Up from the fitter way. Instructions on labor protection for the fitter of railway tracks. Preparation for the assessment of safety of workplaces

  • 12.11.2019

assessment of injury safety of workplaces of a number of professions of track facilities


Deputy Head of the Department of Tracks and Structures V.I. Andreenko 05.09.99

The methodology for assessing the safety of workplaces was developed by Pinchuk O.P., Murashova M.A., Borovchenko G.Yu. (department of labor protection VNIIZhT)



This methodology is intended for work on the assessment of injury safety of workplaces of the following professions of employees of railway transport enterprises: track fitter (code 14668), flaw detection trolley operator (code 15572), drivers of railway construction machines VPRS and SM (code 13720), in addition , it can be used in the examination of the results of attestation of workplaces of these professions.

Assessment of safety of workplaces is part of the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

The methodology contains the main provisions for assessing the safety of workplaces, requirements for the organization and conduct of work on the assessment of injury safety, safety requirements for workplaces of four professions of track facilities, requirements for the presentation of the results of the assessment and the form of the protocol.

The methodology for assessing the safety of workplaces was developed in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for attesting workplaces for working conditions at railway transport enterprises" (N TsSR-611 dated 02.11.98) and the "Practical guide for assessing the safety of workplaces for the purposes of their certification on working conditions" (Ivanovsky research institute of labor protection, 1997).

The injury safety assessment of workplaces is carried out on the basis of the current and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection: state standards of the system of labor safety standards (GOST SSBT), industry standards of the system of labor safety standards (OST SSBT), sanitary regulations and norms (SanPiN), safety rules (PB), device rules and safe operation(PUBE), safety instructions (IB), intersectoral labor protection rules (POT M), sectoral labor protection rules (POT O), standard (industry) labor protection instructions (TOI), intersectoral and sectoral organizational and methodological documents (regulations, guidelines, recommendations), as well as other regulatory and technical documents.

The results of assessing the safety of workplaces according to this methodology can be recognized as competent and reliable information when carrying out certification work. production facilities federal railway transport for compliance with labor protection requirements.

The methodology is intended for specialists who assess the safety of workplaces of track facilities enterprises, examine the results of certification (in terms of the safety factor) and certify manufacturing enterprises for compliance with labor protection requirements.


1.1. Certification of workplaces for working conditions - a system for analyzing and evaluating workplaces for conducting recreational activities, familiarizing employees with working conditions, certifying production facilities, to confirm or cancel the right to provide compensation and benefits to employees engaged in hard work and work with harmful and dangerous conditions labor.

1.2. Workplace - all places where an employee has to be or where he has to go in connection with his work and which are directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

1.3. Injury safety - compliance of workplaces with labor safety requirements, excluding injury to workers under the conditions established by regulatory legal acts on labor protection.


2.1. Certifications for working conditions, incl. and injury safety assessment, all workplaces of railway transport enterprises are subject according to their staffing tables and the list of equipment used at certified workplaces (for example, indicated in the technical passport of the enterprise).

2.2. The terms of certification are established by the enterprise itself based on changes in the conditions and nature of work, but at least once every five years from the date of the last measurements.

2.3. Workplaces are subject to mandatory recertification after the replacement of production equipment, changes in the technological process, reconstruction of collective protective equipment, etc., as well as at the request of the State Expertise of Working Conditions Russian Federation when violations are detected during the certification of workplaces according to working conditions or at the request of a higher organization.

The results of the recertification are drawn up as an appendix for the relevant positions to the Workplace Certification Card for working conditions.

2.4. Workplace attestation documents for working conditions are materials of strict accountability and are subject to storage for 45 years.

2.5. The assessment of the safety of workplaces is carried out by enterprises of the railway transport track facilities independently or at their request by third-party organizations whose specialists have permission from the bodies of the State Expertise of Working Conditions of the Russian Federation for the right to carry out these works.

* Corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.7. Injury safety of workplaces is ensured by the exclusion of the possibility of damage to parts of the human body, which can be obtained as a result of exposure to:

moving objects, mechanisms or machines (such objects are: gear, chain, V-belt drives, rotating parts, etc.);

electric current (source of damage electric shock there may be unprotected and uninsulated electrical wires, damaged electric motors, open switches, ungrounded equipment, etc.);

aggressive and toxic chemicals (for example, chemical burns from strong acids, caustic alkalis and toxic chemicals if they come into contact with the skin, eyes or lungs if inhaled);

heated elements of equipment and other heat carriers (examples of such elements are hot pipelines, equipment cases, parts of heating installations, etc.);

damage resulting from falls (falls are divided into two types: falling on a person of various objects and falling of a person as a result of slipping, stumbling, falling from a height or a sudden deterioration in health).


3.1. In order to organize and conduct certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, including injury safety, an order is issued, in accordance with which a certifying commission enterprises, and, if necessary, commissions in structural divisions, the chairman of the attestation commission, his deputy, members of the commission and the person responsible for compiling, maintaining and storing documentation for attestation of workplaces are appointed, as well as the terms and schedule for the work on attestation of workplaces are determined.

3.2. It is recommended to include specialists from the labor protection services, the labor department and wages, chief specialists of the enterprise, managers structural divisions, medical workers, representatives trade union organization enterprises, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of a trade union or labor collective, experts in certification of production facilities for compliance with labor protection requirements (having a certificate from the Ministry of Labor of Russia).

3.3. Certifying commission:

carries out management and control over the work at all its stages;

forms the necessary regulatory and reference base for certification of workplaces for injury safety and organizes its study;

draws up a complete list of workplaces of the enterprise with the allocation of work similar in nature to the work performed and labor safety conditions;

reveals, based on the analysis of the causes of industrial injuries at the enterprise, the most traumatic areas, technological processes and equipment;

determines the list and composition of equipment subject to injury safety assessment at each workplace;

certifies and makes decisions on the further use of production equipment, fixtures and tools at the workplace of the enterprise, the introduction of new technologies;

develops measures to improve labor safety in the workplace;

makes proposals on the readiness of structural divisions and the enterprise as a whole for their certification for compliance with labor protection requirements.

3.4. Before the start of certification work, a complete list of workplaces of the enterprise is compiled, in which similar workplaces are grouped, the number of employees employed in these conditions is indicated, and the equipment indicated in official documents is given. In addition, if equipment manufactured independently by the enterprise (specialized technological equipment) is detected, but not included in the official documentation, then such equipment, including non-standard equipment, is also included in the list of certified workplaces.

3.5. The list of jobs as a result should contain all the equipment, fixtures and tools actually available at the production facility. Next, the distribution of equipment by workplace is determined. For example, at one workplace, depending on the specific type of work technologically assigned to the employee, several types of equipment, mechanisms or tools can be used (for example, when evaluating the workplace of a track fitter, several types of portable equipment and tools are considered). In another case, one machine can be used for several jobs, and in the list of jobs this machine will be included several times (for example, when assessing the jobs of a machinist and an assistant machinist of railway construction machines).

3.6. Similar jobs are those in which the nature of work is identical and the magnitude of harmful production factors are in the same class (degree class) in terms of harmfulness, severity, tension.

3.7. The injury safety assessment of workplaces similar in nature of work performed and working conditions is made on the basis of data obtained from the assessment of at least 20% of such workplaces.


4.1. Assessment of injury safety of workplaces is carried out by checking the compliance of workplaces with the safety requirements for workplaces contained in regulatory legal acts.

4.2. Annexes 1-5 contain safety requirements for the workplaces of a track fitter (code 14668), an operator of a flaw detection trolley (code 15572), drivers of railway construction machines VPRS and SM (code 13720) and uniform safety requirements for workplaces of the above professions of track workers railway transport.

4.3. When assessing the safety of workplaces, only those requirements that correspond to the characteristics of a given workplace are considered. For example, when assessing the jobs of track fitters who do not work in tunnels or on bridges, the safety requirements for jobs at these facilities are not considered.

4.4. When assessing the safety of workplaces, the following is carried out:

assessment of safety while staying or working on the railway tracks and on the territories of the enterprises of the track facilities;

safety assessment of production equipment;

assessment of the safety of tools and devices used by employees;

assessment of the means of training and instruction, including the provision of normative legal documentation on labor protection (rules, instructions, etc.).

4.5. Safety assessment when staying or working on the railway tracks and the territories of the enterprises of the track facilities is carried out by an expert assessment of the fulfillment of the requirements set forth in Section 1 of the safety requirements for the corresponding workplace and the uniform safety requirements.

4.6. The safety assessment of production equipment is carried out by determining the compliance of the equipment with the requirements set out in section 2 of the safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the uniform safety requirements.

4.7. Manufacturing equipment is a major source of injury in the workplace. Therefore, the assessment of the injury safety of equipment is very relevant during its operation.

4.8. For track fitters, the equipment is portable power stations, manual electric machines, for flaw detector trolley operators - a trolley with a flaw detector; for drivers of railway construction machines - machines.

4.9. Before the assessment, the presence and sufficiency of labor safety requirements in the technological and operational documentation of the equipment used are checked.

4.10. It is necessary to take into account the availability of a safety certificate of the established sample for production equipment.

4.11. When assessing injury safety technological equipment test starts and stops of equipment are carried out in compliance with safety requirements, while:

checking the overall performance of the equipment in accordance with the regulated modes;

verification for each item of the requirements of the regulatory legal act in force and applicable to the equipment being evaluated, the availability of an appropriate means of protection (fences, alarms, braking devices, interlocks, signal painting, etc.), as well as controls, including for emergency stop;

checking the presence of an alarm, if, due to technical necessity, the impact of hazardous factors on workers (for example, moving objects) is not excluded;

check for the presence of the instruction manual.

4.12. Assessment of injury safety of facilities controlled by state or departmental oversight bodies is carried out in the absence of acts of these bodies, according to which the operation of these facilities is prohibited.

4.13. The safety assessment of devices and tools is carried out by external inspection and verification of their compliance with the requirements of the current and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection, set out in section 3 of the safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the unified safety requirements, if necessary, trial tests, measurements or expert grade.

4.14. It is necessary to take into account the availability of safety certificates of the established sample for tools and fixtures. In the absence of any regulatory requirements for this type of tool or device, its presence and serviceability are checked.

4.15. Devices and tools that do not meet safety requirements (points of requirements are indicated for which non-compliance is revealed), faulty and worn out, the use of which can lead to injury, both to the employee himself and to a number of workers, must be removed from the workplace.

4.16. The assessment of training and briefing facilities includes the analysis of regulatory legal documentation on labor protection (local instructions), checking the presence of sections on safety in technological documentation, checking the availability of visual training and briefing tools at the gathering places for teams of track fitters, operators of flaw detection carts, in cabins machinists. The assessment is carried out in accordance with Section 4 of the safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the unified safety requirements.

4.17. The analysis of normative documentation on labor protection is carried out on the basis of the requirements for the content of the instructions of the enterprise on labor protection for workers of certain professions.

4.18. The fundamental document in the development and evaluation of these normative documents is the "Regulation on the procedure for the development and approval of regulatory legal acts on labor protection in the federal railway transport" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on December 21, 1998 N TsSR-619.

4.19. This Regulation establishes the procedure for developing, coordinating, approving, accounting, publishing, distributing, canceling labor protection rules and instructions, as well as monitoring their compliance.

4.20. Labor protection instructions must be checked at least once every 5 years, and for professions or types of work associated with increased danger - at least once every 3 years.

4.21. If the working conditions of employees at the enterprise have not changed during this period, then the instruction is extended for the next period, which should be recorded on the first page of the instruction (stamp "Revised", date and signature of the responsible person).


5.1. The results of the injury safety assessment are documented in a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 6.

5.2. The name and code of professions is given in accordance with the "All-Russian classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories" OK 016-94 of December 26, 1994 N 367.

5.3. Paragraph 1 of the protocol contains the normative legal acts (NLA) on labor protection used in the assessment.

5.4. In paragraph 2 of the protocol:

in column 2, the safety requirements given in appendices 1-5 of this Methodology are indicated by sections;

column 3 indicates the actual state of labor safety at the certified workplace (installed devices and devices should be indicated aimed at ensuring labor safety at the workplace, including those of their own manufacture);

column 4 gives a brief assessment of the actual fulfillment of the requirements imposed by regulatory legal acts ("Complies" or "Does not comply");

in column 5, based on the results of comparing the actual state with the requirements of regulatory documents, proposals are given for the necessary measures to fulfill this safety requirement for the workplace. The measures are drawn up taking into account the technical and organizational solutions available in practice (it is not recommended to write down impracticable and non-specific recommendations and measures, as well as to make entries "Search for an opportunity", "Correct", "Take measures", one should not explain the danger of the identified violations).

5.5. Paragraph 3 of the protocol contains brief conclusions on sections of the protocol. They indicate the numbers of paragraphs of the relevant standards, rules, instructions, according to which the assessed workplace does not meet safety requirements.

5.6. In conclusion, in accordance with the classification of working conditions according to the safety factor, a hazard class is established.

5.7. Injury safety of the workplace is established according to one of three hazard classes:

the first one is optimal; the workplace fully complies with regulatory requirements (production equipment, tools, fixtures are in good condition, the required protective equipment is installed, training and instruction tools are compiled in accordance with the requirements, etc.);

the second is acceptable; deviations from labor safety requirements at workplaces are allowed that do not affect the functional purpose of protective equipment, for example, do not reduce the protective functions of collective protective equipment (partial contamination of the signal color, loosening of individual fasteners, etc.);

the third is dangerous; there are no or faulty means of protection provided for by the design on the equipment (fences, interlocks, signaling devices, grounding, etc.), the tool is faulty, there are no instructions for labor protection, labor safety training tools (rules, training and control programs, training manuals), or available instructions and training aids were drawn up without taking into account the relevant requirements, the conditions for their revision were violated.

5.8. At the end of the protocol, the positions, surnames, first names, patronymics and signatures of the persons who conducted the injury safety assessment are indicated.

5.9. If there are several groups or units of attestation objects (equipment, fixtures) at the workplace, the assessment is carried out with the execution of protocols for each group of objects. At the same time, the name of the workplace in each protocol is repeated and the distinctive feature of the group is indicated.

5.10. For example, track crews may work with a variety of tools and equipment and different places railway tracks (at the station, on the stage, on the bridge), therefore, the protocol should indicate the place of their work, the name of the tools and equipment and assess the fulfillment of the requirements for these certification objects.

5.11. The protocol of the results of the injury safety assessment of workplaces where workers of the same profession use several types of equipment and tools or workers of different professions work on the same equipment can consist of two parts: the protocol itself, containing sections with the results of assessing parameters that are individual for each workplace, and applications with the results of the evaluation of parameters that are the same for several workplaces. The application will belong to several protocols, whose numbers with the appropriate names should be listed.

5.12. Brief conclusions of the results of the assessment of the safety of the workplace are entered in line 060 of the Workplace Certification Card for Working Conditions (Appendix 3 to the "Regulations on the Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions at Railway Transport Enterprises" dated 02.11.98 N TsSR-611). Line 061 of the Attestation Card indicates the assessment of working conditions in terms of the degree of injury safety (hazard class). Based on the assigned hazard class, columns 5 and 11 of the Statement of Workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in the unit are filled in (Appendix 12 to).

5.13. Based on the work carried out to assess the safety of workplaces, the commission develops measures to improve labor safety, which are included in the Action Plan for the improvement and improvement of working conditions for workers (Appendix 14 to the Regulation of 02.11.98 N TsSR-611).


Attachment 1

Used normative legal acts:

GOST 12.2.003-91

GOST 12.2.062-81


GOST 12.2.010-75 *. Pneumatic manual machines. General safety requirements.

GOST 12.4.026-76 *. SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is valid. Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

Rules for the installation of electrical installations. PUE. (6th edition). Ministry of Energy of the USSR, 05.10.79

Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations *. Glavgosenergonadzor of the USSR, 12/21/84
"Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations" (POT R M-016-2001, RD 153-34.0-03.150-00). Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers * (5th edition). Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, 03/31/92
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers are in force. Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

POT R O-32-CP-652-99

Instructions for snow fighting on the railroads of the USSR. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 18.07.86, TsP/4390.

. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 19.02.90

1. Safety requirements when staying or working on railway tracks and on the territories of track facilities

OST 35-11-86. SSBT. Laying of the upper structure of the railway track. Safety requirements.

2.3.* When performing work on the track using tracklayers and railway cranes, the voltage from contact network must be removed for the entire period of work, and the contact network at the work site is grounded.

2.36. On operated electrified lines, the laying of turnouts by railway cranes must be carried out with the voltage removed from the contact network during the entire period of operation. The contact network at the work site must be grounded. A written permit must be issued for the work to be carried out.

POT R O-32-CP-652-99. Rules for labor protection in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures. Ministry of Railways of Russia, 24.02.99

2.2.6. Protect, in accordance with the established procedure, the place of work with stop signals, if adjacent tracks on multi-track sections, high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes of excavations, slopes of trenches with a length of more than 50 m, do not allow workers to sit on the side of the track when a train passes;

2.3.26 Senior road foremen, road, bridge and tunnel foremen, foremen of the track and artificial structures, duty officers for crossings and linemen of railway tracks and artificial structures must have an extract from the schedule of high-speed trains.

2.6.1. Artificial structures must have devices designed for the safe maintenance of the structure itself and the track. Such devices include: on bridges - sidewalks and shelters with railings, bridge decks, railings along the upper chord and stairs with railings along portal frames (for bridges with a ride from below); at pipes and cones - stairs (descents) with railings; in the tunnels - niches and chambers.

2.6.2. Shelter platforms with railings should be on all bridges over 50 m long, and on sections with speeds of movement passenger trains over 140 km/h and in northern conditions - on all bridges over 25 m long.

Bridges with a total length of more than 25 m (in northern conditions - more than 10 m), as well as all bridges with a height of more than 3 m; bridges located within the station, and all overpasses must have two-way sidewalks with railings.

2.6.13. To warn of the approach of a train, workers engaged in work on the inspection and maintenance of artificial structures without fencing with signals to stop or reduce speed, a signal sign "C" should be installed, and, if necessary, warnings should be issued to trains about special vigilance

2.6.53. To improve visibility, the chambers and niches (along the perimeter) should be painted white or framed with white tiles. On the walls of the tunnel, arrows should indicate directions to the nearest chambers and niches.

2.7.10. With a continuous change of rails on electrified sections of direct and alternating current, the voltage from the contact network must be removed, and the contact network must be grounded in the prescribed manner.

The track rails at the installation sites of the grounding rods are interconnected by transverse jumpers made of copper wire, installed and removed by track workers under the guidance of a representative of the power supply distance.

2.8.7. Before starting cleaning at centralized turnouts, a senior group or a track fitter working in one person must protect the place of work during the day with a red signal, at night and in the daytime in case of fog, snowstorms and other adverse conditions that impair visibility - with a hand lantern with red lights.

On the turnout between the retracted wit and the frame rail, as well as on the crosses with a movable core between the core and the guard against the rods of the electric drive, a wooden insert must be laid.

2.11.14. The loading of pesticides into the storage car of the watering train should be carried out at specially equipped filling points. The site of filling points should be asphalt or cement.

3.2.17. For maintenance of lines (link assembly and link disassembly) and machines, safe passages, galleries, platforms, decks, walkways, stairs and railings should be provided. Walkways are not allowed in the area of ​​lifting and lowering the load. If it is necessary to find people in this area, safety overlaps should be arranged.

Lifting and lowering the load must be accompanied by a warning sound alarm, and warning and prohibition signs and inscriptions must be installed at work sites.

Simultaneous operation of two gantry cranes is allowed if there is a device for synchronous operation of the electrical part of the crane and a mechanical connection between the cranes.

3.3.33. On link-assembly and link-disassembly lines, the width of the passages must be at least 500 mm, the width of the catwalks for moving from one position to another must be at least 1 m.

Enclosing handrails must have a height of 1 m, a width of steps of stairs 300 mm and a distance between steps of 300 mm.

Rules for safety and industrial sanitation during the repair and maintenance of the railway track and structures. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 08.09.88, N TsP / 4621. (Until cancellation).

2.1.10. If high platforms, buildings, fences, steep cuts, trench slopes, etc. longer than 100 m do not allow workers to place themselves on the side of the track, then the place of work must be fenced off with stop signals in the prescribed manner

2.3.1. Senior road foremen, road, bridge and tunnel foremen, foremen of the track and artificial structures, duty officers for crossings and linemen of railway tracks and artificial structures must carry an extract from the schedule of high-speed trains.

2.6.10. During a continuous change of rails on electrified sections of direct and alternating current, the voltage within the front of track work must be removed from the contact network, and the contact network must be grounded by installing grounding rods equipped with safety interlock devices and connected to the contact network and with short-circuited track rails .

The rails at the installation sites of the rods are interconnected by transverse jumpers made of copper wire, installed and removed by track facilities workers.

2.7.7. Before starting cleaning at centralized turnouts, the group leader encloses the place of work during the day with a red signal, at night and in the daytime in case of fog, snowstorms and other adverse conditions - with a hand lantern with red lights.

On the turnout between the allotted wit and the frame rail, as well as on the crosses with a movable core between the core and the guard rail, a wooden insert must be laid (against the electric drive rods).

4.12. Loading pesticides into the storage car of the watering train should be carried out at specially equipped filling stations. The site of gas stations should be asphalted or cement.

5.1.1. Artificial structures must have devices designed for the safe maintenance of the structure itself and the track. Such devices include: on bridges - sidewalks with railings, bridge decking, railings along the upper chord and stairs with railings along portal frames (for bridges with a ride from below); in tunnels - niches and chambers; at pipes and cones - stairs (descents) with railings.

5.1.2. Shelter platforms with railings should be on all bridges over 50 m long, and in sections with passenger train speeds over 140 km/h and in northern conditions - on all bridges over 25 m long.

Bridges over 25 m long (more than 10 m in northern conditions), as well as all bridges over 3 m high; bridges located within the station, and all overpasses must have two-way sidewalks with railings.

5.1.9. In places of crossings and crossings over ditches and trenches, to ensure the safety of pedestrian traffic, bridges with a width of at least 0.8 m with railings 1.0 m high and side boards 15 cm high should be arranged.

5.1.10. Wells, pits, mine mouths and other vertical workings in the working area must be closed or fenced with special barriers.

5.1.14. To warn about the approach of a train, workers engaged in work on the inspection and maintenance of artificial structures without fencing with signals to stop or reduce speed, a signal sign "C" must be installed.

5.4.10. To improve visibility, the chambers and niches (along the perimeter) should be painted white or framed with white tiles. Arrows on the walls of the tunnel indicate directions to the nearest chambers and niches.

7.6.7. Paired operation of gantry cranes is allowed under the condition of a single command and the presence of a device for synchronous operation of the electrical part of the crane and mechanical connection of the cranes to each other.

Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic in the production of track work. Ministry of Railways of Russia, 28.07.99, N TsP-485.

4.8. When working with a tool (electric, pneumatic, etc.) that impairs hearing, as well as when performing track work in conditions of poor visibility (in steep curves, in deep recesses, wooded areas, in the presence of buildings and other conditions that impair visibility), if works do not require fencing with stop signals, the work manager is obliged to install warning alarms to warn workers about the approach of trains. In cases where there is none, set up a signalman with a blow horn from the side of poor visibility, who should stand as close as possible to the working team so that the approaching train is visible to the signalman at a distance of at least 500 m from the place of work.

Instructions for snow fighting on the railroads of the USSR. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 18.07.86, TsP/4390

7.34. When clearing the track from snow drifts manually with trenches or when cutting snow slopes after clearing the track with snow plows, niches should be made in the slopes at a distance of 20-25 m from one another with their arrangement in a checkerboard pattern so that workers can be accommodated in them when passing trains.

The dimensions of the niche should be determined in each individual case by the number of workers, but be at least 0.75 m deep and 2 m wide.

Standard instruction on labor protection for track fitters. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 19.02.90

8.2. All work related to approaching energized and unshielded parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m should be carried out with the voltage removed from the contact network, overhead lines and related devices and their grounding.

13.5. The layout of the old links for dismantling by hand should be carried out to a height of no more than four tiers. Embroidered rails must be removed with a crane. Old-time sleepers are stacked in a stack no more than 5 m high.

13.12. Reinforced concrete sleepers are stacked in horizontal rows. The height of the tape stack of wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers should be no more than 5 m.

13.13. The rails are stacked on the sole in a pyramidal stack no more than 2 m high. Each upper row of the stack should be two rails less in number of rails (one from each edge).

2. Safety requirements for production equipment

GOST 12.2.003-91. SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements.

2.1.4. The design of production equipment should exclude the fall or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricating, cooling and other working fluids.

2.1.5. Moving parts of production equipment, which are a possible source of injury, must be fenced or located so that it is impossible for the worker to touch them or other means (for example, two-hand control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards, then the design of production equipment should provide for an alarm warning about the start of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

In the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of the operator's field of vision, emergency stop (braking) controls should be installed if workers can be in the danger zone created by moving parts.

2.3.1. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to a violation by the worker (workers) of the sequence of control actions.

There should be inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information on the required sequence of control actions at the workplaces.

2.3.2. The control system of production equipment should include means of emergency braking and emergency stop (switching off), if their use can reduce or prevent danger.

2.3.10. The emergency stop control, after switching on, must remain in the position corresponding to the stop until it is returned to its original position in operation; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red in color, different in shape and size from other controls.

2.4.8. The design of the protective fence should:

2) allow the possibility of its movement from a position that provides protection for the worker, only with the help of a tool, or block the operation of production equipment if the protective fence is in a position that does not ensure the performance of its protective functions; +

2.5.5. Production equipment and its parts, the movement of which is provided for by hand, must be equipped with devices (for example, handles) for moving or be shaped for easy grip by hand.

GOST 12.2.062-81 (ST SEV 2606-80). SSBT. Production equipment. Protections are protective.

5. Folding, sliding and removable guards in a protective position must be kept from spontaneous movement. Guards that open upwards must be locked in the open position.

10. The protective function of the fence should not decrease under the influence of production factors (for example, vibration, temperature, etc.).

12. Guards that prevent access to equipment items that require special attention or are specially stipulated must have an automatic lock that ensures the operation of the equipment only when the guard is in the protective position.

16. Guardrails that need to be manually opened, removed, moved or installed several times during one shift must have appropriate devices (handles, brackets, etc.).

17. A fence that is periodically opened manually must be painted on the inside in a signal color in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76. A warning sign is applied or attached to the outer side of the fence.

GOST (IEC 745-1-82). SSBT. Machines manual electric. General safety requirements and test methods.

7.1. Each machine must bear the following information:

rated voltage or range of rated voltages in volts;

conventional designation of the type of current, if necessary; ...

rated power input in watts or kilowatts if it exceeds 25 W, or rated current in amperes;

7.7. Terminals intended only for the neutral conductor must be marked with the letter N.

Protective earth terminals must be marked with a sign.

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were not written off. Try to wait a few minutes and repeat the payment again.

I APPROVE Head "_________________" _________________ (____________) "___" ___________________ ____ M.P.

JOB INSTRUCTION for track fitter of the 3rd category (for organizations performing construction, installation and repair and construction work)


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the track fitter of the 3rd category "______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. The track fitter of the 3rd category is appointed to the post and dismissed from the post in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The track fitter of the 3rd category reports directly to _____________.

1.4. A person with ________ is appointed to the position of track fitter of the 3rd category professional education and work experience in the specialty ____ years (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. The fitter of the track of the 3rd category must know:

All kinds of materials for the device of the superstructure of the way;

Rules for regulating the position of track superstructure structures (except for high-speed sections and sections on a reinforced concrete base);

Methods and techniques for performing work using hand-held electrified and pneumatic tools general purpose and hydraulic devices;

Methods and techniques for performing work in the construction of a subgrade using hand tools and devices.

1.6. In his activities, the track fitter of the 3rd category is guided by:

Normative acts on the issues of the work performed;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the Organization, immediate supervisor;

This job description;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a track fitter of the 3rd category, his duties are assigned to ____________________.


The track fitter of the 3rd category performs the execution simple jobs on installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the upper structure of the track and ground lines of the subway.

Example types of work:

Dismantling of anti-theft devices and ducts of the subway contact rail.

Reinforcement of butt, terminal and embedded bolts.

Manual lubrication of terminal and embedded bolts.

Loading, unloading and laying out sleepers, beams, rails, links of rail-sleeper grids and turnouts with the help of cranes.

Laying sleepers according to the diagram.

Drilling holes in sleepers with power tools.

Single replacement of rail-sleeper elements.

Ballast unloading from gondola cars.

Adjustment of rail gaps with hydraulic spreaders.

Adjustment of the rail-sleeper grating in terms of hydraulic straightening devices.

Measurement and straightening of rail threads by gauge and level.

Installation of twin sleepers, rail joints and beams.

Finishing the ballast prism.

Fastening bolts.

Dobivka crutches on the stage.

Sleeper repair on the way.

The device of slots and slag pillows.

Ballast replacement below the sole of the sleepers.

Laying links on the subgrade with the help of track layers.

Maintenance of the sleeper of the link assembly line.


The track fitter of the 3rd category has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the Organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization relating to its activities.

3.3. Make proposals to the head of the Organization and the immediate supervisor on issues of their activities.

3.4. Receive official information necessary for the performance of their duties.


The track fitter of the 3rd category is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage- in accordance with applicable law.


5.1. The mode of work of a track fitter of the 3rd category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the track fitter of the 3rd category is obliged to travel to business trips(including local importance).

_________________________________ _____________ ______________________________ (position of the person who developed (signature) (full name) instruction) "___" ___ ___ AGREED: Head of the legal department (legal adviser) ____________ _______________________________ (signature) (full name) " ___ "__________ ___ I am familiar with the instructions: _____________ ____________________ (signature) (full name) "___" __________ ___

\Typical job description of a track fitter of the 3rd category

Job description of the 3rd category track fitter

Job title: Tier 3 track fitter
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The track fitter of the 3rd category is directly subordinate to .........................
  • Level 3 track fitter follows instructions ............................................... ..........

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • The track fitter of the 3rd category replaces .............................................. ......................................
  • Replaces 3rd class track fitter .............................................. ....................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The track fitter is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • all kinds of materials for the device of the superstructure of the track
  • standards for the maintenance of tracks with wooden sleepers
  • rules for regulating the position of track superstructure structures (except for high-speed sections and sections on a reinforced concrete base)
  • methods and techniques for performing work using hand-held electrified and pneumatic general-purpose tools and hydraulic devices
  • rules for the maintenance of hydraulic devices
  • methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of a subgrade using hand tools and devices.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Performing simple work on the installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the upper structure of the track and underground underground lines.
page 1 Job description Track assembler
page 2 Job description Track fitter

4. Rights

  • The track fitter has the right to give instructions to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The path maker has the right to control the execution production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The path maker has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it.
  • The track fitter has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The track fitter has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The track fitter has the right to propose to the manager for consideration proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The track fitter has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The track fitter has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The track fitter is responsible for the improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The track fitter is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissing him from his position, the track fitter is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The track fitter is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The track fitter is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The track fitter is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and instructions for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The track fitter is responsible for compliance with the internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural

Name of the organization I APPROVE THE WORKING INSTRUCTION Name of the position of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date FOR THE INSTALLER OF THE PATH (3rd DIFFERENT)


1. The track fitter is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon submission of __________________________________.

2. The track fitter is subordinate to ___________________________________________.

3. In his activities, the track fitter is guided by:

the charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This work instruction.

4. The path fitter must know:

Types and properties of materials for the device of the upper structure of the railway track;

Rules for regulating the position of track superstructure structures (except for high-speed sections and sections on a reinforced concrete base);

Methods for performing work using manual electric and pneumatic general-purpose tools and hydraulic devices;

Methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of a subgrade using hand tools and devices;

Ways of slinging rails, packs of sleepers, beams.


5. The track fitter is instructed to:

5.1. Dismantling of anti-theft devices and ducts of the subway contact rail.

5.2. Reinforcement of butt, terminal and embedded bolts.

5.3. Manual lubrication of terminal and embedded bolts.

5.4. Loading, unloading and laying out sleepers, beams, rails, links of rail-sleeper grids and turnouts with the help of cranes.

5.5. Laying sleepers according to the diagram.

5.6. Drilling holes in sleepers with power tools.

5.7. Single replacement of rail-sleeper elements.

5.8. Unloading sleepers and ballast from gondola cars.

5.9. Adjustment of rail gaps with hydraulic spreaders and rail-sleeper grid in terms of hydraulic straightening devices.

5.10. Measurement and straightening of rail threads by gauge and level.

5.11. Installation and dismantling of twin sleepers, rail joints, turnouts and beams.

5.12. Finishing the ballast prism.

5.13. Fastening bolts.

5.14. Dobivka crutches on hauls and stations.

5.15. Sleeper repair on the way.

5.16. The device of slots and slag pillows.

5.17. Ballast replacement below the sole of the sleepers.

5.18. Laying links on the subgrade with the help of track layers.

5.19. Maintenance of the sleeper of the link assembly line.

5.20. The current content of railroad switches.


6. The track fitter has the right to:

6.1. Require periodic safety briefings.

6.2. Have the necessary instructions, tools, individual funds protection and require the administration to provide them.

6.3. Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations and the collective agreement.

6.4. Make suggestions for improving the technology of work.

6.5. ________________________________________________________________. (other rights, taking into account the specifics of the organization)


7. The track fitter is responsible for:

7.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural subdivision _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the work instruction _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature _______________________ Date

I APPROVE Head "_________________" _________________ (____________) "___" ___________________ ____ M.P.


fitter of the track of the 2nd category

(for organizations performing construction, installation

and renovation works)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the track fitter of the 2nd category "_______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. The track fitter of the 2nd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The track fitter of the 2nd category reports directly to _____________.

1.4. A person with ________ vocational education and ____ years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of track fitter of the 2nd category (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. The fitter of the track of the 2nd category must know:

Way signs and signals;

Types of basic materials for the device of the superstructure of the track;

General data on the arrangement of the superstructure of the track and subgrade and General requirements for their operation;

Methods and techniques for performing simple work on the installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures;

Name of the main elements of the upper structure of the track and subgrade;

Standard instructions for labor protection.

1.6. In his activities, the track fitter of the 2nd category is guided by:

Normative acts on the issues of the work performed;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the Organization, immediate supervisor;

this job description;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the track fitter of the 2nd category, his duties are assigned to _____________.


The track fitter of the 2nd category performs the simplest work on the installation, dismantling and repair of the superstructure structures of the track and underground underground lines.

Example types of work:

Ballast filling in sleeper boxes.

Removal of weeds from under the sole of the rail.

Branding of wooden sleepers.

Painting of track and signal signs, reinforced concrete and wooden posts at the crossing.

Stacking old sleepers.

Numbering of rail links.

Wrapping and unscrewing bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench.

Complete set of terminals with terminal bolts and washers.

Dismantling of rail joints. Removal and installation of snow protection shields.

Driving stakes when staking and leveling lines.

Loading, transporting and unloading fasteners.

Clearing the path from snow by hand.

Laying out sleepers and fasteners by hand.

Antiseptic sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and snow protection fence on the stretch. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches, rails on the stage and lubricating them.

Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the sole of the sleepers.


The track fitter of the 2nd category has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the Organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization relating to its activities.

3.3. Make proposals to the head of the Organization and the immediate supervisor on issues of their activities.

3.4. Receive official information necessary for the performance of their duties.


The track fitter of the 2nd category is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description, in accordance with applicable labor laws.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.


5.1. The mode of work of a track fitter of the 2nd category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, a track fitter of the 2nd category is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

_________________________________ _____________ ______________________________ (position of the person who developed (signature) (full name) instruction)

"___"__________ ___ G.


Head of the legal department (legal adviser) ____________ _______________________________ (signature) (full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

Acquainted with the instruction: _____________ ____________________ (signature) (full name)