Sample weekly progress report. Writing a report on educational practice: structure, design, sample, recommendations. Why you need to be able to properly report on work

  • 04.05.2020


I wonder why it be strong

The technology of "Management by objectives" - MBO (Management by objective) was proposed by Peter Drucker in the 50s of the twentieth century. At that time, the West clearly began to understand that Western methods require change and correction. Today, many methods are used in management to evaluate the effectiveness of both companies and individual employees. These are, for example, a balanced scorecard BSC (Balanced Scorecard), management by MBO goals, business performance management BPM (Business Performance Management), management based on key indicators efficiency - KPI (Key Performance Indicators). In the Soviet Union in the 60-70s of the 20th century, the concept of program-target planning (PTP) became widespread, the ideas of this concept are largely in common with the ideas of MBO. Most American companies use MBO ideas in planning and management. This technology is taught in almost all American business schools. And some authors attribute America's economic success to this approach. One of the functions of the manager is setting tasks for employees and monitoring their implementation. The efficiency of project implementation, competitiveness, and, ultimately, the profit of the company depend on the fulfillment of such tasks. The fact that the manager has a convenient task management tool is a guarantee of his personal effectiveness and the coordinated work of all employees. The key is the concept of SMART tasks - these are operational instructions and activities formed within the framework of the company's existing goals. Each task is formed in accordance with the SMART principle. The task in this case is considered not as a task (operation) within the framework of a business process, but as a task-goal for an employee for a period. The task can be decomposed (allocated) from a larger task-goal, formed for a long period. For example, as part of the task of creating a company's website, an employee may have the task of choosing a contractor for a month. Smart tasks have their own weight in the general list and must be approved senior manager. Unapproved tasks are not included in the calculation of the employee's performance. The initiative for the formation of tasks comes from both the leader and the performer himself. Experienced employee able to independently prepare a plan of their work, using the principles of SMART. In this situation, the manager will only have to approve the tasks before execution, and in the future to ensure control. At the end of the period, the employee must transfer the completed tasks to the manager. In other words, the responsibility for the process of "delivery-acceptance" of the task lies with the employee. When summarizing the results for the period, the manager evaluates the performance of the task on the basis of predetermined criteria. This provides high level objectivity of assessments.

Well, there is a lot of such pseudo-scientific blizzard ... In short, you need to feel it for yourself.
Still, you won't take my word for it.
Western, so to speak, style of work according to Western standards of "effective management" ...

Below is an example of such a document. “To: head of the planning department Ivanov P. M. From whom: economist of the 1st category of the planning department Petrov Yu. R. Document type: report on the work done for the period from 02/15/16 to 02/19/16.

  • timing of the working time of the production shop was carried out;
  • included in work program timing results;
  • new norms of time are calculated;
  • responses to requests from labor inspectorates, as well as several clients;
  • took part in a conference on improving the efficiency of labor at the enterprise.

Date of compilation: February 19, 2016. Signature: Yu. R. Petrov.” If an employee writes a report on the work done in this way, then the management will consider that he is underloaded.

Progress Report: Sample

All types of resources should be indicated, namely: time (how long it took you to complete a given job), people (how many employees had to resort to help), finances (whether you met the budget planned for the project). What follows is a brief but clear description of the ways and methods that you used in doing the work.
3 When the report is ready, carefully re-read it for possible shortcomings. Look, perhaps the report will be more visual if it is illustrated with tables, graphs or charts.

Do not be too lazy to spend time compiling tables, attach them to the report. Management will appreciate such a rigorous approach to work.

If the report requires it, be sure to hem it required documents. It can be a financial report on a business trip, a contract with a supplier or a client, in general, everything that demonstrates the work you have done.

Examples of progress reports. how to write a report

The purpose of the trip and the tasks that must be completed during it must be described in such a way that during subsequent checks, no one has any doubts about the necessity and production nature of the trip. The assignment is drawn up and signed by the head of the department, and approved by the head of the enterprise.


The second part of form No. T-10a is divided into two columns. The first lists the content of the task (goals) of the trip, the second - a brief report on the task. In the event that there were no problems, then it is enough to write the word “Completed” after each item and after the words “Employee” indicate your last name, initials, put the date.

How to write a progress report for the first time

When your document is long enough, make a separate table of contents so that your report will be easier to navigate. There may be such a version of the report: Full name. Position Subdivision Main achievements for the past period:

  • in professional activity;
  • in terms of personal development.

What was not achieved and why. Need for additional training. Suggestions for improving the organization of your work. Desired areas of responsibility and career development. handle your responsibilities.

Progress report: sample and step-by-step instructions for compiling

In the event that weekly results are not held in the organization, but you are obliged to generate a report on the work done for the year, you should not panic and fight in hysterics. All the information is around you: look at the history of messages in the document logs or in e-mail, open the folder with your reports, study travel sheets.


All this will help to remember the feats that you accomplished during the working year. Wrapping up Above we have given some examples of how to write a progress report.

The main thing is to state the operations performed, indicating quantitative characteristics (so many times or such and such a number of pieces, etc.). Thus, you will inform the management about how much work you managed to accomplish.

We must not forget to indicate at the beginning of the report a list of specific tasks that you were brought to complete.

How to write a progress report?

On the contrary, the boss will appreciate your ability to express thoughts in a concise form, clearly and competently. 6 Supplement the main part of the report with applications confirming the facts you have described. These may be invoices and other accounting documents, copies thank you letters, publications about the event in periodicals, etc.


End the report with a Conclusion section. Here you will formulate those conclusions and suggestions that arose after the completion of the work and may be useful for the organization in the future. 8 Print the report on A4 paper. Do not use fanciful fonts and character sizes below 12.

Number the pages. If the report is large, print a table of contents on a separate sheet, which will help you quickly navigate the text. Design a cover page and place the report in a folder. Related videos The reports we have to write at work are different.

The chief accountant must report daily on the work done

This document allows you to evaluate the quality and speed of the task by an employee. The reporting documents of all employees provide an opportunity to get a general picture of the company's work and facilitate tactical and strategic planning. The employee needs the report. Firstly, a well-written final document helps to present the results of your work to management in a profitable way. Second, the report is a useful self-monitoring tool.
At the end of the reporting period, you see your successes and failures. This will show you the directions in which you need to develop.

Read all about reports in electronic journal"Handbook of the secretary and office manager" What to write in the progress report There is no single standard template for the progress report. The document is drawn up in free form. It depends on the nature of the tasks performed.

How to write a report on the work done by an accountant

The labor process consists of setting tasks by the manager and their implementation by the employee of the company. From time to time, each employee makes a report on the work done.

The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. The importance of this document to management should not be underestimated.

In this article, we will look at how to properly format a report on the work done, a sample of filling out a document, and some tips for compiling it. Why you need to be able to correctly report on the work The workflow can be represented as a complex mechanism in which each employee of the company is a gear.
In this example, the head of the organization acts as an engineer who is obliged to ensure that all mechanisms work smoothly and as quickly as possible.

How to write a report on the work done by an accountant

Sometimes when compiling an accounting report, it is required to have explanatory note. It is usually not large in volume and some figures are explained in it.

For example, why did some indicators decline, what caused the growth of other indicators, what is the general trend towards growth and development, according to the figures of the report. Classification of reports on the work done Reports are classified according to two criteria

  • By time of the reporting period: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual.
  • In terms of composition and volume: a report on the work done by one division of the organization and a report on the work of the entire organization.

Compiling a daily or weekly progress report is rarely difficult.

Usually, they consist of several numerical indicators that reflect the main activities of the organization.

How to write a report on the work done by an accountant

Instruction 1 Carefully select a resume before the interview. Don't waste your time on people who don't meet all your requirements. Consider the following data about the applicant: age, presence of children, education, work experience, readiness for business trips (if the vacancy implies them), PC knowledge, and so on. Immediately weed out those who do not suit you even on one point. 2 Invite suitable applicants for an interview. Pay attention to the punctuality of candidates. If a person is late, there is a chance that he will be constantly late for work.

Of course, such employees are not needed. 3 See what the applicant looks like. Do not hire people who look vulgar or untidy.

This is very important for the whole team. An unpleasant colleague can cause valuable employees to quit. 4 See how the person fits in terms of external parameters.

How to write a report on the work done by an accountant sample

An important part is the completion of the report. Be sure to write what you want to implement at work in the near future. By this you will show that you look wider than just the area of ​​​​your immediate duties and functions that must be performed in accordance with job description. You can also look at the example above. In order to make it easier to compile such reports, you can in a notebook either electronic document Record daily work done. You will spend only 3-5 minutes a day on this trifle. It's not that much. However, due to such records, you can easily create a report on your work for any period in the future without any problems.

  • 05.04.2016

The head of the enterprise in connection with the business need sends the employee on a business trip.

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For this, an appropriate one must be drawn up. It indicates the position and surname of the employee, the destination and purpose of the trip.

After arrival, the employee draws up a trip report. In the document, he describes in detail what was done during the trip and whether its goal was achieved.

Let us consider in more detail what a business trip report represents, give an example of writing, indicate what requirements apply to it, how to report correctly and within what time frame it needs to be done.

What is this document?

Each document in the enterprise belongs to a specific workflow group.

The travel report is included in the list of travel documents. It also includes a business trip order, travel certificate and.

Checking travel documents is within the competence of the tax authorities - in particular, when checking personal income tax and income tax. Therefore, when compiling a report on a business trip, accounting should pay special attention to the correctness of their filling.

The travel report must be prepared by an employee sent on a business trip.

The employee is issued a job assignment along with a travel certificate. It has a column indicating the purpose of the trip and a report on the work done. It is in the second column that information about the work done should be entered.

Brief report on business trip compiled to explain the purpose of the trip.

Is it required?

Until 2019 inclusive, when sending an employee on a business trip, the preparation of a travel certificate and a job assignment was mandatory and enshrined in regulatory documents.

On 01/08/15, the item was abolished.

It has become optional to issue a travel certificate and a job assignment, including a trip report - at the discretion of the head and accounting department.

With a large flow of employees sent on a business trip, in order to avoid confusion in the calculation of salaries and taxes, it is recommended to draw up reporting documents, as before.

This should be noted in the local act.

Benefits of compiling a trip report:

  • when calculating salaries, the accountant has documented confirmation that the employee is on a business trip;
  • with a large number structural divisions and employees, the head of the department in the job assignment prescribes: the purpose of the trip, the number of days, the destination, the employees (surname, position).

How to write a trip report?

According to the legislation, a unified form of a business trip report has been created.

When compiling the document, the employee must be guided by them.

Consider what requirements apply to the document, what columns it consists of and how to fill it out correctly.

Document Requirements

A report on the work done on a need-to-know basis must be drawn up no later than 3 days after the return.

Form and Sections

Since 2013, the legislation has allowed the use of a form developed by the organization independently.

It must be approved in the accounting policy (attached to it). A standard report form is drawn up in the form No. T10-A (a sample is given below):

The service task performs the following functions:

  • the purpose of the trip and related tasks are clearly stated;
  • the worker makes a report on the work done.

Service Assignment Sections

To be completed by the head of the department:

  • name of the organization (full or abbreviated);
  • document number and date of compilation (must match the travel certificate);
  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee sent on a business trip and his personnel number from the personal file;
  • department to which the employee is assigned (in small organization its name is indicated if there is no division into departments);
  • job title;
  • destination: city and organization;
  • business trip period: start date, end date total period;
  • who finances the travel expenses: sending or receiving party;
  • reason for the business trip: business trip plan, business need, etc.;
  • the purpose of the trip and related tasks;
  • signatures of the head of the department and the director.

To be filled in by an employee sent on a business trip:

  • progress report;
  • employee's signature.

When making a business trip, the assignment is transferred to an employee with a travel certificate or stored in the accounting department until the employee returns.

Filling rules

The rules for filling out a trip report are simple.

Before sending on a business trip, the head of the department prescribes the purpose of the trip. Accordingly, for these purposes, the employee must draw up a report on the work done.

Do not limit yourself to the word "completed". His task is to write a detailed explanation of what was done.

It is necessary to draw up a report in such a way that during the subsequent tax audit, specialists do not have questions about the need for a business trip and, in particular, the direction of this employee.

If a task fails, you must specify a reason. If it is respectful, the organization may decide not to recover the travel expenses incurred from the employee.

If there is not enough space to fill out the report, you can continue it on sheet A4. However, this will not be counted as a violation of the law.

How to write correctly?

The trip report (sample) is shown below:

In addition, the organization may use its own travel report form.

An example of such a form:

Who signs and agrees?

At least 3 signatures must be affixed:

  • the employee who issued the business trip;
  • head of the department - checks the correctness of filling;
  • the head of the enterprise - approves and puts a resolution.

Terms of submission

Returning from a business trip, according to Decree No. 749, an employee is required to fill out a report on the work done within 3 working days.

He fills out a report on what was done, provides documents confirming the expenses incurred.

Accompanying documents

When sending an employee on a business trip, the following set of accompanying documents must be issued:

  • (for certain groups of citizens);
  • order to send on a business trip: the surname, initials of the employee, position, destination of the trip, purpose and timing are indicated;
  • service task: information similar to an order is indicated, an additional column appears with a report on the completion of the task for the employee.

The advance report is compiled simultaneously with the writing of the trip report.

It is issued to confirm the advance payment issued or to receive money spent on travel expenses. Accompanied by documentary evidence: receipts, checks, tickets.

In any university, in the process of learning, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. For the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-diploma practice. The completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description from the place of internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or fact-finding practice becomes the first test for students. It is passed on the 1st or 2nd course. The goal is to consolidate the general theoretical knowledge gained in the course of study, as well as to obtain a general idea of ​​the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as see the work of employees of your chosen specialization.

Internship takes place in the 3-4 course and is the next step in mastering the profession. Interns are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is final stage learning. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. Report on undergraduate practice often is the second chapter of the diploma and is an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the practice program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- a diary;

- a description from the place of internship

— introduction;

- the main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the model from the methodological instructions. The title page contains data on the name of the university, the type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, undergraduate), the topic of practice, specialty, student, leader, place and year of writing.

Title page sample

Calendar plan is drawn up in the form of a table, contains data on the type, timing and place of work performed by you at the enterprise. Sometimes included in the diary.

An example of a practice report schedule

Practice Diary- similar to calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee writes down every day what he did or studied today. Arranges everything in the form of a table.

An example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma practice should reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About the level of his professional training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a characteristic from his supervisor and attach to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample Practice Report Content

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • evaluation state of the art research topic;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part is divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. The positive and negative aspects of the work of an enterprise or institution are identified. All calculations, graphs and tables are given.

Conclusion written on the basis of the studied material. Contains answers to the tasks set in the introduction. Includes all conclusions obtained in the main part. You can include an assessment of your own work and give recommendations for improving the activities of the enterprise.

Practice Report Conclusion Sample

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those specified in . according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as normative literature, internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing the work, in the text of the work. It could be reporting organizational structure enterprises, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. Everything, the documents that you found at the enterprise and which were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have any difficulties with writing or you did not manage to complete an internship at the enterprise, you can always turn to our specialists for help and get qualified advice.

There is no leader who does not demand from his subordinates a report on what has been done at least once a year. And the problem is that with routine employment, developing such a document seems to be a rather difficult task. And for some reason we are embarrassed to ask for examples of reports on the work done from the authorities. What if he decides that we do not correspond to the position we hold?

Who needs it

This question is asked by the performer who received the task to report. Most often, employees of firms feel almost offended by such requirements. But everything has a meaning.

Firstly, a report on the work done is needed by the contractor himself. Not formal but interested attitude to this process will allow you to find bottlenecks and weaknesses in your qualifications. So, the directions in which it is possible (and necessary) to develop are determined. After all, we all learn from our mistakes.

Secondly, the leader needs it. The report on the work done allows you to objectively assess the quality and speed of solving the tasks. Thanks to this document, many questions will disappear - from the most primitive “what do you do all the time” to the complex “why should I change your computer for a more modern one”. Because the report will indicate that it takes a long time to save changes to the document. And it does not depend on the performer - outdated office equipment cannot work faster. Actually, this is why it seems that the employee drinks tea all the time - he just waits for the operation to be completed.

And the question: “Why do I need to write a report on the work done for the month?” itself is incorrect. Because the accumulation and filling of databases makes sense for strategists, and not for them. It is just easier for them to solve a problem than to talk about methods for solving it.

What to write

Examples of progress reports show that you need to write in great detail. Whatever seems to be a small thing or a small gesture can be a key element in the performance of specific functions. But understanding of this will come only after studying several written reports.

If the work is of a routine nature, for example, reconciliation of documents and identification of inconsistencies, then it makes sense to develop a tabular form. In this case, again, at first the table should be very detailed and contain many columns; over time, the need for some columns will disappear, and the form of the report will take on a normal (read - reasonable) look.

In some cases, when compiling a report on the work done (for example, teachers), one cannot formally approach the issue of introspection. After all, in addition to the planned educational and methodological load and the study required material The school is also engaged in educational activities. This requires a special approach to the preparation of the document: it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lagging behind a number of students, to find ways to interest children in their subject. And at the same time, we should not forget about successful (and even gifted) schoolchildren.

Goals of reports

For correct compilation and minimum time costs, it is necessary from the very beginning to decide for what purpose and why a report on the work done for the year is written. Let's name the most popular:

Justification of the real benefits of a particular position in the organization;

Confirmation of the qualifications of an employee;

Demonstration effective work leadership;

Obtaining funding for the next reporting period;

Obtaining consent for the development of a direction (idea);

Justification for spending allocated resources and finances, etc.

The well-known formulation - the correct formulation of the problem provides 50% of the solution - works in this case as well. The better we understand why a report is needed, the easier it is for us to write it. Up to the fact that the document “for show” does not require a creative approach from us at all. And the cost of time.

Document structure

If the enterprise does not have a developed one, then you have to develop it yourself. Knowing the purpose of the document, it is necessary to think over its structure. Examples of progress reports suggest that a clear and simple outline is needed.

At the very beginning, the purpose and logic of presenting information should be explained. Explain the order of presentation and make a table of contents. For the table, it is necessary to give brief explanations why such a form was chosen.

Within sections and subsections, one should also adhere to the unity of presentation. So the document will be more understandable, as a result, it is easier to perceive. In a report for a long period of time, illustrations and graphs are quite appropriate, which will facilitate perception. But here you need to adhere to the rule of the “golden mean”: solid text, as well as exclusively visual materials, tire very quickly.


For an ordinary employee, perhaps the most difficult thing to write is the terminology and wording. A bombastic report will look unnatural and will cause a negative reaction from management. Too simple wording (for example, 25 documents were xeroxed) will also repel the reader.

However, templates should be avoided. The only exception is the document that no one will ever read. We sometimes face such tasks, but in this article we are interested in real (not pro forma created) reports.

In any case, you should not talk only about achievements. To emphasize them, it is necessary to talk about the difficulties that had to be encountered in the course of work. Among other things, the complexity analysis is about the optimization of work for executives. Examples of progress reports indicate that you should not use vague phrases like “unsatisfactory condition”, “difficulties encountered”, etc. It is better to call everything by its proper name: “broken photocopier”, “lack of access to the Internet”, “lack or untimely receipt of information from the associated department. All this allows us to adequately and objectively assess the current situation in the company.

Evaluation of results

Each result obtained must be confirmed by numbers. Such concretization provides an understanding of the dynamics of development.

In addition, it is necessary to set the criteria for evaluating the results. It will be the previous one (if it is a quarterly report, for example) or, conversely, the percentage of the achievement of the goals set, it is up to the author of the document to decide.

In general, indirect indicators can tell a lot about the process of solving the tasks. There is also a wealth of information here for further analysis. From determining labor costs to understanding the correctness of setting goals.

From problem to solution

Most reports are prepared on the principle of describing the progress of work. A document that clearly shows the problem-solution relationship is more advantageous. The reader immediately understands what methods and techniques (if necessary) the performer used to complete the task in a timely and high-quality manner.

An even more detailed chain of "a specific problem - the causes of its occurrence - setting tasks - a solution" immediately suggests the need to present a daily report in tabular form. Moreover, the names of the graphs are already known. The information presented in this way is easy to read and analyze.

Presentation of quantitative indicators

In cases where the report consists mainly of numerical data, the tabular form can just be very difficult to understand. A continuous stream of numbers literally tires the reader after a few minutes. Another thing - colorful charts and graphs. They are clear, understandable and easy to read.

Each diagram must be commented on. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how the various graphs are interconnected; clarification of causal relationships will further facilitate the analysis of the report.

If material resources were spent during work, you should not just list them all. Instead, the benefits acquired should be listed. The dry phrase: “Office equipment purchased” will sound completely different if you write: “2 jobs were created, which allowed to increase the output of the department.”

How to draw up a document

Despite the fact that there is no single form of compilation, a report on the work done can be drawn up in accordance with GOST, which defines the main criteria for scientific work. It spells out the requirements for formatting, font type and size, etc.

As for the readability of the document, here are some tips:

Try to have no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;

Key indicators can be highlighted in font or color;

Break the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page; be sure to leave space for comments on them;

Write a clear and concise summary of the report.

These tips will help facilitate the perception of your report, which means that they will initially set up the reader for a loyal attitude towards the author of the document. Imagine that you are the boss. And make the report in a way that would be useful and interesting for you to read.