Presentation “My future is in my hands. My future is in my hands! last name students first name

  • 24.11.2023

Municipal educational institution IRMO "Maksimovskaya secondary school"

Alcohol prevention week among students “The future is in my hands”

Plan for a week to prevent alcohol use among students “The future is in my hands”

  • Carrying out the “School Mood” campaign
  • Demonstration of videos, prevention presentations
  • Conducting the game-quest “Pathfinders”
  • Campaign “Give a smile to class!”
  • Class hours “Learning to set goals and achieve them”
  • "Learning to resist"
  • Round table on the topic “My Hobby”
  • Summing up the week. Rewarding the most active participants
  • Creative report

Participants of the action "The future is in my hands"

  • Students – 278
  • Parents – 46
  • Teachers - 16

  • Throughout the week, testing “Rate your way of thinking” was carried out from 5th to 9th grade.
  • A competition of wall newspapers about the dangers of drinking alcohol was held among grades 5-6. The competition participants not only created these newspapers, but also defended each of their projects. It was very difficult to determine the winner of the competition, so the jury decided to evaluate all works for 1st place

  • During the week, classes held classes on “Your health and alcohol,” “Learning to resist,” “Learning to set goals and achieve them”! This event was based on viewing a presentation, discussing information about the effects of alcohol on the human body, the reasons for its use by teenagers, and discussing the concept of “beer alcoholism.”
  • As part of the week, physical education teachers held a cross-country race “Golden Autumn!” and passing the GTO standards, and school psychologists conducted group classes with elements of the “Be able to say no!” training. for students in grades 7-8. A round table was held among students 5-6, at which students shared their hobbies, and then wrote an essay “My hobbies and interests” and presented them.

  • Most of the students took part in the events within the Alcohol Prevention Week. All events turned out to be interesting and eventful in their own way. In general, the thematic Week showed that the events held helped school students to comprehensively consider the problem of alcoholism in modern society and form their own opinion about this problem.
  • In the future, it is necessary to systematically return to this topic in order to help teenagers be free from manipulation, healthy and successful in life!

1 day "School Mood!"

Day 2 game – quest “Pathfinders”

Day 2 “Give the class a smile!”

Day 5 Round table on the topic “My Hobby”

Weekly summary: Rewarding active children

Slide 2

Following the Industrial Revolution, the world began to change at a fairly rapid pace. Indeed, if in the last century world prospects were still somehow predictable, today the future of humanity and our planet is very vague. Given that the world's population is constantly growing and the state of natural resources is causing serious concern, some experts go so far as to say that a third world war that could destroy our civilization could begin at any moment. However, most people choose to look to the future with optimism, and some even dare to dream of future achievements that can solve the world's current problems once and for all. What will our world be like in the future?

Slide 3

There are many professions on earth, But to choose one among them, so that I would like the ability for it, life has given me a difficult task. Try and study year after year, Comprehending the Sciences again and again... Yes, there is no passage to another’s future life, You need to strive for the goal through sweat and blood. Walking along the school path. I will choose the main road, After all, there is still a lot ahead, But I will not give up, I will get there. And having experienced all the hardships of fate, I will come to a simple conclusion, That the cards have been given to me, They cannot be given to someone else! With what zeal you planted trees, you will reap the same fruits from them. And the purpose of the work will appreciate time, It is without feelings, you cannot spend it...

Slide 4

There are many professions on earth, But to choose one among them, so that I would like the ability for it, life has given me a difficult task. Try and study year after year, Comprehending the Sciences again and again... Yes, there is no passage to another’s future life, You need to strive for the goal through sweat and blood. Walking along the school path. I will choose the main road, After all, there is still a lot ahead, But I will not give up, I will get there. And having experienced all the hardships of fate, I will come to a simple conclusion, That the cards have been given to me, They cannot be given to someone else! With what zeal you planted trees, you will reap the same fruits from them. And the purpose of the work will appreciate time, It is without feelings, you cannot spend it... Lizabeth.

Slide 5

“No one knows what our future will actually be like. One thing is clear - there are a huge number of options for its development, more than we can even imagine today.”

Slide 6

We are a relay race of a distant messenger. We are a generation of strong and skillful people. We are the exceeding of bold plans. We have no number, no limit, no end. (Pavel Antokolsky)

Slide 7

My future is in my hands. And it depends on me to make it bright and great. So that you want to strive for it, live in it, raise children. Our future is being made today, already now. By me. By you. Us. You!

Slide 8

It will depend on me to ensure that the country’s enormous, but not immeasurable, wealth is spent carefully; so that wars—senseless, incomprehensible and unnecessary—stop; so that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases; so that my generation does not die in terrible agony from a drug overdose; so that no one needs children to stretch out their dirty little hands for alms; so that old people travel around the world, and not through garbage dumps...

2011 year

We - long-distance messenger relay.

We – a generation of strong and skilled.

We - exceeding the fulfillment of bold plans.

Us there is no number, no edge, no end.

(Pavel Antokolsky)

The most sacred thing a person has is his homeland and family. If I had a choice of birth, I would ask God to be born where I live now.

I am proud of you, my Russia! Since childhood, I have absorbed Your wonderful images, kind fairy tales and songs of freedom. Can any other country in the world boast such a huge cultural layer? Repin, Vasnetsov, Polenov, Lermontov, Gogol, Pushkin, Akhmatova - I don’t have enough paper to list all Your great writers, poets and artists. People you can’t help but be proud of, people you want to live up to.

Your incredibly melodious language conveys all the subtleties of the huge incomprehensible Russian soul - my soul, Motherland! How can I think about the future without knowing my past? It should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious. You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors; it was they who bequeathed to me love for You.

And how can a Russian person fearlessly look at the vastness of Your expanses, my Land; on the whiteness of the snow. Is it possible not to admire the intelligence, beauty, incredible generosity and childlike spontaneity of Your people?

Your future, Motherland, is in my hands. And it depends on me to make it bright and great. So that you want to strive for it, live in it, raise children.

It will depend on me that your enormous, but not immeasurable, wealth is spent carefully; so that wars—senseless, incomprehensible and unnecessary—stop; for mothers to cry with joy and pride for their children; so that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases; so that my generation does not die in terrible agony from a drug overdose; so that no one needs children to stretch out their dirty little hands for alms; so that old people travel around the world, and not through garbage dumps...

There is no wonderful future without my past and present. But if I cannot change the past, then my present depends on you, Adults! And do you think about me when you import processed nuclear fuel into my beautiful country? And are you asking me if I want to die in your adult incomprehensible wars? And do you really want to know if I can pay for education at the university I like? And do you really wonder what I think about the new store being built when my school is collapsing right before my eyes? The future of my country is being made today, already now. By me. By you. Us. By you, Adults! Stop and think, which Country will you hand over to me into my outstretched hands?

But still, not everything is so bad and hopeless. There is something to say “Thank you” for. For giving me the opportunity to communicate with my peers abroad; for feeling happy wandering through the complex labyrinths of the Internet; for the fact that I have a mom and dad; and simply for the fact that I exist on this beautiful blue Planet...

And I really want you, Adults, to be proud of me: my parents, my teachers, my Motherland. I will try very hard. Perhaps I will write a wonderful book, or launch an ultra-modern spaceship, or establish contacts with alien civilizations, or invent a new vaccine against terrible diseases of mankind... Well, maybe not me, my classmates, my generation.

When my generation grows up, it will appreciate the history of the present day and rethink today's values.

Probably every person thinks about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone is interested in how his life will turn out... I believe that a person is the architect of his own happiness. And how you live now, think, act - a lot depends on it. You must always be confident in yourself, have a goal in life, strive for something. If all this is not there, then there is no life. It’s stupid to live in vain, to waste time on things, deeds, and actions that are unnecessary either to you or to those around you. Everything should be in balance: school, dancing, friends, relationships with someone or anything else. There are a lot of examples that can be given, but the essence is the same. In my example... My dream is a successful teacher in a large city with great prospects. Or a psychologist with a very developed inner world. I don’t want to finish school and immediately jump out and give birth to a bunch of children and then sit and think about how to make them human. I have no desire to sit at home in a colorful robe, wipe children’s noses, and complain that life has not happened. This means that now we need to think about our future. Waste your time, rely only on bad habits, watch TV for hours...

My choice of profession was made based on my abilities and talents. Being a teacher is not as easy as it seems. I would like teachers’ work to be appreciated in our country. Where does the teaching profession begin? With love for children and for my business. The revival of traditional spiritual and moral values ​​should become a priority in teaching work. A teacher is a person with a big heart, great hard work, and the highest moral qualities. He is faced with the important task of ensuring that the graduate, after graduating from school, becomes a person of high morality, with his own civic position, which will allow him to confront the social problems of society. And although the teaching profession is not prestigious in our state, I hope that gradually the state will understand that the prestige of the teaching profession is largely determined by the prestige of education in society. The need for education in knowledge as a value takes on a new meaning in the conditions of socio-economic development in the country, in connection with this, I am convinced, the prestige of the teaching profession will gradually increase.

To live according to rules as if by a ruler means to be a conservative. I'm not one of those people, I'm an innovator. Future family, how do I see it? Mutual understanding, trust, love should reign in relation to the family; I am against matriarchy and patriarchy. There should be equality with the person you decide to spend your whole life with. You need to love, appreciate, respect. And make the right choice, think well before legalizing the relationship. Do not rush headlong to the registry office, based only on affection and mutual interests. There is no need to waste time searching, thinking that all the best ones will be taken away. True love comes on its own, alone and forever. You just don’t need to think about it all the time, you need to exist in your own correct individual life. And not just to exist, but to live in the full and best sense of the word. Believe, wait, feel, act, and in any case be optimistic, think that everything will work out for you. And get a good result, striving for even better.

Career guidance class
"My future is in my hands"
(slide 1)
Goal: activation of the process of professional self-determination.
1.Increasing motivational and value readiness for a mature choice: the graduate’s formation of self-esteem adequate to personal abilities and opportunities to obtain the desired education, the presence of value orientations and individually expressed goals related to the further method of obtaining education and future profession.
2. Increasing practical readiness: the ability to take into account one’s capabilities when choosing a profession; the ability to make informed choices and take responsibility for them. (slide 2)
Form of delivery: bit - lesson.
Methods: brainstorming, group work, discussion, business game.
Resources: presentation
On the board: “WHAT THEY HAVE A HUNT FOR EVERYONE SEEMS BEST” Kozma Prutkov (slide 3)

Progress of the class hour.
Organizing time.
Parents form a group, sitting around a round table
Students are seated at the second round table
Master p/o:
Good afternoon dear parents and students. Today we will talk about the future. About your future. You've probably talked at home more than once about who you will be, what profession you will choose, where you will go to study? And it’s not for nothing that I took the words of Kozma Prutkov as a quote from our class lesson today. (reads out)
Very little time will pass and you will have to choose your path in life. And this path will begin from a crossroads, from which not 3, as in a fairy tale, but 50 thousand roads diverge - this is exactly how many professions there are now. And it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the path. After all, a lot depends on this choice: material wealth, social circle, interests, and happiness in life. It is not without reason that they say that by choosing a profession, a person chooses his destiny.
Work is a huge component of a person’s life; therefore, this issue must be approached with great responsibility, without making hasty conclusions. When a person finds his calling in life, work turns into an exciting process that promotes complete dedication and productivity.
Question for the audience: what is work? (slide 4)
4-5 minutes for the group to work, listen to the teams’ responses. Discussion.
Master p/o:
Yes, choosing a profession is a really difficult choice. To make your task easier, you need to have enough information. Today we will try to expand your “information field” in the world of professions... The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated.
Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.”
A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of his soul and pocket.
Happiness is being a necessary, necessary person, loving life, people, your future profession. You can make mistakes, stumble, fall. But the main thing is to be in motion.
One scientist who wrote a book about choosing a profession worked at school for many years and was always interested in the future fate of his students. When they met, he asked them the same question: “Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?” And he received a depressing answer: approximately every third (!) made a mistake in his choice, and every second admitted that he was not entirely satisfied, and if he had started over, he would probably have followed a different path.
Group work
Why do so many young people make mistakes in their choices? How do you think? (responses from parents and children)
You have listed the most common reasons for mistakes in choosing a profession. This is parental pressure, lack of knowledge about the chosen profession, the pursuit of fashion, overestimation of one’s own strengths and abilities. But how then to choose the right profession?
Business game “The best choice”
So, there are tens of thousands of professions in the world, but this does not mean that you need to sort through everything to find one - the only one. Professional self-determination comes from the word “limit” - border. This means that you need to somehow limit the range of professions from which you will have to choose. Please tell me what happens if the length of our audience is multiplied by the width? Of course, the area of ​​the audience will be the one in which we are located. So, we used a simple formula that we have known since about 3-4 grades from the mathematics section. But there is no such subject for choosing a profession, but there is a formula. And I invite you today to work with this formula, I would even say with a model. You are becoming architects today. And now you will start howling, I want to note that this is not the first time in your life that you have done this.
To do this you will take cubes. You will only see one word on each cube. Your task is to fold the cubes so that you get one load-bearing wall. Thus, you will create the foundations of my profession and the first wall in your life, which will be the basis for choosing my profession, which is in demand today more than ever.
After parents and children have built the wall, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the structure. If the wall is not correct, then you need to pull out a couple of cubes to make the wall fall. When the building collapses. It must be said that now you probably guessed that my profession is a builder, and I can teach you everything that I know perfectly well.
Unfortunately, blue-collar jobs are not so popular among young people. But taking into account the fact that the number of construction projects is growing every year, we can confidently say that construction is the profession of the future. The labor market does not stand still. Some specialties disappear without a trace, while others become more relevant. The construction profession is in ever-growing demand. These specialists will never remain on the sidelines of life and will always be able to feed themselves. (slide 5)

Information for the p/o master:
All cubes are divided into three categories:
Qualities required for the first category I WANT:
1. material wealth,
2. leadership position,
3. individual entrepreneurship (IP),
4. freelancer,
5. originality,
6. demand,
7. creator.
Qualities required for the second category MUST:
1. health,
2. team work,
3. computer knowledge,
4. linear eye meter,
5. good physical data,
6. concentration,
7. technical thinking,
8. specifics of working with equipment,
9. creator,
10. emotional stability
Qualities required for the third category CAN:
1. patience,
2. diligence,
3. mindfulness,
4. punctuality,
5. responsibility,
6. spatial imagination.
In total, you will need 26 cubes to play. 23 cubes with categories plus three cubes with the words I want, I can, I must.