Charitable foundation tablet. Magic "Pills" - the more, the more effective. On health care reforms and the fight against bribes in hospitals

  • 06.05.2020

To do TCM in Ukraine, three conditions must be met:

1. Specialists who do transplantation. At the moment, these are only in Okhmatdet. They are unique, exclusive, do not share their knowledge, do not share their experience with anyone. To do this, we send doctors to study abroad.

2nd place. It is necessary to complete the construction of the new building of Okhmatdet. Now there are 4 or 5 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada in the Board of Trustees of Okhmatdyt, they have created a separate faction “For Dobudovu Okhmatdita”, and they are knocking out the budget. We got the director of construction fired, who stole everything that could be stolen, and on February 4 a competition for a new director was opened.

3. The legislative framework: transplantation of anything from an unrelated donor is prohibited in Ukraine, that is, we need to accept new law about transplantation, and then create your own bank of bone marrow donors and gain access to the International Donor Bank.

Why not everyone needs to go abroad for treatment

In Ukraine, the survival rate of children with cancer is 50. It is so low, for the most part, due to the fact that there is no provision of medicines. If the hospitals have the necessary amount of medicines or the parents have the funds to buy them, it is possible to be treated in Ukraine.

We never take care of people who just want to go abroad for treatment, because in Ukraine there are good specialists: in Okhmatdet, Cancer Institute and regional centers. They cope with common standard diagnoses, and for them we have a normal, close to the world survival rate of 70-75% ( indicator achieved in Okhmatdet during the primary diagnosis of leukemia). We do not recommend parents to immediately drag their child to another country, because here the same services can be obtained almost free of charge.

About countries where it is necessary and not necessary to treat childhood cancer

Parents most often dream of leaving either for Germany-Austria or for Israel. Germany and Austria have the highest survival rates. At the same time, the price of bone marrow transplantation will cost at least 180-250 thousand euros. In Italy, we do this from 115 thousand euros, and this country shows a good survival rate.

Israel and Belarus are the most popular destinations, but we are categorically against them. In Belarus, we do not know a single child who would have survived (we are talking about a five-year survival rate). There are no statistics and doctors use dubious drugs Russian production to reduce the cost of treatment.

As for Israel, they do not keep statistics at all and it is impossible to get the final score from them. In an Israeli clinic, an invoice can be issued for 100 thousand dollars, the family arrives, goes to the hospital, two weeks pass, the doctors say: “We need another 150 thousand, or we say goodbye.” The child may already be connected to chemistry, and it is not clear how to proceed.

We take a very sober approach to the treatment of children. There is no need to pray abroad: when a child has some kind of classic diagnosis, there is no need to run anywhere in a panic. You just need to save strength, faith, and do it in Ukraine. Objectively, it will be much more comfortable for a child and mother to be treated in Ukraine, when their father, relatives, friends, and understandable language are nearby.

How parents of a child with cancer should behave

Often, parents do not calculate their strength, drag the child immediately to another country, lower all the savings there, they have to sell everything, borrow money to pay for the procedures that could be done in Ukraine. Then it turns out that the child needs additional bone marrow transplantation (that's another $115,000), and the family has already spent all the money. If a child has an oncological diagnosis, one should not panic, one must first look at what can be done in Ukraine, and then run somewhere.

It is better for people from the regions to get a consultation in Kyiv, but this is also not a panacea: there are good specialists in the regions. In 2015, we traveled to all regional cancer centers, met with all the head doctors, and some of them are very good. Basically it is Western Ukraine. Center, South, East, even from the point of view of humanity, often lag behind.


About the problems that arise with parents of children with cancer

When we start collecting money for a child for an operation, we ask parents not to apply to other funds for public collection. They can go after deputies, businessmen, and if one of them gives money, very good. But when several funds conduct public collections in parallel, it is very difficult to understand who has collected and how much, who pays for what.

We had parents who allowed fees from several organizations, in which case we broke the contract and paid the clinic the amount that was collected for the child.

A bone marrow transplant costs an average of 150,000 euros. The maximum targeted assistance that we have collected for one child is 25,000 euros. It was a record. Usually we manage to collect within 5-10 thousand euros, and everything else is the resources that the fund attracts in its name.

There are fewer sad stories, but they do occur. There were families from small villages who had problems with alcohol. One mother flew with her child to Italy, where she had a drinking bout, and she was forbidden to appear in the hospital. We had to take a babysitter. Fortunately, the mother coped with this problem, and now the child has safely returned to Ukraine. But for the most part, there are good families and strong parents who fight for their children.

About why Ukrainian doctors do not want to study

One of important projects"Pills" - training of doctors. There are new drugs and methods of cancer treatment, protocols are changing. The oncologist will not be able to effectively treat children, guided by outdated data.

Doctors are not ready to invest their time in training, although in Italy they are ready to accept them for free internships, and we are ready to pay for accommodation and meals. Minimum term internship - 2 months, ideally - six months. They know the language but don't want to go. We found literally 2-3 people in Ukraine who were persuaded to go to study.

The Foundation is looking for young doctors who will then work for a long time, transfer experience and knowledge. It should also be the most uncorrupt doctors. When we choose who to send, we make sure to talk to parents, get information about bribes, and take those who work for patients and not for their own pocket.

About corruption in Ukrainian hospitals

Moms and dads tell us this openly, but they do not publicly announce it. It sounds crazy, but doctors blackmail parents by stopping treating their children: “If you say something wrong, I won’t administer the drug to you.”

« It sounds crazy, but doctors blackmail parents by stopping treating their children: “If you say something wrong, I will not administer the drug to the child.”

Ukrainian treatment protocols are often outdated, and sometimes children need to be injected with those drugs that are not in the protocols, which are not even registered in Ukraine. In fact, we illegally import them from abroad. These are high-quality and effective drugs, used in Europe and the USA, but not in Ukraine. To introduce them to a child or not to introduce them is the good will of the doctor. We have to find a compromise between justice and the life of a child.

Why Doctors Don't Like Volunteers

Because of such funds as "Pills", unscrupulous doctors lose money. When we first appeared under Okhmatdyt and started buying medicines that were not registered in Ukraine, a lot of resellers, gray dealers disappeared. Previously, the doctor prescribed the drug and said: here is Vasya-Petya's phone number, run to him. And now there is no need to run to Vasya-Petya, because we bring the medicine legally, we buy it, we import it for adequate money. Let's say some banal mercaptopurine, which in Poland you can buy for 10 euros, they sold here for 1000 UAH (35 euros). This is wildness.

There are adequate doctors in Okhmatdet, but there are not very good ones. In one department (oncohematology), doctors cooperated, and we know that they do not take bribes. They can take gratitude if one of the parents has free money - this is their right. But we know that they will not extort and reach into their pockets. When we suggested the same thing in other branches, we were told: "Ha ha ha, look at my new car under the hull, what are you talking about."

“We stopped working with one of the departments in Okhmatdyt, because the doctors got to the point where they demanded money for a prescription or an extract from the medical history.”

We stopped working with one of the departments in Okhmatdet, because the doctors got to the point where they demanded money for a prescription or an extract from the medical history. "Pills" entity, an officially registered fund, and we need to report to the tax. To buy medicines, you need a reason - a prescription with a doctor's seal and an extract from the medical history that the child is actually being treated there. When we learned that parents were asked for two thousand hryvnias for an extract, we were shocked. Unfortunately, none of the parents wanted to talk about it openly. Moreover, they wrote a very ridiculous complaint to the presidential administration and the prosecutor's office that the Tabletochki Foundation refused to help them.

Doctors tried to threaten us, they said some emotional things: “I will sue you, now the prosecutor’s office will come to you.” But it didn't go further than that. Were funny stories that we allegedly get a 25% kickback when we send children for treatment to Italy.

On health care reforms and the fight against bribes in hospitals

In order for doctors not to take bribes, it is necessary to change the management of hospitals, because now they are led by doctors, but they should be managers. Doctors do not always have managerial competencies, so we need a very big reform.

Hospitals as they currently exist are not ready for the independence that healthcare reform will bring. In fact, they will begin to compete with each other: for patients, for local and state money.

Oksana Korchinska and I had an interesting experience: in Lviv, we visited children's hospitals, talked with the head doctors, with their deputies, and asked how they planned to fill the budget after the adoption of the reform. And they answered: “Well, what do you think? What, the state won't give us pennies? Well, children, well, stink, die? But no, we’ll all be given a penny!” In principle, they cannot think like businessmen and do not understand what it means to find money in the hospital budget.

On medical illiteracy of Ukrainians

Ukrainians' awareness of oncology issues is zero. Parents don’t even think about themselves: women cannot just go to the gynecologist for an examination once a year, they buy certificates about fluorography.

If an oncological disease is detected at stages 1-2, the chances of survival are huge. In pediatric oncology, the highest survival rates, the main thing is to detect them in time. Therefore, dispensary medical examinations are something that everyone needs to do. Breast exams should be done by all women over 35, and men should have a prostate exam. This is something that saves lives, something that cannot be feared.

Hospitals should not be in the business of educating people. Informing is the task of the state. I really like the information campaign on vaccination. Pharmaceutical companies turn on them, but the deputy minister went and vaccinated his child on camera - that's right, you need to show people an example.

About what "Tabletochki" spend the collected money on and how they pay salaries

"Pills" began with the help of medicines. The first thing we did was buy pills and give them to our parents. When we realized that we were collecting more, we began to collect for operations abroad. Every time the fund opens a new direction, this happens when there are free resources.

In 2015, we collected 28 million hryvnias, of which we managed to spend 24 million at the end of the year, 4 million remain in reserve. We need them because January is the most unprofitable month, and we live off this money. Of these funds, 17 million were spent on operations for children abroad, 4.5 million on medicines. Palliative care, launched at the end of 2015, costs UAH 300,000, the rest is small projects. The most expensive is bone marrow transplantation abroad. In 2016, we took another direction: we pay not only for bone marrow transplantation, but also for the treatment of retinoblastoma, a malignant tumor of the retina.

Last year we signed a large agreement with VTB Bank for 3 years. Now they sponsor the administrative infrastructure of the fund, allocate a certain amount every month, which covers part of our administrative costs. At the end of last year (2015 - author's note), our administrative costs are 4.5% of fees. This is a very small percentage considering that 20% is allowed by law.

How the foundation raises money for treatment

As part of fundraising (money raising), Tabletochki works in several areas: volunteer fundraising, corporate and donor.

We have a fundraising calendar in which we celebrate important events throughout the year: World Cancer Day, Child Cancer Day, Children's Day, and for these days we come up with fundraising campaigns - both for people and for companies.

Last year we did projects with Nova Poshta, the Varus supermarket chain, Oriflame, and now we have launched the sale of souvenirs in Plato stores throughout Ukraine.

From successful projects It is worth noting Lemonade Day, when we offered partners to make lemonade on the same day and sell it to each other for money, or offered restaurants to transfer profits from the sale of this drink to us. During the day we collected 400,000 UAH.

We love charity marathons that take place twice a year: the Kyiv Half Marathon and the Kyiv Marathon. On average - 400-500 000 UAH. we collect on them.

Ice Bucket Challenge - the most cool example global fundraising. In Ukraine, it started with Pills, then there was a branch for the ATO, but we collected about UAH 2 million.

About how to find mutual language with Ukrainian businessmen

We never use pressure on pity in our work. When we go to negotiations with a partner, we do not talk about how many children die, what statistics of diseases, how bad everything is. We come with a completely different approach, telling how you can help the company: to become socially responsible, to establish contact with customers.

At the same time, it is difficult to explain to the company that the project is being done not for their PR, but to help our wards. We consider our wards, those who receive help, as our clients.

More willing to cooperate small companies- small and medium business. Many restaurants now make special items on their menus, from which funds are transferred to the fund. They understand that these are small amounts for them, they do not feel the loss, but every month we can receive 5 thousand hryvnias from one restaurant. Having a hundred of such partners, you understand that you are already collecting a decent amount.

“It is difficult to explain to the company that the project is being done not for their PR, but in order to help our wards.”

It is harder with large companies: projects are coordinated with them longer, with them all this is slowly moving. On average, to get a major partner from the start of negotiations to the start of the project takes at least six months.

Often companies help not with money, but with their product. We also appreciate it very much. For example, UIA gives all our wards free tickets when they fly abroad for treatment. Both the child and his companions receive a round-trip flight.

On what effective charity should be

Help should be quiet when you donate personal money from your own pocket. But when we sell shares through companies, we use them as a communication channel to tell not even about us as a fund, but about the problem: there is childhood cancer, people die from it, and a person can help save someone's life.

Children who are in the hospital do not have the opportunity to go out into the street and shout about their problems so that they can be heard. And with the help of companies, we can get the message across.

In fact, through corporate partners in promotions we collect a little: 70% we receive from individuals, and 30% - from companies. But at the same time, people who saw our souvenir products in the Plato store, they understand: this is a big store, and if they believed the Tabletochki fund, then I can go and donate money to him. They come to us and become permanent benefactors.

About emotional burnout and work with sick children

The most difficult thing is to do palliative care when the children leave. We have a volunteer with many years of experience in this area, she has been working under Okhmatdet for 8 years, she knows and experienced a lot of stories. She has already formed her attitude to the concept of death, and helps parents and children to accept it, to make everything as comfortable as possible.

About a little help from each of us

Now people donate everything as actively as before the war. But the growth of the exchange rate crosses this out. Our fees in dollars sank, although they tripled in hryvnia in 2015.

The average donation in 2014 was UAH 230, in 2015 – UAH 320. Now we are working to reduce the amount, but increase the number of people. At events, people throw 20, 30, 50 and 100 hryvnias into the box, but they are embarrassed to throw 1-2 hryvnias. That's right, that's great too!

The official Facebook page of the Tabletochki Foundation.

The Pill Foundation helps children with cancer and is considered one of the most effective in the country. Its founder Olga Kudinenko claims that there should be no pity in charity

Let's meet at the Panorama, shall we?

Olga Kudinenko, founder of the Tabletochki Charitable Foundation, known throughout the country for effective help for children with cancer, offers a restaurant to meet with HB and immediately switches to "you".

Five questions to Olga Kudinenko:

- What is your biggest achievement?
- I hope that these will be open intensive care units. This is not my personal achievement, this is the achievement of everything [ charitable] sector, but I also consider myself involved in this.

- Biggest failure?
— Reassessment of their managerial functions in personnel management. When I started managing the fund, people, I realized how much I lack knowledge in HR.

— How do you move around the city?
- By taxi.

What was the last book you read that made an impression on you?
- This is not the last, but I think everyone should read it for self-education - beat cancer Katya Gordeeva. She explains what cancer is and debunks myths.

Who wouldn't you give a hand to?
“People who maliciously harm children.

“Not my favorite place, but it's near an important place for me,” she explains the choice of restaurant.

An “important place” is the Okhmatdet hospital, where the only specialized center for pediatric oncohematology in Ukraine is located. Pills help his patients.

This initiative was born five years ago, when Kudinenko was still working as a PR manager for the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Once she saw on the Internet a request to buy medicines that were not available in Ukraine. She threw a cry among her friends on Facebook and in two weeks, by joint efforts, she collected a "cosmic" amount for those times - 6 thousand hryvnias. The necessary drugs were purchased in Europe and transferred to Okhmatdet.

Two years later, the Tabletochki Charitable Foundation appeared, which collected UAH 53.5 million over the entire period of its work, and Kudinenko became a well-known person in the country and even rose to the top lines of several national ratings of influential people at once. The considerable amounts that the fund operates are strictly for their intended purpose: every month, 200 children with cancer receive medicines worth UAH 1.3 million from the fund. Tabletochki also send children to be treated abroad, provide psychological help and fulfill their dreams, and at the same time develop volunteer and donor movements in Ukraine.

The efforts of Pills, as well as tens of thousands of those who are not indifferent, are opposed by the blatant negligence of domestic medicine and cruel statistics: out of 100 thousand Ukrainian children, every year five get cancer, every second patient dies.

“There he is, our building,” hanging from the railing of the open terrace of the Panorama, Kudinenko points to the gray roof of a nondescript three-story building. The girl is wearing a black leather jacket, not an ounce of makeup on her face.

Kudinenko sits down, or rather, moves to a free table. Before lunch with HB she already had one meeting here. “I’m migrating,” she smiles at the surprised waitress and immediately looks at her smartphone to check the time. At home, her three-month-old daughter Vera is waiting for her, for the first time left for several hours without her mother.

However, the house in the case of Kudinenko is a relative concept. Since the birth of Vera, she has been living in Moscow, her husband's hometown. She escaped to Kyiv for only two weeks, as she did in recent years, living in two cities in the “two weeks after two” mode. There is no direct air service between Kyiv and Moscow now, and Kudinenko flies via Minsk.

At first, all the work of the Pills - both organizational and strategic - she did herself. Now this colossus is being dragged by 12 full-time employees and 1 incoming one. Kudinenko easily delegates authority to colleagues and is now thinking about how to do business and earn money. She is still a volunteer at the foundation and does not receive a salary. However, in what area she is going to build her own business, Kudinenko has not yet decided. “I'm still looking for my idea,” she clarifies.

We order tea and zucchini fritters. “They are cooked deliciously here,” says Kudinenko.

— What do you live on? I'm interested.

“I was lucky with my husband,” she smiles and explains that after marriage, the needs of the family are provided by her husband, a top manager of one of the Moscow IT companies.

The fateful meeting happened in Cuba, where each of the future spouses rested with their company. “You should have saved up for a trip to the ends of the world for a couple of years to meet him there,” she says.

Having become a Muscovite in the midst of the Ukrainian-Russian crisis, a native from Kiev, Kudinenko, more than once listened to reproaches from fellow countrymen, but treats this condescendingly. “I believe that patriotism lies not in what country you live in, but in what you do for it,” she calmly says while pouring tea into a cup. “Well, writing comments with reproaches on Facebook is a simple matter.” .

It is much more difficult to meet the growing needs of the fund, where money is always in short supply. One day of treatment for a patient in the Intensive Chemotherapy Department costs UAH 8,000, and for one ward child from the Intensive Chemotherapy Department, the foundation buys drugs for UAH 45,000 on average every month, Kudinenko lists, and is clearly ready to go into figures close to her for a long time.

However, Pills are rapidly gaining ground: according to the National Philanthropists Rating, in 2013-2014 the fund showed phenomenal financial growth - more than 8,000%. Such speed at that time in the entire history of domestic charity was not developed even by those organizations that helped the army in the most difficult days in Donbass.

Kudinenko explains the growth of income by correctly chosen methods of attracting philanthropists. Tabletochki work in a focused and systematic way, deliberately limiting their target group to children, and do not deal with, for example, the wounded in the ATO.

The recipe from Kudienko on how to earn millions for charity is simple: “We do not put pressure on pity, but argue with facts, plus transparent reporting.” Most of the actions carried out by Tabletochki are Western developments adapted to Ukrainian realities.

One of them is the Day of Lemonade, when 30 Kyiv cafes and restaurants, united, transfer the daily proceeds from the sale of lemonade to Tabletochki's wards. Or a joint project with the Nova Poshta company Sending Good - for 5 UAH, everyone who made the shipment could do it in a special “charitable” package, and the money collected was transferred to the fund.

“Many people think that funds are when you have to walk around with outstretched hands and ask: “Well, please help,” and a rich uncle says: “No, I won’t, because I help personally,” describes the layman’s ideas about charity Kudinenko. At the same time, completely different mechanisms for helping others have been adopted in the world: each person can personally help anyone and in any way, but if you represent a company, you should think about it. social responsibility already on another level.

Tabletochki offer on their website a lot of ideas on how to collect donations easily and even with humor. For example, in the office you can put a box for fines - for every swear word or lateness, the employee pays a fine that goes to charity. There are also offers here for children who can collect money by receiving small amounts from their parents for good grades.

Rush to help: Disguised as superheroes, Pill Foundation volunteers organize holidays for little patients

“Charity should be a pleasure,” smiles Kudinenko.

— Well, why did you take on such a hard job? What is your pleasure? I seize the moment.

“I love it when issues are resolved. And also because it turned out to be both important and simple at the same time, but no one did it,” Kudinenko replies.

Pancakes appear on the table, and my counterpart looks at the clock again. She still has a little time, and we continue to talk.

Knocking out money with pity, as is often done in Ukraine, Kudinenko considers not only not effective, but harmful.

“People who donate for a particular child want this child to recover,” she explains her logic. “If a child dies, the patron will experience deep disappointment and may fall out of the number of philanthropists for a long time.

In addition, targeted assistance is always less than the required amount:

— When requesting € 120 thousand per child, in the best case, € 30 thousand came.

“Although people who prefer targeted assistance can be understood - many have burned themselves, for example, at the Hospital of the Future,” I remark.

“Yes, Kateryna Yushchenko accomplished the anti-feat [ when, on her initiative, the whole country transferred money via SMS to the Hospital of the Future, which in the end was never built, and the money collected disappeared], - agrees Kudinenko. - She greatly undermined the credibility of charity and framed the needy. In the same way, the government is now undermining confidence, which has collected money for the army and cannot account for them.

It is noticeable that the topic of the lack of trust in charitable organizations worries her.

“It’s very convenient to say: I was deceived once, I won’t help anymore,” Kudinenko continues. “But if you once burned yourself with tea, will you never drink tea again?

— What is the most difficult part of your job? I ask.

— Don't make decisions emotionally. And remember why you're doing it. Do not stray into a war with doctors and a quarrel with the Ministry of Health.

The last one is especially hard.

“There is an absurdity going on there, and this is putting it mildly,” Kudinenko flares up. "win". I gave them a week to PR, and then wrote a post on Facebook [ the official page of Tabletochek has more than 22 thousand subscribers], asking three specific questions: what is it called? Where are the medicines? Why, out of more than a hundred items, only three items were purchased?

There are no answers so far.

Kudinenko falls silent for a couple of moments and again looks towards the hospital building. Next week she is going to the head physician of Okhmatdet, she will seek permission to hold a rally Heroes among us. Dressed as Batman, Spiderman, Superman and the Avatar, the climbers descend from the roof to clean the outside windows of the hospital. According to the experience of Western countries, where such actions have been held for a long time, this spectacle gives children a lot of pleasure. Doctors did not approve the action last year.

- Why? I wonder.

“Because our doctors are like Soviet officials: everything that is not according to the charter is forbidden,” Kudinenko sighs disappointedly. “One of the arguments was that our children are not as advanced as Western ones, and they have other superheroes.

Was there a moment when you wanted to quit everything? I ask.

“Of course, you burn out,” Kudinenko admits. “When you come across the fact that doctors take bribes and resell medicines. But when I have a crisis, I remember those children who were saved.

— And yet, what motivates you not to quit, is there an element of vanity in it? I ask.

— The desire to hang a star on shoulder straps is very great, — admits Kudinenko. — And, of course, I do it sometimes, because well done. But I try not to overdo it. I understand that I did not invent a cure for cancer.

We almost finished our tea. Kudinenko's phone rings - her taxi has arrived, and the meter is already working. I have only one question left.

— Every day, in contact with death, does the fear of death disappear or intensify?

“I am not afraid of death,” says Kudinenko. But I am very afraid for the life and health of my loved ones. Because being treated in Ukraine or Russia today is a real hell.

How to start a charitable foundation and why you should brand it

co-founder of Charitable Foundation "Tabletochki"

Charitable Foundation "Tabletochki", which today is objectively perhaps the most popular charitable organization Ukraine, founded in 2011. During this time, the foundation sent 20 children abroad for treatment, provided 1,350 small patients with medicines, and achieved safe blood transfusion in Okhmatdyt. Provides children with palliative and psychological care, helps parents, develops a volunteer and donor movement in Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief Olga Makeeva met Irina Litovchenko, co-founder of the foundation, and learned the details of establishing charitable organizations.

BF establishment

When creating a charitable foundation, it is important to do this not in order to “just help someone”, not for show in karma, but for specific needs. At the very beginning of the journey, the Pill team simply bought medicines. When they realized that they were collecting more than necessary for the purchase of medicines, they began to take children under guardianship and collect them for operations.

It is now that they are already formulating the mission of "Pills" as "Protection of the interests of children with cancer." And all the same, they do not save lives, because they are not magicians and not gods, but simply try to make sure that in Ukraine they receive help you need those who are in dire need of it.

“Recently, Facebook gave me a reminder post that somehow we had a super-successful month, during which we managed to raise 70 thousand UAH. Now we start getting nervous when we don't collect UAH 3 million.”

Legal registration of the BF and features of its life

To date, establishing a charitable foundation from a legal point of view is very simple. This takes approximately one month. Much more interesting is the issue of reporting on such a legal entity. At our legislative level, this issue is extremely poorly regulated.

According to the letter of the law, charitable foundation it seems like it is enough to enter a certain form and report into the tax once a year. There is no register, no separate control body, no single structure that would check the correctness and efficiency of the fund. That's why there are a lot of scam funds, guys with boxes on the streets, and so on.

Particular attention should be paid to the audit. It helps to organize documentation, purchases, cases of assistance, descriptions necessary instructions. A system is needed. Do not forget that the fund intersects with government agencies and, for example, at a meeting of the Ministry of Health, the most unexpected and detailed reports may be required. In addition, consistency and order automatically inspire confidence on the part of major donors.

Reputation principles

1. Open access to reporting.

Post a list of all income and expenses on the official website. Such openness always inspires confidence.

2. Promotion through a personal brand.

The Tabletochki team chose the path of promoting the fund through the personal brand of each of the co-founders. Each of the team can go to the accounts in social networks and see what they ordinary people who also post about cats and manicures. This builds trust. It helped a lot that the co-founders of the Tabletochki fund, Olya Kudinenko and Ira Litovchenko, both have a PR background. They have a wide range of acquaintances with media representatives and the ability to speak the same language with them.

3. Catchy name and high-quality visualization.

True, everything is ambiguous here. This now cute name "Pills" already has strong associations, but at first it was an obstacle - serious companies refused public cooperation precisely because of the "frivolous" name. At some point, the co-founders had an idea to rebrand, but in the end they just moved on.

4. Loudly and without hesitation to talk about yourself.

The popular "charity should be quiet" applies to philanthropy, not to a fundraising foundation. And here the silence is just inappropriate. In this case, the promotion of such a fund is similar to the promotion of a product / brand. Or a kind of sale - they sell people a desire to help.

5. Borrowing foreign experience.

The Foundation's employees learn a lot from foreign examples, go on internships to countries with a rich history of charity. Having found successful cases, they adapt and implement them.

Although today it is unpopular to mention Russia, it is worth recognizing that the history of philanthropy there has deeper roots. The same FB “Give Life” to Chulpan Khamatova has existed since 2006, and they have a lot to learn.

A good example of borrowing foreign experience is Lemonade Day, a traditional US practice that has been successfully introduced in Ukraine. The fund also invites restaurants and cafes to introduce a permanent position, the profit from which would be transferred to the fund. In a word, the guys are trying to find places where they can come into direct contact with a person, "join" the sale: if you go to send a package - stick a sticker, if you go to drink coffee - buy a cookie, etc.

“As before, 76% of our income is transfers from individuals. So the image and visibility of the foundation, as well as the frequency of contact with people, play a key role.”

6. Attracting public figures.

At first, it was all the same personal connections. Some were contacted on Facebook, others were asked to be introduced to people of interest. Really a lot of money came with the flash mob ice bucket challenge. And, interestingly, people picked up this American idea without the request and knowledge of the fund. But in the end, thanks to this initiative, Tabletochki collected UAH 2 million. and entered a new stage of development.

How much does it cost to maintain a BF

According to the legislation of Ukraine, the BF is allowed to use 20% of the fees for administrative costs. Tabletochki have set a limit of 5% for themselves and are making sure that administrative costs fit within this framework. Also, now the fund has a partner (a banking structure), which has taken on the compensation of this expense item.

There is a very clear division in the team: the founders of the fund, who do not receive any salary, and those who are involved in operations, full-time employees who receive wages. There are also 80 regular volunteers who at least once a month do something for the foundation for free.

Features of working with cash

The topic of cash worries a lot of donors. To date, the system is set up in such a way that the fund practically does not work with real money. 80-85% is cashless. But completely abandoning cash is simply impossible with all the desire. For example, when it comes to buying drugs that are not registered in Ukraine abroad.

There is such a sad cost point as funeral services. When one of the wards goes into the world, the parents receive material assistance. It goes without saying that it is morally wrong to ask them for an expense report.

In general, they even try to take cashboxes to the bank and deposit money into the account. Proper procedures and accounting are part of a reputation.