Disc bird feeder. Original DIY bird feeder designs. What to use for feeding

  • 02.09.2020

Bird feeders- a functional children's craft that will teach children to take care of nature and its inhabitants. At any time of the year, while walking in the park, children always feed the birds with seeds or bread crumbs with great pleasure, watch them and shower their mother with questions about what kind of birds they are and what else they like to eat. When winter comes, it is not easy for birds, because it becomes more difficult to find food for themselves under a layer of snow, and at this time it is especially important to feed them. The kids will be very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​creating a feeder.

DIY bird feeder

For example, wooden do-it-yourself bird feeder is a task for a real master carpenter who knows how to work with wood and special tools, but, fortunately, there are more simple materials, which will help you make a very useful craft - a bird feeder. You can make it with an empty tetrapack, cardboard box or plastic bottle As you can see, these materials can be easily found in every home. You may not really like the idea with cardboard, because under the influence of weather conditions this material will quickly deteriorate, so plastic is rightfully considered the most affordable and practical material. You can use 2 liter bottles or 5 liter eggplants.

In a harsh snowy winter, the birds that stay with you for the winter especially need support, because now they do not have the opportunity to get their own food in the fields, pick up crumbs on the ground - everything is covered with snow. The feeder consists of two parts: the lower container, where the seeds are poured, and the roof, so that snowflakes do not fly inside and rainwater does not accumulate.

If you are at a loss as to which one is better bird feeder, photo you can see on our website. By the way, with the help of such crafts from waste material you can expand your child's horizons, because by hanging a feeder in the courtyard of your house, you and your children can watch the feathered guests and study them.

Remember that metal elements cannot be used for the structure, it is not recommended to make gratings from them, because at low temperatures they will become dangerous for feathered guests. If you are doing it from a tree, then make sure that nails do not stick out anywhere, there are no points.

If you decide how to make a bird feeder from a tetrapak, then first it must be washed and dried, then holes should be cut, and it is not recommended to make holes opposite each other, because the wind can blow away the seeds. Holes can be cut on two adjacent sides. To make the structure stronger, you can insert wooden sticks into the corners. You can hang the feeder on a tree using a wire or a thick thread that must be threaded from above. Using a wire, you can fix the structure on a tree trunk.

How to make a bird feeder

We have considered how simple options, what can be do-it-yourself bird feeder photo, and now we need to dwell on the question of what can be offered to feathered guests for dinner. After all, some food can be harmful to birds, for example, you can’t treat them with spicy or salty foods, you know that titmouse love to eat lard, but you can only offer them fresh lard. It is also not recommended to give birds black or rye bread, as it can ferment in winter, but white bread crumbs will perfectly complement the diet of birds in winter.

Birds will also rejoice at cereals, you can mix a variety of: oatmeal, corn and wheat chaff, millet. For birds, rowan berries will be a real delicacy. If you decide to pour sunflower seeds on them, then they should be raw, not fried and not salted, you can pre-crush the seeds a little.

You can also worry about the health of birds, and so that they do not experience calcium deficiency, you can add chopped eggshell or crushed chalk. You can also use parrot food that is sold in pet stores, it is affordable, so you can sometimes indulge the birds with such a balanced diet.

Original bird feeders, of course, will become a real decoration of your backyard, or you can make ordinary beads, string berries, nuts, bagels, slices of dry bread on a thread and hang such garlands on a tree in the yard. You can make these with your children, the children will be happy to string rowan berries on a string.

If the weather is frosty outside, then you can cook a “pie” for feathered gluttons: for this you need to melt margarine in a bowl, mix it with grains, seeds, berries and other cereals, and then let the mixture harden in any mold. Such a "pie" can be hung on a branch or attached to the wall of the feeder. Sometimes seeds, berries and dried fruits are mixed with a little water and frozen in a mold, and then the finished "ice" is hung in the garden. You can also make sticks, like those sold in pet stores, the seeds can be fixed on any stick with flour glue. Birds can get the necessary calories from a piece of lard, only the lard must be fresh.

Bottle bird feeder

The simplest option is bottle bird feeder, even a schoolboy can do it, and one of the parents can help a preschooler in this task. Cut out the side of the bottle and hang it from a tree. You can also use milk or juice bags, they are made of cardboard, which is resistant to moisture. In addition, such packages have an optimal shape for the simplest feeder, it just needs to be slightly modified.

In addition to the juice bag, which must first be washed and dried, you will also need twine and a sharp stationery knife. To make a bright and original feeder from such a package, you can also use self-adhesive film or multi-colored printed tape. With these materials, you can glue the package, and then proceed to the next step. The original drawing can also be applied using a stencil and paint.

A wooden feeder will fit perfectly into the landscape of your garden, but you can either buy it or make it yourself from plywood sheets using special tools - and this is already a task for a real master, so you can use small thin twigs with which you can glue the surface of the package and make them decorative roof. Children can be involved in this process, they will be happy to participate in the creation, and when the birds arrive for a treat, the children will be able to watch them.

After you cut a hole on one side, to strengthen the edges, you can glue it with self-adhesive or electrical tape, thanks to this move, the edges will no longer be sharp, and the bird will not be able to get hurt. The hole can be square, cut on one side, or you can cut it on the corner. To maintain the strength of the bag, you can make a triangular hole. Holes should be on both sides. Through the package, you can insert twigs or chopsticks by securing them with tape. At the end, you need to thread the twine in the upper part and hang the structure on it

Bird feeders

You can use the master class if you have any cardboard box at hand, all you need to do in advance is to paste over its walls with adhesive tape or self-adhesive film. But the cardboard should be thick enough, for example, you can use a shoe box. You will also need a lid: it must be lifted above the main box, where you pour the food. You can use pieces of wire to lift the lid. In the middle on the lid, you need to make a hole, thread the twine and make a loop. This loop can be used to hang the feeder.

You also need to resort to another tricky move: put a duplicate sheet of cardboard on the bottom, which can be wrapped with cling film. You can also use a plastic pallet, thanks to which your craft will last a long time, and the bottom will not soften.

They should be not only functional, but also beautiful, because they will be a real decoration of the playground. Even if you are making them from waste material, it would be useful to decorate it with paints, jute cord, buttons, ribbons and stickers, or you can use various natural materials.

Original bird feeders

Plastic bird feeder containers are the most affordable option, besides, with the help of a small plastic bottle you can make an uninterrupted feed supply system, so even if you forget to add seeds, your feathered guests will not go hungry.

Such plastic bottle bird feeder and two plastic spoons, you will also need a string and scissors. It is advisable to choose a container with a wide mouth and a wide lid, for example, from under juices. Poke two holes in the lid with a pair of scissors. Thread the string through the holes and tie it into a knot. This design is easy to hang from any branch or on the porch of the house.

Also, this design allows you not to worry that the birds will remain hungry, because as soon as they peck at the food offered to them, the stand will automatically be filled with seeds. To replenish stocks, you just need to unscrew the lid and pour more mixtures of cereals into the plastic container.

At the bottom of the bottle, two holes must be made opposite each other, one is a little larger, the second is small. Insert a spoon into these holes, it should be slightly inclined so that the wide spoon itself is slightly lower than its edge. To fix the spoon in this position, you can use plasticine, which can be attached to the bottle from the outside, seal the hole with it, from where the edge of the spoon comes out.

A little higher, you can make two more holes opposite in the same way, and insert a spoon into them. Original do-it-yourself bird feeder is already ready, and the spoon must be inserted into it so that the feed from the bottle is poured onto its base.

After observing the birds, you can do various crafts with children - or from felt.

Although winter has not been severe in recent years, there is still not enough food for birds at this time of the year. Birds willingly flock to the proposed treat, and you can watch titmouses, bullfinches, sparrows nearby for hours.

Children are especially interested in it. I still remember my own childhood impressions: it was impossible to tear me away from the window. Dad then made a small, unpretentious wooden feeder made of slats and scraps of plywood, and sparrows always hovered around it, sometimes bullfinches flew in. And for the titmouse we hung a piece of fresh fat. I myself tried to build something similar last year, but my carpentry skills were not enough - it turned out to be something not very strong and slightly lopsided.

The easiest way, of course, is to use the well-known option - cut a feeder from a cardboard bag (from under milk or juice) or a plastic bottle:

A plastic bottle feeder is perhaps the easiest option.

1. Feeder without a roof - the simplest design

Making a roof for the "bird dining room", in my opinion, is the most difficult part of the job. So, if you, like me, are not sure about your building skills, you can try to start by offering treats to the feathered guests of the garden on simple wooden tray.

Wooden feeder without a roof - not very practical, but very simple

A piece of plywood, four thin blocks as sides (so that the grain does not blow away with the wind) and a rope for attaching to a branch - the feeder is ready! And a very simple option is to fix an ordinary plastic tray on some stable surface (they often pack sweets, cookies, vegetables in stores):

A plastic tray feeder is extremely easy to manufacture

Big minus such a feeder - it is not protected from snowfalls and winds. So this is more likely not a "dining room", but a small "buffet" for birds. It will fit as a temporary “food point” - in the event that you rarely visit the country house in winter, and there is still no one to regularly fill the feeder.

2. Wooden feeder with a flat roof

This option is more difficult, but not by much. With the task of attaching four columns to the base of the feeder - supports under the roof - even I successfully coped. Then it remains only to pin or fasten another piece of plywood with screws on top (it is better if it is slightly larger in size than the base of the feeder). Such an elementary roof will serve as a small, but still shelter from snow and rain.

It is not too difficult to make a flat roof, and this is already some kind of protection from precipitation.

Minus design: on a flat roof, snow lingers, the feeder can become too heavy and break off or break off the branch on which you fixed it. So it is better to put it on a strong pole or other reliable support, and periodically clean the snow from the roof.

3. Cones, berries, sunflowers...

I personally really liked this idea, although now it can be implemented only if there are suitable supplies in the house:

Cones with seeds many birds will appreciate

Since autumn, rowan beads have been hanging in our house - Alenka made them from ripe berries. I think the birds will also like this treat. Let's get ready for next season.

4. "Avoska" with provisions

Another simple and easy to implement idea. True, lately I have rarely come across such nets (we used to sell tangerines in them), but I think if you look, you will find them.

And then - quite easily (well, if you believe what I read in various sources). If someone tried to make such a feeder, please share your impressions: how simple and convenient it really is, and how birds treat such a treat.

So, the grain (or grain mixture) is thoroughly mixed with melted lard ( never salty!) or peanut butter. A ball is rolled from the mixture, placed in a net and hung. All! Fat hardens in the cold and holds food, which the birds then gradually peck out. I came across an option without the fat "filler":

Avoska with bird food

True, here the food is large, as it seems to me - not every bird can cope with such a treat. But maybe I'm wrong. Another way to "improve" the mesh feeder is the roof. Yes, yes, the most caring can protect both food and feathered guests from bad weather. Like this, for example:

An idea for the skilled and caring: a food net under a roof

And with the help of a net, you can organize a real dining room for the birds, almost a restaurant. With a large assortment of dishes - as in the next photo. This idea seemed worthy of attention to me too, and to you?

With the help of nets, you can organize a real bird "restaurant" with a large selection of dishes.

Mesh feeders they are also convenient because it is more difficult for large impudent birds like magpies and jackdaws to attach to them. For us, for example, this is really a problem: as soon as you pour cereals into the feeder, magpies immediately appear near it; they chase titmouse and sparrows, and it is more difficult for small birds to feed in winter. Therefore, I purposefully look for options that would be suitable specifically for these birds. Here is another find...

5. Coconut feeder

If a coconut is accidentally lying around on the farm, then, having used its contents for its intended purpose, the shell can be used as a feeder.

If a coconut is lying around on the farm, you can also make a feeder out of it

True, as far as I know, it is very hard, and it is not so easy to deal with it, but if this does not scare you, take a closer look at the idea. A natural, environmentally friendly feeder will delight the birds and decorate the garden. It is more convenient to fill it with the same mixture of fat and grain that was prepared for the mesh feeder. And it is not necessary to gouge holes in a whole nut - you can also use half a coconut shell.

6. Metal mesh feeders

Similar designs can often be found in stores, but for a good craftsman, I think it will not be difficult to make such a feeder with your own hands, especially since the material is quite affordable.

The size of the structure and the details of the structure are at your discretion. However, the feeder obviously should not be too large in diameter. But in its height, perhaps, it is worth making more - so that several birds can feed at once. Of course, you will need a roof (removable - to fill the grain inside) and a base - so that the feed does not spill out.

And here is another metal mesh feeder I liked - but this, perhaps, is already for virtuoso masters. But the idea is good!

Titmouse likes a ball feeder

However, if you take a closer look, perhaps such a “ball” can be built not only from metal wire. I think those who can

Now is a very difficult time for birds. It is difficult for them to survive: it is cold outside, there is snow all around, and the reservoirs are covered with a crust of ice. It's time to feed and warm your feathered friends.

A feeder in the country or near the house is a very small structure, but it will collect many hungry birds. You can buy a ready-made "dining room" for them, but it's much more interesting to make. Let's feed them in the winter, and they will repay us a hundredfold in the spring, when they destroy pests in the garden and sing sonorous songs in the morning. And ideas for creativity can be found literally anywhere: in the forest, in the garden and vegetable garden, in the attic or in the kitchen.

1. Wall "cage" with a grain mixture

We attach a large mesh container to a fence or barn wall, place the grain mass inside and wait for feathered guests!

How to prepare grain mass:

  1. We take coconut solid oil or beef (pork) fat (150-200 g), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and about 300 g of grain mixture for birds.
  2. We heat the fat in a saucepan, pour the oil and grains into it.
  3. We make the forms of the desired size and wait until they harden.
This mixture will be to your liking. birds that love solid food(tits, sparrows and finches). Swap out some of the ingredients to attract as many birds as possible.

For lovers of soft food(robin, wren, thrush) Instead of a grain mixture, use wheat bran, raisins and oatmeal. They must be mixed with fat in the same proportions.

3. Cereal "cookies"

Well, if the grain mass turned out to be more than necessary for the feeder, it does not matter! You can take as a basis and make these cute hearts:

When the mass hardens, make a hole in each form, thread a twine through it and hang it on a tree.

4. "Vases" of orange

Halves can be used as the basis for a hanging feeder.

  1. Cut the orange in half and remove the core;
  2. We pierce 4 small holes on opposite sides, stretch the twine into them crosswise;
  3. We collect the ends of the twine together and tie a knot;
  4. We place the grain mass in orange bases and hang it on trees or bushes.

5. Edible apple ball

A similar idea, only serves as the basis of the feeder.

Edible apple feeder. Photo from selenaart.ru

How good is this design?: the apple will completely go into action, the entire feeder will be eaten.

6. "Arbor" of pumpkin

Here is another example of an edible feeder - from a pumpkin. It is enough to cut a through hole in it, clean it from seeds, hang it by a rope or wire to a strong branch and put food inside.

You can take any pumpkin, including.

7. Can feeders

A bright solution is small tin cans painted in various colors. Hang them on branches with ropes or ribbons and they will become not only a help for birds, but also an unusual decor for your garden.

8. Basket with treats

Are broken or unnecessary wicker pieces gathering dust in the attic? Give them a second life! For example, a wicker chest can be hung with a rope or ribbon so that its lid becomes a roof for a feeder.

Basket feeder. Photo from ladysovety.ru

9. Wicker vine feeder

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at? Start small - make such a cute "arbor" from.

17. Drinker and "twist"

Similar in form - and so different in content ... These ideas are for creative masters!

An old teapot with a lid will make a handy drinker. And it will be easy to replace apples or frozen grain mass in the form of a ball with fresh ones if you fix them on removable horizontal "skewers". For this, aluminum pegs are quite suitable.

18-19. Gazebo and balcony

Imitation of a gazebo and a cozy balcony. Very painstaking work, but if the master is an addicted nature, then the work will only be a joy. Having decorated your garden with such works of art, you will turn it into a fairy tale!

20. For the most thorough

Let's finish our selection with a real masterpiece. To build such a “dream house”, it is not necessary to have the skill of a carpenter, but imagination and ingenuity will not be superfluous here. The highlight of this fairy house- foundation from. Securely fasten all the elements and set the house on a solid foundation. To make it convenient for the birds to eat, take care of a wide entrance. And the white color will give solemnity and lightness to the whole design.

The rules of bird "catering"

It is necessary to intervene in the affairs of nature carefully, and often with our good intentions we can do more harm than good. different birds different foods are suitable, so it is always advisable to check what species live where the feeder will hang.
  • All birds, without exception, are harmful fried and salted, it is categorically impossible to pour moldy and rancid into the feeder, as well as put millet and black bread.
  • Raw sunflower seeds and oatmeal suitable in small quantities to all birds.
  • Feeders are better do not keep full all the time, and add food to them several times a day, a little bit.
To avoid mistakes, the easiest way is to buy a ready-made mixture at a pet store. Such mixtures are balanced and made according to all the rules of the bird's diet.

What do you feed your birds in winter?

For birds, you need to have a few simple items and tools.

The feeder can be made with the children, but keep in mind that you need to follow every step, as in the construction process, sharp things are used - scissors, knives, screwdrivers and even, sometimes, a saw.

There are many options for feeders - from plywood, a plastic bottle, a can or cardboard.

Here are the most interesting, popular and original ideas for creating a feeder:

Feeder from improvised materials: toilet paper sleeves

You will need:

1 toilet paper roll

Peanut butter

small bowl


A couple of branches

Strong thread or fishing line

Knife (blunt or plastic).

1. Connect two branches or sticks together with hot glue or string. You can skip this step if you make 4 holes in the sleeve (see below).

2. Make holes in the toilet paper roll so that you can put two branches or sticks into them. It is better to make 2 holes: a little higher and 2 a little lower (see image). This item is optional, because the sleeve can be put on in a different way.

3. Place the peanut butter in a small bowl and use a plastic knife to spread the oil onto the surface of the toilet paper roll.

4. Sprinkle food on top of the peanut buttered hub.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 4 more bushings.

6. Tie a strong thread to the connected branches so that the structure can be hung.

7. Hang all the cardboard sleeves on the branch structure, and then hang everything on the tree.

Plastic bottle feeder. Option 1.

You will need:

Any plastic bottle

Ribbon, thread or fishing line

Awl or drill (for making holes in the bottle and plastic cap)

Bolt and nut

Knife clerical or simple (if necessary)

Deep plastic bowl.

1. Prepare a plastic bottle. Remove the label from it, wash well and dry.

2. Make a hole in the middle of the lid and plastic plate.

3. Attach the lid to the plate with a bolt and nut.

4. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle (at the bottom).

5. Make a few holes on the side (4-5) near the neck of the bottle so that the food can spill out when you turn the bottle upside down. Holes can be made with a clerical knife if the bottle is not too tight.

6. Take the ribbon, fold it in half, and tie the ends into a knot. Pass the tape through the hole at the bottom of the bottle.

Now you can pour food into the bottle, screw on the cap and turn it over. The ribbon will allow you to hang the feeder on a branch.

Bird feeder from a plastic bottle. Option 2.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Plastic container

Strong thread or fishing line

Screwdriver or nail

Knife (simple or clerical).

1. Remove the cap from the bottle and the cap from the container.

2. Put the bottle cap on top of the container (in the center) and draw around with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

3. Use a utility knife to cut a hole in the container lid. The hole can be made slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottle cap.

4. Poke one hole at the edges of the container lid.

5. Make a hole in the center of the bottle cap. The hole should be large enough for the bird feed to pour through.

6. Put the cap on the bottle and then insert the bottle into the opening of the container cap.

7. Tie a strong thread to the bottle and put the cap on the container.

Now you can fill the bottle with food or pour water and hang the feeder on the tree.

How to make a feeder out of a box (photo-instruction)

Original feeder made of polymer clay

You will need:

Polymer clay


Thick wire or piece of aluminum

Baking bowl or any other utensils that can be put in the oven

A small piece of cloth.

1. First roll out the clay on a flat surface so that its thickness is about 6 mm.

2. Gently place the rolled clay inside the baking bowl. Trim off excess pieces so that the clay lays flat. Make 3 large holes in the clay for the rope.

3. Put the bowl of clay in the oven. Carefully read the instructions for the clay to know how long it takes for the clay to harden in the oven.

4. When the clay hardens, carefully remove it from the bowl, tie three pieces of rope to it - tie a knot at one end of each rope, and insert the other end into the hole in the clay plate.

5. Tie all ends of the rope and secure with wire.

6. It is advisable to lay a small piece of cloth inside the plate so that the birds do not accidentally peck at the clay along with the food.

Original do-it-yourself pumpkin feeder

You will need:

small pumpkin

Wooden crossbars (even branches are possible)

Thin wire.

1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin.

2. Using a knife or screwdriver, make 4 holes in the pumpkin to insert branches or wooden beams into them. Make 2 opposite holes at the same height and two opposite holes a little lower - so you have one branch slightly higher than the other.

3. Take thin wire and wind it around each end of the branches so that the feeder can be hung on a tree. Connect all ends of the wire so that the feeder can hang evenly. Hook them up.

The original idea of ​​​​a bird feeder with your own hands

This feeder is suitable for sub-zero temperatures.

You will need:

Large plastic bottle

Small plastic bottle or small plastic container


coniferous branches

Berries (optional)


1. Cut off the bottom of a large and small plastic bottle. First you can make a hole with a knife and then cut with scissors. You will get the base of the feeder.

2. In the carved bottom of a large bottle, put spruce branches, berries and seeds in a circle.

3. Place the bottom of a small bottle or a small plastic container in the center of the base.

4. Pour earth, sand or pebbles into a small container.

5. Tie strong threads or fishing line to the feeder so that it can be hung.

6. If you put the feeder in the freezer overnight, and then remove and remove the plastic parts, you get an ice feeder.

How to make a do-it-yourself feeder using a bottle

You will need:

Small glass or plastic bottle (preferably with a lid)

Small saucer or plastic bottle bottom


Saw (if necessary)

Screw half ring (hook).

1. Using screws, connect two small pieces of plywood. In this example, the dimensions of the plywood are 11 x 15 cm and 31 x 15 cm.

2. Using the bottle that you will later attach to the stand, mark the places where you will need to attach two pieces of wire - one at the neck, the other at the bottom of the bottle.

3. The neck of the bottle should be about 3-4 cm above the base.

4. Drill holes for the wire, put your wire through the bottom, wrap it around the bottle and secure with reverse side plywood (you can twist the wire or fix it with a stapler).

5. Fill the bottle with seeds, twist the lid so as not to spill the seeds, turn over and insert the bottle between the wires, and place a saucer under it and remove the lid.

6. Screw a half-ring screw to the top of the plywood to hang the feeder.

Original do-it-yourself bird feeder

You will need:

Tin can (preferably with a lid)

Sisal rope (sisal rope) or thick rope

A piece of thin plywood, a branch, or any small piece of metal

Hot glue.

1. If you have a jar with a lid, then the lid must be bent in half.

2. Take a small branch, piece of plywood, or other small piece that birds can land on and glue it to the jar.

3. Insert the bent lid as shown in the image (slightly inside the jar and over the metal part) and secure with adhesive.

4. Take a thick rope or rope about 80 cm long, and start winding the jar so that the long ends of this rope (30 cm) remain at the beginning and end. Use glue to secure the string to the jar.

5. Cut the rope, tie the ends into a knot and secure with glue.

You will need:

3/4 cup bird food

1/4 cup water

1 packet of gelatin

Twine or strong thread

Biscuit baking molds

Baking paper.

1. Mix gelatin with water (1/4 cup) and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved.

2. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. Add 3/4 cup bird food. More can be added if available.

4. Place the cookie cutters on baking paper and fill them with the prepared food mixture.

5. Cut a piece of thread and tie the ends into a knot. Partially insert the thread into the mixture.

6. Leave the mixture to dry overnight, occasionally trying to turn over when there is time.

7. Remove the molds and hang the food on the tree.

How to make a DIY bird feeder using tin cans

You will need:

3 cans of paint or cans

Piece of branch or wooden stick

Hot glue

Paints (if desired).

You can paint the jars, or you can leave it as is.

1. Glue a piece of branch to the jar so the birds can land and eat.

2. Wrap strong string or ribbon around the jar and tie the ends into a knot. You can secure the tape with glue so that it sticks to the jar better.

3. Fill the jars with food and you're done!

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

The bird feeder performs several functions at once. Firstly, it is a place for saving birds from starvation. Secondly, the feeder - decorates the exterior, gardens, parks or simply streets. Thirdly, making a feeder is quite an entertaining process that brings parents and children together and teaches the younger generation the norms of behavior and human qualities. Therefore, whenever possible, we recommend building feeders, and we will learn how to do this later.

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands

We offer you to get acquainted with the main variations of bird feeders, which are most often used for feeding them in winter time.

The first and easiest option is to make a roofless forest dining room. It has a flat shape with sides that prevent spillage of feed. Such a bird dining room is good because it attracts birds, as they do not like a closed area. The disadvantage of the feeder is that the food, under atmospheric influences, quickly gets wet and deteriorates, and the wind easily overturns such a dining room. For the construction of this variation of the feeder, one piece of plywood and bars that serve as a frame are enough. Fixing the feeder is carried out using a regular rope, in order for the feeder to attract birds, paint it in a bright shade.

A do-it-yourself bird feeder made of wood with a roof is a more sustainable option. On a regular base, four support posts are installed, and the roof of the feeder is fixed on them. The top piece for the roof should be slightly larger than the bottom to protect the stern from rain and snow. This version of the feeder also belongs to the simple ones and does not require special experience in working with wood. Among the disadvantages of this design, we note that snow accumulates on a flat roof, the feeder becomes heavy in weight, and may fall from the tree. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically clean such a feeder from snow or install a pitched roof.

If there is a sunflower at home or large berries that birds can eat, it is enough to treat the birds with them. A variation in the manufacture of rowan beads or beads from cones is possible. You can build such a feeder from improvised materials. For example, you can put goodies in a regular grid that sells tangerines or oranges. You need to hang such a gift on a regular rope. Another way is to add wheat or other grain delicacy to unsalted melted lard, after hardening, you need to make a small ball from this mixture, which is installed in any place accessible to birds. The hardened fat holds the grain, which is gradually eaten by the birds.

To protect the food in the tangerine net, you can additionally build a roof. Thus, the food will not be exposed to moisture and snow. Periodically, such a feeder needs to be filled with new food. It is possible to supplement the main feeder with additional feeders with nets, in which there is a variety of treats. These feeders will be a great place to feed small birds.

If you have a coconut shell at home, you can also build a small feeder out of it. It will be a natural addition to any tree, and will not really stand out against its background. Two round holes must be cut in the shell. We also recommend placing grain mixed with melted fat inside the feeder. This variation of the feeder has an unusual and original design. If there is a steel mesh at home with a small section of cells, you can also build a feeder from it. Choose the diameter of the feeder individually, try not to make it too large, as a lot of feed makes the structure heavier. Make a protective cover on such a feeder to prevent food spoilage.

There are many ideas for bird feeders with your own hands, just dream up and get the right materials. A feeder can be built even from cutting a branch. It is enough to connect several of these parts together to get the bottom of the feeder. The roof is made in the same way.

Some craftsmen make feeders from ordinary glass jars. They set them at a certain angle and pour food inside. You can paint such a feeder using special paints for glass surfaces. In the same way, you can make a feeder from the old part. It is better to fill it with food gelatinized, previously poured with melted gelatin. In the same way, you can make attractive bird feeder ornaments. For example, in silicone mold a solution of gelatin and various seeds is poured, after solidification it is possible to obtain beautiful heart-shaped, star-shaped, semicircular, etc. shapes.

Beautiful do-it-yourself bird feeder

We offer a variation of creating a cereal dining room for birds with your own hands. For this product, it is enough to use food, while the feeder perfectly complements the exterior of the garden and becomes its decoration. When performing the workflow, you will need to have accessories in the form of:

  • a variety of small-sized feed, most often cereals or cereals are used;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal;
  • flour;
  • gelatin composition;
  • pencil
  • thick cardboard base;
  • scissors and thread.

Using a pencil and cardboard, come up with a shape for the future product. A variation in the manufacture of a dining room for birds in the form of a star, polyhedron, oval, circle or heart is possible. Using scissors, cut out the previously prepared drawing.

Prepare materials that act as bird food. It is possible to use different grains or bread crumbs. Using a needle, put a thread on the future sketch, which will later fix the feeder on the trees. In order to firmly hold the grains on the feeder, it is necessary to connect them with a natural adhesive composition.

To prepare it, combine the ingredients in the form:

  • two tablespoons of oatmeal, beaten into flour;
  • one egg;
  • one teaspoon of honey;
  • a few tablespoons of flour.

After connecting all the components, leave them for half an hour and only after this time, combine with previously prepared food.

First, the base of the workpiece is covered with an adhesive composition. In a separate container, all ingredients for the feed are combined with glue. Roll the workpiece in the resulting composition on both sides. For faster freezing of the feeders, place them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

In the absence of any of the ingredients of the adhesive composition. You can prepare natural glue in another way. To do this, just take one pack of gelatin and soak it in warm water, according to the instructions on the package. Small grain products are combined with a solution and placed in a refrigerator to solidify.

This composition can be put in an old cup or glass, they are also fixed on trees with a rope. Such a bird canteen is quite easy to make, but at the same time it is an excellent place to feed birds in the winter season.

We also suggest that when performing the workflow, prepare materials in the form of:

  • three flat-shaped candy boxes;
  • glue;
  • adhesive tape;
  • ropes.

In order to build this feeder, it is enough to connect two candy boxes together with an adhesive solution. At the same time, they must form a roof. The third box is used as the bottom section of the feeder. This variation of the feeder is quite easy to manufacture, but at the same time it is an excellent place to feed the birds. To protect the cardboard from moisture, the feeder is covered with tape on all sides. In order to fix the feeder on the tree, an additional rope is attached to it. You can decorate the feeder with colored paper, in relation to the chosen design. The only drawback of such a feeder is the lightness of its weight. It is unstable and poorly held on weight.

Make a bird feeder with your own hands photo:

We offer another not difficult variation of creating a bird dining room. To do this, you must use a box from under any drink. The upper part of the box is fixed on the tree with a cord, and a hole is cut out on the lower part for feeding and eating food. It is recommended to additionally glue the box with adhesive tape, in order to avoid its destruction under the influence of water.

DIY bird feeder - original ideas

There are many extraordinary ideas for creating bird dining rooms. Most often, these exterior elements are made of wood or plastic. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the variation in the construction of PVC feeders.

To complete the workflow, you will need:

  • scissors or knife;
  • a plastic tank with a volume of five liters;
  • wire.

In addition, food for birds should be prepared, which will be located in the forest canteen. Using a utility knife or scissors, cut a round hole in the bottom of the container. The diameter of the opening should be such that a bird can easily fly into it. A variation of the construction of several windows at once is possible, through which feed will be supplied. The upper part of the container is wrapped with wire and installed on a branch. To weight the finished product, use plywood or similar material that fits on the bottom. This feathered canteen has a roof so the bird food will not get wet. In addition, the presence of large holes is a guarantee that there will always be a lot of birds in your feeder.

It is possible to design a do-it-yourself bird feeder using PVC bottles. When working on a dining room for birds, you will need to prepare materials:

  • PVC bottles;
  • wires;
  • two spoons made of wood.

Using a knife or scissors, make an opening in the tank so that you can put a wooden spoon through it. 5 cm higher, make another identical hole. Set the spoons and pour the food into the bottle. On one side of the spoon, which is adjacent to the bottle with a wide edge, build a hole of a larger diameter. Thus, food, as it is eaten by birds, will spill out of the bottle. The upper part of the container is fixed to the tree, most often using wire or rope.

DIY bird feeders photo:

An easier variation on making a bird canteen is to cut a small door in a PVC bottle. In order to avoid injuring the birds in the process of getting into the feeder, all edges of the hole are sealed with electrical tape. Food is poured directly into the container.

Original do-it-yourself bird feeder

In the process of creating a wooden forest dining room for birds, you need to stock up on tools in the form of:

  • wood or plywood;
  • hammer with nails;
  • timber;
  • screwdriver;
  • compositions to protect wood from high humidity.

Using plywood and a board, use a screwdriver to cut out the base for the feeder. The second part should be the same shape, only slightly larger. Thus, it will protect the feeder from moisture. Saw the timber into several parts, of which you need to make the sides for the feeder.

To fix the beam, use fasteners and a hammer. A wire or cord should be fixed on the roof, which will hold the roof on the branches. To connect the roof and the bottom of the forest dining room, additional supports are used, installed at the corners, or two - in the center. Open the feeder with an antiseptic, which prevents its destruction under atmospheric influence, it is additionally recommended to varnish the feeder.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to feed birds with fresh bread, rye types of bread and flour, citrus fruits, salty foods, toasted seeds, oatmeal. These products will not bring any benefit to the birds, but only harm them.

Used as bird food different kinds grains, wheat, nuts, fruits, dried products, lard, mountain ash with viburnum, etc. A beautiful do-it-yourself bird feeder will decorate any interior, children will be happy to watch how the birds eat food and rejoice that they are taken care of.

DIY bird feeder video: