Flotation wastewater treatment method presentation. Wastewater treatment for oil refineries. Oxidation of wastewater pollutants

  • 04.04.2021

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Biological treatment of industrial Wastewater Questions. Features of biological treatment of industrial wastewater

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Biological treatment of industrial wastewater The essence of biological treatment is the oxidation of organic substances by microorganisms: activated sludge and biological film. The principle of biological wastewater treatment is that, under certain conditions, microbes are able to break down organic matter into simple substances, such as water, carbon dioxide, etc. Biological treatment is necessary for industrial wastewater containing organic impurities, which, after pre-treatment, can be oxidized as a result of biochemical processes.

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Living organisms of biological treatment Activated sludge is a mixture of biomass of microorganisms and pollutants with wastewater entering the aerotank. Biological film consists of bacteria and other organisms on the surface of the biological filter loading that oxidize and mineralize contaminants

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Features of biological treatment of industrial wastewater Biological treatment of industrial wastewater Pre-treatment Dilution with domestic water Compliance with the “gradual addiction” rule Feeding with nutrients

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Pre-treatment To ensure the normal course of the biological treatment process, wastewater must be subjected to pre-treatment: to remove fatty and resinous substances; 2) bring the concentration of toxic substances (cyan, phenol, picric acid, wood alcohol) and salts of heavy metals (copper, zinc, bismuth, chromium, mercury, etc.) to the maximum allowable for the biological process; 3) neutralize wastewater to pH=6.5-8.5; 4) remove large undissolved or fibrous substances using special devices (sieves, fiber traps, etc.); 5) to make a preliminary settling. Before being supplied to biological facilities in industrial wastewater, the content of undissolved impurities should not exceed 150 mg / l, BOD - more than 1000 mg / l, the concentration of toxic substances - above the maximum allowable and the total amount of dissolved salts - more than 10 g / l.

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Dilution with domestic wastewater With copper content in wastewater above 0.5 mg/l, biochemical processes slow down, and at 10 mg/l they almost completely stop. If the content of toxic substances exceeds the permissible concentration, industrial wastewater should be diluted with domestic, uncontaminated industrial or biologically treated wastewater. Many types of industrial wastewater contain an insufficient amount of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium compounds, which are biogenic substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the micropopulation of biological structures. Therefore, domestic waters containing nutrients in sufficient quantities are added to industrial waters. They also carry out artificial feeding with biogenic elements in the form of solutions of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium nitrate and other compounds.

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Rule of "Gradual addiction" When commissioning facilities for biological treatment of industrial wastewater, it is necessary to observe the rule of "gradual addiction" of microorganisms to the specific pollution of these waters. If conditions permit, then biological facilities should first operate on domestic water, and then industrial wastewater is gradually added to them. Usually, after some start-up period, when the microorganisms in the treatment plant have developed sufficiently, the supply of domestic wastewater can be reduced or even stopped altogether.

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Biological treatment facilities An aerotank is a tank up to 5-6 meters deep, which has an air injection device. Inside the aeration tank live colonies of microorganisms - on flakes of silt. These colonies process wastewater organics. After the aeration tanks, the mixture of waste water and activated sludge is fed into the settling tanks. In settling tanks, activated sludge is precipitated with its subsequent partial return back to the aerotank. Most often used for wastewater treatment Aerotank is a reservoir in which a mixture of activated sludge and the treated wastewater slowly moves. For better and continuous contact, they are constantly agitated by supplying compressed air or by means of special devices. For the normal functioning of mineralizing microorganisms, air oxygen must be continuously supplied to the aerotank. Activated sludge is a biocenosis of microorganism-mineralizers capable of sorbing on its surface and oxidizing organic substances of the waste liquid in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Good activated sludge has compact flakes of medium size.

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Aerotank types BOD total less than 500 mg/l BOD total more than 500 mg/l BOD total 1500-2000 mg/l Aerotank-displacement Aerotank-mixer Filtrotank

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Biological filter is a treatment plant filled with feed material through which waste water is filtered and on the surface of which a biological film is formed, consisting mainly of aerobic microorganisms. Wastewater treatment is carried out due to the vital activity of these microorganisms. According to the nature of the feed material, biological filters can be divided into two types: with volumetric (granular) and flat loading. water

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Types of biological filters Drip biofilters Highly loaded Biofilters (aerofilters) Biofilters with plastic loading

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Anaerobic treatment In the event that wastewater contains high concentrations of organic matter, the most promising method of wastewater treatment is the anaerobic method. Advantage this method cleaning is lower operating costs, since in this case there is no need to aerate the water. Anaerobic reactors are typically metal tanks containing a minimal amount of complex custom equipment. However, the vital activity of anaerobic microorganisms is associated with the release of methane into the air, which requires the organization of a special system for monitoring its concentration.

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Application of anaerobic treatment food industry Pharmaceutical industry Enterprises Primary processing of wool BODtotal concentration 10-30 g/l, COD 30-40 g/l. Biochemical purification under anaerobic conditions or two-stage purification

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Biological methods of wastewater treatment can be divided into two types, according to the types of microorganisms involved in the processing of wastewater pollutants: 1. aerobic biological methods of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment (microorganisms need oxygen for their vital activity) without oxygen).

An aerotank is a container up to 5-6 meters deep, which has an air injection device. Aerotank-clarifier with inclined (a) and vertical (b) side walls 1 aeration zone; 2 overflow windows; 3 visor; 4 clarification zone; 5 tray; 6 excess sludge pipeline; 7 circulation gap; 8 pipeline for supplying air to the slot; 9 tooth; 10 perforated wastewater supply pipeline; 11 aerator; 12 partition; 13 degassing zone; 14 gate

In a conventional biofilter, nitrification and denitrification processes can be carried out along with the biodegradation of wastewater organic substances. nitrifiers transform ammonium nitrogen into nitrogen of nitrites and nitrates denitrifiers transform nitrate nitrogen into molecular nitrogen or other volatile forms of nitrogen High loads on organic substances fall on the biocenosis of the upper part of the biofilter, therefore, a biofilm is formed in this part, consisting of heterotrophs that intensively oxidize waste organic substances water.

According to the type of loading material, all biofilters are divided into two categories: with volumetric loading In biological filters with volumetric loading, crushed stone of strong rocks, pebbles, slag, and expanded clay are used. with planar In filters with planar loading - plastics capable of withstanding temperatures of 6 - 30 0C without loss of strength.

Highly loaded biofilters differ from drip biofilters in a higher oxidizing power equal to 0.75–2.25 kgBOD/(m 3 day), due to better air exchange and non-silt loading, which is achieved by using loading material with a particle size of mm, increasing the working height of loading up to 2–4 m and hydraulic load up to 10–30 m3/(m2 day).

Flat Loading Filters For increased bandwidth biofilters use planar loading, the porosity of which is %. The working surface for biofilm formation is from 60 to 250 m 2 /m 3 loading.

Anaerobic reactors However, the vital activity of anaerobic microorganisms is associated with the release of methane into the air, which requires the organization of a special system for monitoring its concentration. are metal tanks containing a minimum amount of complex non-standard equipment.

SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL WORK Topic: Methods of water purification. Completed by: student of grade 4a of the MAOU "Gymnasium No. 108" Savelyev Dmitry Head: Kuznetsova N.V.

Relevance of the topic. Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in terms of its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose geological processes. There is no terrestrial substance - a mineral, a rock, a living body that would not contain it. All earthly matter is permeated and embraced by it.

The purpose of the study: the study of water purification methods and their comparison of their results with the help of an experiment. Tasks: 1. To study the methods of water purification from ancient times to the present day. 2. To study the effect of harmful substances contained in water on the human body. 3. Try to create a kind of water filter from improvised means and compare its cleaning result with the result of cleaning with a modern household filter.

At the dawn of mankind, when the Earth was not yet so overpopulated, and people did not pollute it with their waste products, drinking water was almost perfectly clean and did not require additional cleaning systems. People only tried to give the water improved taste with the help of berries, flowers and fruits. And they got rid of turbidity by simple settling of drinking water.

The first water filtration systems. Some semblance of them was created in China and was the usual reed reeds soaked in coagulants.

Sleeve of Hippocrates. One of these simplest filters even went down in history as the “Hippocratic sleeve”.

The prototypes of modern filters. Their principle of operation was close to natural purification processes and consisted in the passage of water through a layer of various substances: crushed stone, sand and charcoal.

But soon these treatment systems were not enough. At different ends of the planet, special treatment facilities designed to store, accumulate and purify water.

Progress has forced the creation of new ways to purify water.

I conducted a survey in my class on the topic: Do you use household water filters at home.

It turned out that most children use filters, but there are a few people who do not use filters yet.

Experiment 1

Clearer water began to drip from the straw.

Experiment 2

Then I melted the ice.

The water has become cleaner.

Experiment 3

The household filter cleaned the water much better.

Conclusions. There are different ways to purify water: settling, using reeds, the “Hippocratic Sleeve”, boiling, exposure to sunlight, etc. A person can create a home-made filter from improvised materials, but it will purify water only from mechanical impurities. A modern household filter is able to purify water from harmful chemical impurities, so it is more efficient.

Thank you for your attention!

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Chemical methods of wastewater treatment include neutralization, oxidation and reduction. They are used to remove soluble substances and in closed water supply systems. Chemical cleaning sometimes carried out as a preliminary before biological treatment or after it as a method of post-treatment of wastewater.

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Waste water containing mineral acids or alkalis before being discharged into water bodies or before being used in technological processes neutralize. Waters with pH = 6.5 ... 8.5 are considered practically neutral. Neutralization can be carried out in various ways: mixing acidic and alkaline wastewater, adding reagents, filtering acidic waters through neutralizing materials, absorbing acid gases with alkaline waters, or absorbing ammonia with acidic waters. Precipitation may form during the neutralization process.

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Biochemical wastewater treatment processes

Biochemical methods are used to purify household and industrial wastewater from many dissolved organic and some inorganic (hydrogen sulfide, sulfides, ammonia, nitrites) substances. The purification process is based on the ability of microorganisms to use these substances for nutrition in the process of life, since organic substances are a source of carbon for microorganisms.

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Oxidation of wastewater pollutants

6.3.2. Oxidation of wastewater pollutants The following oxidizers are used in wastewater treatment; gaseous and liquefied chlorine, chlorine dioxide, calcium chlorate, calcium and sodium hypochlorites, potassium permanganate, potassium bichromate, hydrogen peroxide, atmospheric oxygen, peroxosulfuric acids, ozone, pyrolusite, etc. In the process of oxidation, toxic pollution contained in wastewater, as a result chemical reactions turn into less toxic ones, which are removed from the water.

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Wastewater treatment by recovery

Reductive wastewater treatment methods are used to remove mercury, chromium, and arsenic compounds from wastewater. In the purification process, inorganic mercury compounds are reduced to metallic mercury, which is separated from water by settling, filtering or flotation. To reduce mercury and its compounds, iron sulfide, sodium borohydride, sodium hydrosulfite, hydrazine, iron powder, hydrogen sulfide, and aluminum powder are used. The most common way to remove arsenic from wastewater is to precipitate it in the form of sparingly soluble compounds with sulfur dioxide.

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Wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions

To remove compounds of mercury, chromium, cadmium, zinc, lead, copper, nickel, arsenic and other substances from wastewater, the most common reagent treatment methods, the essence of which is to convert water-soluble substances into insoluble substances by adding various reagents, followed by their separation from water in the form of precipitation. Calcium and sodium hydroxides, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfides, and various wastes are used as reagents for removing heavy metal ions from wastewater.

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. Aerobic method of biochemical treatment

Known aerobic and anaerobic methods of biochemical wastewater treatment. The aerobic method is based on the use of aerobic groups of organisms, the life of which requires a constant supply of oxygen and a temperature of 20...40°C. In aerobic treatment, microorganisms are cultivated in activated sludge or biofilm. Anaerobic purification methods proceed without oxygen access; they are used mainly for the neutralization of sediments.

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Thermal wastewater treatment methods

Thermal methods neutralize wastewater containing mineral salts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc., as well as organic substances. Such wastewater can be neutralized: - by concentrating wastewater with subsequent release of dissolved substances; - oxidation of organic substances in the presence of a catalyst; - liquid-phase oxidation of organic substances; - fire disposal.

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Water is the most valuable natural resource. It plays an exceptional role in the metabolic processes that form the basis of life. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is well known that it is necessary for the everyday needs of man, all plants and animals. For many living beings, it serves as a habitat.

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The demand for water is enormous and is increasing every year. The annual consumption of water on the globe for all types of water supply is 3300-3500 km3. At the same time, 70% of all water consumption is used in agriculture.

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Sources of pollution of inland water bodies Water pollution is understood as any changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water in water bodies due to the discharge of liquid, solid and gaseous substances into them, which cause or may create inconvenience, making the water of these water bodies dangerous for use, causing damage national economy, public health and safety

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mechanical - an increase in the content of mechanical impurities, characteristic mainly of surface types of pollution; chemical - the presence in water of organic and inorganic substances of toxic and non-toxic action; bacterial and biological - the presence in the water of a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and small algae; radioactive - the presence of radioactive substances in surface or ground waters; thermal - release of heated waters of thermal and nuclear power plants into reservoirs. Pollution of surface and ground waters can be divided into the following types:

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Waste water treatment is the treatment of waste water to destroy or remove harmful substances from it. The release of wastewater from pollution is a complex production. It, like in any other production, has raw materials (waste water) and finished products(purified water) Wastewater treatment methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical, physicochemical and biological, but when they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and disposal is called combined. The use of a particular method in each specific case is determined by the nature of the pollution and the degree of harmfulness of impurities.

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For water purification in living conditions people use different methods. However, not everyone knows how to properly implement them and what side effects may occur. All methods of water purification can be divided into two groups: purification without the use of filters and purification using filters.

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This option is the most common and affordable, since water purification does not require the purchase of additional devices, except for ordinary kitchen utensils. Settling Freezing

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Settling is used to remove chlorine from water and settling of large particles. As a rule, for this, tap water is poured into a large bucket and left in it for several hours. Without stirring the water in the bucket, the removal of chlorine gas occurs from about ⅓ of the depth from the water surface. It is this layer that is then used for consumption. Conclusion. Efficiency this method water purification leaves much to be desired. After settling, it is necessary to boil water. Freezing Settling

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Freezing is based on the chemical law, according to which, when a liquid freezes, the base substance crystallizes first in the coldest place, and lastly, in the least cold place, everything that was dissolved in the base substance solidifies. This phenomenon can be observed on the example of a candle. In an extinguished candle, away from the wick, pure transparent paraffin is obtained, and in the middle, where the wick burned, soot collects and the wax turns dirty. All liquid substances obey this law. Freezing

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Modern filters for water purification mainly use ozonation methods, the use of active silver and activated carbon, iodization, ultraviolet, ozonation and reverse osmosis. Ozonation of water Application of active silver Activated carbon Iodization Ultraviolet

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Water ozonation as a water treatment technology is popular in Western countries. The principle of operation of ozone during cleaning is as follows: the molecules of this chemically active form oxygen penetrate the cell membranes of organic substances and quickly oxidize them. This causes the death of the cell of the microorganism. Water treatment with the help of ozone improves the taste of water and eliminates unpleasant odors. Water ozonation

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The cleansing properties of silver have been used by man since time immemorial. Once upon a time, water was simply kept for some time in silver vessels, it was believed that after that the water was completely disinfected. Modern application silver for water treatment consists in the combination of silver ions with the shell of bacteria. This method, however, has opponents who argue that since silver is a heavy metal, this kind of purification is dangerous for the human body. To date, silver is also used for long-term storage of initially pure water. The use of active silver