What day of the week was your birthday? Meaning and magical abilities. The value of the day of the week you were born. What can he tell about you? The birthday I was born on

  • 13.07.2020

According to the system known since antiquity, the day of the week on which we were born largely determines our bioenergetic potential, basic character traits, attitude towards the world and people, the area of ​​activity where we can achieve the greatest success, that is, in fact, the backdrop of all our lives. So...

Monday people

Those born on Monday are ruled by the Moon. Monday people are restless souls full of doubts. If they could understand themselves, overcome spiritual contradictions, they would have reached significant heights in life. These are emotionally open, sociable people. But at the same time they are good at hiding their true feelings and rich fantasies. They very easily adapt to the human environment, and to changes in life. But they really do not like to overcome obstacles, preferring at this time to be in the role of a follower, behind the back of a strong leader. This is the kind of person they are trying to choose as their life partner. Not many are seduced by the prospect of leading another person for many years, so Monday people sometimes suffer from loneliness. It's a pity, because in family life they are good: they love coziness, are homely and are faithful to their chosen one to the end.
The family is their forte, one might say, the most important task.

Tuesday people

All those born on Tuesday live under the sign of Mars, the planet of warriors. And their character is accordingly stubborn, persistent, often aggressive. However, they often need confidence in their own righteousness and dignity. Doubts about this sometimes lead to the fact that they can lose faith in themselves, in the correctness of their actions. Therefore, the support of others for the people of Tuesday is vital. Unfortunately, they are often impulsive and arrogant: first they act, then they think. Based on this, an ideal companion for those born on Tuesday can be a person - a benevolent and reliable adviser who knows how to gently and unobtrusively direct their efforts. In this case, Tuesday people will be able to achieve a lot in various fields of activity.

Wednesday people

People born on Wednesday are patronized by the planet Mercury (the god of trade, knowledge, intelligence, communication). And this is what makes them wealthy. inner world and a wide range of hobbies. They are usually successful in marketing, science, advertising business, they study all their lives, gain rich experience, but they don’t really like to advertise these properties, preferring to impress others as conservative people. People of the environment from early childhood plan their lives, dreaming of achieving success in a certain profession, and then persistently go towards this goal. As a rule, fortune favors them, and they experience a sudden take-off, reaching the target. But then there comes a moment, like the X-hour, when a person of the environment, no longer able to cope with his passions and desires, radically changes his established position, giving way to the long-restrained energy of desires. Throwing them out, he returns to a normal, measured life. He is again controlled not by feelings, but by a cold, all-correcting mind. Therefore, if next to a person of the environment there is a life partner who will allow him little adventures from time to time, will treat this with understanding, such a couple is provided with a long happy family life.

Thursday people

Those born on Thursday are guarded for life by Jupiter, the father of the gods, who rules the world, And often the people of Thursday, having reached maturity, become rulers, in any case, good organizers, administrators for sure. They achieve success in politics, religion, management, management. As a rule, those who feel the need for patronage are drawn to them. Many of the people born on Thursday are endowed with the gift of foresight, that is, they can predict the future. This sometimes frightens them themselves, and they even try to fight it by suppressing the manifestation of such abilities in themselves. And in vain: after all, they are thus granted protection from above so that they can avoid life's obstacles without loss.
The stubbornness of the people of Jupiter, sometimes bordering on even stupidity, as it seems to others, often causes irritation when communicating with them. But in fact, they turn out to be right, because they are guided by their own logic, often inaccessible and incomprehensible to the environment. It is sometimes difficult for their household members to adapt to this character trait. After all, the imperiousness of people born on Thursday, their intolerance of other people's opinions (which they know how to listen to, but still “do it their own way”) is a strong test of the strength of marriage bonds. However, for those natures who want to be led and like to rely on a strong partner, such an alliance can be beneficial. Thursday people tend to strong personalities and good families. True, their partners have to experience the strongest injections of jealousy more than once, as they constantly attract other people to themselves. But the people of Jupiter avoid quarrels and scandals, trying to settle all conflicts in peace. But when communicating with them, it is worth considering that all people on Thursday make concessions very hard and do not forgive their partners for insults and betrayals.

Friday people

People born on Friday live under the auspices of Venus. This planet endows them with a great gift - the art of loving and being loved. They seem to be born to enjoy life and generously give it to their loved ones. Despondency and humility, suffering are unbearable for them. In any situation, people of Venus strive to bring optimism and joy. They are very charming, even being deprived of a bright appearance. Under various circumstances, they always strive to remain impressive and attractive.
However, one should not trust their words too much: Friday people do not attach much importance to them. Even flirting and seducing with skillful speech, in fact, they are far from striving to seduce: for them, this is a game from which they get great pleasure. Friday people love their home, family, they know how to create a warm, homely, touchingly cozy atmosphere, rallying family members around them. But they cannot be kept within the close confines of the family. They must constantly expand their horizons, learn about the multi-colored world and themselves, then their life will be full, and they will gladly give their happiness to their families and friends. It is impossible to tie them to domestic problems. They are comfortable only with those who give them the happiness of freedom and surround them with comfort, while not tormenting them with jealousy and suspicion. These are the strongest invisible chains that can keep them close for a long time. By the way, all those born on Friday are able to transfer part of their luck to both relatives and business partners, since they are always lucky in money: they feel good wherever they can earn a fair amount.

Saturday people

Those born on Saturday are the people of Saturn. They live under the weight of tribal karma. Only the people of the Sabbath are strong enough to bear it, but it is precisely for this reason that they should not be given unlimited power. Due to their great industriousness, intelligence and talent, with a sense of responsibility developed from birth, these people are able to rise to unprecedented heights in skill and career. But their path is always gradual and difficult, without unexpected ups and downs. Life credo is work, honor and duty, skill and patience, both at work and in the family.
But often people born on Saturday are unlucky in their personal lives, because they hope that their life attitudes will automatically provide them with personal happiness, and do not make great efforts to achieve it. Having created a family, they are convinced that everything will work out by itself, and are amazed when this does not happen. Rushing to save the situation, they either become a partner's slave, or, conversely, give free rein to their power ambitions. Neither brings them happiness. Alas, it is necessary for Saturday people to behave at home as at work: slowly and gradually, step by step, with hard work and patience, build a family building, and only then will they be granted personal happiness and satisfaction in marriage. Saturday people are predestined to work and work all their lives, but on the other hand, having reached the heights of respect in society and creating a strong family, such people in old age are much happier than in their youth. And, being long-livers, they fully enjoy their happiness, nurtured by long and hard work.

Sunday people

People born on Sunday are under the auspices of the life-giving Sun. Therefore, they literally seethe with inexhaustible energy, overflowing. They are always lucky in everything. However, it is precisely them, initially the minion of fate, paradoxically, that failures more often overtake. The fact is that Sunday people are given everything from birth to the fullest - intelligence, talent, vitality, dexterity, beauty and kindness, so they often tend to lead a carefree lifestyle and rest on their laurels, without making great efforts to ensure a happy future. And if until the age of 33 they keep afloat thanks to their talents and rich inclinations, then life begins to ask them in full - what they have learned, what they have achieved, relying on generous advances. Their numerous talents and abilities dry up over time, and the unwillingness to work hard for a career and a strong family inevitably leads to a broken trough of illusions and hopes. As a result, Sunday people at the most decisive age miss the opportunity to gain material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
In order to take place as individuals, to realize all their abilities bestowed by nature, the people of the Sun from childhood need strict discipline and good education. They need to be brought up in an atmosphere of hard work, then in adulthood they will not become a burden for others due to their egocentrism and exorbitant ambitions. Only by ceasing to feel sorry for themselves and directing their efforts to helping other people, to their self-improvement and acquiring professional skills, Sunday people can become happy and even famous in certain circles, and, it is possible, very famous. Their happiness is if they meet an intelligent life partner, born on Thursday, with an imperious and demanding character. It is such a person who will be able to direct and develop their talent for the benefit of the family and society.

"Three things cannot be hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the Truth"
Siddhartha Gautama

The day on which a person was born, as you know, determines his fate. For Thais, the days of the week are the most important!

Each day of the week has its own color, as well as several other symbols - a planet, a being, and, most importantly, the asana of the Buddha (a body position that is comfortable and pleasant). "What does India have to do with it?" - you ask. Despite the fact that this system is rooted deep in the past, when Thailand did not yet know Buddhism. And, presumably, it has passed the good test of time, because it is still used today.

It is believed that on each day of the week, some significant events took place in the life of Siddhartha Gautama, which are symbolized by his eight asanas. Interesting and beautiful legends are associated with them! And now we will find out to whom, from the point of view of Thai Buddhists, which luminary shines, what color is better to dress in and, most importantly, which Buddha figurine will bring happiness and harmony in the house!

Finding the day of the week you were born:

Sunday. Buddha of Restraint (Pang Tawai Natra)

Monday. Peacemaker Buddha (Pang Ham Yath)

Tuesday. Reclining Buddha (Pang Sai Yas)

Wednesday to noon. Buddha with begging bowl (Pang Um Baatr)

Wednesday afternoon. Joy Buddha (Pang Par Lelai)

Thursday. Meditating Buddha (Pang Samah Thi)

Friday. Buddha of Meditation (Pang Ram Pueng)

Saturday. Protector Buddha (Pang Naga Prok)



Restraint Day
Color: red. | The sun was shining. | Animal: Garuda. | Asana: Buddha in contemplation.
On this day, creative people are born, sensitive, having a strong connection with the divine principle and possessing good intuition.
After gaining enlightenment, Siddhartha Gautama could immediately go to nirvana, leaving this imperfect world filled with disease and death. The devil Mara pushed the enlightened one to this. However, the Buddha stood under the bodhi tree, folded his hands on his stomach, and stood in one place for 7 days. Having already acquired the gift of clairvoyance, which is characteristic of all enlightened ones, he scrolled before his eyes pictures of the suffering of all living beings on our planet. After a week, Gautama decided to stay in this world in order to pass on his knowledge of salvation to all those in need...

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. The planet that in our chart represents the soul. Therefore, Sunday is reserved mainly for spiritual purposes and works. This day is very good for inner self-knowledge, meditation, visiting the temple. Since the Sun is a king, on his day it is favorable to set goals for the next week, plan and properly distribute forces.


Reconciliation Day.
Yellow color. | Luminary: Moon.| Animal: tiger. | Asana: pacification of neighbors. The karmic destiny is to be a good mentor and be able to express thoughts beautifully.

Legend has it that during the time of Buddha Gautama, the Indian city of Vesali was torn apart by sorrows and troubles. It was dominated by poverty, cholera and demons. Devils were the most unpleasant scourge, they flew over the city and devoured the corpses of those who died from cholera, and sometimes even living people. King Vesali's advisors told him to seek help from the Buddha, which he did. The Buddha agreed and arrived in the city. Entering a protective asana, standing straight and putting his right hand out in front of him with the palm forward, with his stunning spiritual power he caused a heavy downpour, which turned the streets into running rivers, carrying out all the corpses and dirt from Vesali with their streams. And then, when the rain stopped, the best disciple of Gautama, Ananda, walked along the already clean streets, reciting sacred mantras and irrigating the earth with consecrated water. After that, the suffering of people dried up, and the devils fled the city with fear ...

Also, the second legend tells how the Buddha, having entered the same asana, reconciled his relatives, who were ready to enter into a bloody internecine war for power. After that, he received his nickname "Shakyamuni", which means "subduer of the Shakyas" (a noble Indian family from the Kshatriya caste, to which Gautama belonged).

Moon rules on Monday. The moon represents our mind, emotions, home, sense of contentment. The energy of the Moon is calming, relaxing, so strong tension on this day is not recommended. On Monday, female, Yin energy is active and all matters related to it are favorable. On this day, all things related to home and family are good.

Day of rest
Pink colour. | Luminary: Mars. | Animal: lion. | Asana: Reclining Buddha.
The tendency to easy victories, luck and luck.
The legend tells us about the last day of Buddha's life in the human world. At the start of the day, he asked his followers, “Do you have any questions? Are there any ambiguities? But there were no questions. Then Gautama said, “Very well. I will pass into nirvana very soon." He took the begging bowl and went into town in search of breakfast. Soon, he was met by a blacksmith named Kunda, who begged the Buddha to be his guest, and sent relatives to the market to buy the best for such a significant guest. When the dish was cooked and put on the table, Gautama, being a clairvoyant, realized that among the expensive mushrooms in the exquisite curry, there were several poisonous ones. Also, the enlightened one saw that the blacksmith was not to blame for anything, that he did not know about the poisoned mushrooms ... The Buddha quickly, praising the curry and the wife of the owner of the house who cooked it, ate everything so that no one except him would suffer, then thanked the simple man and left . Returning to the disciples, Gautama lay down on the ground in the shade of the sal trees, put his hand under his head, and saying his last words: “All composite things are short-lived. Strive for your own release with special diligence”, left the body, going to nirvana ...

Mars rules Tuesday. Tuesday, in general, is considered a difficult day, because. Mars is considered an unfavorable planet, causing quarrels, scandals and accidents. Therefore, some important auspicious things like a wedding, the conception of children, important purchases, most travel are not done on Tuesday.
This day is very good for physical activity, sports and competitions. It is very important that on this day the energy does not stagnate!
For people of intellectual labor, this day is good for research, for studying mathematics. Mars is the protector of dharma, and if we use force not for noble purposes, but simply to unleash evil on someone, then Mars will definitely react by sending us the negative karma we have earned as a boomerang. On this day, it is very auspicious to read the chapter of "Sundara Kanda" from the Ramayana, as well as the "Mahabharata". This will not only propitiate Mars, but will also let you understand how to properly apply the energy of Mars in life.

WEDNESDAY until noon

Color: light green. | Luminary: Mercury. | Animal: Elephant with tusks. | Asana: Buddha with begging bowl.
It is believed that after four years wandering and preaching the philosophy of the noble eightfold path, Gautama came to his palace, which he once left in order to gain enlightenment, and visited his father, younger brother and son. The father, seeing that the Buddha, his own son and prince by birth, in the morning collects food from the common people in the begging bowl on the streets, was horrified! But Siddhartha reassured his father, explaining that this is the way of any Buddha. Whoever embarked on the path of enlightenment can no longer earn his living by labor, for work is an obstacle on the path to nirvana. You can live on donations that make everyone feel good. A monk does not stop on his spiritual path, without wasting time, physical and mental strength on work. And the person serving rice purifies his karma by doing a simple good deed...

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Light, witty, cheerful, fast, he fills this day with his youthful energy. He is responsible in our map for speech and communication. On this day, it is well said, written, studied, taught, etc. Therefore, any activity related to education will be successful.
This day is better for theoretical planning than starting something long-term.


Color: dark green. | Luminary: Rahu | Animal: Elephant without tusks. | Asana: Buddha meets animals.
There is every chance to get into the upper strata of society. Rahu is a shadowy, secret planet, but at the same time, it is just as significant for Hindu and Buddhist astrologers as the visible luminaries. It is believed that it is located at the crossroads of the trajectory of the Earth, revolving around the Sun, and the Moon, revolving around the Earth.

One day, the disciples of the Buddha were mired in philosophical disputes, looking for the truth, not noticing how it began to rapidly move away from them ... And not only the truth! Gautama could not concentrate in any way to enter the state of meditation. Therefore, he retired to the forest. However, in the jungle he was prevented by heavy rain. And, the Buddha went deeper into the forest farther and farther, in search of a powerful tree that would protect him from bad weather. And when a strong banyan tree was found, a lot of time passed and Gautama got hungry. Animals came out of the forest to him: an elephant in his trunk brought water, and a monkey brought a beehive in which there were bees recently, but now only a lot of pure fragrant wild honey remains. The Enlightened One refreshed himself and indulged in meditation. And this episode became a symbol of the unity of the Buddha not only with the world of people, but also with all living things ...

day of meditation
Orange color. | Luminary: Jupiter. | Animal: rat. | Asana: Buddha meditating. People born on this day are also prone to luck, they are distinguished by a rich imagination and the ability to successfully solve complex problems.

Siddhartha Gautama was born a prince and lived in luxury and prosperity until he was 29 years old. Then, he decided to leave his beautiful abode and become a simple wanderer, looking for the truth, answers to the question of how to save all life from disease, old age and death. Then there were years of strict ascetic practices that did not bring knowledge to the prince, but by the age of 35 they put him on the verge of life and death from exhaustion. Gautama came out of the forest, where he indulged in asceticism, and with his last breath collapsed under a tree near a tropical river. A peasant woman, sent by the gods, saw him, and mistaking him for a spirit, got frightened and gave Siddhartha the rice pudding and spring water that she carried home. Gautama realized that the gods left him life for a reason, and promised himself that he would not leave this place until he gained enlightenment and knowledge of how to save the world from suffering. The prince sat in the lotus position under the bodhi tree and his meditation lasted for forty-nine days, after which enlightenment came! Siddhartha discovered his new teaching, the "noble eightfold path", which can lead to the state of nirvana for everyone. And from that moment on, people began to call him Buddha (translated from Sanskrit: “awakened” or “enlightened”)…

Thursday is ruled by the most favorable planet Jupiter. Therefore, Thursday is considered the most successful day. True, it is necessary to make a reservation. This planet, being the Teacher or Guru of Dharma, is auspicious for those who follow the path of Dharma, righteousness, virtue, etc. Those who are lucky on Thursdays are most likely to past life were pious and generous, having received a good Jupiter as a reward. All actions in goodness are very good on this day! Donations, gifts, some kind of selfless activity is very welcome by Jupiter. Religious rituals, meditation, reading mantras, in short, any spiritual practices that enhance the mode of goodness.
Thursday is also good for material prosperity. Long term financial projects, some large enterprises better to start on that day.

day of contemplation
Blue color. | Luminary: Venus. | Animal: cavy. | Asana: The Buddha is in deep thought.

Each day of the week is controlled by a certain planet, which has its influence on everyone born on this day, and determines the bioenergetic potential, the main character traits, attitude towards the world and people, the field of activity where you can achieve the greatest success.

Birthday on Monday

Those born on Monday are ruled by the Moon. Monday people are restless souls full of doubts. If they could understand themselves, overcome spiritual contradictions, they would have reached significant heights in life. These are emotionally open, sociable people. But at the same time they are good at hiding their true feelings and rich fantasies. They very easily adapt to the human environment, and to changes in life. But they really do not like to overcome obstacles, preferring at this time to be in the role of a follower, behind the back of a strong leader. This is the kind of person they are trying to choose as their life partner. Not many are seduced by the prospect of leading another person for many years, so Monday people sometimes suffer from loneliness. It’s a pity, because in family life they are good: they love comfort, are homely and are faithful to their chosen one to the end.
The family is their forte, one might say, the most important task.

Birthday on Tuesday

All those born on Tuesday live under the sign of Mars, the planet of warriors. And their character is accordingly stubborn, persistent, often aggressive. However, they often need confidence in their own righteousness and dignity. Doubts about this sometimes lead to the fact that they can lose faith in themselves, in the correctness of their actions. Therefore, the support of others for the people of Tuesday is vital. Unfortunately, they are often impulsive and arrogant: first they act, then they think. Based on this, a person can become an ideal companion for those born on Tuesday - a benevolent and reliable adviser who knows how to gently and unobtrusively direct their efforts. In this case, Tuesday people will be able to achieve a lot in various fields of activity.

Birthday Wednesday

People born on Wednesday are patronized by the planet Mercury (the god of trade, knowledge, intelligence, communication). And this determines the richness of their inner world and the breadth of the spectrum of hobbies. They are usually successful in marketing, science, the advertising business, they study all their lives, gain rich experience, but they don’t really like to advertise these properties, preferring to impress others as conservative people. People of the environment from early childhood plan their lives, dreaming of achieving success in a certain profession, and then persistently go towards this goal. As a rule, fortune favors them, and they experience a sudden take-off, reaching the target. But then there comes a moment, like the X-hour, when a person of the environment, no longer able to cope with his passions and desires, radically changes his established position, giving way to the long-restrained energy of desires. Throwing them out, he returns to a normal, measured life. He is again controlled not by feelings, but by a cold, all-correcting mind. Therefore, if next to a person of the environment there is a life partner who will allow him little adventures from time to time, will treat this with understanding, such a couple is provided with a long happy family life.

Birthday Thursday

Those born on Thursday are guarded for life by Jupiter, the father of the gods, who rules the world, And often the people of Thursday, having reached maturity, become rulers, in any case, good organizers, administrators for sure. They achieve success in politics, religion, management, management. As a rule, those who feel the need for patronage are drawn to them. Many of the people born on Thursday are endowed with the gift of foresight, that is, they can predict the future. This sometimes frightens them themselves, and they even try to fight it by suppressing the manifestation of such abilities in themselves. And in vain: after all, they are thus granted protection from above so that they can avoid life's obstacles without loss.
The stubbornness of the people of Jupiter, sometimes bordering on even stupidity, as it seems to others, often causes irritation when communicating with them. But in fact, they turn out to be right, because they are guided by their own logic, often inaccessible and incomprehensible to the environment. It is sometimes difficult for their household members to adapt to this character trait. After all, the imperiousness of people born on Thursday, their intolerance of other people's opinions (which they know how to listen to, but still “do it their own way”) is a strong test of the strength of marriage bonds. However, for those natures who want to be led and like to rely on a strong partner, such an alliance can be beneficial. Thursday people tend to have strong personalities and good family people. True, their partners have to experience the strongest injections of jealousy more than once, as they constantly attract other people to themselves. But the people of Jupiter avoid quarrels and scandals, trying to settle all conflicts in peace. But when communicating with them, it is worth considering that all people on Thursday make concessions very hard and do not forgive their partners for insults and betrayals.

Birthday on Friday

People born on Friday live under the auspices of Venus. This planet endows them with a great gift - the art of loving and being loved. They seem to be born to enjoy life and generously give it to their loved ones. Despondency and humility, suffering are unbearable for them. In any situation, people of Venus strive to bring optimism and joy. They are very charming, even being deprived of a bright appearance. Under various circumstances, they always strive to remain impressive and attractive.
However, one should not trust their words too much: Friday people do not attach much importance to them. Even flirting and seducing with skillful speech, in fact, they are far from striving to seduce: for them, this is a game from which they get great pleasure. Friday people love their home, family, they know how to create a warm, homely, touchingly cozy atmosphere, rallying family members around them. But they cannot be kept within the close confines of the family. They must constantly expand their horizons, learn about the multi-colored world and themselves, then their life will be full, and they will gladly give their happiness to their families and friends. It is impossible to tie them to domestic problems. They are comfortable only with those who give them the happiness of freedom and surround them with comfort, while not tormenting them with jealousy and suspicion. These are the strongest invisible chains that can keep them close for a long time. By the way, all those born on Friday are able to transfer part of their luck to both relatives and business partners, since they are always lucky in money: they feel good wherever they can earn a fair amount.

Birthday on Saturday

Those born on Saturday are the people of Saturn. They live under the weight of tribal karma. Only the people of the Sabbath are strong enough to bear it, but it is precisely for this reason that they should not be given unlimited power. Due to their great industriousness, intelligence and talent, with a sense of responsibility developed from birth, these people are able to rise to unprecedented heights in skill and career. But their path is always gradual and difficult, without unexpected ups and downs. Life credo is work, honor and duty, skill and patience, both at work and in the family.
But often people born on Saturday are unlucky in their personal lives, because they hope that their life attitudes will automatically provide them with personal happiness, and do not make great efforts to achieve it. Having created a family, they are convinced that everything will work out by itself, and are amazed when this does not happen. Rushing to save the situation, they either become a partner's slave, or, conversely, give free rein to their power ambitions. Neither brings them happiness. Alas, it is necessary for Saturday people to behave at home as at work: slowly and gradually, step by step, with hard work and patience, build a family building, and only then will they be granted personal happiness and satisfaction in marriage. Saturday people are predestined to work and work all their lives, but on the other hand, having reached the heights of respect in society and creating a strong family, such people in old age are much happier than in their youth. And, being long-livers, they fully enjoy their happiness, nurtured by long and hard work.

Birthday on Sunday

People born on Sunday are under the auspices of the life-giving Sun. Therefore, they literally seethe with inexhaustible energy, overflowing. They are always lucky in everything. However, it is precisely them, initially the minion of fate, paradoxically, that failures more often overtake. The fact is that Sunday people were given everything from birth to the fullest - intelligence, talent, vitality, dexterity, beauty and kindness, so they often tend to lead a carefree lifestyle and rest on their laurels, without making much effort to ensure a happy future. And if until the age of 33 they keep afloat thanks to their talents and rich inclinations, then life begins to ask them in full - what they have learned, what they have achieved, relying on generous advances. Their numerous talents and abilities dry up over time, and the unwillingness to work hard for a career and a strong family inevitably leads to a broken trough of illusions and hopes. As a result, Sunday people at the most decisive age miss the opportunity to gain material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
In order to take place as individuals, to realize all their naturally gifted abilities, the people of the Sun from childhood need strict discipline and a good education. They need to be brought up in an atmosphere of hard work, then in adulthood they will not become a burden for others due to their egocentrism and exorbitant ambitions. Only by ceasing to feel sorry for themselves and directing their efforts to helping other people, to their self-improvement and acquiring professional skills, Sunday people can become happy and even famous in certain circles, and, it is possible, very famous. Their happiness is if they meet an intelligent life partner, born on Thursday, with an imperious and demanding character. It is such a person who will be able to direct and develop their talent for the benefit of the family and society.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

It is known that the day of the week of a person's birth is of great importance: it determines the temperament, potential, character traits, vocation and much more.

Birthday on Monday

People born on this day are characterized by such traits as contradiction and devotion, they are ruled by the Moon. Anxiety and indecision are always present in the lives of those who have a birthday on Monday. Due to the great spiritual contradictions that many Monday people cannot overcome, they cannot achieve the heights in life that they could achieve.

They are open, emotional and sociable, they know how to listen and sympathize with others, they have a rich imagination, which is not always shown to others. A person born on this day easily adapts and wants to see a strong partner next to him. Sometimes Monday people suffer from loneliness, because few are willing to take responsibility for them. In relationships, they value sincerity, comfort and warmth, they are very faithful to their soul mate.

Birthday on Tuesday

People born on Tuesday are ruled by Mars, the planet of warriors. The nature of such people is distinguished by assertiveness, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression. However, they may have doubts about the correctness and correctness of their conclusions. Basically, those whose birthday falls on a Tuesday need support and a strong shoulder. You can say about such people: “first he does, then he thinks.” The second half for a person born on this day can be a meek, gentle and unobtrusive person. In this case, there will be a complete idyll in the relationship, their union will be successful and will bring great prospects in work and in social activities.

Birthday - Wednesday

People born on this day are ruled by Mercury. They are successful in science and entrepreneurship, they like to learn and gain new experience, but they seem more conservative than people who are open to everything new. Such people are persistent, from childhood they dream of achieving great success, all their lives they are organized in an organized way towards a specific goal.

Some of them get bored with a measured and predictable existence over time. In such a situation, they give an outlet for the accumulated for a long time negative energy. After that, everything goes back to normal. In marriage, these people need to sometimes be given the opportunity to move away from the relationship.

Birthday Thursday

Jupiter patronizes people born on this day. They have great organizational skills. They achieve success in the field of management and politics. They are drawn to more weak people which strengthens their leadership. People whose birthday falls on Thursday have developed intuition and are able to predict the future. Their shortcomings include irritability, intractability and stubbornness, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, despite the fact that they are natural and consistent.

In the family, they are despotic and demanding. They will get a good alliance with people who are weaker than them. If fate brought you to a person born on Thursday, try to give in to him and not go on principle. Remember that these people are owners, they can hardly endure betrayal. Having learned about it, in 90% of cases they leave and it is almost impossible to return them.

Birthday on Friday

People born on this day are ruled by the planet Venus. They are endowed with the art of enjoying life, loving and being loved. These people are optimists who do not tolerate suffering and despondency. In their character, cheerfulness, coquettishness and frivolity are observed. In their home, they create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, surround themselves with friends and relatives.

Such people cannot be tied to oneself, they must be given freedom of choice, then they will reward friends and family members with love. Jealous and domineering people will not be able to stay close to Friday people for a long time. Birthday people of this day easily earn money, it is comfortable and pleasant to work with them.

Birthday on Saturday

The planet Saturn patronizes people born on the sixth day of the week. Such people are strong and able to withstand a lot. They are characterized by diligence, extraordinary abilities and intelligence. Dimension and slowness - this is what such people appreciate. They do not seek to lead, and the position of the head is not particularly suitable for them.

Those born on this day are not always happy in their personal lives. They perceive marriage as the final degree of relationship and do not show initiative in family life. Sabbath people are characterized by extremes: they either adapt to a partner, or vigorously defend their point of view. They are tired and irritated by haste. In adulthood, they feel more comfortable than in their younger years.

Birthday on Sunday

Birthdays of the day are always cozy and warm, because their patron is the Sun. They are active, enterprising and successful. We can say about such people - "minds of fate." But failures in their lives also happen. Why is this happening? Sunday people generally lead a carefree lifestyle, not putting in the effort to provide for their future life. For some period they receive gifts of fate, and later life begins to ask them in full. In nature, such people manifest laziness, unwillingness to start a family and achieve success at work. They tend to go with the flow.

It is necessary to educate children born on this day strictly, trying to accustom them to industriousness and helping in choosing future profession. By instilling in them assertiveness and diligence, you will help them become happy in adulthood. The main goal of such people is to meet a sensible and persistent life partner with an imperious character.

And remember, no matter what day of the week you are lucky enough to be born, the main thing is to learn to accept yourself and your shortcomings, try to change in better side making your life bright and harmonious!

Day of the week you were born

According to the system known since Antiquity, the day of the week on which we were born largely determines our bioenergetic potential, basic character traits, attitude towards the world and people, the field of activity where we can achieve the greatest success, that is, in fact, the backdrop of all our lives.

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Monday people

Those born on Monday are ruled by the Moon. Monday people are restless souls full of doubts. If they could understand themselves, overcome spiritual contradictions, they would have reached significant heights in life. These are emotionally open, sociable people. But at the same time they are good at hiding their true feelings and rich fantasies. They very easily adapt to the human environment, and to changes in life. But they really do not like to overcome obstacles, preferring at this time to be in the role of a follower, behind the back of a strong leader. This is the kind of person they are trying to choose as their life partner. Not many are seduced by the prospect of leading another person for many years, so Monday people sometimes suffer from loneliness. It’s a pity, because in family life they are good: they love comfort, are homely and are faithful to their chosen one to the end.
The family is their forte, one might say, the most important task.

Tuesday people

All those born on Tuesday live under the sign of Mars, the planet of warriors. And their character is accordingly stubborn, persistent, often aggressive. However, they often need confidence in their own righteousness and dignity. Doubts about this sometimes lead to the fact that they can lose faith in themselves, in the correctness of their actions. Therefore, the support of others for the people of Tuesday is vital. Unfortunately, they are often impulsive and arrogant: first they act, then they think. Based on this, a person can become an ideal companion for those born on Tuesday - a benevolent and reliable adviser who knows how to gently and unobtrusively direct their efforts. In this case, Tuesday people will be able to achieve a lot in various fields of activity.

Wednesday people

People born on Wednesday are patronized by the planet Mercury (the god of trade, knowledge, intelligence, communication). And this determines the richness of their inner world and the breadth of the spectrum of hobbies. They are usually successful in marketing, science, the advertising business, they study all their lives, gain rich experience, but they don’t really like to advertise these properties, preferring to impress others as conservative people. People of the environment from early childhood plan their lives, dreaming of achieving success in a certain profession, and then persistently go towards this goal. As a rule, fortune favors them, and they experience a sudden take-off, reaching the target. But then there comes a moment, like the X-hour, when a person of the environment, no longer able to cope with his passions and desires, radically changes his established position, giving way to the long-restrained energy of desires. Throwing them out, he returns to a normal, measured life. He is again controlled not by feelings, but by a cold, all-correcting mind. Therefore, if next to a person of the environment there is a life partner who will allow him little adventures from time to time, will treat this with understanding, such a couple is provided with a long happy family life.

Thursday people

Those born on Thursday are guarded for life by Jupiter, the father of the gods, who rules the world, And often the people of Thursday, having reached maturity, become rulers, in any case, good organizers, administrators for sure. They achieve success in politics, religion, management, management. As a rule, those who feel the need for patronage are drawn to them. Many of the people born on Thursday are endowed with the gift of foresight, that is, they can predict the future. This sometimes frightens them themselves, and they even try to fight it by suppressing the manifestation of such abilities in themselves. And in vain: after all, they are thus granted protection from above so that they can avoid life's obstacles without loss.
The stubbornness of the people of Jupiter, sometimes bordering on even stupidity, as it seems to others, often causes irritation when communicating with them. But in fact, they turn out to be right, because they are guided by their own logic, often inaccessible and incomprehensible to the environment. It is sometimes difficult for their household members to adapt to this character trait. After all, the imperiousness of people born on Thursday, their intolerance of other people's opinions (which they know how to listen to, but still “do it their own way”) is a strong test of the strength of marriage bonds. However, for those natures who want to be led and like to rely on a strong partner, such an alliance can be beneficial. Thursday people tend to have strong personalities and good family people. True, their partners have to experience the strongest injections of jealousy more than once, as they constantly attract other people to themselves. But the people of Jupiter avoid quarrels and scandals, trying to settle all conflicts in peace. But when communicating with them, it is worth considering that all people on Thursday make concessions very hard and do not forgive their partners for insults and betrayals.

Friday people

People born on Friday live under the auspices of Venus. This planet endows them with a great gift - the art of loving and being loved. They seem to be born to enjoy life and generously give it to their loved ones. Despondency and humility, suffering are unbearable for them. In any situation, people of Venus strive to bring optimism and joy. They are very charming, even being deprived of a bright appearance. Under various circumstances, they always strive to remain impressive and attractive.
However, one should not trust their words too much: Friday people do not attach much importance to them. Even flirting and seducing with skillful speech, in fact, they are far from striving to seduce: for them, this is a game from which they get great pleasure. Friday people love their home, family, they know how to create a warm, homely, touchingly cozy atmosphere, rallying family members around them. But they cannot be kept within the close confines of the family. They must constantly expand their horizons, learn about the multi-colored world and themselves, then their life will be full, and they will gladly give their happiness to their families and friends. It is impossible to tie them to domestic problems. They are comfortable only with those who give them the happiness of freedom and surround them with comfort, while not tormenting them with jealousy and suspicion. These are the strongest invisible chains that can keep them close for a long time. By the way, all those born on Friday are able to transfer part of their luck to both relatives and business partners, since they are always lucky in money: they feel good wherever they can earn a fair amount.

Saturday people

Those born on Saturday are the people of Saturn. They live under the weight of tribal karma. Only the people of the Sabbath are strong enough to bear it, but it is precisely for this reason that they should not be given unlimited power. Due to their great industriousness, intelligence and talent, with a sense of responsibility developed from birth, these people are able to rise to unprecedented heights in skill and career. But their path is always gradual and difficult, without unexpected ups and downs. Life credo is work, honor and duty, skill and patience, both at work and in the family.
But often people born on Saturday are unlucky in their personal lives, because they hope that their life attitudes will automatically provide them with personal happiness, and do not make great efforts to achieve it. Having created a family, they are convinced that everything will work out by itself, and are amazed when this does not happen. Rushing to save the situation, they either become a partner's slave, or, conversely, give free rein to their power ambitions. Neither brings them happiness. Alas, it is necessary for Saturday people to behave at home as at work: slowly and gradually, step by step, with hard work and patience, build a family building, and only then will they be granted personal happiness and satisfaction in marriage. Saturday people are predestined to work and work all their lives, but on the other hand, having reached the heights of respect in society and creating a strong family, such people in old age are much happier than in their youth. And, being long-livers, they fully enjoy their happiness, nurtured by long and hard work.

Sunday people

People born on Sunday are under the auspices of the life-giving Sun. Therefore, they literally seethe with inexhaustible energy, overflowing. They are always lucky in everything. However, it is precisely them, initially the minion of fate, paradoxically, that failures more often overtake. The fact is that Sunday people are given everything from birth to the fullest - intelligence, talent, vitality, dexterity, beauty and kindness, so they often tend to lead a carefree lifestyle and rest on their laurels, without making great efforts to ensure a happy future. And if until the age of 33 they keep afloat thanks to their talents and rich inclinations, then life begins to ask them in full - what they have learned, what they have achieved, relying on generous advances. Their numerous talents and abilities dry up over time, and the unwillingness to work hard for a career and a strong family inevitably leads to a broken trough of illusions and hopes. As a result, Sunday people at the most decisive age miss the opportunity to gain material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
In order to take place as individuals, to realize all their naturally gifted abilities, the people of the Sun from childhood need strict discipline and a good education. They need to be brought up in an atmosphere of hard work, then in adulthood they will not become a burden for others due to their egocentrism and exorbitant ambitions. Only by ceasing to feel sorry for themselves and directing their efforts to helping other people, to their self-improvement and acquiring professional skills, Sunday people can become happy and even famous in certain circles, and, it is possible, very famous. Their happiness is if they meet an intelligent life partner, born on Thursday, with an imperious and demanding character. It is such a person who will be able to direct and develop their talent for the benefit of the family and society.