Adaptation of new employees. Stages of adaptation of personnel in the organization. The main objectives of the adaptation process are

  • 07.02.2023

The adaptation period for a new employee on site is a time that plays an important role not only at the beginning of work, but also for subsequent cooperation.

The terms of this period can be very different and the faster the employee joins the team and gets into the work, the easier it will be for him and those around him. We will talk about what an adaptation period is, why it is necessary and how to properly bring a new employee up to date in today's article.

What is an adaptation period?

The adaptation period is a certain time period during which the employee performs a number of tasks in order to simplify and maximize the automation of work in the future.

Usually the adaptation period coincides with. The duration of this period is usually 3-12 months. In some cases, a longer period may be required, or vice versa, the employee will get used to it earlier.

The adaptation period as a whole may include the following tasks:

  1. Acquaintance with the team;
  2. Mastering the culture and ethics of the team;
  3. Mastering the skills and methods of work;
  4. Acquaintance with the internal regulations of the organization;
  5. Study of partners and clients of the company;
  6. Exploring career opportunities;
  7. Learning other skills needed in the job.

Thus, the adaptation period allows you to study the company, the team, the specifics of work in as much detail as possible, as well as decide for both the employee and the manager whether it is possible to continue cooperation immediately after the probationary period.

If we divide the adaptation period according to the methods of approach, then we can distinguish the following aspects:

  1. Psychological method - infusion into the team, establishing friendly and respectful relations, setting the level of subordination with management, and so on;
  2. Professional - obtaining basic skills for work and mastering the principles of the company's policy as a whole;
  3. Organizational method - the study of the network of interaction with other companies, departments, branches. Obtaining career development skills;
  4. Regime - a method that allows you to get used to the new rhythm of work and the pace of tasks.

Based on the above, adaptation time is a way to quickly teach an employee the basic principles and methods of work, introduce them to the team, understand the basic rules of corporate culture and ethics, as well as build relationships with others, become an integral part of one team.

Therefore, the correct adaptation training is the key to the rapid adaptation of the employee and the qualified performance of his duties.

Who should carry out the adaptation

The right adaptation program allows the employee to quickly get comfortable.

Adaptation work with an employee can be carried out by any member of the team. Usually a mentor is appointed from the most active and conscientious employees of the company. But if we are talking about a large corporation, then in this case, the work of a newcomer can be entrusted to several people at once.

Here is an example of the distribution of adaptation work:

  1. Head - prepares all job descriptions for the employee, organizes a comfortable workplace for him, deals with all documentation issues, brings the employee up to date;
  2. Personnel employee - notifies the employee about the date of going to work, collects documents for the manager, provides the new employee with everything necessary for work (stationery or tools), introduces the employee to the team;
  3. A mentor is a person who at this stage is the main guiding employee. It is on how the relationship with the mentor develops, on his competence and knowledge that the speed of adaptation of the employee and his professionalism, as well as his entire future career, will depend.

In general, the adaptation process usually goes well enough if the manager makes all the necessary efforts for this. Competent managers always try to fully provide a new employee with all the necessary conditions for proper and timely adaptation.

Properly carried out adaptation of the employee allows:

  • establish harmonious relations in the team;
  • unleash the full potential of the employee;
  • allow the employee to take a convenient place in the hierarchical system of the company;
  • increase the possibility of developing a specialist in the professional field;
  • get a close-knit and responsible team;
  • significantly increase labor productivity;
  • increase the responsibility of employees and punctuality, as well as solve many other problems.

In addition, it is important to remember that improper adaptation, or its complete absence as such, is a sure way to apathy, depression, employee bad mood and many other problems. In addition, unimportant or even worse hostile relations in the team are a direct path to the collapse of the company.

Bad relationships between employees lead to constant quarrels, poor quality work, lack of responsibility, as well as lack of initiative among employees. Therefore, timely and competent adaptation is the key to success not only for a new employee, but also for a manager.

It is important to understand that for each person, due to his psychological and psychophysical characteristics, the period can be very different. Therefore, it is not worth setting a rigid framework for adaptation.

Usually, the adaptation period ends with an assessment of the possibility of working in the company, both by the employee and the employer. And if the employee is happy to work, then the boss did everything right.

If everything went wrong

You need to carefully monitor the employee during the adaptation period.

Often there are situations when the employee can not get used to the work and the team. The following may signal this:

  1. The unwillingness of the employee to perform new tasks;
  2. Apathy towards work in general;
  3. Relations in the team become strained, the newcomer is biased;
  4. Clients or partners complain about the incompetence of an employee;
  5. The employee and the manager cannot find a common language in any way.

In addition to these reasons, there are many others, but all of them are aimed exclusively at the negative - the work of the employee is not joyful and brings only negative consequences for the company.

This can happen for two main reasons - the adaptation of the employee is incorrectly carried out, or the specialist himself is incompetent in his field. In both cases, the manager should take action to correct the situation.

For example:

  • openly talk with the employee about the current situation and their dissatisfaction, listen to the employee’s point of view;
  • offer the employee to undergo training in the specialty;
  • change the tactics of adaptation of new employees;
  • conduct conversations with the team and so on.

There are a lot of methods for correcting the situation, and the outcome of the case depends on how proactive each side is.

In general, if both parties behave apathetically, then sooner or later this will lead to termination.

The employee should behave correctly.

In order to correctly and successfully go through the adaptation period and, you need to follow some universal recommendations.

Here are just a few examples of “correct” behavior in a new job:

  1. Friendly attitude towards colleagues;
  2. Lack of bias in any situation;
  3. Polite and correct communication even in conflict cases;
  4. The maximum increase in the level of professional qualifications;
  5. Punctuality;
  6. Subordination;
  7. Accurate performance of work in any case;
  8. Positive attitude towards life in general and work in particular.

Remember, there are no universal recipes for the successful adaptation of a beginner, there is only a desire to make the adaptation period as short and productive as possible.

And depending on how much both the employee and the manager want to realize all their professional skills, the result of their joint work depends.

From this video you will learn everything about staff adaptation.

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The adaptation of personnel in the organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee faces new tasks, work methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to the new conditions. The process of adaptation of personnel in the organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it, and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to enter a position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully worked out, which will avoid the costs associated with the dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel.

Types of adaptation

The adaptation process can be of the following types:

Primary adaptation the period of introduction of a new employee who does not have work experience and communication experience in the work team. Most often, these are young employees, graduates of educational institutions of various levels, young mothers who have just come out of maternity leave. It is more difficult for these candidates to adapt in a team and quickly start working effectively.
Secondary adaptation the process of introducing a new employee who already has work experience. He knows how communications take place in an organization, what a work team is, what stages must be passed at the beginning of activities at a new workplace. They endure this process more easily than beginners. Candidates who change position in the company sometimes move to another city. This is also a specific kind of adaptation.

In addition, there are also other forms of staff adaptation, which are divided depending on the direction of training.

Main forms of adaptation

The organization of work on the adaptation of personnel should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social adaptation - It involves the adaptation of the individual in society. This type consists of the stages of introduction into a given environment, the study and adoption of the behavioral norms of society, as well as the interaction of a particular individual with this society.
  2. Production adaptation- the process of including the employee in a new production area for him, mastering the production conditions, labor standards, establishing and expanding the relationship between the employee and the production environment.
  3. Professional adaptation - mastering the process of work and its nuances. Development of professional qualities and skills.
  4. Organizational adaptation– Based on familiarizing the employee with the job description and understanding the place of his position in the organizational structure of the company and his role in the production process.
  5. Psychophysiological adaptation - In this case, we are talking about mental and physical stress, as well as working conditions at a particular enterprise.
  6. Socio-psychological adaptation - characterized by the entry of a newly arrived specialist into the team, his rapid acceptance of the immediate social environment.
  7. Economic adaptation - Economic adaptation means the adaptation of a new employee to the level of salary and the procedure for calculating it, since each organization provides for an individual procedure and features of material remuneration.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation

The main objectives of this procedure are the following:

  • Reduction of initial material costs. The new employee has not yet learned his job and responsibilities, so in the initial stages he will not work productively enough, which will inevitably lead to costs.
  • Reducing staff turnover. In a new place, a newcomer will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, so a quick dismissal may follow the appointment.
  • Reducing the time spent by management and other employees, because adaptation and work carried out according to a well-planned plan saves time.
  • Formation of a positive attitude towards work feelings of satisfaction with their new position.

The task of adapting to a new job is performed by a special unit or a separate specialist. In order for the employee to become a full member of the labor collective as soon as possible, the following should be carried out:

  • Various courses and seminars are held. These events address the complex and controversial issues of getting used to a new position and in a new team;
  • A conversation between a manager and a mentor with an employee. It can be carried out individually with the employee, where all issues of concern will be considered.
  • Short-term courses are held for senior positions;
  • The complexity of tasks due to the growth of professional skills;
  • For better adaptation, a new employee can be given various public tasks that are one-time.

Basic methods of personnel adaptation

Consider the main methods in the form of a table:

Mentoring Experienced employees advise the new employee and bring them up to date
Trainings and seminars Training a new employee in communication skills, oratory, how to behave in stressful and unforeseen situations. As a result, the employee will be more productive in performing their duties.
Conversation A personal conversation of a new employee with the head, the personnel department in the process, in which he can get answers to emerging questions.
Special programs These programs may include various role-plays, trainings that will help strengthen the collective spirit and cohesion.
Excursion When using this method, a new employee gets acquainted with the history of the company, structural divisions, territory, its employees and corporate culture.
Questionnaire After passing the adaptation period, the employee is invited to fill out a feedback questionnaire
Certification, testing, corporate holidays, etc. All these methods are aimed at making the new employee feel that the company needs him, he can, and at the same time, his productivity increases.

All methods can be used both in combination and separately for the most productive result.

The process of adaptation of new personnel in the company, unfortunately, continues to be a forgotten "child" for many recruiting managers. Until now, many companies do not pay enough attention to the process of organizing work on the adaptation of personnel. Someone does not have enough time resources, someone has money, and at this stage, employees leave the company, who, due to various shortcomings in the adaptation program, could not adapt to the new conditions.

The adaptation period is necessary so that only the new employee can quickly adapt to the company, working conditions and the team. A properly developed personnel adaptation plan will help to avoid troubles and surprises, both on the part of the employee and on the part of the company. In addition, a well-thought-out adaptation program will help save the company money, because a new employee cannot immediately return the funds invested in him and the time of managers and staff. In general, it also reduces the feeling of anxiety and uncertainty in newcomers, significantly reduces staff turnover, creates a positive attitude towards the work process and satisfaction.

Let's consider what stages should be present in terms of staff adaptation so that this process goes as painlessly as possible for both parties.

It is important to note that, in addition to the HR manager, the immediate head of the unit is also involved in the process of adaptation of a new employee. This option is most effective for companies with up to 30-40 people. If your company is larger, then you need to choose a mentor. Since the manager already has enough work, the chosen curator will help to adapt the new employee. It is important that the personality of the customer meets the following requirements: having more than 3 years of experience in the company, a high level of professional and communicative competencies, as well as the desire of the employee himself to play the role of a mentor. At the same time, it is important that he not only be able to cope well with his professional tasks, but also be able to teach this to others.

  1. preadaptation period. This stage begins with the actual interview with the candidate. That's when he gets the very first information about the company. Here it is important to provide it in full and objectively, without holding back anything, as far as the company policy allows. As experience shows, the more reliable information a future employee receives at this stage, the easier the process of adaptation in the future.
  2. Primary stage. It follows immediately after the decision on hiring a candidate for work is made. A labor agreement is sent to him, in which he must specify in detail all the conditions offered to him and agree on everything “on the shore” in as much detail as possible. This is necessary so that in the future there will be no discrepancies between the candidate and the company in understanding the terms of cooperation. It is also necessary to conduct a conversation, during which it is necessary to highlight such points as the history of the company, the main stages of its development, the main provisions of the corporate culture, the requirements for the company's employees, the style of clothing that is adopted, the procedure for remuneration and other necessary general information. Such a conversation can be conducted by both the recruiting manager and the immediate supervisor. If the latter does this, then he also talks about the terms of reference and powers, voices the tasks and goals, including those for which the assessment of the probationary period will be made. Be sure to conduct a tour with a company, show where the dining room, toilet and other public places are located. Also, the future employee gets acquainted with his workplace and introduces himself to the company's team. During the execution of all documents for hiring an employee, it is necessary to familiarize not only with the employment contract, but also with the internal regulations of the company, job description and other important documentation.
  3. Real adaptation. This period is the most important in adaptation. How a person can effectively and timely perform the tasks assigned to him will depend on his assessment as a professional. Usually, at this time, a plan for entering the position is formed, where all the tasks to be completed are prescribed. This may be the study of local and general regulations, job descriptions, familiarization with methodological recommendations and various practical tasks. A separate block prescribes the tasks set and the criteria for evaluating their implementation, familiarization with the accountability system and other documentation that the employee will maintain. It is also important that the employee is familiar with the range of services and / or goods provided by the company. It is better to control the execution of each stage of employees in order to notice in time if something goes wrong.

An example of what an employee onboarding plan looks like in principle:

  1. Informing the company's team about the departure of a new employee before his arrival
  2. Preparing information for a future employee: prepare all information materials that will be given to an employee on the first day of work, namely: internal telephone numbers, a list of city telephones of the company, parking passes and permits, availability of a PC, telephone, office equipment,

necessary set of stationery and consumables

  1. Acquaintance with the company, brief information about its position in the market, prospects and development goals, history and procedure for applying for a job (showing a video film, presentation, orientation interview, tour of the company's office (welcome-book)
  2. Conducting a welcome training
  3. Newbie Book/Brochure Loan
  4. Registration for work (filling in all the necessary documents, writing an application for employment, signing an employment contract, familiarization with the job description and internal regulations)
  5. Introduction of a new employee to the company team (oral and / or written presentation)
  6. Acquaintance with the structure of the company, its features and corporate values, the study of internal standards of correspondence
  7. Familiarization with the procedure for remuneration in the company and additional benefits, if any
  8. Personal acquaintance with the company, introduction to colleagues in the department, showing the main premises of the company
  9. Familiarization with the workplace, studying the software necessary for work, connecting to all communication networks of the company, obtaining all the necessary accesses and permissions to work on a PC)
  10. Briefing on the rules for the use of communications
  11. General safety briefing
  12. Familiarization with the work schedule

HR manager

Human Resources Assistant

HR manager

HR department worker

Department head

HR manager

Employee of the labor protection department

1st week of work

  1. Consolidation of a mentor, a closer acquaintance with employees with his help
  2. Learning company slang
  3. Acquaintance with the functions of the department, its structure, goals and tasks, interaction with other departments of the company
  4. Studying the package of documents required for work
  5. Studying the technology of work on one's own duties and responsibilities, describing in detail the current work and expected results
  6. Introduction to career opportunities
  7. Studying the structure of interaction with other departments
  8. Receiving employee contacts for interaction
  9. Studying the rules of document management
  10. Drawing up a work plan for this period of work
  11. Studying the criteria by which the performance of the tasks will be assessed
  12. Drawing up a training schedule
  13. Connection to distance learning courses in the company

Mentor / Head of department

1st month of work

  1. Report at the end of the month
  2. Examination of basic knowledge and skills (according to the agreed criteria)
  3. Summing up the results of the first month, feedback, evaluation
  4. Activity analysis
  5. Task schedule for the remaining trial period

Mentor / Head of department

2-3rd month of work

  1. Performing immediate work tasks
  2. Task plan adjustment
  3. Activity analysis
  4. Summing up the trial period
  5. Evaluation of the passage of the probationary period

Mentor / Head of department

After passing the probationary period

  1. Preparation of monthly work plans
  2. Implementation of a plan
  3. In-line plan adjustment

Mentor / Head of department

If the adaptation period was successful, then the new employee will feel confident and comfortable in the company. It should be remembered that adaptation is a two-way process. It all depends on the desire of the employee to work in this company, and she, in turn, should help him in every possible way in training and support in the person of her employees.

The most striking indicator that the adaptation program is built properly will be the fact that the employee remains with the company for a long time. An alarming signal is the dismissal of an employee up to a year. In this case, you should check the adaptation program and the work of the leader in this regard. After all, if an employee does not find support, respect and understanding from the manager and at the same time understands that he can find another job, he is unlikely to stay on this one.

The adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of a new employee and team, the gradual inclusion of a new employee in professional activities, adaptation to new social, hygienic and working conditions. How does adaptation proceed, and what methods exist for a faster process? What should you keep in mind when applying for a new job?

Main goals and objectives of the adaptation process

The main objectives of this procedure are the following:

  1. Reduction of initial material costs. The new employee has not yet learned his job and responsibilities, so in the initial stages he will not work productively enough, which will inevitably lead to costs.
  2. Reducing staff turnover. In a new place, a newcomer will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, so a quick dismissal may follow the appointment.
  3. Reducing the time spent by management and other employees, as adaptation and work carried out according to a well-defined plan saves time.
  4. Formation of a positive attitude towards work, a sense of satisfaction with their new position.

The task of adapting to a new job is performed by a special unit or a separate specialist. In order for the employee to become a full member of the labor collective as soon as possible, the following should be carried out:

  1. Various seminars and courses that address complex and controversial issues of getting used to a new position and conditions of professional activity.
  2. Conducting conversations of the manager and mentor with a new employee, conversations can be held on an individual basis.
  3. Appointment of short-term training courses for management personnel who are just entering this responsible position.
  4. Often, a method is used to assign tasks to a beginner, which, as his professionalism grows, gradually become more complicated. With this approach, it is possible to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions.
  5. In addition, for adaptation, an employee can perform various public assignments that are one-time. This will help you quickly get to know the rest of the staff.

Personnel adaptation system in the organization

The personnel adaptation system in an organization is job descriptions and professional skills that you need to get acquainted with, acquaintance with colleagues and the manager, as well as with various living conditions in the office or at the enterprise.

Types of staff adaptation: features

Varieties of such a device include the following:

  1. Professional fixture. Such an adaptation process includes an understanding by the new employee of the features of his specialty, the improvement of professional skills.
  2. Socio-psychological system. It includes interaction with the team and the leader, the adaptation of the newcomer to the norms and rules adopted at work.
  3. Organizational system. It involves familiarization of the employee with job descriptions, awareness of the employee's place in the organizational structure of the company.
  4. Economic view. Adaptation of new staff to the size and regularity of its payment is another important aspect.
  5. psychophysiological view. In this case, the employee learns to adapt to new mental and physical loads, as well as to other working conditions.

In addition, the adaptation process can be primary or secondary. The subjects of the first are graduates of universities and colleges who have no work experience. In the second case, we are talking about employees who change their position (for example, they move into the category of management).

Staff adaptation methods: how to adapt to new conditions?

Psychologists distinguish the following methods of such a process:

  1. mentor method. In this case, the senior employee helps the newcomer to understand the day-to-day affairs of the company, join the team of colleagues, and advises him at the initial stages of his career.
  2. Method (various trainings and seminars). With this method, it is possible to improve certain beginner skills, for example, communication and oratory skills, behavior in stressful and unforeseen situations, the development of stress tolerance, and so on. As a result of this approach, the employee will be even more productive in fulfilling his labor duties.
  3. Personal conversation. This method involves the personal interaction of a new employee with the staff or manager. During the conversation, a beginner can get answers to all his questions.
  4. Development of an adaptation program. Such a program may include various role-playing games and trainings that help strengthen the collective spirit and unite it.
  5. Tour introduction. During the tour, a new employee gets acquainted with the structural divisions of the company, its territory and historical features of development, and also comprehends the basics of corporate cultural thinking.
  6. Filling out the questionnaire. After the onboarding process is completed, the new employee is asked to answer a few questions in writing.
  7. Passing tests, corporate holidays, team building and so on are other methods of the adaptation process.

At the same time, such approaches can be used separately or in combination to achieve the most productive result.

Organization of the personnel adaptation process: specifics

The program for organizing the adaptation of personnel is most often a set of measures that is developed by full-time psychologists or personnel workers in the relevant unit.

Conventionally, this period can be divided into several stages. The first stage is introductory. At this stage, a new specialist gets acquainted with the goals and objectives of the company, after which he makes a conclusion whether such work suits him or not. At the same time, the administration should identify the potential abilities of the newcomer, clearly define his professional duties and outline prospects for further development. The introductory phase should take place during the course or period of the internship.

The second stage can be called the adaptation stage. The period may take several months, depending on the effectiveness of the adaptation process. At this stage, the beginner should be assisted by senior mentors, and, if necessary, by the leader.

At the third stage (assimilation), the employee must become a full member of the professional team, be able to fully solve their job tasks and fulfill their duties.

After passing through all stages, an assessment of the personnel adaptation system is carried out. With the help of such an assessment, personnel workers can find out how well a person has learned new rules and norms, how productively he communicates with other members of the team, and whether other employees have accepted him. For a full assessment, various tests and questionnaires can be assigned, during which a new employee must answer several questions in writing. When collecting information, it is also necessary to take into account the duration of the adaptation process, as well as controversial issues and conflict situations that arose during this. Of course, such a technique is implemented only with the consent of the new employee to take the tests.

Thus, the adaptation process in a new work team is an inevitable stage that every newcomer will have to go through. If this stage is neglected, the employee simply will not be respected among other colleagues, he will not be noticed and his opinion will be taken into account when performing official tasks. On average, the adaptation process can take from several months to one year, depending on the specifics of the work activity and the personal qualities of the employee himself.