Business game labor exchange occupational market scenario. Business game the world of professions and the labor market. Economic game "Labor Exchange"

  • 18.11.2019

Rules of the game "Labor Exchange" for employers

The second round of the Onega Sails Olympiad is called the Labor Exchange. This is a business game.

We are waiting for you on February 11, 2017 (Saturday) at 09:45 in the lobby of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth (Krasnaya St., 8).

Teams of 10th graders participate in the game. The number of team members is 5 people.

Each employer presents at the game 2 vacancies for positions that could be in his company.

We understand that applicants are graduates who do not have a specialty. Therefore, the proposed vacancies must correspond to the level of school education. These may involve on-the-job training (for example, a packer at a bakery), short-term courses (for example, obtaining a category C driver's license), or skills that a student may have acquired outside of school (for example, the ability to work with cash register in retail or the ability to configure local computer networks).

Representation of employers

The Olympiad opens at 10:00 sharp. You will be given the floor. But at your disposal just 1 minute! Everything good that you want to say about your company beyond 1 minute, you can voice at the end of the game, when each employer will be given the floor to sum up. In 1 minute, you need to have time to introduce yourself, name both vacancies and literally characterize in one sentence official duties for each of them.

For example: Sales consultant in the bicycle department. Must understand the material base, device and adjustment of high-speed bicycles, advise buyers on the purchase of bicycles and spare parts.

Until then, vacancies must be kept secret. At the end of the presentation, each team will have the opportunity to ask only one question to only one (optional) employer.


Each team receives a set of job vouchers (their number is equal to the number of employers).

At 10:50 you start your interview. There will be a live queue of 12-13 applicants for each employer. The interview should end at 12:30. In this way, You can devote an average of 7 minutes to each applicant. Please, make sure you follow these rules! The duration of each individual interview is up to you.

For example, if you need a sales representative, and a young man with "tunnels" in his ears comes to you for an interview, you can end the interview with a single question: "Are you ready to have plastic surgery to remove THIS?"

The applicant who came to the employer can apply for any of the two vacancies. Moreover, his choice may change during the interview and is the subject of an agreement with the employer.

For example, an employer has a vacancy for a category C driver and a gas station worker. The applicant wants to be a driver, but he does not yet have a driver's license. And before that, the employer had another applicant who already has these rights (he is 18 years old and already actually drives a car). The employer will prefer a driver with a license, but he likes business qualities this applicant, so he offers him a job at a gas station.

Summing up the game.

At the end of the interview, within 5-7 minutes, the employer must select 1 applicant, accepted for every job. In addition, the employer can determine by 1 candidate for each vacancy - "personnel reserve". You will write down the names of these four lucky people in a form specially prepared for you.

A situation may arise when there are no applicants for one of the vacancies you have proposed. For example, everyone will want to be dispatchers in the housing department, but no one will want to be a janitor. Well, in this case, the vacancy remains empty, and the teams lose the chance to earn winning points.

Each applicant can be hired and enrolled in the personnel reserve at any of the interviews.

Each recruitment of a team member brings the team 3 points, admission to the personnel reserve - 1 point.

The calculation of the points scored by the teams and the compilation of the rating of the teams, as well as the compilation of bulletins of the results of the interview, is carried out by the counting commission, which is formed from teachers - leaders of school teams.

While working counting commission, the floor is given to employers who share their impressions and name the selected candidates.

Dear employers! We are waiting for you on February 11 (Saturday) at the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth on the street. Red,. It is advisable to come from 9:45 to 10:00.

When you arrive, you need to go to the registration table, which will be located in the lobby at the entrance.

Labor exchange - the market of professions

Management Education Executive Committee

Bugulminsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Podgornenskaya basic comprehensive school

extracurricular activity in social studies

business game

"The World of Professions and the Labor Market"

history teacher and

social science

Nekrasova L.V.


The world of professions and the labor market.

The form: business game.

Members: students of grades 9, 11, teacher, parents of students.

Preparatory stage:

Pick up special literature about professions;

Students should try to find out in advance the working conditions and salaries of the most interesting professions.

Game progress.

Teacher's word.

In our time, the time of business and enterprising people, you need to be able to navigate well in the world of professions. Know the demand for professions, take into account the prospects for an increase in the shortage of certain professions.

Profession can be called this labor activity a person who requires special training, and which is a source of income.

One of the most responsible choices that determine our fate is the choice of a profession.

In order to choose the right profession, you need to be guided by three things.

First, determine what your professional interests and inclinations are. We briefly call them "Want".

Secondly, assess what are your professional important qualities: health, qualifications and abilities that ultimately determine your professional suitability and opportunities. In other words, answer the question, what is your "I can".

Thirdly, to find out which professions are in demand among employers in the labor market, in which professions you can find a job. In other words, to determine what today "Necessary".

In the event that you manage to combine “I want”, “I can” and “I must”, then your professional choice will be successful. Thus, our task in this lesson is to find a profession that, firstly, is interesting and attractive to you, secondly, corresponds to your capabilities, and finally, thirdly, is in demand in the labor market.

Now we offer you the following game:

The first stage of the game. How to find out your interests and abilities?

On a piece of paper, write down 10 professions - any professions that are relevant today that only come to your mind. Now look carefully at the entire list and choose from it one profession that will be valued by society most highly, the most promising, prestigious profession. Write the name of this profession on a separate sheet in the first line of a new column. And now write out in this column one by one the names of all other professions in the order of their prestige and remuneration. In the upper part of the column, the most highly paid professions, and in the lower part - less paid, but just as necessary professions today.

Second phase.

Each member of the group takes turns reading out the list of professions prepared by him. If you have the same professions, then in front of each of them you put a mark. After all the participants have spoken, there may be a lot of marks in your list next to some professions. One point is awarded for each mark. Some professions can be marked several times (and receive, accordingly, several points) - these will obviously be the most popular, most opportunistic professions. And some professions may not get points at all - it means they do not have so much social recognition in your group. And now let's count the number of our notes and exchange opinions in the group. We will find out which of the professions turned out to be the most popular for you and determine the participants who included the largest number of the most popular in their list. popular professions. Now we have to make a general list of professions for the group. This list should include all professions that have been mentioned at least once in your individual lists. On the board, we begin to write down the rating of professions by the number of points received, starting from the most popular to the least occurring.

The discussion ends with an introduction to the table "Rating the most demanded professions in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2012-2015.” (Attachment 1.)

Third stage. How to find out your interests and abilities?

We found out which professions are in demand on the labor market, and determined what the “must” is today. It remains to define "I want" and "I can". For this we use questionnaire "Orientation"(Appendix 2.3)

In the first part (“I want”), you can rate on a 4-point scale the degree of your desire to engage in each of the 35 activities listed in the list. This part of the questionnaire is designed to determine the scope of your professional inclinations, interests, preferences, aspirations and the most attractive types. professional activity.

In the second part (“I can”), you will use the same scale to rate the degree of your ability in each of the 35 given activities. That is, this part of the questionnaire is designed to determine your ideas about your professional abilities.

Processing the results of the questionnaire is very simple. Judgments characterizing different kinds professional activities are grouped into seven groups of five judgments each. In each group of five judgments, you must calculate the total number of points you have chosen and write this amount in the box to the right of the corresponding group of judgments. The total score for each group can range from 0 to 15 points. Depending on the group in which you scored the maximum total score, the greatest inclination or ability for the corresponding type or class of profession is determined.

The first five groups of judgments, indicated by numbers from 1 to 5, characterize five types of professions, divided according to the "subject of labor":

    man - man

    man, technology

    man is a sign system,

    man is a work of art

    man is nature.

Table work « Psychological map of professions» (Appendix 4)

The last two groups of judgments correspond to two classes of professions, divided according to the "nature of work":

A) performing

B) creative.


The most successful case is when inclinations lie in the same group of professions as abilities. This indicates that you like to do exactly what you know how to do. Therefore, one would expect that, having chosen a profession, you would not only be able to achieve fairly high success in it, but it would give you pleasure. It's great if your "I want" and "I can" coincided with "I must."

Attachment 1.

in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2012-2015

Appendix 2

Questionnaire "Orientation"

("I want")

Instruction: next to each statement, cross out the number corresponding to the degree of your desire to engage in this type of activity:

I want (I like, I'm attracted to, I prefer):

Engage in treatment.

Teach, educate.

Protect rights and safety

Manage people.

Drive cars.

Repair equipment.

Gather and set up equipment.

Process materials, make various objects and things.

Engage in construction.

Process texts and tables.

Make calculations and calculations.

Process information.

Work with drawings, maps and diagrams.

Receive and transmit signals and messages.

Do art work.

Draw, photograph.

Create works of art.

Perform on stage.

Sew, embroider, knit.

Take care of animals.

Prepare products.

Work outdoors.

Grow vegetables and fruits.

Deal with nature.

Work with your hands.

Implement decisions.

Reproduce samples, multiply, copy.

Get a concrete practical result.

Bring ideas to life.

Work with your head.

To make decisions.

Create new designs.

Analyze, study, investigate, observe, measure, test, control.

Plan, design, design, develop, model.

Appendix 3

Questionnaire "Orientation"

("I can")

Instruction: next to each statement, cross out the number corresponding to the degree of your ability for this type of activity:

Not at all - 0, perhaps so - 1, right - 2, absolutely right - 3.

I can (capable, I can, I have the skills):

Be sensitive and kind.

Listen to people.

Understand people.

It is good to speak and speak in public.


Use devices, machines, mechanisms.

Understand technical devices.

Dexterous with documents.

Good orientation in space.

Be focused and diligent.

Encode information.

Operate with signs and symbols.

Find and fix errors.

Create beautiful, tastefully made things.

Understand literature and art.

Sing, play musical instruments.

Write poetry, write stories.


Learn about animals or plants.

Raise plants or animals.

Fight diseases and pests.

Navigate to natural phenomena.

Work on the ground.

Follow instructions quickly.

Follow the instructions exactly.

Work according to the given algorithm.

Do the same work.

Comply with rules and regulations.

Create new instructions and give instructions.

Make unconventional decisions.

It is easy to come up with new ways of doing things.

To take responsibility.

Organize your own work.

psychological exercises for training

Business game "Comfort Zone"

Description of the business game

This role-play shows you how to manage your downsizing stress. The audience is a rehabilitation center for the unemployed. Each participant, except for three people who perform the functions of employees of the employment center, will play the role of an unemployed person looking for a job.

The functions of the administrator are to meet clients, write down their names and find out with whom they want to talk: a psychologist or an employment consultant. If necessary, it should be clarified that a psychologist does not advise on employment issues, but can help to cope with stress or other similar problems. An employment consultant can advise on how to get new job or further education. If the required specialist is busy at the moment, ask the new client to wait and invite him as soon as the previous visitor leaves. Given these requirements, you are free to interpret the role as you see fit.

The functions of a psychologist - employment counseling - are outside his competence, otherwise he can, at his own discretion, interpret the role of counseling depressed clients.

The functions of an employment consultant are to advise visitors to the center on the acquisition of additional education, advanced training and job search. Within this framework, he can interpret the role at his own discretion.

Formulation of the problem

  1. Demonstrate an attempt to cope with the stress caused by contraction.
  2. Show ways to create a "comfort zone" in the context of unplanned and forced changes.
  3. Draw attention to the size and complexity of the unemployment problem.


Employment center workers need to create a comfort zone for people who are depressed, as they have been made redundant and out of work. In addition to a friendly attitude, readiness to help clients, the center's employees must create maximum convenience for clients, both waiting in line at the reception and in the room for negotiations with clients.

AT rehabilitation center employment for each employee should be a table and a chair. Workplaces of employees should be fenced off from each other as far as possible. It is desirable to place announcements about available vacancies in the reception at the stand.

Description of the course of the business game

The game can be played by 6 to 16 people.

All participants receive a copy of the instructions for rearranging furniture, a description of the roles is received by the administrator, psychologist, employment consultant. Next, the participants all together must move the furniture so as to create convenient conditions for the unemployed seeking advice.

When the furniture is rearranged, the unemployed role-players must leave the room to discuss how they will perform their roles.

During the discussion it turns out:

  • did the employees of the employment center manage to create a “comfort zone” for people who are depressed;
  • if successful, students should be asked to provide similar examples from their own practice;
  • What else could the staff of the center do to create an atmosphere of support and encouragement for their clients?
  • the occurrence of stress due to the loss of work and the inability to independently settle in another place;
  • ways in which HR managers in enterprises can protect employees in the event of rapid personnel changes in the organization, without prejudice to the interests of the employer;
  • special needs of young people and relatively poorly educated middle-aged people looking for a new job, women who want to return to work after a break.
It would be nice if this were the case in reality. And then often the employees of the employment center do not ask the unemployed for their wishes, just to “suck in” something and remove it from the register as soon as possible
business game "Labor exchange".

At the beginning of the lesson, all students are invited to take part in the competition, which is held at the Labor Exchange.

AT big company announced a set of employees to work in the office. Since there are many people who want to get a job, employers arrange a competency test and offer everyone who wants to complete the tasks:
Exercise 1. Issue a certificate with the details of the company CJSC "Rodnik" at the place of demand, send it by e-mail: Baranov@ mail. en Print the incoming message.
Task 2.
Task 3. Create table
Task 4. Ms Express.
Task 5.

Time to complete tasks 45 minutes.

Review of work by the employer, summarizing 15 minutes

Tasks for the competition:

Exercise 1. Issue a certificate with the details of the company CJSC "Rodnik" at the place of demand, send it by e-mail Baranov@ mail. en. Print the incoming message.
Task 2. Create a block diagram using vector graphics.

Task 3. Create table"Calculation wages". Build a histogram and a pie chart based on the calculation results.

Calculation formulas:
Bonus = Salary x 0.2
Total accrued = Salary + Bonus
Income tax = Total accrued x 0.13
Total payable = Total accrued - Income tax

Task 4. Fill in the data in the "Contacts" folder in the program Ms Express.

Baranov Vasily Petrovich Chief Engineer, firm "Svet",

Work phone: 234-76-56; Cell phone: +79274567843

Work address 446450, Otradny, Promyshlennaya street, 70

Home address 446450, Otradny, Mirnaya street, 53 kv.6.

Email Mail: Baranov@ mail. en

Enter the date and time of the meeting with Vasily Petrovich Baranov in the Calendar folder (May 7 at 14-30 in the Minutka cafe).
Task 5. On the Internet, find information about the rules for creating a resume. Download resume templates and samples. Create a training presentation on the topic: "How to write a resume."

The list of criteria for evaluating the competitive tasks of the business game "Labor Exchange"






Issue a certificate with the details of the company CJSC "Rodnik" at the place of demand.

Send it by email.

Incoming message print

5 - The certificate with the details of the enterprise is drawn up correctly. The document has been sent by email. The incoming message has been printed.

4 - The certificate with the details of the enterprise is framed with inaccuracies, incorrectly formatted, The document was sent by e-mail. The incoming message has been printed.

3 - The certificate with the details of the enterprise is framed with inaccuracies, incorrectly formatted, The document was sent by e-mail. The incoming message was not printed.

2 - The certificate with company details is incorrectly formatted, the document was not sent by e-mail. The incoming message was not printed.

1 - Mission not completed


Create a block diagram using vector graphics.

5 Structural scheme fulfilled according to all requirements, the "Inscription" tool was used. The shadow and volume are adjusted for the elements of the scheme, the color fill is used, the text is formatted. Circuit elements are grouped. There is a schema name.

4 - Structural diagram is inaccurate. The "Inscription" tool was used. The shadow and volume are adjusted to the elements of the scheme. Color fill is not used, text is formatted. Circuit elements are grouped. There is a schema name.

3 - Structural diagram is inaccurate. The "Inscription" tool was used. Shadow and volume are not configured for the elements of the scheme. Color fill not used, text not formatted. Circuit elements are grouped. There is a schema name.

2 -. Structural diagram is executed incorrectly, not all elements are created. The "Inscription" tool was not used. Shadow and volume are not configured for the elements of the scheme. Color fill not used, text not formatted. Schematic elements are not grouped. There is no schema name.

1 - Mission not completed


Create a payroll table.

Build a histogram and a pie chart based on the calculation results.

5 - The table was created correctly, the data was entered - right, the calculations were made according to the formulas. Based on the results of the calculation, a pie chart and a histogram were constructed.

4 - - The table was created correctly, the data entered is correct, the calculations were made using formulas. Based on the results of the calculation, a pie chart was built, there is no histogram.

3 - - The table was created incorrectly, the data entered is incorrect, the calculations were not made by formulas, but manually The pie chart or histogram was built incorrectly.

2 - - The table was created incorrectly, the data entered is incorrect, the calculations were made not by formulas, but manually. Neither a pie chart nor a histogram has been built.

1 - Mission not completed


Fill in the data in the "Contacts" and "Calendar" folders in the program Ms Express

5 - The data from the card in the "Contacts" and "Calendar" folders are entered correctly. Address configured Email client to send messages. Meeting reminder included.

4 - - The data from the card in the "Contacts" and "Calendar" folders is entered incorrectly. The client's e-mail address for sending messages has been configured. Meeting reminder included.

3 - - The data from the card in the "Contacts" and "Calendar" folders was entered with errors, contact phone numbers, postal code are not recorded. The client's e-mail address for sending messages has been configured. Meeting reminder included.

2 - - The data from the card in the "Contacts" and "Calendar" folders was entered with errors, contact phone numbers, postal code are not recorded. The client's e-mail address for sending messages has been configured. Meeting reminder not included.

1 - Mission not completed


On the Internet, find information about the rules for creating a resume.

Download resume templates and samples.

Create a training presentation on the topic: "How to write a resume."

5 - A lot of information was found on the Internet about the rules for creating a resume, templates and design samples were downloaded, practical advice. The presentation was created correctly, animation effects were set up. The theme of the presentation is fully disclosed.

4 - - A lot of information about the rules for creating a resume was found on the Internet, templates and design samples were downloaded. The presentation was created correctly, animation effects were set up. The theme of the presentation is not fully disclosed.

3 - - Little information was found on the Internet about the rules for creating a resume, templates and design samples were not downloaded. The presentation was created correctly, the animation effects are not configured. The topic of the presentation was not disclosed.

2 - - Little information was found on the Internet about the rules for creating a resume, templates and design samples were not downloaded. The presentation was not created correctly, the animation effects are not configured. The topic of the presentation was not disclosed.

1 - Mission not completed

Reward points

  • for fast and correct execution of tasks,

  • original presentation.


Rules of the game.

1. All student entrepreneurs participate in the game. Each of which organizes its production on equal conditions. Independently choosing the type of production.

2. Production is considered organized if the necessary set of economic resources is acquired according to one of the types of technology.

3. Winners are students who receive the highest revenue- profit.



Business game on vocational guidance in grades 8-11.

Lesson topic: Entrepreneur's profit.

Lesson type : repetition and generalization of the acquired knowledge.

Lesson form: business game

The purpose of the lesson - consolidation of the acquired knowledge about entrepreneurship, ways to obtain and increase profits.

Lesson objectives:

  1. educational- to generalize and repeat the knowledge of the "Economics" block.
  2. Educational - to promote the development of systematic thinking; skills entrepreneurial activity; business speech; communication skills of students.
  3. Educational - to cultivate entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to quickly solve emerging problems; respect for each other.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, presentation power point, task cards.

The game reproduces the real situation of entrepreneurial activity of the simplest type in a competitive environment and the desire to achieve higher profits.

Students work for themselves.

The result of the game is summed up by calculating the proceeds of personal accounts on the exchange of each participant.

Game progress

1. Organizational moment.

1 slide. Leading: Good morning! We deal with money every day. And most likely each of us at least once thought about how to increase your budget? There are a great many options for increasing earnings, from legal to criminal. One of the legitimate options may be - entrepreneurship - your own business. But! Most likely, everyone also thought about whether I would be able to become a businessman? Do I have a 4th factor of production - an entrepreneurial vein (entrepreneurial ability)! And so in the lesson we will try to find out if each of you will be able to become an entrepreneur!

2 slide . And we will act today under the motto "Money is like legs, whoever does not know how to use them, they are taken away from him!" the great English economist Adam Smith. When passing the exam in social studies, you can come across this statement as one of the topics of the essay-essay in part C, task 9.

Today we will play the business game “Entrepreneur Profit”. We will summarize the material covered within the framework of economic blocks and find out whether each of you should think about the issue of your own business in the future.

Rules of the game.

  1. All student entrepreneurs participate in the game. Each of which organizes its production on equal terms. Independently choosing the type of production.
  2. Production is considered organized if the necessary set of economic resources is acquired according to one of the types of technology.
  3. The winners are the students who have received the most revenue - profit.

During the game, we will need some concepts such as:

Revenue - Quantity Money or other blessingsreceived by the company for a certain period of its activity, mainly due to the sale of goods or services to its customers

Profit - is revenue minus expensescosts) that the company has incurred in the process of manufacturing its products.

Monopoly - mono-one and πωλέω (poleo) - sell) -company (market situationwhere such an organization operates), operating in the absence of significant competitors (issuingproduct(s) and/or providing services that have no close substitutes).

Factors of production - Factors of production - resourcesnecessary for the production of goods and services. Traditionally divided into components:

  1. labor resources, or labor;
  2. investment resources, or capital;
  3. natural resources, or land;
  4. entrepreneurial talent, or entrepreneurial ability;
  5. information; a specific form of information istechnology;