In-demand specialists in 10 years. Does Russia need economists and managers? Demand for professions in the labor market. Guys should also take a closer look at professions

  • 22.11.2023

Have you noticed that people are constantly trying to imagine the future? At least the closest one? Experts and science fiction writers ten to fifteen years ago argued that the world in our 2016 would look completely different from how it turned out in reality. Where are the promised nanotechnology in every home, affordable space travel, artificial intelligence and the penetration of the global network into every coffee maker? It is clear that past forecasts about who will create all this and what professions will be in demand in 5 years turned out to be too optimistic.

On the other hand, five years is exactly the time during which people receive higher education and determine their future for the next ten to fifteen years. Why so few? Yes, because periodic changes of profession, retraining and additional training are already becoming a tradition. As for the general directions of the labor market, it is already clear that:

  • The Internet is becoming a universal tool in any business transaction. Employees who do not know how to use the network are doomed to low-paying jobs - if they find one at all;
  • Subspecialists are less popular than people with knowledge in several related fields;
  • Working from home via the network allows you to save a lot of money for both employees and employers. Why maintain a huge office if 80% of the staff are freelancers?

In an effort to determine which professions will be in demand in 2020 and beyond, we will take into account the mistakes of past experts and be more conservative: it is unlikely that such classic professions as a doctor, marketer or builder will disappear from our lives. The unchanging leaders of the last decade open our review:

Information technology specialists

We are hardly talking about programmers in the classical sense. Mobile devices, the Internet of Things, cloud services and distributed computing will most actively drive demand next year. Specialists who know how to maintain and configure these tools, as well as coordinate work in related fields (economics, medicine, biology, manufacturing) will successfully find a job. Therefore, the most popular professions in Russia, which will only become more popular in 2019, are:
  • Developers and installers of ERP and production automation systems;
  • Web developers (coders, designers, layout designers, creators of client and server applications);
  • System administrators and testers;
  • Developers of online trading and payment systems;
  • Developers of mobile applications (applied and entertainment).


Since eternal life and absolute health are not yet a threat to us, a drop in demand for doctors cannot be expected in the next three to four decades. However, human life expectancy in civilized countries has reached an average of 70–80 years, which means that people are looking for better treatment for age-related diseases, and the demand for gerontologists is increasing. Representatives of those professions that are now in demand in Russia include highly qualified specialists and general practitioners who will find themselves as family doctors. Of course, all professions related to medicine will not be left without attention - nutritionists, nurses, orthopedists, nannies; Let us separately note the specialists in the development of new drugs - pharmacologists.

Expected popular professions in medicine:

  • Dentist and dental prosthetics specialist;
  • Pediatrician and neonatologist;
  • Surgeon, including plastic;
  • Gynecologist and urologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Endocrinologist and allergist.


It is incorrect to say that every graduate lawyer will immediately find a job with a good compensation package, but this area is perfectly suited for building a career. Now lawsuits are becoming a frequent way of resolving disputes - both among enterprises and individuals, and having your own lawyer, from a luxury, is gradually turning into a first necessity - because the relationship between the system, enterprises and citizens in those rule-of-law states that are now trying to build throughout the world are governed solely by the letter of the law.

You will be able to try your hand at the following professions:

  • Lawyer in civil or criminal cases;
  • Legal Advisor;
  • Private notary;
  • An auditor with knowledge of law and the tax system.

Advertising and sales

The demand for good specialists who know how to advertise and sell anything (products or services) only increases with increasing competition. It is advisable that the employee has an idea not only of classic sales channels, but also has a good understanding of network tools: consumers more often refuse television, newspapers and radio in favor of obtaining information via the Internet. However, a sector such as FMCG invariably needs classical methods of stimulating trade, and a direct sales agent will continue to belong to the very professions that have been in demand in Russia recently.

A specialist who knows how to work with the target audience and promote a product will find a place for himself as:

  • An advertising manager who can plan and implement large-scale campaigns;
  • Public relations specialist (Public relations - PR). The company's image is the same product, but it is sold in similar ways;
  • Specialist in SMM and new media spaces. With the current popularity of social networks, not using them to promote a product is simply a crime;
  • Internet marketer and e-commerce specialist. At the moment, this niche is empty and is rapidly filling;
  • Sales representative for work with VIP clients (national and international networks).

Economic sphere

Money and banks have existed for thousands of years and are unlikely to disappear in the next centuries. But as the concept of borders between countries becomes increasingly blurred, and business becomes global, future economists must adjust their specialization towards export-import operations. In addition: pay attention to the flow of money created by credit transactions and the desire of people to invest. Open access to the Forex trading system, securities, stock exchanges and various instruments in the form of PAMM accounts and mutual funds requires the emergence of the most in-demand professions, which are already popular in the West among capital owners: investment advisors and personal financial consultants.

You can try yourself in the role of:

  1. Credit expert;
  2. Financial and market analyst;
  3. Logistician with a focus on export operations;
  4. Investment consultant.

Technical specialties

Widespread replacement of humans by robots will definitely not happen in the near future, but representatives of those blue-collar professions that are in demand in the labor market now, and even with experience in setting up automatic lines, will definitely be in demand. In addition, we are now seeing a so-called “personnel pit”, when old workers retire, but there is no flow of new ones - everyone has suddenly become “successful managers”.

It will be easy enough to find a job:

  1. Chefs and food technologists;
  2. Drivers;
  3. Welders on any equipment;
  4. Installers;
  5. Metalworking specialists;
  6. Repairmen and production process automation specialists;
  7. Electricians and electronic engineers;
  8. Specialists in automatic control systems and instrumentation;
  9. Construction professionals - masons, plasterers, concrete workers.

Tourism and entertainment

The opening of borders after the end of confrontation with the Western world, freedom of movement and the gradual introduction of visa-free regimes will lead to the fact that professions will be in demand, which in 2019, one way or another, will be related to entertainment. Even now you can visit any corner of the planet, from New Zealand to Norway - just contact a more or less large operator. But organizing a tourist trip, establishing connections and organizing the whole process is no longer easy - this is a job for tourism managers. When the political and economic crises end (and they will inevitably end), the flow of people will increase many times over - people will want to see something unusual, visit exotic places and receive decent service there.

They will be helped with this:

  • Tourism managers;
  • Hotel business specialists;
  • Maids, animators, hotel managers;
  • Specialists in organizing wellness holidays.

Preference for men

Dangerous and physically difficult work will invariably remain the responsibility of the stronger sex. The need for determination, courage and resistance to stress makes it difficult for women to adapt to such specializations as firefighters, rescuers, pilots, military personnel, miners and oil workers - and these are precisely the professions that are in demand in Russia for men. At the same time, a man will not refuse a more relaxed, highly paid job - however, the requirements for candidates can be very high: having several educations, knowledge of two or three foreign languages ​​and more specific knowledge. For example, a traditionally masculine profession is considered to be an architect-builder.

Even now, when everyone is talking about the recession, crisis and lack of funds, the design and construction of residential complexes, shopping and entertainment centers, hotels and industrial workshops continues at full speed. Imagine what kind of rise will begin the moment the situation stabilizes? The work of architects and design engineers will be more than highly appreciated. In addition, competent specialists will receive orders from any country and continent. Build a pipeline in Argentina or a hotel in Thailand? Why not? In addition, the urban boom requires careful planning of urban infrastructure, construction of roads and bridges, design of energy-independent housing - so architects will not be left without work, and construction is undoubtedly one of the professions that are in demand in Russia in 2019.

Engineer is not an exclusively male profession, but still the proportion of specialists - representatives of the stronger sex - remains high, especially in such areas as metallurgy, automotive production, nuclear energy, aircraft construction, mining and surveying. We can only hope that the work of qualified specialists will be appreciated in the coming years, which is very likely: young people are more willing to study economics and humanities, and engineers, graduates of Soviet universities, are gradually retiring.

A risk assessment manager is a representative of a new profession that has only been in demand in Russia in recent years. Most of all, the application of his knowledge is required in the banking and insurance sectors. Large production also requires its own risk manager - operating in unstable market conditions, the enterprise constantly needs to predict and assess unforeseen and undesirable consequences. It is now possible to study to become a risk manager in only three universities in Russia, but this alone is unlikely to be enough: such a specialist must have a special analytical mind, knowledge of economics, mathematical statistics and programming. Two or even three higher educations are the required minimum in this profession.

Work for women

Despite the fact that the list of professions that are in demand in Russia for women has not changed, there is a gradual penetration of the fair sex into areas that were previously considered exclusively male. A female programmer, system administrator or female driver no longer surprises anyone, and design, from a male occupation, in general, is moving into an entirely female area. Let’s say that professions such as flight attendant, conductor, salesman or waiter do not require higher education. But a secretary-assistant is required to have at least knowledge of office work and foreign languages, while a cosmetologist and designer also require artistic taste.

Stylist, hairdresser or cosmetologist are good professions for using female talents. Physically, they are not very difficult, they require precision of movements, a sense of beauty, that is, those qualities with which men have problems. To remain a sought-after specialist, a woman will have to constantly master new products in the beauty industry and take additional courses, but such diligence will undoubtedly be rewarded by grateful clients.

Psychology is a science in which women understand much better than men. The role of psychology in society is so high that even large companies hire a full-time psychologist to resolve conflicts in the team. A separate area is child psychologists working in schools and kindergartens, including private ones.

Designer of clothing, accessories, interiors and furniture is another group of professions that are in demand in Russia for girls. The dream of many of them is to realize themselves and reach the international level, and where else can they so successfully combine a good income with an enjoyable business? Demand is expected both for full-time designers for large studios or productions, and for “freelance artists” with private practice.

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Looking to the future

We've sorted out the immediate future, but what's next? Ten or fifteen years will pass and the world will be transformed. Is it as much as it has changed since the year 2000? Stronger? If it were not for restraining economic factors, you and I would have long ago flown on vacation to Mars, drawn energy directly from the Sun and lived for a hundred years in houses with artificial intelligence. However, the direction of human development allows us to make forecasts for the next decade and roughly determine which professions will be in demand in 10 years.

Experts have long said that hydrocarbon reserves are not endless. The rate of extraction of oil reserves is only increasing, which means that specialists in alternative energy will soon be needed. Someone will have to build all these geothermal, tidal and solar power plants, develop fundamentally different types of transport and solve the problem of energy consumption that has increased with the increase in population. By 2020, at least a third of energy should be obtained from non-oil and gas sources.

As for nanotechnology, the boom planned for our time did not happen. However, the direction still remains promising, developments are underway - and one day they will become public knowledge, and this will cause a real revolution in the production of new materials, medicine, computing systems and robotics. At this moment, hundreds and thousands of specialists will be needed to develop and implement innovations not only in science, but also in everyday life.

We assume that this will cause a qualitative leap in a person’s lifestyle. Medicine, combined with nanotechnology, can give rise to a completely new industry - bioengineering. The production of artificial organs, implantation and tissue regeneration will be possible thanks to specialists with knowledge at the intersection of two or more fields.

Hello, dear readers! I am very glad to see you!

In previous articles, we began to talk about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most in-demand and highly paid professions today (article). From this article you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be in demand as a specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped from the industrial era into the post-industrial (or digital, information) era. A new technological revolution has occurred. High technologies are changing the needs of humanity at an extremely fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial era became unclaimed. They have been replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

We can answer this question easily by noticing the trend of a shortage of specialists in the labor market at the intersection of specialties. Analysts from recruiting companies talk about the shortage of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company a business analyst and a systems analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of specialists working at the intersection of professions. So, increasingly, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require the following skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain throughout your life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Willingness to move cross-culturally (willingness to work in different countries due to globalization)
  • Knowledge of the basics of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to self-learn, because technology development will be rapid
  • Have a soft skill (think softly, positively, patiently, kindly achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to Sparks & Honey, an American research company

The research company's report has left many parents wondering if they are giving their children the right knowledge. More than 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade do not yet exist!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • Productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Alternative currency traders
  • Managing social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • Virtual reality architects
  • Drone management managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D printer specialists

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read In this article .

Amazingly, many of these professions of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch a story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years, according to Forbes magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbes - are professions at the intersection of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composites engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, including in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Builder of smart roads. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs “smart” road surfaces using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs “smart” signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Intellectual Property Appraiser. Engaged in assessing the value of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates interaction between investors and authors of projects.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular nutritionist. Engaged in the development of individual nutrition plans in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of a person’s genotype.
  9. Genetic consultant. Conducts genetic analysis to provide conclusions and recommendations for treatment regimens.
  10. City farmer. He is engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. Healthy Aging Consultant. Creates optimal sets of physical activity for older people, recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition.
  13. Foreman-watcher. Construction consultant evaluates and adjusts construction progress using digital building designs.
  14. Eco-evangelist. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Specialist in overcoming environmental disasters. Deals with the prevention of disasters that can be realized by people gradually: environmental pollution around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Designs software for diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, creates databases of physiological indicators of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and cosmogeologist. The cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A cosmogeologist is engaged in mining minerals on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technology solutions that make homes and offices responsive to user needs.
  19. Network lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, and resolves issues related to the protection of virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in servicing electric vehicle filling stations.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in designing layouts and structures, selecting optimal components for printing them.
  24. Mining systems engineer. Controls the entire development of fields, from prospecting and exploration to field closure.
  25. Digital linguist. Engaged in the development of new communication interfaces between computers and humans, processing text information (semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can get (basic) knowledge in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbes magazine, Russia analyzed modern educational institutions where one can obtain knowledge for these professions of the future. You will find a list of educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future in this article from Forbes magazine, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company Fast Future?

“Fast Future” presented a scientific report with sensational data on the professions of the future:

  1. Nano-medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with genetic technologies
  4. Memory Augmentation Surgeon
  5. Consultant for older people
  6. Scientific ethics expert
  7. Space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. Weather police
  11. Quarantine Specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Alternative transport developer
  15. Address broadcast specialist
  16. Data and information recycler
  17. Virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. Social worker of social networks
  20. Personal brand manager

Are you interested in the description of each of these mysterious professions of the future? You can find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly relearn. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times You must choose a profession according to your liking and calling. Then your whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession based on your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession you like!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.2 Write your questions and thoughts in the comments.

P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Stay up to date with the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and your children!

Every school graduate sooner or later faces the question of what to do next. Of course, we do not take into account the lucky ones who, from an early age, demonstrate a talent for this or that activity or science, because for them life is simply unthinkable without what they love. Most modern applicants, when entering a university, choose professions such as lawyer or economist. Undoubtedly, having mastered these specialties, you can count on a successful career. However, you should also be prepared for the fact that due to the fact that these professions are very popular today, when looking for a job you will certainly face very high competition. Moreover, over time this situation will only worsen. Therefore, we propose today to analyze the research of specialists and find out which professions will be in demand in 5 years.

Sphere of Marketing and Management

Due to the fact that the life of a modern person is completely permeated with a wide variety of advertising (billboards on the streets, commercials on television and radio, banners on the Internet, leaflets and posters in stores and even entrances, layouts in the press, etc.), the market is constantly will need appropriate specialists. Therefore, the list of the most in-demand professions in the near future primarily includes workers in the field of marketing and advertising. In today's market conditions, trading companies, as well as service firms, require a variety of employees. Recruitment agencies annually note an increase in demand for a lot of professions in this field: from ordinary salespeople to chief marketers. Moreover, today we need not only people who can sell goods efficiently on the spot, as well as competently organize all work processes, but also specialists who know how to profitably present a particular product or service to a potential consumer, thereby encouraging him to make a purchase.

Programmer - the profession of the future

Recently, the field of computer technology has been developing at a truly incredible pace. In this regard, answering the question: “What professions will be in demand in 5 years?”, we can say with confidence that programmers, system administrators and other specialists who understand modern computers will be needed. People involved in software development and information security will also be very popular. In addition, in-demand professions in the future will include specialties related to the creation and support of Internet sites: these are designers, developers, content managers, etc. It should be noted that the field of IT technologies is developing at such a fast pace that that some already popular specialties have not yet even begun to be taught in universities. Therefore, in order to succeed in this business, you should always be, as they say, in the trend, sometimes independently acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience.

Economists and financiers

Despite the fact that today there is a lot of talk about the overabundance of young specialists in this field, as a result of which they face great competition and are sometimes forced to look for work outside their specialty, true professionals in this field have always been and will be in demand. After all, it’s worth at least analyzing the situation in almost any city in our country. Just a few years ago, we could not even imagine that we would be surrounded by so many banks and other financial institutions. Moreover, every year the number of these organizations is steadily growing, and the population is offered more and more new banking services and products. In this regard, these institutions are constantly in need of true professionals in their field. Speaking about what professions will be in demand in 5 years specifically in the field of finance and economics, we can name such specialties as financial analyst, credit expert, accountant and manager.

Doctors and teachers

Undoubtedly, such necessary professions as doctors, nurses, etc. will always be in demand in any country. However, the absolute disadvantage of these specialties in our country is the rather low level of wages. Nevertheless, if you feel a calling to medicine or pedagogy, then you can count on success, which will be expressed not only in the recognition of colleagues, but also in monetary terms. So, having become, for example, a famous doctor in one field or another, it is quite possible to open your own medical center. A talented teacher can always found his own or development center.

Construction sector

It is safe to say that representatives of the most diverse will always be in demand. Indeed, today both large and small cities are developing rapidly, and therefore new buildings and structures are constantly being erected. Residential complexes, shopping centers are being built, architectural monuments are being reconstructed, etc. The professions in demand in the future in this area are practically no different from modern realities: these are engineers, designers, foremen and workers in a wide variety of construction specialties.

Hotel and tourism business

Despite the fact that the tourism business in our country is not developed to the same extent as in some other countries, specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand among employers every year. Indeed, today many companies cooperate with foreign partners who often visit local offices and, accordingly, need accommodation, as well as an excursion program. Thus, professional administrators who know how to efficiently organize the work of an entire institution (for example, a hotel) are in particular demand today. I would like to note that a mandatory requirement for specialists in this industry is fluency in English.

Working specialties

Due to the fact that today blue-collar professions have very low popularity among applicants, every year a wide variety of industries face an increasing shortage of these specialists. In this regard, applicants for such vacancies face virtually no competition and are in great demand among employers. The undoubted disadvantages of blue-collar professions include low wages and, as a rule, not the most comfortable working conditions. However, you should not give up on such specialties in advance. After all, a true professional in his field always has the opportunity to count on decent wages and career advancement, especially in conditions of a shortage of such workers.

New specialties that will be in demand in the near future

Since technology is developing at a very rapid pace, today there is the emergence of completely new professions that no one could even imagine a few years ago. Thus, we can say with confidence that in five years there will be a steady demand among employers for specialists in the field of innovative technologies. For example, some educational institutions have already begun to train professionals in the field of nanomedicine.

So, we found out which professions will be in demand in the labor market in 5 years. In short, these are financiers and economists, doctors and teachers, builders, hotel and tourism specialists, workers, as well as professionals in the field of nanotechnology. Now we invite you to find out which areas of activity are most in demand for male and female representatives.

for men

For representatives of the stronger half of humanity in the next 5-7 years, the following specialties will be especially promising: engineer, IT specialist, financier, physician, ecologist and builder. It should be noted that all this is of the future. Therefore, by investing in your education today, you can confidently expect a decent return in a few years.

The most in-demand professions for women

Today, the most popular and in-demand professions for representatives of the fair half of humanity are the following: manager, accountant, administrator, executive assistant, lawyer, sales representative, secretary, marketer, dispatcher and realtor. According to employees of recruitment agencies, this situation is unlikely to change in the next few years.

Analysis of the labor market in Russia for 2014–2019. shows that its structure is gradually changing. Jobs that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant. In particular, these are IT specialists, freelancers in various fields, roboticists, HR specialists, recruiters, etc.

In 2019, vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant.

But in 2019, the situation in the Russian Federation changed, which is associated with the gradual stabilization of the economy, labor market, trade and financial spheres.

The state of the labor market and the level of employment of the population during 2018-2019 are influenced by the following factors:

  1. War in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Sanctions that Western countries and the United States imposed against Russia.
  3. Annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its inclusion in the all-Russian economic system.
  4. Rising prices for food, services, and utility bills.
  5. High level of inflation, which remains stably high.
  6. Demographic crisis.
  7. Low standard of living of the population and differentiation of society into rich and poor.
  8. The transition of the economy into a phase of stagnation.
  9. High unemployment rate.

In addition, the state of the labor market in Russia is influenced by events in the international arena. Changing conditions in the system of international relations, foreign economic relations, the introduction of new technologies, automation and robotization directly affect the level of employment of Russians, incomes and wages.

Professions in demand among job seekers in 2019

As a result, the Russian labor market is characterized by the following features:

  1. There is differentiation by region.
  2. There is a so-called gray economy sector. More than 40% of workers work in the “shadow”, without official registration.
  3. There is a slow process of replacing ineffective specialties with effective ones.
  4. Legislation has not been adapted to new labor market conditions.

Labor market in Russia in 2016–2019: trends

Research regularly conducted by experts and analysts shows that 25% of Russians in the fall of 2015 considered the economic situation in the Russian Federation to be difficult and unstable. The same number of citizens are of the opinion that there are positive changes. More than half of the Russian population believes that no changes are taking place in the labor market.

Research also shows that Russian citizens are concerned about finding a job. Their opinions (in percentage) are expressed as follows:

  • 12 - the search for a new job will be difficult and fruitless.
  • 30 - the new place of work will be worse, including in terms of salary.
  • 25 - if the employer fires you, it will not be difficult to find a job again.
  • 31 - there will be work, you just need to put in a little effort to get a positive result.

During 2016–2019, the economic system and labor market were characterized by crisis phenomena, which either deepened or stabilized. A certain stagnation occurred in 2015, when the Russian labor market was constantly in need of the following specialists:

  • marketers;
  • accountants;
  • financiers;
  • auditors;
  • economists;
  • programmers;
  • IT people.

Unemployment rate in Russia compared to other countries

The demand for agricultural workers and qualified specialists for factories, factories, and companies has again emerged. Travel companies and firms began to recruit employees as domestic tourism intensified.

At the same time, there were more vacancies in some regions than there were people looking for work.

The end of 2018 is the period when the number of layoffs reached its maximum. This trend continued at the beginning of 2019, but then the situation began to change. Many companies have begun to plan a gradual expansion of their workforce. First of all, vacancies appeared in the following areas:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Financial organizations.
  3. The media, including electronic ones.
  4. Medical field.
  5. Pharmacology.

In 2019, when the situation on the labor market began to level out, the number of vacancies gradually increased. Engineers, technicians, and blue-collar workers were considered in demand. There is a constant shortage of qualified personnel at enterprises and factories, so employers sign agreements with universities, colleges and technical schools.

Professions in demand among employers in 2019

Employers are actively involved in the process of retraining and upgrading the skills of their employees. For this purpose, special trainings were conducted on career growth, mastering new work methods, including using a computer.

Employment level in 2019

Official statistics said that in 2019 the number of working-age citizens of the Russian Federation was almost 76 million people, which is 52% of all residents of Russia. At the same time, the unemployment rate reached 5.8% (4.4 million people) at that time. Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 3.4%.

Simultaneously with the increase in unemployment, there was a reduction in household income and wage levels. Many enterprises have owed wages to their employees since 2019.

The situation in the country developed differently:

  1. Moscow and Moscow region. The labor market and economic situation were almost unaffected by sanctions, political influence, and inflation.
  2. Siberia, Ural, North Caucasus, Far East. There are no problems with employment, since many workers work without official registration or create their own business, working for themselves.

Current vacancies in 2016–2019

Despite massive layoffs in 2016 – early 2019, there has been an increase in the number of vacancies that a few years ago were considered unclaimed, unpromising, and unnecessary.

First of all, there was a massive demand for specialists who switched to a remote work schedule. This is very beneficial for the employer, since you can hire a highly qualified person from another city or even region. At the same time, there is no need to pay for renting premises, look for equipment, or an office.

Number of resumes for vacancies in various fields

The top professions that were in demand at the end of 2016 – beginning of 2019 included:

  • Workers of factories and industrial enterprises: welders of various directions, electricians, milling operators.
  • Engineers. Specialists who could work in another related field were especially valued.
  • Programmers.
  • , nurses, orderlies.
  • Sales specialists.
  • Drivers.
  • Logisticians.
  • Call center operators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Assistant managers.

The agricultural and production market began to gradually emerge from the crisis; workers were needed to participate in import and export programs. In this regard, enterprise managers modernized production, where there is a constant shortage of tractor and truck drivers, toolmakers, and machine operators, including those who can work on CNC machines.

Features of Russian unemployment

Among the main problems of the labor market in Russia are unemployment and improper use of labor. There are several types of unemployment in the country:

  • regional;
  • structural;
  • friction;
  • latent.

Regional unemployment is most widespread. It is getting worse due to the fact that in the regions there is a lack of timely payment of wages. Unemployment is characterized by heterogeneity and strong differentiation by industries, areas of employment and territories.

How does the unemployment rate differ in different regions of Russia?

The results of regional unemployment are:

  • Deterioration of economic indicators.
  • Social tension.
  • Separation of regions from the center.
  • Development of crime.
  • The emergence of regional conflicts.

Latent unemployment is very dangerous for the labor market and the employed population, since it delays the transition to a market economy in Russia. Many countries around the world are going through such a transition period, but in the Russian Federation the process has been delayed. This prevents workers from getting used to new working conditions and the mobility of specialists from one industry to another, and becomes an obstacle to employment centers registering the officially unemployed.

Latent unemployment provokes delays in wages, the amount of which does not increase. At the same time, there is a decline in people’s living standards and increasing differentiation of society.

Rosstat data for 2016–2019 show that unemployment is characterized by uneven distribution of unemployed people across regions. Detailed information is presented in the table.

Region of the Russian FederationMinimum indicatorsMaximum performance
Central Federal District3,2 %–5,8 % Moscow - 3.2%Ivanovo region - 5.8%
North Caucasus Federal District12,5 % Stavropol regionThe Republic of Ingushetia
Northwestern Federal District4,9 % Saint PetersburgNenets Autonomous Okrug
Southern Federal District6,8 % Krasnodar regionKalmykia
Volga Federal District5,2 % Samara RegionKirov region
Ural federal district5,9 % Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugKurgan region
Siberian Federal District7,5 % Tyva RepublicNovosibirsk region
Far Eastern Federal District6,3 % Magadan RegionJewish Autonomous Region

Thus, during 2014–2019. the unemployment rate by region did not exceed 12.5% ​​(maximum value). The data suggests that the number of unemployed people in individual regions is approximately the same: on average, from five to 7.5% of Russians are unemployed.

Labor market in 2019–2019

The formation of modern labor relations and the formation of the labor market in Russia after overcoming the crisis continues. In 2018 and 2019, analysts, first of all, note the imbalance in employment of the population and the lack of a structure for the distribution of labor resources.

In this case, experts pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • There is a shortage of workers and specialists in industries that require graduates of technical universities, colleges and technical schools.
  • Unemployment continues to rise.
  • An employee with high qualifications and professional training is valued, which has a positive effect on increasing the number of young people who go to study.
  • Employees with high-quality knowledge and practical skills will come to work. But for this, employers will have to adapt to the new realities of the labor market: the duration of training increases, and active work begins much later.
  • Employees have the opportunity to seek employment that will fully correspond to their qualifications and wishes.
  • Company managers and entrepreneurs are no longer striving to make quick profits, but sustainable income, which has a positive effect on firms and enterprises in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Activation of processes for robotization and automation of production, companies, enterprises. At the same time, there is a large-scale introduction of digital technologies.
  • There is a merger of professions, a transition from one sphere of employment to another.
  • As before, there is an acute shortage of medical personnel: doctors, nurses, orderlies. This is especially felt in remote regions of the country, in rural areas and megacities.

In 2019, employment processes covered most regions of the country. For example, in January of this year, the number of unemployed (officially registered) decreased in 37 administrative regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the situation has not changed at all in the Chechen Republic, but the number of unemployed has increased in 47 constituent entities of the Federation. The main regions where there is an increase in unemployment include:

  • Republic of Tyva - by 9%.
  • - by 5.5%.
  • Omsk region - by 5%.
  • Ivanovo region - by 4.6%.
  • Tatarstan - by 4.2%.

So, at the beginning of 2019, the labor market in Russia continues to change. There are positive trends that are characterized by structural changes. But the lack of balance between the required and existing specialists prevents the economy from completely emerging from the state of stagnation.

This is reflected in unemployment, which is decreasing in some regions and increasing by several percent in others. This situation indicates that there is no mass unemployment in the Russian Federation; it is, as before, of a regional nature.

The labor market in 2019 is hampered by the following factors:

  • Age discrimination. Employers are reducing salaries for people who have crossed the retirement threshold or are close to it.
  • Discrimination based on work experience. Young specialists cannot receive a decent salary, since managers are not ready to pay people without experience as much as specialists with experience.
  • People don't want to work in budget organizations.
  • Reducing the number of employees through optimization while simultaneously assigning broader responsibilities to other employees.
  • Doctors, teachers, educators, instructors, salespeople, cashiers, and accountants are constantly at risk.

You always want to make the right decision so that you can subsequently find yourself on the labor market without any problems. Moreover, you need to think strategically for several years ahead, because obtaining an education, changing qualifications and acquiring new skills takes time.

The biggest difficulties arise if a person has no personal preferences. In such situations, it is customary to rely on market conditions, which is not entirely correct. After all, work should bring pleasure.

Popular and always needed specialties

There are professions that are in demand regardless of the historical period, fashion and other factors. These are the types of activities that help realize the social function of the state. These positions include:

  • doctors and health workers;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers and lecturers;
  • firefighters;
  • police officers;
  • workers employed in the housing and communal services sector.

The most in-demand professions are not always the ones that are highly paid. In recent years, government policy has been structured in such a way that people employed in these areas receive a decent income. Having made a choice in favor of such professions, there is no doubt that you will find a use in the labor market.

Latest trends

In order to make a decision about entering a particular profession, you can study the results of labor market research. Sociological data show that the TOP options among vacancies posted by employers include the following specialties:

  • Engineers and specialists in technical professions, which are usually needed for companies and organizations engaged in construction, high-tech types of production, and in industry. In recent years they have been the highest paid.
  • IT specialists, whose knowledge is needed to organize the work of offices, and to build an Internet business, and to promote the company.
  • Environmentalists and specialists in the field of labor protection. The state is increasing the requirements for conducting activities that may cause potential harm to the environment or the health of workers. In order to avoid paying huge fines and organize internal activities correctly, organizations need appropriate specialists. It is useful to know which enterprises in the city have already attracted young employees in order to understand whether it is worth retraining.
  • Teachers and kindergarten teachers. Basically, the low demand from applicants for these positions is associated with low wages. But few people know that when building a career in this system, you can quickly move to the next level. This will allow you to earn more than, for example, in trading. If we remember the pleasant bonus from the legislation on almost two months of paid annual leave, it becomes clear why such positions are increasingly in demand among young people.
  • Medical staff. These are far from highly paid positions, but they are necessary for organizing the treatment process. Such positions are suitable for those who do not have an education, who want to have social guarantees and do good deeds to a certain extent.
  • Chemists and physicists who can perform applied or fundamental tasks. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself. After all, fundamental research leads to the acquisition of completely new knowledge, which is then in demand in many fields of activity. Having such experience, a specialist can easily find employment in the market.
  • Logisticians who allow you to optimize warehouse space, transportation of goods and goods so that the organization receives higher profitability of its activities.

Specialties that are at risk of disappearing

Experts involved in studying the processes of the personnel market are making forecasts regarding which professions may soon disappear altogether. Even from the job classifier.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives does not see any point in focusing on the following positions in its forecasts:

  • Notaries, because most of the processes are being transferred online, and the distribution of digital signatures makes their activities irrelevant.
  • Postmen, who can be partially replaced by courier services. It is customary to write letters more via the Internet, so soon one will only be able to read about this profession or hear about it on excursions.
  • Cashiers. It is believed that their work functions will be able to be performed by computer systems, and the transition to bank cards will make it possible to do without such specialists. But you need to understand that this will not happen soon. After all, the share of those who like to pay in cash is still too high.
  • Printers and printing workers. The most unique specialists in the field of printing are forced to retrain due to the low demand for printed publications. The development of technology makes it possible to produce products with fewer employees. The abundance of online books has also led to the fact that formerly highly paid specialists are forced to find other uses for their strengths.
  • Travel agents are also included in the TOP of irrelevant professions in the future. It is believed that with the help of online booking systems, customers will be able to work directly with tour operators or with market participants in the hospitality industry. The need for intermediaries will disappear by itself.

Who is needed in the future?

Looking into the future is not as difficult as it seems. Quite easily, specialists conducting research on employment issues can establish where the attrition of personnel will occur due to age, creating dependencies between economic development and the market. What professions will be popular in five or ten years?

The most non-standard and popular among them:

  • Urbanists. These are specialists who are busy creating the city's appearance and infrastructure.
  • Biotechnologists and bioengineers, who will bear the burden of finding means to prolong life, remove harmful substances from the body, rejuvenate, fight cancer, etc.
  • Engineers in the field of non-traditional energy. There will be fewer and fewer sources of energy, and to save humanity we need to learn to use alternatives.
  • Workers in the security sector, including information security. The availability of digital data and the ease of penetration into foreign territory increases the demand for countermeasures. Such specialists will find application both in the field of company security and in the development of household appliances and protection circuits.

The TOP of those who will find application in the future also includes:

  • 3D designers;
  • marketers and promotion specialists;
  • content managers;
  • Internet developers and programmers;
  • specialists in the food industry;
  • pharmacists;
  • engineers;
  • nanotechnologists;
  • operators of automated devices, including those for cleaning premises.

Where can I get information about the necessary specialists?

To conduct market research yourself and find a job you like, you can use the following tools:

  • get acquainted with materials that are provided in the public domain by recruitment agencies or magazines and websites dedicated to personnel;
  • study the reports of ministries responsible for employment functions;
  • look for ratings of competitions for specialties among applicants to universities and colleges, as well as their reports on the employment of graduates;
  • analyze vacancy databases on employment portals or employment centers;
  • attend industry conferences, where they always talk about the problems of personnel shortages, if they exist.

It must be remembered that popular and in-demand vacancies may not always be of interest to a specific person. It's always better to choose what you like to do. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise and you will not be able to maintain a job position.

It is useful to listen to the opinions of other people involved in a certain field, or to the older generation. Their wisdom and experience are the most invaluable sources of knowledge for decision making.

What do you need to consider so as not to make a mistake when choosing a specialty?

Regardless of what forecasts are made for the future, a person must understand that people with certain qualities can always find employment in the labor market. Their development needs to be given attention. Then you can find a job without any problems.

The following employees are in demand among employers:

  • sociable;
  • able to work independently and in a team;
  • proactive;
  • honest;
  • responsible;
  • executive;
  • creative;
  • ready for change;
  • striving to achieve results;
  • thinking and analyzing.

People with such qualities will be able to stand out and begin career growth in companies. It is not necessary to have all the characteristics on the list. The choice depends on the area in which growth and development is expected to continue.

There is no need to be afraid that the choice of training program will be made incorrectly. After all, people often cannot find a job in their specialty because they do not look for it or do it incorrectly. You can become an excellent specialist in any profession. Then the largest companies will “hunt” for such an employee.

Also, don’t think too much about the prestige of the position. After all, even working professions allow you to earn income, sometimes much more than the position of an official in the local government system.