Wintering birds for preschoolers an occupation for a speech therapy group. Publications. Summary of speech therapy classes in the senior group

  • 19.11.2019

A synopsis of a speech therapy lesson is presented, which summarizes the knowledge of children on the topic studied.

Program content:

  • expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children on the topic, fixing in speech the names of wintering birds, their body parts; consolidation of the general concept "Wintering birds"
  • development of children's thinking on the material of descriptive riddles
  • automation and differentiation of sonorous and hissing sounds in children's spontaneous speech
  • strengthening the ability of children to divide words into syllables
  • development of coherent speech of children: the ability to compose a story according to reference schemes
  • developing reading skills by building words from syllables
  • development of visual and auditory perception; development of interhemispheric interaction
  • development of general and fine motor skills of the fingers
  • developing the ability to interact with each other
  • education of a humane, careful, caring attitude to the world around, to wintering birds

Equipment and materials:

  • subject and silhouette (for shading) pictures depicting wintering birds
  • bird models for each child
  • pictures of wintering birds hanging from the ceiling
  • magnetic board
  • reference scheme for compiling a story on the topic "Wintering Birds".
  • didactic game"Name the part of the whole"
  • didactic game "Make a word"
  • sponges (2 pieces for each child)
  • simple pencils for each child.

Lexical material: sparrow, crow, titmouse, bullfinch, dove, woodpecker, crossbill, magpie, feeder, food, hibernating, pecking, croaking, etc.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we have to perform many different tasks. In order to successfully deal with them, we need to properly prepare. Let's do the gymnastics for the head.

Kinesiology gymnastics

  • First, let's put on the "smart hat". (Forefinger and thumb pulls the earlobes down or imitates tying a knot under the chin.)
  • Now let's pose. (Opens his mouth wide and presses his index fingers on the middle of his cheeks.)
  • Let's show" smart owl". (He puts his right hand on his left shoulder and slightly presses, slowly turns his head to the left back, then to the right back, changes his hand and repeats the movement of the head.)

Owl Owl,
Big head.
Sitting on a bitch
Looks at everyone.

(Children, together with a speech therapist, perform each exercise 3-4 times.)

Gymnastics for the eyes "Find the named bird."

(On the instructions of a speech therapist, children find with their eyes, without turning their heads, a picture suspended from the ceiling with the image of the named bird)

Speech therapist: Well done! Now you are ready to complete the tasks.

  1. Generalization of material on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Speech therapist: Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about today in class. (Children's answers.) That's right, about wintering birds. What birds do we call wintering? (Wintering birds are those birds that are not afraid of the cold, stay with us for the winter and do not fly south to warmer climes in the fall). Name the wintering birds you know. (Children call the birds, and the speech therapist puts their images on a magnetic board - a crow, a magpie, a crossbill, a waxwing, a bullfinch, a tit, a sparrow, a capercaillie, a dove, a woodpecker). And now let's determine the number of syllables in words - the names of wintering birds. (Children perform the task of a speech therapist, separating syllables in words by squeezing foam sponges)

Now I suggest you solve riddles about wintering birds. (Children guess riddles, while one child looks for an image - a guess on a magnetic board)

Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is it? (Sparrow.)

Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains,
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again. (Bullfinch.)

black vest,
red beret,
Tail like an emphasis
Nose like an axe. (Woodpecker)

White cheeks -
blue bird,
Sharp beak -
By itself is small.
Yellow breast -
It … (Titmouse)

It's important to walk
And cooing and pecking. (Pigeon.)

  • What do all birds have in common? (2 wings, 2 legs, tail, round head, oval body, feathers, down)
  • How do they differ from each other? (Dimensions, coloration, plumage)
  • Let's assemble a model that shows the common body parts of all birds. (Children assemble the proposed model from the parts lying on each tray)
  • Didactic exercise "Why?" (Children answer the speech therapist's questions)
  • What is the bird's beak for?
  • Why do birds have wings?
  • Why do birds have legs (feathers, tail)?

Speech therapist: And now let's shade the silhouettes of birds offered to you. Follow the direction of the hatch (children do the task). Did you stroke?

Children: We hatched.

Speech therapist: And now everyone stood up together. Let's turn into birds.

  1. Fizminutka.
  1. Game "Birds" (children perform exercises, repeating them after a speech therapist)
  1. Speech therapist: Birds are hungry and cold in winter. People take care of them, make bird feeders. Let's find out which birds flew to our feeder.

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

  1. Development of reading skills.

Speech therapist: Many birds flew to our feeder to rest and eat. You have syllables written on colorful feathers on your tables. If we correctly compose words with you from these syllables, we will find out what birds eat in winter and how we can feed them. Please write out the words from the given syllables. (Children work in pairs, and they get different words: seeds, berries, crumbs, seeds, grain, nuts, lard)

  • List the formed words. How can you call it all in one word? (Food, food, food)
  • Who is this food for? (for birds)
  • Whose food is this? (Birdseed)
  • Whose food is this? (Bird food)
  1. The development of connected speech.

Speech therapist: The birds pecked at the treat prepared for them and flew away. Only a sparrow, a bullfinch and a magpie remained. I propose to compose descriptive stories about these birds according to reference schemes.

The speech therapist exposes drawings on a magnetic board that make up the basic scheme of the story in the following sequence:

bird name

<Рисунок 1>

What is this bird? Wintering or migratory?

<Рисунок 2>

Is this bird big or small?

<Рисунок 3>

Name the body parts of a bird, the features of its appearance.

<Рисунок 4>

What does it eat in winter?

<Рисунок 5>

Where does he sleep?

<Рисунок 6>

What are the benefits of this bird?

<Рисунок 7>

Children write descriptive stories

  1. Fixing the material

Speech therapist: We did a good job today in class. To consolidate what we have learned, let's play the game "Name the whole by part" and remember the wintering birds known to us. (The speech therapist shows the children a picture depicting a distinctive part of the body of a wintering bird, and the children should name this bird). The formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech on the topic "Vegetables and fruits"
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Oksana Ryabchenko
"Winter Birds". Open speech therapy lesson for children of the senior logo group


Target: Formation, assimilation of knowledge, why winter birds are called; what do they eat; Where live; what is their use; how people help birds in winter.

Correctional - educational:

1. consolidation and clarification of names wintering birds, their characteristic external signs, habitats, food; enrichment of the vocabulary on this topic.

Correction - developing tasks:

1. learn to form the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases,

2. agree on nouns in the instrumental case,

3. form complex adjectives,

4. form phrasal speech;

5. consolidate and clarify knowledge children about wintering birds and their life in winter

6. development of thinking when drawing up a split picture, when working with encryption cards;

7. develop sensory-visual perception, logical thinking, attention, fine, general motor skills, coordination of movements with speech;

Correctional - educational:

1. cultivate respect for birds,

2. to fix the emotional adequacy of behavior on classes,

3. educate the desire to protect and protect wintering birds.

Methods and techniques: explanation, reminder, repetition, conversation, presentation, story speech therapist about wintering birds, showing how to perform exercises, helping children with tasks.

Dictionary: wintering birds, sparrow, crow, magpie, tit, bullfinch, dove, woodpecker, waxwing, crossbill, red-breasted, white-sided, yellow-breasted, thick-billed, long-tailed.

Equipment: presentation " wintering birds", subject pictures wintering birds; envelopes with cut pictures birds; beanie masks wintering birds, a treat for birds(millet, seeds, a piece of lard, rowan berries, bread crumbs, a crust of bread, a tray.

Speech therapist: - Guys, look out the window. What season is it now? (Winter.) Tell me the signs of winter.

D / I "Think and answer" (cold weather has come; a blizzard howls, a strong, gusty wind blows (an evil wind, the whole earth is covered with snow, ice has frozen in the river, the sea; people dress in warm winter clothes)

Speech therapist: - Guys, today I invite you for a walk in a fabulous winter forest.

Speech therapist: - How can we go there? (on skis, sleds, on foot).

Exercise "Snowstorm".

Children perform movements accordingly text:

Speech therapist: - Wow, zimushka-winter, swirled, swept (children stand on their toes and raise their hands up, then lower)

All paths, all paths - neither drive nor pass (children walk, raising their knees high).

We got up on skis together, ran after each other (children walk quickly one after another).

So we ran into the forest. And it's cold in the forest. Let's get warm.

And in the forest frost and wind,

And children are walking in the forest.

Handles, handles warm,

Handles, handles rub.

We are not afraid of frost

This is how we dance. Cheek pinching

Finger tapping movements

Rub your palms together and make a sound [y], [s]

With index fingers, massage the wings of the nose.

Zigzag movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples

Speech therapist: - Guys, listen. Someone knocks on wood presentation: a woodpecker knocks on a tree, pictures appear. Children guess what is written in the letter from the pictures)

sos! sos! sos! Save! For help! We're dying!

Speech therapist: - Guys, this is a distress signal. Who is waiting for our help? This we can find out after you fold the split pictures.

D / and "Fold the bird." (Working with a split picture)

(Children fold cut pictures with the image wintering birds.)

Speech therapist: - Who did you get in the pictures? (sparrow, titmouse, magpie, crow, dove, woodpecker)

Guys, in a word, who turned out? (birds)

What is it birds? (wintering)

Why do we call them wintering birds? (Birds, which remain to winter or fly to us in winter from the north, are called wintering).

Speech therapist: - Guys, look. They flew to us wintering birds. Let's play with them.

Visual gymnastics "Birds"

The birds flew to the right

The birds flew to the left

The birds flew up and sat on a branch.

The birds turned gray and flew down. children look to the right

children look to the left

Children look up

Children look down.

Speech therapist: - Guys, now a strong wind has blown and our birds have flown away.

Breathing exercise "Wind" (children blow on birds)

Speech therapist: - Guys, a tit, a crow's sparrow, a woodpecker, a magpie, doves - that's all wintering birds. But there is more birds that you don't know about. I will tell you about them today.

To help our wintering birds, we must with you to know: where they live wintering birds how they look, what they eat. Let's help it birds?

PRESENTATION wintering birds.

Guys, look carefully at the screen?

Pigeon. - What is the name of this winter bird? (pigeon). What covers the body of all birds? (with feathers). What color are dove feathers? (greyish-gray). What does a dove eat? (crumbs, grains, bread crusts, food leftovers).

Sparrow. Guys, what is this? winter bird? (sparrow). What color are sparrow feathers? (brownish-brown above and white bottom) . What do these people eat birds? (bread crumbs, grains, berries, food leftovers).

Crow. - Guys, what is the name of this winter bird? (crow). What color plumage do these birds? (the body is ash-gray, the head, front of the throat, wings and tail are black). What are their nests made of? birds? (from twigs, straw, sticks, feathers). What do crows eat? (leftover food, crusts of bread, pieces of meat).

Magpie. - Guys, who guessed what it is winter bird? (magpie). Why is the magpie called "magpie - white-sided"? (because the magpie has a belly, shoulders and separate places on the wings (sides) white). Do magpies, guys, fly well? (magpies do not fly very well, they prefer to jump from place to place). What do magpies eat? (grains, seeds, crusts, food leftovers)

Bullfinch. - And what is this winter bird? (bullfinch). What color is a bullfinch's chest? (red). And if the bullfinch has a red breast, then what will we call it? Bullfinch (which)- red chested. When do chicks appear at bullfinches? (spring) What do bullfinches eat? (seeds, berries, plant buds).


blushed bushes

Not from the dawn

These are red lanterns.

The snowmen lit up.

They clean crimson feathers,

They drink water from a spring.

Bell overflows

We can hear from afar! Pinch cheeks

Show flashlights

wave your hands

"Cleaning feathers"

"Drink Water"

Clap your hands

Tit. - Guys, tell me what is the name of this winter bird? (tit) What color are her feathers? (gray-brown color, white cheeks on the sides of the head, yellow chest). If a tit has a yellow breast, what do we call it? (yellow chested). What do tits eat? (grains, seeds, berries, seeds, fat, meat).

Spotted woodpecker. - And what is this winter bird? (woodpecker). Why is the woodpecker called the "doctor of the forest"? (The woodpecker eats insects, various pests that live in the bark of trees). What's on the woodpecker's head? (red Riding Hood). What do woodpeckers eat? (seeds of spruce and pine cones, insect larvae are taken out from under the bark.

Speech therapist: - Oh, guys, look what a miracle happened.

D / and "One - many."

There was one titmouse, but there were many titmouse.

One sparrow - many sparrows

One crow - many crows

One forty - many forty

One tit - many tits

One bullfinch - many bullfinches

One sparrow - many sparrows

One dove - many doves

Speech therapist: - Guys, and now I'll tell you about others wintering birds(story speech therapist) .

Waxwing is a large, very beautiful bird with a perky tuft on his head and a black spot on his throat. And it is named so because the word "whistle" on old Russian language means to shout loudly, whistle. Waxwings live in mixed forests. At the beginning of spring, waxwings make a very powerful nest, and its bottom is lined exclusively with feathers, and not with hard branches. Here the female will patiently incubate future chicks, and the male will carefully feed them. These birds with rowan fruits, wild rose, barberry, often completely harvesting these bushes.

Klest - large bird ripe raspberry color with long and narrow wings, short thick paws with strong fingers. home distinguishing feature crossbill - a beak folded in a cross. This peculiar beak helps bird to get seeds, taking them out of the cones. Crossbills chicks appear both in autumn and spring, but more often, oddly enough, in winter. True, the continuation of the family is possible only when food supplies are "at hand".

The crossbill settles in coniferous and mixed forests.

The crossbill feeds on seeds of pine and fir cones, berries.

Guys, do you want me to turn you into wintering birds? To do this, you need to say magic the words:

One, two, three - turn around and in winter birds turn!

Fairy tale "The most beautiful outfit." Storytelling for children.

Crow: (looks in the mirror). I have a boring outfit, and besides, it quickly gets dirty. Is it different birds: the bullfinch has a red breast, the peacock has a beautiful tail, and the parrot walks all over the color. I'll fly - I'll go to the owl, let her think of something.

Owl: - Threads and paints - these are my friends.

fly in birds

I will color everyone.

The tit flies. Titmouse: - Hello, dear owl!

Owl: - Hello, titmouse!

Titmouse: - I was so cold in winter, I wanted to see the sun as soon as possible. Make my outfit always remind me of him!

Owl: - Where is my yellow paint? Come on, give me your boobs. Now I will paint it yellow, and it will always remind you of the sun!

Titmouse: - Thank you, dear owl. Goodbye!

The sparrow has arrived. Sparrow: - Hello, dear owl.

Owl: - Hello, sparrow.

Sparrow: - Today there will be a big concert, and I will perform in chore: - Chick-chirp!

I ask you to help me very much, I need a special suit. But only slightly bright and colorful.

Owl: - I think a brown suit will suit you.

Sparrow: - I praise you for your work

And thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The woodpecker has arrived. Woodpecker: - Good afternoon I tell you!

Owl: - Come on, friend, please!

Woodpecker: - I live a woodpecker for many years,

I knock everywhere and fly the forest!

So that the orderly knew everything -

Please help me!

Owl: - Bright paint I have for you,

Red Riding Hood will be yours!

Woodpecker: - Per effort and kindness

Crow: - Hello, lady owl!

Owl: - Hello, raven!

Crow: - Paint my outfit in the most beautiful color. I want to amaze everyone with my beauty!

Owl: - Good!

Do you want a blue dress like a heron? - Not!

Do you want a red riding hood like a woodpecker?

Not! Choose for me a color completely unseen, like no other there was no bird.

Author: - The raven left his white plumage to the owl, and he flew away. For a long time the owl chose an unprecedented color and, in the end, dyed the feathers of the raven black - the blackest color, blacker than the clouds. A raven flew in, put on a new dress, looked in the mirror, and gasped.

Crow: - Oh, what a beautiful color! I like it very much! Thank you, owl! Now I have the most beautiful outfit.

Speech therapist: - Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The most beautiful outfit"). What winter birds you remember? (raven, owl, tit, woodpecker, sparrow). How did the fairy tale end? (the owl dyed the feathers of the raven black. The raven liked the outfit).

Speech therapist: - Guys, how does a person help in winter birds? (builds feeders, feeds birds)

Speech therapist: - Guys, look what kind of feeder your parents made! Let's invite here wintering birds.

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How birds to our feeder

Arrived? We will tell.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six crossbills and doves

Woodpecker in colorful feathers -

Everyone had enough grains. Clench and unclench your fists

Bend one finger

Rhythmically clench and unclench fists

Speech therapist: - Guys, now let's treat our wintering birds.

Look at this tray. What do you see on it? (bread, lard, seeds, mountain ash, seeds, grains). Now let's feed our birds.

Finger theater "What can you treat wintering birds?" (children put on fingers birds and choose food)

Speech therapist: - Guys, now tell us in which wintering birds you have turned and what kind of food you chose.

- I'm a sparrow: chirp-chirp. I love eating grains.

- Me, magpie: page-page I love eating bread crumbs.

- I dove: hum-hum. I love eating seeds.

Speech therapist: - Guys, what good fellows you are. Everyone was fed wintering birds. We will hang this feeder on a tree, and real ones will fly to us. wintering birds.

III Outcome lessons.

Guys, where have we been today? (in the winter forest)

Who were we talking about? (about wintering birds) .

What new winter birds you remember? (crossbill, waxwing).

Speech therapist: - Guys, winter continues. It's cold outside. And we must not forget about wintering birds: build feeders, feed birds.

Speech therapist: - OK it's all over Now. Our trip to the winter forest is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Repeat after me magic the words: - One, two, three, turn around and return to the kindergarten!

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, generalizing the tin "birds"; learn to form the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases, coordinate nouns with numerals from 1 to 5, nouns in the instrumental case, form complex adjectives, select epithets for words; develop coordination of movements with speech; educate respect for wintering birds.

Equipment: subject pictures of wintering birds; envelopes with split pictures of birds; cards for the game "Merry Score"; treats for birds (millet, seeds, a piece of lard, rowan berries, bread crumbs, a crust of bread); "magic snowball", "magic wand".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher. Guys, look out the window. What season is it now? (Winter.) Today we will talk about wintering birds.

Exercise "Snowstorm".

Children perform movements according to the text:

Wow, winter-winter, swirled, swept

All paths, all paths - neither drive nor pass.

We got up on skis together, ran after each other.

Teacher. So we ran into the forest. And there is snow all around. And a "magic snowball" flew to me.

2. Main part: games.

"Name the Sign"

Snow (which?)- white, fluffy, soft, light, sticky wet, loose, clean, etc. (Children choose definitions.)

The winter forest is sad.

Who hid secrets under the snow?

Why is the river silent?

Doesn't the bird song sound?

Enter the forest carefully

Do not wake up the secrets of the forest.

Teacher. Why do you think it's so quiet in the forest? (Birds don't sing.) Why don't the birds sing? (Fly away to warmer climes.)

Guys, I see birds here (shows subject pictures depicting wintering birds), It means that not all the birds have flown away. So the winter has prepared the first surprise for us. "Put down the bird." Children add up from cut pictures of birds, each calls his bird.

How to call them in one word? (Birds.)

Why don't these birds sing in the forest?

And where did they fly off to? (Closer to the person.)

What for? (The man feeds them.)

These birds stay with us for the winter. So these are birds! (Winterers.)

"Who are we going to feed?"

Teacher. How many birds flew in, let's feed them! I will treat the crow with a crust of bread. And you? (Children's answers.)

The birds have eaten. Let's look at them carefully. How different they are! Why are they called birds?

Children talk about the structure of birds.

"What are the stories? which?"

- If a bird has a white side, what is it? (White-sided.)

What bird is called white-sided? (White-sided magpie.)

The bird has a yellow breast, what is it like?

What bird is called yellow-breasted?

- If a bird has a red breast, what is it like? What bird is called red-breasted?

- If a bird has a thick beak, what is it like?

What bird is called a thick-billed bird?

- If a bird has a short beak, what is it like?

What bird is called short-beaked? Etc.

Teacher. Guys, our birds have eaten, and we will have a rest, we will have a physical education session.

Physical education minute

The snowman sat on a branch,

It rained, he got wet,

Wind blow a little

Discuss the snowman for us.

"Cheerful account" (by cards).

Teacher. How many birds flew to us! Let's count them. (Children count birds.) All birds were counted. Do you think birds can talk?

Crow - croaks, forty - chirp, sparrow - tweets, pigeon - cooing.

Teacher. Let's see if our birds have not flown away? Not here. Then let's play.

"One is many."

Crow - crows - many crows, etc.

Teacher. Oops, something sparkled here! Yes, this is my magic wand. Do you want me to turn you all into bullfinches? (Pronounces a spell: “Turn around yourself, you will turn into a bullfinch.”)

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Children perform improvised movements according to the text:

Here on the branches, look

Bullfinches in red T-shirts,

Fluffed out feathers

Basking in the sun

They turn their heads, they want to fly away.

Shoo-shoo! Fly away!

For the blizzard! For the blizzard!

3. Summary of the lesson.

- What did we talk about?

What do birds do in winter?

What birds do you know?

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the topic: "Wintering Birds".

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: I offer a summary directly educational activities for older and preparatory children. This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers. During the lesson, children's knowledge about birds is consolidated.
Target: To consolidate, expand and generalize knowledge about wintering birds, to study their features. To form a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult times for them.
Educational area: Socio-communicative development.
- improve children's game interaction skills;
- to form a humane attitude towards wildlife, birds;
- to educate children in a communicative culture: the ability to conduct a conversation on a given topic, to perform creative work.
Educational area: cognitive development.
- to promote the development of attention stability in children in the process of performing sequential tasks on a visual and sound basis;
- to promote the development of logical thinking, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.
Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.
- to promote the development of associative thinking, creative imagination in children;
- to form an interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, to meet the needs of children in self-expression.
Educational area: Speech development.
-to consolidate the ability of children to answer questions with a full sentence;
- learn how to compose short stories about wintering birds;
- activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Wintering Birds"
- develop attention, thinking.
Educational area: Physical development.
- to continue work on strengthening health, developing motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility).

Preliminary work: reading books, talking, observing on walks, memorizing poems, solving riddles about birds, viewing slides, illustrations, making feeders.
Materials and equipment: cut-out pictures, illustrations of birds, blanks for making feeders, brushes and paints, scissors, or stationery knife, laptop, presentation on the topic "Wintering Birds".
Conducted with children: conversations, observations.
The GCD uses: methods and techniques.
Visual - showing illustrations, pictures; verbal - compiling a story, answering questions, conversations; practical - helping children; game - didactic games.

Progress of joint activities:
Split pictures depicting birds are laid out on the table (a bullfinch is on red cardboard, a titmouse is on yellow cardboard, a sparrow is on gray cardboard, a crow is on black cardboard).
Educator: Children come to the tables and look at the pictures, note that the pictures are of different colors. Select pictures by color and collect them. What did you get?
(Answers of children).
Educator: That's right, birds. And who can name the names of the birds that you have collected?
(children's answers).
Educator: And in a word, how to call these birds?
(children's answers)
Educator: That's right, wintering. Why do you think they are called so - wintering?
(children's answers).
Educator: Right. And now I will tell you riddles about birds, and you will tell me riddles, and I will show you pictures on the screen to help. Watch and listen carefully.
1. We differ in color,
Meet us in winter and summer
If we flap our wings,
We'll be in the blue sky.
Caw, sing and coo,
Feed us in winter...
Children, who are we? Name it. (Birds)
2. The back is greenish,
yellowish belly,
black hat,
And a strip of scarf. (tit)

3. You will find her in your yard,
She is to the delight of the children,
Don't you dare hurt her
This bird ... (sparrow)

4. Coloring - grayish,
Habit - thieving,
hoarse screamer,
Famous person,
Her name is ... (crow).

5. In the forest under the chirping, ringing and whistling,
The forest telegrapher knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And he signs ... (woodpecker).

6. In winter, on the branches of an apple tree!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

7.Look at the balcony:
He's been cooing here since morning.
This bird is a postman
Any route will fly. (Pigeon.)
8. What a table among birches,
Open air?
He treats in the cold.
Birds with grain and bread (feeding trough).
Educator: Correctly. What are feeders for? (children's answers). What do birds eat and what can be put in the feeder? (children's answers). Well done!
Educator: Well done ladies, you did a very good job.
Educator: Birds that come to us from the north with the onset of cold weather are called nomadic. Now I will show you pictures, and you will name these birds for me? (Children's answers)
Bullfinch, crossbill, waxwing, titmouse.
Educator: You did great. Pay attention to an easel in front of you, pictures are hung on the easel, look carefully at the pictures and try to say in a full sentence what is shown on them.
What birds flew to the feeder?
- What do titmouse eat?
What is the name of the bird house?
- What can you make a feeder from?
- What are the wintering birds?
- Why do you need to help the birds?
- What do birds eat?
Educator: Well done, I really liked the way you made sentences. Let's play a game: Bird Counting. Now I will attach a poster with the image of birds to the easel and we will count the birds together. (Children count birds.)
Educator: Wintering birds are not afraid of frost, they fly a lot and try to get food themselves even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hiding in cracks in the bark, in the cracks of houses and fences, look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. They come to our homes for help. And we must help our feathered friends survive the winter. And what do we need to do, how to help them survive in the cold season?
(children's answers).
Educator: That's right, the birds must be fed in the winter, build feeders for them. Don't forget to clean these feeders before putting food in them. Do you want me to tell you which bird, what it eats? (Children's answers).
- Sparrows - love grains and bread crumbs.
- Tits - eat grains, bread crumbs, and their favorite delicacy is lard.
- Bullfinches - eat seeds, berries, like to peck rowan berries.
- Crows - feed on cleanings and leftover food.
Educator: We talked about birds, decided how to help the birds, and now I suggest you move from words to deeds. Guys, we have already started preparing the feeders in the previous lesson, but unfortunately we have done little, today we will continue to work. Remind me what we do at the beginning, what we make feeders from. (Children's answers)
Fizminutka "Small bird"
small bird
I flew across the sky (birds fly)
Sat under the window
She pecked at the crumbs (sat down, pecking at the grains),
The bird started up (stand up, brushed off),
She straightened her back.
She sang a song, flew into the house (waving their hands).
Educator: Sit down in your seats and get to work, paint the boxes, you can decorate with drawings, wait for them to dry. And then we will ask our parents to help us, cut windows in the houses we made. Look guys, what beautiful feeders you have prepared.
Educator: Let's hang our feeders for a walk, pour food into the feeders. I also suggest that you hang prepared feeders near your houses, ask your parents to help you. I think we have helped many birds and saved the lives of many birds.
Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Tell me what we talked about, what you remember. What did you like the most? (children's answers).
Educator: Listen to the poem by E. Blaginina “They are flying away, they have flown away ...”
Soon white blizzards
Snow will rise from the ground.
Fly away, fly away
The cranes have flown.
Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove.
And the birdhouse was empty.
The stork flaps its wings -
Fly away, fly away.
Leaf sways patterned
In a blue puddle on the water.
A rook walks with a black rook
In the garden along the ridge.
Showered, turned yellow
The sun's rays are rare.
Fly away, fly away
The rooks have also flown away.
Planned result:
- active participation of children, the ability to formulate answers to the questions of the educator, possession dialogical speech, a benevolent manifestation in the process creative activity.
Further work:
- We plan to develop a project.

Speech therapy lesson "Wintering Birds" for children with ONR (preparatory group)

speech therapy sound reading

Program content:

  • Expansion and activation of the children's vocabulary on the topic, fixing in speech the names of wintering birds, their body parts; consolidation of the general concept "Wintering birds"
  • development of children's thinking on the basis of descriptive riddles
  • automation and differentiation of sonorous and hissing sounds in children's spontaneous speech
  • strengthening the ability of children to divide words into syllables
  • development of coherent speech of children: the ability to compose a story according to reference schemes
  • Developing reading skills by building words from syllables
  • Development of visual and auditory perception; development of interhemispheric interaction
  • Development of general and fine motor skills of fingers
  • Developing the ability to interact with each other
  • education of a humane, careful, caring attitude to the environment, to wintering birds

Equipment and materials:

  • subject and silhouette (for shading) pictures depicting wintering birds
  • bird models for each child
  • pictures of hibernating birds suspended from the ceiling
  • · magnetic board
  • · a reference scheme for compiling a story on the topic "Wintering Birds".
  • didactic game "Name the whole by part"
  • didactic game "Make a word"
  • Sponges (2 pieces for each child)
  • simple pencils for each child.

Lexical material: sparrow, crow, titmouse, bullfinch, dove, woodpecker, crossbill, magpie, feeder, food, hibernating, pecking, croaking, etc.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we have to perform many different tasks. In order to successfully deal with them, we need to properly prepare. Let's do the gymnastics for the head.

Kinesiology gymnastics

  • Let's put on the "smart hat" first. (Forefinger and thumb pulls the earlobes down or imitates tying a knot under the chin.)
  • · Now let's pose. (Opens his mouth wide and presses his index fingers on the middle of his cheeks.)
  • Let's show a "smart owl". (He puts his right hand on his left shoulder and slightly presses, slowly turns his head to the left back, then to the right back, changes his hand and repeats the movement of the head.)

Owl Owl,

Big head.

Sitting on a bitch

Looks at everyone.

(Children, together with a speech therapist, perform each exercise 3-4 times.)

Gymnastics for the eyes "Find the named bird."

(On the instructions of a speech therapist, children find with their eyes, without turning their heads, a picture suspended from the ceiling with the image of the named bird)

Speech therapist: Well done! Now you are ready to complete the tasks.

2. Generalization of material on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Speech therapist: Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about today in class. (Children's answers.) That's right, about wintering birds. What birds do we call wintering? (Wintering birds are those birds that are not afraid of the cold, stay with us for the winter and do not fly south to warmer climes in the fall). Name the wintering birds you know. (Children call birds, and the speech therapist puts their images on a magnetic board - a crow, a magpie, a crossbill, a waxwing, a bullfinch, a tit, a sparrow, a capercaillie, a dove, a woodpecker). And now let's determine the number of syllables in words - the names of wintering birds. (Children perform the task of a speech therapist, separating syllables in words by squeezing foam sponges)

Now I suggest you solve riddles about wintering birds. (Children guess riddles, while one child looks for an image - a guess on a magnetic board)


Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is it? (Sparrow.)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains,

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch.)

black vest,

red beret,

Tail like an emphasis

Nose like an axe. (Woodpecker)

White cheeks -

blue bird,

Sharp beak -

By itself is small.

Yellow breast -

This is ... (Titmouse)

It's important to walk


And cooing and pecking. (Pigeon.)

  • What do all birds have in common? (2 wings, 2 legs, tail, round head, oval body, feathers, down)
  • How do they differ from each other? (Dimensions, coloration, plumage)
  • · Let's assemble a model that shows the common body parts of all birds. (Children assemble the proposed model from the parts lying on each tray)
  • · Didactic exercise “Why?” (Children answer the speech therapist's questions)
  • What is the bird's beak for?
  • Why do birds have wings?
  • Why do birds have legs (feathers, tail)?

Speech therapist: And now let's shade the silhouettes of birds offered to you. Follow the direction of the hatching (the children are doing the task). Did you stroke?

Children: We hatched.

Speech therapist: And now everyone stood up together. Let's turn into birds.

  • 3. Physical Minute.
  • 1. Game "Birds" (children perform exercises, repeating them after a speech therapist)

Birds jump and fly.

The birds are jumping and singing.

Chick chirp, chirp chirp

Birds collect crumbs

The grains are pecking

The feathers have been cleaned

The feathers have been cleaned

The beaks have been cleaned

  • · And they sat down. They imitate the flapping of wings with their hands and make turns of the torso to the sides.
  • Tilt forward, with fingers gathered together, tap on the knees
  • Standing up straight, wave your right hand
  • Standing up straight, wave your left hand
  • Turning the head to the right - to the left
  • Imitates the flapping of wings
  • The children sit on chairs.
  • 2. Speech therapist: Birds are hungry and cold in winter. People take care of them, make bird feeders. Let's find out which birds flew to our feeder.

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds to our feeder

Arrived? We will tell.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and doves,

A woodpecker in colorful feathers.

Everyone had enough grains.

  • · N. Nishcheva Rhythmically squeeze and unclench fists.
  • For each name of the bird, one finger is bent.
  • Again, clench and unclench the fists.
  • 4. Development of reading skills.

Speech therapist: Many birds flew to our feeder to rest and eat. You have syllables written on colorful feathers on your tables. If we correctly compose words with you from these syllables, we will find out what birds eat in winter and how we can feed them. Please write out the words from the given syllables. (Children work in pairs, and they get different words: seeds, berries, crumbs, seeds, grain, nuts, lard)

  • · List the words. How can you call it all in one word? (Food, food, food)
  • Who is this food for? (for birds)
  • Whose food is this? (Birdseed)
  • Whose food is this? (Bird food)
  • 5. Development of coherent speech.

Speech therapist: The birds pecked at the treat prepared for them and flew away. Only a sparrow, a bullfinch and a magpie remained. I propose to compose descriptive stories about these birds according to reference schemes.

The speech therapist exposes drawings on a magnetic board that make up the basic scheme of the story in the following sequence.