Sample resumes for commercial director under employment contract. Sample resume for a commercial director: what you should and should not write. Resume of a specialist without experience

  • 11.01.2024

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of commercial director (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

Commercial director resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This sample resume for a commercial director has been tested by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a commercial director.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a resume for a commercial director. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a commercial director resume sample, click on the link below.

What does a commercial director resume sample look like?

Commercial director resume example

The correct resume sample for a commercial director

Sidorov Valentin

Career objective: Commercial Director
Desired income level: 100 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 06/13/1979

Accommodation: St. Petersburg, metro station "Petrogradskaya"
Not ready for business trips. Not ready to move.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Key knowledge and skills:

  • development of a strategy and development plan for the company;
  • development of the company's pricing and marketing policies;
  • extensive experience in department management and participation in negotiations;
  • ability to analyze marketing information and commercial offers;
  • initiative, analytical mind, stress resistance, communication skills.


  • Developed a program for new employees to improve their skills and working conditions.
  • Successfully conducted a number of complex negotiations with large clients.
  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the company and proposed a number of changes, which resulted in a significant increase in financial performance.


11.2006 –04.2016 Commercial Director

Lenremont LLC, St. Petersburg

Company activity: repair company

  • Development and implementation of various systems and proposals to improve company productivity.
  • Management of the company's sales unit.
  • Implementation of company strategies, business plans and projects.
  • Making operational commercial decisions.
  • Setting tasks for employees and training them.
  • Conducting negotiations and meetings.

06.2002 –10.2006 Sales Manager

STD "PetroStroy", St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: trade and construction company

  • Finding clients and negotiating.
  • Preparation of commercial proposals.
  • Market monitoring.
  • Preparation, coordination and conclusion of contracts.
  • Maintaining reporting documentation.


2012 Catalog of business trainings

Business training “Management and Business” in St. Petersburg, certificate of advanced training

2006 Business Education Center Business Seminar, St. Petersburg

Seminar “Commercial Director”, certificate of advanced training

2002 St. Petersburg State Economic University, St. Petersburg

Faculty of Economics and Finance, specialty: “Economics and Enterprise Management”, diploma of higher education

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English language – high level (C1).

PC knowledge: Confident user (MS Office).

Notes on the results of working with top-level candidates in sales

and viewing a large number of their resumes

Commercial director, sales director, head of sales department, etc. (yes, in general - a good sales manager at any level) - must be clearly, unambiguously and strictly focused on the RESULT and only on the result. How to determine and evaluate this at the level of reviewing a resume? Approximately as described below in the excerpts I provide from articles by people I respect, who know first-hand what they write about.

The resume is reviewed by the customer - the general director and/or owner of the business. And he decides already at this level (viewing the resume) whether he is interested in this candidate or not, whether he will meet with him or not. In this situation, Eichar can (and should) express his opinion and insist on a meeting - in the event that the resume is not very well written, but the candidate himself is very, very interesting and is worth inviting him to the meeting. But for this, the HR must first meet with the candidate himself and make sure of this. This means even earlier - this same candidate must be “seen” among dozens and hundreds of resumes of other similar ones, no worse (from their point of view) than candidates.

Thus, a competent resume is needed in order to be assessed in absentia and invited to a face-to-face meeting. You will tell all your other advantages at a personal meeting. But you have to get there... And once you get there, prove that everything that is written on your resume is not a myth, but reality, and you yourself created this reality and can create it more than once.

Thus, a successful resume of a commercial director consists of the following blocks (in black font 10-12 Times New Roman, maximum 2-3 pages):

1.Work experience over the past 5-8 years in the following format:

Company name, business area (required!), product, trademark

Job title

Functional responsibilities (briefly), number of subordinates

Specific work results and achievements: number of SKUs; sales growth in rubles or%; sales channels that I personally developed and worked in; other results in specific short formulations - “developed...”, “implemented...”, “organized...” Naturally, taking into account such a concept as “trade secret”.

If the period of work in one company was less than 1-1.5 years, indicate the reason for dismissal.

2. Education - basic and additional. If you work as a manager and do not improve your qualifications at least once every 3-5 years, then this is still a significant disadvantage for you.

3. Additional information: knowledge of languages, availability of water rights, possibility of business trips, etc.

A competent HR manager will primarily invite such candidates for an interview. All others - according to the residual principle. If a potential manager who is looking for a job is sorry to spend half an hour on drawing up his competent resume or he does not consider it necessary to do this for the purpose of an effective personal presentation (what kind of successful salesman and effective manager is he then?), then why should HR waste their time on such a candidate?

Review your resume again and change it based on what you have read.

1) I repeat: professional achievements must be described in specific numbers, percentages, facts: by what percentage did sales volume increase, how many new clients were attracted monthly, your role in the implementation of a specific project, etc. This will allow a future employer to evaluate your potential performance and performance and significantly increases your chances. Just don’t forget that you will definitely be asked to comment on these achievements during the interview, tell how, what methods, methods, tools and how you achieved them. And you will have to tell and prove these successes not only and not so much at a meeting with HR, but at subsequent meetings with the immediate future potential leader(s). And if the decision on your candidacy is positive, the employer will expect no less outstanding results from you. That is, deception will not work here and will certainly be revealed with an accuracy of 90%.

2) Abstract yourself and look at your resume through the eyes of the owner of the company, who is not interested in lyrics and beautiful words, but is only interested in the final result and the specific benefit that a specific candidate can bring to the company. Do you see this potential benefit and concrete result from the resume in front of you? Would you give this person the salary that you indicated on your resume or that you modestly kept silent about?

3) Nobody likes “flyers”. They are especially not liked among managers. The higher the level of the manager, the more time he needs to achieve and consolidate the results of his work. It is believed that a manager needs about 3 months to adapt to the company. Six months - to fully understand the essence of the matter and the features of the company: its business processes, interactions between departments and relationships between specific people. In about six months to a year (from the start of work in the company), for example, a complete restructuring of business processes, changes in technology, changes in structure, etc. are possible. Major system changes and consolidation of the achieved results. Another six months to a year - let’s call it that, “grinding and fine-tuning.” In total, how much does it turn out for the head of the department? One and a half to two years at least! If you do not fit into these frameworks, look for convincing reasons and explanations first of all in yourself. And you will definitely be asked about the reasons at the interview. It might even make sense to include them on your resume.

4) Indicate and decipher in your resume what the companies you worked for did, what product you promoted. Of course, it is not difficult for HR to look on the Internet what companies under the names of CJSC DIO, LLC RVKK, CJSC RKD-2000 are doing. But let's respect each other's strength and time.

An interview is a negotiation. Treat HR as your ally and partner in these negotiations. A big mistake is made by those candidates who initially have a negative, contemptuous or condescending attitude toward the personnel service. Firstly, your negativity, even if you try to carefully hide it, is still read on a non-verbal level and felt on an energetic level. Secondly, the HR person’s opinion about the candidate is important, since it depends on him whether you will pass the first level of selection and whether your turn will come to an interview with the person making the final decision. Thirdly, as I already said, an interview is a negotiation and it must be carried out by both parties at the highest level.

Specific tips for a specific resume: “Of course, there are no and cannot be strict resume standards, but it can be noted that the general layout of the resume is correct, the volume of the resume is very correct... At the same time, some key indicators are not indicated.

So you indicated that you managed the purchases of 8 product groups, indicated the monthly turnover of these groups, but did not indicate the number of SKUs in these groups, and without this it is difficult to imagine the real volume of your work. The number of SKUs in the assortment that you previously optimized is also not indicated. You developed supply chains, the entire logistics procurement cycle, but did not indicate how many suppliers you worked with. If my plant daily collected applications, assembled and shipped ready-made orders to 800 retail outlets, then I can imagine exactly what kind of work it is. If these figures are not available, the employer has the right to suspect that the amount of work was small, so the figures are not indicated. As I understand it, you have good experience working with private labels, but it is not described, and this is a very promising area. You know that in a number of formats, private label sales account for 20%; abroad there are formats in which they account for up to 80% of sales or more. And as you know, we diligently copy Western experience. Something to think about. You have experience running a distribution center. This is an interesting experience, but what exactly was it and why on earth did you have it?

It is very important (!) that your resume does not legalize your professional knowledge, skills and abilities, or it may simply not indicate receipt of certificates and other official documents confirming training and passing exams, for example, at the Metro Cash and Carry training center, or although would be the duration of training, if it is solid. In any case, consider confirming your knowledge and skills by completing relevant training programs. Otherwise, the employer has reason to believe that the performance of the described functions was not of high quality. your basic education must be supplemented with at least one line of any additional education that is consistent with the areas of your work.

But the main thing (!) is that your true competitive advantages are not highlighted and emphasis is not placed on them. And this, first of all, is experience working in a Western company - a world leader in retail, as well as experience working in Russian structured brand companies. These facts should shine on your resume and be visible from a distance of two meters.”

“Different employers need different people for different positions. But there are qualities that are almost always in demand. For example, most employers prefer candidates who are active, proactive, and proactive. And what part of speech do we associate with activity, activity, initiative? Of course it's a verb!

However, look at your resume. There are no verbs in it at all - only nouns. Not “created”, “promoted”, “managed”, but “creation”, “promotion”, “direction”. As a result, a lively, active person disappears from the resume - what remains is an accounting inventory of his qualities...

...They definitely want results from the top! In fact, they are willing to pay them for the result. But it is not always clear from a resume that the candidate can provide this result... all verbs are imperfective. “Created”, “increased”, “increased”... (“Ksyusha was spinning, frying, steaming, but forgot the frying pan” - my note J ) To make the candidate’s activities seem more effective, it is worth at least replacing some of the verbs with perfect ones: “created”, “raised”, “increased”. (That is, you are not stuck “in the process”, but have achieved a result - my note). At the very least, it would be nice to back up statements with specific indicators. Increased by 20%. Tripled it. Brought him to first place in the industry... The technique is simple, but it has a very noticeable effect on the quality of the resume. Try it and see for yourself.”

With sincere respect to all candidates,

Polukhina Elina,

We offer to your attention a completed sample resume for Branch Director, Head of Sales Department (template), which you can use as an example when drawing up your resume

Sample resume Branch director, head of sales department

Full name: Ivanin Fedor Dmitrievich

Date of birth (age): 06/13/1967, 46 years old

city: Livny

Higher education

work experience: more than 10 years

Desired work schedule: full time


Branch director, head of sales department (Romashka LLC)

  1. - Anti-crisis management of an enterprise with foreign investment (> 100 pharmacies)
  2. - organization of efficient operation of the enterprise;
  3. - organization and coordination of the work of reporting structural units;
  4. - preparation and presentation of reports to investors within the time frame specified by them;
  5. - conducting business negotiations and meetings;
  6. - personnel (recruitment, mentoring, motivation), holding meetings and conferences;
  7. - achieving planned profitability results;
  8. - monitoring KPI performance indicators of the company;
  9. - budgeting and cost control;
  10. - organization of commercial activities;
  11. - development and signing of marketing agreements with domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  12. - development and signing of purchase and sale agreements with distributors of medicines, cosmetics, medical products, medical equipment;
  13. - analysis and management of sales, marginal income, turnover;
  14. - control over the implementation of the product sales plan;
  15. - procurement planning and control;
  16. - changing the pricing scheme;
  17. - opening new pharmacies and coordinating the work of departments that take part in this;
  18. - interaction with regulatory organizations.


  • - increase in EBITDA margin
  • - brought the network to a profitable level from a state of stagnation
  • - reduced the number of unprofitable pharmacies
  • - opened 7 new pharmacies
  • - introduced a tender procedure for the procurement of works and services, a system for monitoring the expenditure of enterprise resources, which resulted in 20% cost savings
  • - optimized inventory balances (reduced illiquid products in the amount of > 4 million UAH),
  • - created a category management department
  • - developed and implemented an effective online pricing scheme
  • - reduced transportation costs by 30%
  • - reduced costs for renting premises (savings > 100 thousand UAH / year)
  • - ensured achievement of planned profit volumes
  • - developed and signed more than 70 new marketing agreements and more than 50 new supply agreements on favorable commercial terms
  • - increased income from commercial activities by 25%


Lviv National Medical University named after. Danila Galitsky (Lvov) Faculty of Pharmacy, pharmacist-organizer, master’s degree

Professional skills

People management experience

Organizational skills, including team building

Ability to plan and forecast

Negotiating, concluding sales and purchase agreements, marketing agreements

Building an assortment and pricing policy

Sales and logistics management

Ability to make adequate management decisions and act effectively in conditions of economic crisis

Additional education

Training course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” (Livny) 2014,

obtaining a certificate of completion of a training course in the direction of “Fundamentals of Pedagogical Activities”

Courses on organization and pharmacist (Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Galitsky) 2013,

obtaining a certificate confirming the title of a specialist

Marketing management of a pharmacy chain (Kyiv) 2008

Personnel management (Kyiv) 2007 Contact information for this candidate indicating in the subject line the position for which he is potentially applying for in your company

The presented example of a resume for the position of Project Manager can be used by you when drawing up your own resume

Vasiliev Vyacheslav Kharitonovich

Target: obtaining the position of deputy director, head of department, director

Education: higher.

Family status: not married, has an adult daughter

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lenina 176, apt. 56

From 1982 to 1984 Service in the USSR Armed Forces.

Mobile phone: +796599233 33-75

Email:[email protected]


1985 -1991 - Electron software

Position: Radio mechanic 4 categories.

1991-1992 - Mkapa "Vostokinvestmore"

Position: Commercial agent

1992-1993 - LLC "Universal Russia" LTD.

Position: Deputy Director

  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • management of the unit and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees,
  • interaction with contractors, creation of project reports,
  • solving all problematic situations at work.

Number of subordinates: 16 employees.

Achievements: increase in income up to 70% by optimizing work with contractors and reducing costs.

1993-1998 - PKF "Kepling"

Position: Director

  • concluding contracts and conducting negotiations for the supply of petroleum products;
  • operational analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.
  • Market Analysis;

Number of subordinates: 60 employees.

Achievements: during the period of work in this position, the company's turnover increased by 160%.

1998-2000 - PE "OilPromServis"

Position: Director

  • Market Analysis;
  • justification and preparation of estimates;
  • attracting partners to cooperation

Number of subordinates: 35 employees

Achievements: gross trade turnover reached the equivalent of 600,000 USD. per month.

2000-2010 - NPP "Roskhimresurs"

Position: Director

  • project planning, formation of a calendar plan, deadlines and implementation goals;
  • Interaction with the customer on all aspects of the project;
  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • staff management and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees, communications with contractors,
  • solving all problematic situations in work, creating project reports (presentation, documentary)

Achievements: scientific and technical developments, obtaining patents for them.

2010-2011 - Deacon LLC

Position: Deputy General Director

  • Negotiating and concluding contracts for work and materials and selling products;
  • Market Analysis.

Foreign languages Russian - native; Polish - fluent;

Skills: Advanced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power Point), Internet skills (MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera) and E-mail (Outlook Express), good with technology. Driving license - all categories (B, C, D, E). Permit for rifled weapons.

Personal qualities: Communication skills, creativity, stress resistance, responsibility, punctuality. With a well-developed sense of humor.

When communicating, I understand from the first time and point of view.

I perceive the necessary information quickly and with gusto.

I have analytical thinking and perception.

Well developed sense of taste and tact. I love live communication with nice people who have something to learn from.

Interests and hobbies- pets, fiction.

Skiing, hunting, fishing. Development of projects and technologies. I have my own developments, patents, and experience in filing them.

Sample resume for HR Director (Deputy Director)

Petrov Vladimir Vasilievich

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lenina, 70, apt. 10
Telephone: 8 900 0-65-32
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth: 16.03.1971
Family status: married, two children

Target: Obtaining the position of HR Director.

The level of education: higher (specialist)
1986-1991 St. Petersburg Humanitarian Institute.
Faculty: management, personnel management.

1995-1996 Training center "Managment Service".
Management, Human Resources.

2001 - currently outsourcing company "Metro Group"(1500 people).

Job responsibilities:

  • * strategic planning,
  • * interaction with customers
  • * optimization of organizational structure,
  • * development of bonus policy
  • * organization of human resource management work,

1996 - 2001 Chain of stores "Azbuka Vkusa"(1000 people).
Position: HR Director.
Job responsibilities:

  • * development and implementation of a personnel motivation system,
  • * personnel planning,
  • * supervision of objects, maintaining documentation
  • * development of employee certification systems,
  • * selection of middle and senior managers

1992 - 1995: International Service Check LLC(500 people).
Position: Head of Personnel Department
Job responsibilities:

  • * organization of the educational process,
  • * recruitment,
  • * personnel document flow,
  • * certification

Professional experience:

  • * Personnel requirements planning, strategic planning.
  • * Development of a bonus system, staff motivation system,
  • * Formation of a personnel reserve, personnel certification.
  • * Corporate culture management
  • * Management of a corporate training center.

Additional Information:

Ready to work individually and in a team. Stress-resistant, sociable. I complete the work at the appointed time (I can clearly calculate the deadlines for completing a task).

I am interested in sports, philosophy and psychology

Spoken English and French. Have experience of overseas business trips