GTA Online - biker businesses. Starter set "Criminal organization" for GTA Online - is it worth the money? GTA 5 what is the name of the company

  • 18.02.2023

The New Adventures of Bandits and Rogues update has added a whole host of new gaming features to GTA Online. You can now buy and sell smuggled goods as you expand your empire in Los Santos. This material in two parts will reveal some secrets and subtleties, with the help of which you will become the main criminal boss and the invincible boss of the corporation.

You are offered a choice of four office knowledge, the interior of which can be replaced if desired.

In order for the money to flow into your pocket, you first need to purchase an office that will become the center of your criminal activity and give you the status of a boss. Visit the Dynasty8 Executive website with your iFruit phone and purchase one of the four offices available in Los Santos. Their prices vary greatly. Decorate it to your liking, add your organization's name, and purchase additional options: a safe to store your funds, a seating area (so you can sleep and change if you're working late) and a gun cabinet to equip your most appropriate weapons before how to get down to business.

In the office, there are a number of other features that make everyday work easier: a meeting table with a 3D map showing all potential warehouses (green icons indicate warehouses you already own, red icons for those that are still for sale), an entertainment system with a huge screen and a classic network hit "Do not cross the line" for the Degenatron console, as well as a computer with access to the SecuroServ network to conduct business.

Together with the office, you will also receive a personal assistant who will report on how things are going in the organization, provide transport (whether your own or Pegasus vehicles) waiting for you at the office, return cars from car impounds, send a helicopter for you to quickly return to office and even deliver fresh snacks for free.

Choose the size and location of the warehouse based on your development strategy: large warehouses are suitable for rapid growth, while small ones allow you to create an organization from scratch.


Once you've set up an office, sign in as a chef to the SecuroServ system using your personal menu, or go to the computer on your desk and sign up on the login screen. Unlike bosses, the chief does not check the balance of the bank account upon registration, there are no restrictions on how long he can stay in this status and there is no delay before he can become the boss again.

To manage the illegal business, an extensive supply chain is needed, which, among other things, includes warehouses for storing illegally obtained goods. Warehouses are small, medium and large. You can keep up to 5 warehouses at the same time, while neither warehouses nor offices increase the number of properties you own. When buying a warehouse, choose the one whose size and location meet your needs. Warehouses, as well as offices, can be exchanged at any time for new ones of the same or larger size.

The warehouses also have workbenches that allow equipment involved in special cargo operations to be equipped with special devices, such as armor and jammers for homing missiles.

Be especially careful on missions to buy special cargo - they don't always go according to plan.


Special Cargo Buying Operations are dangerous missions divided into several parts that require the coordinated work of your partner team to complete successfully. Purchasing missions range in difficulty and scope, from simple police ambushes to wild chases, helicopter attacks, and more. You can purchase cargo consisting of one, two or three boxes. Large loads increase the complexity of the task, and you may need to attract more partners. Such tasks are associated with great risk, but they bring a lot of money and allow you to quickly fill the warehouse, which means that you can receive orders from potential buyers earlier.

Not every deal goes according to plan - you'll have to deal with Los Santos gangs, the police, rival organizations of other players and other troubles. Time your mission carefully, remember the way to your warehouses, make sure you hire enough partners depending on the size of the cargo (remember: each player can only carry one crate), keep your assistants' phones close at hand, prepare to use the chief's abilities and, perhaps most importantly, remember that the reward is directly proportional to the risk.

Once you get the box, get ready for trouble. Keep an eye on the assistant's notifications - you will be warned if something went wrong. The time allotted for delivery is limited, and the more boxes you buy, the less it is. In general, efficiency is the key to the success of any organization.

After successfully completing several purchase tasks, the boss can try to complete the delivery task special cargo. Special cargoes are several times more expensive than ordinary ones. On such missions, there is always one box, but when you get it, you will face fierce resistance ...

Choose the right equipment for the task of buying or selling special cargo using the weapon cabinet.


To sell the cargo, use the laptop in the corresponding warehouse. Depending on how many items you have, you'll receive up to three purchase offers and a message from someone who wants to purchase a special shipment, if you have one. Sales missions allow you to raise money for goods obtained by blood and sweat, but here, too, the benefit is directly related to the risk. The larger the lot you sell, the richer the buyers, but the greater the risk. During transportation in Los Santos, the cargo faces various threats, and if it does not reach its destination, you will be left without income.

Maximize the value of your special cargo by choosing the best time to sell it. Accumulating cargo in warehouses, you attract the interest of wealthy clients, but a warehouse full of valuables will soon be talked about. Get ready to repel the attacks of local bandits who covet your piece of the pie.

It is best to gradually fill a large warehouse one crate at a time, as this reduces costs, but it will waste a lot of time. By buying large quantities, you will fill the warehouse three times faster, but spend more money. Decide which method best suits your leadership style. It is also worth noting that the more players in a session, the higher the risk, but the higher the shipping bonus when selling goods.

You will receive payment when all boxes arrive at their destination.


I just want to be the boss. Why should I become a partner?
In addition to the regular base salary, partners receive cash rewards for completing multiple delivery tasks in a row, a bonus to RP and health recovery if the boss is near them.

How can other players interfere with my organization?
When an Organization receives a Special Cargo during a Buy Job or sends it for Sale, all players and competing Organizations in your game session will receive an alert indicating the location of your Special Cargo. The delay before sending a signal depends on the batch size. Competing organizations and other players will be able to earn extra money by destroying your goods, so be always on the lookout.

Can I participate in special cargo delivery missions if I am not a member of any organization?
Players who are not in Organizations and are active in Free Roam can participate in Special Cargo Delivery missions. The current task for the delivery of special cargo will appear on their map as a red box. This means that the organization has loaded the goods and is trying to deliver it either to its warehouse or to the client. Other players and competing organizations that are not busy with their tasks can attack the owners of the special cargo and destroy it, receiving ammo, money and RP in return.

Why can't we buy and sell special cargo in private sessions?
A successful leader must navigate the perils of Los Santos' ruthless free market, reaping the rewards even when everyone wants to put a spoke in his wheel. Tasks for buying and selling special cargo were created specifically for open sessions. Don't forget that the more players in your session, the higher the bonus for the successful sale of special cargo, and partners receive a salary increase if they manage to complete several tasks in a row for the same boss. If you are worried that other players are roaming near your office or warehouse, try to find a good time to sell. Hire partners and order them to eliminate the players who are spying and waiting for you to make a deal. It will not be superfluous to hide your team with the Hidden Organization ability and go on a mission from the helipad.

Why can't I take on the next Special Cargo Buy/Sell task?
The waiting period in each warehouse is 5 minutes after the completion of the buy task and 30 minutes after the completion of the sell task. If you just sold cargo from one warehouse, you can freely sell something from another.

What should I do if I am annoyed by a player in an organization?
The boss can fire employees using the "Management" function of the interaction menu. Unfortunately, the chief does not have the right to fire personnel during special cargo delivery missions. If a Partner deliberately destroyed a Special Cargo during a Sales Mission, the Boss can punish the Partner by firing him from the organization and forbidding him from becoming a Boss or Partner for half an hour.

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After acquiring some objects that generate income, the manager will from time to time turn to the owner for help in solving emerging problems. For the most part, the tasks that the manager gives are quite simple and short, so that their implementation will not take much time, but will allow you to save the company's revenue in full.

The managers of each of the purchased business objects ask for help on average once a week: a corresponding text message is sent to the smartphone of the character who owns the object, and the letter appears on the map, marking the task. The letter is painted in the character's color - blue for , green for and orange for .

If the mission is ignored, after some time the task label will disappear, and the manager of the enterprise will send a message to the negligent owner, expressing his displeasure. In this case, the entire profit of the institution for the week will be lost. The same thing will happen if you take on a mission, but fail it.

It is worth noting that real estate tasks are launched depending on the current location of the character - if the hero is far from the object, the mission will not start. Rather, the task will be offered, but for the institution that is closest to the character. If several enterprises are equidistant from the hero, he will be offered the task of one of them - in this case, apparently, the game makes a choice at random.

So that the mediocre managers of some establishments do not annoy the tasks, the reward for which will be miserable "penny" weekly income, it is quite possible to refuse to acquire such enterprises - it is enough not to buy bars, cinemas and the Smoke on the Water medical marijuana store. The remaining objects will be enough to get 100 percent in the statistics of the passage of the game.

Car Scrapyard

After acquiring a car dump, the owner, which can be any of them, will from time to time have to repel a car recycling company from raids by the notorious The Lost biker gang.

landfill protection

To simplify the passage of this task, you need to choose the right firing point. The junkyard is located on a hillside in the Murrieta Oil Fields and is most easily accessed from the city from the east. On the other hand, if you drive up to the territory of the enterprise from the western side, you can get an advantage in height, which can be decisive in a battle at a long distance.

The first pair of intruders must be removed with a sniper rifle - most likely, they will not even understand where they are being shot from. Immediately, two black vans with reinforcements will immediately appear - they can be destroyed before the bandits get out of them, for example, with the help of RPGs or grenades. Having finished off the surviving bindits, you will have to destroy another van. You can use the same tactic - launch an RPG grenade at him as soon as he stops.

Sometimes it happens that there are no red dots marking opponents on the mini-map, and for some reason the passage of the mission does not count. In this case, you need to go around the territory of the landfill along the perimeter - most likely, there are still enemies somewhere who, due to an incorrectly working script, could not come to the aid of their buddies on time. To complete the mission, you need to kill all the bikers.

Pharmacy Smoke on the Water

After acquiring the Smoke on the Water medical marijuana store, Franklin will often receive messages from the manager asking for help. The location where the mission begins is marked on the map with a green letter .

Return of Van No. 1

Due to the specifics of its activities, Smoke on the Water constantly attracts the attention of small bandits, who for some reason think that they can easily steal a whole batch of goods from the pharmacy by stealing a van. Of course, this cannot be allowed - the stolen Brute Pony with "grass" must be returned, and on its own - for obvious reasons, you cannot contact the police.

The van is located in the Tataviam mountains. You can get here along a narrow gravel mountain road. When about half a kilometer remains to the target, the hijackers will realize that it is time to dump, and will try to hide. To catch up with them without falling off a cliff, when passing the most difficult turns, you should use Franklin's special skill, slowing down time.

Of course, you can shoot the wheels on the van, which will force the bandits to stop, but the catch is that this van will then have to be driven back to the Smoke on the Water store. Since the path is not close, it is better to act differently. The easiest way is to shoot the driver by overtaking the van on a straight stretch of road. For overclocking, you can use a special skill.

When the driver is killed, you can stop and get out of the car. The second bandit will try to shoot Franklin, but he will not cause serious problems. Having dealt with him, you need to break away from the police, if as a result of the shootout Franklin received wanted stars, and then return the cargo to the pharmacy - the path is marked with the usual yellow line.

Return of Van #2

Smoke on the Water's branded van, stuffed full of marijuana, was stolen again. Well, in vain. The kidnappers are hiding near a car dump in the Murietta oil field. There is enough room for maneuver on the local dirt roads, in addition, there is no danger of falling off the mountain, as in the first task of this type, which greatly simplifies the procedure for returning valuable property.

The easiest way is to use Franklin's special ability again to overtake the van and shoot the driver. His partner will try to resist, but he does not pose a serious danger - you can get out of the car and shoot him. It is better to use a weapon with a silencer to avoid the increased attention of the police. Otherwise, Franklin will receive one or two wanted stars. However, the intricate labyrinth of local roads will allow you to escape from the cops without the slightest difficulty.

After breaking away from the police, you need to deliver the van back to the pharmacy - it is marked with a yellow marker on the map.

Delivery No. 1

Another scenario of "help" for the Smoke on the Water business is the delivery of goods from local "manufacturers" to the pharmacy. After reaching the Great Chaparral, where the quest begins, Franklin will find a branded pharmacy van at a large hangar.

The van is loaded, so all that remains is to deliver it to the store. As soon as Franklin gets behind the wheel, a timer will appear in the lower right corner, counting down the time until the mission is completed. The path is not close, and the time for it is given only four and a half minutes, so you should not hesitate.

If you follow the route marked on the mini-map by a caring GPS navigator, it is quite possible to meet the allotted time, especially if you remember to use Franklin's special skill at every opportunity. It is pointless to save the yellow strip - it quickly accumulates when driving at high speed and in the oncoming lane.

On the roads of the countryside and on the highway, the traffic is relatively small, but already at the entrance to Los Santos you can get into a traffic jam - here again a special skill will come to the rescue, which will not only help you bypass the traffic jam, but also allow you to develop significant speed on straight sections of the road.

It is better to pass all intersections in the city using a special skill - this will help to avoid serious accidents when driving on a red traffic light. If you never get into an accident all the way, you can get to Smoke on the Water with a margin of time in one and a half minutes.

Delivery No. 2

Another mission to deliver illegal cargo starts on Kimble Hill Drive in Vinewood. The Smoke on the Water branded van is parked outside a small one-story house under a canopy. It takes three minutes to deliver the goods to the pharmacy. The suggested path is marked on the mini-map with the traditional yellow line.

The most difficult part of the distance lies along Vinewood - maneuvering through the local narrow streets is already difficult, and fighting for every second is even more so. However, Franklin's special ability will come to the rescue and will greatly facilitate progress.

Getting out of a respectable area full of chic mansions of the rich and celebrities, it will be possible to significantly increase the speed. If you don’t encounter traffic along the way, then you can get to the pharmacy with a decent margin of time - there will be about a minute left.

Delivery No. 3

The third and final delivery takes place within the city, starting on Nikola Avenue in Mirror Park, in the eastern part of Los Santos. Time to complete the task is given three minutes - more than enough.

A Smoke on the Water van loaded with "grass" is parked outside a house for sale. As soon as Franklin is driving, a timer will start and the path to the pharmacy will be indicated on the mini-map with a yellow line.

The proposed route is successful in all respects: you will have to drive in a straight line for the most part, so you won’t need to cut corners or maneuver through narrow streets. If you slow down less, drive through intersections more carefully, and use Franklin's special ability more often, you can meet one and a half minutes, that is, half the time allotted for completing the task.

Roundup No. 1

Despite the fact that, unlike the previous ones, these tasks do not have a time limit, they are noticeably more difficult. The quest starts in Chumash on the Great Ocean Highway. A Smoke on the Water branded van is parked behind the O'Deas Pharmacy in the Chumash Plaza shopping complex.

As soon as Franklin is behind the wheel, the van must be turned 180 degrees - the police are waiting for the smuggler near the north exit of Chumash Plaza. When the minibus has traveled a few meters, Franklin will receive two wanted stars. It is best to drive through a narrow exit, located away from the ambush of cops, and try to hide without leaving the territory of the mall. There is a chance (and not a small one) that it will be possible to wait out the entire search period right here.

If you jump out onto the highway quickly, there is also a chance not to catch the eye of the police, despite the fact that there are practically no detours here - you need to go south in the direction of Los Santos, constantly looking at the mini-map in order to successfully bypass the cones, marking the field of view of the cops. If you fail to catch the eye of the police, you will have to hide from law enforcement in the city.

When the wanted stars are removed, the familiar yellow line will appear on the mini-map, marking the path to the pharmacy. To complete the mission, you need to park the van in the backyard of Smoke on the Water.

Roundup No. 2

This time, the van with not quite legal contents must be taken from the farm located in the south of the Grand Senora Desert. As in the first mission of this type, the police will follow Franklin almost as soon as he gets behind the wheel. At the same time, the Unmarked Police Cruiser of the cops will appear behind the barn no earlier than Franklin is in the van, so most likely it will not work to block the police car or somehow interfere with the law enforcement officers.

However, it is not difficult to break away from the police in this part of Blaine County - it is enough to avoid paved roads, riding through the surrounding hills and wastelands until the wanted stars are removed from Franklin, after which it will be possible to take the cargo to Smoke on the Water.

Towing Impound

Some time after completion, she will call Franklin to let him know that the impound lot is up for sale. By purchasing the business, Franklin will be able to complete tow truck missions, earning $500 per tow.

Penalty parking tasks

To receive a task from the dispatcher, you need to get into the tow truck and press the key responsible for the horn. The dispatcher can get in touch with Franklin himself. In this case, the same key should inform him about the readiness for work. After the mission is completed, it will not be possible to start the next one right away - you will have to drive around for two or three minutes, pressing the horn from time to time until the dispatcher gives a new task.

The missions themselves are nothing new - all mission options have already been tried out in "favors" for Tony. So, Franklin will have to tow broken cars to a service station, pick up incorrectly parked cars, and also rescue drivers stuck at railroad crossings.

It should be borne in mind that in missions to tow a vehicle to the nearest car service, further damage to the broken car should not be allowed, as well as the death of the driver who accompanies his car while sitting in the tow truck cabin - in this case, the task will be considered failed. It is worth refusing to use Franklin's special ability - the special ability does not apply to vehicles being towed, so the towed car will begin to chat from side to side, it will unhook from the tow truck and may crash.

As for tasks with rescuing drivers stuck on the railroad tracks, the easiest way to complete them is to gently push the broken car out of the danger zone, and only then hook it.

There are a lot of funny characters in the missions: some get into a fight when Franklin tries to tow their car, others kiss in the back seat and don't care about towing, and still others can tell an interesting story along the way.


Being a bar owner in the state of San Andreas is hard work. Drinking establishments are often attacked by street gangs and attract robbers who are hungry for easy money. Many bars are popular with celebrities, so annoying paparazzi hang around them, because of which the institution can lose customers. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find an intelligent manager who would be able not only to solve all the problems listed, but at least to ensure timely delivery of alcohol to the bar.

Theft of proceeds

As soon as the owner arrives at the establishment where the request for help came from, a car drives off from the bar, taking away the raider and the week's proceeds. To return the money, the thief must be caught and killed.

Despite the apparent simplicity, the tasks in which you need to return the stolen proceeds are quite complex, which is not least due to the transport used by the hijacker: in most cases it is Karin Futo or Imponte Phoenix, less often the robbers use old Karin Sultan sports cars. All of the listed cars are fast enough, so you should go through such missions in sports cars or supercars.

In addition, the robbers shoot back, and they shoot very accurately. If the raider aims at the character - not so bad, but sometimes the robbers shoot at the wheels, making the chase even more difficult. Moreover, often their shooting attracts the attention of the police, and for return fire, the owner of the robbed establishment will immediately receive two wanted stars.

In this situation, a weapon with a silencer helps out - law enforcement officers do not react to it. It is best to use an armor-piercing pistol or a micro-SMG. It will also be useful to use a car with additional armor and bulletproof tires to complete such tasks. The bulletproof vest on the character will not be superfluous.

In order to solve the problem in the shortest possible time, you need to catch up with the thief's accelerating car without slowing down and ram it, trying to turn it around, which will allow you to more accurately aim at the fugitive. If it was not possible to deploy the robber's car, you can try to shoot through his tires, as a result of which the car's speed will decrease, and it will be much easier to catch up with him. If that didn't work out, all that's left is to chase the thief until you have an opportunity to shoot him or at least slow down his car.

At the moment of death, the robber will drop the package with the proceeds from the car. At the same time, the car will roll by inertia for some time, so that the cash will be at some distance from it. The package will be marked on the minimap with a green marker. To complete the task, you need to pick up the money and get rid of the wanted stars, if any appeared during the chase.

gang attack

Drinking establishments are often attacked by street gangs, and, of course, the owner has to deal with the bandits (what the police do in Los Santos is not clear). Familiar to all fans of the GTA series, the Ballas gang attacks the Pitchers bar, gangsters from the Latin American Vagos gang regularly raid the Hookers fish restaurant and the elite Tequi-la-la bar, and the Kkangpae gang did not like the nondescript provincial The Hen House.

The biggest difficulty in completing such a mission is to kill the enemies before they escape: the bandits are cowardly and will try to hide as soon as problems arise on the horizon. So the main thing is to act quickly, before the opponents have time to scatter. If the cars of the attackers (at least two) have gone in different directions, the task can be considered failed. Therefore, it is better to deprive them of such an opportunity in advance.

All attackers are marked on the mini-map with red dots, so it will not be difficult to identify the bandits. In order not to risk in vain, you should not drive too close to them - it is best to park half a block from the establishment and smash the cars of the attackers with RPGs, and then shoot the survivors with any rapid-fire weapons.

When all the bandits are killed, you will need to get rid of the wanted stars, after which the mission will be considered completed.

Chasing the paparazzi

If a paparazzi appeared near the establishment taking pictures of customers, you need to quickly take away the camera from him, while someone goes to the bar at all: no one wants to be on the pages of a tabloid or on the Internet. These tasks are difficult, despite the fact that they do not seem so, since you cannot kill photographers, and there is practically no time for reflection - you need to act quickly.

Arriving at the call of the manager, two men can be seen at the bar, getting on a motorcycle. Both fugitives are marked on the mini-map with red dots, but it is strictly forbidden to kill them - because of this, the bar will not be presented in the best light in the press, and the mission will be considered failed. The goal of the task is to catch up and stop the impudent paparazzi before they have time to leak the pictures taken to the network.

Worst of all, if such a task is given by the manager of the fish restaurant Hookies, which is especially popular with bikers. Escaping paparazzi have time to accelerate well along the Great Ocean Highway and can easily die if they fall from a motorcycle. In addition, they often die under the wheels of cars rushing along the highway - the inhabitants of San Andreas are always in a hurry, and few people have time to slow down in front of a person who suddenly finds himself in the middle of a freeway.

The best tactic is to shoot the wheel of the paparazzi's motorcycle, and it is advisable to do this when he is not going too fast, for example, on a bend, so that the fugitives do not crash when they fall. You can also try to make a motorcycle accident with another car, but this is much more difficult. Be that as it may, in case of luck, the paparazzi will drop their camera with a smartphone and try to escape. There is no need to catch up with the fugitives anymore - just pick up their property, which is marked on the mini-map with green dots. On this task will be considered completed.

Delivery of alcohol

From time to time, the manager of the bar will turn to the owner for help in delivering a new batch of alcohol - the driver did not come to work, and if the alcohol is not delivered in a timely manner, the establishment will lose customers and, accordingly, revenue. The time allotted for such tasks is limited, and the delivery has to be carried out on a heavy, clumsy and slow Vapid Benson truck.

Since it is not iron blanks that are to be transported, but fragile bottles, each accident will be accompanied by the sound of broken glass. At the same time, sudden braking or a change in direction of movement does not have the slightest effect on the safety of the cargo, which cannot be said about collisions with other cars, lampposts, walls of buildings and other obstacles. Moreover, the higher the speed of the truck was at the time of the collision, the more bottles will be broken.

However, the completion of the task in no way depends on how badly the bottles were damaged - as long as the amount of destroyed goods was not critical. The current number of broken bottles is marked by an indicator in the lower right corner of the screen, and you need to get to the institution while there are at least a few whole bottles left, meeting the allotted time.

The time is calculated in such a way that if you do not linger anywhere and do not get into an accident, there will be another 10-30 seconds on the timer upon arrival. Of course, it is better not to attract the attention of the police to your modest person - most likely, this will only make it difficult to move to the bar. You need to drive carefully, but rationally - if it is difficult to move along your own lane, you can taxi into the oncoming lane, but you should remember that the truck is very heavy and, accordingly, will not be able to stop quickly, so the likelihood of damage to the cargo will increase significantly. If the establishment belongs to Franklin, his special ability will not be superfluous in this task.

Pitchers and Tequi-la-la offer three delivery scenarios each from Pibwasser and Liquor Market, while Hookies Fish Restaurant and Hen House Outback Bar offer one delivery scenario each from Harmony Stripmall and Marlowe Vineyard.


Los Santos has three theaters available for purchase: Cinema Doppler, Ten Cent Theater and Tivoli Cinema. The owner of each of these objects can only become Michael - a passionate film buff and. Since this business generates significant profits, it is not surprising that small-time bandits will constantly try to rob movie theaters. In addition, the competition in film distribution is high, so the establishments will need to advertise from time to time, scattering flyers over the city.

Theft of proceeds

Scenarios with the theft of proceeds from cinemas are almost identical to raids on bars. The only major difference is that in any case, Michael is the owner of the cinema: his special ability, with due skill, allows you to shoot the fleeing thief before he has time to drive away from the robbed institution.

Advertising campaign

In order for a cinema to make a profit, it needs to be properly advertised, and this must be done regularly - the competition in this business is incredibly high. Of course, you won't have to put up posters all over the city - the 21st century is in the yard. Instead, flyers should be dropped from an airplane.

Cinema advertising missions begin at Los Santos International Airport - you need to sit at the helm of a small Mallard stunt plane, which stands at an open hangar, and take off. It would be nice to go through Michael up to this point and “pump” the character’s flight skill. However, the missions of the promotion of film distribution establishments are not difficult, so you can deal with them this way.

Having gained altitude, you need to check the map, where ten places are marked in which you need to scatter flyers. In addition, Michael will shout advertising slogans into the loudspeaker. It is better to fly higher to reduce the risk of collision with tall buildings or other objects. You need to drop leaflets when you are inside the zone marked in yellow on the mini-map. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the stock of flyers - it is not limited.

Who are the thugs, how to hire them or how to become one yourself - all the answers are in the article.

Not so long ago, official additional content for GTA online, called "", appeared in the public domain. The update features a wide range of innovations, including the opportunity to get a job as a bodyguard in a criminal organization. Only a player who has at least a million dollars in his Maze Bank account can become your boss. In order for the bosses of criminal organizations, or the so-called VIP-users, to find out that you want to get into security, you need to get a mobile phone, open the SecuroServ application and select the "Looking for work" function in the menu. After these simple manipulations, it remains only to wait for the flow of proposals.

Who can hire thugs?

Let's see who the bosses are, and what are all aspects of working for them:

  • As already mentioned, such characters must have at least a million dollars on their account, however, it is important to know that after the player registers as a boss in SecuroServ, this money does not disappear anywhere.
  • The status of the boss lasts no more than four hours of play in free mode. This does not take into account the periods of time spent on affairs and robberies, but once four hours have elapsed, the opportunity to become a boss again will appear only after 12 hours.
  • In one session, there can be no more than 6 bosses, that is, no more than six potential employers, each of which can recruit no more than three guards who will protect him from bandits.
  • If you screw up, the boss will not only be able to fire you, but also order the remaining thugs to eliminate you, who will have five minutes to complete this assignment, so be careful and careful.

What does working as a security guard for the boss give?

The primary goal of any thug is to ensure the safety of his employer and help him avoid unnecessary attention. For such work, you will be entitled not only to regular payments, but also various bonuses:

  • After each death of the boss, your payments are reduced by 5%, so your earnings can be halved, so protect your employer even at the cost of your own life.
  • While you are near the boss, your character gains 100 additional reputation points every minute, besides, if you die within a short distance from the boss, then respawn will happen next to him.
  • Bodyguards can request a vehicle, if, of course, the boss has it or is available on the map.
  • Your health will regenerate 75% faster when the boss is nearby. Both the healing speed and the amount of bonus reputation points increase if you are in the same room with the boss.
  • It is also important to remember that if you ride with the boss on the same vehicle, then you will regularly get 400 additional reputation points. The driver of the car carrying the boss gets even more - 600 RP each.
  • Every 15 minutes, the thug's account will be replenished with $ 5,000, however, as mentioned above, this figure is static only until the VIP has never died.
  • While you work as a security guard, almost all of your loot - 90% received in free mode, including bonuses for participating in events, goes into the pocket of the boss, the remaining 10% goes to SecuroServ, that is, trying to earn otherwise while working for the boss does not have meaning. An exception to this pattern is the sale of personal vehicles.

After reading this article, you will learn all the intricacies of playing on the stock exchanges in GTA 5! And if you read to the end, you will find out how to earn more than $ 2 billion on the stock exchange in the game without any problems!

Stock exchanges in GTA 5 is a very interesting and challenging mini-game that Rockstar has always been so famous for. And if in the previous parts the mini-games were completely childish and only slightly diversified the gameplay, then stock trading in GTA 5 is a truly exciting pastime that requires not only the constant participation of the player, but also certain knowledge of economics and statistics. However, if you have neither the time nor the desire to study the exact sciences, but you still want to play on the stock exchange in GTA 5, then our article is just for you! Moreover, we can guarantee that after reading the material below, you will be able to earn over $2 billion in stock manipulation!

Stock exchanges in GTA 5

The general rule for working on the stock exchanges sounds quite simple: buy stocks low and sell high. But in addition to this golden rule, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the market in a particular environment. This is what we'll do.

There are 2 stock exchanges in GTA 5: LCN - Liberty City National Stock Exchange and BAWSAQ.
LCN is a "single user" exchange. The rise and fall of the stocks traded on it are only affected by internal events in your single player game. To successfully play on the LCN, you need to carefully monitor what is happening in the gaming world. We recommend that you regularly listen to the exchange reports on the radio.

Changes in stock quotes are mostly random in nature or depend on your passage of the storyline, but you can and should influence the situation on the stock exchange. To do this, it is enough to interfere in the activities of companies represented on the stock market. By "interfering" is meant, of course, negative actions: damage to property and the murder of company management. In fact, it looks like this: there are 2 competing firms. At a certain point in time, you begin to destroy the property of one of them. As a result, in the stock market, the shares of this company are rapidly falling in price, while the shares of a competitor are rising. All you have to do is invest as much money as possible in the shares of the “growing” company and sell them as soon as the share price reaches a peak. And on the proceeds it does not hurt to buy the assets of a “collapsed” company when their price becomes minimal. And after the price for them normalizes, sell.

For you, we have prepared a list of competing companies in the world of GTA 5. A fall in the shares of companies in the left column will lead to an increase in the shares of companies on the right, and vice versa.

GTA 5:
competitors on the LCN exchange
CoolBeans BeanMachine
burgershot Up-An-Atom
Fly US AirEmu
Go Postal PostOP
Bilkington DollarPills
Pisswasser logger
MazeBank BankOfLiberty
Redwood Debonaire
Slaughter & Slaughter
Radio Los Santos WorldwideFM
ECOla Rain

Unfortunately, not everything in the game corresponds to the logic, and many players complain that, for example, after destroying several FlyUS aircraft, they eventually found AirEmu (FlyUS competitor) shares to fall. The Rockstar developers have heard a lot of abuse on the gaming forums about these bugs and shortcomings. It is hoped that the PC version of GTA 5 will be devoid of them. In addition, even now this problem is not widespread and appears only on some consoles. Therefore, you need to check how your particular version of the game will behave. You need to check for different sectors of competition: if, for example, “intervention” in the activities of air carriers does not bring the expected changes in the market, then it is likely that everything will work out with the fast food market :).

The BAWSAQ stock exchange, unlike the LCN, is a "multi-user" exchange. Changes in quotes on it depend on the actions of the gaming community. In order to purposefully influence the stock quotes of a particular company, the joint efforts of many players are needed. There is no point in trying to do something alone. For this reason, it is more difficult to play on BAWSAQ, although it can bring more money.

The main parameter by which one can judge the profitability of an operation on the stock exchange is the percentage of return on investment. If, for example, you bought shares for $100 and then sold them for $108, then the return on investment would be 8%.

For the LCN exchange, the average return on investment for a successful transaction is 8 - 10%. Such a low value is due to the fact that the market in GTA 5 is very unstable, and the graph of changes in the value of shares does not always have the shape, as in the figure above. In fact, sharp peaks and dips are possible. In addition, investments in GTA 5 are short-term,
the chart simply does not have time to rise higher before the next drop begins. Therefore, if you play on the LCN exchange and see that the percentage of return on investment has reached 10%, feel free to sell and enjoy the successful operation. The waiting time on this exchange is 5 - 10 minutes. If there is no significant change, take a nap and check again. On the BAWSAQ exchange, the percentage of return on investment is significantly higher and amounts to 25 - 40%. True, and you need to wait here much longer - 3 - 6
real time clock. The most profitable transactions on this exchange are carried out on weekends.

GTA 5 how to play the stock exchange (Leicester missions)

Using the method below, you will be able to earn $2.1 billion on three characters! The procedure is as follows:

1) Start going through the main storyline and don't look towards the exchanges until you get to a series of contract killings that Lester will order. The first of these missions is The Hotel Assassination. Without its completion, you will not be able to progress through the story. The essence of the mission is that you lower the shares of Bilkington, thus raising the shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals. The percentage of return on investment for after the completion of the mission will be 80%!

How to invest? Before the start of the mission, invest all the money in the BAWSAQ exchange, and after the successful completion of the mission, when the profit is 80%, sell the shares.

2) Complete the main storyline, but do not take any other contract killings from Lester! The last task of the main story will bring you approximately $40 million per character, and then it's time to play

3) Lester's second mission will be "The Multi Target Assassination". The bottom line is a deliberate increase in Debonaire shares and, accordingly, a decrease in Redwood shares.

How to invest? Before starting the mission, invest all the money in . After the end of the mission, sell the shares. After that, buy shares while their price is at a minimum, and sell after the price of these shares returns to normal (you need to wait and check quotes regularly). All operations are carried out on the LCN exchange.

4) The next mission from Lester is "The Assassination Panel" ("The Vice Assassination"). This is where you'll be driving Facade's stock down and Fruit's stock up.

How to invest? Before starting the mission, invest all your savings in . After completing the task, sell the shares. Immediately buy stocks while their price is at a minimum, and sell after the return of the price of these shares to normal (you need to wait and check quotes regularly). All transactions are carried out on the BAWSAQ exchange.

5) After the Panel, Lester will give you the quest The Bus Assassination ). This mission is a little different from the previous ones. The goal is the following: to reduce Vapid quotes, make investments, and wait for the exchange rate to return to normal.

How to invest? Immediately after the successful completion of the task, buy shares, wait for their rate to normalize, and sell. In this case, the percentage of return on investment should grow to exactly 100! Purchase and sale is carried out on the BAWSAQ exchange.

6) The last mission in Lester's assassination streak is The Construction Assassination. In this mission, operations will be carried out only with shares of GoldCoast.

How to invest? Before the start of the mission, invest all cash in, and after completion, when the return on investment reaches 80%, sell. Exchange for transactions - LCN.

To start earning in this way, you need to comply with the conditions that we will describe below. If you are missing something, then first you will need to fulfill all the conditions, without them you will not succeed. If you have everything you need to start farming money, then read the guide below and start getting our bucks.

To be successful, we need:

  • Organization office

You need to purchase an office through the Dynasty 8 Exclusive website. We suggest using Maze Bank for starters, due to its location. Now that we have our own organization, we can hire players who will no longer work with us in a team on equal terms, but will work for us. Therefore, from now on, we will no longer participate in robberies and constantly see the start screen of the beginning of the mission due to the constant failures of some stupid players.

  • Garage for cars

    This is not the simple garage you are accustomed to using to store your cars. In order to purchase a garage, which we need to earn money, you need to use a personal computer in your office, which you purchased on a personal office desk. If you do not know how to use it, your secretary should teach you how to do it the first time you visit the office.

    We recommend purchasing a garage near the airport, due to the convenient location, which will affect the rate of earning money. In addition to the office garage, we buy an ordinary garage next to it, in which we place one of our cars. This will allow us to leave our office garage after work without any problems. If you manage to buy, in addition to the above, also a warehouse for boxes that are used when working with goods, then it will be great, and most importantly, convenient!

    Do not confuse with ordinary garages! This one you can buy in your personal office using your personal computer on your personal desk. Your personal maid secretary will teach you how to use it on your first visit. The garage I would recommend near the airport, again due to its strategic location and convenience in general. I can also advise you to buy a regular garage next to it and place one of your cars there. It will be convenient to leave there after work. We are not talking about handling cargo, but there is also a large warehouse for boxes next to it. If you manage to buy all this, you will have only one point on the map with everything you need, and it will be close enough to the office. Comfortable!

    • Friends

    To start earning, you need to find comrades who also want to earn extra money, just like in real life. The main thing is that they are good friends, it is best that they be from 2 to 3 people. Ideally, each of them will have their own office and garage. Thanks to such a team, you form a kind of cooperative that will deal with thefts and sales of each other's vehicles, and this will allow each of you to get fast and good money. Large sums are provided to each of you. What to do if friends do not have an office and a garage? It will be unprofitable for your friends, but beneficial for you, so you can earn money and then help your friends earn money. But it is better to look for people with an office and a garage, since then everyone will receive money at once and everyone will be happy.

    • Start-up capital to start a business in GTA

    Again, as in life, we will need start-up capital, the more the better. But for starters, 50-70 thousand dollars will be enough for us. Next, we will discuss what are the advantages of a larger amount of capital.

    2. The process of earning money by stealing and selling a car

    After fulfilling all the conditions that were indicated above, we received a personal office and a garage as our property. After the acquisition, the garage will be empty, there will not be a single car in it. The main essence of the process is how to get the maximum income from the sale of a stolen car. Most players steal normal and medium cars, and then immediately sell them, thereby reducing their chances of finding a cool car to sell for $100,000. Let's move on to discussing the details.

    How to earn a lot of money in GTA: Online?

    1. Cars are divided into 3 levels: cheap, medium and expensive. Our #1 mission is fill the garage with cheap and medium cars, on average it is about 19 - 23 cars. Remember that after stealing a car, it becomes your goods, in this regard, it can be in your garage and wait in line for a future sale.
    2. The second stage begins after filling the garage with simple cars, now we need to take tasks to steal cars and wait for an expensive car to steal. After successfully stealing the car, we put it in our garage and repeat this step 3-4 times. In other words, we it is necessary to collect from 3 to 4 cars of an expensive type in the garage.
    3. Selling a car through a dealer. We are offered to choose one of three options: a private trader, a salon or a dealer, our task is to choose the third option, for which we can earn $100,000. Yes, we will spend $20,000 on modifications, but this one is still more profitable than the positions: salon or private trader.

    This is how we made money.

  • Remember we were discussing friends, now imagine that when playing together, everyone gets $ 100,000, so the campaign you earn almost half a million dollars in one run. After the sale, time is included, on average from 15 to 85 minutes, during which time you can help build a garage for your friends or find some new cars to steal in your garage.4. Collecting cars again. Which session to choose farming money in GTA:Online? Many players prefer to choose empty servers, however we advise you to choose servers with players. In empty sessions, while completing current hijacking tasks, you will be exposed to fire from NPCs on armored Kuruma, and you need it? Thus, it is better to participate in populated worlds where there are other players minding their own business. Often, real people shoot worse than bots, and this plays into our hands. Someone may have decided to ask why there is no information about the sale of car collections? The thing is that selling collections brings more profit to your friends, but not to you, if you want to charge them with money, then “welcome”, but it becomes more difficult when selling entire batches of luxury cars. In addition, selling collections will force you to start the whole process again with the collection of ordinary and medium cars, and this is an extra waste of time, and, therefore, slowing down the overall process. making money in GTA: Online.

    - Tips from player Kuroi

    • In the interactive menu, you and your thugs have a "Chief Transport" button. This is a special transport (usually armored), which for a certain amount will be called nearby. If you are the boss and own this vehicle (For example, you bought a Buzzard in Warstock) - it will be free for everyone in the organization. I highly recommend buying it, if not for yourself, then for the organization. After its destruction, it can be called again and again after the timer expires. If you are the brute, and your boss doesn't have a buzzard, but you do, it will also be free for you, while it is not for him. Simply put - if you have bought a vehicle from the list - it is always free and at hand for you and your thugs.
    • In most hijackings, NPCs in cars, sometimes helicopters, act against you. If you don't want to lose money or just fundamentally want to come with $0 - leave the car the first time they appear on the radar, take a defensive position and, in fact, fight them off. As a rule, they are not infinite. You just need to hit 4-5 waves from 2 red dots on the map. This applies to both helicopters and ground transport. Naturally keep an eye on other players on the map nearby. If there are too many potential enemies around you, I still recommend that you just drive as quickly and carefully as possible. If the police are against you - the idea is the same, only instead of shooting - get away from them by leaving the car, or driving into a fairly secluded place (the main thing is that they simply don’t shoot at the car). If you need to leave quickly, call Lester. It is able to instantly reset your wanted level.
    • And here's an interesting fact for you. If you have little money and you have broken the stolen car for more than you have, you will not be charged for repairs! This way you can quickly build a full garage without worrying about taking damage. Deliver the car in any condition and if you do not have enough money for repairs, it will be repaired for free! This method greatly reduces costs if you do not purposefully earn money for a long time and deliberately sit in an almost zero balance. But keep in mind that in order to profitably sell a car as a dealer, you need 20 thousand for one car. So one way or another, when you are ready to sell, first earn some extra money in other organizations or in the work of your organization (they usually give 20 thousand for work).
    • If you like to sit in the office like a real boss while your thugs do all the work for you, there is one thing you should know. You will not be told about the task itself until you leave the office. That is, while you are inside, you know that the work is going on, but you do not know what kind. And here unpleasant moments may appear, from which the thugs will not want to work for you. I will give a couple of examples. 1 - There are two people in your organization (you and your bully). You take on a task and, as usual, wait for it to be completed, drinking whiskey and surfing the Internet. But there is a chance that this will be a task with a police helicopter. This means that at least two people are needed to complete it - a pilot and a scanner. You won't know this until you leave the office or until the thug tells you. Most of the time, they just wait for you outside in a helicopter, but since you're a lazy boss and surf the internet, you won't know. As a result, the nervous thug merges from the session and the task is lost (not enough players in the organization). 2 - The situation is almost the same if your task is a race. All members of the organization will need to gather at the starting point. But in this case, the timer works (1:30), so if you don’t have time to get to the start, then the partners will simply go without you when the timer expires. In any case, no one likes to wait for a minute and a half, especially in sessions full of maniacs.
    • True bosses hire the maximum number of members of the organization and distribute work one by one from the office without leaving it. In fact, this works great if you have both a garage and warehouses for cargo. So that your thugs do not wait for the timer, alternate orders and take new ones as soon as the work is over. Then your partners will always have something to do, and your warehouses will replenish a little faster. The thugs have a salary and it will not decrease when you die if you are sitting in safety, which is only in their favor. A special plus is that after each job you will not need to get to the office to take the next order, because you are already there. But be careful if you are that type of boss. Follow the chat, or at least run out of the office to find out about the task and go back. Separately, I would recommend taking on the role of a “command center” and watching the map, warning your thugs of approaching potential threats via chat / voice. As a rule, this really works and, being warned in advance, they quickly go on the defensive. To reward your thugs with a "bonus" and give them a chance to earn some extra cash, sometimes start a "boss job" from the interactive menu. They are easy to complete and everyone gets ~20k for successful completion. The best and fastest are the "Hitman" and "Robbery Raid". Remember that after completing one such job, you will need to wait for a timer to start the next one. Simply put, being a lazy boss, run cargo and auto orders one after the other, and sometimes start the boss's work.

    — Tips from Ddos

    • For a more comfortable game, it's good to have your own Cargobob. There are a lot of features for delivering / selling cars when you need it. Too lazy to list everything, but, for example, a bomb in a car is activated when you get into the car. Accordingly, if you hook the car with Bob, then there will be no explosion timer. Selling a car with Bob solves all problems with bots. you carry the car through the air, and the NPCs rage below
    • In order not to be afraid for the safety of the transport from players and bots, you can start the sale in a full session, modify the transport, wait for the moment when you find yourself in a car next to the auto warehouse and kick everyone from the session. Bottom line: there are no other players, no bots. Suitable, of course, only for solo play.
    • There are hijackings where you can see a police helicopter hovering over your target. Do not approach the target in this case, otherwise it will take off on the run and you will have to contrive to kill the driver without causing damage to the car. It is better to find a suitable hill nearby and kill the driver of the car you need while he is waiting for you to appear to start the "mission". It remains only to get away from the police or call Lester (he is able to reset the wanted level for a small fee) and the car is yours.
    • One of the most mind-blowing thefts is the hijacking from a platform at sea. You got it if the first task is “get to the Humane Labs base” or “get to the NUP (Special Forces) building”. Your actions in this case: 1. Spit, fly there on a buzzard and blow up a cargo bob, thereby skipping the task or simply changing the session.2. Fly on a cargo bob to your target, land nearby on an island from which you can see the barges waiting for you in the sea, shoot the guards with a sniper rifle and take the car with Bob. There are quite a lot of further actions and tactics. I would recommend to just have a friend on the buzzard and fly to the warehouse while he shoots the enemies flying behind you on the same buzzards. If there is no such friend, it is best to urgently (and carefully!) unhook the car on the nearest shore and shoot back from the aforementioned buzzards on your own (4-5 waves of two helicopters each). When they finally run out - deliver the car at your convenience.

    You can also buy money for GTA:Online in our store.