The children's scene on Mother's Day is fun. The script for Mother's Day is fun. Poetry congratulations. mother's day

  • 17.05.2020

Scenes for the holiday Mother's Day with the participation of 2 people: mother and son, which can be easily played.

1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, mom tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.

- Get up, son, you'll be late for school again!
- I do not want! Petrov always fights with me!
- Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school for the start of classes!
- Nu its, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!
- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again!
- Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!
- Son, you have to go to school, you're still the director!

2. The plot of the scene. Geography lesson, teacher and fifth-grader.

The theme of the lesson is the compass and orientation on it. The student does not understand anything, and the teacher tries to explain to him:
- Here look! This is a compass, it can be used to determine which side of the world is! You see, here is a red arrow and a blue one! Ahead along the arrow is north, to the right is east, to the left is west, and what is behind?
The student lowers his head, pauses, and then shouts resentfully:
- And I told my mother that you will notice a hole in my pants!

3. Scene "Assistant".

The boy Dima is diligently sweeping the floor, singing "a grasshopper was sitting in the grass." A dressed mother enters the door, a bag in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, frightened dropping the keys, asks:
Mom: Dima, what happened?
Dima: Nothing!
M.- How nothing? Why are you sweeping the floor?
D. - But because it was dirty.
M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got an A for behavior, and the penultimate one when you wanted to recycle.
-Did you wipe the dust?
D. - Wiped!
M. - Himself!
D. - Himself!
M. - Dima, tell me what happened? Tell me what have you done?
D. - Yes, I say nothing! It was just dirty and I cleaned it up.
M. - (suspiciously) And why did you remove your bed?
Dima.- Just like that. Removed everything.
M. - (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth!!! Why am I being called to the principal of the school?
D.- Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, had lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.
M. - Himself?
D.- Sam.
Mom faints.
D. - (frightened) Mommy! What happened to you? Now I'll bring you some water.
(pouring water)
D.- Day of help to parents, day of help to parents !!! Here, enjoy! (points to mom) I should have said right away that it was only for one day.
M. - (raises his head with interest) Will everything be the same tomorrow?
D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.
(Mom faints again)

4. Son: Now I will talk with my mother in verse on the day of the holiday.

Mom enters with heavy bags.
Son: I can’t even find words,
Well, how can you, mom,
Carry weights in purses
Ten kilos?
I look, a little light has come again
Are you from the supermarket...
Mom: So what do you do? Give advice?
Son: Go twice, mom!

Entertaining performances-pranks will help to make the holiday interesting and please its guests. Original sketches for Mother's Day will help to amuse parents, educators, and teachers. Simple plots, easy presentation of numbers will help make the holiday colorful and fun. Short and funny numbers are perfect for elementary school and kindergarten students. Entertaining incidents can be perfectly played by high school students. The considered video examples with ideas for selecting characters will allow you to find best option for both schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Funny and funny skits for elementary school for Mother's Day

Children who have only recently become schoolchildren should definitely prepare a funny scene for Mother's Day. This number will help them to express themselves with positive side, reveal acting talents and at the same time just please your beloved mom. Great for solving such a problem, playing around everyday and family situations. Looking at each other's usual shortcomings, you can have fun laughing at them and come up with an extraordinary solution to everyday problems.

Number "How I help my mother" for primary and secondary classes

The issue deals with the situation when the unfortunate assistant tries to write essays on the topic “Help to Mom”. And at this time, her mother tries not to distract her from her studies and does household chores herself:

A cool scene for Mother's Day at the elementary school "Mom's Children"

An interesting number tells about mother's golden children who haunt her after household chores. This performance is suitable for elementary school students.

Funny scenes from high school students for Mother's Day with interesting videos

High school students usually choose the numbers for the performance themselves. Therefore, each of them will be able to find that scene for Mother's Day for high school students, which will be played by them really beautifully and in an original way. Teachers should only help the guys with the rehearsal, advise on good costumes, offer to create simple scenery.

Mother's Day High School Video Scene - "Mom and Me"

One girl is playing a mother, the second is gradually maturing daughter. The issue displays different everyday situations, shows how the relationship between parents and children changes with their growing up. The difference between individual episodes is conventionally 5 years.

Ideas for funny and short sketches for Mother's Day for schoolchildren with examples

Funny and short sketches for Mother's Day are usually picked up by teachers for children. But by inviting the children to choose their favorite dialogues from the proposed options, you can be sure that they will learn them well and play them beautifully. It is advisable to select texts from in simple words and understandable meaning. This will help the students understand the comedy of the situation and portray it as believably as possible when speaking. Among the proposed options, you can find really original and funny scenes for Mother's Day:

Mom, we used to write at school!!!

What did you write?

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandfather. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes in your homework.

Vovochka, who would you like to be?

Lion or tiger!

To make everyone afraid of me.

Even the teacher?

Oh no! Nothing will scare our teacher.

The teacher asked an essay on the topic: "If I were the director of the company ...".

Everyone diligently writes, and only Vovochka looks out the window.

Why don't you write?

I'm expecting a secretary.

It is very beautiful to perform such performances both in the initial and in high school. It is important to help the guys in choosing costumes. It can be everyday wear or special outfits. The selection of costumes should take into account the peculiarity of the scene about Mother's Day, the theme. Performances can also be supplemented by a separately selected entertainer. One of the students can independently announce the numbers, which will help the students speaking not to confuse the order of performances.

Kind sketches for Mother's Day in kindergarten: video tips for teachers and parents

It is not difficult to choose entertaining numbers for children, because they are best suited for kids. Funny performances will be interesting for children from primary, secondary and senior group. But when choosing a script and compiling dialogues, musical accompaniment, you need to take into account some rules. They will help you correctly compose a number and prepare well for it:

  1. Dialogues should be short and entertaining. Children should feel the comedy of the situation. Therefore, funny numbers should include short and simple lines. This will help the baby quickly remember the text and easily reproduce it. And even if, due to excitement, the child forgets his words, he will be able to improvise and express the thought with a similar phrase.
  2. The musical accompaniment should be appropriate and not loud. High-quality background music can also be considered the key to a successful performance. Therefore, funny scenes for Mother's Day in kindergarten not without entertaining compositions. But they should sound softly, otherwise they will distract the guys from the number.
  3. Costumes must match the image of the child in the episodes.

It is necessary to choose such outfits that can completely transfer the child to a fictional scene. For example, if mom, dad, son are playing back, it is recommended to choose suitable costumes: for dad - trousers and a shirt, for mom - a beautiful dress, for son - t-shirt and jeans.

Children in kindergarten should change clothes behind the scenes. After all, on a holiday they will be smart and beautiful, so the transformation into an image will take place during the event. It is important for girls to choose simple costumes that can be easily fastened with Velcro or a snake. After all, parents usually make lush hairstyles for babies: you can’t spoil such beauty in any way.

A fascinating short skit about Mother's Day in kindergarten - "Again deuce"

The guys are making a film about how the son again gets a deuce. The director tries to consider the performance with different sides: comic, tragic. The number is accompanied by appropriate music and therefore looks great and cheers up well.

An entertaining children's scene for Mother's Day "Family" for primary, secondary groups

Children depict everyday scenes in which parents do not pay attention to their child. The comical nature of the situation is emphasized by the corresponding "busyness" of adults: they read the newspaper, talk on the phone. The situation is ridiculed by transferring it to such small actors.

(There is a table on the stage, at which the grandmother sits and knits a stocking, and a little further on the chair sits a doll. It turns out that the girl Liza turns to the doll).

Lisa: Hello daughter dear
What are you doing dear
Maybe you want to eat
After all, I instantly cook - then cabbage soup.
Or warm up your compote?
You say dear
Without wasting time.

(Liza sits down next to the doll and starts playing with it. Liza's mother enters the stage and turns to Liza).

Mother: Hello my daughter
I've already come home
Haven't seen you all day
How are things in the garden?
What are you eating? What did you drink?
Did you sleep well?
Let me hug you
Daughter, my love.
Do you want me to play with you
Or maybe we'll drink tea
Maybe we'll draw or take a walk,
Tell me, what are you dreaming about now?
Anything you want, we'll do
Speak, don't be shy.

(grandmother approaches her daughter and addresses her)

Grandmother: Good evening my daughter,
Have you already arrived?
How are things at work there?
Have you spent your time today?
Well, let's go eat
After all, you are hungry, for sure,
Are you very hungry?
You sit down at the table,
I'll pour you borscht
If you want, I will.
Now go lie down
You will have strength
Resting for just half an hour.
Maybe you want something
Just tell me quickly.

Leading: This is what it means to be a mom! Mom loves us, cares, protects us, no matter how old her child is. Being a mom is happiness!

Grandmother: Happiness is you! (points to his daughter and granddaughter)
It's very easy to be happy
Happiness begins with half a meter of growth.

Mother: Happiness is simple
Dirty diapers, sliders and undershirts.

Lisa: Happiness is simple
Soft toys, books and pillows,
Wrappers, sweets, cakes, omelettes.

Mother: What is happiness,
Those will answer you
Who has children.
Children are a great happiness on Earth.
That's what happiness is!

Leading: So let's say all of us together, with all the passion,
That being a mom is just happiness!

Now guess the riddles, you can answer all together, you don’t need to raise your hands.

Who is the cutest in the world
Everyone is kinder, more beautiful,
This is, of course, our (mother),
Mommy dear!

- Who in the world does everything, everything, has time,
And warms with his love
This is of course (mommy) mine,
dear, beloved, dear.

- We have a very complex program,
Our (mother) will help everyone master it.

- Makes the bed in the morning,
Reading books in the evening
And he always supports and understands me. (mother)

- I'm not afraid of the dark
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms
After all, with me always everywhere,
My mommy).

- All children, all elephants,
All mice, all goats,
There is the most beloved, kind and sweet,
(Mommy) dear, beloved, for everyone there is one such.

Leading: Well done, I am very glad that all my riddles,
You have found the correct answer.
And now to congratulate you
Dear mothers, they want small and mischievous children.

(Little children come out and sing a remake song in honor of Mother's Day, on motive of the song "Under the roof of your house").

1. We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful:
How to congratulate mom today
After all, we are lucky to have her. (2 times).

On mother's day, all sorrows
Let them disappear into nowhere
And only fun will remain
From night to morning. (2 times).

2. On mother's day, let him smile,
Double luck and always
May happiness remain with mom
And it will always be fun. (2 times).

We congratulate moms today
We wish you full love
And we give you a bouquet,
To congratulate you lovingly. (2 times).

(children take bouquets and hand them to their mothers).

Leading: Well, dear mothers, and now at the end of our wonderful holiday, let's dance with you.

(S. Mikhailov's song "Mom" is included), the boys-students invite their mothers to dance with them).

(after the dance, the lights go out, high school students light candles and one girl goes to the center of the hall and reads a touching, beautiful verse about her mother).

I remember my childhood, the night. That I'm lying in bed, so calm, serene ...
And you, my beloved, dear, read a book to me at night.
And I feel so good, comfortable, as if the angels are with me.
Ah, these magical, enchanting sounds, and warm, gentle mother's hands,
They inspire me with peace, comfort and tranquility.
How I want to turn to the Universe and ask her to always be happy, my beloved, dear, dear mother.

(This is where the scene ends.)

Purpose of the holiday: create conditions for the disclosure of the creative and intellectual abilities of children and parents, for the realization of the possibility of their creative self-expression.


  • the formation of a respectful attitude of children to their parents and parents to their children; cultural traditions in communication between adults and children;
  • to promote the development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in the families of students;
  • involvement of parents in joint activities with children;
  • develop a sense of pride in one's family; respectful, kind attitude towards their mothers;
  • learn to enjoy co-creation;
  • educate the ability to bring joy to people.

Conduct form: concert and competition program.

Duration: 90 minutes.

1 reader:

Who do we meet first?
Coming to the white world -
So this is our mother
She is not cuter.
All life revolves around her.
Our whole world will warm her,
All the century she tries
Save us from trouble.
She is the backbone of the house
Busy every hour.
And there's no one but
Who would love us so much.
So she has more happiness
And life is longer,
And joy is in her lot,
And less sad things!

2 reader:

If it hurts me
Mom good hand
Soothes pain
And brings peace with it.
And when the toy is new
I rejoice noisily
Smiling with me
My dear mother.
Let the wind carry with it
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is the best.

Song "Kva-kva"

Teacher: For the first time, looking at her baby, mom already knows: he is the best, most beautiful, most beloved. No matter how old we are, mothers will love us as tightly and tenderly as in childhood.

Scene "Thinking of children"

I'm thinking, I'm guessing
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Weigh the pros and cons!

And why do you need all this?

For a concrete answer!
Preparing for adulthood...

You came up with this cleverly!

Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.

Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us.

Ugh! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children, he is not alive!

But, let me tell you straight,
Mom is having a good rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solving problems for children
writing essay,
For various tricks
To scold, then to punish.
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Picking up toys again
Not sparing nerve cells,
Get the kids in bed!
Why do they need such a life?

Aerobics all the way!
Hurry up to get it all done.
No time to even get old.

Not! I still doubt
So many nerves and worries!
I'm more and more convinced
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them
And educate, teach,
Don't sleep at night
Survive day and night
Get sick to heal
Guilty - to beat,
And help with studies
And feed and decorate ...

What is the difficulty? I do not understand!
I dress up dolls!

Well, compared! In - gives!

Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
All the more important, I'll tell you straight.
Mom is a continuation in children.
And honor and respect!
And great love.

And care again and again ...

So, my friend, CALM!
while you raise children
You won't get bored for a moment.

Yes-ah-ah-ah, I got the answer -
The meaning of life is seen in this.

The meaning of life is seen in
So that the kids are full of house!
Every mother has a child!

Well, better than two!

So that mommy is bored
Didn't have a headache.

Slide 12 // Song "Don't scold me mom" Children give hearts.

Teacher: Dear mothers, we love you very much and always try to help you. It's just that it's different for us...

Yesterday I helped my mother:
I washed my own trousers
I twirled them in soapy foam
And sweated for three hours, sweated,
I beat my trousers with a stick,
I squeezed it myself, then dried it.
Clean - no nitpick to them!
But where are the holes from?

I decided to cook compote
On the morning of Mother's Day.
I took raisins, nuts, honey,
Kilogram of jam.
Put everything in a pot
Stirred, poured water,
Put on the stove
And added fire.
To make it taste better
I won't regret anything!
2 carrots, onion, banana,
Cucumber, flour glass,
Half a cracker
I added to my compote.
Everything was boiling, steam swirled ...
Finally, the compote was cooked.
Mom was very surprised
Laughed, admired.
Let's try it soon!

Mom drank a little
And ... coughed into her palm,
And then she said sadly:
“Wonder! Thank you! Delicious!"

That's when I become a mother
I will never get tired
Wash the dust, knit and sew,
make pies for everyone
Peel potatoes every day
wash dishes, cups, spoons...
No, I'll probably be a dad,
so as not to wash the dishes all my life.

Dance "Helpers"

Teacher: Which of you will help mom?

Children: We!

Teacher: Can we do laundry?


We will help mom
See for yourself.

Right hand forward, left hand forward, pull up the sleeve of the left hand, then the right.
Two tilts down (basin), wash right to left (repeat).
Rinse down, looked down, looked down.
Press right, left (repeat), shake (2 times), hang.
Down, up (hands on head) right, left, right. Tired (4 times).

Teacher: Will we wash the floors?

Children: We will, we will not forget!

They step back. In the right hand - a mop, in the left - a bucket.
4 steps forward (from the right) tilt to the left. Wash right, left (8 times). Rag with both hands to the right and left (8 times) Wipe the sweat (4 times).

Teacher: Can we iron the clothes?

Children: We'll deal with this quickly.

Left hand on the belt, in the right iron. Mahi right hand left and right (8 times). Laundry is folded (2 times), beaten with palms, (3 times) repeat.

Teacher: So the deeds are done, what are the children tired of?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Well done! You have completed all the tasks.


1. We are funny ditties
Let's dance and sing
And today we'll tell you everything
How we live with mothers.

2. Mom's holiday is here today,
Everyone is happy around.
We confess from the bottom of our hearts
Mom is the best friend.

3. Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
Washed everything.

4. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

5. Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

6. My brother, like me
Dreams of being a pilot.
If mom is at work
Everything in the house is flying.

7. I took a broom for revenge
To put things in order
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

8. We tried - cleaned up,
So that mothers do not get tired,
How mothers saw us
They immediately fainted.

9. What is the rumble, what is the noise?
The walls are all shaking.
This is me and my brother
We are getting home.

10. Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

My mother brings me toys, sweets,

She sings merry songs
We are never bored together.
I will tell my mother all my secrets,
But that's not why I love my mom.
I love my mom, I'll tell you straight
Well, just because she is my mother!

My mother's hands
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
So much love and power in them!
They fly all day
It's like they don't know.
Bring comfort to the house
The dress will be sewn new.
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!

Slide 20
slide 21
Slide 21 Video + music

Competition “Fruit Zoo”

Teacher: Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands. In their sensitive heart, love never goes out; it will not remain indifferent to anything. And often we have to use various tricks so that our children eat the whole lunch. And now the contest "Fruit Zoo" is being announced. Our mothers for a certain time must prepare an unusual animal from fruits and tell about it. This competition will evaluate originality and artistry on a five-point system. Children can help their mothers.

Competition “Do you know your children well?”

  1. Name your son's or daughter's favorite toy.
  2. Name the child affectionately.
  3. How tall is your daughter, son.
  4. What is your child's weight.
  5. What kind of work are the children reading in the reading lesson.
  6. How long is a lesson?
  7. Name a friend, your child's girlfriend.
  8. Your child's favorite TV show.
  9. How do you praise your child
  10. Does your child have secrets?
  11. Do you know your child's companions?
  12. What did the children draw in the last lesson?
  13. How many lessons do the children have on Monday?
  14. How many lessons of English language per week for your child?
  15. What is your child's place in the class?
  16. Name your child's favorite fruit.
  17. Name your child's favorite food.
  18. Name your child's favorite activity.
  19. What is your child's dream?
  20. For what act did you praise your son, daughter?
  21. Do you give difficult assignments to your son, daughter?

Slide 23 "Mom, dad and me = friendly family"

A boy and a girl take the stage.

Boy. You know, I heard that all the girls want to grow up quickly so that they can get married later.

Girl. Well, of course. And who among us does not want to receive gifts, flowers, sweets ...

Boy. So you think that when you become a wife and mother, you will only dress up, eat candy and receive gifts?

Girl. And how could it be otherwise?

Boy. But the statistics of one magazine that gives such figures ...

Students take turns coming to the board with posters in their hands.

On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of sick children. Moms who do not have the qualifications of a cook cook more than 50 types of a wide variety of dishes during their lives.

Mothers wash mountains of laundry. If you add up all the laundry they have washed in their lifetime, you get a mountain as high as Elbrus.

If you add up all the towels they have ironed, you get a belt for the entire globe.

Mom sing songs and read poetry, knit and sew, make repairs and put things in order.

They rejoice and grieve. And our mothers cry. Mother's tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called the Ocean of sadness.

Teacher: And also - to be a mother means to see the happy eyes of your children!

Game "Know the child"

Each group of parents is given photographs of children's eyes. Parents should find out and show everyone the photo.

Slides 31-52

joke questions

  • Live cactus. (Hedgehog.)
  • Living castle. (Dog.)
  • Mobile dairy. (Cow.)
  • A vegetable in which babies are found. (Cabbage.)
  • Snowman nose. (Carrot.)
  • The second bread of Russians. (Potato.)
  • Preparation for the carriage of Cinderella. (Pumpkin.)
  • Red-cheeked signor. (Tomato.)
  • Blush from the garden bed. (Beet.)
  • Vegetable is a symbol of bitterness. (radish)
  • Boxer fruit. (Pear.)
  • The most political Russian fruit. (Party “Yabloko”)

Slide 54 Thank you!

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world.
You look into the eyes, openly and directly,
No matter how far the road calls us,
We are accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone upsets her so often.
And a good mother forgives all this,
A beautiful mother forgives all this.

She amuses us in childhood with a toy,
Sometimes we whisper something to her happily.
Someday, mom, you will become an old woman,
But you will still be the most beautiful.
All the children in the world call mom
Sweet, good, dear most!
We will grow up and we will take care of our mother ourselves,
In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

Song "Mother's Day"

How many words I want to say
To all the women of our beloved land.
Wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck!
We live in the world for many years,
And many more, friends, we do not know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When your mom is next to you!

1. It's very easy to be a mother,
Only from morning to night
Dad needs to say:
"I am very tired!"

2. No, it's not difficult to be a mother:
Once, dinner is ready.
Well, take the dishes to wash -
There are no more cases.

3. By the way, wash
Sew something.
If you take a broom in your hands,
You can rest.

Under the weight of worries, without bending, stubbornly
She does her duty patiently.…
Each mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Keep quiet.
Don't mess around.
Do not shout.
Don't tumble.
And don't be stubborn
With dear mothers.
We make you a promise
Save you the hassle.
But of course the promise
We give you not for a year.
Not for an hour.
For two minutes
Two minutes of silence
Peace and rest.

Mothers must understand everything
What it is.
Do not interfere for two minutes.
Don't scream for two minutes.
Don't dangle your feet.
Try it yourself!

That's lovely. What mothers eat.
For this they are praised and honored.
Because they are good
Caring and so gentle.
For us, they are our support,
Hope, strength and strength.

And we praise today
Beloved, glorious feminine.
Our holiday is over
And we want to say more.
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health!

Don't get sick, don't get old
Never get angry.
And so young
Stay forever!

Wonderful song(parents and children sing)

– See you soon!


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