Writing Ypres. Individual employee development plan: how does it work? The result is formulated vaguely. Disagreements may arise with a senior manager who is responsible for development

  • 28.08.2020

Description of the presentation Individual development plan as a tool for managing the development of an employee on slides

An individual employee development plan (IDP) is a document containing the goals and program for the development of an employee, his professional and business qualities. IPR is necessary to control and take into account measures for the development of each individual employee in the company, for example, as part of a personnel assessment system or a project to develop a personnel reserve. The implementation of the IPR is an indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the employee himself, his manager and the system of training and development of the organization's personnel as a whole.

An individual development plan helps to achieve several goals. Allows the employee to develop more purposefully and systematically The IDP defines specific development goals, indicating the timing and stages of development Coordinates work goals and development goals The IDP indicates specific professional goals in which development activities result Provides the opportunity to control and self-control over development The IDP specifies evaluation criteria achievement of each development goal Translates general and specific ideas on self-development to the level of specific actions The IDP indicates specific actions that need to be taken to achieve development goals Allows you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses The IDP indicates an assessment of the achievement of goals, and also indicates the causes and factors that influenced to achieve / fail to achieve goals

An individual development plan is beneficial for an employee in that: It allows you to prepare in a timely manner for upcoming changes, new projects, a new position Final goal IPR is the development by an employee of those knowledge and skills that will allow him to solve problems of a higher professional level. IDP links developmental activities to the final level of competencies Helps self-organization Having an IEP, it is easier to include events and actions in our life and work plans that will help the manager achieve development goals Helps to prioritize and place emphasis in training and development large organizations As a rule, a lot of developmental activities are carried out, and employees are not always aware of why they need this or that training. IPR solves this problem

Stages of compiling the IWP 1. Preparatory stage The employee studies the report on the results of the assessment (if it was carried out), receives and studies development recommendations from the manager, independently determines development priorities, if necessary, consults with a consultant (external or internal, often the role of a consultant is performed by a training specialist and development) 2. Compilation of the IDP The employee fills out a table with the priorities of his development and a map of developing actions, where he clearly indicates how and when he will develop the necessary skills Approval of the IPR The employee approves his IPR with the head and representative of the HR department

Criteria for high-quality IDP Logic and consistency There should be continuity between developmental actions, methods should be applied according to the principle “from simple to complex” Orientation towards the development goal It should be clear how each of the developmental actions contributes to the development of a specific skill specified in the development goal Definiteness of actions in time For each of the activities, either a specific deadline for its implementation or the frequency of developmental actions should be established Realistic The plan should take into account the workload of the employee

The structure of the IPR Information about the employee This paragraph specifies such parameters as: full name; job title; subdivision; the position of the head; planning period Professional tasks This paragraph indicates the professional tasks that the employee faces Development recommendations This paragraph contains: recommendations for the development of corporate competencies and business qualities made after assessing the employee's competencies; recommendations on the development of professional competencies - skills, knowledge and skills made during an interview with the managers of the employee Development goals This paragraph sets out specific development goals indicating: the timing of achieving the goals; development methods; developmental actions Results of the implementation of the IWP This paragraph indicates the assessment of the employee's achievement of the development goals, indicating: self-assessment of the manager's assessment of the manager's comments

Working with IPR An individual development plan is drawn up taking into account the prospects for further career development employee within the company. Therefore, an individual development plan in its more complete form can become an individual career plan (IPC, career chart). To do this, it must additionally contain: information about the possible movements of the employee within the company; information about the position to be filled; information about the goals of the employee regarding career and professional growth; other information necessary for planning an employee's career. IPR is drawn up for an employee for a period of at least 1 year, an individual career plan - for 5 years.

The IPC is compiled by the manager or mentor of the employee during a special individual conversation with him (“development conversation” or “career conversation”). The employee must take an active part in drawing up a plan for his development, talk about his needs, career expectations, his opportunities to develop in one direction or another, etc. Thus, during such a conversation, the following questions must be raised: long-term goals of the employee ; employee's short-term goals; building-related goals business career; expectations from a business career in the company; employee opportunities; employee concerns.

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Section 1 - INFORMATION ABOUT THE EMPLOYEE Name Ivanov Alexander Ivanovich Position Head XXX for the construction of communications Division Date of birth 22.02.1962 Full name of the head Alexander Petrovich Petrov Position of the head XXXXXXXXXXXX Planning period September 2010 - September 2011 Contact phone and e — mail 8 - 916 -325 -XX-XX; Ivanov@rzd. en

Section 2 - OBJECTIVES Key work tasks: In this section, you must indicate the priority areas of your activity (both current and prospective, leading to a significant result 1. By September 2011, develop and implement quality management systems in the Directorate. 2. 3.

Section 3 - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT Recommendations based on the results of the assessment: competencies, skills, knowledge, skills recommended for development based on the results of the assessment. Recommendations from your supervisor and other sources of information: competencies, skills, knowledge, skills Develop systems thinking and skills for complex information analysis. Pay special attention to the planning and implementation of intermediate control. Develop project management skills When making decisions, pay more attention to the analysis of the economic component of the process. Show great initiative, look for new opportunities / approaches to optimize the performance of work

Section 4 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Priority areas for development 1: In this section, it is necessary to indicate the priority skill or ability for development, when choosing, pay attention to the consistency of this section with key work tasks until (month/quarter, year) to develop the skill/learn (skill/ability) By September 1, 2011, to develop the skills of distribution of responsibility and authority in such a way as to have more time to identify strategic success factors in the activities of units Criteria for achieving the goal : In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the criteria by which you will understand that the goal has been achieved - they must be specific and measurable. Compared with September 2010, the share of working time spent on identifying strategic success factors in the unit in the activities of units increased by 2 times. Part of the powers transferred to subordinates

Development methods Developing actions Timing Execution (+; ± ; -) Self-learning - analysis of past experience, independent search for more effective forms of work, reading specialized literature Read at least 3 articles from the book Measuring the effectiveness of a company "(3rd ed., ed. in Alpina, 2009, Harvard Business Review Classic series), list the most important and interesting ideas, as well as identify opportunities for their use in their work October 2010 Trainings and seminars - short-term intensive training for skill development (incl. distance learning) Take part in the seminar “Performance Performance Management” According to the CG schedule Feedback - discussion with colleagues, subordinates, manager, coach of their work in terms of the skill / skill being developed Request at least 3 times feedback two of my subordinates: “How clearly do I describe the image of the desired future when setting long-term goals? How effective am I in giving feedback in evaluating the performance of my subordinates? What could be improved? » Until February 2011

Learning from the experience of others - observing a person who has a given skill / skill is highly developed; joint discussion with him of his experience Developmental projects, internships - participation in a project or temporary appointment to a position requiring more high level development of the selected skill/skill Development in the workplace - specific tasks from daily work that contribute to the development of the selected skill/skill Getting acquainted with the monthly reports of the department, analyze the measured indicators: “How do they relate to the strategic goals of the management and the company? Are they sufficient? What other changes in the performance management system are needed? » Until June 2011

Priority development areas 2: In this paragraph, indicate the priority skill or ability for development, when choosing, pay attention to the consistency of this section with key work tasks , year) to develop the skill / learn (skill / skill) By September 1, 2011, develop the skills of planning personnel development and providing motivating feedback in such a way as to increase the desire of the employees of the unit to analyze the long-term consequences of their decisions Criteria for achieving the goal: In this paragraph, you must indicate the criteria by which you will understand that the goal has been achieved - they must be specific and measurable. Direct subordinates made individual development plans and completed them by at least 80%. Compared to September 2010, direct reports are provided with feedback 2 times more often

Development methods Developing activities Timing Execution (+; ± ; -) Self-learning - analysis of past experience, independent search for more effective forms of work, reading special literature Read John Maxwell's book "Mentoring 101", write out the most important and interesting ideas, and also determine the possibilities for them use in their work December 2010 Trainings and seminars - short-term intensive training on the skill / skill chosen for the development (including distance learning) Complete the training "Best world practices in training and development of employees" According to the schedule of the CG Feedback - discussion with colleagues, subordinates, manager, coach of their work in terms of the skill / skill being developed At least 2 times, ask for feedback from 2-3 of their subordinates: “How accurately do I see the strengths and areas of development of other people? » ; “Is the feedback I give helpful in improving results? » Until April 2011

learning from the experience of others - observing a person who has a given skill / skill is highly developed; discuss their experience with him/her Talk to 3-5 managers at their level who can serve as an example in the field of employee development, what they are doing to determine strengths and zones of development of other people, what they do for the development of their subordinates. Determine what similar actions can be taken to develop current subordinates By May 2011 Development projects, internships - participation in a project or temporary assignment to a position that requires a higher level of development of the selected skill / skill Development in the workplace - specific tasks from daily work, that contribute to the development of the chosen skill / skill Based on the results of meetings, at least once a month, conduct brainstorming sessions with individual subordinates contentious issues to develop the ability of subordinates to learn from the experience of a friend once a month

Completion date: September 10, 2010 Employee's signature: Manager's signature: IEP consultant's signature: Section 5 - IEP RESULTS

Section 5 - IWP RESULTS Development goals (copy from plan) Self-assessment (underline) Supervisor's assessment Supervisor's comments 1. Not achieved Partially achieved Fully achieved 2. Not achieved Partially achieved Fully achieved Date of completion: September 10, 2011 Employee signature: Supervisor's signature : Signature of the IPR consultant.

In work in any position, there inevitably comes a moment when the usual duties are performed with closed eyes or, conversely, functions appear that require the acquisition of new knowledge. This significantly reduces the motivation of employees and adversely affects the efficiency of their work. In order to avoid this, prudent managers draw up a professional development plan for each employee. For both parties, this is a convenient tool for developing professional qualities and, as a result, business.

The problem of personnel development in many companies today is very acute, as it is caused by staff shortages and the value of financial employees in the labor market. In order to retain qualified personnel, employers are trying to resolve this issue through the professional development of employees, building a career growth plan, and inclusion in the personnel reserve.

Employee Development Plan

An individual professional development plan is a document that records the planned progress of an employee in career ladder for a period of one to three years (possibly five) and qualification requirements, satisfying each position. A professional development plan typically includes:

Competences that the employee currently possesses;
competencies requiring additional development;
list of activities to develop necessary competencies;
internships that will allow you to get acquainted with the functions of the position, the reserve of which includes this employee;
the result to be achieved during the internship;
a plan for the delegation of responsibilities for the position for which this employee is reserved;
terms of development of competence;
the fact of fulfillment of the individual development plan and comments.

In the individual development plan, specific realistic deadlines are set for the development of the skill to the required level.

The procedure for working with this type of document in an organization can be centralized, strictly regulated and distributed among responsible executors: personnel management service, organization leaders, managers structural divisions, employees. Or it can be informal, brought only to the level, for example, of the head of the financial and economic service.

The organizer of the centralized process of drawing up professional development plans, as a rule, is the personnel management service. At least the head and his subordinate should take part in this process. The most difficult thing in the formation of such a plan is to identify the problem areas of the employee, that is, to assess his strengths and weaknesses in professional knowledge, experience and behaviour. These zones are more correctly called development zones, since they can form the basis for achieving even greater efficiency and effectiveness of the employee's activities. Therefore, an employee's professional development plan is drawn up, as a rule, based on the results of an assessment or certification in terms of competencies.

An individual development plan is a fairly flexible tool for retaining key personnel; it can be updated and adjusted annually at the request of both parties. Employee career planning, as a rule, takes place in a certain direction, which also satisfies both parties, depending on what tasks the employee will have to solve in the future and in what projects he will participate. Both parties must find a compromise so that the development of the employee is planned in accordance with the goals of the company to ensure that the company's strategic goals are met and at the same time his personal needs are met.

The procedure for drawing up a professional development plan

Work on the development of employee competencies includes several stages, the main of which are: the actual preparation of a professional development plan based on the available budget and tasks solved by a particular unit, assessing the knowledge of the staff and adjusting the plan based on the results obtained.

The most time-consuming and important is the second stage, namely, the assessment of employees' knowledge. This is the basis of the entire personnel management system, since without it it is almost impossible to obtain objective information about employees, and therefore it is difficult to take reasonable management decisions. The presence of an objective evaluation system in the company is also a strong motivating factor for employees, because if the evaluation is regular and inevitable, and its criteria are known to employees, that is, they understand how the evaluation results will affect the level of income, what career prospects and development opportunities, this is an incentive for the employee to improve their performance.

Types of development activities can be as follows:

1. Development in the workplace.
2. Special projects/assignments/temporary assignments.
3. Learning from the experience of others.
4. Search for feedback.
5. Self-learning.
6. Trainings and seminars.

To assess the implementation of the professional development plan, a special report form is being developed. But in some cases, it is acceptable that the structure of the professional development plan include the item "Status of the implementation of goals", where, at the end of the planned period, the employee's self-assessment and the manager's assessment of the results achieved are entered.

The benefits of working under a professional development plan are clear:

The professional development of an employee becomes organized and purposeful, and not spontaneous;
the plan allows you to correlate the areas of professional development of an employee with the current and future needs of the unit;
it allows to take into account the interests of the employee in his professional development;
based on the results of assessing the implementation of such a plan, the employee regularly receives feedback on the development of his professional competencies and better understands the requirements of the organization for the current or prospective position;
well-organized work according to professional development plans motivates the employee to further work In the organisation. But there are also disadvantages of working with such documents:
plan in a situation of instability and dependence on a large number of external factors not easy, especially the professional development of employees;
a professional development plan is a rather complicated tool in work: it is necessary to allocate a lot of time and personal resources of the manager for its preparation, monitoring and evaluation of implementation, since all procedures are carried out in the form of a personal conversation;
a professional development plan can easily turn into a formal document that is not given much importance in an organization or department - in this case, the organization receives a tool to demotivate employees.

Personnel assessment methods

There are several types of assessment, depending on the purpose of its implementation. This refers to a quantitative or qualitative assessment of an employee or a comprehensive assessment of him as a member of the organization.

Quantification is used to determine the performance of an employee. Its methods include the use of a given scoring achievements and mistakes of an employee, expert and coefficient assessment of his activities, all kinds of professional and psychological tests. This type of assessment is more suitable for employees in the field of material production. If we talk about people who are mainly engaged in intellectual work, then only a quantitative assessment will not be enough. However, as well as quality ones, since they give a very conditional idea of ​​how effective an employee is. A qualitative assessment allows you to evaluate the personal qualities of an employee, for example, his outlook, business negotiation and communication skills. To do this, they use evaluation interviews, discussions of a group of experts with the employee being evaluated, an arbitrary (written or oral) presentation by the employee of the vision of his work and functions, systematic observation and evaluation.

Since the purposes of personnel assessment mentioned above are very diverse, the use of only one group of assessment methods can lead to undesirable and deliberately incorrect results. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment helps to reduce the risk of getting a random result.

There are also several types of comprehensive assessment:

Evaluation according to the 360-degree principle, that is, evaluation by the immediate supervisor, subordinates, as well as colleagues who are on the same hierarchical level with the employee being evaluated and interact closely with him. This method also includes employee self-assessment. In the course of the assessment, the attestees receive feedback that allows them to understand how the assessment of others corresponds to the self-assessment of the employee;
MBO method (Management by Objectives), that is, management by setting goals. The employee, together with the immediate supervisor, formulates his main goals for the coming period (usually a calendar year);
grading system (levels). This is a positioning system for positions in accordance with company policy. The position grade is determined based on the analysis and evaluation of key factors (criteria). Personnel assessment according to the grading system - assessment of the abilities and qualities of employees on key factors for compliance with the position.

The most complete form of assessment is the assessment conducted by the assessment center (assessment-center), that is, the personnel assessment center. However, the most common and convenient method of evaluation is certification.

Personnel certification.

Certification answers questions about how fully a particular person corresponds to his position, how effectively he applies his knowledge and skills in practice. Regular performance appraisal of employees allows us to achieve the following goals: informing employees about the requirements set by the company for their positions; determination of the need for training and development of personnel; ensuring that the qualifications of employees correspond to the positions they hold; bringing the level of remuneration of employees in line with the level of their qualifications. Certification makes it possible to answer the questions: "what to teach?", "how to teach?", "whom to teach?", to plan training for certain categories of employees, to identify the most promising employees, in whose development the company will profitably invest.

It should be understood that attestation is always carried out in accordance with predetermined criteria and covers a certain period. Therefore, it is necessary to identify these criteria and establish the frequency of certification, for example, annually or twice a year.

Then you need to create an attestation committee consisting of three to five people who are entrusted with the development and approval of the attestation procedure. The committee determines the key principles for conducting certification in the company, a list of competencies for employees and managers. All key principles of performance appraisal of the company's employees are reflected in the appraisal regulation, which is the result of the committee's work. After approval of the regulation on certification, information and training of managers and employees of the company is carried out. Certification should be carried out throughout the company, starting with top managers and ending with ordinary employees.

When identifying experts for assessing an employee, one should proceed from the following: firstly, the assessment of the immediate supervisor of the employee is the most important point certification. Other experts can be employees of both the same department in which the assessed person works, and other departments interacting with the employee. This is necessary in order for some important part of the production behavior to be evaluated "from the outside". As a rule, we are talking about functional managers or project managers. For example, a branch accountant will be assessed not only by the branch director, but also by the chief accountant from headquarters. However, only one who was an internal client of an employee and could directly observe his production behavior can act as an expert. An important point when using several experts is the coordination of the assessment.
The manager speaks to the employee with a single assessment and recommendations for development. Ideally, the reconciliation of estimates should occur as follows. The head of the employee and each of the experts gives their assessment. Then they get together and discuss each competency where the assessments of the experts differ from those of the employee's supervisor. The result of this discussion is the final assessment for this competence, accepted by all experts.

Another important point is the mandatory self-assessment of an employee, which allows him to once again analyze his activities for the reporting period, pick up facts, and think over steps for self-development. For a manager, employee self-assessment is a great way to save time and focus on analyzing discrepancies in assessments and justifying your point of view.

Certification of employees of accounting services can be carried out in the manner established for the entire company. According to the author, it makes no sense to evaluate the professionalism of accounting staff and financial service for any number of indicators. It is quite difficult to determine them for this type of work and they are unlikely to give a real assessment of the professionalism of an employee.

For employees of the financial service, the following competencies can be assessed:

1. Professional knowledge and the degree of their application in the performance of assigned tasks. Here, one must evaluate professional qualification, and the quality of the work performed: is there a need to refine the tasks, the presence of errors, the independence of the tasks performed and their timeliness, the possibility of using the employee at the discretion of the company, that is, his mobility.
2. Business and personal qualities. It assesses the employee's performance, his responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to prioritize and make independent decisions in necessary situations, analytical skills, initiative, the ability and desire to learn, as well as the ability to establish good working relationships with colleagues, understanding and observing the interests of "internal and external" clients.
3. Social characteristics. Compliance with the rules established by the company, loyalty to the company is assessed.
4. Managerial skills are important for service leaders. Here, administrative abilities, the ability to plan, distribute and organize the work of subordinates can be assessed. Ability to ensure quality control of work at all stages, listen and communicate with subordinates.

Correction of the plan based on the results of certification

The last step in compiling a professional development plan is its adjustment. Usually, at this stage, a post-test interview is conducted between the immediate supervisor and the employee. The manager tells what is common and how the employee's self-assessment and the assessment of experts differ, steps are outlined to improve production behavior in problem areas.


Many managers fear that after employees have completed the necessary training, in some cases they have confirmed their qualifications with appropriate certificates, they will certainly leave the company. Of course, such a risk always exists, because by improving the qualifications, the employee increases his market value. But it should be taken into account that the employee also understands that the company that invests resources in its development is a very attractive company. If he is clear about his financial and career prospects in a company that provides him with an opportunity for development, he understands that he is valuable to the company and will also make efforts to return the resources invested in him through quality work and loyalty to the company.

In order to minimize the possible negative reaction of employees to certification, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to the preparation of certification activities. As a rule, anxiety among employees arises due to a lack of information and a misunderstanding of the goals of these events. Therefore, before the start of certification, it is necessary to inform the staff about the upcoming event, its goals, procedure and expected results.

With proper training of personnel for certification, employees will understand that they should not be afraid of layoffs or any other negative consequences of certification. On the contrary, they can see good prospects and opportunities. Employees will be able to prepare in advance for certification if they think in advance about what they want to achieve in the company, and, accordingly, what they need to learn and what skills and competencies to develop.



Leader's recommendations

(according to the results of work )


(according to the results of the Assessment Center)

Other qualities, professional skills that need to be developed from your point of view

Increase leadership skills: employees are not sufficiently involved in the work on the project

Management and development of subordinates - 1.5

In task setting situations, pay more attention to the personal motivation of employees.

Skills to involve employees in solving a common problem

^ COMPETENCES that require development \ Development goals for this year: By the end of this year, develop the skill of motivating others to solve tasks: be able to motivate each of your direct subordinates, based on knowledge of their leading needs, be able to conduct motivating conversations.

Other development goals:






^ Development in the workplace

  1. Write mini-portraits of your colleagues with whom you often interact (characteristics, what he is successful in, what drives him in his work, what he expects from me).

  2. For each of these people, to understand: how the interaction is going on now, what problems exist in the interaction, describe the possible options for motivating these people.

  3. After each meeting with one of them, make additions to your notes (what new things did you learn about this person).


during a year

^ Special assignments (projects)

Lead the implementation of 2 "cross-functional" projects in which, without having administrative powers, I will have to organize and motivate employees of related areas to solve the task.

Until the end of March and further until the end of the year

^ Learning from the experience of others

Choose a leader who has developed motivation skills. Observe his style of working with subordinates. Analyze and adopt the most successful "techniques" that he uses to motivate different people.

01/03/06 and beyond until the end of the year

^ Search for feedback

Choose a person from your environment who can regularly give feedback on how successful my interaction with subordinates is, as well as on how my motivation skills are developing in general.

From 03/15/06, at least 2 times a month



“100% motivation: where is his button?”, S. Ivanova

“Motivation in the style of ACTION. Delight is contagious, Klaus Kobjel

During a year

^ Trainings and seminars

situational guidance

Control Master

3rd quarter 2006

Date of completion FEBRUARY 15, 2006 Employee signature __________________

Effectively organizes working time, plans its work, takes consistent actions in order to ensure the achievement of the company's goals

^ Workplace development:

    • Study SWOT analysis and determine the scope of its application in your work

    • Conduct an audit of your own goals for this year. Assess the significance of their achievement for the entire Company as a whole.

    • When drawing up a plan for the next six months, highlight those goals that show your desire for outstanding results.

    • Write down the planned results of the work of today, this and next week, this and next month, this and next quarter, this and next year.

    • Prescribe the criteria for achieving the goals facing the unit today.

    • Formulate the result expected from the work of a subordinate ......

    • Determine the tasks that your subordinates are capable of performing. From Monday, start delegating those tasks that are highlighted in the list.

    • Focus on actions that will lead to the desired result

    • Accurately predict the time spent on each stage of work (previously 2 weeks to record the time spent on tasks)
^ Feedback search:

    • Discuss with your immediate supervisor ____________ your own style of solving professional problems. Find out how much your results related to delegation and planning your work have improved.

    • Discuss with your immediate supervisor __________ plans for the future (individual, your department, etc.). Adjust them according to the recommendations.
Special assignments (projects):

    • By February 15, develop and implement a system in your unit from March 1……

    • Analyze your participation in the last successfully completed project and highlight your contribution.
Self-study (literature):

    • Explore the Eisenhower window, the principle of "important-urgent"

    • Polly Bird Time Management. Planning and time control.

    • J.K. Smart "Delegation", Julie-Ann-Amos "Delegation of authority"

    • F. J. Guillard, D. N. Kelly "Transformation of the organization."
Trainings and seminars:

    • Time management.

    • Delegation of authority, effective team management

    • Master of Management.

    • Finance for non-financiers

Oksana Smuschenko, financial director TSC "Gelster".

We do not draw up an individual development plan for all employees, but only for promising personnel which for the greatest efficiency lack certain qualities. This may be a specialist whom we see as a leader in the future, or an employee whose professionalism we want to develop at the current place of work.

In both cases drawing up an individual development plan begins with a conversation with an employee, because its preparation makes sense only for those employees who really strive for development. Therefore, to begin with, we talk with the employee, and discuss the plans of the specialist himself. If the specialist is ready to develop in the company and work on himself, we move on to the next stage and jointly try to identify the skills that we have to work on.

The manager and employee independently make a list of the pros and cons of a specialist and subsequently discuss them.

In my experience, the lists of the boss and the subordinate will be different. This is quite natural, since some character traits are better visible from the outside, while others, on the contrary, are visible only to the specialist himself. Therefore, it is very important that there are two lists, because this is the only way to get a complete picture and develop a comprehensive development plan. It is important not to be limited only by the shortcomings of the employee. Praise motivates and promotes further development of skills.

Based on the discussion of the pros and cons of an employee, we draw up an individual development plan.

It should include several items:
1. What needs to be improved or developed? This item assumes the knowledge and skills that a specialist must master in a certain period of time.

2. What is the purpose of skill development? It indicates how the skill or knowledge will be useful in the work, and why the employee needs it.

3. How and with the help of what or who should these skills be developed? This block describes the specific methods by which knowledge and skills must be acquired.
A separate block describes additional materials that should help achieve the goal: literature, trainings, company events and the help of colleagues.

4. When and in what form should the result be presented?

It is important that this paragraph sets out the result criteria and milestone dates for consolidating the skill. The form of reporting will depend on the skill itself. For example, this could be a book review written by employees or reaching a certain agreement with partners, as well as a specific date when this should be done.

As a rule, an individual development plan is drawn up for a period of three months to six months. A shorter period may not be enough to have time to master even one skill. A longer period may reduce employee motivation.

If you have to master a lot, then it is better to group them into blocks and divide them into several stages. Each of the stages should involve a separate employee development plan.

Throughout the development the manager must monitor the results of the employee and motivate the specialist to achieve them. It is important to create such conditions so that the subordinate can master everything planned.

If something does not work out for a specialist, then together with the manager it is necessary to analyze in detail what happened and develop ways to solve the problem. An individual development plan involves a very close work of a subordinate and his mentor on the way to common goals.

In an ideal situation, all declared skills should be mastered on time. Otherwise, both the leader and the subordinate will waste six months in vain. As soon as all the goals laid down in the plan have been achieved, it is necessary to talk with the subordinate about his results, discuss how he himself evaluates the work done and whether he feels the changes. This will help both for the introspection of the employee, and for his further motivation.

Only after that you can proceed either to the next stage of skills development and a new plan, or to the promised prospects: increasing responsibility, expanding the range professional duties or promotion.

How many areas for development to provide in the individual plan of the employee, how to evenly distribute the load for the year and who to involve to help in implementation, the site told the portal Elena Kadyrova, CEO TalentQ.

An individual development plan is a document that describes development goals and specific actions to achieve the goals. When compiling it and when determining actions to develop each of your chosen competencies, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Choose no more than two areas for development for 1 year.

2. Use several development methods, apply an integrated approach to the formation of a development program. Remember, that:

For each goal, your plan should include actions from all categories: Tell (learn), Show (learn from the experience of others), Do (practice).

For each goal in your development plan, the Development in the Workplace method must be used.

3. Evenly distribute the selected development activities throughout the year so that the load in each month is approximately the same.

Avoid the predominance of one method of development in any period and its use simultaneously for different purposes. For example, you don’t need to plan only reading several books on two selected competencies in one month, and only trainings in another month, etc.

4. Consider your own individual characteristics mastering new knowledge, previous learning experience:

What method and form of education was most suitable for you in the past (independent study of literature, attending lectures, seminars, trainings, participating in discussions, working with a mentor, coach)?

In what format is it easier for you to perceive information, which channel of information perception is predominant for you?

In order for the process of perception and assimilation of information to be more efficient, it is better to use those methods of presenting information that correspond to your dominant channel of perception:

Visual- give preference to development methods in which information is presented in a visual form, try to record all the knowledge that is new to you in the form of tables and diagrams that will facilitate digestion. For example, independent study of literature, watching video courses, attending lectures, trainings, observing experts, using a video camera to record your behavior in order to develop further recommendations, etc.

auditory- actively use development methods in which information is presented in the form of audio signals. For example, listening to audiobooks, attending lectures, discussing with experienced performers the features of their behavior, coaching, receiving corrective feedback orally, analyzing audio recordings of their meetings, negotiations or speeches, etc.

kinesthetic- resort to those development methods that allow you to master new information in the process of performing practical exercises, in the course of interaction with other people. For example, attending trainings, seminars, training in the process of mentoring and coaching, constant experimentation in order to develop and improve new knowledge and skills, etc.

- Time. Analyze what days of the week and what time of the day you can set aside to engage in your development, whether you can do it during the working day or you will have to transfer most development activities to your free time from your main job. To what extent it is compatible with your schedule and work schedule, your personal life and other plans.

- Material resources. Part of the costs of organizing your development can be covered by your company, but you need to clarify whether the methods and methods of development you have chosen are among those paid by the company, consider how much personal material resources you can allocate for the purchase of business literature, video courses, payment training, coaching or any other means of development.

6. Seek help and support from other people

Employees of your company:

- Supervisor. You can discuss with your manager what qualities, in his opinion, you need to develop first of all, jointly formulate development goals, involve him in evaluating your actions, receiving feedback and monitoring progress in development.

- Colleagues. You can observe colleagues in the course of their work duties, discuss with them techniques that allow them to achieve successful results, seek feedback from them regarding your actions, choose them as mentors.

- Employees of HR departments (personnel management). You can turn to them for help in organizing training at trainings or other educational programs, consult with them on the choice of a mentor, coach, training topics, business literature. You can approach HR staff as HR experts and engage them as coaches.

- subordinates. You can ask for their opinion on the quality of the organization of work in your unit, ask them for feedback on the methods of personnel management you use, and also use some of your subordinates as experts, mentors on a topic in which you would like to deepen your knowledge.

- People who do not work for your company:

- Coach. It is your developmental needs that are prioritized for the coach; during the coaching sessions, he encourages you to introspection, helps you develop an individual style and approach that allows you to effectively overcome obstacles and difficulties, and achieve goals that are significant for you.

- Independent experts. These can be business coaches, experts in their field. professional field, whose actions you can observe at conferences, exhibitions, which you can contact for advice on a specific issue, attract to provide you with independent and objective feedback on your actions and results achieved.

- Acquaintances, friends, family members. People who know you well can provide emotional support, help you practice and practice new knowledge in an informal setting, provide you with feedback on your actions, and advise in areas in which they have expert knowledge.

7. Follow the logic of mastering new knowledge and skills, consistent with the principles of continuous development FIRST, in the process of implementing the formed development plan

Learning patterns of successful behavior

Identification of models of successful behavior in the process of studying theoretical material

Revealing effective techniques, methods in the process of observing the action of experienced performers

Regular practice

The application of new models of successful behavior in practice in familiar or not very difficult situations low risk

The transition to the use of models in more complex and non-standard situations as skills improve

Monitoring the process of correct conduction

Self-assessment and self-analysis: tracking the deadlines for the implementation of planned actions, analysis of intermediate results (what was achieved / failed to be achieved, what helped / hindered to achieve), adjustment of plans

Getting regular feedback on your behavior and the quality of your results from other people

8. Evaluate the development results achieved, as well as review your previously chosen long-term and medium-term career goals.

An example of creating an individual development plan


Name of the employee: Ivanov Nikolai Anatolievich

Subdivision: Department of Information Technology

Job title: Department head technical support users. Department

information technologies.

Development plan date: 15.01.20XX

Consultant name: Popova N.A.

Plan implementation timeline: from 01.02.20XX until 01.07.20XX

Area for development№1. Clear, understandable and structured presentation of information

(competence "Public speaking and written presentation of information")

Expected Result:After 6 months, receive positive feedback on the skills of conducting speeches and presentations in terms of clarity and structure of presentation from 9 out of 10 respondents (including colleagues and leaders in other areas)

Read previous Talent Q - How to Model Competencies