Section of the OGE (GIA) in mathematics. Compilation of tests in systems I will pass the GIA and solve the exam

  • 28.08.2020


The work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

as a single digit

, squarecompass Calculators on the exam not used.

the passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and food

The work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; in part 2 - three tasks. Module "Geometry" contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; in part 2 - three tasks.

To complete the examination work in mathematics is given 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 write down in the answer form No. 1 as a single digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For the remaining tasks of part 1 the answer is a number or sequence of digits. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the answer sheet No. 1. If the response received common fraction, convert it to decimal.

When doing work, you can use the ones containing the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. You are allowed to use a ruler, square, other templates for constructing geometric shapes ( compass). It is forbidden to use tools with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identity document with you for the exam. the passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and food(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but may be asked to leave in the hallway.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks for the construction of a bathhouse with a steam room, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5,. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 38 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks on agricultural terraces, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5,. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 27 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

The target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks according to the plans of the apartment, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5. Plans for a two-room apartment and a three-room apartment are presented. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 56 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks according to schemes, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5. Three schemes contain greenhouses, and in one scheme there are round and diamond-shaped objects. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 56 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 15 on the topic "Solving inequalities and systems of inequalities" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents a large amount of theoretical material for repetition. The presentation presents linear, square, rational inequalities. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 9 on the topic "Solving Equations" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents a large amount of theoretical material for repetition. The presentation presents linear, quadratic, rational equations. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of grade 9 of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 19 on the topic "Geometry on checkered paper" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents tasks and examples for different rules, approaches and ways of solving problems. Examples are given, in solving which it is reasonable and expedient to use not only traditional formulas, but also the Pick formula. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 16 on the topic "Geometry. The value of the angle, the degree measure of the angle" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents tasks and examples for different rules, approaches and solutions. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Review of sites for preparing for the exam

Not a single most gifted student is able to pass examination tests without auxiliary materials. It is for this purpose that many sites have been created that highlight the difficulties and problems associated with the OGE and the USE, as well as preparing applicants for it.

Very helpful study guides for free download, books to help prepare for lessons in various subjects, demo versions of exams, many options for the OGE, training work. For those who want to catch up on the main subjects to study teaching materials and textbooks.

Includes preparatory materials, tutorials, analysis of tasks, typical examples of exams in various disciplines, solution books, video tutorials that can be downloaded simply by registering.

Free online tests (part A with one option), which can be taken without registration, errors are indicated and sorted out.

* The site is constantly updated. New tests are added for mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian and all other exams. You can take the test right on the site and find out your result. The site can help you learn how to easily cope with the tests in the exam.

Demo options with solutions and analysis of answers, as well as examples of common mistakes - will be a good help for the applicant. There is an active forum where users can jointly solve difficult problems, consult and suggest.

* A lot of methodological developments on all subjects in the form of presentations, tables, diagrams, in a simple and accessible form, they allow you to get acquainted with the main content of the subject.

Video lessons in mathematics

channel with analysis of all tasks

reference book of mathematical formulas

quadratic function: examples and problems with solutions

* elementary mathematics


presentations on topics

books in all subjects

teaching materials

Channels youtube :

- Valery Volkov (analysis of problems and USE courses mathematics) - YourSchool (problem analysis and USE courses in mathematics) - Sergey Rogin (meaningful lectures on various topics to prepare for the exam in mathematics) - E-learning courses for Part B assignments - egecenter (analysis of demo versions of the exam in mathematics) - WantToKnow (courses and video tutorials) - VideoTutor (analysis of USE tasks in mathematics)

List of sites for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI): A lot of materials about the USE and test technologies in education in general are published here, including demo versions of the USE since 2004 (new demo versions first appear here). Lots of information on GIA

Official information portal of the Unified State Exam The main portal for the exam

Information support for the Unified State Examination and State Examination A powerful resource, the latest news, there is a library of books on preparing for the exam and GIA

Site of information support of the Unified State Exam in computer form:

Website of the Center for Education Quality Assessment: Analytical reports on USE results, PISA tests, etc.

Pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova: Many training simulators created by teachers at:

A large collection of materials on the exam and GIA and preparation for them:

Reference notes Fomin:

Overview of online testing services for the USE and GIA

Most big choice tests to date. Passage is available without registration.

Yandex tests. Contains all subjects for the exam and two subjects for the GIA. There are obsolete and irrelevant tasks.

The educational portal "SOLVE THE USE" is my personal charity project. It is developed by me, as well as by my friends and colleagues, who care more about the education of children than about themselves. No one is funded.

The distance learning system for preparing for state exams "SOLVE USE" (http://reshuege.rf, was created by the creative association "Center for Intellectual Initiatives". Supervisor - Gushchin D. D., teacher of mathematics, physics and computer science, honorary worker general education Russian Federation, Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007, member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Control and Measurement Materials in Mathematics for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics (2009-2010), expert of the Federal Subject Commission for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics (2011-2012), Deputy Chairman of the Regional Subject Commission GIA in mathematics (2012-2014), leading expert of the Unified State Examination in mathematics (2014-2015), federal expert (2015-2017).


  • To organize thematic repetition, a classifier of examination tasks has been developed, which allows you to sequentially repeat certain small topics and immediately check your knowledge on them.
  • For organization current control knowledge, it is possible to include an arbitrary number of tasks of each examination type in the training options for work.
  • For the final control works it is planned to pass testing in the USE format of this year according to one of the options pre-installed in the system or according to an individual randomly generated option.
  • To control the level of training, the system keeps statistics of the studied topics and solved tasks.
  • To get acquainted with the rules for checking examination papers, it is possible to find out the criteria for checking tasks with a detailed answer and check tasks with an open answer in accordance with them.
  • For a preliminary assessment of the level of preparation after passing the test, the forecast of the test examination score on a hundred-point scale is reported.

Task catalogs are developed specifically for the "SOLVE USE" portal and are intellectual property editions. Tasks of the FIPI open bank of tasks, demo versions of exams, tasks of passed exams developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, diagnostic work prepared by the Moscow Institute of Open Education, tasks from literary sources are used in accordance with the licenses of the copyright holders. Portal users also have the opportunity to add their own tasks to the catalogs, publish theoretical materials, create training courses, and correspond with their readers.

All tasks used in the system are provided with answers and detailed solutions.

If you plan to use the site regularly, please register. This will allow the system to keep statistics of the tasks you have solved and give recommendations on how to prepare for the exam.

All portal services are free.

Made in St. Petersburg, Norilsk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Voronezh, Ozersk, Moscow, Penza, Novocherkassk, Paris.

Copying site materials including, but not limited to: headings, tasks, answers, explanations and solutions, answers to questions from readers, reference books is strictly prohibited. Use of the portal signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions. You can link to project pages.

We inform!
The General Director of Examer LLC Degtyarev Artyom from Taganrog called the pages of his paid site "I DECIDE THE USE". The slick and creative director explained that this was his company's policy. Inside the portal, training materials with errors. . Decision Arbitration Court Petersburg and the Leningrad region, it was established that Gushchin Dmitry Dmitrievich educational portal to prepare for the exams "SOLVE the Unified State Examination" disseminated information discrediting business reputation of the company EXAMER LLC (Taganrog), containing the following statements about facts that do not correspond to reality:
“All these and other stupid things happen when EXAMERS don’t steal directly. But they steal. They go to other people’s sites on the Internet and copy, copy, so that later they can sell for money as their commercial product”;
“This is stealing what is created by others, without permission and without even citing the source.”
The full text of the decision can be found on the page.

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