Organization and regulation of labor in construction. Tariff regulation and forms of remuneration in construction. It is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise and the production of work

  • 13.09.2020

An approach to the formation of the regulatory framework of the design company by adjusting the collected factual information on the implementation of the project work is proposed. This approach is aimed at developing objective indicators for evaluating the performance of an individual design engineer, taking into account the specifics of this field of activity, as well as improving the accuracy of planning design and survey work (R&D) at the early stages life cycle project for their development. Considered domestic experience in the field of labor rationing; the problems of regulation in the field of design were identified and a variant of their solution was proposed by accumulating statistics on the implementation of the development project documentation means information system project management. The concept defines the basic principles for the development of calendar-network schedules in the subject area under consideration, indicators based on qualitative assessments of the design process (determinism, type and size of the design object, qualification of the performer) and a method for correcting the actual costs and durations of engineering work to obtain standard values.


project management



formation of a regulatory framework

production rates

1. Uniform time standards and prices for design work. A common part. - M. : Stroyizdat, 1979. - 15 p.

2. Uniform norms for the duration of the design and construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and the development of design capacities. - M. : Stroyizdat, 1983. - 558 p.

3. Karpova V.S., Melnikova E.F. Planning and control of resources in projects of an engineering company using Oracle Primavera // Information Technology in business: collection of the 8th International scientific conference. June 19–20, 2013 St. Petersburg. Conference of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Information Technology in Business / ed. prof. V.V. Trofimova, V.F. Minakov. - 2013. - S. 68-74. ISBN 978-5-94652-426-4.8.

4. Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D., Olderogge N.G., Zabrodin A.Yu. Investment and construction engineering: textbook. allowance / under total. ed. I.I. Mazura, V.D. Shapiro. - M. : ELIMA; Economy, 2009. - 763 p.

5. Maslov E.V. Organization of personnel labor: educational and methodical complex. - Novosibirsk: NSUEU, 2008. - 156 p.

6. Melnikova E.F., Lobanov O.S., Basha N.V. Prioritization of projects in an engineering company as a tool for making operational decisions management decisions// International Research Journal = Research Journal of International Studies. - 2014. - No. 8-1 (27). - S. 65-66.

7. Minakov V.F., Lobanov O.S., Minakova T.E. Analog and discrete metrics and models for evaluating innovations // Proceedings of the 3rd scientific and practical internet-conference Interdisciplinary research in the field mathematical modeling and informatics. - Ulyanovsk, 2014. - S. 280-287.

8. Minakov V.F., Minakova T.E., Barabanova M.I. Economic-mathematical model of the stage of commercialization of the innovation life cycle // Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic Sciences = St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. economics. - 2012. - T. 2-2. No. 144. - S. 180-184.

9. Rofe A.I. Organization and rationing of labor: a textbook for universities. - M. : MIK, 2003. - 368C.

10. model norms development time design documentation(design of technological equipment). Normative-technical documentation. - M. : Economics, 1987. - 48 p.

The process of design work can be divided into several typical stages, each of which uses the results of the previous stage as input data. Under these conditions, the implementation of design work is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty at the initial stages of design, which makes the initial data on the project very approximate in terms of the amount of work to be done determined at the initial stage, their cost and completion time. Thus, this group of projects will have a lower degree of planning reliability compared to other engineering and technical projects, where there is more perfect regulatory support and, as a result, more accurate ideas about the scope of work to be performed, the composition of performers, etc. P. .

During the Soviet era, standards were developed in the field of design and successfully applied in practice, which simplified both the process of planning project activities in general and resource planning in particular.

Currently, the project activity has undergone significant changes. Computer-aided design systems have replaced drawing boards, the composition and requirements for project documentation have changed, the cost of contracts and salaries of design engineers have increased, and the management approach has improved project activities. All this, in turn, means that the old norms and methods of resource planning are becoming obsolete.

Labor rationing in design organizations in Russia

To date, the norms for assessing the duration and cost of design have undergone a number of changes and have been formalized in such documents as the “Norm for the duration of the design of construction objects” - MRR-3.1.10-97; state estimated standards "Handbook base prices for design work in the construction of "Objects of housing and civil construction", etc.

Nevertheless, there is a problem in rationing the labor costs of a single planner for the execution of a single part of the work in the project. The rationing methods used in the USSR are quite laborious and in practice require the presence of rationing specialists in each department. Nevertheless, the presence of norms in design organizations is necessary, first of all - norms for the duration of work and their cost. In this case, methods of direct normalization and analogies will be used to form them.

AT modern conditions for the collection and subsequent processing of statistical information on the content of work, volume, timing and cost of their implementation in design organization the best is to use automated systems, especially the project management information system (PMIS).

One of the most important components in the implementation of PMIS is the development of methodological issues. Within the framework of the approach under consideration, the following aspects are of paramount importance:

    The main types of norms that can be used in a design organization, and methods for their formation;

    A list of properties of schedules, which simplifies the collection of statistical information on the actual performance of work for its subsequent processing and conversion into standards;

    Ensuring the availability of employees who analyze the received statistics, generate indicators to correct distortions arising from unequal conditions for the performance of work, and are responsible for the development of standard indicators.

Rationing methods based on standardization of indicators of direct output in units finished products(design estimates, models, calculations, etc.), in the field of design are more subjective than in production or construction - their decomposition into results that can be measured or quantified is impossible at the planning stage: the amount of work performed is determined by the complexity of the technical solution . All types of design work are united by a resource that determines its implementation: a person. Accordingly, work in such a project can be planned and measured by the amount of time in which a technical solution can be obtained and formalized (described), i.e. the metric of its duration is the number of man-hours, and in order to obtain standards for cost, it is necessary to form the cost of the contractor's labor hour (rate).

To implement the methodology under consideration in practice, it is necessary to maintain uniform project schedules in PMIS with the subsequent use of a system of parameters that make it possible to make the results of the developed normalization more accurate. By upgrading the existing quality characteristics labor processes, we get a list of the main parameters of operations for the development of project documentation (table 1) - the basis for the formation of a codifier.

Table 1

Parameters of work on the development of project documentation


Factors affecting the parameter


Technological content (name of work)

Name of work in accordance with the design technology and the rules for the development of uniform schedules in the ISUP


Re- or primary development

Type and size of the design object

The complexity of the project / work, the volume of project documentation being developed, the duration of the project, the terms of the contract

Performer qualification

Position and experience of the performer

The values ​​of the assessments of these parameters should be developed by an expert method at the organization level, based on the general level of qualification of the personnel, the specifics of the design objects, the duration of the projects, and other parameters - the possible values ​​\u200b\u200bfor each indicator are considered below (Table 2). or by the method of peer review, the rate of performance of each work in the project.

table 2

Possible ranges of parameter estimates


Value Assignment Condition

Value range

Multiple Development

One time development

0<ДТР≤ 0.7



Difficult conditions for project implementation

0.7≤ TPO<1

Normal project implementation conditions

Facilitated project implementation conditions

1<ТРО <2


Experienced employee

Inexperienced employee

0 <КИ≤ 0.9

Similarly, it is necessary to work out a uniform structure for the decomposition of schedules and make a decision on the level of detail of work in the schedule. The requirement for the level of detail in the framework of this methodology is to ensure that the work is performed by one labor resource - for a more accurate assignment of the CI parameter to the work (Table 1).

An appropriate administrative and organizational change is necessary: ​​the organization must have a permanent resource that solves this problem. The competence of employees performing the function of accumulating and analyzing the regulatory framework should include skills in working with specialized software - PMIS, analytical skills and basic engineering knowledge.

Standards for the duration of work (NPVi)

The actual duration of execution (DFVi) of each work by means of ISUP must be adjusted in accordance with the values ​​of its parameters - PVi (1). After collecting the required amount of statistical information, the norms in man-hours for each type of BP work will be obtained in this way. In new, including planned projects, by adjusting these standards using the parameters of the work of the new project, it will be possible to obtain the planned deadlines for the execution of each work and the project as a whole.

(1) PV i \u003d DFA i * DTM (%) * TPO (%) * CI (%),

where i is the serial number of work in the project, PVi is the adjusted duration of work i, AFVi is the actual duration of work i, DTM (%), TPO (%), CI (%) - parameters expressed as a percentage (table 1).

Parameter values ​​can be multiplied because are independent quantities.

Work Performance Cost Estimate (SOV)

To solve the problems of planning and cost control in modern design institutes, there are two main approaches:

  • the project manager allocates the total cost of the contract to the executing departments (CDIk), based on the methods of evaluating the work on the estimates;
  • the total cost of the contract (AC) is not distributed by departments and has an impact on the budget of the department and the assessment of the amount of work performed on the project: within the limits of planned and expended labor costs.

In the first case, when developing cost standards, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of each work of a complex project, as well as the cost of its contract or the amount of financing from another source (SD). A complex project is understood as a project in which several production specialties are involved. Having the total parameter-adjusted duration of the work of the executing department () in the project schedule, it is possible to calculate the adjusted cost of the work of the department (AEDk) in this project per unit of time. Further, the cost of each work (СРi) will be obtained by means of ISUP.

(2) ,

(3) СРi= СРODk* ПВi,

where k is the serial number of the department, SRODk is the adjusted cost of the work of the department in this project per unit of time, SDIk is the cost of the work of the executing department under the contract, i is the serial number of the work in the project, ik is the serial number of the work of department k in the project, PVi- adjusted duration of work i, СРi - adjusted cost of each work.

In the second case, the simplest is to calculate the actual cost of a man-hour. At the same time, it is important to compare it with the rate (rate) of the labor resource used, as a rule, for planning the budget of the unit and the estimated cost of work under the contract.

The cost of a man-hour (CHH) can be found using the following formula:

(4) ,

Then the cost of the work can be calculated using the following formula:

(5) SR i = MFH* PV i .

In new, including planned projects, by adjusting these norms using the parameters of the work of the new project, it will be possible to obtain the planned cost of the execution of each work and the project as a whole.


This study considers domestic experience in the field of labor rationing; the problems of standardization in the field of design were identified and a variant of their solution was proposed by accumulating data and processing statistics on the development of project documentation by means of a project management information system.


  • the proposed method does not require a set of normalizers;
  • most of the calculations can be done in software;
  • both the accumulated experience in the development of documentation and the specifics of each project and contractor are taken into account.


  • the proposed option requires the accumulation of a statistical base;
  • to complete the task, performers are required with competencies in the field of project management, skills in working with specialized software - PMIS, analytical skills and basic engineering knowledge.

Thus, the proposed solution in the future with minimal costs will allow you to get a full-fledged rationing system in the design organization.


Minakov V.F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Economic University" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

Uvarov S.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Supply Chain Management and Commodity Science of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Economic University" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

Bibliographic link

Melnikova E.F. FORMATION OF A STATISTICAL BASE FOR REGULATION OF LABOR IN RUSSIAN PROJECT ORGANIZATIONS // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 5.;
URL: (accessed 03/18/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

K category: Organization of construction

Rationing of labor in the construction of a house

The main task of technical rationing is the development of technically justified norms of time and production norms that correspond to the modern level of technology and reflect the best practices of workers. Technically sound norms make it possible to correctly determine the labor costs for the production of construction products and rationally organize the work of builders. They are the basis for the introduction of the most effective wage system, which creates a material interest of workers in the results of their work. Technically substantiated norms of time and norms of output are widely used to organize cost accounting and to determine the results of socialist emulation. They are installed after a detailed study of construction processes, a thorough and comprehensive analysis of production capabilities and construction reserves, taking into account the use of modern construction equipment and advanced labor methods.

The norm of time is the amount of working time set for the production of a unit of output (per 1 m3 of soil, per 1 m2 of plaster, etc.). The time limit is expressed in man-hours.

The production rate is the number of units of measurement of the result of construction work, which must be produced by workers of the appropriate qualification per unit of time (hour, day, shift). The production rate is set per shift at a certain shift duration.

The study of the cost of working time under various conditions of the working process in order to develop production standards or to verify existing standards, as well as in the study of advanced labor methods, is carried out mainly by the method of chronometric observations. To determine production standards for any type of work, chronometric observations are repeated several times under the same conditions. As a result of processing the observation materials, the average values ​​of production standards for the type of work under study are derived.

Introduced on January 1, 1956, uniform norms and prices for construction and installation work (EN and R) in 1958-1959. were revised in connection with the transition to a seven-hour working day and the streamlining of wages. EN and R are published in the form of separate brochures for various types of work: earthwork, stone, etc.

The continuous growth of the mechanization of labor-intensive processes, the introduction of industrial methods and new progressive forms of labor organization, the development of the main mass of working methods and methods of work of advanced workers, the growth of the cultural and technical level of the working staff - all this leads to the fact that the norms in force for a certain period of time begin to slow down growth of labor productivity and lose their progressive significance. Therefore, as construction is equipped with new equipment and new forms of labor organization are introduced, the current standards are reviewed and new production standards are introduced that meet modern conditions for the production of work.

Tariff rationing, together with labor rationing, is the basis for determining the wages of workers. Technical norms serve to establish the amount of labor expended, and tariff regulation - to assess the quality of labor, which is determined by differentiated pay.

When determining the amount of wages, the qualification of the employee, which determines the quality of work, is essential. The degree of qualification is set by the rank, and the wage ratios for the various ranks are regulated by tariff coefficients. A tariff coefficient is a number showing how many times the rate of a given category is higher than the rate of the first category.

The established amount of wages per unit of normalized working time of the corresponding category is called the tariff rate. Tariff rates are very important, since piece rates are determined on their basis, that is, the amount of wages per unit of work.

Tariff rates are hourly, daily and monthly. Currently, hourly tariff rates have been approved for construction, daily tariff rates for logging, and monthly rates for vehicles.

The degree of qualification of the worker is determined by the category. To establish the ranks, a unified tariff and qualification reference book for the professions of workers employed in construction was simultaneously introduced. The tariff-qualification guide for each category of profession establishes the types of work that a worker of this category must be able to independently perform under the current production standards and the conformity of product quality to specifications. In addition, a worker of a high rank must be able to perform all the work of the lower ranks of his profession, as well as have the necessary minimum technical knowledge to perform the work of the category assigned to him. The determination of qualifications and the establishment of the category is carried out by passing the relevant exam to the workers of the special qualification commission. The establishment of the category is formalized by an act of the qualification commission and an order for construction.

- Rationing of labor in building a house


1 Labor rationing in the main production of construction…………….…..6

1.1 Production processes in construction: main and auxiliary……………………………………………………………………….6


1. 3 Methods for studying the use of working time and ways to increase labor productivity…………………………………………………….…...15

2 Practical part…………………………………………………..…..…...23

2.1 Determining the volume of construction and installation works, the total labor intensity of work, the number of employees and the wage fund…………………………………….….….23

2.1.1 Determining the scope of construction and installation works…………………………………………….…..23

2.1.2 Determination of the total labor intensity of work………………………………..23

2.1.3 Determination of the number of workers…………………………...................................24

2.1.4 Determination of the wage fund of employees……………………..25

2.2 Analysis of photographic research data…………………….…...25

2.2.1 Observation sheet……………………………………………………..25

2.2.2 The share of certain types of time spent by type of activity………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

2.2.3 Conclusions on self-photography……………………………………..27


List of used literature…………………………………………...29



During the formation of market relations, economists engaged in a thorough study of labor costs in order to compare them. Since the types of labor are diverse, it was necessary to find a single measure. Such a meter is working time.

Labor standards are regulated values ​​of equipment operating modes, labor costs and work break times, developed on the basis of pre-conducted studies and intended for repeated use in calculating specific labor cost standards in relation to certain organizational and technical conditions.

According to the standards, reasonable labor standards are determined for work performed at various workplaces, enterprises and in various industries. The standards are the basis for introducing the most productive modes of equipment operation, improving the organizational and technical conditions of production and labor processes.

The application of labor standards ensures unity in labor standards for similar work performed at enterprises. In addition, the establishment of standards according to the standards available at the enterprise significantly reduces the labor costs for operational regulation.

The quality of standards significantly affects the level and quality of labor standards. Therefore, labor standards must meet the following basic requirements:

Correspond to the modern level of development of technology, organization of labor and production, take into account the methods and methods of work of the best workers;

According to the degree of enlargement and accuracy, correspond to the technical, technological and organizational conditions of the type of production for which they are intended (mass, large-scale, serial, small-scale and single);

Correctly take into account the influence of various factors on the duration of individual elements of the process and the operation as a whole;

Cover the most common options for performing work, be convenient for calculating norms.

The productivity of labor and the wages of workers depend on how correctly the norms are set. Exaggerated norms can lead to a decrease in wages, a decrease in the interest of workers in increasing labor productivity. Underestimated norms do not force to strive to achieve high performance indicators, they create the appearance of high output.

The labor norm should be periodically reviewed, changed, as the technical equipment of enterprises improves, the level of organization of production rises.

If at one enterprise the product is made by hand, and at another - on the machine, then the labor costs at both enterprises are not the same and the labor rate cannot be the same. Therefore, different standards are established for work performed in different production conditions.

Labor standards, which are developed on the basis of a scientific analysis of specific production conditions, the study of rational methods and methods of work, are called technically sound. These standards are the most accurate. But at enterprises, along with technically justified norms, there are also experimental statistical norms that are established statistically.

In modern conditions, the purpose of labor rationing is to actively influence the potential opportunities and performance of enterprises to achieve two interrelated economic and social goals: ensuring the production and sale of competitive goods and services and the reproduction of human resources.

The most important task of labor rationing is a thorough study of specific production conditions, the most rational methods and methods of labor. Such a study helps to establish standards at a level corresponding to the actual costs of labor.

The labor rate is the basis for calculating such an important production indicator as the planned labor intensity of products. Based on the planned labor intensity, labor productivity, the wage fund, the number of employees, etc. are planned.

The system of standards and technical regulation of labor in construction ensures the growth of labor productivity based on the study of advanced working methods, better use of working time and machines used in construction, as well as the introduction of technically sound production standards. On the basis of technical standards, they draw up production tasks (orders) for workers, schedules for the production of work, and calculate the need for labor, machines and materials.

1. Labor rationing in the main production of construction

1.1 Production processes in construction: main and auxiliary

The process of construction (erection) of an object is commonly called construction production. The erection of buildings or structures requires the performance of construction works, which are divided into several main types according to the materials used and semi-finished products or according to their purpose, for example, stone, concrete, plastering, painting, earthworks and other works.

At the same time, all works at construction sites are conditionally divided into general construction and special.

General construction and installation works include, as a rule, works related to the erection of building structures of buildings and structures. The main ones are as follows.

· Earthworks: digging pits, pits and trenches for individual supports, strip foundations and cellars; digging trenches for laying pipelines, cable networks and other underground utilities; soil transportation (loading, moving, unloading); soil loosening, site leveling, stripping, backfilling and embankment, soil compaction. Earthworks are carried out manually (with small volumes) and mechanized using various machines: excavators, bulldozers, scrapers, dump trucks, graders, drilling machines. Rippers and drilling-explosive equipment are used to develop frozen or rocky soil.

· Pile work: driving or immersion of piles, arrangement of pile foundations.

· Stone work: erection of stone structures (walls, supports, pillars, vaults, etc.) from piece stones and blocks. B. The composition of these works includes: rubble and rubble concrete masonry, masonry from processed natural stones of the correct form, brickwork, small-block masonry (from small blocks-stones) and large-block masonry.

· Concrete and reinforced concrete works - works performed during the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures: preparation of the concrete mixture, transportation and laying it with compaction in the form (formwork); creation of conditions necessary for concrete hardening (concrete care); monolithic sections and joints between prefabricated elements, etc. When erecting reinforced concrete monolithic structures, they also perform formwork (formwork) and reinforcing (installation of reinforcing cages in the formwork).

· Works on the installation of structures cover the entire range of works on delivery to the workplace, installation, alignment and fixing of finished parts and elements (steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, wood, asbestos-cement, etc.).

Carpentry and joinery work at construction sites, as a rule, is limited to the processes of transporting to the installation site and installing finished parts (rafters, windows, doors) or erecting structures from pre-prepared and processed parts, elements or materials (boards, bars, etc.) .

Roofing works are works performed during the installation of attic roof coverings (made of steel sheets, asbestos cement) or covering non-attic buildings from rolled materials (roofing, glassine, roofing material). In the second case, the scope of work includes gluing rolled materials onto the base of the roof covering.

· Finishing work covers a wide range of interior and exterior finishing works (plastering, cladding, painting, wallpapering, etc.) of buildings and premises. Facing works related to finishing are carried out using small-sized tiles and are carried out after the completion of stone work. Plastering works in the finishing of buildings are carried out, as a rule, with mechanized supply and application of mortar, and with small amounts of work - manually. Works on painting structures, pasting wallpaper belong to the painting. In addition to those indicated, the composition of the finishing includes works on covering the floors with linoleum, plastic, pile carpets, etc.

The structure of working hours. Time standards determine time spent on production processes, including in accordance with the structure of working time. Working time consists of working time and breaks; it happens productive normalized and unproductive . The normal operating time consists of operational (main t main, auxiliary t rev ), preparatory and final t pz and regulated breaks t reg

operational time– time to perform a given work (operation). During main time the production process is carried out directly; during auxiliary time - organization and maintenance of production processes, transitions, transport work, preparation and repair of devices, safety measures.

Preparatory and closing time- time to prepare workers and means of production for the performance and delivery of work.

Scheduled breaks include rest time and time for personal needs, unavoidable technological and organizational breaks. Unscheduled breaks connected by commisions, departures, corrections of marriage, and others (for organizational and technical reasons).

Regulation of labor in construction. Labor rationing determination of labor costs (standard time) for work (production of a unit of production) individual workers, teams in specific organizational and technical conditions at normal labor intensity.

Labor rationing is intended for the development of production tasks, the preparation and maintenance of production tasks, the development of estimated standards, the assessment of labor efficiency, the design of labor processes, the operational management of production, the development of calendar plans, schedules, the calculation of the needs of workers and technical and economic planning.

The standards reflect a certain level of development of technology and organization of production, taking into account the experience of advanced workers.

There are cross-industry, industry and local regulations. Intersectoral standards are being developed to regulate labor in a number of industries, for example, standards that are common for construction and installation works, repairs, loading and unloading operations; in sectoral industry generalized conditions of production at the enterprises of the industry are taken into account; local accepted by the company.

The regulations are divided into elemental, designed to standardize labor for individual elements of the labor process, and enlarged, intended for a complex of organizational and technical related labor processes (techniques, operations) and for enlarged units.

The system of norms and standards in construction includes two levels: industrial and estimated .

Production norms establish the amount of labor costs, machine time and material consumption for work movements, work methods and work operations. They are used for intra-company accounting and control over the production process, organizing the work of workers and piecework wages, determining financial costs and results in contracting organizations. Production standards are developed by methods of technical regulation based on observations at the workplace. The rationing of labor is based on the determination of the necessary costs with the efficient use of resources while observing the regimes of work and rest.

In construction, a certain system of labor standards is applied.

Norm of time (N vr) - the cost of working time established for the production of products (works) under normal organizational and technical conditions by workers of the relevant professions and qualifications. It expressed in hours per product unit (works, operations) and is used in the preparation of piece rates:

N vr \u003d N zt / H r,

where N zt - labor cost rate - the amount of labor costs established for the production of a unit of output (work) in man-hours under normal organizational and technical conditions (for a link); Ch p - the number of workers in the link involved in the implementation of the process.

Production ratethe quantity of products (works) that a worker of the corresponding profession and qualification must perform (manufacture) per unit of time with the effective use of the means of production in normal organizational and technical conditions. It is calculated in physical terms. With taking into account the number of workers:

H vyr \u003d T / N vr,

where T- the duration of the period of time per hour for which the production rate is determined.

Working hours- inversely proportional to the rate of production of the same workers. The percentage change in the norms of time is estimated depending on the norms of production. With an increase in production standards, a decrease in time standards is determined:

With a decrease in production standards, an increase in time standards is determined:


where - indicators of change (increase, decrease), respectively, the norms of time and norms for the production of workers (%).

The norm of machine time is the amount of working time for the production of a unit of output with the efficient use of machines and the normal organization of production. The time norm of the workers operating and servicing the machine is determined by multiplying the time norm of the machine by the number of these workers.

Machine performance ratethe quantity of products produced by the machine per unit of time with its rational use. These rates are calculated per hour or shift.

In construction, the indicator of the production rate for mechanisms is used. The shift rate of production is determined as follows:

where T r.vr- the number of working hours in a shift; Nmash - the rate of machine time per unit of work.

Service rate (N service)is the number of production facilities (jobs, equipment), which a group of workers is obliged to serve in a unit of working time. The norm of time for maintenance (N vr service) is established by calculation and is determined by the regulations for the operation of the equipment (according to its mode of operation):


where T cm - shift fund of working time; H temp.service - It is used for the correct placement of workers in production with a complex definition of the work schedule.

The headcount standard (N h) is the established number of personnel to perform any amount of work or perform a function:


where P - the number of pieces of equipment (or units of work) serviced during a given time.

Manageability standard - the established number of employees reporting to a higher manager.

Production norms of labor consumption are used in the preparation of cost estimates for labor and wages for a set of works and in the preparation of work orders for workers. Based production rates of resource consumption are being developed estimated norms labor costs, machine time and material consumption. They are calculated by costing the estimated meter. Consolidation and averaging allows you to limit the number of estimated norms. Estimated rationing provides for the deviation of average values ​​from the conditions of real production, which limits their use for grassroots planning of teams.

Working hours and time of use of construction machines. The design of production standards is carried out on the basis of a detailed study of working and machine time.

Machine use timethe duration of its operation during the shift . The preparatory and final time of workers is taken into account (t PZ ), operating time (t op ), scheduled break times (t regl ). The preparatory and final time includes the costs of obtaining a task, briefing, obtaining materials and personal protective equipment, preparing the workplace, studying the drawings, and at the end of the shift - handing over products, handing over tools, cleaning the workplace (2-16% of all costs). The time of operational work is spent on fulfilling the task of production technology and auxiliary operations, it also includes time for marking, verification, transitions of workers along the work front, time for monitoring technology and devices (70–90% of all costs). The time of regulated breaks is spent on rest and personal needs of workers and unavoidable technological breaks (5-30%).

Labor cost rate is determined by the formula:


where N pz - standard preparatory and final time of workers,%; t ex – regulated breaks for rest and personal needs, %; t m – fatal technological interruptions, %.

Norm of time for a link of workers is defined as follows:

N vrz \u003d N zt / H s,

where P 3 - the number of link workers.

Production rate for a link will be:

N sv \u003d t cm H sv / N zt,

where t cm - shift duration in hours.

Machine usage times determine based on calculated (technical) her performance and the designed elements of the time of use of the machine. For machines of cyclic action the norm of time of machines per unit of final product will be:


at B = VN,

where AT - production (productivity) per hour of cyclic work; t regl, t n / cycle - project time spent on regulated breaks and non-cyclical work as a percentage of machine time; V the amount of work for the cycle of work; N number of cycles per hour.

For continuous time machines time norm defined:


at B = V cp ,

where P rvh- design costs of the time of auxiliary and idle operation of the machine, as a percentage of normalized costs; Vcp- average amount of work in 1 hour.

The norm of time for using the machine takes into account the time of operational work and regulated breaks in the operation of the machine associated with the preparation of the machine for work, technical maintenance of it, technology and organization of the normalized process.

Methods for measuring the cost of working time. The object of normalization is manufacturing operation. When developing standards, the procedure for servicing the workplace, the degree of division of labor are determined.

To methods for measuring the cost of working time relate timing, photography of the working day, the method of momentary observations.

Timekeeping is the study of an operation by observing and measuring the costs of working time for the execution of individual elements in the manufacture of a unit of output. Timing is carried out in relation to the repeating elements of the main, auxiliary, preparatory and final time, as well as for short-term elements. Observation materials are summarized and time standards are established.

Work day photostudy and measurement of all costs of working time during the shift or part of it; carried out by the performer himself or by a standardizer, master. The method is used to standardize the time of workers, employees, engineers.

There are individual, brigade, group, route photographing the working day. In the process of photographing the working day, the results of observations are entered into a special photo card as text, an index, a line on the graph. At self-photography the performer himself writes down measurements of time, the amount of loss of working time, indicating the reasons, in a special card.

Method of instant observationsa statistical method for obtaining average data on the actual workload of workers and equipment. It is used to study the cost of time and the degree of use of equipment by operating time. Similarly, the loss of time by specialists and employees is studied. Momentary observations are carried out in the process of bypass. The observer, following the route, fixes the measurements in the observation sheet at the time of the visit. The volume of observations, the number of rounds, the time of rounds, the list of working hours are recorded.

Current production standards should be regularly filled in, taking into account the use of new technology, new materials, new types of work. Individual norms are revised in accordance with the modern organizational and technical level, the new normal, clarifications are introduced on the content of collections, new coefficients in the technical part, new types of construction and installation processes are included.


Part I. Designing Labor Cost Rates

1. Substantiation of the new rationing system in construction

2. Processing the results of normative observations

3. Designing the elements of the labor cost rate

4. Designing the composition of the link of workers

6. Construction of the process harmonogram

7. Calculation of production norms of labor costs and prices

Part II. Development of a work process map



The main tasks of labor regulation are:

Development and implementation of scientifically based norms and standards for labor;

Identification of reserves for the growth of labor productivity, loss of working time, shortcomings in the organization of labor and production and, on this basis, the development of organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor;

Implementation of labor standards;

Control over the development of labor standards and the accumulation of materials for their revision.

The most important direction in improving the organization and regulation of labor is the automation and computerization of this work in a single cycle with automated design of technological processes and organization of labor, both at the stage of designing technological processes and in existing production.

Part I. Designing Labor Cost Rates

1. Substantiation of the new rationing system in construction

The change in the economic formation in Russia and the change in the conceptual foundations of economic management have led to contradictions between the requirements of the new market order of investment and construction activities and the old forms, rules and methods of administrative planning and management of construction production.

Naturally, the most important elements of the old administrative-command system of rationing and pricing in construction are dying off, the links between planned procedures for determining upcoming investment, construction and operating costs are being destroyed.

It becomes impossible within the framework of the old administrative rules to fully use the basic principles of market economy: - monitoring of market prices; optimal cost planning; taking into account the conjuncture of the labor market, machines and materials; forecasting the costs of the life cycle of the investment object.

Currently, there is no clear, transparent concept and even reasonable proposals for scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of estimated and regulatory bases and individual estimated standards that reflect market conditions in planning and managing the investment and construction process and reproduction programs for the reconstruction and repair of fixed assets.

While there are no generally accepted definitions of the basic concepts of estimated rationing in the new conditions, there are no modern definitions of traditional provisions that can be used in the new system, and there are no formulations of market elements of estimated rationing and pricing in construction.

Currently, it is required to define goals and develop a methodology for achieving them based on market postulates, substantiate the real and most promising areas for reforming the system and forecast the possible consequences of these changes for the construction economy.

The time has come for preparation, discussion and recognition by experts of conceptual solutions, identification of current changes in the system and determination of the future market order of resource rationing in construction.

2. Processing the results of normative observations (time series)

Cover panel preparation

We determine the coefficient of dispersion of the series:

Kp \u003d Amax / Amin

Cr \u003d 19/8 \u003d 2.375

If Kr>

1nAi 2-(AI)

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/117 * ((9 * 1657-13689) / (9-1)) *

Since the root mean square error is 10.57, which is unacceptable, it is necessary to exclude one of the extreme values ​​from the ordered series by calculating two values ​​K1 and Kn:

K1 \u003d (Ai-A1) / (Ai-An) \u003d (117-8) / (117-19) \u003d 1.11

Kn \u003d (Ai-A1Ai) / (An Ai-Ai) \u003d (1657-8 * 117) / (19 * 117-1657) \u003d 1.27

Since K1< Кn, то исключению подлежит первый член упорядоченного ряда А1, а именно 8.

Finding the root mean square error from the updated data:

1nAi 2-(AI) 2

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/109 * ((8 * 1593-12321) / (8-1)) \u003d 7.13%

The root mean square error corresponds to the allowable error.

We find the scatter coefficient of the series:

Cr \u003d 19/9 \u003d 2.1

Asr = 109/8 = 13.62


Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.

2. Slinging


If Кр>2, then verification and improvement is carried out according to the method of relative mean square error.

1nAi 2-(AI) 2

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/63 * ((9 * 465-3969) / 8) * 100

8,24%<10% , где 10% - это допустимая относительная средней квадратической ошибки, для цикличных процессов, имеющих в своём составе более пяти цикличных операций.

This root mean square error is acceptable.

Asr = 63/9 = 7

Panel laying


If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 - A1) \u003d (70-10) / 8 + 1 (9-6) \u003d 10.5

10<10,5 -значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An - A2) = (70-6) / 8-1 (10-6) = 4

n-1A1>4- series values ​​do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Asr \u003d 70/9 \u003d 7.77

Panel alignment.


If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 – A1) = (63-9)/8+1(9-5)=10.75

n - 14<10,75- значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An – A2)= (63-9)/8-1(9-6)=4.25

n-15>4.25 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Both values ​​correspond to an inequality, so none of the values ​​in the series can be excluded.

Asr = 63/9 = 7

Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.



If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 – A1) = (25-4)/8+1(4-2) = 4.625

n - 12<4,625- значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An – A2)=(25-2)/8-1(4-2)=0.875

n - 12>0.875 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Asr = 25/9 = 2.77

Solution supply.

Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.

1.Solution supply

If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 - A1)=(27-4)/8+1(4-2) = 4.875

A1 > AI - A1 - K (An – A2)=(4-2)/8-1(4-2)=1.125

n - 14>1.125 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Both values ​​correspond to an inequality, so none of the values ​​in the series can be excluded.

Asr = 27/9 = 3

3. Designing the elements of the labor cost rate

Name of operations of operational work

Operation product unit

Average cost per operation

Transfer Factor

Labor costs for the main process meter

Panel preparation


Panel laying

Panel Alignment


Solution supply

4. Designing the composition of the link of workers

Labor costs person min

Option 1(KTP)

1.Panel preparation

Rigger -3 p.

2. Slinging

Rigger -3 p.

Panel laying


Panel Alignment




6.Solution supply

Installers -4 p-2.

Total person-min.

by time,%

According to KTP

Р workers=(pi*ki)/ ki= (3*1+4*1)/2= 3.5

Rwork = ( pi*ti)/ ti = (3*20,62+20,54*4) / 41,16 = 3,49

The difference between the category of work and the average category of workers is 0.01, which means that the choice of the composition of the link is correct.

Name of operational work

Discharge according to ETKS with indication of pages

Minimum number of performers

Labor costs person min

Distribution of labor costs according to the qualifications of performers

Option 1 (ENiR)

1.Panel preparation

Installer -2 p.

2. Slinging

Installer-2 r

Panel laying

Fitters r

Panel Alignment

Fitters r


Fitters r

6.Solution supply

Installer -2 p.

Total person-min.

by time,%

According to ENiR:

Р workers =(pi*ki)/ ki) = (2*1+3*1+4*1)/3 = 3

Rwork = ( pi*ti)/ ti = (20,62*2+10,27*3+10,27*4)/41,16=2,75

The difference between the category of work and the average category of workers is 0.25, which means that the choice of the composition of the link is correct.

Building a process harmonogram

Characteristics of the tower crane KB-100.OA-1C

Average lifting speed of the structure Нср = 18 m,

The average speed of lowering the load - Vop = 5 m / min,

The average speed of lifting the load - Vpod \u003d 26 m / min,

Horizontal movement speed – Vper = 31 m/min,

Boom turning speed - Vpov = 0.6 rpm,

Boom rotation angle - α = 120,

Average travel distance – Lcp = 4 m

Crane operation elements:

1) T1 - time of lifting the load

Nstr - safety height = 2 m.,

Kv - crane utilization factor over time = 0.85

T1 \u003d \u003d (18 + 2) / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 0.995 min.

2) Т2 – time of lifting the hook to the safety height

T2 \u003d \u003d 2 / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 0.9049 min.

3) T3 - hook lowering time

T3 \u003d \u003d (18 + 2) / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 4.7058 min.

4) T4 - the time of rotation of the boom to the projected angle

T4 = = 120 / (0.85 * 360 * 0.6) = 0.6535 min.

5) T5 - the time of movement of the crane from the warehouse to the installation site

T5 \u003d L \u003d 4 / (31 * 0.85) \u003d 01518 min.

6) T6 - the time of lowering the structure to the safety height

T6 \u003d\u003d 2 / (5 * 0.85) \u003d 0.4705

Based on this: Tper \u003d T5 + T4 + T1 + T6, and Tobr \u003d T5 + T2 + T3 + T4

Tper = 0.1518 + 0.6535 + 0.995 + 0.4705 = 2.2708

Tobr \u003d 0.1518 + 0.9049 + 4.7058 + 0.6535 \u003d 6.416

To build a harmonogram, a table of initial data is compiled in the following form.

Initial data for constructing the harmonogram of the process according to ENiR.

Name of operational work

Labor costs person min

Profession rank and number of performers

Duration of operations min

1.Panel preparation

Installer -2 p.

2. Slinging

Installer-2 r

Panel laying

Installers r r

Panel Alignment

Installers pp


Installers pp

6.Solution supply

Installer -3 r-2.4r.

1. Building a process harmonogram

Initial data for constructing the harmonogram of the process according to the CFT.

Labor costs person min

Profession rank and number of performers

Duration of operations min

1.Panel preparation

Rigger -3 p..

2. Slinging

Rigger -3 p.

Panel laying

Fitters r

Panel Alignment

Fitters r


Fitters r

6.Solution supply

Installers -4r-2

Designing the value of technological breaks (according to ENiR).

Ptp \u003d (TP / (OR + TP)) * 100%

TP - the value of technological breaks, in man-min.

OR - time of operational work, in man-min.

TP \u003d 2 people * (13.62 + 7) + 1 people * (3.88 + 3.5 + 1.385 + 1.5) \u003d 51.51

Ptp \u003d (51.51 / (41.16 + 51.51) * 100% \u003d 55.6%

Ptp: OLN - 10% and TP - 45.6%

Designing the value of technological breaks (according to KTP).

Ptp \u003d (TP / (OR + TP)) * 100%

TP \u003d 1 person * (13.62 + 7) + 1 person (7.77 + 7 + 2.77 + 3) \u003d 41.16

Ptp \u003d (41.16 / (41.16 + 41.16) * 100% \u003d 50%

Ptp: DOL - 10% and TP - 40%

Since the value of the technological break according to the KTP is less than the value of the technological break according to the UNiR, then further calculations and the development of a map of the labor process will be carried out according to the data obtained by the KTP.

6. Calculation of production norms of labor costs and prices

The numerical characteristic of the norm of labor costs for the implementation of a unit of finished products NZT, man-hour is calculated by the formula:

Nzt = Thor* 100 (100-(Npzr+Noln+Ptp))*60

Tor - total labor costs for the implementation of elements of operational work, man-min.

Npzr - standard for PZR, in% of the normalized labor costs;

Noln - standard for rest and personal needs;

Ptp - design size of technological breaks,%

NZT = 41.6*(100/(100-((4+10+40)*60)) = 1.6 man-hour

The norm of time per unit of finished product is defined as:


K is the number of people in the team.

Hvr=1.6/4=0.4 hour/person

The production rate is calculated by the formula:

Nvyr \u003d Tsm * K / Nzt

Tsm - the established duration of the work shift, hour

Hvyr=8*4/1.6=20 panels/shift

When the process is carried out in stages:


Сav - the average tariff rate of the workers of the link, defined as a weighted average value.

Сi-tariff rate of the corresponding category

Ki-number of workers of this category


P=0.7175*1.6=1.148 c.u./piece

II. Development of a work process map

The scope and effectiveness of the application of the labor process map (KTP)

As a result of the application of forms and methods of labor organization, labor productivity indicators, when compared with similar indicators for the ENiR, have been significantly improved.

The output per 1 man-day was 20 panels, while the figure for the ENiR is 9.4 panels per 1 man-day. Labor costs for the installation of the panel amounted to 1.6 man-hours, in accordance with the ENiR, this figure was 1.84 man-hours per slab.

Overfulfillment of the norms was achieved through a more rational division and cooperation of labor, which made it possible to distribute work in accordance with the level of qualification of workers, and ensure the fullest use of their time. Thanks to the rationally selected composition of the link, the amount of technological interruptions was minimized, which made it possible to significantly reduce labor costs, and, consequently, compared with similar indicators for the ENiR.

Process preparation and conditions

Prior to the installation of structures in the design position, all work on the installation and permanent fixing of the external and internal wall panels must be completed. When laying the panels, the alignment of the front surfaces of the panels must be ensured. The embedding of seams and mounting units should be carried out after checking the correct installation of structures, the correct connection of elements in the junction nodes and their permanent fixing, and the implementation of an anti-corrosion coating of welded joints.

The norms provide for the laying of floor slabs and coatings dry or on a bed from a ready-made solution.

Installation of slabs is provided with the help of slings or special traverses, slinging at the required number of points, and using a tilter for slabs with an area of ​​​​more than 10 m 2. When installing floor slabs in brick buildings, the standards take into account their fastening with anchors to the walls and to each other. The norms provide for the laying of slabs with their lifting by the piece.

Preliminary storage of structures in on-site warehouses is allowed only with appropriate justification. The on-site warehouse should be located in the area of ​​the crane installation. Transportation and temporary storage of products in the installation area should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of state standards: the parts, as a rule, must be in a position corresponding to the design, if this condition cannot be met, provided that their strength is ensured. Parts must be securely fastened to protect against tipping, longitudinal and transverse displacement, mutual impacts against each other or against the structure of vehicles. Fastenings should provide the possibility of unloading each element from vehicles without violating the stability of the others. Reinforcement protrusions and protruding parts must be protected from damage. The factory marking must be accessible for inspection. Dragging is prohibited. Parts should be installed, as a rule, from vehicles or enlargement stands.

Before lifting the panel, check:

Compliance with its design brand;

The condition of embedded products and installation risks, the absence of dirt, snow, ice;

Availability of the necessary connecting parts and auxiliary materials at the workplace;

Correctness and reliability of fastening of load-handling devices.

Slinging of mounted elements should be carried out in the places indicated in the working drawings, and ensure their lifting and supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one. If it is necessary to change the places of slinging, they must be agreed with the organization - the developer of the working drawings, slinging in arbitrary places, as well as for rebar releases, is prohibited.

Mounted elements should be lifted smoothly, without jerks, swinging and rotation, as a rule, using braces. The structures should be lifted in 2 steps: first to a height of 70-80 cm, then after checking the reliability of the slinging, further lifting should be carried out.

The use of linings provided by the project to align the position of the stacked elements according to the marks without agreement with the design organization is not allowed. Mounting elements to be installed must be securely fastened prior to bridging. Until the alignment and secure fastening (temporary or project) fastening of the installation element is completed, it is not allowed to rely on overlying structures on it, unless such support is provided for by the PPR.

Work process map. Installation of cover panels

Efficiency of using the map for KTP for ENiR for KTP 2

Production per man-day, panels 9.1 9.4 20

Labor costs for panel installation, pers. - hour. 0.88 1.84 1.6


Installers IV category (M1, M2)

Rigger III category (T)

Tools, fixtures, inventory:

1 Mounting crowbar 2

2 Steel construction hammer

3 4-branch lanyard

4 Box - a container with a solution

Before starting work, you must:

Finish laying the vapor barrier.

Deliver the necessary tools to the workplace

Workplace organization scheme

Process technology and labor organization

Name of operational work

Labor costs, man-min

Duration of operations, min.

Brief description of the technological process

1.Panel preparation

M1, having climbed onto the bridge of the slab truck, inspects the coating panel, mounting loops and, if necessary, cleans the panel from dirt and concrete sagging.

2. Slinging

At the signal of M1, the crane operator delivers the branches of the sling to the cover panel. M1 rafters the panel and gives the command to the operator to pull the branches of the sling. Convinced of the reliability of the slinging, M1 departs to a safe area.

3.Panel laying

M2 and M3 take it at a distance of 70-80 cm from the supporting surface and orient it in the right direction. The driver smoothly lowers the panel to the place of laying.

4.Panel Alignment

M2 and M3 check the correct laying of the panel and straighten it with crowbars to the design position


At the signal of one of the installers, the crane operator loosens the sling, and M2 and M3 unsling the panel

6.Solution supply

M2 gives a signal to the driver to lift the box - a container with a solution. Next, M2 and M3 direct the box to the prepared installation site.


1. Rationing of labor of workers in construction. Under the editorship of E.B. Point. M.: Stroyizdat, 1985 - 280 p.

2. Maps of labor processes in construction production.

3. Uniform time standards and prices for construction and installation works.

4. Construction machines and equipment: Reference manual. - Beletsky B.F. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 - 592 p.

5. Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers. Section: Construction works, M.: Stroyizdat, 1989-450 p.