Scenario of the concert for mother's day in the house of culture. "I love you, mommy". Holiday-concert for Mother's Day with the participation of all age groups of the kindergarten Concerts for Mother's Day

  • 16.05.2021

The stage is decorated with balloons. Before the start of the concert, pleasant music sounds in the hall. The hall is festively decorated. On the slides, they flip through the drawings of children about mom . At the beginning of the holiday, crying sounds, laughter - a child. From behind the scenes, blue balloons fly around the set (you can use different ones).

Against the background of music, the words sound behind the scenes:

Past the gnarled poplar
Che something childhood in sandals stomped,
I watched him from the window
Childhood, with a doll in hand, went away ....

A girl comes out in large room slippers with a doll in her hands, against the background of music she recites a poem:

My mom is tired.
Home is where work is.
For her to play
This is my concern.

If you prick your finger,
I kiss her fingers.
“Oh, you, my minx…”
Mom will put down the embroidery frame.

I bury my nose in my palms,
And the evening will warm up.
With mom even a pony
It's easier to run in circles.

I always play with my mom.
Puddles don't bother us!
Mom plays with me -
I'm her minx!

From two sides, the presenters come out and take the girl by the hand.

Presenter 1. Hello, friends!

Presenter 2. Good afternoon! Today we are glad to see our lovely and affectionate mothers, loving and caring grandmothers and dear teachers at the holiday.

Presenter 1. We are very pleased that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers came to visit us.

Presenter 2. Our dear ones! We invited you to the celebration to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you.

(The boys of the “Rampa” theater group, head T.N. Plop, come out from behind the scenes, pick up the balls and say poetry)


Mother ... We call the earth so,
When we grow bread and flowers,
When we soar above it in a rocket
And we see what it is from a height:

Pure, pure, all blue
This is probably because
That mothers walk on it, smiling
Children, their future.

Black, white - different mothers.
It is very difficult for them sometimes.
Sometimes their lips are compressed stubbornly,
But in kind eyes there is always a smile.

This is a piece of the sun for their children,
This may be a ray of hope...
Mother! Mother! With this name
I'd like to go up in a rocket.

Above the highest clouds.
I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
And scattered them over the planet.
Moms will get them, smile -
And immediately everywhere will come summer.(K. Ibryaev. “Mom”)

The children of the Zvezdochka choir run onto the stage and sing the song Far from Mom, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Host 1. Mom! How capacious, how beautiful this word is. It is addressed to the one that gave life, and the life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

Presenter 2. It's nice when we can feel this care within the walls of our home school, from our school moms. The word for greetings is given to the mother of many children, the director of the school, Marina Borisovna Svetlova.

(Director's speech)

Presenter 1. Our kids - first-graders continue to delight their mothers. Meet!

(Speech by first graders)

(A children's song sounds. First-graders enter the stage.)

First grader:

I love you mom, why, I don't know
Probably because I live and dream
And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day,
Why do I love you, dear?
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom
You are my best friend.

First grader:

Knowing no fatigue
No rest every hour
Day and night native mother
Everything worries about us.
She cradled us, fed us,
She sang songs to us by the bed.
She taught us first
Kind joyful words.

Girl: Who came to me in the morning?

All (in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Who said “it's time to get up!”?

All (in chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who managed to cook porridge?

All (in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Pour tea into my glass?

All (in chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden?

All ( in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Who kissed me?

All ( in chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who's childish loves laughter?

All (in unison): Mommy!

Boy: Who is the best in the world?

All (in chorus): Mommy!

(Kids leave)

Presenter 2. Mom is a huge window to the world. It helps the kid to understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons are for life.

Sonny, wake up, the first snow fell!

Daughter, look, the snowdrop has blossomed!

Presenter 1. A lot of words have been said about mothers, a lot of unspoken lives in the heart of each of us ...

Presenter 2. Children from large families live and study in our favorite school, and we want to introduce you to mothers who skillfully create a family hearth:

1. Solodovnikova Sveta will tell us about her mother Olga Petrovna. (Performance)

2. Nikitin Masha and Andrey introduce us to their mother, Svetlana Ivanovna. (Performance)

3. Thanks to Masha and Andrey, and we meet Katerina Bolshakova, who prepared a story about her mother, Valentina Nikolaevna. (Performance)

(Slide show)

Presenter 1. The words mother, mother are one of the most ancient on Earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word with which we call the closest, dearest and only person!

For you, the song “Mom” sounds in Ukrainian, performed by the soloist of the vocal group “Caprice” - Karina Fedorova, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Host 2. Every second, three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

Presenter 2. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

We continue to meet mothers:

4. Olga Lokis introduces us to her mother, Tatyana Borisovna. (Performance)

5. Natalya and Anton Shevelevs will talk about their mother, Inna Nikolaevna. (Performance)

Presenter 1: Our mothers get up early in the morning. It is necessary to redo the household chores, and not be late for work. They have golden hands, and they also have the most faithful and sensitive heart. If we get sick, mothers will cure us, we will be sad - they will console us, and if it becomes scary, they will definitely save us.

The song “River-river” is performed by the vocal group “Caprice”, leader M.M. Boytsova.

6. Tajibova Aliya prepared a story about her mother Aminat Alievna. (Performance)

7. Bagautdinova Bella will tell about her mother Khushurmat Alievna with deep love and gratitude. (Performance)

(Slide show)

Presenter 1. Time is running inexorably, parents are aging before our eyes, but their soul is still young!

Presenter 2. Love for the mother is laid in us by the Creator of the universe. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days.

Try to say kind words when mom can hear them.

The trio performs the song “Mom, you live ...”, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Presenter 1. Parents love kids recklessly. It is years later that restraint and severity come. But even here there is a meaning. After all, mothers do not care with whom we are friends, with whom we walk, which means that she loves and takes care of us! Lead 2. Mom can scold us, “spoil our nerves” a little - well, let it be. This is for our benefit.

8. Alexandra and Boris Barsukovs talk about their mother, Oksana Valerievna. (Performance)

9. Rinat Magomedov, with a deep sense of respect and love, introduces us to his mother, Mininor Babekovna. (Performance)

10. Valery and Nikolay Kurbanovs came to tell about their mother Galina Vasilievna. (Performance)

Presenter 1. No need to quarrel with the person closest to us. And no matter how sometimes we try to force him out of our hearts, replacing him with our best friends and girlfriends, nothing will work. In difficult and bitter hours, we still remember our mother - the closest and dearest person.

The poem “My mother” is performed by Victoria Plop, a student of the 8th “B” class.

On the cool palms of the sunset
The red wind cherishes the dawn,
And as in childhood distant once
I am calling you, my mother.
I rush to sad sounds
Forever passing day
And yours, mother, tender hands,
They warm me with love.
Like a baby, like a sweet child,
I will fall asleep in this joyful moment.
And I don't need more happiness
In addition to your gentle embrace.
The days are circling week week,
In the dance of personal problems and worries,
But the origins of my cradle
Protect from anxiety and adversity.
And when it's really sad
Your native and smiling look,
My memory then returns
Those golden days are back.
These good moments of happiness
I'll keep it for myself forever
Like your gentle voice, believe me.
Calms my soul.
And you always understand me
Sincerely wish you well
And furtively bless
You me for any business.
Sometimes you lament over me
For words, for my misdeeds.
But forgive, forgive, forgive
This is the highest power of love.
And now I understand a lot
Before you in endless debt.
And as before, I promise you
I just can't swear.
I will eventually know
The depth of motherly love.
And as in my childhood I remember
Mom, your warm hands.

The song "Mother's Hands" performed by Tatyana Yerkhova sounds.

Presenter 2. Mothers love us for who we are, but mother's most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind and smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. Try to be grateful…not just take things for granted…

The boys come out, say the text:

  • When you were 1 year old, she fed you and cleaned up after you. In gratitude, You cried all night.
  • When you were 2, she taught you how to walk. In gratitude, you ran away when she called you.
  • When you were 3 years old, she cooked delicious food for you. In gratitude, You threw the plate on the floor.
  • When you were 4 years old, she gave you a pen to teach you how to draw. In gratitude, You painted on the walls.
  • When you were 5, she dressed you in beautiful clothes, In gratitude You came home covered in mud.
  • When you were 6, she enrolled you in school. In gratitude, You shouted that you didn't want to go to class.
  • When you were 10, she was waiting for you to come home from school to hug you. In gratitude, You ran to your room.
  • When you were 18 she cried on your graduation party. In gratitude, you asked me to buy you a car.
  • When you were 20, she asked you to be with her family. In gratitude, You spent all your time with your friends.
  • When you were 25, she helped you with wedding expenses. In gratitude, You lived with your wife as far away from her as possible.
  • When you were 30, she gave you advice about your children. In gratitude, you asked her not to interfere in your personal life.
  • When you were 35, she called and invited you to dinner. In gratitude, you answered that you had no time and you could not.
  • When you were 40, she called and said that she was sick and needed your support. In gratitude, you said: The problems of parents always pass to the children.

Love your mom -

  • don't leave her;
  • don't forget her;
  • do everything in your power to keep her happy, no matter what she does or says;
  • never be angry with her, do not say words that can upset her or break her loving heart;
  • you only have one mom!!!

The song “Mom is the first word” sounds, performed by the vocal group “Premier”, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Readers come out and say the words against the background of music:

No matter how the course of events beckons you,
No matter how you would attract into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother's eyes
From insults, from hardships and worries.

If you have become a hard heart,
Be, children, more affectionate with her.
Protect your mother from an evil word.
Know that children hurt everyone the most.

If your mothers are tired
They really need to get some rest.
We give an order to everyone, we remind:
Children, children, take care of your mother!

Our dear mothers, always save:

your youth;



Good health;

your smile;

And the love of your loved ones!!!

All: We love you!!!

The final song “Give a smile to the world” is performed by all vocal groups, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Concert script for "Mother's Day"

In MOBU "Secondary School No. 1", Kudymkar

The stage is decorated with balloons. Before the start of the concert, pleasant music sounds in the hall. On the slides, they flip through the children's drawings about their mother.

At the beginning of the holiday, crying sounds, laughter - a child.

Flying out from behind the scenes Balloons

1. Comes out girl( Kira Khozyasheva ) with a bouquet in his hands, reads a poem:

Today I am for the beautiful

The best on earth

I'll give you a red bouquet

My mommy, you!

When there is a mother life is Beautiful,

She's an angel on earth.

She is like a ray of sunshine

She is like the stars in the sky.

Friends, you appreciate mothers,

After all, they won't always be there.

Love them and cherish

Never forget!

Love your mom -

don't leave her;

don't forget her;

don't get mad at her

you only have one mom!!!

(Music is slow)

From two sides, the presenters come out and take the girl by the hand.

Lead 1. Hello, friends!

Lead 2. Good evening! Today we are glad to see our lovely and affectionate mothers, loving and caring grandmothers and dear teachers at the holiday.

Lead 1. We are very pleased that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers came to visit us.

Lead 2. Dear ours! We invited you to the celebration to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you.

Lead 1. Good evening! What does it mean?

That today our holiday has already begun!

And we must add that he

Dedicated to our good mothers!

Host 2: And from all the children of the planet

We send congratulations to you!

For you all tonight

Earthly bows - for you!

2. Song_ "My Mom" ​​- vocal group "Freckles"

Lead 2. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of the holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother". The word that the child says most often is the word "mom".

Presenter 1: The word at which an adult, gloomy person smiles is also the word "mother." Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's word, mother's soul.

Host 2: The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word with which we call the closest, dearest and only person!

3. Dance "Sudarushki"

Lead 1.

There is such a parable:
Men kneel only on three occasions: to drink from a spring, to pick a flower for a loved one, and to bow to their mother.
And I bow low to you, not because today is Mother's Day, but because you are women.
Presenter2 Evgeny Dmitrievich is invited to the stage. Word to you!

(congratulations, awards best moms schools)

4.Number of amateur performances_

Presenter 1: Every second, three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to say the word "mother." From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

Presenter 2: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.
Presenter 1: Dear mothers, take this

gift from our little ones...

1 a class

1st student
Why is school today
Fuss and noise and din?
Because we are today
Congratulations to our moms!

2nd student
We wish our mothers
Never lose heart.
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

3rd student
We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never getting old!

4th student
May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you.

6. (Dance "Cat Leopold")

Host 2: We know that every mother had a dream in her childhood. One dreamed of becoming an artist, the other wanted to be a famous pianist, the third dreamed of being a pop singer, someone wanted to play in the theater, and someone dreamed of becoming a superstar.

Presenter 1: So today your children will help you realize these dreams.

Performing for you_________________ 5 a class(7)


Our women have such faces!
You have to take a look at them,
So that in their features you could open up

Beautiful and proud soul!

8.song_ "Sweet mother"

Presenter 1: We are being carried away by a swift century,

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that

That mom is not a foundation, she is a person,

The person who holds the house.

Lead 2 . You women whose profession is housewives,

Presenter 1 . You, who linked their fate with caring for loved ones.

Lead 2 . To you, whose name proudly sounds - mother and wife, the next9. Padé Gras - dance

Presenter 1: Mother! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, kindness!

And know that we need you

Like a ray of sunshine, like air, like water!

Presenter 1 . Meet _____________5 b class (10)

Lead 2. Oh, how beautiful is the word - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us disobedient and stubborn,

good taught - the highest of sciences.

Lead 1. Are you talking about those mothers whose profession is a teacher?

Lead 2. Yes, it is about them, because they carry their maternal warmth not only to their children, but also to us, the students.

Lead 1. This issue is dedicated to those who teach us not only compulsory disciplines, but also the most important profession in the world - to be a man.

11. Madagascar- dance number

Presenter 1: So that life does not burn you through the years
So as not to cry from repentance
Forever: nowhere and never
Don't make mom cry.

Host 2: And we have a special day today,
Most the best holiday- mother's day
The holiday is the most tender, the kindest
Of course, he is very dear to us!

Presenter 1 . Congratulations, dear mothers. And we want you to know that we love you.

The vocal group sings for you!

Lead 2 : Dear mothers, we are waiting for you in our hospitable school again and again, and we really hope that today we managed to give you some wonderful moments on your holiday!

Lead 1. This concludes our concert, we wish you all the best! See you soon!

Scenario of the concert for Mother's Day "Mommy - the sun is light." for children of the group preparatory to school Musical director Rudinskaya E.V. Event progress. The girls come out and perform the Ivushki dance. After the dance, they line up in a semicircle. 1st girl. There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked for centuries! The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms. 2nd girl. The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times, And so she stands for centuries, The most beautiful of women - A woman with a child in her arms. 3rd girl. Everything in the world is marked with traces, No matter how much you walk the paths, The apple tree is decorated with fruits, The woman is the fate of her children. 4th girl. May the sun applaud her forever, So she will live for centuries, The most beautiful of women - A woman with a child in her arms. The girls take their seats. 1st leader. Every second, according to statistics, three small children are born on planet Earth. And together with them, three new mothers are born... Just as the shining sun warms all living things with its rays, so the mother warms the child with her love. This is the meaning of her life. Love for a baby is as natural for her as air is for each of us. 2nd leader. Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life. 1st leader. Love for a mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.” 1st child. Who came to me in the morning? Children in chorus. Mommy! 2nd child. Who said: "It's time to get up?" Children in chorus. Mommy! 3rd child. Who managed to cook the porridge? Children in chorus. Mommy! 4th child. Pour tea into cups for everyone? Children in chorus. Mommy! 5th child. Who braided my hair? Children in chorus. Mommy! 1st child. Whole house swept one? Children in chorus. Mommy! 2nd child. Who picked flowers in the garden? Children in chorus. Mommy! 3rd child. Who kissed me? Children in chorus. Mommy! 4th child. Who childish loves laughter? Children in chorus. Mommy! 5th child. Who is the best in the world? Children in chorus. Mommy! The song "Mommy - the sun is light" is performed (words and music by D. A. Vorobiev). 1 couplet. Every autumn the Holiday comes to visit us. He brings joy to children, This is a holiday for mothers. We are always so glad to him, We look forward to it. After all, today we will sing a song for mom. Chorus: Mommy - the sun's light I adore my mother. Mommy is the best. Everyone knows that. Mommy is the best. Everyone knows that. Verse 2: Mommy and I are similar, It's not a secret. Mom will always help me, Protect me from troubles. And so today I'll honestly say that I love my beloved mother most of all. 1st child. "Mother's Day" is a special holiday, Let's celebrate it in November: Winter awaits nature, And slush is still in the yard. 2nd child. But we dear to our mothers, We will give a cheerful concert! We wish you warmth and smiles, Huge children to you ... ... All children who read poetry. Hello! 3rd child. If it hurts me, Mom with a kind hand, Soothes the pain, And brings peace with it. 4th child. And when I rejoice noisily with a new toy, My dear mother smiles with me. 5th child. Let the wind carry with it, That which I will reveal to everyone: In the whole world, in the whole world, Mom is the best of all - mine. The song and dance "I miss you mom" is performed. 1st couplet. Well, how could this happen? No one will ask the kids about anything. And the fast train rushes along the rails, Taking my mother away somewhere. Well, who allowed children to remain without their mothers for so long? But I'll only get bored a little, And soon my mother will arrive. Chorus. But I don’t notice the toys, I stubbornly repeat the same thing: “I’m waiting for you, I miss you, mom!” But I don’t notice the toys, I stubbornly repeat the same thing: “I’m waiting for you, I miss you, mom!” 2nd couplet. And in life it often happens like this - Mom's work is more important, nevertheless ... But I miss her here so much, She can't come again. And so much has changed without you, And the sun shines so differently, But I'll only get bored a little, And soon my mother will arrive. 1st leader. Thank you very much for the wonderful song and dance. I think the moms really enjoyed it. Is not it? You see, dear mothers, how your children love you. How caring and sensitive, beautiful and kind you are. And indeed, where there is goodness, there is harmony, peace, good mood . A good mood is smiles, laughter and humor. 2nd leader. Guys, do you think it's easy to be a mom? Children's answers. 1st leader. And let's listen. 1-boy. I'll tell you, friends, straight to you! Simple and without further ado - Swap places with my mother I've been ready for a long time Well, just think, worries - Laundry, ironing, shop, Holes in pants, compotes ... It doesn't take much effort. 2nd boy. Is life easy for me? After all, there is a lot of worries! Learn a poem, Songs, dance, round dance... How tired I am, It would be better if I became a mother! 3rd boy. Mom was making a pie, I helped her a little, I put cinnamon in the dough, I poured a jar of mustard, I poured lentils into a jar, In general, I did everything I could, To make the pie tasty! 2nd leader. Yes, when there are so many things to do and so many worries, there can be a lot to confuse. But, guys, your moms never forget anything, never mix things up, and, most importantly, never. They never stop loving you for a single moment. Here's how it's not easy being a mom. And this is the female happiness. 1st leader. Without a merry dance The holiday is not bright, Accept, dear mothers, Our dance is a gift! The dance "Vasya-cornflower" is performed by the 2nd leader. Our dear women, with all our hearts we want to wish you HAPPINESS. And what is happiness our children know. 1st child. What is happiness? Such a simple question Perhaps more than one philosopher asked. In fact, happiness is simple, It begins with a height of half a meter. 2nd child. These are undershirts, booties and a bib, Brand new, described by my mother's sarafan. Torn tights, knocked knees, These are the walls painted in the corridor. 3rd child. Happiness is soft warm palms, Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa, It's a whole heap of broken toys, It's a constant rumble of rattles. 4th child. Happiness is heels barefoot on the floor, Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections. Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead, It's a constant "What?" and why?". 5th child. Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide, A small candle on a huge cake. This is the endless "Read me a fairy tale", This is the daily Khryusha with Stepashka. 6th child. This is a warm nose from under the blanket, Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas, Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor, Puppet theater, matinee in the garden. 1st Leader. What is happiness? Everyone will answer you ... Children. It is for everyone who has children. The dance “Mommy, always be by my side” is performed (mothers and children dance). (In the middle of the dance, children read poetry). 1 and 2 girls together. The light in the window, we are together It's light in my soul Mom dear, How warm it is with you. 3 and 4 girls together. I pray at night For you to live For you to be healthy Mommy. 5 and 6 girls together. My mother gave me life. More than anything in the world, I love you. 2nd leader. And now we'll play, Let's encourage our mothers. May their clear smiles make us happier. Game with a tambourine "You roll a cheerful tambourine." Adults and children stand in a circle, pass the tambourine to each other, saying the words: “You roll a cheerful tambourine, Quickly, quickly hand by hand. Whoever has a tambourine left, He will now dance for us. Competition for moms "Mopball". Participants need to circle a small ball between the pins with a mop. Competition for children "Cleaning". Wrappers, toys, books, pencils. 4 people play, collect only their item. Put books on the table, pencils in a glass, toys in a basket, candy wrappers in a trash bag. 1st leader. Oh, how nicely they played, Are you tired of our mothers? Relax, we'll sing a song for you. The song "Beloved Mother" is performed (lyrics by V. Balakhonenkova). 1st couplet. Our beloved mother, You are brighter than the sun! You warm us with your warmth And you are always kind. Chorus. Mommy, Mommy, Dear Mommy, We love you always, Dear Mommy. 2nd couplet. You rock us in the cradle, Sorrows go away with you. You give care and affection, You read beautiful fairy tales. 3rd couplet. With you we are always more fun, With you we will be bolder, You always help us in everything, You are always with us. 4th couplet. We will grow up, we will become big, And we will also be the same, Such as our mother, After all, our mother is not more beautiful! 2nd leader. Well done! Dear children, try to make your mother's eyes never be sad, but always glow with a gentle gleam of joy and love. 1st child. There are such women in the world And now, as from time immemorial, Whose wrinkles, like cracks, Like the marks of time. 2-child. Here they are already smiling, It warmed their hearts. Why, right, not beauties, Though already aged. 1st leader. Grandmothers, mother's and father's mothers are visiting us today, therefore grandmothers are mothers doubly, Mothers with a capital letter. Our grandmothers are worthy of respect and gratitude for their selfless work, love for you, their grandchildren, and care for you. Thank them for this, love and appreciate them dearly, do not hurt them with your words and deeds, be kind, sensitive to them. Dear grandmothers, accept a poem and a song as a gift for you. Our grandmother is walking. Our grandmother walks, Knocking with a stick. I say to my grandmother - Call the doctor! Give you medicine, you'll be healthy! If it's bitter, - What's wrong with that? You will suffer a little, And the doctor will leave, We are with you on the street, Let's play ball! We will run, grandmother, Jump high! See how I jump? It's so easy! The grandmother smiled: - What do I need a doctor for? I'm not sick, I'm just old! Just very old, gray hair. Somewhere I lost my young years. Somewhere behind huge ones, Behind dark forests, Behind a high mountain, Behind deep water. How to get there, People do not know ... I say to my grandmother: - Remember this place! I'll go there, I'll swim, I'll go! Young years I will find yours! The song “Golden Pens” is performed (words and music by E.D. Goltsova). 1st couplet. Grandmother-grandmother- Golden handles. And my grandmother's eyes are kind! Chorus. Grandmother, grandmother, I love you. For you, dear, I sing a song. 2nd couplet. I am very friendly with my grandmother. Every day I go to kindergarten with her. 3rd couplet. We live happily together with my grandmother. Let's sit next to her, It's good together. 2nd leader. What is the most important thing for a child? This is home and family. 1st child. What is family? You ask me. I will answer you with pleasure, That the family is a house, My garden outside the window And the family is a small Motherland! 2nd child. Mom and dad are my relatives There is no dearer relatives I have And sister relatives and brother And lop-eared puppy Tishka. 3rd child. We go to the world from the family There and your roots are yours long life begins And the foundation of our parental home And the family in the world life continues. Song "My family" (Music and lyrics by Alexander Yermolov). 1st couplet. There are a bunch of toys in front of me, But everyone has known for a long time, That it's rather boring for me to play alone And it's completely, completely uninteresting. But when my relatives are with me And the people I love most, I immediately forget about despondency. And it always has been, is and will be… Chorus. There will be a happy and wonderful day, If dad and mom are nearby. I will be cheerful, I will be very glad If my sister and brother are nearby. And I will be infinitely glad If grandfather and grandmother are nearby. Well, most of all I will be glad, If the whole family is nearby, My whole family. 2nd couplet. And I must confess to my father and mother, That sometimes I am, of course, A little naughty and stubborn, But I love, love you endlessly! Failures will not scare me, I will not be afraid of the cold wind, My family is with me, which means: I am the happiest of all in this world! 1st leader. For all our life - from the moment a child is born, and until the last breath - the closest, dearest soul on earth is our mother. And no matter how old we are, in trouble and in joy, aloud and mentally we say “Mom!” As if we are calling her - so that she protects, that she is near. For a person in his soul always remains a child, for whom mother's hugs are the most reliable shelter in the world. Mom is the most dear and close person to each of us. She teaches us morality and spirituality, enlivens our minds, puts kind words into our mouths. Mommy, mommy! 2nd leader. And our holiday is coming to an end. And in parting, I want to tell you once again, kind and gentle words, dear mothers. Children to the music of the song "Mammoth" stand in a semicircle: 1st child. Today, my mother's hands, Kneeling down, I kiss you hard! I wish her happy days And peace of mind at night. Heart so that she does not know her troubles, And sadness - longing poured into a tear. So that everything comes true, what she dreamed of! And happiness overwhelmed fate! 2nd child. Know, mom, you are needed, I need every moment and hour! You are adored, loved, Always and right now! I wish you to be always beautiful, Cheerful, sincere, dear! Contented life and happy, Carefree, joyful - with me! 1st leader. Dear mothers, we express our deep love, respect and deep gratitude to you. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of the mother is in the happiness of the children. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest. She will always understand him, console him, help him in Hard time, protect, protect from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother. Let me once again congratulate you on the holiday! Be the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most tender, the most, the most, the most ... Health and good luck! Our holiday is over. See you soon! The song "Mom, I can't see enough of you" 1st verse. To meet you alone, I gladly run, I can’t live without your embrace for a minute, I shine with happiness, only next to you, You are like the sun for me, and I, like your ray. You forgive for pranks, you don’t hide resentment, For everything, worrying, you don’t sleep at night, You give me your warmth and pamper me, You are mine, golden, my love. Chorus. Mom, I can't get enough of you, Mom, we feel each other with our hearts, Mom, you are dearer to everyone, and it cannot be otherwise. 2nd couplet. There is no one closer to me, there is no one dearer, You can’t find more beautiful and you can’t find kinder, You will always shelter from the cold and wind, With you I don’t have to be afraid of the dark. You know all the answers to my every question, Your one smile - and there is no trace of tears, You know all the answers to each of my questions, One smile of yours - and there is no trace of tears, I share all the secret secrets with you, There is no one in the world who I love so much.

Mother's Day Concert will be held on the eve of the holiday in every educational institution, in every urban and rural House of Culture. This is the main event that will honor women who gave birth to children and bring them up in their families. Each school prepares it on its own. Traditionally, there is a large school-wide concert dedicated to Mother's Day, at which students from each class will perform with their congratulatory numbers in the general scenario. In large schools, it is impossible to invite all mothers of students to such a significant solemn event, so many classes hold their own events, at which they congratulate the mothers of the class in a close atmosphere.

Mother's Day holiday concert has its own distinctive features: children give songs, poems to their dearest people. With words of gratitude from the stage, the school administration addresses the assembled mothers. In order for the event to be remembered for all its beauty and solemnity, majesty and warmth, a script for a concert for Mother's Day must be prepared in advance. You don't have to compose it yourself. We offer several wonderful concert scenarios for various groups of speakers on this page. Give joy to mothers, bring them the warmth of children's hearts with your performance.

Mother's Day Concert for School

From the high school stage, high school presenters will congratulate all the mothers who came to this hall to share the joy of the holiday with their children. The author of the script dedicated many pleasant words to grandmothers, who are like second mothers, always next to their children. A concert according to this scenario can be held at any school. Insert your amateur performance numbers instead of those offered in the development of the event.

Concert script for Mother's Day

Another great script for a Mother's Day concert that will nicely decorate a holiday at school. The action on the stage begins with a staging of a parable about a child who will be born tomorrow. He is very afraid to go to an unfamiliar world, but God gave him an angel who will help the baby in everything and protect him. This is mom. Then beautiful poems, songs about mothers sound, the best dances and the most funny scenes. The script includes the scene "Three mothers", which will be shown by students of different classes.

Mother's Day Concert

Like in this scenario holiday concert, dedicated to the Day mother is nothing out of the ordinary. It was held in 2013. Perhaps someone will like this particular scenario of the concert for a holiday at school in 2014. Not only students, but also teachers take part in the concert. The counselor reads a beautiful poem "Mom".

November 27, 2009

The song sounds Better words not in the world."
Voice-over: Rain hits the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!
(Curtain opens.)
(, " AVE MARIA")
1 led. Good afternoon dear friends! There are words in the world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother." The word that the child says most often is the word "mom". The word at which an adult, gloomy person smiles is also the word "mother."
2 led. Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul, mother's word. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?
1 led. Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we call MOM! And congratulations to all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!
2 led. And we congratulate all the others sitting in this hall on the fact that they also had a great happiness - to be someone's children, to be born on this earth and to know loving tender hands.
1 led. I want to invite to the stage a person who is just eager to congratulate our mothers - the Head of our urban settlement
2 led. I think that our frequent and welcome guest, Father Mikhail, will also find many kind words for mothers! Please take the stage!
(Speech by Father Michael.)
1 led. Modest, covering his palm with his palm, peacefully his hands lie on the table.
Having lost their strength, twisting their fingers in pain, they tease a small handkerchief.
You were once young, tender kisses keeping ...
Affectionate, kind, dear, hands that raised me.
After raising my children and granddaughter, you worked all day long.
And they did it themselves. Alone, your long-awaited happiness.
They sewed, darned, washed, washed. Rinse clothes in ice water ...
If necessary, they threatened everyone severely, protecting their offspring.
All wrinkled hands are dear, but everything in the world is dearer to me.
Old, tired, sick hands of my good mother!!!
2 Vedas. Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother who bowed to a baby who fell asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes.
1 led. Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.
2 led. So where does mom start?
1 led. And mom starts with this magical house!

2 led. What is happiness? Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
1 led. In fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
2 led. These are undershirts. Booties and bib
1 led. A brand new described mother's sarafan.
2 led. Ripped tights...
1 led. broken knees,
2 led. These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
1 led. Happiness is soft warm palms,
2 led. Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
1 led. It's a whole bunch of broken toys
2 led. It's a constant rattle of rattles...
1 led. Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
2 led. Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ... this is a constant "What" and "Why?" ...

1. Rain, don't knock!
Don't hit the glass.
My mom is just sleeping
Evening looks out the windows.
2. Do not make noise and do not wake
Mommy is tired
You go quietly
She gets up so early.
1. You see a red cat nearby.
The sly one sleeps, purring,
He will take us to a fairy tale,
To give smiles.
.2 Between stars and clouds
The moon is lost
I'll draw vivid dreams
Let her sleep well.
1 your lullaby,
For mom to sleep
I'll sing along with the rain
She gets up so early.
1 led. And here are the lines from the daughter's letter to her mother ...
“Mom, thank you for what you do for me. When I was little, I knew that I could always rely on you. I knew that if you were around, everything would be fine, no matter what happens ...
When I was a teenager, I could not always understand you, and it happened that we quarreled. But I was always sure that you love and believe in me, no matter what.
And only now, when I have matured, I began to understand how much you have done for me. Thank you for all the love that only you can give, because you are my MOM……
2 led. Anya Baryshnikova congratulates you with a song about your mother!
(" MY MOM" .)
1 led. The kindest…
2 led. The wisest...
1 led. The most beloved…
2 led. Valentina Baryshnikova congratulates the most beautiful mothers in the world.
(“YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL” by V. Baryshnikov.)
2 led. And now our grandmothers will take the stage. Grandmothers are perky, cheerful, with young voices and a young soul! Meet the ensemble "Rossiyanochka" with a song that our mothers sang when they were young!
2 led. Mom is getting old. She is no longer happy with the calls of her friends and the pranks of her grandchildren ...
Years and fatigue press on my shoulders, and my hands do not want to rise.
And the legs do not go ... the strength has dried up. Eyes watering, voice trembling a little...
I heard - she asked yesterday: “Give me, Lord, to live!”
Mom is sick. She can't sleep at night. All dreams are long gone.
It lies and waits: suddenly, in the morning, a nimble tit will knock on the window with its beak.
I will put candles: help her, God, add health to her and my strength.
Let mom become at least a little younger. And wisdom is enough for us for two.
I myself am a mother. I will not hide from anyone - I am both unbearable and harsh.
And I know that sometimes offensive epithets fly off the tongue.
Of course, not from evil, but from annoyance, I can say unnecessary words ...
Do not be offended, sons, do not! Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding.
And you, dear, smile bravely! Look, spring is on the way again!
Live longer! You know it's so important to us
That grandmother and mother are next to us!
(“ FORGIVE ME, MOTHER” Y. Kondrashov.)
1 led. Meet the smallest participant of our holiday - Oksana Yanko!
1 led.
I'm always afraid of failing
Say "thank you" at dawn
For love and for what I am
And for being a bit pretty.
I'm always afraid to be late
I'm always afraid not to get there
And forget or not recognize
Childhood warm quiet echo.
Constantly afraid of not catching up
My only important train.
To come and tell you
That I live, as taught, in good conscience.

("Mom's Insomnia")
2 led. In the mother's heart of tenderness without edge,
Mom's eyes are the sun in the sky.
Do not be sad that we have frost, dear,
Silver gray in hair.
Don't count wrinkles on your face.
Are your hands rough? Do not Cry!
And wrinkles are cobwebs
From your and our failures.
Regret and give good advice -
Is there a kinder mother?
Motherhood is not an easy burden.
There is joy and sorrow in it.
Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."
("MOTHER" .)
1 led. Dear mothers! For you - this extraordinarily beautiful song!
2 led. Our loved ones!
May adversity not touch your days!
And God bless you to live longer in the world!
1 led. Today you love, health, happiness
Your children wish with all their hearts!
(“Look Back” Ekaterina and Yuri Kondrashov)
1 led. Lovely. Dear relatives, happiness to you, health, love of your children and grandchildren! And let every person reverently pronounce the name of his mother to gray hair and respectfully protect her old age! Happy holiday to you, our mothers and low bow to you!
(Final song "MAMA"