The media compared who earns more - Chubais, Miller or Sechin. A billion in a year: how Chubais multiplied his fortune fivefold "We had friendly relations"

  • 17.10.2020

Opponents of Anatoly Chubais rub their hands. The Accounts Chamber has completed the audit of the state corporation Rosnano and, according to the schedule, will publish its results by the end of April, according to the schedule. It is already clear that the enemies of the father of Russian privatization will have something to profit from. “A big audit, a colossal amount of funds, a colossal amount of work ... The volume of violations is significant, to put it mildly,” commented Sergey Agaptsov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber, on the audit.

Without waiting for other sensations from the auditors, the Chubais Corporation itself recently announced that the planned losses from unsuccessful projects last year will amount to 21.8 billion rubles, trying to explain that this, in general, is not so much - 16.4% of total investment. Only the public cannot be reassured by interest. After all, billions were wasted against the background of very decent average salaries of Rosnano managers - 400,000 rubles a month.

Not to mention the monthly salary of Chubais himself in the amount of 2 million rubles. How can you pay so much for obvious failures?

Having gathered all the power of the hindsight into a fist, it is really easy to criticize the deeds of Rosnano. Was it really not immediately clear that Plastic Logic, which develops flexible tablets, should remain purely research and technological, and not try to launch mass production? After all, competing with Apple, Samsung or LG in this area is a dead number. It seems to have been clear from the very beginning, but 3 billion rubles were lost before they changed the strategy.

The largest amount - 9.4 billion rubles - had to be written off on a project with the Nitol group for the production of polycrystalline silicon for solar cells - for some reason they did not find out in time that similar plants were already being built in China, which means that the market prospects for the more expensive Russian there are no products. And in general, they overestimated the prospects for solar energy. Two more unpleasant write-offs: 2.5 billion rubles for the Lipetsk company for the production of cutting wire for silicon wafers Cutting Edge and 1.3 billion rubles for the Stavropol plant of Monocrystal sapphire wafers.

Despite the massive attack by budget defenders, Chubais has a chance to fight back - not for the first time, and, besides, the loss of only every seventh ruble in such a risky business as investing in high technology is really not very much.

But paradoxically, it would be more useful for the development of high-tech in Russia if the state corporation Rosnano failed much more and as a result it would be seriously reformed, if not disbanded.

States that wanted and achieved technological breakthroughs acted according to other schemes.

When the Rosnano Corporation was just being created, the experts most inspired by the idea compared it to the Manhattan Project. In terms of scale and costs, Rosnano really looked like a deal between Roosevelt and the world's leading physicists. But there is a nuance that makes the comparison of Rosnano with Manhattan inadequate. Neither the plans for the creation of an atomic bomb in the United States, nor the American Lunar program, nor similar Soviet achievements were investment projects, in which it was necessary to successfully invest in order to fight back no less successfully. It was a technological race as such, as an end in itself, for the achievement of which practically no means were spared. The main thing is to choose the right goal, and then everything will work out.

But then, after the implementation of the nuclear and space megaprojects, something completely wrong happened to the Soviet - and by inheritance Russian - goal-setting. The well-known Internet entrepreneur German Klimenko recently recalled that in the 1960s the USSR had an advantage over the United States in some computer developments, but for some reason relied on copying American systems and thereby, I apologize for the pun, programmed its lagging behind the United States in the field IT for decades. Well, now we are behind the West also in medicines, and even in large-diameter pipes.

What technological goal nor put the state - at least cellular telephone to make your own, not to mention the launch of a spaceship to Phobos, nothing happens.

Rosnano - yes, in fact, Skolkovo - in such a situation, they look like attempts to find a different way to accelerate technological development, even if those who see both projects as just a cut of budget funds are right (it's still a different way). But the problem is that profit and a technological breakthrough are different goals, and if a state corporation undertakes to solve both problems, then the situation is simply schizophrenic. On the one hand, the state corporation must save every budget penny, on the other hand, boldly and resolutely invest in the new and unknown. Remember what they wanted to do with Chubais when, having not found a sufficient number of attractive investment projects, he decided to temporarily hold Rosnano's money in a bank: misappropriation of funds! Not to mention the fact that it is just as undesirable for the state to engage in high-tech business as for any other: a market player who has the right to print money and collect taxes from other players never works efficiently himself, and makes everyone else uncompetitive.

Now Chubais, in order to reduce the loss of money of Rosnano, is preparing a new strategy: the corporation will work with entrepreneurs under the scheme of general and limited partnerships. Well, this will certainly prolong the existence of Rosnano and really increase the efficiency of its work. But do not expect technological revolutions. To do this, the state must regain the ability to competently formulate, I apologize for the bureaucracy, the priorities of scientific and technological policy. Understand what technology he needs and achieve its creation without thinking about the return of funds. Instead of calculating, together with auditors, the internal profitability of projects that have long existed even in China.

the site calculated how much top managers earn Russian companies controlled by the state.

Minimum wage in Sechin

Let's make a reservation right away: the amounts of salaries presented in our rating are underestimated. Companies and banks do not disclose how many bonuses were paid to a particular manager. In official reports - only the general value.

For example, in 2017, 11 members of the board of Rosneft received a reward of 3 billion 895 million rubles. On average, each gets 354 million a year. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board, Igor Sechin, got more. But exactly how much is a secret. Despite the recent recommendations of the Central Bank to indicate earnings by name.

The game of hide and seek on the part of state managers has been going on for several years. They refuse to disclose information about their property.

When making calculations, Sobesednik relied on average values, less than which the heads of state-owned companies could not even theoretically earn. In practice, their remuneration is two times higher than that of "ordinary" top managers.

And we have not yet taken into account income from holding shares and from deposits in banks. So the real revenues of the heads of companies are many times greater than those that we can prove.

At the same time, considerable milk yields of managers do not imply their effectiveness. The net profit of the same Rosneft has been falling in recent years, and the salaries of the top of the company have been growing. The other day, Sechin also asked Vladimir Putin for tax breaks. But he didn't offer to cut his salary.

Grain by grain

State managers receive money not only at their main place of work. They, as a rule, sit in the management bodies of other companies - both controlled and third-party. So, the head of PJSC Gazprom, Alexei Miller, is also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, and Gazprom Media.


9639 euros Saulius Bilis, General Director of the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid, receives a month in Lithuania.86 times less than his Russian counterpart Alexei Miller. But among leaders state enterprises in the post-Soviet republic it is the most big income.

According to Sobesednik's calculations, Miller's monthly salary is more than 58 million rubles. This is a thousand times more than most employees of Gazprom. For example, Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar, a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, earns an average of 58,000 rubles each. per month. Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd, which employs 5,000 people, has 44,000 each.

Anatoly Chubais is also torn on several fronts. He sits on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano (1 million rubles per annum), is a member of the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (another 11 million) and, most importantly, chairs LLC Management Company Rosnano (41 million rubles). In addition, he cooperates with Skolkovo, heads NovaMedica LLC and RosnanoMedInvest LLC. For a circle for 2016, about 326 million rubles are obtained. Chubais promised to lead Rusnano until his retirement. His annual income would be enough for almost 30 thousand pensioners.


We have a lot of money. There are simply too many of them.
Anatoly Chubais.

State bankers

As it turned out, German Gref earns more at Sberbank than Andrey Kostin at VTB. But in fairness, Sberbank's revenue is more significant.

A couple of years ago, State Duma deputy Vasily Shvetsov suggested "tying" the earnings of the heads of state corporations to the president's salary. According to his idea, no one should receive more than the head of state. However, this initiative did not find support among the Duma majority, and the author of the bold document himself could not be re-elected to the next convocation of parliament.

So Putin can still ask for a loan from his old friend - the head of Sberbank. They started working together back in 1991 at the St. Petersburg City Hall. Moreover, the state evaluates Gref's talents higher than the entire Russian hockey team. For the victory at the Olympics, the entire team was allocated 100 million "prize money", and one Gref - half a billion.

Medvedev to envy

The salary of another top manager close to the president - the general director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov - is 400 times higher than the average for the state corporation (44 thousand per month). Chemezov has been friends with Putin since joint work in Germany. Today he is one of the most influential people in the country. Many resignations and appointments of governors are associated with his name.

In the regions where Rostec operates, the name of Chemezov inspires awe. Under his management is a whole empire: in total, 453 thousand people work in the structures of the corporation.

But the chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES, Boris Kovalchuk, is connected not only with the president (through his father's dacha in the Ozero cooperative), but also with the prime minister. During his studies at St. Petersburg State University, Dmitry Medvedev was his teacher. Today, Kovalchuk, who is in charge of the power industry, earns 21 times more than Medvedev - officially, of course.

The only one of the top managers of state-owned companies who is not afraid to officially declare income is the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov. He boldly indicates that for his work he has an income of more than 14 million rubles. per month. In the meantime, Russian Railways is looking for a road foreman for a salary of 52,000 rubles. And a loader - for 20 thousand.

For future employees railway the sums of income of top managers certainly seem fantastic. But if anything in Russia is implausible, it is the political establishment's focus on building a just society.

* * *

The material was published in the publication "Interlocutor" No. 10-2018.

Anatoly Chubais is a political and statesman of Russia. Since 1991, he has held key positions in the state, as well as in state-owned companies. From 2011 to the present day, the head of the Rosnano corporation. He is one of the people who carried out economic reforms in the 1990s. In particular, under the leadership of Chubais, cardinal changes were carried out in the electric power sector.

In the article we will tell you how much Chubais's salary is for different periods of time, for example, in 2018 or 2019. What is the income of the top manager of Rosnano per day, month or year. His total income also includes salaries for the management of other state-owned companies: PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company, Skolkovo and others.

By official information how the biggest income Anatoly Chubais receives a salary in state company Rosnano. But since 2015, the duties of an official do not include the mandatory disclosure of income. Because of this, information about additional sources of income comes from unofficial sources. In addition to the salary for the year, the financial benefit also includes various bonuses, allowances and bonuses. Additionally, the total income of Anatoly Chubais includes:

  • salary of a member of the Board of Directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company;
  • income from cooperation with Skolkovo;
  • income from cooperation with NovaMedica LLC;
  • income from joint management with RosnanoMedInvest LLC.

There may be other sources of general income. For example, in the case of accrual of various bonuses or bonuses, they are often included in tax-free income. Accordingly, they are not indicated in the income statement.

The size of the annual salary of the head of the company "Rosnano" for 2018

As the head of the state company Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais receives a salary of about 1 million rubles. Such data are indicated, including for 2018. It is possible to assume that in 2019 this figure will not change. But in order to take into account as accurately as possible what the total income of Chubais is, it is important to take into account salaries in other state-owned companies. Approximately, this is 1,626,000 rubles.

According to the official version, Chubais's total income in 2018 amounted to 327 million rubles. But in December 2019, the contract of the head of the LLC Management Company Rosnano ends. This may significantly affect the size of Chubais's salary.

Approximate monthly income of Anatoly Chubais in 2018

The answer to the question of how much Chubais receives for 1 month in 2018 depends on several components. This is due to several jobs, which affects the amount of income per day. AT total amount includes:

  • Board of Directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (11,000,000 rubles);
  • Board of Directors of JSC Rusnano (1,000,000 rubles);
  • management of NovaMedica LLC (salary for 2018 is unknown);
  • management of RosnanoMedInvest LLC (the amount of earnings during 2018 is unknown);
  • cooperation with Skolkovo (the amount of earnings is not specified).

The total income for the management of RosnanoMedInvest LLC in 2018 is 42 million rubles. Accordingly, this amount is 3.5 rubles per month. Since the official's total income for the year amounted to 327 million rubles, it is easy to calculate the average monthly income. This is about 27 million rubles.

How much is Chubais's income per day

Official sources will help find out how much Anatoly Chubais earns today. If we take into account only the salary at Rosnano, the daily salary of an official is about 1 million rubles. But today Chubais combines several jobs. Approximate daily earnings for each of them:

  • Board of Directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company - 0.36 million per day;
  • management of NovaMedica LLC - 0.11 million rubles per day;
  • Board of Directors of JSC Rusnano - 0.03 million rubles per day.

Officially announced income of the official for the month is 27 million per month. This amount reaches 0.9 million rubles per day. Additionally, the official's daily earnings increase cooperation with others. big companies. The legislation of Russia allows the head of the state corporation LLC Management Company Rosnano not to publish full information about his property. The same applies to other officials.

Such income figures can be considered impressive. Anatoly Chubais according to Forbes magazine is not included in the top 10 wealthiest people in Russia for 2018. But at the same time, at the end of 2018, he became the richest top manager of a state corporation. The final income of an official in 2019 may further decrease. This is due to the end of the contract of the head of the state company JSC Rusnano.

Photo Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

List of the eight highest paid Russian top managers public corporations: the first place among them is occupied by the chairman of the board of OJSC "Rosnano" Anatoly Chubais; the last, the eighth, went to the head of VTB Andrey Kostin.

Forming the rating of top managers, the journalists of "Sobesednik" immediately make a reservation that their data is approximate and underestimated. The reason is that companies and banks do not disclose how many salary bonuses their managers receive. The latter also have the right not to disclose data about their property, and almost every one of them uses this.

Many-faced top managers

The newspaper gave the first place in terms of income to the head of PJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller. Concurrently, he is also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Media. The monthly salary of this top manager is more than 58 million rubles (or 699 million rubles a year), which is a thousand times more than most Gazprom employees. For example, Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar receives an average of 58,000 rubles a month. In "Gazprom transgaz Volgograd" - 44 thousand rubles.

According to journalists' calculations, work as a chairman at Management Company Rosnano LLC brings Anatoly Chubais 41 million rubles in year. But he is still paid on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano and on the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company. In addition, Chubais cooperates with Skolkovo, heads NovaMedica LLC and RosnanoMedInvest LLC. Chubais' annual income 326 million rubles, journalists calculated.

Approximation yield

As close as possible to the authorities, the chairman of the board of Rosneft Igor Sechin, to put it mildly, does not advertise their income. But you can try to calculate them from the total income of 11 members of the board of the state-owned company. In 2017, it amounted to 3 billion 895 million rubles, i.e. on average for 354 million rubles per year for each. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board got more than the rest.

It is quite possible that in the coming years Sechin and his fellow managers at Rosneft will receive even more, regardless of the effectiveness of their work. In previous years, the company showed a decrease in net profit, but the salaries of top managers increased. In addition, the other day Sechin also asked Vladimir Putin on tax incentives.

Another of the most influential people in the country is the CEO of Rostec Sergey Chemezov receives a salary in 400 times above the corporate average ( 44 thousand rubles per month). It is unlikely that Chemezov is in for a decline in well-being - his friendship with Putin from the time of joint work in Germany does not imply this.

Close not only to Putin, but also to the head of government Dmitry Medvedev Chairman of the Board, Inter RAO UES Boris Kovalchuk. Today, Kovalchuk, who is responsible for the electric power industry, earns 21 times more than Medvedev - officially, of course. Top manager's income was 178 million rubles per annum.

In turn, the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov is not afraid to state his official income. His earnings are more 14 million rubles per month. At the same time, the positions of a foreman in Russian Railways are paid 52 thousand rubles per month, and the loader - 20 thousand.

An old friend of Vladimir Putin, the head of Sberbank German Gref without much damage to himself, he can lend to the President of Russia, if he asks. His salary is 519 million rubles per year, and Putin's annual income is less 9 million rubles. By the way, the Russian president receives a salary of 14 times lower than the rating outsider - the head of VTB Andrey Kostin who is content 122 million rubles in year.

"National unloved" - this is how you can call one of the most famous and controversial Russian politicians, Anatoly Chubais. According to the results of a VTsIOM opinion poll in 2006, 77% of Russians did not trust Chubais. In a 2000 FOM poll, Russians described Chubais as "a person acting to the detriment of Russia" and a "discrediter of reforms". However, the dislike of ordinary citizens did not prevent him from creating and increasing his fortune. In 2015 alone, Anatoly Chubais earned over 1 billion rubles, according to Forbes. What assets does it own and manage? Chief Power Engineer and the country's nanomanager - in the material "FederalPress".

personal fortune

It is not possible to find out from official sources exactly how Chubais multiplied his fortune last year. The last time the head of Rosnano publicly disclosed his income was in 2014, when he declared 207 million rubles, including 13.6 million rubles received at his main place of work.

But in 2015, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev changed the procedure for disclosing income by the heads of state-owned companies. Now the heads of only those state-owned companies and corporations that are 100% owned by the state are required to report publicly. The resulting legal loophole was immediately taken advantage of - Rosnano announced that Anatoly Chubais was leaving his post CEO company, becoming the chairman of the board of directors of LLC Management Company Rosnano, which is 99% state-owned. The remaining percentage, oddly enough, is owned directly by Chubais.

According to Rosnano itself, in 2015 the company became profitable for the second year in a row - however, the net profit received was not the result of an increase in turnover or the supply of services, but the sale of assets. So, against the background of revenue for 2015 of 7.2 billion rubles (an increase of 6% compared to the level of 2014), the net profit of the Group doubled and amounted to 16.82 billion rubles.

According to RBC, Anatoly Chubais explained that such indicators were achieved due to an increase in the value of Rosnano's assets by 18.6% (up to 227.7 billion rubles) and an increase in the assessment of the investment portfolio by 23% (up to 138 billion rubles). At the same time, directly from the sale of part of its assets, Rosnano received 3.7 billion rubles in 2015 against 2.6 billion rubles a year earlier. " This does not mean that we will continue to receive 17 billion rubles every year - there is a difficult situation ahead", Chubais emphasized.

Private property

However, the fact that information about Chubais's salary is closed is not decisive - according to Forbes, the main place of work is not at all the main source of his income. Moreover, almost everything that he earns at Rosnano, he spends on charity. According to the website of the state corporation, in 2010-2014 he received 102 million rubles for his work, of which 81 million rubles he donated to good causes.

According to Forbes, in 2015, Chubais's main income came from securities transactions. He received more than 1 billion rubles from the sale of the property of the Perspective Companies mutual investment fund, which was closed at the end of 2015. Other shareholders of the fund were his friend and co-founder of the fund Boris Mints, as well as owned by the latter Pension Fund"Telecom-Soyuz". " When the mutual fund was closed, the shareholders were distributed income, which I declared and paid all taxes on them", - said Chubais.

In general, according to the magazine's estimates, in 2010-2014, Chubais's official income, which consisted of earnings at Rosnano and income from the sale of 1.1% of the Otkritie financial corporation, amounted to 1.1 billion rubles.

Family assets

If we do not take into account changes in corporate reporting legislation, Chubais could still be considered the head of the state corporation with the largest income. “Number two” among the heads of state corporations is the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov, who earned 168 million rubles (his wife - 117 million rubles). In third place is the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, with an annual income of 134 million rubles.

Unlike Mr. Chemezov, Anatoly Chubais is not inclined to rewrite his property in the name of his wife or conduct a joint business. However, the income level of the “second halves” of the ex-official can be considered comparable.

According to the media, the first wife of a power engineer, Lyudmila, after a divorce in the early 2000s, opened an institution of Russian cuisine in St. household issued in 1861). This restaurant was founded by the first wife of Anatoly Borisovich on shares with a friend of her son, taking a loan from a bank. She denied in every possible way that her ex-husband provided her with any help in business.

In a marriage with Lyudmila, Anatoly Chubais had two children - daughter Olga and son Anatoly. Both received economic Education However, if almost nothing is known about Olga's activities, then Anatoly seems to have decided to follow in his father's footsteps.

In 2012, he is on a par with an athlete Larisa Selezneva(50% stakes in the authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles each) created Avtomaniya LLC. The registration data of the legal entity indicates that its main activity is the organization of recreation and entertainment. In turn, Larisa Selezneva explained to Izvestia that the company would organize corporate events, technical support road trips and test drives. She also noted that the partners were not going to attract additional investment. " This market does not require large investments. We live on prepayment. We usually require 80% down payment", Selezneva told reporters.

The second wife of Chubais, Maria Vishnevskaya, was his colleague at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute: Anatoly Borisovich was an associate professor, and Maria Davydovna was a senior researcher. In this marriage, judging by the data declared for 2009, Chubais did not deprive his wife financially (her income amounted to 22 million rubles), but his level of solvency was many times higher - more than 202 million rubles (this amount includes salary in the then " Rosnanotech”, profit from securities and deposits in banks, shares from participation in commercial organizations).

The most famous can be called the third wife of the manager - Avdotya Smirnova, screenwriter, director and host of the School of Scandal program. After her marriage to Chubais in 2012, her fortune, according to her husband's declaration of income, increased 12 times: from 441 thousand rubles to 5.2 million rubles. The TV presenter owns two apartments in Russia with an area of ​​124.2 and 95.3 square meters, as well as half an apartment in Portugal with an area of ​​85.78 square meters.

The house that was built by... Chubais?

Nevertheless, despite the square meters indicated in the declaration for 2013, most likely, they are far from the only ones. According to the same Forbes, information about a house under construction in the suburban village of Peredelki got into the public plane. The legal owner of the land with an area of ​​15.563 thousand square meters and the house with an area of ​​2.657 thousand square meters is the Swiss SFO Concept AG. However, Forbes sources claim that the house was built for Anatoly Chubais and his wife Avdotya Smirnova.

The property is now owned by SFO Concept, which has been headed by Ilya Suchkov since 2010, the brother of Igor Suchkov, who was an adviser to Chubais for 17 years, and the son of Vasily Suchkov, who worked with the current head of Rosnano in the State Property Committee, writes Forbes.

According to a source close to one of the lenders, SFO Concept for a long time managed the assets of Chubais, but in 2013, when a law was passed banning officials from owning foreign assets, Chubais sold the company to Suchkov.

Chubais confirmed to Forbes that he previously owned the SFO Concept. According to him, in 2013 he sold it to "another person, so that it would organize the construction of the house and raise funds." " In the future, the house was to become my property. As far as I know, the company violated a number of commercial agreements in terms of attracted financing, and, apparently, this was the reason for filing claims against it from creditors", - said the head of "Rosnano" edition.

According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the house now arrested by a court decision is from 40 to 50 million dollars.

Photo: FederalPress / Victor Vytolsky