

At the same time, there are many cheaper options for achieving success in the same sales via the Internet. For example, to create an attractive and functional online store, you don’t have to pay a lot of money to freelancers or studios. You can do everything yourself. And this is an even more preferable option, since you will go all the way from scratch and will know your site thoroughly.

And even if in the future you have to turn to specialists to implement certain tasks (for example, order a beautiful design for a website), then you will no longer get bullied because of ignorance of the simplest technical terms. When you already know the technical basics of an Internet business, you can easily draw up a competent technical specification for a freelancer and thereby save your money.

Any specialist immediately sees an amateur and tries to “charge” him a high price for his services. When you know the basics, you will begin to be perceived as an equal. You can even tell the freelancer that you could do everything yourself, but you just don't have enough time right now and you're outsourcing your work to them. “Colleagues” will not “bend” high prices for each other.

By the way, even if you are not able to quickly “promote” your own Internet resource and start making money on it right away, you will be able to provide services for the content, development and technical support of other people’s sites. Believe me, these services are in great demand. There are a huge number of large and small information portals on the Internet, as well as online stores, but there are always not enough “working hands”.

How to independently create a high-quality website for your online business?

If we talk about the highest quality and inexpensive training materials on this topic, I can recommend the video course by the same Evgeny Popov “Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform.” The course is actually very cool. Everything is literally told step by step and shown using the example of a real store. Before your eyes, a full-fledged online store will be created with an excellent modern design and with all the functionality necessary for sales.

All you have to do is order goods, for example, from China. There are large wholesale sites for Chinese goods, for example, the same ru.aliexpress.com. Or, in general, there are companies that themselves will bring the goods you need, store them in warehouses, send them to customers (engage in processing, delivery of orders, etc.). And the net profit will be transferred to you.

In words everything sounds very simple. But the most important and most difficult and costly task remains for you - to attract potential clients. If clients themselves came to the site without extra effort, then every day I would create online stores of various types and would be a millionaire. But it's not that simple.

In the search engines Yandex and Google, there is a real competition for each target visitor. In highly competitive niches, website owners invest huge budgets to beat their direct competitors. In such topics as “construction”, “household appliances”, “plastic windows”, etc., there is very fierce competition for first places in the so-called TOP of search engines. Everyone wants to overtake each other, and some unscrupulous competitors even try to somehow “annoy” this or that site that is ahead of them.

But such “massacre”, as a rule, takes place in regions with the highest competition, for example, in Moscow. If you are not going to cover the entire territory of the country at once and fight with everyone, then you can safely “bite off” your part of the market. Especially if you initially promote specifically in your city or region. Don't be afraid of competition. With the right approach and proper positioning, there will be enough clients for everyone.

How to quickly “promote” your website on the Internet and start making your first money on it?

Another thing is how to promote your website on the Internet and start receiving your first clients (real orders)? This is especially difficult to achieve with a new and “young” site (trust my experience). This is a separate and important topic.

By the way, if we talk about the same new online store that Evgeny Popov created in his course “Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform”, then this young site received its first orders for several tens of thousands of rubles even before the completion of the video course recording. Just a few weeks after its creation. And most importantly, without any material costs!

Of course, you can immediately attract potential customers to your website using the same contextual advertising. But there you need to pay for each attracted visitor from 2-3 rubles to several HUNDREDS of rubles. Yes, in niches with high competition (for example, real estate, cars), the cost of one attracted visitor can reach tens and hundreds of rubles per click.

It is worth noting that out of 100 attracted target visitors, as a rule, 2-3 people make a purchase (it can be less or more - it depends on many factors; for those interested, read about the term “conversion”). So the main problem for beginners is that, due to lack of knowledge and experience, they very often incorrectly set up an advertising campaign in the same way and simply waste their entire budget. Very often they do not receive ANY orders.

It is after such “successes” that many newcomers write that advertising on the Internet does not work. You can’t make money on sites, etc. If this were actually the case, then why is it that more and more new sites appear every day, but the old ones are not closed? Are the owners of these Internet resources complete idiots? Don't think…

How, in the case of Evgeny Popov, did we manage to attract customers and receive real orders worth tens of thousands of rubles for a completely new and “unpromoted” online store without spending a penny on it? This is where so-called search engine optimization (SEO) comes in handy. By the way, in this case it could not have happened without my participation. I said at the beginning of the article that my main profile is website promotion. In particular, I am also involved in the “promotion” of popular projects by Evgeny Popov. But promoting old sites, which currently already have more than 60,000 visitors per day and great authority among search engines, is a different story.

In this case, Evgeniy asked me to record a video bonus for his course (the bonus video course was called: “Principles of SEO optimization of a store on Insales”). And immediately tell everything and, most importantly, show it using the example of a newly created online store. Thus, in my videos, I performed basic search engine optimization of certain pages of this online store so that the site could immediately receive its first customers from the search engines Yandex, Google, etc. And the most interesting thing is that in the end it received its first customers and real orders! This is how the author of one of the bonus video courses from Evgeny Popov turned out to be your humble servant, who is writing this article.

Important afterword and conclusions about making money on the Internet

If you are still an absolute beginner and are taking your first steps on the Internet, then you should not immediately buy any paid courses, seminars, webinars, etc. Even the information that was presented above is already enough to start earning your first money via the Internet. And when you have already decided on a way to earn money that can generate a stable income, then you should turn to various (including paid) courses on a particular topic. This will allow you to quickly improve your skills and, accordingly, increase your income.

The most important thing is to do it! At least a little, but do it. Read, watch, immediately do something from what you learn. If you paid money for a particular course, the authors usually have customer support. So implement it without putting some points on the back burner and you will definitely have questions, and the author will help you solve them “hot on your heels.”

And last but most important. Don’t try to immediately become the best in your chosen niche: become the first freelancer on the exchange, create the best and most perfect online store, launch the most advanced service, immediately overtake everyone in search engines, etc. Do everything gradually.

Do not try to immediately create this or that large business or online project. It’s better to get a job with your future competitors (or partners), study and understand the whole “kitchen” from the inside. And only after that you will form an idea: how it all works, what is needed for your business, what competitive advantages you will have, etc.

Feel free to ask your questions and share your opinions in the comments below!

The one who walks will master the road. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! Best regards, Ruslan Savchenko.

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Game with money withdrawal "Taxi Money"
Taxi Money
Taxi Money Pays - a reliable, paying game with withdrawal of funds - one of the best! The project offers: active income (working as a taxi driver), passive income (renting a taxi or creating a taxi company). Review .
Features: taxi cost from 199 rubles, stock exchange, “Clix”, “Taxi Dice”, racing, police and more.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
23-05-2014 No There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 2 rub. possible without investment P PM FK
Registration in Taxi Money
Money withdrawal game "Rich Birds"
Rich Birds
Pays - an interesting and best game from the series “about birds and eggs” with withdrawal of money. This is a functional and interesting project with cool features. Review on this page.
Features: cost of laying hens from 10 rubles. (5 types), silver exchange, gaming zone, savings bank, roulette, lotteries, affiliate bonus.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
year 2014 1000 silver (10 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 0.5 rub. 30 rub. P POISON Q WM OP
Registration in Rich Birds
Game with money withdrawal "Robot Cash"
Robot Cash
Robot Cash Pays is another long-lived game with money withdrawal, which has returned to service after a break. The project has been completely updated and become even better (more details in the game news). Hire robots and collect the energy they produce in the hangar. The higher the version of the robot, the greater the profit.
Features: cost of robots from 149 rubles, 7 models of robots, profitability up to 38%, bonus up to 10 rubles.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
28-10-2014 No There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 50 rub. 1 rub. P POISON Q WM
Register with Robot Cash
Game with money withdrawal "Rich Birds 2"
Rich Birds 2 (Rich Birds 2)
Pays - an economic simulator that allows you to make a profit from selling eggs. Buy any laying hens, accumulate eggs without losses or overfilling the warehouse, exchange eggs for silver for hatching.
Features: cost of laying hens from 10 rubles, laying hens stay with you forever, accumulation without loss, bonus birds, up to 150 silver per day.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
20-05-2015 1000 silver (10 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 50 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q WM
Registration in Rich Birds 2
Game with money withdrawal "Golden Mines USD"
Golden Mines USD
Golden Mines USD Pays - another updated long-lived game with money withdrawal from a reliable admin, it is the dollar version of Golden Mines. Buy gnomes to mine precious ore. Sell ​​it on the system market and receive a profit for this action.
Features: cost of hiring gnomes from 1 USD (5 types of gnomes), gnomes do not have a lifespan, competitions, bonuses up to 0.5 USD.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
01-03-2015 No There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 USD 1 USD P
Registration in Golden Mines USD
Game with money withdrawal "Wild West"
Wild West
Pays - a game with withdrawal of money from verified admins - Sergius Game Group (Money City project). Build your own wild west: extract resources for which you will receive real income. The received bonus for registration - place a wheat field in your village so that it begins to generate profit.
Features: seasonality, purchase price from 8 rubles. (large assortment), levels and experience, playing chests, surfing for withdrawal, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
01-11-2018 wheat field (8 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 12 rub. P
Registration in Wild West
Money withdrawal game "Money City"
Money City
Pays - paying online game with money withdrawal from Sergius Game Group. Build a money city that will bring you income: use various buildings, place them on the playing field and collect the accumulated profit every half hour. Hut as a gift for registration.
Features: seasonality, cost of buildings from 20 rubles. (large selection of buildings), levels and experience, surfing for withdrawal, competitions, chat for players.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
08-09-2018 hut (20 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 20 rub. P
Registration in Money City
Money withdrawal game "Money Island"
Money Island (Tropical Island)
Pays - a game with withdrawal of money from a verified administration - Sergius Game Group(paying projects Money City and Wild West). To earn income you need to build a city for tourists on a tropical island. Collecting profits every half hour. Large selection of buildings. For registration, 10 rubles for purchases.
Features: seasonality, cost of buildings from 10 rubles. (large selection), bonuses for purchases and for withdrawal, surfing for withdrawal, tic-tac-toe game, competitions, chat.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
07-12-2018 10 rub. No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. P POISON Q
Registration in Money Island
Game with money withdrawal "Stalker-X"
Stalker-X (Stalkers)
Stalker-X Pays is a time-tested online game with money withdrawal about stalkers. Create your own army of armed fighters who will get you valuable artifacts. Levels of status and skill, weapons and equipment - all this is present in the game.
Features: seasonality, cost of stalkers from 9.9 rubles, several types of weapons, valuable artifacts, chat, competitions, credit, quests and tasks.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
27-05-2015 3 stalkers + 1000 gold No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 50 rub. many ways
Registration in Stalker-X
Game with money withdrawal "Chickens Farm"
Chickens Farm
Chickens Farm Pays - a time-tested game with money withdrawal, pays consistently, works without restarts. Buy any of the hens that will lay eggs for you. There are five levels of hens on the project with varying fertility levels. You can start playing without investing, collecting a bonus every day.
Features: cost of chickens from 10 rubles, exchanger +10%, daily bonus up to 100 silver.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
28-07-2015 5000 silver (50 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 10 rub. 10 rub. P POISON
Register at Chickens Farm
Money withdrawal game "Money Banks"
Money Banks
Pays - an online game with withdrawal of money in which players can earn money by buying banks. The latter will bring dividends. Then change them to “real” for withdrawal to your wallet. As a gift - two Standard banks worth 20 rubles.
Features: banks cost from 10 rubles. (8 types), surfing for purchases, affiliate program for 5 levels, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
16-05-2018 2 banks (20 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. or surfing P POISON Q MT BC
Registration in Money Banks
Game with money withdrawal "Golden Oligarch"
Golden Oligarch (Oligarchs)
Pays - a game with withdrawal of money that pays. Hire gold miners for your team and mine gold ore. There are 5 professionals at your disposal, ready to get to work.
Features: cost of workers from 10 rubles, 5 types of seekers, bonus up to 100 gold per day, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
04-07-2017 1000 gold (10 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. P POISON Q WM MT BC
Registration in Golden Oligarch
Game with money withdrawal "Money Birds 2"
Money Birds 2
Money Birds 2 Pays is a long-lived economic game with withdrawal of funds. The game process is quite simple: hire any available birds, collect and sell laid eggs on the system market for silver.
Features: birds cost from 5 rubles, no lifespan (birds do not fly away or disappear), the warehouse does not overflow with eggs (you can collect them at any time), silver exchange, play area, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
10-05-2014 1000 silver (10 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 0.50 rub. 10 rub. P POISON Q MT BC
Registration in Money Birds 2
Farm game with money withdrawal "Bitcoin Farm"
Bitcoin Farm
Bitcoin Farm Pays - Bitcoin farm with withdrawal of money from a verified administration. Buy farms to produce virtual cryptocurrency, which can be exchanged for real money. For registration - 2 farms as a gift!
Features: cost of bitcoin farms from 10 rubles. (10 pieces in total), bonuses up to 100 coins per day, competitions, surfing for purchases.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
20-05-2018 2 bitcoin farms (20 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. POISON P Q BC MT
Registering with Bitcoin Farm
Game with money withdrawal "Profit Birds"
Profit Birds
Pays - a time-tested game about birds with money withdrawal. The earning scheme is standard: buying birds, collecting eggs and then selling them for silver.
Features: the cost of birds is only from 1 rub., birds are forever (they do not disappear or fly away), the warehouse does not overflow (you can collect eggs at any time), bonus up to 100 silver per day, exchanger +20%.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
09-06-2016 No There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 50 rub. 10 rub. P POISON
Registration in Profit Birds
Game with money withdrawal "Magnats"
Magnats (Tycoon)
Pays - an improved long-lived game with money withdrawal from the proven MIG administration. Buy cars and transport resources, build factories and produce products. Grow your account and become a real virtual Tycoon!
Features: seasonality, cost of cars and factories from 10 rubles, bonuses up to 0.5 rubles. per day, online chat, surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
08-11-2017 10 rub. No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 5 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q
Register with GameMagnats
Game with money withdrawal "Space Traders"
Space Traders
Pays - an improved long-lived game with the withdrawal of real money from the reliable MIG group. Go on a journey through outer space, complete various missions and tasks, receive rewards and earn money. For registration - a spaceship as a gift.
Features: seasonality, levels, experience, fame, withdrawal surfing, detailed F.A.Q. (how to play).
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
21-07-2017 "Moon launch" (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 5 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q
Registration in Space Traders
Game with money withdrawal "Farms Money"
Farms Money
Farms Money Pays is an economic game with money withdrawal from the reliable MIG group. Create your own money farm that will provide you with a stable profit. Grow, harvest and sell crops.
Features: seasonality, planting areas from 30 rubles, energy pack from 9 rubles, seedlings from 10 rubles, experience system, gifts, bonuses, chat, surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
05-09-2017 1000 credits (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 5 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q
Registration in Farms Money
Game with money withdrawal "Crypto-Mine Farm"
Crypto-Mine Farm
Crypto-Mine Farm Pays - a crypto-mining farm with the withdrawal of money from the administration of paying projects - MIG. Build your own virtual mining farm and get real income. The more powerful the farm, the more crypto coins it will produce.
Features: seasonality, cost of crypto farms from 10 rubles, daily bonus up to 50 kopecks, chat for players, surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
20-12-2017 10 rub. No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 5 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q
Registration in Crypto-Mine Farm
Game with money withdrawal "AZS Farm"
AZS Farm (gas station)
New season from 06/11/19- a game with money withdrawal from the PremiumFin admin. Gas stations (gas stations) generate income from the project. Buy them in the required quantity and collect your profit, which can be withdrawn to your wallet. The project gives all new players a Shell gas station.
Features: seasonality, gas station cost from 10 rubles, 6 different gas stations, competitions and bonuses, shopping surfing.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
06-11-2018 Shell gas station (RUB 10) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 100 rub. P
Registration in AZS Farm
Money withdrawal game "Dismoney"
Dismoney Pays - an economic project from the proven admin PremiumFin (Gas Station and Summer Garden games under monitoring). In this game you can earn money from characters, surfing, collecting various bonuses, completing tasks, and participating in competitions.
Features: characters cost from 30 rubles. (5 characters available), surfing for purchases, bonus and game areas, competitions, tasks.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
24-02-2019 No No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 30 rub. or surfing P
Registration in Dismoney
Game with money withdrawal "My Summer Garden"
My Summer Garden
The reserve has been paid - an online game with the withdrawal of money from the PremiumFin administration. In a summer garden store you can purchase trees that will bear fruit. Trees are purchased in order: from smallest to largest. When you sell your crops, you receive coins for payment. A project without points and with a minimum stub - 10 rubles.
Features: trees cost from 10 rubles. (6 types), 3 types of bonuses, surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
22-12-2018 tree (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. P
Registration in My Summer Garden
Game with money withdrawal "Stardust Game"
Stardust Game
Pays - a game with money withdrawal, in which planets earn money by collecting stardust. The latter can be exchanged for game coins and withdrawn to your account. The registration bonus is 1000 coins, which is equivalent to 10 rubles.
Features: cost of planets from 10 rubles, 6 types of planets, profitability from 35%, 3 types of bonuses.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
27-01-2019 1000 coins (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 10 rub. P
Registration in Stardust Game
Game with money withdrawal "Elven Gold"
Elven Gold
Pays - a game with money withdrawal will immerse you in the world of elves. Buy buildings and build your own elven city, which will bring you income. A conscientiously made project with high-quality graphics and interesting features. Withdrawals are only available on Payeer.
Features: cost of buildings from 50 rubles, sets of crystals, wheel of fortune, up to 200 coins per day, competitions, player experience and levels.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
17-09-2016 5000 gold + crystals There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 50 rub. P
Registration in Elven Gold
Money withdrawal game "Money Gnomes"
Money Gnomes
Pays - a long-lived game with surfing sites directly to the withdrawal. This is an honest paying project with simple marketing, in which gnomes will work for you, bringing ore. Also here you can spin the wheel of fortune, surf sites, collect bonuses to buy gnomes.
Features: cost of gnomes from 10 rubles, 5 types of gnomes, wheel of fortune, bonuses (daily and once per hour), surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
24-08-2017 1000 silver (10 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. without investment (surfing) P POISON Q
Register with Money Gnomes
Game with money withdrawal "Cash Birds"
Cash Birds
Pays - an economic online game with money withdrawal made in the style of "birds and eggs". Buy “angry” laying hens, store eggs and withdraw profits. Project from the admin of the money gnomes.
Features: the cost of “angry” birds is from 10 rubles, birds do not have a lifespan, bonuses, wheel of fortune.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
17-10-2017 angry bird lvl 1 There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 100 rub. P POISON Q
Registering with Cash Birds
Money withdrawal game "Money Robot"
Money Robot
Pays - an economic game with withdrawal of money from a verified admin (Money Gnomes, Cash Birds). Robots generate profit from the project by extracting energy. Collect it in a special warehouse and exchange it for silver for payment.
Features: cost of robots from 49 rubles, 5 versions of robots, lottery, wheel of fortune, bonus up to 100 silver per day.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
17-10-2017 MR Unit v1.00 There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 50 rub. P POISON Q
Registration in Money Robot
Game with money withdrawal "Invest Cities"
Invest Cities
Pays - a game with withdrawal of money, in which there are no points. Players can earn money by purchasing real estate in different parts of the world. Income from renting out real estate in the form of game bucks can be easily withdrawn to your wallet. The choice is: New York, Moscow, Paris and London. Registration bonus - 100 green (equivalent to $0.10).
Features: seasonality, real estate prices from $0.10 (4 cities), bonuses for clicks and activity, surfing for withdrawal, competitions, chat.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
10-09-2018 100 green ($0.10) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
auto/ from $0.10 1 dollar P
Registration in Invest Cities
Game with money withdrawal "Invest Islands"
Invest Islands
Pays - a game with the withdrawal of money from a verified administration (City project). Buy hotels on the islands and rent them out. 4 islands are available: Crimea, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Maldives. Hotels can be improved. All rental profits are distributed between the balances for purchases and for withdrawal. Registration bonus - 100 green ($0.10).
Features: hotel prices from $0.10 (4 islands), bonuses for activity and per click, two types of competitions, surfing for withdrawal, chat for contacting the administration.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
05-12-2018 100 green ($0.10) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
auto/ from $0.10 1 dollar P
Registration in Invest Islands
Game with money withdrawal "Invest Technologies"
Invest Technologies (Technology)
Pays - an economic game with the withdrawal of money from trusted publishers (projects "Cities" and "Islands"). The game offers you to earn money completely without replenishment on virtual girls, which can be improved to increase profits. 6 girls and 6 parameters to improve. Registration bonus - Mini character.
Features: dollar project, profitability from 30%, competitions, bonuses up to 200 green, surfing for purchases.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
10-02-2019 Mini character No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
auto/ from 0.10 USD 1 dollar P
Registration with Invest Technologies
Game with money withdrawal "Golden Tea"
Golden Tea
Pays - long-lived tea game with money withdrawal. Do you like to sit with a cup of freshly brewed tea? What about growing the latter? Engage in planting tea bushes, growing and collecting leaves on your own tea plantation.
Features: cost of tea bushes from 100 rubles, 3 types of bushes, field for planting, energy exchange, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
01-02-2015 10,000 coins (100 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 0.1 rub. 100 rub. many ways
Registration at Golden Tea
Game with money withdrawal "World of Farmer"
World of Farmer
World of Farmer Pays is a well-thought-out economic simulation game with withdrawal of funds from the Indi Game group. Create and set up your own production, engage in farming and animal husbandry, complete quests and make real profits.
Features: various buildings and landings, game levels, surfing, product exchange, wheel of fortune, mini-games, withdrawal of funds from level 5
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
29-07-2016 50 gold No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
auto/manual possible without investment P
Registration in World of Farmer
Game with money withdrawal "Best Fruit Farm"
The Best Fruit Farm
The Best Fruit Farm Pays - a reliable long-lived fruit farm with withdrawal of money without payment points. More than 15 million rubles were paid. Make money by selling fruits: buy seedlings of various fruits and grow fruits, which you can easily exchange for rubles through the system trading shop.
Features: cost of seedlings from 10 rubles, 7 types of seedlings, life span of seedlings, several types of bonuses, tournaments.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
20-02-2014 10 rub. No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. possible without investment P AC
Registration in Fruit Farm
Game with money withdrawal "NemoGame"
Pays - a project from the administrators of Stardust. Take your favorite characters with you and go in search of in-game treasure, for which you will receive funds for payment. Collect bonuses, participate in competitions to get extra money. Registration bonus - 1000 coins.
Features: characters cost from 10 rubles. (10 types), yield up to 33%, competitions, surfing for purchases, “find a treasure” bonus.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
22-03-2019 1000 coins - 10 rubles. No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 30 rub. P
Registration in NemoGame
Game with money withdrawal "Office Money"
Office Money
Pays - in this game with the withdrawal of money you have to create your own virtual office, which will bring profit every day. To do this, you will need to hire employees and “pump up” them. Payments are possible without investment. Registration bonus - 1st level manager worth 10 rubles.
Features: staff cost from 10 rubles. (4 types) with the possibility of pumping, profitability up to 35%, various bonuses, competitions, surfing for withdrawal.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
19-03-2019 manager (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. possible without investment P POISON Q
Registration in Office Money
Game with money withdrawal "Mine-Crystal"
Mine-Crystal (Mines)
Pays - an economic game with the withdrawal of money, in which profits are brought by mines of various levels by extracting magic crystals. The latter are accumulated in the system warehouse. Exchange crystals for gold coins to pay out. Registration bonus 20 rubles.
Features: cost of mines from 10 rubles. (5 types), competitions, bonus system.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
09-01-2019 2000 gold (20 rub.) There is
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 20 rub. P POISON Q
Registration in Mine-Crystal
Game with money withdrawal "Taxists"
Pays - online game with money withdrawal. Buy different cars, and there are 7 types of them on the project: from Toyota to Lamborghini. Your income depends on the cost of the car. Registration bonus - a Toyota car worth 10 rubles.
Features: cars cost from 10 rubles. (7 types), garage for 3 cars, bonuses for purchases and withdrawals.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
25-01-2019 Toyota (10 rub.) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 20 rub. P
Registration in Taxists

Browser-based online strategies with money withdrawal

If you are not indifferent to strategy games, I offer several interesting browser-based online strategies with the withdrawal of real money. Build cities, develop farms and earn money.

Browser strategy with money withdrawal "Rage of Hero"
Rage of Hero
Rage of Hero Pays - browser-based military-economic strategy with money withdrawal. A simple and, at the same time, exciting game in which you can play the role of one of seven heroes: from a warrior to a mayor. Construction of buildings, robberies, creation of an army and much more awaits you in the game!
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
2011 No No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
manual without investment P POISON Q WM MT
Registration in Rage of Hero
Browser strategy with money withdrawal "Ships Age"
Ships Age
Those. work - an exciting economic strategy with the withdrawal of money. As the captain of your ship, go on adventures and complete missions. The game has musical voice acting: the sound of the surf, the singing of birds... Be sure to check out the "Training" section on the website.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
2015 ship No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
manual possible without investment n/a
Registration in ShipsAge
Browser strategy with money withdrawal "Clan Wars"
Clan Wars
Clan Wars Pays - browser-based strategy with the withdrawal of real money. In this exciting game world, development begins with choosing one of four professions: healer, stonecutter, lumberjack, miner. Create clans, fight monsters, explore dungeons, earn... The main game currency is platinum.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
2007 gaming equipment No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
manual possible without investment W.M.
Registration in Clan Wars
Browser strategy with money withdrawal "Age of Clones"
Age of Clones
Age of Clones No withdrawals- browser strategy. The project is a reality in a virtual world in which you act on behalf of your clone. A strategy thought out to the smallest detail, playing which you will receive only positive emotions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
2007 character No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
manual without investment without withdrawal
Registration in Age of Clones

New games with real money withdrawals

I bring to your attention the latest projects - new online games with real money withdrawal without payment points, and some of them are from verified admins. The best and most stable projects that pass verification for payments within a month will be moved to the category above " ".

Note. Newer projects are listed above.

Game with money withdrawal "Profit Robot"
Profit Robot
New - online game with money withdrawal, in which robots will bring profit. The store offers a choice of 6 types of profitable robots with a profitability of up to 36% per month. Registration bonus - Scooter robot.
Features: cost of profit robots from 10 rubles, profitability from 24%, surfing for withdrawal, hourly and daily bonuses, competitions.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
13-06-2019 Robot Scooter No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 1 rub. 30 rub. P POISON Q
Registration in Profit Robot
Game with money withdrawal "Invest Magic"
Invest Magic
New - an economic game from a proven admin (projects Invest-Island, Invest-City and Invest-Technology). Profit comes from wizard characters, each of whom can be upgraded (raise your income level). Welcome bonus - Savva character with the character parameter.
Features: cost of character improvements from 0.30 USD, profitability from 30%, bonuses for clicks and activity, competitions, chat.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
06-06-2019 Savva ($0.10) No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
auto/$0.10 possible without investment P PM
Registration in Invest Magic
Game with money withdrawal "Bitcoin-Bum"
Bitcoin-Bum (Bitcoin-Boom)
New - cryptoeconomic strategy with money withdrawal that does not require mandatory investments. Offers participants to earn money in different ways: virtual work, 3-level affiliate program, tasks. Detailed training section. Multi-language support. Chat for players.
Features: Bitcoin project, interesting plot, bank (opening a deposit), mini-games.
Start date Registration Bonus Payment points
22-05-2019 No No
Payments Activation of payments Withdrawing money to
car / from 30 rub. possible without investment P Q PM AC BC
Register with Bitcoin-Bum

About payment points in games with money withdrawal

Payment points are a measure designed to prevent the reserve fund for payments to participants in gaming projects from being depleted. Thus, games with the withdrawal of real money, which have this feature introduced, are protected from scams - they will be able to work and pay for years. Which means games with payment points are more reliable and stable.

Note. In some games, “payment points” may be called differently, for example, “cash point”, “energy”, but the meaning remains the same.

Payment points are awarded for the following actions(the most popular cash distribution scheme):

  • your personal top-ups - 40-50% of the amount goes into points;
  • replenishment by your referrals of 1-2-3 levels - 30-10-5%, respectively, turns into points;
  • for activity on the project during the last 24 hours, for example, you receive a daily bonus - 10% of the amount of all invested funds per day by the participants of the game project goes into points (though not on all sites).

A payment point is usually equal to 1 ruble. In other words, if you have 1000 points in your account, then you can withdraw no more than 1000 rubles.

Seasonality: if in an economic game there are no payment points for withdrawing money (you can withdraw any accumulated amount), then in this case the project works until the reserve runs out (usually users are paid 90% of the total money fund). After which a restart (restart) is performed with all accounts being reset to zero - purchases, internal balance. This means that it is more profitable for participants in games without payment points to make a deposit in the first 5-10 days of the start of the new season. The duration of the season varies on different projects, but on average it is 1.5-3 months. Always check the news section when a new season has started.