The name of the competition program by March 8. Competition and entertainment program "Miss Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8). Love does not love

  • 23.07.2020

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Cultural event was held in a special school for children with intellectual disabilities.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere.


  • To cultivate a sense of pride and respect for a woman, a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, classmates.
  • Instill a sense of mutual assistance friendly attitude between participants.
  • Develop Creative skills students.

Forms of organization of children's activities: reading poems, singing, participation in competitions of self-presentation, creativity, a blitz survey, as well as "Needlewoman", "Culinary", "Fashion Designers", "Lady's Handbag".

Event progress

(Slide 1)


She descended to the ground
Rays of dawn
And walked lightly
Leaving behind beads of dew.
And in the sky clear blue
Flocks of birds fluttered behind her.
And mesmerized by beauty
The revived look of tired faces.
It seemed to take it all in.
Love, and youth, and dreams.
But I gave a hundred times more
For the joy of a young soul.
And no matter what step - the grass is fresh,
The flowers have awakened from their sleep.
With its magical charm
The Spring Girl has arrived.

(Musical card - slide 2)

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I'm glad to meet you again.
Now spring is in the yard. We associate it with such words as life, beauty, love, charm. And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our Miss Spring contest, dedicated to the International women's day. (Slide 3)

Look how many lovely faces are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, with fiery hair, blue-eyed and black-eyed. And all, of course, beauties and the first applause to all the girls, mothers and teachers gathered in this hall. (Slide 4)

Poem "Women's Day"
(Guzov Vitalik, Kupava Julia)

The sun shines outside the window
There was less snow.
Happy Women's Day
All beloved women.

Mom, grandmother, girlfriends,
All neighbors and old women,
Aunts, sisters, teachers...
Because because
They are better and warmer!

Leading: The participants of our competition are like spring flowers: so delicate, fresh, beautiful. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world! And so, meet our contestants! (Slide 5)

The time has come to present competent experts, on whose benevolence and objectivity the fate of our contestants largely depends. They will certainly be able to distinguish real beauty, resourcefulness and talent. So, the competition will be judged by a jury consisting of _______________________________________________________________

The maximum score for each competition is three points.

Leading: The first competition of our program is called “Business Card”, because in any business card we find all the necessary information about its owner. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and to them each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests. (Slide 6)

Leading: We got acquainted with the interests and hobbies of our contestants, and now we want to know how wise, witty and resourceful they are. (Slide 7)

"Blitz Poll"

We move on to the next task, which is called "Blitz - Poll".

Each participant must answer 3 questions, for each correct answer - 1 point. Remember, you need to be smart, resourceful and original in this task, as the questions will be comic.

What is the name of the girl with the unusual blue hair?

Snow White


- What is the name of the mother of the father or mother (grandmother).

- Continue the proverb: "Patience and work are all ... (grind)."

- What is the name of the girl who got into the fairy-tale country Through the Looking-Glass?

Red Riding Hood


- What is the name of a women's sleeveless dress (sarafan).

- Continue the proverb: "I finished the job, ... (walk boldly)."

How many petals does the famous magic flower have?


Who doesn't teach chicken? (eggs)

- Continue the proverb: "In a healthy body - ... (healthy mind)."

How many dwarf friends did Snow White have?


- Grows in the garden put in a salad; happens on a dress (polka dots)

- Continue the proverb: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have ... (one hundred friends)."

- What kind of person was talking, looking out of the train window?

man lost

Distracted man

Confused man

– He runs in the forest; this is the name of the hairstyle for boys; tasty cooked meat (Hedgehog)

- Continue the proverb: “Without labor, you can’t pull out even ... (a fish from a pond).”

- How many bears did Mashenka visit in the famous fairy tale?

- What is the name of the dishes in which porridge is cooked in the oven? (cast iron)

- Continue the proverb: "It's warm in the sun, with the mother ... (good)."

- How many naughty kids defeated the wolf in the fairy tale?

– Pledge of health (cleanliness)

- Continue the proverb: A friend is known ... (in trouble).

Leading: Everyone knows that the most beautiful posture and graceful gait of the girls of the East. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will see for ourselves. The contestants must walk around the stage with the crown on their heads without dropping it, then give it to the next contestant and return to their place. (Slide 8)

The poem "Mom"
(Trusov Stas)

In the light of kind words
Lives a lot
But one is kinder and gentler than all -
Of two syllables, a simple word "ma-ma",
And there are no words dearer than it!

Leading: The next competition is called "Needlewoman". We will check whether our girls often help their mothers, whether they are good needlewomen. To do this, they must sew on a button. Speed, quality, aesthetic appearance are taken into account. (Slide 9)

Leading: Now our participants will demonstrate their culinary skills, as well as imagination and creativity. In the "Culinary" competition, girls need to make a dessert quickly and beautifully from the proposed fruits, and then come up with a name for it.

Estimated appearance food and speed of preparation. (Slide 10)

While the jury is summing up the results of the three competitions, the boys will read the poem “Flowers” ​​for all girls and women.

Poem "Flowers"
(Zinkevich Yury, Belsky Denis)

On holiday we will give
Mommy tulips -
cute, beautiful,
Like a mom's smile!

On holiday we will give
Grandmother snowdrops -
Strict and kind
How gentle granny!

On holiday we will give
All the girls crocuses -
naughty, bright,
What funny tricks!

On holiday we will give
Flowers for all women
After all, the eighth of March -
Beauty Celebration!


Fashion is always walking with us,
Sometimes serious, sometimes funny.
Fashion in deeds and deeds, but before -
The main fashion is fashion in clothes. (Slide 11)

Our next competition is called "Modelers". Participants need to dress their models beautifully, modernly stylish, fashionable (stick clothes pre-cut on the dolls located on the sheets - Appendix 1).

(A musical gift for all the women present in this room - slide 12.)

Leading: Whoever a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. The most necessary accessory in addition to the image is, of course, a handbag. So our next competition is called "Lady's Handbag". Many young people are scratching their heads, and what is the secret of this accessory, because at the right time, completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, sometimes girls themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in their purse and do not always quickly find what they need.
Now each contestant must take an item from her purse with her eyes closed and name it. (Slide 13)

Leading: Our participants are really, beautiful, resourceful, economic. But besides that, they are really talented. And, now, on this stage, a "Minute of Glory" will take place for them. Dear experts, I would like to ask you to evaluate the talent of our participants. (Slide 14)


There is a great power in the world
That robs you of rest and sleep.
Before her, the winter receded,
And this force is called Spring.
She is subject to nature and feelings,
We are all in her power.
Agree that it would be sad
If there was no spring in the world . (Slide 15)

The most exciting moment of our contest program "Miss Spring" has come. Our participants are invited to the stage for the awards ceremony. (Slide 16)

The word for congratulations is given to our esteemed jury - Appendix 2.

Leading: For all mothers present, the song “Mom, there is light in this word of the sun” will be performed (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

Photo album “Dedicated to our mothers” (Slides 17-50)

Leading: And at the end of today's holiday, I would like to say: dear women, today you are shining with happiness, we are glad to see your warm smiles and sparkling glances. Therefore we say to you:

Dear women, even if you are different,
One thing is for sure - you are all beautiful!
Be happy!
Be loved!
Be lucky in everything
So that all sorrows pass by,
So that only joy in the house!
To make the sun smile
Were true friends
Everything was decided
Everything came true
Forever - from "A" to "Z"! (Slide 51)

Competitive program.

"Come on girls."

Goal: Create festive atmosphere, congratulate girls, teachers with

Tasks: Deepening knowledge about the holiday.

Raising a respectful attitude towards educators, girls, teachers. Development of communication skills, speech, memory.

Leading: Sometimes snow is spinning, voiced streams have not yet woken up, but

Anyway, spring has come!

And today we celebrate the biggest spring holiday - March 8! We

gathered to congratulate educators, teachers and of course our


1 student. In March - from the first day Spring begins Women's Day - March 8 Celebrates the whole country.

2 student. And although there are frosts And snowdrifts under the window But fluffy mimosas Are already selling all around.

3 student Drops of sunlight Splashes of solar summer We bring you today.

Together: Happy Women's Day.

Leading: Today is a holiday for the girls And we are very happy about this. It's time for the fun to start. You girls, it's time to take your seats.

( The girls take their places. The Charming team and the Charming team).

Leading: We will show a holiday - a competition. Well, there is no competition without judges.

I present to you today's jury. Their eyes are on fire

here is Natalya, daughter of Nikolai, next to her, light

The competition will be judged without flaw

Applaud loudly, judges.

Moderator: Everything is in place. It's time to start (Baba Yaga enters)

Baba Yaga. So! Didn't you wait?

8 March is Mother's Day! "Knock Knock!" knocking on our doors. And you, Yagusenka, sit locked up in your hut. They don’t call a grandmother to the Christmas tree, They don’t invite them to March. Well, do not be angry, try here - Gentlemen surprise me!

Host: Granny, we apologize! Please accept our apologies! Host: We were told that your hut

It was closed for renovations. Host: And you, dearest Yaga,

In the meantime, they were flying south! Host: That's why you weren't invited. Leading: After all, we just didn’t meet you! Baba Yaga: Sorry, sorry

We didn't see you...

Straight for nothing, just like that

The woman was offended.

I am an old lady

Not an old grandmother.

I want to tell you in response -

I'll be in charge here!

I will play with you

I will entertain everyone

And then only I will forgive you,

When I receive gifts.

Oh what girls

lovely ladies,

Tanechki, Anechki-

Lipetsk gingerbread!

Host: Dear Baba Yaga, what would you like to receive as a gift?

Baba Yaga: Well, new sandals, for example. This is already a hundred years old, and so on the heel

were! Here’s another sheepskin coat, and so that it was embroidered with flowers: I’m very

I love flowers.

Host: Enough begging, because we are not Santa Clauses! OK,

We'll come up with something!

Baba Yaga: Think, darlings, think! After all, you are terrible, how smart -

prudent. And I will entertain the guests.

( three tasks)

What about me? Not a single gift was left - all the girls took it for themselves.

Host: Dear Baba Yaga, do not cry, wrinkles appear from this. And we want all women to be beautiful today, so we give you a ticket to the Enchantress beauty salon Baba Yaga: You are kind to me, guys.

I'll hurry to that salon

After all, beautiful as once upon a time,

With all my heart I want to be.

See you soon! Host: Let's continue our holiday.

Task for teams. Let's start with the most important thing, with "Cleaning" 1 competition "General cleaning" (Collect garbage in baskets).

Presenter: 2 competition "Washing". “Come on girls, come here! We've been waiting for you for a long time, washing, Why are you sitting? (wash and hang clothes on a line)

Host: Well, friends,

And it's time to rest

So much cleaning and washing. (1 dance) Host: the third competition "culinary"

( pantomime depict: watermelon, sausage, the opposite team must guess).

Presenter: the fourth competition of "Stylists" (dress up a girlfriend - choose things from those offered)

Presenter: Fifth jumping etude “At the mirror” It's time to put yourself in order. (2 students at the mirror depict what the leader says)

Host: You were going to a holiday dedicated to March 8th. You put on a smart, fashionable dress. Look in the mirror. Comb your hair. Attach beads to your neck. You liked them. Wear beads. Color your lips. You put on shoes. You open your bag. Put lipstick on it. Close. Hang on your shoulder or take it under your arm. Look at yourself in the mirror, smile. Go away...

Host: Without the boys, our evening would be boring. Let them make you happy. Let's give them the opportunity. Let them sing ditties for you.

Host: It's time to test the mental abilities of our girls. Sixth competition "Poetic shifters" (compose a rhyming poem)

You receive envelopes with a set of flippers. The task of the players is to destroy the jumble, to lay out the strips correctly.

( questions to the audience, riddles) (2nd dance)

Host: We are preparing a gift with our own hands. Seventh contest "Friendly


( draw an opponent - the opposite team, they must guess

which of them is depicted).

( task for the fans)

Host: the eighth competition. “All freckles on record” (decorate the room)

Gave us spring in advance Draw freckles Well, she loves them very much At friends of girlfriends.

( balls in handkerchiefs, draw freckles in 10 seconds with a marker) (3rd dance)

Host: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye.

The applause will soon die down.

But there can be no winners among women.

One is strong in mind, the other in its beauty.

Each of us is dear to us.

Tender and dearly loved.

May each of you shine like a star.

On behalf of the women of all, I cannot but express my enormous gratitude to you for the evening. May you be successful in life. And the bird of happiness will wrap its wings around your shoulders. (dance congratulations is dedicated to the participating girls) Presenter: The word of the jury for summing up, (congratulations) Presenter: We dedicate the disco to you Beautiful and young creatures And let the songs sound only for you And warm you and the young men with their attention.

Riddles for Baba Yaga.

1. Every girl has in her pocket:

What if a tear runs from resentment?(handkerchief)

2. Peas on a string For Katya and for Ninochka They hug around the neck -

And then decorate(beads)

3. Coming closer to him, And you will see your portrait

Turn your back on him

And your portrait will disappear (mirror)

4. It comes from wood or bone

They remember her when they go to visit. In an instant, the hairstyle will become neat. It should always be at hand ... (Comb)

5. This item will come in handy at the ball, The girl will immediately turn into a lady. She will wave to them, and there is a secret in that: She will send greetings to a friend in this way, (fan)

6. I am small, very sweet In elegant paper clothes I am very fond of children And adults a little bit And when I get into my mouth, I immediately melt, melt, melt. (candies)

7. This eye is a special eye It will quickly look at you.

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you, (photo camera)

8. Itself with a cam Red barrels Touch your finger - smoothly,

And take a bite - sweet. (Apple)

On the stage, reclining, Comrade Sukhov writes a letter and dreams...

(Music sounds “Dear Anna Matveevna ...”)

Sukhov: Hey, Petruha!

(Petruha runs in)

Petruha: I'm here, Comrade Sukhov!

Sukhov: Please report the situation!

Petruha: I really want to get married!

Sukhov: I decided to marry ... it's you in vain ... it's tight with women ...

Petruha: How tight? I just saw twenty beauties have arrived. And here's another, and a telegram was sent (takes out a telegram)

Sukhov reads: I ask Comrade Sukhov to hold and organize a beautiful holiday for all the women of the East, and congratulate them with dignity on this wonderful holiday, and I ask you to hold a competition "Merry bachelorette party 2011."
Signature: Clara Zetkin.

Sukhov (very unhappy): So I have to wander through the sands with these women again?

Petruha (gives a list): This is congratulations, Comrade Sukhov.

Sukhov (is reading): The host should, accompanied by music, announce the beginning of the holiday in a cheerful voice and congratulate everyone ...
Petruha, and who will be the leader?

Petruha (scared): I won't, I can't, I really want to get married!

Sukhov (ironic): I already noticed that...
So so! Listen to my command! You will be the leader...

Petruha (rejoices): Comrade Sukhov, are you...?

Sukhov: That's right! So the women have arrived? Wonderful. Is everyone already in the room? Excellent! Will there be gifts and prizes? Petruha let's music! I ask for applause!

(The phonogram “creaking and grinding of metal” sounds. Said’s head appears in a turban, from a barrel)

Sukhov: Said, how did you end up here?

Said: Everyone was clapping!

Sukhov: Get out of your barrel, and come with us to congratulate women.

Said: And who will avenge the Motherland if I go with you?

Sukhov: The border is locked! Then we can take revenge! I really count on you Said, literate people, we always need you!

Said: Okay, persuaded, I'm staying.

Petruha (referring to Said): Where are your aksakals?

Said: Now they will come ... (claps hands 3 times)

(men in turbans appear on the stage)

Sukhov: Will these respected and valiant people be our decorators, or will they bring props to us?

(men raise their hands)

Let's not argue, but start congratulating!


Sukhov: Our dear and dear women! Do you already feel that spring is coming? And it's already March outside!

Petruha: I really want to congratulate you all, dear ladies, beautiful girls! Which good word“girls”, this is your mischief, rosy cheeks, and in general, this is a word without age!

Said: Today, this holiday brought us all together! This is your holiday, and therefore our holiday! Because when you are happy, then we are happy, next to you, our dear, dear friends!

Sukhov: Let's play a little with you! We have several competitions!

Competition "Girls of the Entertainer":
who will quickly string the beads on a thread. The winner receives the medal "Naughty Hands"

Petruha: And now, I want to invite ladies here who have daughters.

(go out)

Sukhov: Are you hinting at something? These are the real - living mothers-in-law! Did you come up with a contest for them?

Petruha: Yes, here I am ... (takes out mops and panicles) I heard that when a mother-in-law holds a broom in her hands, many say - “Mom, have you decided to get out, or fly?

Competition "Real mother-in-law"
Here is the inventory... (basin or bucket, mop or broom)
One foot in a bucket, a broom in hand, and who will reach the goal faster, and back. The winning team is awarded the medal "Real mother-in-law"

Petruha: Help, guys, I need to rehabilitate myself in front of all women, otherwise no one will give up their daughter for me. For the next competition, I need two men and four lovely ladies.

Competition "Scarecrow"
It is required to dress up 2 men, like a scarecrow, with things from the audience in the hall.
Ladies are awarded the medal "The most intelligent".

Sukhov: Our dear ladies, a little overstayed, It's time to warm up. I need 3 pairs.

Competition "Dancing on a chair".
Women sit on the hands of men and dance the lambada.
The best couple is awarded the medal "I love to dance"
Then all participants are awarded.

In continuation of the holiday - dancing.

March 2017

Tasks: To develop the desire to spend joint holidays. Bring up
cohesion of children and adults. Create a good joyful
1 leader. Hello ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, seniors and
2 leader. Hello! Today we celebrate a magnificent holiday,
holiday of the sun and spring, International Women's Day March 8!
3 leading. The official name of this holiday is:
International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
4 leading. The history of the origin of the holiday goes into the distant past: 8
March 1857 in New York, workers gathered for a demonstration
clothing and shoe factories. They demanded a 10-hour day, bright
and dry work areas, equal to men wages. Then
women worked 16 hours and received meager wages for this.
5 leading. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913.
And it was declared a non-working day only in 1965.
6 leading. Our dear mothers, we welcome you to our cozy class
and we want you to have a little rest from everyday affairs, to play with
us. And we will help you in this: your dearest, most beloved,
most adorable kids.
Today I want to laugh, joke, play and dance!
Let the guests smile and celebrate the holiday together.
There are many good words in the world, but one is kinder and more tender than all:
Of the two syllables, the simple word "mama", and there are no words dearer than it!
Only mom understands, even if you're wrong
Only mom hugs, becoming all relatives in the world!
Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives, we say thank you!
Mommy will smile and lighter around,
Because mommy is the best best friend!

My mother understands everything, it’s not even a problem with her.
And if, sometimes, he scolds me, it’s always for business!
Our dear mothers! We ourselves admit
Of course, we don't always behave well.
We often upset you that sometimes we do not notice.
We love you very, very much, we will grow good!
And we will always try to be good!
Mom, you are not dearer; Mom can do everything
Congratulations to moms today, we wish moms happiness
Our mother is not better, there is no kinder, gentler,
Let us become obedient forever, and congratulate mothers!
If it hurts me, mom with a good hand,
Soothes pain and brings peace!
We wish them only happiness, so that peace of mind,
So that misfortunes leave the soul, get younger and prettier!
Song "Mother's Day"
1. Winter the old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let her red spring into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze
And we will sing our spring song to her.

Kapkapkap, icicles ring merrily
Kapkapkap, spring is coming
Kapkapkap, celebrate the holiday with songs

2. Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming, spring is coming, we sing her praise
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter,
Brother and dad are preparing to help mom and me

3.Stronger and brighter than the sun shine on the earth to us
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth
So that the spring streams rang here and there

And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us.
Kapkapkapkapkap, mother's day is coming.
Teacher: And now the competition program begins. Girls should
to be able to do a lot, mothers and grandmothers will confirm: sew, knit, cook,
sing and dance. Today we will check what our girls are capable of. But
there must be an assistant in the house - a man, so the boys
will also show their skills. And, of course, they will help their children
mothers and grandmothers.
To start the competition, we will split into two teams.

1 competition is called "Izoduel". It is necessary to draw beautiful on whatman paper
girl. Each draws one element. Appreciate the speed and quality
2 competition "Pantomime"
Girls love to imitate their mothers. They especially want to have the same
handbag, like my mother. And it seems to me that they already know very well what is there.
should lie. Items from your handbag are written on the leaves.
Depict with gestures what you forgot to take and ask to bring. BUT
the boys have to guess.
3 competition "Festive table"
You must set the festive table. Your task is to put 5 dishes on the table,
which must begin with the same letter. Think! You have 2 minutes.
(Example: vinaigrette, cheesecakes, jam, ham, vobla)
Teacher: March 8th. On this day, you congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters.
Give them gifts and wishes. Our boys also prepared for
girls surprise.
There are skinny girls.
Some girls are fat.
There are also short ones
There are also chicks
Sometimes with short hair
With red hemp

Some girls are whiny
And the usual assholes
But more often - all the same beautiful
And just really cute.
Such girls study with us - in 4 "B"!
Congratulations from the boys.
1. On this day of our girls,
There is nothing more beautiful and beautiful!
You wear clothes -
Accept congratulations!
2. This holiday is a whole year
All the people are waiting.
Flowers in the classroom that day
Unprecedented beauty.
3. We will wipe the board for you,
Let's sweep the class better.
Write on the blackboard with chalk
That girls are queens!
4. We will try all day
You smile today
We will give up the place
If necessary, answer.
5. We love you, respect you
And we don't hate it at all.
It takes a lot of effort
We have to be patient.
5. Tails, pigtails, skirts,
Bows and ribbons...
Happy March 8
Congratulations, girls.
6. Congratulations on March 8,
We wish our girls
To be princesses, like in a fairy tale,
And smile more!
7. Always obey your mother,
And study with "Hurrah"

After all, spring beauty has come
And she brought gifts!
8. Let everything always work out,
Let the dream smile at you
Spring brings joy
And sweet sweetness!
9. Yes, what words to throw into the wind,
It just doesn't suit us.
From all the men in the world
Love to you, glory and honor.
The song "Today is a holiday for the girls" (boys sing)
1.Today is a holiday for girls
Messengers have been coming all day.
And the girls' cheeks are on fire
In the morning they burn with a blush.
The girls came
Things aside
Flowers in the hands of teasing.
Because today girls
Compliments come from the guys.
2. And the guys are full of generosity
Attentive, kind.
The girls are all from the side
Like first brides.
Boys give gifts to girls.
And we continue our competitions.
4 competition "Defile".

What is a fashion show? (show)
What girl does not dream of walking down the catwalk, showing off her beautiful
clothes. Do you know how monikers develop a beautiful posture?
Your task is to carry the book on your head without dropping it.
5 contest "I am the most charming and attractive"
To say, looking in the mirror, "I am the most charming and attractive" and not
6 competition "Hostess".
Who will bring food for their dish faster and more: vinaigrette or
cabbage soup (products are written on leaflets and mixed)
7th competition "Photomodel 2017".
Who loves to be photographed? Now you will participate in
photo shoots (1 team member). Preparation 2 minutes. Can be used
improvised material for creating an image.
View photos.
8 competition "Gentlemen"
While the girls are getting ready for the photo shoot, the task for the boys is to write what
words affectionately can be called a girl or a girl.
And we once again want to congratulate everyone on March 8, wish you health and success
in work, study and sports, mutual respect and understanding, as well as
patient attitude towards boys and men.
March 8 is the brightest day.
And let everything be smooth for our mothers,
Never overshadow sadness shadow
Their faces, and life will be all right.
Do not cry, our mothers, never!
Patience to you, energy, health.
Let the children always rejoice

Let them surround their mothers with love!
Comic song "Lublyuka"
1. The baby often cries,
Tears are pouring down,
Crying me
You don't need to call.

I won't cry mom
Just call me
"Kislovak, snuggler,
And you are my love."

2. I walk again, I'm sad,
There is no mood
I won't forgive my friend Sasha
He took the candy.

3.Pours out of the eyes
An ocean of tears.
And sometimes we don't see
Mom's wrinkles.
Teacher: We invite everyone to festive table for a tea party. Enjoy
appetite! Thank you all for your attention. See you again.