Kurgan plant of pipeline fittings IKAR. Kurgan Valve Plant

  • 08.07.2021

Icarus - KZTA- a plant in the city of Kurgan, Kurgan region of the Russian Federation, specializing in the production of pipeline fittings. Court of Arbitration Kurgan Region is considering case No. А34-2582/2015 on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Limited Liability Company “Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm”.

Company history

  • On September 18, 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Decree No. 3810 "On increasing the capacity for the production of industrial fittings."
  • On December 19, 1954, the turner Ivan Afanasyevich Golovin processed the first part on a DIP-300 machine.
  • On December 28, 1954, Order No. 223 of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the USSR “On commissioning the first stage of the Kurgan Valve Plant under construction” was issued. On the same day, the first gate valve Du 500 was assembled.
  • In 1955, he began to master the following products: flanged shut-off valves 15s27nzh Du 25;32;40; wedge gate valves with non-rising spindle 30ch25br500 and 30ch25bk500.
  • On July 1, 1960, the iron foundry was put into operation. He produced castings for gate valves Du 800 - Du1400.
  • On December 31, 1964, the first issue of the Mayak factory newspaper was published. During the period of unification, it was called the Khimmashev newspaper Progress.
  • In 1967, a bronze casting site was organized for valves and gate valves Du 25 - Du 200. This year, 55% of the steel reinforcement of the USSR (in pieces) is produced at the Kurgan Valve Plant.
  • In 1973, the lost-wax steel casting department began to function.
  • In 1976, the plant mastered the production of forged steel fittings (up to 2500 atm.), which made it possible to reduce the import of this fitting.
  • On February 16, 1976, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3175-IX, for success in improving quality, introducing advanced technology for the production of pipeline valves and early fulfillment of the tasks of the ninth five-year plan, the Kurgan Valve Plant of the USSR Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.
  • On July 8, 1977, by order of the Minister of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering No. 138, the Kurgan Industrial Association of Valves and Chemical Engineering (PA "Kurganarmkhimmash") was created with direct subordination to the ministry as part of the following production units: the Kurgan Valves Plant (head) and the Kurgan Plant of Chemical Machine Building. Prior to the merger, the Kurgan Valve Plant was part of Soyuzpromarmatura, Kurgankhimmash was part of the Soyuzkhimmash headquarters.
  • In 1977-78, an aluminum die casting section was organized.
  • In 1977-80, the PA "Kurganarmkhimmash" was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Ministry 5 times, the banners of the district and the city 7 times. The share of products with the State Quality Mark was 39.6%.
  • In May 1980, 1446 hectares of land were transferred to the production association near the village of Peredergino, Ketovsky district, on which the Blagodatnoye agricultural complex was created.
  • In August 1984, the management of the association was replaced. The Commission of the Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the CPSU established a number of violations in the reporting on the implementation of state planning targets. Kurgan city court for gross violation of the state and financial discipline sentenced General Director A.F. Ilyushin to imprisonment.
  • In 1987, the Kurganarmkhimmash production association was transferred from direct subordination to the ministry to Glavgazoochistka, adding to it the Tyumen oilfield engineering plant Nefteprommash, the Katai pumping plant and the Ural plant of gas cleaning equipment under construction, but this was short due to the complexity of management. Already on August 22, 1988, the Katai Pumping Plant was transferred to NPO VNIIGIDROMASH.
  • By order of the Minister of Heavy Machine Building of the USSR dated November 15, 1989 No. 145, the Kurgan Order of the Badge of Honor, the production association for valve and chemical engineering at the Kurganarmkhimmash Production Association, was abolished. Factories become independent.
  • On March 27, 1992, by the decree of the Kurgan Regional Committee for State Property Management No. 175, joint-stock company open type "Kurgan fittings plant" Ikar ". In October 1992, 95% of the value of the authorized capital was purchased from the State Property Fund. On December 24, 1992, the plant acquired the status of a private enterprise.
  • On March 10, 1993, the plant was renamed into the Open Joint Stock Company "IKAR" of the Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves (KZTA). The volumes of production of steam-power fittings fell to 40%, the volumes of the ammonia group decreased to 51.8%. A decision was made to develop gate valves for the Tyumen north.
  • Until 2002, the controlling stake was owned by Sibmash-Fund CJSC (V. A. Gardt), KOII T. D. Sibarmatura LLC and Yakuta-Invest S. A.. At the end of August 2002, during the illness of the General Director A. N. Simanov, his first deputy N. E. Deryagin assumed the duties of General. director and prematurely terminated the exercise of the powers of A. N. Simanov. His actions were supported by the other members of the Board of Directors (Chairman V. A. Gardt). Returning to the plant, A. N. Simanov canceled the order of Deryagin N. E. and fired him. The Board of Directors did not extend the contract with A. N. Simanov. A.N. Simanov responded by initiating bankruptcy proceedings. After that, about 30% of the shares of the Kurgan enterprise with a deferred payment for a year were bought out by Rostransmash LLC, created by a Tyumen lawyer Yuri Dmitrievich Laptev.
  • By the decision of September 27, 2002 of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region, A. N. Simanov was removed from the post of General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant, the duties of the General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant were assigned to the temporary manager - Zhigachev A.K.
  • By the decision of 03/26/2003 and the decision of the appellate instance of 05/22/2003 of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case N A34-275 / 02-C11, Ikar OJSC "Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant" was recognized as insolvent (bankrupt), bankruptcy proceedings were opened against it for a period of 12 months, appointed receiver Varshavsky G. B.
  • In 2004, the controlling stake in Ikar OJSC was consolidated in the Rostransmash holding, in the same year the plant returned to the production of fittings for nuclear power plants.
  • In 2005 JSC "Ikar" Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings became the laureate of the program "100 the best goods Russia". Products presented for the competition - steel wedge gate valves with sliding stem PN6.3 MPa KZ13008-050; 080; 100M; 150M; 200M received the golden badge (logo) of the competition.
  • In 2009, production volumes fell by 44% compared to 2008; work week, arrested tax office bills, $15 million in wage arrears, strikes.
  • In 2010, Rostransmash LLC transferred a controlling stake (49%) to the largest creditor, Nomos-Bank, which entrusted the functions of managing Icarus to Titran-Express Management Company, which is also part of the ICT group of companies. Soon they changed the management of the plant. Ikar initiated its bankruptcy procedure for the second time, and on October 19, 2010, supervision was introduced for a period until December 29, 2011.
  • On October 15, 2012, the Arbitration Court introduced bankruptcy proceedings in Ikar OJSC (TIN 4501000168), which is controlled by Nomos Bank. The plant owes wages to its employees, today the amount of debt is more than 4 million rubles. Accounts payable of the enterprise - about one billion rubles, accounts receivable - more than 300 million rubles. debt to pension fund is about 90 million rubles.
  • April 3, 2013, October 2, 2013, April 1, 2014, September 30, 2014, March 26, 2015, June 23, 2015, August 20, 2015 and September 28, 2015 The Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case No. А34-4679/ 2010 considered at the hearing the petition of the bankruptcy trustee M. M. Kolesnikov to extend the bankruptcy proceedings.
  • In the fall of 2014, the sale of the plant's premises began. Vladimir Efimovich Blyakher, owner and director of Apelsin LLC, won the auction for the sale of non-residential premises with an area of ​​264.4 m². With an initial price of 1 million 718.6 thousand rubles, he purchased for 1 million 804.5 thousand rubles. Also offered for sale (but not sold) is the building of a cutting shop with a land plot (the initial price is 59.9 million rubles), the building of a sewage pumping station (670 thousand rubles), movable property (machine tools, excavators, etc.) for a total the price of 13.6 million rubles, as well as the building of the plant entrance for 5.7 million rubles.
  • On October 5, 2015, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region decided to complete the bankruptcy proceedings in respect of OAO Ikar of the Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves (TIN 4501000168, OGRN 1024500529151) and exclude it from the Unified state register legal entities.

LLC "Ikar - Kurgan Plant TransArm"

Ikar KZTA LLC (TIN 4501163148) was registered on November 9, 2010 by the registering authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kurgan at the address 640027, Kurgan region, Kurgan, Khimmashevskaya street, 18. The authorized capital of the company as of July 1, 2012 is 10,000 rub. Principal activities of Ikar KZTA, OOO: manufacture of pipeline fittings (29.13), manufacture of iron castings (27.51), manufacture of pumps, compressors and hydraulic systems (29.12).

JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings" transferred its assets to a newly created enterprise - LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant Transarm". On September 1, 2012, the owner made a decision and liquidated the enterprise Ikar KZTA OJSC, creating a new enterprise - Ikar KZTA LLC, which leased all the property that was at Ikar OJSC, but at the same time it separated all debts that were on the Icarus. The debts of OJSC Ikar in various areas amount to 800 million rubles.

Revenue for 2014 from production and economic activities amounted to only about 150 million rubles, while the debt on taxes and transfers to social funds more than 60 million rubles.

As of June 2015, the 100% owner of Ikar KZTA LLC is SayanInvest LLC, in which Sergey Privalov has a 70% stake, and Nomos-Bank Vice President Nikolai Yarovoy has a 30% stake.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region dated August 3, 2015, the requirements of the Federal Tax Service of Russia were satisfied, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced with respect to Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm LLC, Batushev Denis Aleksandrovich was approved as an interim manager.

In October 2015, a criminal case was initiated against Sergey Privalov, General Director of Ikar KZTA LLC, in connection with non-payment of wages to employees. Experts found that from April to August 2015, Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm LLC owed its 154 employees a total salary of more than 1.5 million rubles.

November 2015 Construction company Baskal acquired the plant management building, located at 118 Burova-Petrova Street, and intends to rebuild the building into economy-class residential apartments.

On December 24, 2015, the interim manager held the first meeting of the debtor's creditors, which was attended by thirteen creditors. total amount the requirements of the participants amounted to 688,510,404 rubles. 19 kop. A. Yu.

On January 18, 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. A34-2582 / 2015 and declared the Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm Limited Liability Company (OGRN 1104501006543, TIN 4501163148) insolvent (bankrupt), and appointed judicial sitting on consideration of the report of the arbitration manager as of July 7, 2016.

In January 2016, about 100 workers who remained at the plant were laid off.

On July 14, 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. А34-2582/2015 and scheduled a court session to consider the report of the arbitration manager for December 22, 2016.

October 13, 2016 Former director LLC "Ikar-KZTA" Sergey Privalov was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (non-payment wages employees), part 1 of article 199.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to fulfill the duty of a tax agent for personal interests), article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (concealment of funds from which taxes should be collected on a large scale). The Kurgan city court sentenced him to a fine of 300 thousand rubles and banned him from holding leadership positions in commercial organizations during two years .


Director of the Kurgan Valve Plant

  • 1951-1958 Durachenko, Ivan Stepanovich
  • 1958-1962 Vasilchenko, Pyotr Pavlovich
  • 1962-1963 N. I. Sevostyanov
  • August 2, 1963-1969 Polibza, Terenty Dementievich
  • July 23, 1969 - July 8, 1977 Ilyushin, Alexei Fedorovich
CEO PA "Kurganarmkhimmash"
  • July 8, 1977 - August 1984 Ilyushin, Alexei Fedorovich
  • August 1984-1988 Zhigachev, Anatoly Kuzmich
  • 1988 - November 15, 1989 Simanov, Alexey Nikolaevich
General Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Chairman of the Board of Management Company "Rostransmash" LLC
  • 2005 - August 28, 2010 Andrey Germanovich Bener
Executive Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Interim Manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • I bankruptcy since September 27, 2002-2003 Zhigachev, Anatoly Kuzmich
External manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves" Bankruptcy manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • II bankruptcy from October 15, 2012 - October 5, 2015 Kolesnikov, Mikhail Mikhailovich
Director of LLC "Ikar - Kurgan plant TransArm"
  • 2010-2012 Bocharov, Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Since October 2012 Privalov, Sergey Pavlovich
Interim manager of LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm"
  • 2015 Batushev, Denis Alexandrovich
Bankruptcy manager LLC "Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm"
  • Since 2015 Tarantov, Alexander Yurievich


Team Awards

  • Order of Lenin - 2 people
  • Order of the October Revolution - 2 people
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor - 29 people
  • Order "Badge Honor" - plant team and 38 people.
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory, 1st class - 1 person
  • Order of Labor Glory II degree - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory III degree - 23 people.

Notable workers

  • Korostelev, Alexander Fedorovich - adjuster of automatic and semi-automatic devices, people's deputy of the USSR Armed Forces.
  • Ilyushin, Alexey Fedorovich - Honored innovator of the RSFSR (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 1243 of October 1, 1976), General Director
  • Kozlov, Nikolai Kirillovich - Honored innovator of the RSFSR (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 1109 of August 6, 1981)
  • Lopatin, Alexander Innokentyevich - holder of the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees, deputy of the Oktyabrsky District Council of People's Deputies of Kurgan, turner and thread grinder
  • Mishin, Vladimir Petrovich - Honored Designer Russian Federation(November 2, 2004), head of the steel reinforcement design bureau of the chief designer department
  • Nezgovorov, Mikhail Borisovich - Honored Machine Builder of the Russian Federation (November 2, 2004), turner-carousel
  • Popov, Vladimir Petrovich - Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation (September 26, 2000), Assistant to the General Director
  • Slastnikov, Nikolai Vasilyevich - holder of the Order of Lenin (June 25, 1966), milling machine tool shop
  • Sokolov, Viktor Alexandrovich - Honored innovator of the Russian Federation (2002), chief metallurgist
  • Tarasov, Alexander Grigorievich - Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation (November 2, 2004), Chief Dispatcher of the Production and Dispatching Department
  • Timofeev, Anatoly Ivanovich - holder of the Order of Lenin (May 13, 1977), turner of the mechanical repair shop
  • Timofeev, Vasily Arsentievich - Honored Designer of the Russian Federation (September 26, 2000), Chief Designer

st. Yastrzhembskogo, 41a

Key Figures Fedin Sergey Alexandrovich Industry valve building Products pipeline accessories Number of employees 150 people (2018) Awards . Website kurgan-armatura.ru
JSC "Ikar" Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings
Year of foundation
Closing year
Former names Kurgan Valve Plant,
PA "Kurganarmkhimmash"
Founders Council of Ministers of the USSR
Location Russia Russia
Mound Mound, st. Khimmashevskaya, 18
Industry valve building
Products pipeline accessories
Website ikar-kzta.ru

Kurgan Valve Plant- a plant in the city of Kurgan, Kurgan region of the Russian Federation, specializing in the production of pipeline fittings.

Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC was registered on August 8, 2011, now it is located on part of the territory of Ikar Kurgan TransArm Plant LLC.

The Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region is considering case No. А34-2582/2015 on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Limited Liability Company “Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm”.

Company history

Kurgan Valve Plant (1954-1977)

  • On September 18, 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Decree No. 3810 "On increasing the capacity for the production of industrial fittings."
  • On December 19, 1954, the turner Ivan Afanasyevich Golovin processed the first part on a DIP-300 machine.
  • On December 28, 1954, Order No. 223 of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the USSR “On commissioning the first stage of the Kurgan Valve Plant under construction” was issued. On the same day, the first gate valve Du 500 was assembled.
  • In 1955, he began to master the following products: flanged shut-off valves 15s27nzh Du 25;32;40; wedge gate valves with non-rising spindle 30ch25br500 and 30ch25bk500.
  • On July 1, 1960, the iron foundry was put into operation. He produced castings for gate valves Du 800 - Du1400.
  • On December 31, 1964, the first issue of the Mayak factory newspaper was published. During the period of unification, it was called the Khimmashev newspaper Progress.
  • In 1967, a bronze casting site was organized for valves and gate valves Du 25 - Du 200. This year, 55% of the steel reinforcement of the USSR (in pieces) is produced at the Kurgan Valve Plant.
  • In 1973, the lost-wax steel casting department began to function.
  • In 1976, the plant mastered the production of forged steel fittings (up to 2500 atm.), which made it possible to reduce the import of this fitting.
  • On February 16, 1976, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3175-IX, for success in improving quality, introducing advanced technology for the production of pipeline valves and early fulfillment of the tasks of the ninth five-year plan, the Kurgan Valve Plant of the USSR Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

PA "Kurganarmkhimmash" (1977-1989)

  • On July 8, 1977, by order of the Minister of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering No. 138, the Kurgan Industrial Association of Valves and Chemical Engineering (PO Kurganarmkhimmash) was created with direct subordination to the ministry as part of the following production units: Kurgan Valves Plant (lead) and Kurgan Chemical Engineering Plant. Prior to the merger, the Kurgan Valve Plant was part of Soyuzpromarmatura, Kurgankhimmash was part of the Soyuzkhimmash headquarters.
  • In 1977-78, an aluminum die casting section was organized.
  • In 1977-80, the PA "Kurganarmkhimmash" was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Ministry 5 times, the banners of the district and the city 7 times. The share of products with the State Quality Mark was 39.6%.
  • In May 1980, 1446 hectares of land near the village of Peredergino, Ketovsky District, were transferred to the production association, on which the Blagodatnoye agricultural complex was created.
  • In August 1984, the management of the association was replaced. The Commission of the Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the CPSU established a number of violations in the reporting on the implementation of state planning targets. The Kurgan city court sentenced General Director A.F. Ilyushin to imprisonment for a gross violation of state and financial discipline.
  • In 1987, the Kurganarmkhimmash production association was transferred from direct subordination to the ministry to Glavgazoochistka, adding to it the Tyumen oilfield engineering plant Nefteprommash, the Katai pumping plant and the Ural plant of gas cleaning equipment under construction, but this was short due to the complexity of management. Already on August 22, 1988, the Katai Pumping Plant was transferred to NPO VNIIGIDROMASH.
  • By order of the Minister of Heavy Machine Building of the USSR dated November 15, 1989 No. 145, the Kurgan Order of the Badge of Honor, the production association for valve and chemical engineering at the Kurganarmkhimmash Production Association, was abolished. Factories become independent.

Kurgan Valve Plant (1989-1992)

After the separation, the Kurgan Valve Plant continued to produce the same products.

JSC "Ikar" (1992-2015)

  • On March 27, 1992, by the resolution of the Kurgan Regional Committee for State Property Management No. 175, an open joint-stock company “Kurgan Valve Plant “Ikar” was established. In October 1992, 95% of the value of the authorized capital was purchased from the State Property Fund. On December 24, 1992, the plant acquired the status of a private enterprise.
  • On March 10, 1993, the plant was renamed into the Open Joint Stock Company "IKAR" of the Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves (KZTA). The volumes of production of steam-power fittings fell to 40%, the volumes of the ammonia group decreased to 51.8%. A decision was made to develop gate valves for the Tyumen north.
  • In 1997, Aquarius-Ertmaker (Malta) awarded prizes - certificates and a statuette of the Knight of Malta: "... the certificate is awarded to Ikar OJSC - the Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant as evidence of the success achieved in preserving and developing the intellectual potential and personnel of the enterprise in exceptional conditions economy in transition".
  • Until 2002, the controlling stake was owned by Sibmash-Fund CJSC (V. A. Gardt), KOII T. D. Sibarmatura LLC and Yakuta-Invest S. A.. At the end of August 2002, during the illness of the General Director A. N. Simanov, his first deputy N. E. Deryagin assumed the duties of General. director and prematurely terminated the exercise of the powers of A. N. Simanov. His actions were supported by the other members of the Board of Directors (Chairman V. A. Gardt). Returning to the plant, A. N. Simanov canceled the order of Deryagin N. E. and fired him. The Board of Directors did not extend the contract with A. N. Simanov. A.N. Simanov responded by initiating bankruptcy proceedings. After that, about 30% of the shares of the Kurgan enterprise with a deferred payment for a year were bought out by Rostransmash LLC, created by a Tyumen lawyer Yuri Dmitrievich Laptev.
  • By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region dated September 27, 2002, A. N. Simanov was removed from the post of General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant, the duties of the General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant were assigned to the temporary manager - Zhigachev A.K.
  • By the decision of 03/26/2003 and the decision of the appellate instance of 05/22/2003 of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case N A34-275 / 02-C11, Ikar OJSC "Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant" was recognized as insolvent (bankrupt), bankruptcy proceedings were opened against it for a period of 12 months, appointed receiver Varshavsky G. B.
  • In 2004, the controlling stake in Ikar OJSC was consolidated in the Rostransmash holding, in the same year the plant returned to the production of fittings for nuclear power plants.
  • In 2005 JSC "Ikar" Kurgan plant of pipeline fittings became the winner of the program "100 best goods of Russia". Products presented for the competition - steel wedge gate valves with sliding stem PN6.3 MPa KZ13008-050; 080; 100M; 150M; 200M received the golden badge (logo) of the competition.
  • In 2009, production volumes fell by 44% compared to 2008, in the 1st half of 2010 - by half, and by the beginning of autumn the situation became completely deplorable: a three-day working week, accounts arrested by the tax inspectorate, 15 million debt on wages, strikes.
  • In 2010, Rostransmash LLC transferred a controlling stake (49%) to the largest creditor OJSC Nomos-Bank, which entrusted the management of Ikar to Titran-Express Management Company, also part of the ICT group of companies. Soon they changed the management of the plant. Ikar initiated its bankruptcy procedure for the second time, and on October 19, 2010, supervision was introduced for a period until December 29, 2011.
  • On October 15, 2012, the Arbitration Court introduced bankruptcy proceedings in Ikar OJSC (TIN 4501000168), which is controlled by Nomos Bank. The plant owes wages to its employees, today the amount of debt is more than 4 million rubles. Accounts payable of the enterprise - about one billion rubles, accounts receivable - more than 300 million rubles. The debt to the pension fund is about 90 million rubles.
  • April 3, 2013, October 2, 2013, April 1, 2014, September 30, 2014, March 26, 2015, June 23, 2015, August 20, 2015 and September 28, 2015 The Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case No. А34-4679/ 2010 considered at the hearing the petition of the bankruptcy trustee M. M. Kolesnikov to extend the bankruptcy proceedings.
  • In the fall of 2014, the sale of the plant's premises began. Vladimir Efimovich Blyakher, owner and director of Apelsin LLC, won the auction for the sale of non-residential premises with an area of ​​264.4 m². With an initial price of 1 million 718.6 thousand rubles, he purchased for 1 million 804.5 thousand rubles. Also offered for sale (but not sold) is the building of a cutting shop with a land plot (the initial price is 59.9 million rubles), the building of a sewage pumping station (670 thousand rubles), movable property (machine tools, excavators, etc.) for a total the price of 13.6 million rubles, as well as the building of the plant entrance for 5.7 million rubles.
  • On October 5, 2015, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region decided to complete the bankruptcy proceedings in respect of Ikar OJSC, Order of Honor Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant (TIN 4501000168, OGRN 1024500529151) and exclude it from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

LLC "Ikar - Kurgan Plant TransArm" (since 2010)

Ikar KZTA LLC (TIN 4501163148) was registered on November 9, 2010 by the registering authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kurgan at the address 640027, Kurgan region, Kurgan, Khimmashevskaya street, 18. The authorized capital of the company as of July 1, 2012 is 10,000 rub. Principal activities of Ikar KZTA, OOO: manufacture of pipeline fittings (29.13), manufacture of iron castings (27.51), manufacture of pumps, compressors and hydraulic systems (29.12).

JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings" transferred its assets to a newly created enterprise - LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant Transarm". On September 1, 2012, the owner made a decision and liquidated the enterprise Ikar KZTA OJSC, creating a new enterprise - Ikar KZTA LLC, which leased all the property that was at Ikar OJSC, but at the same time it separated all debts that were on the Icarus. The debts of OJSC Ikar in various areas amount to 800 million rubles.

Revenue for 2014 from production and economic activities amounted to only about 150 million rubles, while the debt on taxes and transfers to social funds is more than 60 million rubles.

As of June 2015, the 100% owner of Ikar KZTA LLC is SayanInvest LLC, in which Sergey Privalov has a 70% stake, and Nikolai Yarovoy, Vice President of Nomos-Bank OJSC, has a 30% stake.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region dated August 3, 2015, the requirements of the Federal Tax Service of Russia were satisfied, bankruptcy proceedings were introduced against Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm LLC, Batushev Denis Aleksandrovich was approved as an interim manager.

In October 2015, a criminal case was initiated against Sergey Privalov, General Director of Ikar KZTA LLC, in connection with non-payment of wages to employees. Experts found that from April to August 2015, Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm LLC owed its 154 employees a total salary of more than 1.5 million rubles.

In November 2015, the Baskal Construction Company acquired the plant management building located at 118 Burova-Petrova Street and intends to rebuild the building into economy-class residential apartments.

On December 24, 2015, the interim manager held the first meeting of the debtor's creditors, which was attended by thirteen creditors. The total amount of the participants' claims amounted to 688,510,404 rubles. 19 kop. A. Yu.

On January 18, 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. А34-2582/2015 and declared the Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm Limited Liability Company (OGRN 1104501006543, TIN 4501163148) insolvent (bankrupt), and scheduled a court hearing to consider the report of the arbitration manager for July 7, 2016.

In January 2016, about 100 workers who remained at the plant were laid off.

On July 14 and December 22, 2016, April 21 and October 19, 2017, April 19, April 26, July 26, August 15, October 25 and December 24, 2018, February 26, 2019, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. A34-2582 /2015, the next court session to consider the report of the arbitration manager is scheduled for April 11, 2019.

On October 13, 2016, the former director of Ikar-KZTA LLC Sergey Privalov was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to pay wages to employees), Part 1 of Article 199.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to fulfill obligations in personal interests tax agent), Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (concealment of funds from which taxes should be collected, on a large scale). The Kurgan city court sentenced him to a fine of 300,000 rubles and banned him from holding leadership positions in commercial organizations for two years.

LLC "Kurgan Reinforcing Plant" (since 2016)

Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC (TIN 4501169728) was registered on August 8, 2011 at the address Kurgan, st. Yastrzhembsky, 41a. The enterprise, created on the basis of OAO NPO Kurganpribor, has become one of the small factories in the city of Kurgan that produces products similar to those of Ikar, and a team, to one degree or another, consisting of former employees of OAO Ikar. Investments in its launch amounted to about 100 million rubles. The plant began to produce steel wedge gate valves from 15 to 100 mm and gate valves from 10 to 50 mm.

In October 2016, the production premises of the former Icarus were bought out, but not all of them, for example, the Chinese Market was located in the plant management building in 2017. LLC "Kurgan Reinforcing Plant" transferred production from the premises of OJSC NPO "Kurganpribor" to the area "Ikara". At the moment, the company is mass-producing:

  • wedge gate valves (cast with rising stem and steel)
  • shut-off valves (needle and straight)

The production of limited batches of rebar made of special steels has been launched.

The priority areas for the prospective development of the product range are:

  • fittings for high and ultra-high pressures
  • cryogenic fittings
  • bellows armature


Director of the Kurgan Valve Plant
  • 1951-1958 Durachenko Ivan Stepanovich
  • 1958-1962 Vasilchenko Pyotr Pavlovich
  • 1962-1963 N. I. Sevostyanov
  • August 2, 1963-1969 Polibza Terenty Dementievich
  • July 23, 1969 - July 8, 1977 Ilyushin Alexey Fedorovich
General Director of PA "Kurganarmkhimmash"
  • July 8, 1977 - August 1984 Ilyushin Alexey Fedorovich
  • August 1984-1988 Zhigachev Anatoly Kuzmich
  • 1988 - November 15, 1989 Simanov Alexey Nikolaevich
General Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Chairman of the Board of Management Company "Rostransmash" LLC Executive Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Interim Manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • I bankruptcy since September 27, 2002-2003 Anatoly Kuzmich Zhigachev
External manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves" Bankruptcy manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • II bankruptcy from October 15, 2012 - October 5, 2015 Kolesnikov Mikhail Mikhailovich
Director of LLC "Ikar - Kurgan plant TransArm"
  • 2010-2012 Bocharov Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Since October 2012 Privalov Sergey Pavlovich
Interim manager of LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm"
  • 2015 Batushev Denis Alexandrovich
Bankruptcy manager LLC "Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm"
  • January 11, 2016 - April 3, 2017 Tarantov Alexander Yurievich
  • April 3, 2017 - December 18, 2017 Vitaliy Egorenkov
  • From December 18, 2017 Lubyansky Alexander Grigorievich
General Director of Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC
  • 2015 Glushenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • January 20, 2016 - 2016 Markov Konstantin Anatolyevich
  • 2016 Bocharov Mikhail Sergeevich
  • September 15, 2017 - June 2018 Ulyanov Sergey Vyacheslavovich
  • From June 25, 2018 to the present Fedin Sergey Alexandrovich


Team Awards

  • Order of Lenin - 2 people
  • Order of the October Revolution - 2 people
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor - 29 people
  • - plant team and 38 people.
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory, 1st class - 1 person
  • Order of Labor Glory II degree - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory III degree - 23 people.

Notable workers

  • Korostelev, Alexander Fedorovich - adjuster of automatic and semiautomatic devices, people's deputy of the USSR Armed Forces.
  • Ilyushin, Alexey Fedorovich - Honored innovator of the RSFSR (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 1243 of October 1, 1976), General Director
  • Kozlov, Nikolai Kirillovich - Honored innovator of the RSFSR (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 1109 of August 6, 1981)
  • Lopatin, Alexander Innokentievich - holder of the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees, deputy of the Oktyabrsky District Council of People's Deputies of Kurgan, turner and thread grinder

Mound Mound, st. Yastrzhembskogo, 41a Key Figures Fedin Sergey Alexandrovich Industry valve building Products pipeline accessories Number of employees 150 people (2018) Awards . Website kurgan-armatura.ru
JSC "Ikar" Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings
Year of foundation
Closing year
Former names Kurgan Valve Plant,
PA "Kurganarmkhimmash"
Founders Council of Ministers of the USSR
Location Russia Russia
Mound Mound, st. Khimmashevskaya, 18
Industry valve building
Products pipeline accessories
Website ikar-kzta.ru

Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC was registered on August 8, 2011, now it is located on part of the territory of Ikar Kurgan TransArm Plant LLC.

The Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region is considering case No. А34-2582/2015 on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Limited Liability Company “Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm”.

Company history

Kurgan Valve Plant (1954-1977)

  • On September 18, 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Decree No. 3810 "On increasing the capacity for the production of industrial fittings."
  • On December 19, 1954, the turner Ivan Afanasyevich Golovin processed the first part on a DIP-300 machine.
  • On December 28, 1954, Order No. 223 of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the USSR “On commissioning the first stage of the Kurgan Valve Plant under construction” was issued. On the same day, the first gate valve Du 500 was assembled.
  • In 1955, he began to master the following products: flanged shut-off valves 15s27nzh Du 25;32;40; wedge gate valves with non-rising spindle 30ch25br500 and 30ch25bk500.
  • On July 1, 1960, the iron foundry was put into operation. He produced castings for gate valves Du 800 - Du1400.
  • On December 31, 1964, the first issue of the Mayak factory newspaper was published. During the period of unification, it was called the Khimmashev newspaper Progress.
  • In 1967, a bronze casting site was organized for valves and gate valves Du 25 - Du 200. This year, 55% of the steel reinforcement of the USSR (in pieces) is produced at the Kurgan Valve Plant.
  • In 1973, the lost-wax steel casting department began to function.
  • In 1976, the plant mastered the production of forged steel fittings (up to 2500 atm.), which made it possible to reduce the import of this fitting.
  • On February 16, 1976, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3175-IX, for success in improving quality, introducing advanced technology for the production of pipeline valves and early fulfillment of the tasks of the ninth five-year plan, the Kurgan Valve Plant of the USSR Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

PA "Kurganarmkhimmash" (1977-1989)

  • On July 8, 1977, by order of the Minister of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering No. 138, the Kurgan Industrial Association of Valves and Chemical Engineering (PO Kurganarmkhimmash) was created with direct subordination to the ministry as part of the following production units: Kurgan Valves Plant (lead) and Kurgan Chemical Engineering Plant. Prior to the merger, the Kurgan Valve Plant was part of Soyuzpromarmatura, Kurgankhimmash was part of the Soyuzkhimmash headquarters.
  • In 1977-78, an aluminum die casting section was organized.
  • In 1977-80, the PA "Kurganarmkhimmash" was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Ministry 5 times, the banners of the district and the city 7 times. The share of products with the State Quality Mark was 39.6%.
  • In May 1980, 1446 hectares of land near the village of Peredergino, Ketovsky District, were transferred to the production association, on which the Blagodatnoye agricultural complex was created.
  • In August 1984, the management of the association was replaced. The Commission of the Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the CPSU established a number of violations in the reporting on the implementation of state planning targets. The Kurgan city court sentenced General Director A.F. Ilyushin to imprisonment for a gross violation of state and financial discipline.
  • In 1987, the Kurganarmkhimmash production association was transferred from direct subordination to the ministry to Glavgazoochistka, adding to it the Tyumen oilfield engineering plant Nefteprommash, the Katai pumping plant and the Ural plant of gas cleaning equipment under construction, but this was short due to the complexity of management. Already on August 22, 1988, the Katai Pumping Plant was transferred to NPO VNIIGIDROMASH.
  • By order of the Minister of Heavy Machine Building of the USSR dated November 15, 1989 No. 145, the Kurgan Order of the Badge of Honor, the production association for valve and chemical engineering at the Kurganarmkhimmash Production Association, was abolished. Factories become independent.

Kurgan Valve Plant (1989-1992)

After the separation, the Kurgan Valve Plant continued to produce the same products.

JSC "Ikar" (1992-2015)

  • On March 27, 1992, by the resolution of the Kurgan Regional Committee for State Property Management No. 175, an open joint-stock company “Kurgan Valve Plant “Ikar” was established. In October 1992, 95% of the value of the authorized capital was purchased from the State Property Fund. On December 24, 1992, the plant acquired the status of a private enterprise.
  • On March 10, 1993, the plant was renamed into the Open Joint Stock Company "IKAR" of the Order of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves (KZTA). The volumes of production of steam-power fittings fell to 40%, the volumes of the ammonia group decreased to 51.8%. A decision was made to develop gate valves for the Tyumen north.
  • In 1997, Aquarius-Ertmaker (Malta) awarded prizes - certificates and a statuette of the Knight of Malta: "... the certificate is awarded to Ikar OJSC - the Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant as evidence of the success achieved in preserving and developing the intellectual potential and personnel of the enterprise in exceptional conditions economy in transition".
  • Until 2002, the controlling stake was owned by Sibmash-Fund CJSC (V. A. Gardt), KOII T. D. Sibarmatura LLC and Yakuta-Invest S. A.. At the end of August 2002, during the illness of the General Director A. N. Simanov, his first deputy N. E. Deryagin assumed the duties of General. director and prematurely terminated the exercise of the powers of A. N. Simanov. His actions were supported by the other members of the Board of Directors (Chairman V. A. Gardt). Returning to the plant, A. N. Simanov canceled the order of Deryagin N. E. and fired him. The Board of Directors did not extend the contract with A. N. Simanov. A.N. Simanov responded by initiating bankruptcy proceedings. After that, about 30% of the shares of the Kurgan enterprise with a deferred payment for a year were bought out by Rostransmash LLC, created by a Tyumen lawyer Yuri Dmitrievich Laptev.
  • By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region dated September 27, 2002, A. N. Simanov was removed from the post of General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant, the duties of the General Director of OAO Ikar Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant were assigned to the temporary manager - Zhigachev A.K.
  • By the decision of 03/26/2003 and the decision of the appellate instance of 05/22/2003 of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case N A34-275 / 02-C11, Ikar OJSC "Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant" was recognized as insolvent (bankrupt), bankruptcy proceedings were opened against it for a period of 12 months, appointed receiver Varshavsky G. B.
  • In 2004, the controlling stake in Ikar OJSC was consolidated in the Rostransmash holding, in the same year the plant returned to the production of fittings for nuclear power plants.
  • In 2005 JSC "Ikar" Kurgan plant of pipeline fittings became the winner of the program "100 best goods of Russia". Products presented for the competition - steel wedge gate valves with sliding stem PN6.3 MPa KZ13008-050; 080; 100M; 150M; 200M received the golden badge (logo) of the competition.
  • In 2009, production volumes fell by 44% compared to 2008, in the 1st half of 2010 - by half, and by the beginning of autumn the situation became completely deplorable: a three-day working week, accounts arrested by the tax inspectorate, 15 million debt on wages, strikes.
  • In 2010, Rostransmash LLC transferred a controlling stake (49%) to the largest creditor OJSC Nomos-Bank, which entrusted the management of Ikar to Titran-Express Management Company, also part of the ICT group of companies. Soon they changed the management of the plant. Ikar initiated its bankruptcy procedure for the second time, and on October 19, 2010, supervision was introduced for a period until December 29, 2011.
  • On October 15, 2012, the Arbitration Court introduced bankruptcy proceedings in Ikar OJSC (TIN 4501000168), which is controlled by Nomos Bank. The plant owes wages to its employees, today the amount of debt is more than 4 million rubles. Accounts payable of the enterprise - about one billion rubles, accounts receivable - more than 300 million rubles. The debt to the pension fund is about 90 million rubles.
  • April 3, 2013, October 2, 2013, April 1, 2014, September 30, 2014, March 26, 2015, June 23, 2015, August 20, 2015 and September 28, 2015 The Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region in Case No. А34-4679/ 2010 considered at the hearing the petition of the bankruptcy trustee M. M. Kolesnikov to extend the bankruptcy proceedings.
  • In the fall of 2014, the sale of the plant's premises began. Vladimir Efimovich Blyakher, owner and director of Apelsin LLC, won the auction for the sale of non-residential premises with an area of ​​264.4 m². With an initial price of 1 million 718.6 thousand rubles, he purchased for 1 million 804.5 thousand rubles. Also offered for sale (but not sold) is the building of a cutting shop with a land plot (the initial price is 59.9 million rubles), the building of a sewage pumping station (670 thousand rubles), movable property (machine tools, excavators, etc.) for a total the price of 13.6 million rubles, as well as the building of the plant entrance for 5.7 million rubles.
  • On October 5, 2015, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region decided to complete the bankruptcy proceedings in respect of Ikar OJSC, Order of Honor Kurgan Pipeline Valve Plant (TIN 4501000168, OGRN 1024500529151) and exclude it from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

LLC "Ikar - Kurgan Plant TransArm" (since 2010)

Ikar KZTA LLC (TIN 4501163148) was registered on November 9, 2010 by the registering authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kurgan at the address 640027, Kurgan region, Kurgan, Khimmashevskaya street, 18. The authorized capital of the company as of July 1, 2012 is 10,000 rub. Principal activities of Ikar KZTA, OOO: manufacture of pipeline fittings (29.13), manufacture of iron castings (27.51), manufacture of pumps, compressors and hydraulic systems (29.12).

JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings" transferred its assets to a newly created enterprise - LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant Transarm". On September 1, 2012, the owner made a decision and liquidated the enterprise Ikar KZTA OJSC, creating a new enterprise - Ikar KZTA LLC, which leased all the property that was at Ikar OJSC, but at the same time it separated all debts that were on the Icarus. The debts of OJSC Ikar in various areas amount to 800 million rubles.

Revenue for 2014 from production and economic activities amounted to only about 150 million rubles, while the debt on taxes and transfers to social funds is more than 60 million rubles.

As of June 2015, the 100% owner of Ikar KZTA LLC is SayanInvest LLC, in which Sergey Privalov has a 70% stake, and Nikolai Yarovoy, Vice President of Nomos-Bank OJSC, has a 30% stake.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region dated August 3, 2015, the requirements of the Federal Tax Service of Russia were satisfied, bankruptcy proceedings were introduced against Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm LLC, Batushev Denis Aleksandrovich was approved as an interim manager.

In October 2015, a criminal case was initiated against Sergey Privalov, General Director of Ikar KZTA LLC, in connection with non-payment of wages to employees. Experts found that from April to August 2015, Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm LLC owed its 154 employees a total salary of more than 1.5 million rubles.

In November 2015, the Baskal Construction Company acquired the plant management building located at 118 Burova-Petrova Street and intends to rebuild the building into economy-class residential apartments.

On December 24, 2015, the interim manager held the first meeting of the debtor's creditors, which was attended by thirteen creditors. The total amount of the participants' claims amounted to 688,510,404 rubles. 19 kop. A. Yu.

On January 18, 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. А34-2582/2015 and declared the Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm Limited Liability Company (OGRN 1104501006543, TIN 4501163148) insolvent (bankrupt), and scheduled a court hearing to consider the report of the arbitration manager for July 7, 2016.

In January 2016, about 100 workers who remained at the plant were laid off.

On July 14 and December 22, 2016, April 21 and October 19, 2017, April 19, April 26, July 26, August 15, October 25 and December 24, 2018, February 26, 2019, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered Case No. A34-2582 /2015, the next court session to consider the report of the arbitration manager is scheduled for April 11, 2019.

On October 13, 2016, the former director of Ikar-KZTA LLC Sergey Privalov was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to pay wages to employees), Part 1 of Article 199.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to fulfill obligations in personal interests tax agent), Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (concealment of funds from which taxes should be collected, on a large scale). The Kurgan city court sentenced him to a fine of 300,000 rubles and banned him from holding leadership positions in commercial organizations for two years.

LLC "Kurgan Reinforcing Plant" (since 2016)

Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC (TIN 4501169728) was registered on August 8, 2011 at the address Kurgan, st. Yastrzhembsky, 41a. The enterprise, created on the basis of OAO NPO Kurganpribor, has become one of the small factories in the city of Kurgan that produces products similar to those of Ikar, and a team, to one degree or another, consisting of former employees of OAO Ikar. Investments in its launch amounted to about 100 million rubles. The plant began to produce steel wedge gate valves from 15 to 100 mm and gate valves from 10 to 50 mm.

In October 2016, the production premises of the former Icarus were bought out, but not all of them, for example, the Chinese Market was located in the plant management building in 2017. LLC "Kurgan Reinforcing Plant" transferred production from the premises of OJSC NPO "Kurganpribor" to the area "Ikara". At the moment, the company is mass-producing:

  • wedge gate valves (cast with rising stem and steel)
  • shut-off valves (needle and straight)

The production of limited batches of rebar made of special steels has been launched.

The priority areas for the prospective development of the product range are:

  • fittings for high and ultra-high pressures
  • cryogenic fittings
  • bellows armature


Director of the Kurgan Valve Plant

  • 1951-1958 Durachenko Ivan Stepanovich
  • 1958-1962 Vasilchenko Pyotr Pavlovich
  • 1962-1963 N. I. Sevostyanov
  • August 2, 1963-1969 Polibza Terenty Dementievich
  • July 23, 1969 - July 8, 1977 Ilyushin Alexey Fedorovich
General Director of PA "Kurganarmkhimmash"
  • July 8, 1977 - August 1984 Ilyushin Alexey Fedorovich
  • August 1984-1988 Zhigachev Anatoly Kuzmich
  • 1988 - November 15, 1989 Simanov Alexey Nikolaevich
General Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Chairman of the Board of Management Company "Rostransmash" LLC Executive Director of OAO Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings Interim Manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • I bankruptcy since September 27, 2002-2003 Anatoly Kuzmich Zhigachev
External manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipeline Valves" Bankruptcy manager of JSC "Ikar - Orders of Honor Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings"
  • II bankruptcy from October 15, 2012 - October 5, 2015 Kolesnikov Mikhail Mikhailovich
Director of LLC "Ikar - Kurgan plant TransArm"
  • 2010-2012 Bocharov Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Since October 2012 Privalov Sergey Pavlovich
Interim manager of LLC "Ikar Kurgan Plant TransArm"
  • 2015 Batushev Denis Alexandrovich
Bankruptcy manager LLC "Ikar Kurgan Zavod TransArm"
  • January 11, 2016 - April 3, 2017 Tarantov Alexander Yurievich
  • April 3, 2017 - December 18, 2017 Vitaliy Egorenkov
  • From December 18, 2017 Lubyansky Alexander Grigorievich
General Director of Kurgan Reinforcing Plant LLC
  • 2015 Glushenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • January 20, 2016 - 2016 Markov Konstantin Anatolyevich
  • 2016 Bocharov Mikhail Sergeevich
  • September 15, 2017 - June 2018 Ulyanov Sergey Vyacheslavovich
  • From June 25, 2018 to the present Fedin Sergey Alexandrovich


Team Awards

  • Order of Lenin - 2 people
  • Order of the October Revolution - 2 people
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor - 29 people
  • - plant team and 38 people.
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory, 1st class - 1 person
  • Order of Labor Glory II degree - 2 people.
  • Order of Labor Glory III degree - 23 people.

A bit of history: The Kurgan Plant of Pipe Fittings was founded in 1954. On March 27, 1992, by the resolution of the Kurgan Regional Committee for State Property Management No. 175, an open joint-stock company “Kurgan Valve Plant “Ikar” was established. In October 1992, 95% of the value of the authorized capital was purchased from the State Property Fund. On December 24, 1992, the plant acquired the status of a private enterprise. In 2009, production volumes fell by 44% compared to 2008, in the 1st half of 2010 - by half, and by the beginning of autumn the situation became completely deplorable: a three-day working week, accounts arrested by the tax inspectorate, 15 million debt on wages, strikes. In 2010, Ikar initiated its bankruptcy procedure for the second time, and on October 19, 2010, supervision was introduced for a period until December 29, 2011. In the fall of 2014, the sale of the plant's premises began. Ikar KZTA LLC was registered on November 9, 2010. Revenue for 2014 from production and economic activities amounted to only about 150 million rubles, while the debt on taxes and transfers to social funds is more than 60 million rubles. On January 18, 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Kurgan Region considered the case and declared it insolvent. October 13, 2016 Former director of Ikar-KZTA LLC Sergey Privalov was found guilty. The Kurgan City Court sentenced him to a fine of 300,000 rubles and banned him from holding leadership positions in commercial organizations for two years. In the autumn of 2016, Sergey Muratov, a Trans-Urals industrialist and deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma, acquired the property, documentation and premises of the bankrupt plant.
The sun was shining that day. When we came from the side of the former railway tracks, which Privalov handed over for scrap, the looters carried out the metal in bags. The funny thing about this situation is that they were wearing jackets with the inscription security. First of all, we decided to go into the building with induction melting furnaces. Our path lay through the ABK.

This room appears to have been inhabited by someone recently.

And here are the induction melting furnaces themselves. More recently, they were in full working order, but the metalworkers did not spare them. Now these are just piles without useful iron.

A small crucible.

Now these remains can only be handed over to scrap metal, since it is not realistic to find spare parts.

The laboratory building was next.

Unfortunately, the metalheads also frolic here.

I can imagine how much noise there was when this thing fell.

Chemical glassware in boxes.

And suddenly, hermetic doors appear in the usual corridor.

Behind them are outlandish installations, about the operation of which I have no idea.

The room is all for a welder.

On the second floor of this building are various rooms.

Warehouses with crockery and Christmas decorations.

Huge refrigerator.

And a gigantic dining room.

An incompletely mounted alarm is visible on the wall. When Sergey Privalov saw that they were installing an alarm, he ordered to stop. A couple of days later, paranormal phenomena began to occur at the plant, things began to disappear.

After that we went to the model shop. Photo from phone.

Also on that day, we went to the main building, but unfortunately time was running out, so I didn’t take pictures. We just reached the shelter, which, by the way, turned out to be empty, and went back.

We came back five days later. Metalheads still endured metal, but something has changed. Smoke was coming from the chimney of a small house near the building with smelting furnaces. We didn't know who it was, so we decided to walk away from him. That day we went to the tool shop.

On the way we met Lenin with a strange forehead and a welder.

It was not very interesting in ABC. There was an empty ZS GO, and pigeons, because of which I almost had a heart attack.

The shop itself is pretty well preserved.

But in small workshops, a certain destroy was observed along the edges.

There was also a pantry filled to the brim with radio components.

However, some were so well preserved that it seemed as if we were in a working factory.

The last time we came here was on Halloween. Everything has changed a lot. The metal workers were gone, and the tractor was drilling holes in the ground for a new fence, but the builders were rather indifferent, and we were able to get into the territory.
We went to the foundry. I did not take pictures in the shop itself.

There was a chemical laboratory in the ABC.


And a richly decorated office. After this photo, I heard a noise outside the window. I looked out into the street. A cream-colored foreign car was driving past the building. Out of harm's way, we locked ourselves in the billiards.

The car drove past us several more times, once it even stopped, a man got out of it and pulled the doors.

The photo shows traces. After that, we hurriedly left the area. Later it turned out that it was Muratov. How glad I am that I was inside at that moment, and not outside.
Muratov plans to bring in new equipment by the beginning of December. At the moment, a new fence is almost completed, and a very good security has also appeared.