Specialty "Human Resources Management" (bachelor's degree). Personnel management (specialty). Personnel management: training Specialty personnel management who can work

  • 09.01.2024

One of the areas in particular demand today is personnel management. There is not a single profession left that is not related to personnel activities. The coordinated work of the HR department guarantees the effective functioning of the enterprise. Increased interest in personnel management raises the question of who can work in this field of activity.

Studying the direction of “personnel management” is associated with the question of what it is. To understand what kind of specialty this is, it is recommended to define it.

The specialty is called HR management. Please note that personnel activities are an area that is associated with the selection and formation of highly effective staff. A more detailed description of HR management is revealed through the following job responsibilities of the HR officer:

  • search and hiring of employees;
  • optimization measures regarding the formed staff;
  • systematic monitoring of employees’ work to ensure compliance with job descriptions.

HR management.

This specialty within the enterprise led to the emergence of departments, among the names of which are found:

  • HR department;
  • Human Resources Department;
  • HR management division;
  • personnel service.

Officials specializing in HR management are assigned the following titles:

  • HR representative/specialist/inspector;
  • director or deputy director of personnel.

Personnel management and its description determine the features of the HR manager’s activities. Among the functional tasks of a specialist in these matters are:

  1. Carrying out organizational activities to form a staff of employees. The main tool is organizing interviews with potential candidates.
  2. Monitoring the staffing of the enterprise.
  3. Providing adaptation support to new employees.
  4. Monitoring the labor market in order to diagnose potential sources of additional personnel saturation of the enterprise.
  5. Making a forecast regarding the need for new employees.
  6. Resolution of disputes on labor issues between employees at the enterprise.
  7. Unbiased assessment of employee performance.
  8. Drawing up projects to optimize and improve working conditions.
  9. Organization and conduct of certification events to assess the qualifications of employees. Not only the fact that employees have passed certification is taken into account, but the results of the assessment are also taken into account. The results of certification form the basis for optimizing the existing staff.
  10. Systematic preparation of proposals regarding advanced training and training for employees. To increase efficiency, rotation of human resources within the enterprise is used.
  11. Drawing up staffing schedules.
  12. Involvement in the formation of the provisions of the collective agreement and other primary labor documentation.
  13. Preparation of activities to stimulate and motivate staff. In addition to monetary rewards and bonuses, attention is paid to the non-material interest of employees.

The goals of an HR specialist are usually:

  • strengthening the company's competitiveness in a developing market;
  • promoting production and labor efficiency with an emphasis on maximizing profits;
  • guaranteeing social stability of employees.

To achieve such goals, the HR manager ensures:

  • the company’s need for employees, taking into account the requirements for the qualification and quantitative level of personnel;
  • optimal ratio between production and staffing potential;
  • maximum possible involvement of working potential within the framework of production needs;
  • fulfillment of conditions regarding self-discipline, motivation, organization and development of employees;
  • lack of staff turnover and stability of the formed team;
  • interest in the work of employees by focusing on their needs, employment and working conditions.


Employment in this specialty requires obtaining appropriate education.

Studying in the chosen field allows you to develop the internal qualities of a future specialist. The strengths of an HR manager should include:

  • A well-delivered speech. The ability to clearly convey information and the results of research significantly facilitates the work process and interaction with subordinates.
  • Commitment to personal and professional growth. Regular training courses are encouraged.

Enrolling a student in human resources management ensures that they receive the necessary knowledge and skills.

Student training

Specialist training includes studying the basics of such disciplines as:

  • psychology: focuses on the characteristics of employee behavior and motivational methods of influence;
  • law: the provisions of the Labor Code, practical aspects in drawing up contracts and organizing document flow are covered;
  • sociology of organization: the principles of preparing and conducting research of a sociological nature, the stage-by-stage development of an organization are considered;
  • economics: interest is in the development of the enterprise from a financial point of view, marketing strategy. The training course consists of organizational economics, labor economics, external economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics;
  • tax accounting;
  • political science;
  • conflictology;
  • office work: topics of both general and personnel office work are covered;
  • ethics of interpersonal and labor relations;
  • HR strategy;
  • management.

The best option to get an education in this area is to enroll in specialized universities. Specialists who have received a higher education diploma have priority when applying for a job. Employers are especially interested in employees who have completed a master's degree. Among the methods of obtaining education, there are both full-time and part-time forms of education.

Note! A general manager can become an HR specialist. In this case, it is necessary to undergo retraining in special courses. The option of obtaining a second profession is also being considered. This is possible due to knowledge of the fundamental principles of management.

HR training

Fundamentals of Human Resources Management is offered by many universities, including the following:

  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow Economic Institute;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • MIREA - Russian Technological University;
  • Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Institute of Economics and Management in Industry;
  • Moscow State Technological University STANKIN;
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • International Academy of Business and Management;
  • Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government;
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow Aviation Institute;
  • Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy;
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky;
  • National Research Technological University "MISiS", etc.


The development of the management field has led to the emergence of new directions. The demand for the specialty human resource management has led to the emergence of the following qualifications:

  • training manager;
  • sales trainer;
  • corporate culture manager;
  • coach consultant;
  • HR assessment specialist.

The introduction of new approaches to solving issues of organizing work with personnel encourages specialists to regularly attend courses and seminars. Professional qualifications are enhanced by mastering advanced techniques. To deepen awareness, it is recommended to study specialized literature and attend conferences.

Useful video: HR management

Professions by area

Choosing a specialty in personnel management prompts the student to ask who to work for. This area includes the following professions:

  • Manager-diagnostician. Place of work - agencies and organizations in need of new employees. Job responsibilities include competent selection and systematic assessment of personnel. Methods of work - psychological techniques in combination with checking personal files. Sources for staff selection - conferences, professional exhibitions, websites.
  • Manager-consultant. Job responsibility is to search for optimization solutions regarding personnel problems. Requirements for a manager include overcoming stereotypical thinking, knowledge of marketing specifics, the basics of management, and economic processes.
  • Coach-manager. Job responsibility is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through the growth of professionalism and competence of employees. Working methods - training programs. Requirements for a manager are out-of-the-box thinking, a high level of socialization, and quick diagnosis of the situation.
  • Manager-administrator. Job responsibilities include making decisions for the purpose of systemic development of the enterprise.

Human resource management as a professional activity allows the manager to act as:

  • HR strategist. The task is to develop a personnel strategy and implement it.
  • Head of HR Management Service. The task is to organize the functioning of staff units.
  • HR technologist. The task is to develop and implement in practice non-standard approaches regarding personnel specifics.
  • Personnel innovator. The task is to develop pilot projects and test them before mass implementation in the personnel industry.
  • Performer. The task is to implement personnel policies of an operational nature.
  • HR consultant. The task is to solve organizational and personnel problems taking into account the development prospects of the corporation.

Note! HR management professions have characteristics depending on the organization in question and its staff. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, it becomes clear who to work with.

Personnel management as a professional activity implies that a specialist has the following areas of competence:

  1. Tolerance.
  2. Communication skills.
  3. Ability to make contact.
  4. The ability to hear and listen.
  5. Team oriented.
  6. Integrity.
  7. Sanity.
  8. Productivity.
  9. Determination.
  10. Self-confidence.
  11. Dedication to the company.
  12. Business orientation.

Useful video: staff motivation


Taking into account the peculiarities of economic development, the profession of an HR manager is becoming increasingly popular. Employers are interested in competent employees. Thanks to the professionalism of the manager, the success of the enterprise is guaranteed. The increased demand for specialists in this field favorably characterizes the prospects for personnel management. Knowledge of the basics of personnel policy and the desire for professional growth will allow a specialist to realize his or her potential in the chosen field.

In contact with

Human resource management is one of the most promising areas today. With it, more and more new professions are appearing. Each of them has its own characteristics, which you need to know about in advance. It is important to know that over the past five to seven years this direction has become especially popular. Therefore, many people think about who to work in the field of personnel management. This is quite logical, because these specialties have impressive career potential and are highly paid.

Specifics of the profession

Many people are interested in who they can work with in personnel management. This activity is not suitable for everyone. It requires constant communication, frequent thinking and analysis of incoming information. If all this suits you, then this job is for you. There are different areas of management that you can work in when managing personnel.

The entire diversity of personnel in the field of personnel can be classified into 4 types:

  • Diagnostics (selection of employees and their assessment)
  • Trainer-managers (increase the efficiency of the organization by increasing the competence and professionalism of employees)
  • Consultants (specialists responsible for finding the best ways to solve a problem)
  • Administrators (make decisions aimed at the comprehensive development of the company)
  • Any activity that is related to employees depends directly on the company and its employees who participate in the labor process. Consulting and recruitment agencies are especially popular in this area. They will help you select the best specialists for the required position.

    If you are looking for someone to work in human resources management, you must have high qualifications and competence. Production work involves both the presence of a number of specialties and the development of a specialized production area. The size of the company determines the number of specialists who work in various areas of management.

    Working as a diagnostician

    This type of management is used both in recruitment agencies and in organizations that need new employees. This profession is aimed at the overall assessment of workers, including the use of different techniques. After passing the initial check, you should conduct a review of your personal file.

    Diagnosticians can work with employees using various information sources, targeted exhibitions, web sites, conferences, and the like. The recruitment agency calculates the organization's need for a specific specialist and, based on the information received, conducts a search for him. This may require specialists of the highest level, because you need not only to find the right person, but also to conduct an in-depth analysis of his resume and biography.

    You can build a successful career in a recruitment agency, because to work here you do not need to have an education. In addition, this profession will help to successfully develop psychological and leadership qualities. When working directly with staff, many managers emphasize professionalism rather than emotional resilience.

    To assess the prospects, it is necessary to understand technological processes and also have relevant experience. The key role in the company belongs to the head-hunter. This is the name given to specialists who recruit professionals from other organizations. In Russia, this profession is just beginning to gain popularity.


    Specialists in this field do not deal much with management, but usually study various training programs. At the moment, such specialists are extremely popular. This, in turn, became the reason for increasing the requirements for possible candidates. A coach can become successful only if he studies for a long time. You can also have high professionalism, thanks to which you can successfully transfer experience.

    A trainer-manager, in comparison with a diagnostician, must have:

  • creative mind;
  • communication skills;
  • the ability to quickly diagnose the current situation.
  • Consultants

    This profession requires the ability to present new knowledge taking into account existing experience. Developed thinking and the absence of stereotypes are the key qualities that a consultant should have. In addition, the specialist must have marketing specifics, basic management and economic processes.

    Developing your consulting skills is a relatively challenging process. The career of a specialist is multi-stage and replete with various difficulties. To get a job, you need to have the skills to communicate with people, as well as be able to evaluate them.


    This profession usually combines components of the types described above. To learn management, you will need to go through all the stages from trainee to manager. The HR director must be in contact with all areas of the company's activities, so he influences numerous processes. Well-developed management skills will help you take the position of deputy head of the company in the future.

    Another opportunity is to start preparing for management work while still studying at a university. At different faculties there are areas of training that allow you to work in leadership positions.

    To work effectively with staff, you will need to learn how to speak correctly. In other words, the results of the work should be displayed in a language that the manager understands. Most often, personnel officers are not strong in psychology; they give preference to dry facts. When collaborating with staff, it is necessary to show genuine interest in people.

    So, we looked at where to work when managing personnel. Take a closer look at different areas of work, this will help you choose the most suitable one.

    Discusses a variety of issues on its pages. a selection of articles on career building has been collected. And here we tell you how to pass an interview and get a job. We hope all this will help you successfully build a successful career.

    Organizing the work of an enterprise requires appropriate work with personnel. It consists of internal corporate influence on employees in order to ensure a high-quality work process.

    Understanding that what is management, and how to properly organize this process, is an important basis for building the activities of the entire organization.

    Of course, you can shift the responsibility of management onto the shoulders of invited specialists and forget about it.

    But a successful manager must understand all the business processes that occur in his company.

    Let's understand how personnel management occurs and what you need to know to do it correctly.

    Moreover, looking at the statistics on the use of personnel management methods in the Russian Federation, it becomes obvious: the topic is in demand!

    Basic management terms in clear language

    Personnel Management– work with the personnel of the institution, aimed at increasing productivity (both individual workers and the team as a whole).

    – a person who is responsible for working with the company’s personnel.

    The tasks of an HR manager are very broad:

    • Recruitment of employees for vacancies.
    • Management and organization of work process.
    • Monitoring the moral and physical condition of people in the state.
    • Raising the level of each personnel by organizing trainings, useful practices that can improve the knowledge or moral qualities of employees.
    • Analysis of opportunities, testing for professional suitability.
    • , searching for an individual approach to everyone., searching for an individual approach to everyone.

    HR Manager- a unique position. This is the person who must have the skills of a psychologist, economist and speaker.

    Working with personnel requires special skills and extensive experience. Therefore, it is currently difficult to meet a young specialist in this field.

    Personnel management methods– operations aimed at managing employee behavior.

    They serve as an incentive and motivation for the employee to do their work efficiently and move in the right direction.

    There are three main management methods:

      Economic is the material maintenance of a person.

      Examples include an increase or decrease in wages, changes in the amount of bonuses, vacation pay, and sick pay.

      In general, any change in an employee’s funding can be attributed to economic methods of influence.

      Organizational– a direct guide to action for people in the state.

      The basis of this method is discipline.

      Any actions that violate the general order must be analyzed.

      And the possibilities for their occurrence in the future are also suppressed.

      Psychological– this is employee motivation, training on personal and collective development.

      Maintaining the “moral health” of employees is a very important task for a manager.

    An HR manager is sometimes called an HR manager. The meaning of these two words is identical, it’s just that the second one is derived from “Human Rosources” - human resource.

    Everything is clear with the methods of functioning of a personnel management specialist. Next, we will try to determine why it is so important to have a qualified HR employee in every organization.

    What is control: real-life application

    Company personnel– this is the basis for its successful activities. Even the development of technology does not allow us to avoid human errors.

    Organizational issues are very important in any area of ​​business.

    A team of workers at one enterprise can be compared to the activity of our brain: the better developed the neural network, the faster the interaction of all organs and systems of the body occurs.

    The speed of interaction between employees is a factor that determines the success of a business project.

    The most significant application of management in management can be seen in the process of recruiting employees for positions.

    It is this personnel manipulation that is considered the main occupation of management managers.

    To more accurately assess why personnel management is so important in the functioning of an entire business project, it is worth looking behind the “screen” of a manager’s activities and delving into each stage of interaction with employees.

    1) Where does team management begin: hiring

    Every reader has encountered this at some point when applying for a job. So, the moment when a potential employee gets acquainted with the organization is the initial stage of the HR process.

    It is impossible to properly organize the activities of an enterprise if an employee does not meet the proper requirements.


    Determining the initial level of training

    Through an interview, the manager determines the employee’s readiness and potential based on the tasks that will be assigned to him in the future. Most unsuitable applicants are eliminated at the first stage.

    Internship and initial adaptation

    At the second stage, the applicant is allowed into the real work environment and partially assumes the responsibilities indicated by the vacancy. The manager’s task is to determine whether the information he received during the interview process is true, and whether the employee is ready to face the realities of the proposed job.

    Performance analysis and final evaluation

    If the applicant managed to survive the internship and cope with it at the proper level, he gets into the team of workers.

    Stages of employee selection

    2) Personnel management: adaptation of “new arrivals”

    The competence of HR managers includes the ability to facilitate the adaptation of new employees.

    Adaptation should be understood as not just an introductory speech and a tour of the office, but careful support of a person’s activities.

    Adaptation is divided into areas, each of which requires a special approach from the HR manager:

      Organization of the work process.

      This area includes establishing a work schedule, setting a salary payment date, etc.

      Communicative and social.

      Assistance in personal adaptation to a new team.

      Technological and professional.

      Training in the intricacies of work, checking for compliance with the required level of professionalism.

    It is important to understand that competent management lies not only in the methodical application of measures of influence on one’s subordinates.

    The basis of a quality process is supporting everyone, instilling in them the motivation to work and become successful in your company.

    3) Personnel development as the goal of the process

    The employee training process can be divided into two parts – independent and corporate.

    Nowadays, it is not enough to just sit at your workplace and do ordinary work. It is necessary to constantly develop, otherwise the risk of losing the vacancy to others increases.

    Independent development of a specialist requires strong-willed efforts and desire of the employee. There is no direct relationship with management here.

    Although, if you dig deeper, you can find a relationship between an employee’s motivation and his own desire to develop.

    The main task pursued by the management process as a whole is to ensure the proper level of operation of the enterprise. And it directly depends on the skills of his team.

    Corporate development is the job of an HR manager. Organizing employee training events is a rather complex and painstaking process.

    Professional development is achieved by organizing:

    • In-depth instructions if the work involves complex technical means.
    • On the development of personal qualities.

      Another important component of the successful operation of the entire institution.

      If you think that your work attitude has nothing to do with your productivity, just think back to how productive you were on a Friday night.

      Specialized lectures – the most expensive method, since it involves the highest costs for the organization.

      The lecturer must be a very knowledgeable person in his field of business.

    A high-quality approach to management not only provokes an increase in overall production indicators.
    An integral part of the process is an increase in the level of awareness in the team, both in the specialization of their work and in social characteristics.

    4) Moral health and culture of workers

    Team culture is determined by the company's goals. The task of management is to instill in employees a love for their work.

    Every organization must have a corporate code - a document that defines the framework for employee behavior.

    Depending on the focus of the company, the culture can differ radically.

    An HR manager must monitor the behavior of his staff, because setting the right climate in the team is an important mission.

    Smart personnel management is the key to a company's success!

    How to set tasks so that they are completed? Answer in video:

    So, what is personnel management: motivation to action or mindless punishment?

    To create motivation to achieve corporate goals, several constant factors must be achieved:

    • salary corresponding to the level of employment and complexity of the work.
    • timely information to each employee, individual approach;
    • career prospects;
    • additional financial motivation for quality work.

    Motivating an employee by dismissing him is a thing of the past; this cannot be done. Dictatorship invariably leads to a lack of personnel.

    Contrary to what many employers think about themselves, competition is present in the job market just as it is in the unemployed market.

    What is personnel management? This is a whole range of scientifically based approaches to solving problems of the enterprise team. Without a well-functioning human resource management system, a successful business is impossible.

    The main goal of management is to select personnel appropriate for the job and motivate them for coordinated and collective interaction.

    Each employee represents one ring of the chain, without which the entire system collapses.

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    It’s hard to imagine the work of any large enterprise or organization without a personnel department, because every person’s career begins with communication with the personnel department employees. Today, positive changes continue to occur in the field of personnel management, and personnel officers are becoming people who not only monitor the proper registration of personal files of enterprise employees, but also have the opportunity to influence the workforce by applying various methods to increase labor efficiency and achieve a high level of staff productivity for the benefit of the organization.

    The popular scientist and management consultant Edward Deming noted that the main element in the business system is people, and how effectively these people give their efforts for the benefit of the organization absolutely depends on the work of the personnel management service. But in order to understand what function the personnel management system performs and what is needed in order to become a manager in this area, one should take a closer look at the very specifics of practical activity.

    Definition and essence of personnel management

    Personnel management, or HR management, is an area of ​​activity that is aimed at creating high-quality personnel in an organization. Personnel management workers are assigned the following main responsibilities:

    • selection and hiring of personnel;
    • optimization of personnel utilization;
    • control over the proper performance by employees of the organization of their functional responsibilities.

    Development of the HR practice area

    In the field of human resource management over the past five years, many new directions, professions and specialties have emerged that differ in their focus. In addition to the main professions in personnel management, such as HR officer, HR inspector or HR manager, sales trainers, training managers, corporate culture managers, personnel assessment specialists, and couch consultants are gaining popularity. It is worth noting that specialists in this field remain in demand, and their activities bring a stable and fairly high income. This is due to the fact that many organizations, in order to achieve their goals, strive to create a workforce that would be able to cope with their responsibilities in a high-quality and highly professional manner, but, accordingly, this requires professionals in the selection and hiring of personnel.

    Education in Human Resources Management

    The profession of personnel management requires special education and certain internal qualities, which determine whether a person’s work activity in this field will be successful. Today, many higher educational institutions with an economic focus provide the opportunity to receive a proper education in this area. During training, you can study areas such as psychology, economics at various levels, office management, sociology, political science, management, as well as legal support for personnel management and many other disciplines that will help the future specialist master the necessary knowledge and skills to work with people. It is worth noting that education in this field can be obtained both full-time and part-time. The most sought-after employees in this field are those people who have completed a master's degree in this specialty.

    What are the responsibilities of a HR specialist?

    The main responsibilities of an HR manager (HR specialist) include:

    • organizing work to provide personnel in accordance with the tasks and goals of the enterprise;
    • staffing the enterprise;
    • assistance in the adaptation of personnel in the organization;
    • studying the labor market to identify sources of supplying the organization with personnel;
    • forecasting staffing needs;
    • resolving various labor disputes;
    • assessment of employee performance;
    • development of proposals to improve working conditions for employees;
    • conducting employee certification;
    • organization of work aimed at improving the skills of employees and opportunities for their training;
    • development of staffing schedules;
    • participation in the development of a collective agreement and other primary documents regulating the labor activities of the organization;
    • motivation and stimulation of employees of the organization.

    Types of specialists in human resources management work

    Based on the fact that many changes have taken place in the field of human resource management in recent years and this area has gained widespread demand, it has become more difficult for specialists to develop and work in all areas of personnel management. This factor led to their division into conditional types.

    HR managers can be divided into the following types:

    • diagnosticians;
    • trainer-managers;
    • consultants;
    • administrators.

    The peculiarity of each of these types is in the options for realizing a person’s professional aspirations in the field of human resource management from an enterprise or organization where a personnel specialist is involved.

    It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on each of the above types.


    As a rule, recruiting agencies or large enterprises that have a need for new personnel need diagnosticians. The task of an HR diagnostician is, first of all, personnel assessment, and in other words, a comprehensive diagnosis of the employee and his personal file.

    In their activities, such specialists use psychological techniques to test candidates and employees of the organization. Thanks to this approach, the organization has the opportunity to hire only highly professional personnel who can cope with the assigned tasks and ensure the realization of the company's goals.

    In the case of recruitment agencies, whose activities are aimed at selecting employees for various organizations, diagnosticians pay special attention to the study of personal files, resumes, profiles and biographies of candidates for positions. Their main goal is to protect the customer company from unprofessional personnel. Very often, recruitment agencies employ head-hunters (head hunters) - specialists who focus exclusively on experienced and professional personnel. It often happens that in order to satisfy the need of a certain organization for employees, a “headhunter” lures away already employed professionals from companies and firms. Head-hunter specialists are distinguished by high skills in the field of psychology and have extensive connections with many companies.


    Trainer-managers are involved in various companies providing training for organizations on various programs. Specialists in the field of personnel management conduct seminars and trainings on sales, personnel adaptation in the organization, team building and leadership, creating a personnel reserve, and time management. It is important that training managers must be able not only to correctly present information during trainings, but also to develop training programs.

    Becoming a trainer-manager is quite difficult, since only someone who has sufficient experience in the area in which they conduct their training can teach.


    The main task of a consultant is to correctly present knowledge to a person and transfer his experience in the field of personnel management to another person. One of the features that an HR consultant must have is versatility of thinking. Consultants, being psychologists, must also be good economists. This is required in order to make correct calculations of economic risks, various costs, benefits, and also to master the specifics of marketing. The career of a consultant is multi-stage; such specialists must have the skills and abilities of the human resources management profession.


    The administrative type in the profession of personnel management is the most multifaceted, since it combines all the previous ones. Reaching the so-called highest administrative level is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time, theoretical and practical experience. This type includes heads of personnel management services. Heads of a service or department in the field of HR interact with all structural divisions of the organization and their immediate superiors and bear personal responsibility not only for the activities of their department, but also for the selection, hiring and organization of work activities within the organization.

    In addition to the above, administrators are required to organize staffing for personnel management within the framework of the entire enterprise system. Such an extremely important task can be handled by specialists with appropriate education and their own experience in human resource management. It is worth noting that in higher educational institutions with a legal and economic focus, you can get an education in the specialty “personnel management”, which already implies the opportunity to achieve success in administration.

    Human resource management is a very young area of ​​management. Management and personnel management are two inseparable terms. Management includes management of the organization, personnel and other areas. Personnel management emerged as a direct independent activity after the 1970s. The allocation of HR specialists has become a real revolution in the work of personnel. If previously personnel were controlled through managers at different levels, now these functions have been assumed by human resources managers. With the help of effective work of personnel management, it is possible to significantly increase the degree of human resources potential of the company, which could not be done previously.

    The concept of “personnel management” refers to activities aimed at the company’s human resources. With the help of such activities, the capabilities of employees and the goals, strategies, and features of the development of the enterprise are brought into balance. Personnel management has as its main goal the financial improvement of the enterprise by increasing the productivity of human resources.

    Elements of personnel management of an organization:

    • search and adaptation;
    • operational work with personnel (process of training, development, operational assessment, motivation, management of business communications and remuneration);
    • strategic work with personnel.

    Figure 1. Levels of personnel management in an organization.

    Personnel management at an enterprise determines the following tasks:

    1. Staff according to the organization's development strategy, taking into account different development prospects. When staffing, the manager focuses on the production implementation of the plan and various financial indicators.
    2. Create a reserve of upcoming managers to ensure continuity, as well as reduce the risk of loss of personnel.
    3. Make intelligent decisions in relation to managers who cannot cope with their professional tasks.
    4. Orient HR managers to fulfill the production plan.
    5. Engage in personnel development of personnel, constantly improving their knowledge base, developing personal qualities that are necessary to fulfill the employee’s job tasks.

    The extremely efficient use of labor resources in an enterprise is achieved through the competent activities of personnel managers.

    Modern HR management

    Personnel management in a modern organization is one of the leading areas of its development. Nowadays, managers prefer to invest their main efforts not in production or stimulation of the material base, but in the human component. Employees are the leading source of funding. Hiring, training and maintaining them all require significant costs. When assessing modern companies, one of the criteria was maintaining a high level of corporate culture. Compared to the past, caring for people who generate income through their work is becoming the main area. Managers draw a direct correlation between caring for their employees and increasing their productivity levels. One of the main conditions for such an attitude towards personnel is the preparation of a clear and regulated personnel policy.

    Personnel policy forms the basis of all personnel management in an organization. Managers rely on it when making specific decisions regarding the employee. Based on personnel policy, it is customary to consider various aspects of personnel management.

    Aspects are divided into:

    • technical and technological (main elements - expansion of a specific production, features of technology and equipment, production situation);
    • organizational and economic (the composition and number of employees, incentive methods, working hours, etc. are considered);
    • legal (the side of compliance with labor legislation in the employer-employee system);
    • socio-psychological (introduction of various social and psychological trainings into the direct labor process);
    • pedagogical (increasing staff qualifications).

    Management has its own laws and patterns of personnel management, which form the basis of the work. They need to be studied, because they are interpreted as a framework for the requirements for HR managers:

    1. The set of elements of personnel management must correspond to the tasks, characteristics and expansion of the organization.
    2. Systematic personnel management - it is important to take into account all the interrelations of the personnel management system.
    3. Centralization and decentralization must be optimally combined.
    4. Proportional comparison of the elements of the management system and the complex of subsystems. You cannot improve only one subsystem, then an imbalance will appear in the second one, which will need to be eliminated. Improvement and expansion require an integrated approach.
    5. Diversity of personnel management system (complex production – complex management).
    6. Changes in management functions. With the expansion of production, the role of some functions increases and the importance of others decreases.

    HR process

    To describe the process of personnel management at an enterprise, consider a management diagram. Following this diagram gives an understanding of the processes. It defines the levels of personnel management (Fig. 1):

    1. The highest level is the management branch of the company. At this level, priorities in working with staff and management tactics and principles are highlighted. Programs, regulations, and instructions for the personnel department are approved here.
    2. The middle level is functional. These are direct HR specialists. Their functionality comes down to the creation of personnel procedures and methodological work with personnel.
    3. The lower level is the immediate managers of structural units who are engaged in direct work with subordinates.

    Effective management of an organization's employees is achieved only with the continuous interaction of all elements of this scheme.

    In market conditions, competition is growing, and the requirements for the labor market are becoming more stringent. The manager has to react very quickly to all surrounding changes. Managing an organization's personnel is never monotonous. It is becoming increasingly difficult to stimulate and motivate employees, especially involving them in short-term work. These and other features of personnel management require the manager to be highly qualified and mobile in order to be able to take into account all possible factors influencing personnel management.

    Personnel planning, selection

    The mechanism of personnel management begins with labor resource planning. The manager needs information about the composition of the workforce to set the organization’s goals. A system of indicators helps the HR department plan.

    Planning takes place in three stages:

    1. Assessment of available resources.
    2. Forecasting future needs.
    3. Planning measures to meet future needs.

    An analysis is made of indicators such as category of employees, age category, educational group, length of service, gender structure, turnover, internal mobility, absence rate, labor productivity, and so on. This data allows you to consistently plan personnel and the amount of funding in the personnel area. Personnel planning provides information about what kind of workers are required.

    The results of the analysis are compared with the situation at the enterprise. From what is available and necessary, vacancies are determined, which HR managers (HR specialists) strive to fill with the most suitable people.

    The process of filling vacancies follows the following scheme: detailing the requirements for the open position and the immediate workplace - selection of candidates - their selection - employment.

    An important sign of serious selection is a set of formalized requirements for candidates. Usually they are drawn up in the form of a job description, which clearly indicates all the responsibilities of the future employee.

    Once the requirements are determined, the manager proceeds to selecting candidates. You can attract them through searching within the organization, using the media, the Internet, or visiting educational institutions. There is no single method - an HR manager uses various variations, depending on the goal.

    The selection of candidates for a vacant position involves:

    • interview (initial acquaintance);
    • collection of information on a specific system, further processing;
    • drawing up correct “portraits” and assessing the qualities of the applicant;
    • comparison of existing qualities and required ones;
    • comparison of several applicants for a vacant position, and then selection of the suitable one;
    • approval of the candidate for the position with the conclusion of an employment contract.

    At the initial stage of selection, candidates who are capable of performing the required functions are identified, then the circle is extremely narrowed, and a reserve is formed for further selection. Candidates are analyzed based on resumes sent to the employer. If the resume meets the requirements for the candidate that the company sets, it is concluded that the candidate is invited to a personal meeting, that is, an interview is held.

    Interview as a stage of candidate selection

    The interview aims to achieve the following goals:

    • it is necessary to correctly determine the candidate’s competence, personal qualities, and also identify the degree of interest in the work;
    • the manager must convey to the candidate information about the enterprise, the advantages of working there, talk about the content of the work, the adaptation process and deadlines;
    • it is necessary to identify the expectations of each party, their coincidence or discrepancy, and then find the optimal solution;
    • give the applicant the opportunity to make his own decision and assess how much he wants to fill the vacant position.

    80-90% of applicants are immediately eliminated after the first interview. The rest undergo psychological and professional analysis to determine the degree of suitability for work in an open position.

    Testing is a fairly reliable way to select candidates. It is more effective than others in identifying the best candidates and weeding out the weak ones. The test helps to identify the speed of work of future employees, accuracy, attention and visual memory. However, the final choice is made not on the basis of testing, but on the basis of less formalized methods, because the test is not effective enough in identifying positive personality traits, as opposed to negative ones.