Why does a person need ethical standards. Ethical norms and their meaning. Ethics in business communication

  • 21.12.2022

communication business etiquette

Human communication is based on some ethical principles, norms and rules. Without their observance, communication will slide to the satisfaction of one's own needs, which will lead to the destruction of relationships between people.

The main thing in business communication is the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. In order for communication to be effective and contribute to the achievement of the goals of its participants, it is necessary to clarify the following questions: a) what are the means of communication and how to use them correctly in the process of communication; b) how to overcome communication barriers of misunderstanding, to make communication successful.

The ethics of speech communication is determined by the culture of speech. Ethics prescribes to people the rules of moral behavior, etiquette determines the manners of behavior in certain situations and specific formulas of politeness. A person who observes etiquette, but violates the ethical standards of communication, is hypocritical and deceptive. Ethical and highly moral behavior with non-compliance with the rules of etiquette from the outside also looks rather strange and does not inspire confidence.

The concepts of ethics of speech communication and speech etiquette must be considered together. The basic ethical principles and moral norms of communication are always considered along with specific rules for conducting a conversation: a greeting, a request, a question, gratitude, farewell, etc. And if almost everyone is familiar with speech etiquette (the ways of greeting, gratitude, congratulations, expressing gratitude and sympathy, etc. are familiar to many), then we often forget about ethical principles and norms.

The main function of business etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding of people in the process of communication.

Business etiquette is based on the same moral standards as secular:

  • - politeness;
  • - tact;
  • - modesty;
  • - correctness;
  • - nobility;
  • - accuracy.

Politeness is a prerequisite for business communication, which is an expression of a respectful attitude towards a person. To be polite means to be kind.

Tact is a sense of proportion observed in conversation, in personal and official relations, the ability to feel the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences resentment, grief, and sometimes irritation. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: the difference in age, gender, social status, the place of conversation, the presence or absence of strangers. Respect for others is a prerequisite for tact, even between good comrades.

Modesty - restraint in assessing one's merits, knowledge and position in society. A modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority, his qualities, does not require any privileges, special amenities, services for himself. At the same time, modesty should not be associated with either timidity or shyness, since these are different categories.

Correctness is neutral, formal, restrained, dry politeness. The ability to behave with a focus on the generally accepted rules of decency in any circumstances, including in conflict situations.

Nobility is the ability to perform disinterested acts, not to allow humiliation for the sake of material or other benefits.

Accuracy - the correspondence of the word to the deed, punctuality and responsibility in fulfilling the obligations taken in business and secular communication.

Business etiquette implies respect and courtesy

attitude towards people; certain forms of acquaintance, address and greeting; rules of conversation, conversation and negotiations, etc.

There is a so-called golden rule of communication, the essence of which is that you should treat others the way you would like others to treat you. This rule can be extended to any situation. Based on this, the following basic ethical principles of communication are considered:

  • - altruism (willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of another),
  • - virtue (establishing relationships with others from the standpoint of good and good),
  • - exactingness (making demands on oneself and others to fulfill a moral duty, responsibility),
  • - justice,
  • - parity (equality between people), etc.

Thanks to benevolence, sincerity and openness, trust arises between people, without which communication is impossible. The following moral qualities of a person are also manifested in communication: honesty, truthfulness, kindness, respect for others, concern for others, politeness, etc.

The ethical principles of communication also affect the content of the speech itself. It should be logical, understandable to both parties, polite, meaningful, truthful and expedient. The question of brevity as the sister of talent, everyone decides for himself. To some, a short speech seems unnatural (it depends only on the personal characteristics of a person).

Ethical norms of communication can be conditionally divided into mandatory and recommended. Obligatory ethical norm is observance of the principle "Do no harm". In order not to cause harm to a person through communication, it is important to restrain negative emotions, not to offend another, not to humiliate, not to be rude and not to envy.

Ethical norms are also determined by the motives of communication:

  • - emotionally positive motives;
  • - emotionally neutral motives;
  • - emotionally negative motives

Motives are emotionally positive - to bring joy, to satisfy the interlocutor's need for understanding, respect and love, to interest.

Emotionally neutral motives - to convey information.

Emotionally negative motives - to be indignant in response to a bad deed, to express anger at injustice.

All of them are considered ethical because they are based on high moral motives. But when a person proceeds from base motives (to deceive another, to take revenge, to spoil the mood), this is not ethical, although it can be dressed in an acceptable form.

The principles of business communication ethics are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

There are six basic ethical principles of business conduct.

  • - punctuality;
  • - confidentiality;
  • - courtesy, goodwill and friendliness;
  • - attention to others;
  • - appearance;
  • - literacy.

Punctuality - (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that a person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time extends to all service tasks. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the period that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered as disrespectful to the host, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

Confidentiality (don't talk too much). The secrets of an institution, corporation, or particular transaction must be kept as carefully as personal secrets. You should not retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, leader or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

Kindness, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, buyers and colleagues politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

Attention to others (think of others, not just yourself) should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view.

Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into a contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look the best way, that is, dress with taste, choosing a color scheme to match your face. Carefully selected accessories are of great importance.

Literacy (speak and write well). Internal

documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names are transmitted without errors. You can not use swear words; even if you just quote the words of another person, they will be perceived by others as part of your own lexicon.

These principles are present to varying degrees and are recognized as fair in various business cultures. The fundamental principles in the business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and the social environment; between enterprises; within one enterprise - between a leader and subordinates, between a subordinate and a leader, between people of the same status. The task is to formulate such principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each type of business communication, but also not contradict the general moral principles of people's behavior.

When the ethics of speech communication is not respected (a person is rude, insults, opposes himself to others, imposes his own opinion on others, etc.), this leads to damage both for the speaker and for the listener. A moral person always experiences shame, not only when he himself voluntarily or involuntarily does something unethical, but also when others do it. In addition, non-compliance with norms and rules can lead to disruption of communication, the emergence of barriers and interference in communication.

Along with general ethical principles, the business world has its own additional rules and norms of communication. The main difference between business communication and ordinary, everyday communication is the presence of a greater number of formalities. Almost the same laws and norms of morality apply here.

In morality there is no absolute truth and the highest judge among people.

You always need to start with yourself: we praise others, we make claims against ourselves; we do not make an elephant out of a fly in case of mistakes of others and do the opposite in relation to ourselves.

The moral attitude of others towards us depends only on ourselves.

The basic ethical principles of communication in the business world are considered not only in relation to any interpersonal interaction, but are also divided into vertical communication (subordinate-manager) and horizontal communication (employee-employee).

Any organization should strive to improve the ethics of communication: the development of ethical standards, the creation of special commissions on ethics, training and instilling ethical standards among employees. Thanks to this, the moral atmosphere of the entire enterprise will improve, which will lead to increased employee loyalty, the implementation of the right moral choice when making decisions, and strengthening the reputation of the company.

In any communication, with friends, relatives or colleagues, one must adhere to basic ethical norms and rules. This will allow you to build trusting relationships with others, give and receive support and help from them, satisfy your own and others' needs for respect, recognition and love. In order to educate a highly spiritual society, to pass on moral values ​​to other generations, it is worth starting, first of all, with oneself. Perhaps this small contribution of each individual to their own development and upbringing will make it possible to change the world.

It’s easier to do something well right away than to explain later why it’s done poorly.

(Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet)

Currently, close attention is paid to the study of the ethics of business relations in order to increase the level of culture of these relations. Ethics covers a wide range of issues, it must be taken into account in relations within the same organization and between organizations. Without compliance with business ethics and a culture of behavior, most people in the team feel uncomfortable and unprotected.

The most important aspect of professional behavior is business etiquette, which ascribes norms of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, in transport, etc. Speech etiquette, the art of conducting telephone conversations, the rules of correspondence and appearance are signs of your upbringing, respectability and self-confidence.

Remember that there are no small things in a business relationship.

General information about ethical culture. As you know, a person enters into business relations with other people during his life. One of the regulators of these relations is morality, which expresses our ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice. Morality gives a person the opportunity to evaluate the actions of others, to understand and comprehend whether he lives correctly and what he should strive for. A person can make communication effective, achieve certain goals, if he correctly understands moral norms and relies on them in business relations. If he does not take into account moral norms in communication or distorts their content, then communication becomes impossible or causes difficulties.

Who created the rules of human behavior? Why is one behavior approved by society, while another is condemned? Ethics answers these questions.

Ethics is one of the oldest branches of philosophy, the science of morality (morality). The term "ethics" comes from the Greek word "ethos" ("ethos") - custom, temper. The term "ethics" was introduced by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to denote the doctrine of morality, and ethics was considered a "practical philosophy", which should answer the question: "What should we do in order to do what is right, moral deeds?

Initially, the terms "ethics" and "morality" coincided. But later, with the development of science and social consciousness, different content was assigned to them.

Morality (from lat. moralis- moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. It regulates human behavior in all spheres of public life - at work, at home, in personal, family and international relations.

The most important categories of ethics are "good", "evil", "responsibility", "justice", "duty". "Good" and "evil" are indicators of moral behavior, it is through their prism that an assessment of a person's actions, all his activities takes place. Ethics considers "good" as the objective moral meaning of an act. It combines a set of positive norms and requirements of morality and acts as an ideal, a role model. "Good" can act as a virtue, i.e. be a moral quality of the individual. "Good" is opposed by "evil", between these categories since the foundation of the world there has been a struggle. Morality is often identified with goodness, with positive behavior, while evil is seen as immorality and immorality. Good and evil are opposites that cannot exist without each other, just as light cannot exist without darkness, top without bottom, day without night, but they are nonetheless unequal.

To act in accordance with morality means to choose between good and evil. A person strives to build his life in such a way as to reduce evil and increase good. Other most important categories of morality - duty and responsibility - cannot be correctly understood and, moreover, cannot become important principles in human behavior if he does not realize the complexity and difficulty of the struggle for good.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in commandments and principles on how one should behave. One of the first rules of morality in history is formulated as follows: "act towards others as you would like them to act towards you." This rule appeared in the VI-V centuries. BC. simultaneously and independently of each other in different cultural regions - Babylon, China, India, Europe. Subsequently, it began to be called "golden", since great importance was attached to it. Today, this rule also remains relevant, and one must always remember that a person becomes a person only when he affirms the human in other people. The need to treat others as oneself, to exalt oneself through the exaltation of others, is the basis of morality and morality.

The Gospel of Matthew says: “Therefore, in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them” (ch. 7, v. 12).

The moral life of a person and society is divided into two levels: on the one hand, what is: being, mores, actual everyday behavior; on the other hand, what should be: due, ideal pattern of behavior. Often in business relations we encounter contradictions between what is and what should be. On the one hand, a person seeks to behave morally, as they say, properly, on the other hand, he wants to satisfy his needs, the realization of which is often associated with a violation of moral standards. This struggle between ideal and practical calculation creates a conflict within a person, which is most acutely manifested in the ethics of business relations, in business communication. Since the ethics of business communication is a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics, the ethics of business communication is understood as a set of moral norms and rules that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in professional activities.

The norms and rules of behavior in force in society require a person to serve society, to coordinate personal and public interests. Moral norms are based on traditions and customs, and morality teaches us to do every thing in such a way that it does not hurt the people who are nearby.

One of the main elements of the culture of business communication is the moral behavior of people. It is based on universal moral principles and norms - respect for human dignity, honor, nobility, conscience, sense of duty and others.

Conscience is a person's moral awareness of their actions, thanks to which they control their actions and evaluate their actions. Conscience is closely connected with duty.

Duty is the awareness of conscientious performance of one's duties (civil and official). For example, in violation of duty, thanks to conscience, a person is responsible not only to others, but also to himself.

For the moral image of a person, honor is of great importance, which is expressed in the recognition of the moral merits of a person, in reputation. The honor of an officer, the honor of a businessman, the honor of chivalry - it is this that requires a person to maintain the reputation of the social or professional group to which he belongs. Honor obliges a person to work conscientiously, to be truthful, fair, to admit his mistakes, to be demanding of himself.

Dignity is expressed in self-respect, in awareness of the significance of one's personality; it does not allow a person to humiliate, flatter and please for his own benefit. However, excessive self-esteem does not decorate a person very much. The ability of a person to be restrained in revealing his merits is called modesty. A person who is worth something does not need to flaunt his merits, inflate his own worth, inspire others with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own indispensability. An integral part of the culture of business communication is nobility. A noble person is true to his word, even if it is given to the enemy. He will not allow rudeness towards people unpleasant for him, he will not slander about them in their absence. Nobility does not require publicity and gratitude for help and sympathy.

In the East and Western Europe, since ancient times, great importance has been attached to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication. Their influence on the efficiency of doing business was especially emphasized.

Professional moral standards were and remain politeness, courtesy, tact, diligence.

Politeness is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity. Politeness is based on goodwill, which is manifested in greetings and wishes. For example, we wish good night, good morning, success, health, and so on. The words of the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616) are widely known that nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued as dearly as politeness. A polite person is a helpful person, he seeks to be the first to show courtesy, to be the first to give up his seat in transport, to hold the door.

Akin to politeness, the moral norm is correctness, which means the ability to keep oneself within the bounds of decency in any situation, especially in conflict situations. Correct behavior is manifested in the ability to listen to a partner, in an effort to understand his point of view. Politeness is determined by tact and a sense of proportion. To be tactful means to skillfully make a remark, without humiliating the dignity of a person, to give him the opportunity to get out of the difficulty with honor.

The set of moral norms that determine the attitude of a person to his professional duty is included in the concept of professional ethics. Society imposes increased moral requirements on certain types of professional activity, requires highly qualified employees in the performance of their professional duties. This applies to those working in the service sector, in transport, in healthcare, in the field of management, education and the like, since the objects of activity of these professional groups are people.

Each type of professional ethics is determined by the peculiarity of professional activity and has its own specific requirements in the field of morality. For example, the professional ethics of military service requires a clear performance of duty, courage, discipline, devotion to the Motherland. The peculiarity of medical ethics is focused on human health, its improvement and preservation. However, any specificity of professional ethics is impossible without taking into account universal human values ​​and ethical norms. Let's take professional ethics as an example.

Regardless of social status and age, we are all buyers. What does the buyer want from sellers? First, the acquisition of high-quality, fashionable, comfortable goods at an affordable price. Secondly, competence, attentive and polite attitude towards yourself when choosing a purchase. Therefore, the task of the seller is to satisfy the needs and desires of the consumer. Therefore, the most important requirements of the professional ethics of a trade worker in relation to the buyer are attentiveness, politeness, and goodwill.

The business relationship between the seller and the buyer begins with a greeting, which must be accompanied by a smile. The greetings are followed by the words: “Please, what are you interested in?” or "I'm listening to you." If the seller is already serving the customer, he should apologize and ask to wait, and not say: "Don't you see that I'm busy." Having freed himself, the seller finds out which product the client is interested in and at what price, after which he reports the characteristics of the available goods. A professional seller must take into account the gender, age of the buyer and strive to determine his psychological characteristics (aggressiveness, poise, determination-indecision, gullibility-distrust). It has been established that the behavior of young and old people, men and women differs in the store. For example, men visit the store purposefully, they know what they need to buy, and if there is a product, they buy it. They are more than women, are influenced by the seller and often expect advice from him, guided by his opinion. Women rely on themselves in their choice; they examine the product for a long time, and therefore it is not recommended to rush them.

The seller's professionalism is enhanced by his ethical upbringing, which is manifested in speech, facial expressions, gestures; rudeness, vulgarity and irritability are unacceptable. The seller must be restrained in various situations, for example, when the buyer examines the product for a long time, asks and is interested in details, although he is not going to buy this product. He must be restrained even with an ill-mannered and aggressive buyer, since the answer with rudeness for rudeness does not have a positive effect. On the contrary, the atmosphere becomes tense, a conflict is brewing, which often entails the intervention of the administration. The end of communication between sellers and us, buyers, is the acceptance of payment for the selected product and its packaging, after which the seller must thank for the purchase.

In turn, we, the buyers, should not forget about politeness, about the restraint of our negative emotions and bad mood.

So, if the scope of your activity is people, then, despite the specifics of the profession, you always need to pay attention to the rules and norms of behavior, to duties in relation to the client, to colleagues; be able to control oneself, be patient, listen carefully to the visitor, and also have a proper appearance and own the culture of speech.

Ethical behavior is the secret of well-being in any society

Hello friends, guests and regular readers of my Blog. Have you ever denied yourself something because you feared that the result of your action, or even the action itself, would be judged by others? I decided today to discuss with you the ethical standards of human behavior.

Let's start with the simplest

You can imagine that we all live in a huge hostel, where the rooms are our personal space, and everything else is a common area. In order for life not to turn into a nightmare, going beyond our rooms, we all must comply with certain, both public and unspoken rules - the social norms of society.

Social norms can be divided into:

  1. ethical
  2. Legal
  3. religious
  4. Political
  5. aesthetic

With the development of all mankind, almost each of these norms has changed. The changes practically did not affect only ethical norms, as an unshakable foundation in human relations.

Ethical standards of conduct

Let's see what ethical standards are and what they are. Ethics (from the Greek etos, custom) is a branch of philosophy that studies morality.

It is believed that the first who decided to combine several concepts of human behavior under one word at once was the well-known Aristotle. In his treatises, he proposed the concept of "ethics" as "virtues or virtues that are manifested in human behavior." In his opinion, ethics should help to understand what actions are permissible and what are not.

In a nutshell, today ethical norms are understood as the totality of values ​​accumulated by society and the moral obligations of a person in relation to both these accumulations and to society itself as a whole.

Rules of etiquette, culture of behavior, morality - all these are ethical norms of behavior, which are the regulators of relations. They affect absolutely all interpersonal actions between people: from simple friendly communication to a large set of rules of corporate or professional ethics.

The main secret of well-being in any society is a single rule for all: “Do towards others the way you want others to do towards you!”

Informally, the norms of behavior are divided into types:

  • Real ones are, in fact, any actions that a person performs;
  • Verbal is a verbal or verbal form of communication.

These two concepts are inseparable from each other. It is unlikely that you will be considered polite if your word, even if it is very cultured, runs counter to uncultured behavior. Imagine a person who greets you, while juicy picking his teeth with a fork. Not very nice, right?

Everyone has their own limits of ethical standards, they depend, first of all, on the people around them, the level of upbringing and education. The standard of cultural human behavior is when ethical norms cease to be rules and become personal norms, inner convictions.

Etiquette as a set of rules

The rules of etiquette also dictate the scope of our behavior. Remember, most recently we talked with you about. Etiquette is nothing more than the very necessary template that regulates our communication with each other.

If you accidentally step on someone's foot, you will apologize, a polite man will open the door in front of a woman, and having received change in the store, we all say "Thank you." The way we follow the norms of behavior, including etiquette, can characterize us as a cultured or uncultured person.

Personal and general

It is interesting that in different countries the ethical standards of behavior are different. For example, in Spain, just entering the elevator, from everyone who is already there you will hear a friendly "Hola". In our country, the unreasonable greeting of complete strangers is not practiced in society. And no one will be offended by you if you, having entered the locker room of the pool, do not start shaking hands with everyone. That is, our traditions of communication are completely different.

This is another principle of dividing ethical norms - personal and group.

"I'm an artist, that's how I see it!"

Personal norms are what I talked about above - our internal framework, conditioned by society, upbringing and education. This is our inner world, self-awareness. Following the personal norms of ethics can be defined as the level of inner dignity. For example, only you decide whether you can throw an ice cream wrapper into the bushes if no one sees you.

group behavior

All mankind, one way or another, is united in groups. From a family or a team at work to a whole state. From birth, a person belongs to a society, and cannot but obey certain rules. Including ethical standards of conduct. Group ethics are the rules of interaction within such a group.

Once in any team, a person is forced to accept the generally accepted rules in this society. Remember the saying - with your charter, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery? This is a reference to group ethics. Moreover, each team, as can be seen from the example above about greetings in Russia and Spain, has its own principles of communication: including linguistic or even moral ones.

You will say: norms, patterns, rules, limits - where is the freedom? We live in a society where the limits of our freedom are strictly limited by the limits of another person's freedom. That's why rules are needed. They are easier to live with.

Each kind of human professional activity corresponds to certain types of professional ethics with their own specific features:

Medical ethics (set out in the Code of Ethics of the Russian Doctor, 1994).

Professional ethics of a journalist.

Business (economic) ethics is a set of norms of behavior of an entrepreneur, the requirements imposed by a cultural society on his style of work, the nature of communication between business participants, their social appearance.

Theft, greed, selfishness;

Talkativeness, disclosure of private information about clients, discussion with anyone of their shortcomings and weaknesses;

Intransigence, the desire to take over the client, to subordinate his interests to his own.

Should not strive for in order to remake or re-educate customers during the service - they must be accepted as they are. Serious mistakes of novice workers in the field of social and cultural services and tourism are often associated with resentment, with excessive ethical requirements in relation to customers, which indicates the personal vulnerability of the nature of such workers.

In the field of social and cultural services and tourism the importance of ethical standards is felt not only in the interaction of workers with consumers, but also workers among themselves. At the enterprise, the moral climate is of particular importance, where there are no conflicts, there are no humiliated, irritated, indifferent people, but everyone treats each other with respect and attention. It is important to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance in the team, the ability of employees to work together, as well as in special service groups (in a team).

Also, ethical standards in relationships with partners and colleagues include:

Maintain professional unity;

Cares about the prestige of the profession;

Maintain the standard of service relations;

Respect the right of colleagues to a reasoned refusal.

All this helps to achieve a common goal: to achieve effective customer service.

To unethical actions A specialist with clear violations of the law include falsification of documents sent by government regulatory agencies, embezzlement of funds, racial discrimination and sexual harassment in the work environment.

Principles- This abstract, generalized ideas that enable those who rely on them to correctly shape their behavior, their actions in the business sphere. The principles are universal.

An employee of the service sector must observe the following principles in his work:

1. The main ethical principle is principle of humanism, meaning the recognition of a person as the highest value, faith in a person, his ability to improve, the demand for freedom and protection of the dignity of the individual, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human right to happiness, that satisfaction of the needs and interests of the individual should be the ultimate goal of society. The humanistic principle contains the oldest normative moral requirement, called the "Golden Rule".

It is formulated in a positive form: "do towards others as you would like them to do towards you", or in a negative form: "do not act ...", etc. In a Russian proverb, it received such an interpretation: "what you do not like in others, do not do it yourself." The "Golden Rule" contains the humanistic idea of ​​the equality of all people. It means the right and duty of the individual to take responsibility for their actions, contributes to the development of the desire to put oneself in the place of another.

2. The principle of impartiality in relation to the client and the desire for objectivity in making various decisions.

3. The principle of focusing on the client, taking care of him.

4. The principle of precise performance of professional duties.

5. The principle of showing respect for one's profession and for people with whom one has to come into contact in the performance of professional duties.

6. The principle of striving to improve their professional activities.

7. The principle of confidentiality, non-disclosure of personal information obtained in the course of professional activities.

8. The principle of avoiding potential and obvious conflicts between employees, with management and especially with the client.

In their work, one should not allow the emergence of off-duty relationships with clients or colleagues, managers or subordinates;

You should observe the principle of collegiality and not discuss your colleagues or subordinates in the presence of clients, partners or other persons;

It is impossible to allow a disruption of an already accepted order by refusing it in favor of another (more profitable) order;

Invalid discrimination clients, partners, colleagues or subordinates based on gender, race, age or any other characteristic.

In the textbook Solonitsina A.A. "Professional ethics and etiquette" lists the following professional ethical principles:

Essence of the first principle comes from the so-called gold standard: “Within the framework of your official position, never allow in relation to your subordinates, to management, to colleagues of your official position, never to allow in relation to your subordinates, to management, to colleagues of your official level, to clients and etc. actions that you would not want to see in relation to yourself.

Second principle: justice is needed in providing employees with the resources necessary for their official activities (cash, raw materials, material, etc.).

Third principle requires mandatory correction of an ethical violation, regardless of when and by whom it was committed.

Fourth principle- the principle of maximum progress: official behavior and actions of an employee are recognized as ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization (or its divisions) from a moral point of view.

Fifth principle- the principle of minimum progress, according to which the actions of an employee or organization as a whole are ethical, if they at least do not violate ethical standards.

Sixth principle: ethical is the tolerant attitude of the employees of the organization to the moral principles, traditions, etc. that take place in other organizations, regions, countries.

Eighth principle: individual and collective principles are equally recognized as the basis for the development and decision-making in business relations.

Ninth principle: you should not be afraid to have your own opinion when solving any official issues. However nonconformism* as a personality trait should be manifested within reasonable limits.

Tenth principle- no violence, i.e. “pressure” on subordinates, expressed in various forms, for example, in an orderly, command manner of conducting an official conversation.

Eleventh principle- constancy of impact, expressed in the fact that ethical standards can be introduced into the life of the organization not by a one-time order, but only with the help of ongoing efforts on the part of both the manager and ordinary employees.

Twelfth Principle- when exposed (on a team, an individual employee, on a consumer, etc.), take into account the strength of possible counteraction. The fact is that, recognizing the value and necessity of ethical norms in theory, many workers, faced with them in practical everyday work, for one reason or another, begin to oppose them.

Thirteenth Principle consists in the expediency of advancing with trust - a sense of responsibility of the employee, to his competence, to a sense of duty, etc.

Fourteenth Principle strongly recommends striving for non-conflict. Although the conflict in the business sphere has not only dysfunctional, but also functional consequences, nevertheless, conflict is a fertile ground for ethical violations.

Fifteenth Principle- freedom that does not restrict the freedom of others; usually this principle, although in an implicit form, is due to job descriptions.

Sixteenth Principle: the employee must not only act ethically himself, but also promote the same behavior of his colleagues.

Seventeenth principle: don't criticize your competitor. This means not only a competing organization, but also an “internal competitor” - a team of another department, a colleague in which one can “see” a competitor.

These principles should serve as the basis for the development by each employee of any company, organization of their own personal ethical system.

normativity- a property of morality and law that allows you to regulate people's behavior, and at the same time the result of the action of traditions and norms of relationships between people and the social environment. For a correct understanding, it is necessary to distinguish between traditions and norms, not to identify their social functions.

Traditions- a specific, creative way of functioning of norms and stereotypes of behavior. Stereotypes help to remove uncertainty, eliminate ambiguity and thereby facilitate the process of organizing one's own behavior for a person.

All social and legal norms(from lat. - rule, pattern) are determined to influence the volitional behavior of people, and the subject of this regulation is the relationship between the individual and society.

Code of Conduct-common patterns of behavior. Depending on the type of social control, norms of behavior are habitual cultural patterns of activity and customs accepted in society or a social group and not valid outside it.

Ethical norm of behavior- one of the simplest forms of moral requirements for the individual. On the one hand, it is an element of moral relations (custom), constantly reproduced by the power of mass habit, example, supported by public opinion, and on the other hand, it is a form of moral consciousness, taking shape in the form of a command to oneself, requiring mandatory implementation based on one's own ideas about good and evil, duty, conscience, justice.

Formation of ethical standards behavior goes in the course of the evolutionary development of mankind, taking the form of universal moral values, developed by each society in its concrete historical originality, as well as by individual social groups and each individual individually. By belonging to the carriers of value, one can distinguish universal, general, group and personal ethical norms.

Universal Ethics- express the universal moral requirements of the hostel. They are formulated in the "golden" rule of ethics: act towards others as you would like to be treated towards you.

The general ethical norms of morality prevailing in a society extend their requirements to all members of a given society, acting as a means of regulating and evaluating relations and interactions between people.

In the course of expanding social experience, a person is included in various social groups, being, as a rule, simultaneously a member of several groups. So, entering the service, he enters the team, which is a complex system of formal and informal groups, groupings, each of which establishes its own system of values ​​and develops its own ethical rules based on them. Between these rules there is always some degree of inconsistency, and sometimes contradictions.

Group ethics ensure the inclusion of the individual in the group, in the processes and mechanisms of group interaction, influence all types of behavior, including when he becomes a member of another group. Occupying a certain position in the team, a person assimilates the given and develops personal norms, prescribes his own position and forms of behavior in which the process of his existence as a person is realized.

Personal ethical standards - characterization of the subjective "inner" world of man. They are related to his idea of ​​himself and for this reason do not need to be "assimilated" and "accepted". Following personal ethical standards is primarily associated with a sense of self-respect, high self-esteem, confidence in one's actions. Departure from these norms is always associated with a sense of guilt (conscience), self-condemnation and even a violation of the integrity of the individual.

So, the behavior of a person performing professional service activities is difficult to determine. It is controlled by external ethical regulators (general human values, morality prevailing in society, group norms) and internal mechanisms of self-regulation (self-consciousness, self-esteem, motivational sphere, attitudes on the basis of which personal norms are formed). These regulators are in a complex dynamic contradictory interaction with each other. At every moment, they give a person the right to make a moral choice based on the external requirements placed on him.