If everything is bad. What to do when everything is bad and nothing works? Break down problems

  • 08.04.2020

There are moments in life, and, what is there, often these moments are intertwined into days, weeks, months ... when you just don’t know what to do and where to go. Hands down, values ​​change and landmarks disappear.

All those landmarks and values ​​that used to illuminate the path and determined life, here they were .. and suddenly disappeared somewhere. And you stop in hopeless indecision in the middle of your life, look around you and see only emptiness.

This state is also called the dark night of the Soul. By the way, it is still a natural and to some extent inevitable state through which people go through in their development. After it, dawn necessarily comes and exit to more high level vibrations and development of consciousness. Unnatural is only a long hang in it.

I confess that I was a master at hanging out in such states. 🙂 But now I have my own ways to quickly get out of it, and I will tell you about one of them now. This method will not surprise you with its novelty, but do not be fooled by its apparent simplicity.

So, during periods of terrible despondency and apathy, sadness and depression, when I least want this, I begin to ... smile.

And what? Widely, at first unnaturally and artificially, I force a smile on myself from ear to ear, although it more resembles a grin to those around me. From time to time, in the eyes of those around me, I see bewilderment, and sometimes sincere excitement about my mental health. But, you know, when there is no other way out, then the reaction of others is somehow not very exciting.

This practice only looks easy. Exactly 3 minutes later, the muscles of the face start to hurt wildly, and I constantly want to return to the usual state of righteous sorrow. But the effect I got shocked me. And I can't tell you about it.

Although no, Mirzakarim Norbekov will tell about this better than me. Sometime in 2005, it was his book “Where Kuzka’s Mother Winters, or How to Get a Free Million Solutions” that became the beginning of my awakening. He writes so funny and intelligibly that I burst into tears from laughter and fell out of bed, and there was not a trace of my despondency.

Until now, his books are on my shelves in case I need a shake-up and a good dose of humor and self-irony. I'm sure you too will enjoy a snippet from his other book, The Fool's Experience or the Key to Enlightenment, which prompted me to start smiling in the most dire of situations.

Why do we need the posture and smile of a stupefied peacock with a burnt mug?

Let's now move away from the main topic to the left!

And, hopefully, we will rest in the mountains.

At one time, I had to work in one organization that served former bigwigs out of the blue - the nomenklatura.

Although all of them were already on a well-deserved rest, they still came to our organization with ambition. They had a very arrogant, sedate gait, like a child who pissed in his pants a long time ago and forgot about it.

In a word, he got off his horse, but forgot to take out the saddle between his legs! We knew each of them as flaky.

One day my colleague, pointing to one patient, said: "This person is healthy." I didn't believe it because I knew him well. This is a former minister who has been suffering from an advanced form of Parkinson's disease for many years. It's brain damage, you know?

One of the symptoms of the disease manifests itself in such patients in the complete absence of facial expressions. The face becomes a mask.

After examining him in full, he came to the conclusion that he is healthy. I began to ask: “Where and how did you receive treatment?”

He told me about some Temple, but, to be honest, then I did not attach much importance to this. And although I wrote everything down, after a while I safely forgot about it.

On the next year during a routine inspection, we found that four more respected old men had joined him. For many years they suffered from incurable diseases, and now they were "like cucumbers."

It turns out that the retired minister also sent them to where he himself was cured.

Now I was seriously puzzled. All this did not fit into the framework of my worldview, which had developed over the years of practice.

This time I questioned everything in detail and wrote it down carefully. It turned out that in the mountains there is a Temple of the Fire-worshippers, where every forty days groups of people thirsting for a cure are received, mainly in summer, because it is impossible to get there in winter.

I decided to go there and see with my own eyes how miraculous healing takes place. We agreed to go along with my friends: the director and cameraman. They worked on republican television and made the program "The World Around Us".

On the appointed day, by nightfall we reached the meeting place. Our car is gone. We were promised transport for further movement. And suddenly we find out that this transport is donkeys.

A mountain road leads to the Temple and, it turns out, you have to stomp 26 km on foot or ride on donkeys. But since we arrived later than everyone else, for three of us we got two donkeys.

I launched a propaganda attack. I say: “Have you ever walked through the mountains on foot? Let's try".

The operator was a very overweight man, weighing 130 kg with five chins and a huge belly. But despite this, the romantic in him was still alive. Therefore, by a majority of votes, we successfully overcame the first "obstacle".

They loaded all the equipment on donkeys, and we went. I was the first to whimper, because I had city shoes that wore out very quickly. My legs started to hurt. But I still walked and thought: “Since such patients have been cured, then by writing down every prescription, I will be a great doctor in the city.”

And then, after walking ten kilometers, the operator sat down in the middle of the road and said:

- All! Kill me, I'll go back. We began to persuade him:

What difference does it make where to go? If you go back, you will have to stomp the same 10 km as forward. So it's better to go ahead!


We arrived around midnight. We were placed, arranged. The next day I woke up at 11 o'clock. Gathered all and say:

“We ask you not to sin in our Temple, whoever does not fulfill the request will help us with the housework – to carry water.

It turns out that it is considered a sin in this Temple to walk gloomy. That's when I turned my attention to the monks.

They walk with such a slight smile and their camp is even, even, like that of a cypress, to be precise, as if they had swallowed a stick.

So we have to smile all the time. We all listened, smiled a little, and after two minutes the old habit of walking with an urban face, always sour and dissatisfied, took over.

And in general, I expected to see gilded domes and the like, but there are such small neat little houses and that's it. True, they are constantly burning fire. They worship fire and the sun. But it doesn't look like a temple at all.

It so happened that the monks found a place where natural gas comes out of the ground, and here, on top of a rock, they founded their Temple.

I started asking:

- When will you start accepting patients, making a diagnosis? When will you start treatment?

I know. It turns out that no one is accepted or treated here at all. This was the first blow for me.

Secondly, our transport, i.e. donkeys, were taken away by the owners. With bags like ours, you won't get far. Gotcha!

Not only did we find ourselves in the Temple, where no one has ever treated anyone and is not going to treat anyone, and we cannot leave from there! Yes, you also need to walk around with a stupid smile on your face, when everything inside is bubbling with anger and annoyance!

I see the operator somehow staring at me, as if he was thinking of something. And the director with irony addressed to me:

“Where have you brought us, you unfortunate scientist? ..

And what about me?!

Then the concerts began. Fifteen people out of thirty immediately went for water. I also got it, because ... In general, you yourself understand why! I had to go help with the housework.

A sheer vertical rock is six hundred meters, and along a serpentine 4 km there and 4 km back. Is this the way we came up here last night?!

When I saw this, I almost had a miscarriage! Can you imagine? Not only is this vertical wall higher than the Ostankino Tower, but in some places we walked along logs driven into the rock. These logs acted as drawbridges, at one time blocking the enemy's path to the Temple.

It was necessary to carry sixteen liters of water with you, and the jug itself weighed five kilograms. In total, we had to carry 21 kg up this road. It is most convenient in such conditions to carry the load on your head. That's when I learned about the true purpose of the spine.

It turns out that everyone who came to this Temple considered himself smart, everyone had their own ambitions. In order to knock out everything superficial from us, the servants of the Temple came up with such a method of “treatment” of arrogance.

I also came there with my charter, well-read, stuffed with knowledge and some abilities that others do not have. They're jerks, and I'm so smart!

In just a week, I was also “knocked out” of all the nonsense. In one week they made me a man!

There I met myself. I again became interested in flowers, insects, ants. I crawled on all fours, watched them walk, moving their legs. It seemed to me that I was the only one who suddenly felt like a child. I see the same thing happening to others. We forgot all our ranks, and most interestingly, we noticed that when everyone smiles, the urban facial expressions, once familiar to us, now began to be perceived as a deviation.

Have you ever seen adults play children's games? Funny, right? And we played. It was generally a natural state for us.

Then I started paying attention to what people were saying: “I felt better. I feel better". I associated it with the weather, nature ... the mountains after all! It was only later that I came to the conclusion that main secret associated with facial expressions and posture.

On the fortieth day, I came to the rector of the Temple and said: "I want to stay here."

Son, you are young. Don't think we're here for the good life. The monks here weak people. They are unable to stay clean in the midst of dirt. They are not adapted to life, son, and are forced to run away from difficulties. We exist so that you can
take it further in the soul to bear the light. You are strong people, you have immunity.

I started to say something, and then, in the end, I said: "But I'm probably the only one from the group who came to you."

You are one of the last.

It turns out that almost all of our group has already managed to visit the rector with a request to stay. Do you understand?

After forty days we left the Temple. On the way back, we met a group of people who were hungry for healing, just like we were forty days ago. Tree sticks! Well, give birth! It was a crowd of cannibals that attacked us:

- Did it help? What hurt? What do they give? Does it help everyone? I replied:

- Everyone gets what they deserve!

I look at us - at them, at us - at them. We all smile...

I suddenly felt myself moving away. And they, too, somehow shy away like lepers. Next to me, leaning on the arms of his sons, stood an octogenarian old man. He said: “Were we really the same?!”

When I arrived in the city, I saw a crowd of soulless, indifferent, absolutely indifferent people who are always in a hurry somewhere, they themselves do not know where and why. It was very difficult to get used to the urban lifestyle again.

Something has changed in me once and for all. I suddenly felt myself in the theater of the absurd, and the life that goes on in the city seemed empty and worthless. It was impossible to look at those faces.

If you knew how uncomfortable I felt! But recently he himself was the same as they are.

Then, when I went to work, I had to check if the whole point of recovery is really in a smile and posture? What if it's the weather, climate or any other external conditions?!

And in the gym of the polyclinic, we organized classes.

We invited volunteer patients from among those who were registered with us, explained the task to them and began training.

They practiced for an hour or two a day. We just walked around the gym with a smile, keeping our posture. Do you know how hard it is to keep a smile all the time?! Do not believe?!

And if you try to smile on the street and keep your posture straight, you will immediately feel the pressure of the world around you! It will be very difficult for you, especially at first!

You go, you go, and then suddenly you imperceptibly catch yourself on the fact that you are making jokes again, like a business sausage. After 15 minutes, in the reflection of some showcase, you suddenly notice that a mug is looking at you!

You have to fight! To resist the pressure of the environment, seeking to erase you into powder, and remain yourself, you need volitional coercion!

After some time after the start of classes, such interesting problems began to appear. One of our enthusiasts says:

- I lost my glasses. At one time they brought them from France. I wore it for so many years, and now I left it somewhere.

Why did you lose? Because the need for them began to disappear. Have another intestines earned. The third began to hear, and hearing problems have been going on since childhood. Everyone saw improvements.

From the result, I began to "move the roof." I could not understand why people get sick for so many years, but they recover from some kind of idiotic posture, smile.

Then in the laboratory we began to study what changes occur in the body. And thus one case turned around fundamental discovery in science.

And what happened to the operator and director? The operator has lost weight, his weight is still kept at about 85 kg. He recovered from his pains.

But the biggest success of the three of us was with the director. A few years ago, he and his wife divorced because he pawned his collar every day. He quit drinking and remarried his wife.

I do not say goodbye, Tatyana Rudyuk 🙂

Strange creature man! The period of "getting on your feet" has passed. There is enough money. The hardships of life are over. There is a family and children. Sex is okay too. Here, it would seem, live and rejoice. But no, many people, having reached this plateau, experience some kind of vague anxiety, become irritable. They create conflicts from scratch, they begin to destroy what was created with such difficulty. It seems that they are looking for an answer to a question that they cannot formulate.

If in this description you recognize yourself or someone close to you, then this article is for you. I will express my point of view on the possible causes of this phenomenon and give the simplest recommendations on how to survive it easier.

To begin with, I will give a general answer to the question: “Why do I feel bad when everything is fine?” If you experience psychological or even physical discomfort “from scratch”, then your unconscious is pointing you to something important, to some resource that you can use to improve the quality of life. But this is too general, so let's move on to particulars.

The anesthesia is over

Every person is endowed with an amazing gift. He knows how to create illusions. This is a very important ability. It allows, as under anesthesia, to survive difficult times.

Sometimes we just think that "everything is fine." We create original "Potemkin villages" from our reality. A thin veil of illusion hides the flaws and roughness that prevent us from living. Until you are ready to face these "hidden threats", the illusions hold on pretty well.

But everything flows, everything changes. Over time, you become stronger, gain experience. There comes a moment when you are able to cope with those problems that you hid from yourself behind the illusion of well-being.

The first sign that you have enough strength to remove your rose-colored glasses will be unreasonable discomfort. Please don't try to get rid of it. Rather, sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and express this vague concern in writing. Make it more specific.

Perhaps you yourself will carefully bring yourself out of anesthesia with the help of this practice. Or maybe it will help you prepare for the inevitable disillusionment. Then you will more easily survive this painful moment.

someone else's fairy tale

“Everyone tells me that I've been snickering, that I live like in a fairy tale, but I myself am also unhappy! And I can't do that! I feel bad!" - one client told me with resentment and pain at the consultation. In the process of working together, we found out that she gave up a lot in order to gain material well-being and start a family with this man. "I" fell for "the replicated fairy tale about beautiful life, but this, it turns out, is not my fairy tale,” she said.

It is possible that you, like this woman, succumbed to social stereotypes, but in fact you dreamed of something else. If so, then remember “your fairy tale” and compare it with the story in which you are now living.

Determine how far you have gone from your dreams in the pursuit of well-being. And then look for ways to bring the elements of your dreams into the current situation, while maintaining all that you have achieved. Yes, this will require remarkable flexibility and creativity from you, but it is quite possible.

The habit of fighting

Many of us were prepared by our parents for life as a struggle for survival. Indeed, one has to fight to create a comfortable and prosperous life. When the necessary level of psychological comfort and material well-being is reached, there is no one to fight with ... But some people continue to fight out of inertia. They just don't know how to stop.

Then you need to get to know your "inner warrior" and find a safe use for it. Perhaps it will be sports or some new ambitious projects in the profession. Otherwise, the energy of the “inner warrior” will splash out spontaneously and destroy well-being, in order to fight for it again later.

Achieving well-being can be seen as a mandatory stage of personal growth. When money and relationship needs are met, a lot of energy is released. She will look for a way out, create constant discomfort.

Perhaps she is trying to communicate that it is time to take care of non-material needs. Look for an opportunity to develop further, to realize yourself, to become deeper, wiser. Then various methods of self-improvement will help you. Choose the one you like best and start practicing it. If it captures you, then you have found a use for free energy. If not, keep looking.

If you want more specifics - contact a psychologist. Then you can find your own, unique way of gaining resources hidden behind discomfort. And for starters, you can use generalized ways to understand this situation.


To consider the true reason why everything is fine in life, and you experience anxiety, discomfort, you need to carefully listen to yourself. For example, using the "internal observer" technique. The psychologist will tell you more about it Ilya Shabshin: .

The cause of a depressed mood, despite the “white streak” in life, may well be the constant fatigue familiar to many modern people. About this - a book by an American doctor, an expert on chronic fatigue syndrome Jacob Teitelbaum "Forever tired": .

If life doesn't make you happy, try to start... laughing! The benefits of laughter therapy are scientifically proven. At the same time, you can laugh not only sincerely, but also feignedly - such laughter also has a therapeutic effect. Read about the healing power of laughter in an article by a psychologist, physiologist Sofia Shevyakova: .

It makes sense to resort to art therapy. There are many different types of it. An article by a clinical psychologist and art therapy specialist will help you choose your own among them. Zhanna Safiullina: .

When failure haunts a person, the question arises what to do when everything is bad in life? Practical psychologists have developed a special algorithm of actions that will change the situation in better side. But in order to achieve change, you have to work on yourself.

Stage 1: Getting rid of the negativity in the conversation

Many have become accustomed to complaining about fate and arousing pity for themselves. This must be fought, driving away negative words, thoughts and emotions from oneself by willpower. You need to force yourself to stop complaining about life, and not to show negative emotions, if you can’t force yourself, you can use some kind of exercise, for example, come up with a reminder in the form of a colored thread, tying it around your wrist, that negative conversations should be avoided for a certain time.

This reminder is very useful because, willy-nilly, you will have to think about your problems, look for the cause of their occurrence and the opportunity to get rid of them. After such exercises, you will not want to talk and complain about a hard life, even with others when they complain. Here you need to learn how to translate everything into a joke or change the topic of conversation.

The negative conversation was sorted out, but there were emotions and inner feelings that poison life.

Stage 2: Getting rid of negative emotions

Your emotions are hard to control. They arise spontaneously, making a person angry and irritated. But, if you look at it, emotions do not appear by themselves - they arise on the basis of a person’s thoughts. So you need to analyze your thoughts.

Before thinking about your thoughts, you need to convince yourself of the following:

  • worries about what to do when everything is bad in life, do not change anything, but only spoil life, the problem remains;
  • most of the difficulties are trifling and not worth attention;
  • learn to look reality in the eye, and not run away from the answer.

All problems are divided into two camps:

  • those that depend on the person himself - they must be solved immediately, and not be engaged in empty experiences;
  • those that do not depend on a person - they must be accepted as they are, understanding that a person is not able to influence them.

And you need to define the boundaries of your experiences for yourself. A person often mixes these facets and spoils relationships with others. This is especially true for children and spouse. But this does not preclude concern for some person.

Stage 3: Caring for others

It is necessary to take care of your neighbor not in words, but out of love. Often, grumbling, reproaches, and experience are called care. Such concern is suspicious. Some, probably, are satisfied with the state of anxiety in order to do nothing, to think about anything, but not about solving their problems. In this case, the question arises - is there a way out of this situation?

Instead of problems - new things!

Instead of useless experience because of any troubles, one should look for an opportunity to correct the problem that has arisen. This does not mean that you have to find good moments in everything, as some teach. It's not productive. From any situation that has arisen, one must be able to find a way out. To do this, you need to focus on actions and your development, and not on the passive expectation of help from someone.

Unfortunately, life circumstances do not always turn out the way a person wants. This can lead to depression or stress. It is better not to allow such a state and try to bring yourself to a positive attitude.

What to do?

What to do when life is bad? Not every person can easily overcome life's difficulties and solve any problem situations. Some people need practical guidance on what to do when everything in life is bad. Sometimes a person waits out such periods when it seems to him that everyone is opposed to him. In these situations, it is important to remember that people's thoughts have such a property as implementation into reality. Therefore, when a person thinks that everything is bad with him, it actually happens. Even the weather can be inclement during these life periods. Troubles haunt a person everywhere: at home, at work and even on vacation.

In order to get out of this state, you need to pause and reflect on whether everything is really so bad. Ideally, you need to look at yourself from the outside. It should also be remembered that, therefore, you can pay attention to the life difficulties of other people. Then, perhaps, their problems will not seem so significant and large-scale.

How to fight and what to do when everything in life is bad? First you need to understand what life situation provoked a bad mood and depressive mood. As a rule, all the incidents that lead to a breakdown have long been known. These include: personal experiences with the opposite sex, material difficulties, conflicts at work. Of course, this list is incomplete. For example, depression can begin because of the death of a loved one. But here we do not touch on such a serious problem, but on the simpler experiences of people.

What to do when everything is bad? Secrets of success in personal life and career

So, now let's talk about personal experiences associated with the opposite sex. Both men and women can experience the end of a relationship. In this case, you should treat this problem philosophically and think about what would be better: continue the conflict relationship and be in an uncomfortable state for yourself, or let go of the person and try to improve your personal life on your own. You also need to know that life is set up according to the principle of a pendulum, that is, you need to remember that if a person is now experiencing a crisis, then after a short period of time the Universe will give him positive points from which he will be joyful and light in his soul. Often there are cases when a problematic situation turns into a good denouement. At this moment, it is worth thinking about the fact that if it were not for it, then the further favorable development of events would not have happened.

Financial hardship is also one of the most common sources bad mood in people. Especially because of this, men are worried. They think they are unable to provide for their families. The wife can also "add fuel to the fire." Instead of supporting the spouse, he begins to demand money from the husband for the family, children and household expenses. Women should not be blamed in this situation, since by their very nature they want their children not to need anything, to be beautifully dressed, shod, attend good schools and sections. Men need to calm down and think about the possibility of changing the scope of their professional skills. Or change to make new acquaintances and so on.

Professional environment

How to behave if it comes black line in life? What to do when everything is bad in the professional field? If speak about conflict situations that occur at work, then here you should adhere to this rule: you should not take them to heart. Everything that happens in the work team should be left there. We need to look for ways to resolve, and not delve into the conflict and the situation itself. You should not strive to please everyone in the work team.

People come there to make money. Therefore, communication with colleagues should be built in a business-like manner. Of course, there are friendly teams that move to a closer level of communication. Still, it would be better if relations with employees remain neutral.

Reflect on what's happening

What to do when life is bad? Now let's give practical advice. First of all, you should decompose your feelings, that is, figure out what is the cause of the depressive state, and what to do if everything is bad. Next, you need to think about whether there is a possibility of resolving this situation. If yes, then you need to take action in order to solve this problem. If there is no opportunity to turn the situation in your direction, then it is better to refuse to solve it and let it go.

For example, when a person has a personal conflict with some employee in a team, the option of dismissal and job change should be considered. You should not think that, having retired from one big company, it will not be possible to get a job in another. It is better to think that there is a better offer for the implementation of professional skills. And then you will not need to think about what to do when everything in life is bad.

positive thinking

You need to learn, that is, look at all life's troubles through the prism of a smile and Have a good mood. You need to be able to turn any problem in your favor and extract positive aspects from it.

For example, if a person has financial difficulties, and for his life, it is worth considering that perhaps he should change his field of activity and do something else. There is a possibility that he is not in his niche, and the current work does not bring him moral or material satisfaction.

Forget bad habits

Don't get addicted to bad habits. Common is such behavior of people as the abuse of alcohol and tobacco during the period of experiencing any difficulties. Should not be doing that! Since bad habits will not solve those tasks that require attention. In addition, they will take away a person's vitality and health. Time will also be lost, which would be better spent on solving the necessary tasks.


Sport is an excellent support for getting out of depression. Firstly, physical exercises help to improve blood circulation in the human body. And this is directly related to the stimulation of the brain. Secondly, the load on the body allows you to escape from the accumulated experiences. People can sensibly look at and assess the situation in which they find themselves. In addition, an excellent physical shape will allow you to feel confident and free in any situation.

Good deeds

Good deeds also help to get rid of a depressive or stressful condition. There are currently many charitable foundations and volunteer organizations that provide assistance to people in need. Joining such movements is quite simple.

They will welcome any help that is offered to them. As mentioned above, everything is known in comparison. When a person sees with his own eyes what life situations other people are in, then their problems will seem ridiculous and insignificant to him.

Burn the bad

Force yourself to get rid of negative thoughts. Don't constantly think about how bad everything is. In order to tune in to a positive perception, you can write on a piece of paper what brings you dissatisfaction, and then burn this piece of paper. You also need to learn not to cling to bad thoughts. But it also makes no sense to push them away from you, since in this case they are also emphasized. You just need to ignore the negative, skip it past. But if a positive thought comes to mind, from which a smile appears, then you can twist it in your imagination, imagine yourself in different situations that bring satisfaction, give harmony and delight.

Contact a professional

What to do if everything is bad? The recommendations of a psychologist should help in solving this problem. If you can not cope with the problem on your own, then you should consider the possibility of seeking help from professionals. Psychologists, priests, confessors, as well as friends and relatives can help. You should choose the one from the conversation with whom it will become better at heart. It is necessary to believe that if you share your experiences with other people, they will decrease. Maybe someone can help good advice or action.

Positive thoughts will help you get out of difficult situation, so force yourself to think that tomorrow everything will be fine. Then there will be no question of what to do if everything in life is bad. There is a practice that comes down to the fact that you need to learn to think about the good as if it had already happened to you. You can practice on simple desires, which are not difficult to fulfill, and then move on to more complex tasks. The first time will take more time to implement the plan. But in the future, the application of such a practice will give positive results in a shorter time.


What if everything in life is bad? The action will lead to a quick resolution of the problem. You should not wait for the weather by the sea and think that everything will be resolved by itself. It is better to take all possible actions to resolve the conflict. This applies to both working moments and personal experiences. Everything possible should be done to get out of this situation.

Accept what's happening

If a situation occurs that cannot be influenced, then you need to come to terms with it and accept it. This is about the death of a loved one. It is also worth learning to treat life philosophically, you should not blame anyone or anything for your problems. If that's the case, then that's the way it should be. We cannot influence any situations that happen to us. Therefore, it will be better to learn how to overcome the trials that fate has prepared for us.


I present to your attention 10 effective tips on what to do when everything is bad. Forward and with a song!

There are moments in life that even incorrigible optimists and inflexible pieces of iron cannot endure.

It seems that everything in the world has taken up arms against you: family, bosses, strangers in minibuses and shops, even nature has been pouring nasty cold rain all day long.

It seems that it can’t be more disgusting and you just don’t find the answer to the question, what to do when things are bad.

Even if everything is bad with you today, then you need to think that tomorrow everything will definitely get better, and not: “I will die an ugly, sick, useless old maid.”

Dream about the good and the Universe will surely respond to your call.

Take action.

Problems rarely resolve themselves.

Before you give up, you must be sure that you have done everything in your power to resolve the conflict.

From the fact that you sit down and whine all day long about how unhappy you are and why life is so unfair, your situation will not change for the better.

Humble yourself.

There are tragedies that we cannot control.

I am talking, first of all, about the death of loved ones.

Yes, it hurts you a lot, yes, you think that this is unfair, but there are trials that we must endure with honor, so that when we meet our loved ones and relatives in another world, we would not be ashamed.

Did you understand everything? And now “hand over” your depression to the pawnshop Stanislav Bodyagin! 🙂

How much is he willing to pay for it?

Watch video:

« What to do when everything is bad?", - you ask.

I will answer: “Do not lose heart, do not give up and hope for the best!”.

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