Professions fair position sample. City Job Fair. All professions are needed

  • 11.03.2020

One of the goals of the Center for Technological Education and Children's Technical Creativity in Belgorod is the formation of initial professional skills in students, as well as the education of a psychologically healthy personality capable of self-determination both in the profession and in life.

When educating the personality of a future professional, it is taken as a basis that a creative attitude to work is formed in the process of creation, therefore the task of the participants in the educational process is to help find in each profession the possibility of independently creating something new and realizing the potential of students.

To increase students' awareness of the regional labor market, the educational and industrial map of the city and region, the specifics professional activity and new forms of labor organization in the conditions of market relations and competition of personnel, the Center annually hosts many events, the largest of which are the “Best in Profession”, “Profession Fair”, Profession Weeks.

One such event is the Trade Fair.

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"Scenario of career guidance event "Professions Fair-2015"""

Municipal state-financed organization additional education

"Center for technological education and children's technical creativity"


Trade Fair 2015


Prepared by:

Educational psychologist

Nosova O.V.

Belgorod, 2015

Scenario "Fair of professions-2015".

The song "Where does childhood go" sounds ...

There is a bench on the stage, on which 3 guys are sitting (one is playing a computer game, the second is listening to music from the phone, the third is scratching something on the bench ...)

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench

Who looked around

Borya sang,

Artem was silent,

Michael shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys



Michael: Programmer - it's cool,

Well, I don't know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

Only you will have to choose finally - one.

Then joined in the conversation - our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the combine in the morning

What is the fair for us

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

Together: Let's move on

The holiday starts...

Pass and sit in the hall ...

Fanfares sound ... Presenters come out ...

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests! We are glad to welcome you to the Interschool Educational Complex at the "Fair of Professions - 2015"!

Host 2: In honor of the opening of our holiday, the students of the plant Ryazantseva Diana, Zaitseva Margarita, Karaychentseva Taisiya , they will perform a musical composition for you, which will become a parting word for some of you, someone will make you seriously think about the upcoming choice, but many of you will see yourself in her words: your thoughts, your emotions, your actions ... Please, guys ...

Students take the stage, I sound a song to the motive “ dear goodness

I couplet.

Ask strict life

Which way to go

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.


Your choice of path is not a joke,

And we are a little scared -

But adults won't quit

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

III couplet.

We can do a lot

We will overcome the barriers

A step into great life.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

On your way.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

But we, my friend, will go with you

On your way.

IV couplet.

Let's go our own way

We get a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

Presenter 1: Like any holiday, the Fair of Professions cannot do without guests of honor. And today we invited:

1. ______________________________________ (head of the education department of the administration of the city of Belgorod)

2. ______________________________________ (Deputy Director of the Regional State Institution "Belgorod Employment Center")

Host 2: The word for the opening of the "Fair of professions - 2015" is provided _________________________________________________

Performance _________________________________

Presenter 1: Very soon for many of you will ring last call at school, announcing that you are embarking on a difficult, independent path as an adult. Many of you are already thinking about the questions: who to be, where to go to study.

Host 2: Make reasonable right choice profession is to choose a job that: firstly, arouses interest and satisfaction; Secondly, can be affordable and feasible; thirdly, it is promising in terms of employment.

Presenter 1: In order to help you navigate the diversity of the world of professions or finally establish yourself in your choice, we invite you to look into the wonderful world of professions.

Student 1:

Student 2:

Students leave...

Presenter 1: Guys, you are entering a life that is full of different views on what is happening, numerous options for building your own destiny. And the choice of a profession is one of the most responsible decisions that a person makes in life.

Host 2: Your guide in the complex economic life of the country is the Belgorod Employment Center. The word is given __________________

Performance __________________________

Presenter 1: Typical Man from Nowhere

Lives in his unknown nowhere

And, making no plans,

He writes them on the water with a pitchfork.

Host 2: He has no point of view

Where he's going, he doesn't know.

He somehow reminds each of us.

Listen man from nowhere

The whole world is at your disposal.

Don't miss your chance to get on a life feast.

Presenter 1: These words largely reflect how important it is for a person to make the right choice. future profession. Let us help you take the first step in this direction. training center.

Host 2: And it is no coincidence that the Fair of Professions has been held within these walls for the 13th year in a row. Here, for the first time, students learn the basics of adult professional life, learn not only to work, but also to think. The floor is given to the director of our Center _______________________________ .

Performance ______________________________

Presenter 1: The question of choosing a future profession for you, high school students, graduates, today is more acute than ever. Every young person at this age thinks about who to be in this vast and often changing world. The main thing is not to get confused, to make the right choice that matches your personal interests, abilities and capabilities.

Host 2: And yet, what is the answer to the main question: How to choose a profession, so as not to regret later?

Presenter 1: Guys, can you tell me? (referring to students participating in the skit)

Student 1:Rule one:

Student 2:Rule two:

Student 3:Rule three:

Student 4:

Presenter 1: Thanks guys. On this solemn part of our holiday came to an end. And we want to end it with the words: Choosing a profession is such an action that can destroy a person’s whole life, upset all his plans, make him unhappy or make his fate beautiful, despite thousands of obstacles and hardships, deprivation and suffering.

Host 2: Psychologists, representatives of educational institutions and enterprises, as well as specialists from the Belgorod employment center, who are already waiting to meet you, will be able to help you answer all your questions related to choosing a profession.

Presenter 1: Good luck, friends, forward on a difficult but interesting life path!

Host 2: Good luck to you! We believe that you will become true professionals in your field.

Music sounds. Students are assigned to classrooms...

Student 1: The world of professions is multifaceted, we can’t count all of them,

But understand, there is a place for everyone in this world.

Years pass quickly, you want to become adults.

Unnoticed, your time to choose comes...

Student 2: Every work is important - in the fields and behind the machine,

Everyone knows that a person is famous only for his work!

Cook, carpenter and actress, hairdresser, salesman,

Cosmonaut and dentist, composer and singer.

Student 3: Doctor, welder and designer, engineer and steelmaker,

And the designer, and the fireman, the architect and the painter,

Carpenter, turner and builder, officer, sailor, lawyer,

Musician, athlete, teacher, manager, economist.

Student 4: Agronomist, blacksmith, botanist, speech therapist, furrier, tailor,

Nuclear physicist, psychologist, tractor driver, driver, miner.

You can learn a lot at the Fair today,

And so we want to wish everyone good luck!

Student 1:Rule one: Know and very well imagine what you want from life.

Student 2:Rule two: Remember that it is impossible to make a choice once and for all, that you need to be ready for constant changes.

Student 3:Rule three: Different paths lead to the same goal, and even obstacles can be turned into training tools.

Student 4:Rule four and last: Work is important, but still only a part of life.

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench

Who looked around

Borya sang,

Artem was silent,

Michael shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


Borya: I want to become a programmer, how about you?

Michael: Programmer - it's cool,

Well, I don't know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally one.

Here he joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the combine in the morning

What is the fair for us

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

Together: Let's move on

The holiday starts...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench

Who looked around

Borya sang,

Artem was silent,

Michael shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


Borya: I want to become a programmer, how about you?

Michael: Programmer - it's cool,

Well, I don't know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally one.

Here he joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the combine in the morning

What is the fair for us

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

Together: Let's move on

The holiday starts...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench

Who looked around

Borya sang,

Artem was silent,

Michael shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


Borya: I want to become a programmer, how about you?

Michael: Programmer - it's cool,

Well, I don't know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally one.

Here he joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the combine in the morning

What is the fair for us

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

Together: Let's move on

The holiday starts...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench

Who looked around

Borya sang,

Artem was silent,

Michael shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


Borya: I want to become a programmer, how about you?

Michael: Programmer - it's cool,

Well, I don't know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally one.

Here he joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the combine in the morning

What is the fair for us

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

Together: Let's move on

The holiday starts...

I couplet.

Ask strict life

Which way to go

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.


Your choice of path is not a joke,

And we are a little scared -

But adults won't quit

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

III couplet.

We can do a lot

We will overcome the barriers

After all, graduation is not just a class,

A step into a bigger life.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

But we, my friend, will go with you

On your way.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

But we, my friend, will go with you

On your way.

IV couplet.

Let's go our own way

We get a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

I couplet.

Ask strict life

Which way to go

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in a dream

Go my friend, always go

On your way.


Your choice of path is not a joke,

And we are a little scared -

But adults won't quit

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with a look,

Thank you teachers

Be with us always

III couplet.

We can do a lot

We will overcome the barriers

After all, graduation is not just a class,

A step into a bigger life.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

But we, my friend, will go with you

On your way.

We are following the dream

Though the path is unknown

But we, my friend, will go with you

On your way.

IV couplet.

Let's go our own way

We get a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents - support,

We cannot let them down.

In their decisions.

Victoria Vladimirovna Kovaleva
Class hour "Fair of professions"

« Trade Fair»

Target: Shaping students' understanding of diversity professions.


1. Activate, consolidate, clarify and replenish students' existing knowledge about professions.

2. Instill in students an interest in the world professions.

3. Contribute to the activation of children's speech activity, develop their coherent speech.

4. Contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

5. Develop attention, logical thinking, speed of reaction, ingenuity.

6. Develop communication skills in small groups (pairs).

7. Cultivate a respectful attitude to work, to representatives of different professions.

Children's age: 3 Class

Form of organization of activity children: work in groups.

Equipment: computer, projector, envelopes with a set of riddles, tokens, "magic box" with titles professions, an exhibition of drawings on the topic "Whom I want to become", children projects « Professions of our parents»

Course of the lesson: Introductory speech of the teacher Slide 1. (Sun)

The bell rang for us. Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully.

Guys! Today we have an open lesson, guests have come to us, these are your parents. And it is customary to greet guests with good mood! Welcome guests!

Sit down.

The nut of knowledge is hard, but it will help to crack it

magic words: "Want to know everything!"

And in order to successfully cope with all the tasks, you will need knowledge, ingenuity, logic, attention. You are ready? Then we begin the lesson of the World around us.

What would you like to get from the lesson? New knowledge

Let's open our hands to new knowledge

You will work in groups, therefore, the result of your work depends on each of you.

To determine the topic of our lesson, let's guess together with you crossword:

1. Tell me who cooks cabbage soup so tasty,

Smelly meatballs, salads, vinaigrettes? (cook)

2. Who will give you an injection? (doctor)

3. Who builds our housing? (builder)

4. We get up very early, because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning. (chauffeur)

Love nature, respect the elderly. (teacher)

We are all friends with books

Each of us is a reader.

And, of course, they should know what their writer writes.

6. Who gets up early and drives out the cows,

So that in the evening we drank milk? (shepherd)

7. Who makes the world more beautiful for the reader? (librarian)

8. Who knows the roads are excellent air

And will they take us where we need to go? (pilot)

(film or riddles, letters on the board) Slide 2.

Guess what the conversation will be about? (O professions)

(Additional picture about professions) Slide 3.

Student: Can we now understand

Who do we want to become in life?

Where to work, who to work with, who to go to study?

Teacher: Yes, the questions are difficult,

But there is a solution guys!

You have to try, dream

Go to different circles

To understand who you want to be!

Getting ready for class hour we have done research. Did you answer the survey questions? "Who to be", prepared projects « Professions of our parents» , drawings "Who do I want to be"(Project plan)

But in order to become someone in life, you must first grow up and learn, get profession. slide 4.

Profession is a type of work which requires a certain training, knowledge and skills from a person.

At: - About what professions tells us in a poem "All for All" children's writer Julian Tuwim.

Students: A bricklayer builds dwellings,

The dress is the work of a tailor,

But the tailor has to work

Nowhere without a warm shelter!

The bricklayer would be naked

If skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

Apron and jacket and trousers.

Baker to shoemaker by the deadline

Instructs to sew boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

How much will he sew, grind?

So, that's how it goes:

Everything we do is necessary.

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

We are in professions play

We choose them according to our liking

Not just to dream

Professions to learn! (let's go to fair) Slide 5.

Guys, how do you know what fair?

Look at the explanation of the word « fair» given in the explanatory dictionary of S. Ozhegov

On the board or slides: Fair- this is a big bargain, usually with entertainment, entertainment, arranged regularly, in one place and at one time.

What is happening on fair? (Sellers exhibit goods, trade them, buyers purchase goods).

What mood is created for fair and why? (On the the fair is noisy, fun. There are many people here. Buffoons and street actors show funny performances and jokes, arrange games and competitions).

That's right, guys, but today we're going to an unusual fair, here they sell not food, not clothes, not toys or souvenirs.

This is another fair is a fair of professions. slide 6.

When you visit here, you will meet different professions, remember what you know about them and share your knowledge. Also, do you participate in fun games and quizzes, and the most active of you will receive tokens.

warm-up game "Say a word".

I read the beginning of a sentence, and you finish the rhyme by adding a title word professions.

At school he teaches us (teacher,

And the palace was erected (the builder,

He will give you medicine ... (pharmacist,

A bun will bake for you ... (baker,

He will brew a potion for you ... (healer,

Will bring home ... (driver,

At school at the door ... (watchman,

An injection will prescribe you ... (doctor,

He took the violin in his hands ... (violinist,

The picture will be taken by ... (photographer,

And leave you an autograph

Rushing into space (astronaut)

Or bold... (astronaut).

He rules the plane (pilot,

The tractor drives ... (tractor driver,

Electric train - ... (driver,

Painted the walls ... (painter,

He planed the board ... (carpenter,

Works in the mine ... (miner,

He spent the light in the house ... (fitter,

In a hot forge - ... (blacksmith,

Who knows everything - well done!

Guys, which one of you guessed the word "doctor"?

What does it mean, please explain.

Let's read how this word is interpreted in S. Ozhegov's dictionary.

On the board or slides: Healer - The same as the doctor (obsolete, as well as generally the one who heals.

Please note that this word is obsolete, it is now rarely used in speech.

What kind of drug is he making?

Let's go back to S. Ozhegov: The drug is a healing composition, a mixture.

Who can explain the meaning of the word "astronaut", using the name of another professions found in the poem?

That's right, an astronaut is an astronaut. Such a name professions used in other countries. Slide 7 (dictionary)

Let's pay attention to the exhibition of works "What I want to become."

In today's world, there are 40,000 professions;

It is important to be able to understand this diversity;

Find out what people are doing professions;

Get to know what qualities you need to develop for your future professions;

Consider your own interests and abilities.

III. Students' speech about their parents' professions.

At the beginning class hour said about that you were working on a project « Professions of our parents»

We put forward a hypothesis. Remind me what a hypothesis is? (This is a guess)

Name the hypothesis of our project.

Student: Happy is he who has chosen a business to his liking.

We must determine whether our hypothesis is correct.

O professions their parents will share pupils:

1. Maximov Maxim Slide 8. (fireman)

2. Sergey Karasev Slide 9,10,11

3. Gorbatova Anastasia

4. Repina Victoria Separate presentation.

It can be seen with what interest the guys talked about their parents' professions, what will we conclude? (profession chose mom and dad to their liking,)

Our hypothesis was confirmed.

IV. Introduction to Types professions.

Teacher: All professions scientists divided into types. slide number 13

Man - technique

Man is nature

Man is man

Man - sign system

Man - artistic image Slides 14-18

Teacher: There are riddles on your tables, you read them carefully and give me an answer - what is it profession and what type would you classify it as. Time has passed, a minute for discussion. slide 19.


1. Who sits with a sick cat?

And how to be treated, he says;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (Veterinarian; man - nature)

2. He needs a vise and pincers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And all you need is skill. (Locksmith; man - technique)

3. Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook; man - man)

4. Numbers-calculations.

figures reports,

Who with the computer on "you".

it profession anywhere,

And the dream comes true! (Accountant, person - sign system)

5.Builds a house with a pencil

On a piece of paper.

I need to draw everything

Calculate, check.

Stairs and doors. (Architect; man - artistic image)

Well done guys, you got the job done. (tokens)

Competition "Proverbs about labor and professions» (collect proverbs)

1. Finished the job - walk boldly.

2. Patience and work will grind everything

3. They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

4 The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

5. It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

Guess which ones professions is spoken in proverbs and sayings


Strike while the iron is hot. (Blacksmith.)

To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water. (Fisherman.)

The needle does not sew, but the hands. (Seamstress.)

Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut. (A carpenter.)

The cow is black, but her milk is white. (Milkmaid.)

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread. (Grain grower.)

Go hunting - feed the dogs. (Hunter.)

Competition "MOST-MOST" And now you will answer questions with elements of humor.

name professions: (1 minute to think)

Work in groups on the sheets.

Blitz quiz.

Remember professions characters in literary works.

Names of all professions hung on the board under the sign « Trade Fair» .

Who was Pechkin - a character in the work of E. Uspensky "Three from Prostokvashino"? (postman)

-Profession the hero of the fairy tale Korney Chukovsky, who came to the aid of the sick inhabitants of Africa. (doctor)

Who was the old man from the tale of the goldfish by A. S. Pushkin? (fisherman)

-Profession Giuseppe from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key. (carpenter)

name profession two evil sisters and "Tales of Tsar Saltan" A. S. Pushkin. (weaver, cook).

Which professions did the three little pigs learn when they built their houses? (builder).

-Profession of an old man who advised King Dadon in "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" Pushkin. (stargazer, sage)

- Profession shorties from a flower town called Tube. (painter)

- Profession cunning people from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen "The King's New Dress". (tailors)

- Profession shorties Pilyulkina from the Flower Town. (doctor)

- Profession shorties named Guslya. (musician)

Who was the father of Alyonushka and her two sisters in the fairy tale by S. T. Aksakov « The Scarlet Flower» ? (merchant)

- Profession Uncle Styopa from a poem by S. V. Mikhalkov. (policeman)

Into whom did the fairy turn the rat from the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Cinderella"? (coachman)

Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? (hunters)

What did the animals from Bremen become - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster? (musicians)

On the board or on the slides in the piggy bank professions names of new professions.

New professions.

And who do you want to become? (3 persons)

Our lesson is coming to an end, which means that the fair closes.

Count who has earned how many tokens!

Let's take a look at the magic box. slide 22.

Seryozha: Guys, I want to offer you professions, you buy them, and now your task is to learn more about this professions, compose a story with pictures, and parents can be our assistants. music

4. Summing up, selection and "purchase" students who interested them professions. slide 23.

1. All roads are open before me, how much I expect from my fate.

But I remember from the school threshold

Whatever I sow, I will also reap.

2. Know, guys, it depends on knowledge

The strength of the country and the health of the people

"Triple" the tractor is not an assistant in labor,

Warrior on "two"- he is more terrible than the enemy.

3. Our work today is study.

Are we ashamed to show our work.?

So let's try to do the work, let it be 4, and preferably 5.

Teach: Do you think today's conversation was useful for you?

I think when you grow up you will choose the one profession that you will like and love.

Target: providing effective assistance to orphanage pupils in choosing their future profession.


  • Formation of schoolchildren's ideas about the world of professions and their requirements;
  • Activation of students in preparation for professional self-determination;
  • Develop Creative skills students.

Event progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear participants and guests of our “Professions Fair”. Today we have gathered with you here to find out what professions our graduates have chosen and whether they have professionally important qualities necessary for the chosen profession. Profession is an occupation, a favorite thing, the work of a lifetime. Therefore, a favorite thing is chosen once and for life. But it's hard to choose. And I want to become a doctor, and a driver, and an astronaut, and a diver, a teacher, an artist. Therefore, you are faced with the task of learning as much as possible about professions and starting to seriously prepare for her choice. Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices we make throughout our lives. Writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky said: (slide 1) Attachment 1.

"If there is anything decisive in a person's life, it is the choice of profession."
(N. Chernyshevsky)

And what professions do you know dear viewers?

(student answers)

You probably often thought about who to be, what profession to choose. These questions are asked to you both at school and at home. Why is the problem of choosing a profession one of the most important in a person's life? Do many people correctly believe that a profession is chosen once and for life? We will try to find answers to these and other questions related to professional self-determination in our event “Professions Fair”. Soon the school year will end and our ninth graders will enter vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, where they will be taught various professions to which they may devote their whole lives and achieve great success. Today we will find out what professions our graduates have chosen and whether they are ready for them. A jury of two people will help us determine the most prepared participant (to present the jury).

2. The main part. Contests.

Profession "Pastry chef"

To understand what profession we are talking about, you need to guess the riddle (slide 4):

Each of his creations
Just a fairy tale, overeating,
Thoughts, creativity flight.
Anyone who has tried will understand.

Mom cooks soup
Babies from different groups
Deftly fashion cutlets
And cut the vinaigrettes.
And with such a skillful mother
I am the most satiated!

That's right - this profession is called a pastry chef. And today the girls who have chosen this profession will tell in detail about it.

(The story of graduates about the profession "cook").

Now let's see if it's easy to be a cook (slide 5). In order to understand this, I suggest taking pens and sheets of paper to the participants of the fair, as well as our guests. Imagine that your classmates are visiting you. And at home, only potatoes are available from products. But, it turns out that you can cook a large number of very tasty dishes from ordinary potatoes. Your task is to write down possible dishes on pieces of paper for 3 minutes, the main component of which is potatoes. How many dishes are listed - so many points the participant of the competition receives. And if one of the spectators names a dish that not a single participant of the fair will remember, then a prize awaits him. There is only one condition - you can not shout from the spot - whoever wants to add to the list of dishes must raise his hand. So, the time is up, I ask the participants to announce their lists and hand them over to our jury to calculate the results.

Occupation "Auto mechanic"

(slide 6 - 10 )

Guys, have you noticed how many cars are on the streets nowadays? And what do you think what profession related to machines is in great demand in our time?

(student answers)

Our graduates also decided to get such a profession, let's listen to a story about it?

(The story of graduates about the profession "auto mechanic"). Appendix 2

So, to become an auto mechanic you need to know physics, mathematics and many other sciences. Today we will see how our participants possess this knowledge. I invite participants to compete in solving very difficult problems - answer the questions of the classic test used by most American and Western European firms when hiring new employees. The time for thinking about each task is about one minute. After you choose the right answer, you will need to write it down on a piece of paper in large letters so that at the end our jury can evaluate your answers. And to our viewers, I suggest not to be bored and also answer the question. If our participants cannot find the correct answer, you will be able to show your knowledge and get a prize.

1. What word is superfluous? (slide 11 - 12)

Helsinki, Washington, London, New York, Paris, Moscow. (New York is the only city in the group that is not the capital.)

2. Vasil, mipodor, napels, corsiba, darnamin. (When rearranging the letters, the following words are obtained: “plum”, “tomato”, “orange”, “apricot”, “tangerine”. All words are fruits, and a tomato is a vegetable.) (slide 4)

How do you write down the number "3" three times to get "4" as a result? (3:3 + 3 = 4.) (slide 13)

It's time to find out how our participants coped with the tasks. Now I will read the question, and you will show me the answer cards, and our jury will evaluate you.

Profession "Master of finishing works"

(slide 14-15)

3. The master of finishing works needs such important qualities as a good eye, accuracy, endurance. Today we will see if our participants have these qualities?

I suggest you take a sheet of paper with a picture of a house on it and color it quickly and beautifully, and we will evaluate your houses. (the second option is to assemble a house from cut pictures). So, for this competition, we give you three minutes.

Time to sum up the results, now our jury will evaluate which of you is the most dexterous, fastest.

4. And now I will ask our participants to tell why they chose this particular profession, what attracted them to it?

5. Contest "Words Shifters"

For example, "Shchaknemki" - a bricklayer

(fisherman, engineer, seamstress, driver, cook, sailor)

Thanks to our graduates for telling us about their chosen professions and for showing themselves in all competitions. Now we will ask our jury to evaluate the work of our graduates.

While the jury is summing up, I would like to talk to the audience and ask a few questions. The one who answers correctly will receive a sweet prize.

Blitz Poll

1. Name proverbs and sayings about work, work or various professions .

Proverbs about the profession

  • Without an ax - not a carpenter, without a needle - not a tailor.
  • Every person is known by the case.
  • The blacksmith's hand is light: if only his neck were strong.
  • What a spin, such is the shirt on it.
  • Thinks the carpenter with an axe.
  • At the blacksmith - that he knocked, then the hryvnia.
  • The hammer does not forge iron, but the blacksmith.
  • A tailor without a caftan, a shoemaker without boots, and a carpenter without doors.
  • On Monday the Savka is a miller, and on Tuesday the Savka is a saddler.
  • A mine is a mine, that a bird is the sky.
  • Do not ask the blacksmith for coals (either not, or you need it yourself).
  • The blacksmith's hands are black, but the bread is white.
  • A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
  • You can see a good master in grip.
  • The brakodel remains out of work.
  • Every master takes it for training, but not everyone finishes it.
  • Where it is sewn on a living thread, wait for tears there.
  • Walk, don't forget things.
  • Wedge carpenter comrade.
  • To conduct business - not to weave bast shoes.
  • It takes everything, but not everything succeeds.
  • No matter how you cover it with varnish, the marriage will remain a marriage.
  • The work of the master magnifies.
  • Whoever knows how to sew with gold will not go to strike with a hammer.
  • The case is not a mosquito: you can’t brush it off.
  • When you manage to get down to business - and the snow will catch fire, and if you fail - and the oil will not flare up.
  • Know how to make clumsy smooth, and bitter - sweet.
  • The case is red.
  • To take on all the cases - to do nothing.
  • A beautiful word is silver, and a good deed is gold.
  • Cutting - not sewing: after that you will not rip.
  • Don't say what you've learned, but show what you've learned.
  • Do not marvel at the man, but at his deeds.
  • The needle does not sew, but the hands.
  • The craft does not ask for bread - it feeds itself.
  • Not he is good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good in business.
  • Do not teach idleness, teach needlework.
  • Not a bad craft, who knows how to make an oar.
  • You can't be a jack of all trades.
  • Seven cases in one hand do not take.
  • Today he sews boots, tomorrow he bakes pies.
  • Ingenuity will help out in any business.
  • The ax dresses, the ax shoes.
  • The ax is sharper, so the matter is more difficult.
  • Patience gives skill.
  • Every business has its limits.
  • Not a pot pleaser, but a cook.
  • A good sawyer has a sharp saw.
  • Coal is like gold: it glistens and is valued.
  • A daring jack of all trades does not know flour in anything.

2. Representatives of what profession successfully replaced doctors in the middle of the century?

a) blacksmiths;

b) barbers;

c) alchemists.

3. Who in the hospital puts the patient into deep sleep before the operation?

a) a physiotherapist;

b) a hypnotist;

c) an anesthesiologist.

4. Who must certify a will for it to take effect?

a) the prosecutor;

b) a lawyer;

c) notary.

5. Who defends the defendant in court?

a) the prosecutor;

b) a lawyer;

c) investigator.

Guess the riddles:

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he -...

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint;
He has a bucket in his hand
He himself is painted colorfully.

At work all day long
He commands the hand.
Raise that hand
One hundred pounds under the clouds.
(crane operator)

Sharpens parts on the machine
This staff worker.
Without his skillful hands
Do not assemble a tank or a plow.

He, going on his round,
He puts on a medical gown,
He puts medicines in a bag,
Then he walks to the barnyard.

So, our event has come to an end, it's time to sum up.

The word to our jury (the jury leads the children to the idea that each child has done well and deserves praise. But each profession is difficult in its own way and requires different skills and qualities from us. It is impossible to understand how suitable the profession is for us without working. Maybe one of you all your life will devote now to the chosen profession, and someone who has worked in one profession decides to learn a completely different one.The main thing to remember is that the profession you have chosen should bring you pleasure, and even better if your hobby becomes your job.

Yes, all professions cannot be counted,
take a closer look time to eat,
What do you want to become?
We are curious to know.
There are many professions in the world,
But you must choose the one
What is dearest to you in the world,
To dedicate yourself to work

Thank you all for your attention. This concludes our fair.

Goodbye. (slide 20)