Press mold for polymer sand tiles. Equipment for the production of polymer sand products. Equipment and production process

  • 13.05.2020

Approaching any village or suburb, against your will, your gaze lingers on the roofs of houses. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the first opinion about a residential building is formed by the roof, because the roof is also part of the image of the homeowner. But in pursuit of the beauty of the roofing, you can also face the high cost. And in order to find the optimal ratio, in many construction supermarkets, experts recommend polymer-sand tiles.

Material Features

For the first time such tiles appeared on the European market in the early 90s. Then the developers were looking for a replacement for the ceramic roof, such that it did not differ much in appearance from traditional material, but would have better performance. In connection with the rapid development of the polymer industry, they began to study this material more carefully. As a result polymer-sand tiles appeared on the market. Its main difference from the usual one is its higher strength combined with a lower volumetric weight. And not so long ago, the production of polymer-sand tiles became available in our country.

Advantages of polymer-sand tiles

When choosing a roof covering, attention is paid to such points as long service life, durability and affordable price. All these qualities are combined in a polymer-sand tile, but it also has many other important advantages:

  • shingles resistant to sudden climate change, perfectly tolerates large frosts;
  • due to the low cost of raw materials used for its production, the cost of polymer sand tiles is low;
  • provides the best level of heat and noise insulation;
  • complete absence of corrosion;
  • due to the fact that tiles are painted on equipment using a UV stabilizer in bulk, and not just on the surface, they have high resistance to fading;
  • is a good dielectric, you do not have to additionally install lightning protection;
  • does not require special skills when laying;
  • polymer sand tiles have high impact resistance, thereby reducing the likelihood of a fight and marriage during the transportation of the material and its installation;
  • differs in high chemical resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • polymer sand tiles has self-extinguishing properties, no fire is terrible with her;
  • environmentally friendly, does not emit harmful substances.

The service life of polymer-sand tiles is on average 15-30 years, depending on how high-quality material was used in production.

Production features

The production of polymer sand tiles includes a whole scheme of technological processes. But by and large it consists of two stages:

  • preparation of the polymer mass;
  • baking polymer-sand tiles on special equipment.

Production equipment is better to install in well ventilated areas because working with polymers is harmful to human health.

Components of a tile

The raw materials for polymer sand tiles are quartz sand and recycled plastics, as well as dyes. Thanks to a wide range of modern dyes, you can get roofing material of any shade. It is also worth noting that the dye acts in this technological process production also as a "binder" component for sand and polymers.

Recycled plastics include:

    Agglomerate, which is obtained by melting polyethylene. The process of obtaining the agglomerate is also interesting. During melting, water is sprayed onto the polyethylene, and balls are formed. It is these balls that are used in the manufacture of polymer-sand tiles;

    hard polymer. It can be either polystyrene, polypropylene or ABS plastics and many others.

During the production process, it is very important to observe the correct mixing proportions of the components. At the initial stage of production, the agglomerate is crushed and mixed in special equipment with sand and dye in a ratio of 24:75:1. That is, the correct composition of this roofing should consist of 75% sand, 24% polymers and 1% colorant. If the correct proportions are not observed, the polymer-sand tile at the output can be of much worse quality, and not so durable in operation.

Production technology and equipment used

The technological process of manufacturing polymer-sand tiles begins with the grinding of plastics into smaller particles, for this use crushing equipment. The sand used in the manufacturing process must be dry. Specialized equipment is used to dry quartz sand.

Now that the polymers are crushed to the required size, and the sand is well dried, you need to mix all these components. An extrusion machine is suitable for this. Inside this equipment under the influence of temperature all components are mixed and melted, turning into a viscous mixture, which is somewhat reminiscent of yeast dough.

This mixture forms a ball. Next, the ball is immersed in water for cooling, then, having already taken it out of the water, it is allowed to cool at room temperature. This procedure is carried out specifically so that all components react with each other and seize well. After the balls have cooled, they are again returned to the crushing machine for grinding, and only now the resulting mass is ready to become polymer sand tiles.

Crushed balls send in a thermomixer. In this equipment, all components are again heated and mixed. Sand under the influence of temperature is enveloped in polymers, as a result there should not be a single lump. The mixture comes out of this unit with a temperature of about 180 degrees. Each lump that comes out of this equipment should not exceed 2 kg in weight, this should be monitored by the operator.

The finished cakes of the mixture are sent under the press, where already and polymer sand tiles are formed. Help shape shingles presentation, to which we are accustomed, molds help. And the gloss on the outer surface is obtained due to uneven cooling in the molds. In the upper part, the heating temperature reaches 80 degrees, and in the lower part - about 45 degrees. Polymers are squeezed into these molds, which fill the pores between the sand particles.

Disadvantages of polymer sand tiles

Despite all these advantages, polymer sand tiles have a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account before buying:

  • surface can erode. Over time, the thickness of the tiles can become thinner under the influence of ultraviolet rays. But given that the thickness of the product is not so small and the erosion process is not fast, this can hardly be considered a serious drawback;
  • each tile of polymer sand tiles weighs up to 2 kg, which can cause a lot of trouble during installation and transportation;
  • although the tile tolerates climate change well, with temperature changes it occurs linear deformation. As a result, depressurization of the lock joints may occur, which will cause the roof to leak. This, perhaps, is its main drawback.

Under such a roof it will be good to be in any weather, it will be cool in the heat, and warm in winter. Therefore, it is often used for floors of attic rooms and attics.

Rules for the installation of polymer tiles

Installation of polymer tiles is also quite simple. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to build a crate from an unedged board or timber, it is the direct basis for laying tiles.

Each polymer-pasted tile has special protrusions on the top from the back side, with the help of which it is attached to the crate. Between themselves, the tiles are fixed with side locks. As a result, we get a continuous roofing.

It is best to start laying the material from the bottom row. It is not necessary to fasten the elements to each other very tightly, while leaving room for free movement. This will help to avoid deformation of the material from different weather changes.

Rust streaks are noticeable on some roofs, to avoid this, it is advised to use galvanized nails or anodized self-tapping screws when laying.

Material quality

If you decide to replace your roofing, don't chase the low price. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous manufacturers only wait for such buyers and sell them low-quality goods.

In an attempt to reduce the cost of the output product, they use low-quality and short-lived dyes or heterogeneous polymers in the production. During the operation of such a tile, then you can encounter early paint burnout, and a short service life. Therefore, when deciding to refresh the facade of your home, pay special attention to finding a reliable manufacturer.

And keep in mind that no matter what the sellers tell you, no matter how you are assured that the best raw materials were used in the production and only modern equipment, it is advisable to check the available documents confirming the quality of the material several times.

Periodically, polymer-sand tiles appear on the market at very attractive prices. And very often, buyers "peck" precisely at a low price, initially very happy with their "favorable" purchases at first glance. But, unfortunately, in 99% of cases, a "fabulous" price means an equally "fabulous" quality of products. Here are some ways you are being scammed:

1. The cost of production can be significantly reduced by using as a binder polymer absolutely unsuitable for the purposes for which tiles are used, low-quality (usually from solid waste landfills), often frankly toxic plastics.

2. It happens that in the manufacture of tiles, good polymer materials suitable for these purposes are used, but they are not processed with special additives that would allow the use of tiles in the open air. This is allowed by the old technical conditions for the production of tiles, significantly reduces the cost. Usually the manufacturer does this either unconsciously, because he does not know about the need to use these things, or frankly deceives the buyer, since these additives are very expensive. These manufacturers claim on their websites that they know how to produce these products correctly, use various stabilizers, reinforce the polymer composite, but for unknown reasons, not a single supplier of these stabilizers could find these craftsmen in the registry of their customers.

3. There is such a way to reduce the price of tiles - saving on the technological and technical aspect of production, quality acceptance. Often this is expressed in the elementary lack of staff responsible for these actions. The result here will be - the delivery of products to the client with irregular geometric parameters, strong color variation, big difference in the mass of products. Something will not be reported, something will be shifted.

4. Someone from the manufacturers insists that low price of their products is obtained due to the fact that they themselves process recycled plastics for their own needs, as a result of which they receive savings. This approach looks reasonable outwardly, but there are also pitfalls here. Recycled polymer waste ALWAYS requires high-quality sorting, separation by type of plastic and sorting, and a lot of waste is generated. The percentage of waste reaches 50. These wastes contain many types of plastics that absolutely cannot be compatible with each other, many of them cannot be used at all for products that work under the sun. What will the manufacturer do in this case? Usually the desire for profit pushes the manufacturer not to throw away these "bad" polymers, he then paid for the WHOLE volume, but to say that this is "soft and hard plastic in the right ratio" (as in the old specifications), grind this waste and put it into the product. "The wizard Suleiman has everything honestly - without deceit." In fact, very close to the situation described in paragraph 1. Which can not but affect the quality of the product.

5. Again inappropriate plastics. Use of TETRA-PACK film production waste as a polymeric raw material. This is a film coated with a thin layer of aluminum. Such films are used as the inner layer of milk bags, wine bags, etc. The material is good, but none of those who use it bothered to read the relevant literature. It turns out that metals in polymers accelerate the aging process, that is, these businessmen, without suspecting it themselves, or maybe deliberately, put a time bomb in the tiles, a catalyst for the oxidative aging process, accelerating the process of destruction of the tiles by MANY times. Such a tile looks like if you add “silver” to its composition. Silver particles of aluminum are visible to the naked eye. The TETRA-PAK material is cheap, as it is difficult to process and is used in the production of a limited range of products, hence the savings.

6. Again inappropriate plastics. The manufacturer buys technological drains of polymers from various industries, the so-called "sprues" - lumps of frozen plastic of various sizes. They are crushed, then go into production. They are sold cheaply, but it is impossible to unequivocally determine their composition. As a result, the situation is similar to p.1., p.4. Those who have a shredder as part of the production site equipment are especially distinguished by this.

7. More about the wrong plastic. They take covering material in the form of a film from the fields, which is used in greenhouses and as a greenhouse for growing various crops. The so-called "greenhouse", the cost is cheap. Since the material is thin-layered and was exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it has largely lost its beneficial features to polymerization, aged. Products made from such material will not last long - it's like buying tiles that have already been in use for 30 years.

8. Sand with a high content of clay is used - it is cheap. As a consequence, the fragility and hygroscopicity of products.

Thus, the low cost of tiles with a high degree of probability may indicate that the technology was violated, they saved on raw materials, and the methods for manufacturing products that should work in the open were not followed. Such products do not last long and, most likely, have negative impact on health.

A fake product is very difficult to visually recognize, but still possible. The fact that they are trying to deceive you will first of all be told by the smell of a polymer sand product, it will be unpleasant, sharp. Added or "forgotten" to put special additives is very difficult to determine, it is best to look at the financial documents indicating the transfer of such additives to the manufacturer by the suppliers of these materials. The product should not contain non-melted plastic particles and, moreover, silver particles of aluminum.

These photos show what excessive savings can lead to when buying tiles after the first 3-5 years of operation:

Our company has already been repeatedly approached by buyers who were once deceived when buying tiles. She started to fall apart. We offer these customers to purchase our Tetto roof tiles to replace the counterfeit products they bought in the past.

BEWARE OF FAKE! Be careful! Appreciate your health and the health of your loved ones!

Paving slabs of various colors, most types of tiles, paving stones - all this refers to polymer sand products.

At first glance, the manufacturing technology is complex. But if you choose the right equipment for the production of polymer sand products, you can soon get a good profit from sales.

Manufacturing technology

The main feature of this type of products is the use of natural raw materials (sand, clay) together with polymeric substances. To do this, it is necessary to mix these materials in the correct proportion and after heat treatment, finished products can be made.

Many manufacturers of polymer sand products keep the composition of their products a secret. This is due to the complexity of compiling the correct "recipe". Depending on the type of equipment and its mode of operation, the final product may acquire different operational properties.

However, the principles of construction technological scheme are the same for all types of production. It consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation of feedstock for subsequent mixing. With the help of crushing equipment, it is crushed to the same fraction.
  • Melting the material until a plastic mass is reached.
  • Production using a mold of the final product.

When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to its performance, the possibility of modification, performance.

Preparation and mixing of raw materials

Purified sand and several types of polymers are usually used as the main manufacturing material. Equipment for the production of polymer sand products is designed for the processing of almost all types of plastic that are necessary for the bonding of components.

It is best to use several types of polymer - hard (polystyrene, PET, etc.) and soft (HDPE and PVD). In the process of heating in the melting equipment, they will gradually form a homogeneous mass.

To mix the components, a crushing machine is used, which grinds all the elements to the desired fraction. Its main parameters are the total volume of the processed mass and the degree of its grinding. When completing the line, it should be taken into account that the performance of the crusher is the main parameter that affects the amount of grazing products.

After that, the resulting mass must be heated to the desired temperature.

Melting heating equipment

This processing step is mandatory, since only in this way high-quality polymer sand products are formed. The technology of their production consists in gradual heating and constant mixing of the composition.

The initial mix is ​​placed in the loading bunker in which the screw is located. With its help, the mass is moved through heating zones with different temperatures. With a gradual increase in the level of heating, the raw material becomes plastic. This happens due to the melting of the plastic pellets. At low temperatures, soft polymers are plasticized, and when the critical heating point is reached, hard polymers are plasticized.

The melting heating unit is selected based on the maximum possible load volume and the speed of obtaining the composition of the desired consistency. The average productivity of modern models is 250-300 kg/h.


At this stage, press equipment is used for the production of polymer sand products. The heated composition is placed in molds, where, under the influence of pressure, the formation of future products occurs.

The line for the production of polymer sand products can produce one type of product or several. It all depends on the design of the press and the possibility of prompt replacement of molds. The main material of their manufacture is high-strength steel. Depending on the area of ​​the press, from 2 to 12 paving slabs can be made at the same time. It is noteworthy that finished products do not need additional drying. After their manufacture, the batch can be packed and sent to the warehouse or directly to the installation site.

At the first stage it is necessary to choose the place of installation of the equipment. The room must have a power supply line of the required power with the optimal area for arranging the machines. Equipment for the production of polymer sand products can be selected from different manufacturers. Some of them offer complexes where the process of heating and molding is combined in one design. This significantly reduces labor costs, since there is no operation to move the heated mass from the melt line to the press.

The choice of a certain type of product depends on the state of demand. Currently, paving slabs are especially popular - they are used both in public utilities and in private buildings. If it is necessary to expand the range of products, you can purchase new molds. However, this step must be calculated, since their cost can reach several hundred thousand rubles.

The introduction of polymers into the composition of composite building materials significantly improves their consumer and technical characteristics. Thanks to this modification, the service life is increased, aesthetic indicators are increased.

The trend of enrichment with polymers has not bypassed the sphere of roofing production. As a result, a polymer-sand tile appeared, which is in no way inferior to its ceramic prototype, and, according to a number of criteria, is significantly ahead of it.

Made from a mixture of hot polymer, pigment and pure sand, tiles can hardly be classified as artificial materials. Nevertheless, natural components predominate in its composition. The bulk, approximately 60 - 75%, is composed of washed and dried sand aggregate, 1% is a coloring matter.

The remaining share in percentage terms is assigned to the polymer component, designed to bind everything together. It gives shape, provides strength and resistance to all kinds of external phenomena. Thanks to the use of soft and hard plastics, the material acquires unique properties and, as a result, popularity in the roofing business.

To the environmental benefits of manufacturing this type of coating, we can safely add the ability to dispose of polymer waste in the most rational way. Polyethylene packaging, rigid containers, used household items are recycled and receive the source for the production of tiles.

In fact, even a smaller, but close to half, part of the final product costs practically nothing, which has a very positive effect on an aspect that is interesting for the buyer - the price. Such a roof will cost much less than its historical ceramic predecessor, and will serve exactly the same amount.

It is impossible not to note the color advantages of the polymer-sand coating. Its range of colors is noticeably richer, which provides an extensive opportunity for buyers to choose, and for architects and designers to develop amazing ideas.

The advantages of polymer-sand piece coating recognized by builders and consumers include:

  • Lightness. The average mass of 1 m² of such a roof varies between 21 and 30 kg, which is approximately half the mass of ceramic and sand-ceramic coatings. This means that you can save on the construction of the foundation for laying, because. it doesn't have to be that powerful.
  • No pores. The polymer binder completely fills the space between the grains of sand, preventing water from penetrating into the thickness of the material. The roof does not “swell” and does not become heavier during the rainy season, caverns and cracks do not appear in it during the first frost.
  • impact resistance. Polymer-sand tiles do not tend to chip and beat as easily as ceramic counterparts. The percentage of "battle" in the process of transportation and laying is much less, which once again has a positive effect on the overall construction budget.
  • resistance to negative influences. The material withstands 500 freeze/thaw cycles without loss of strength. Firmly reflects chemical and biological attacks, resists UV, does not lose color.
  • Manufacturability. There is no need to drill holes in the tiles for fixing, the fasteners are laid during manufacture. There are upper hooks, with the help of which the roof elements cling to the crate, and side locks, with the help of which a monolithic coating is formed. Easily cut with a saw.
  • Maintainability. By analogy with all piece roofing options, if necessary, only damaged petals are replaced, and not the entire material. Dismantling the tile and installing a new one is not difficult.
  • Insulation. Despite the almost complete absence of pores, the polymer-sand roof is distinguished by high sound-proofing qualities, which is explained by the specific properties of the polymer binder component. Due to the low thermal conductivity, there is no condensation on the surface.

In a house with the roof we are describing, summer heat is not felt, cold is not felt in winter. Excellent insulating performance makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the insulation, use not the most effective and, therefore, expensive insulating materials in the formation of a roofing pie.

To the list of advantages, we add the simplicity and low cost of producing tiles from a polymer-sand mixture. The ready-to-work line can be placed in a garage or similar small space. It is only necessary to provide the area chosen for organizing a mini-factory with powerful exhaust ventilation, because. production of products from polymers is a rather dangerous process.

Production of tiles from sand with polymers

The manufacture of a piece roofing from sand with a polymer component includes a number of stages, each of which must be performed with the utmost responsibility.

The subtleties of the preparation of components

The use of sand and polymer waste in the production implies the need to prepare raw materials for the manufacturing process. In particular, the sand must be washed, screened and thoroughly dried. It is unacceptable to use this material with clay and organic inclusions, the presence of particles larger than 3 mm and water.

Washed and sifted quarry or river sand of the required fraction can be bought ready-made. And you can do the screening, washing and drying yourself, but for this you should stock up on a sieve of the appropriate size, a rinsing tank and water tanks.

There are many more nuances in the preparation of the polymer mass for the production of tiles. However, the requirements for the resulting raw materials are much less than, for example, for components for recycled products.

A slight presence of fat is allowed, because it will burn out anyway, it is not necessary to sort and wash. However, plastic raw materials must be carefully examined, removed from metal parts, foil. It is advisable to wash off the engine oil, but there is no need for special diligence - it will burn out.

Sorting was discussed due to the fact that in the manufacture of a polymer-sand coating, polymers of different rigidity are used, these are:

  • Soft products. It includes disposable and reusable polyethylene packaging.
  • Hard products. Used household items and materials made of PET, ABS plastic, polypropylene, polystyrene.

Both types are taken in approximately equal proportions, but it is desirable that the hard component slightly prevails, at least by 5–10%.

Refractory polymeric materials are absolutely unsuitable: fluoroplasts, polycarbonates. Can be used, but fusible PVC is not very suitable, because it will partially burn out.

Grinding and mixing of polymers

The polymer mass, consisting of soft and hard components, is pre-crushed. The work is done on a crushing machine. The rule of mixing polymers with different properties must be observed in order to provide standard quality characteristics products.

The composition should contain both polyethylenes, which provide strength at low temperatures, and rigid polymers, which guarantee strength in the heat. If it is possible not to use waste, then it is better to buy granules of a suitable brand, although the cost will increase because of it.

After preparation and grinding, the polymer mass enters the extruder. In this machine, the polymer components are mixed under heating. Mixing is not done at the molecular level, which is generally impossible for dissimilar polymers. A simple connection is sufficient due to the viscosity of the melt.

The result is a viscous mass, similar in consistency to yeast dough. At the exit of the extruder, this “dough” is removed by an operator dressed in canvas gloves. It literally crumples the removed mass into a ball about 10 cm in diameter.

This ball, the so-called agglomerate, is thrown into a container of water to cool. Without waiting for complete cooling, they remove it from there and send it further to cool without water and dry.

It happens that in the process of mixing and heating, the mixture for the production of polymer sand tiles flows out of the equipment directly onto the floor. There is nothing wrong with this. The mass must be collected and put into action, together with the balls that have passed through the container with water, all this is crushed into chips with sizes from 1 mm to 10 mm.

Shaping of tiles from polymer-sand mass

At this stage, the polymer mass crushed into chips, sand and coloring pigment are mixed. The process is carried out in a thermomixing unit. The proportions of ingredients are selected depending on the type of product.

The optimal proportions for the manufacture of tiles are 24% polymers, 75% sand, 1% pigment. It is important in the course of work to continuously maintain the working volume of the raw mass, adding components in the required percentage.

Note that the selection of proportions affects the speed of production and, as a result, productivity. The more sand in the raw composition, the slower the melting will be, because it takes longer to heat up.

Mixing should be done in such a way that each grain of sand is completely enveloped in a polymer shell. The shaft of the mixing unit ensures a uniform flow of the mixture into three conditional zones that differ in temperature.

The mixture moved by the blades smoothly passes the stages of melting and saturation with a sand filler with a dye, which guarantees the uniformity of the physical and mechanical qualities of the resulting tile and the uniformity of color throughout its entire thickness.

The mass prepared for molding, resembling a tight dumpling dough, is squeezed out of the unit through the damper opened by the worker. The operator cuts off the extruded piece of the required volume and weighing about 2 kg with a knife. After the control weighing, the workpiece that has not cooled down is transferred to the mold using a simple scoop.

The form is installed in the pressing equipment, the bottom plate of which is able to move. The polymerization and hardening of the workpiece is carried out in different temperature conditions: the upper surface is processed at a temperature of 80º, and the lower one - at 45º or cooled even more within 30-50 seconds.

This cooling method contributes to a kind of extrusion of polymers onto the surface of the tile, due to which a gloss is formed. If it is planned to produce matte tiles, then both surfaces are polymerized in equal temperature conditions.

Production line equipment

In the production of polymer-sand products used both in laying a piece roof and in arranging pedestrian areas with paths, similar equipment is used. The finishing press is suitable for releasing and paving slabs, and tiles.

The production line can be purchased as a complete set or assembled from separate units. However, even a ready-made set of working systems can be supplemented or not supplemented with units that do not have a leading value, at your own discretion.

Mandatory kit for use includes:

  • Waste crusher. A unit equipped with knives capable of grinding polymer raw materials into fraction particles up to 30 mm, and agglomerate into fraction particles up to 10 mm. Due to operational specifics, it requires frequent sharpening of knives.
  • extruder. It is intended for hashing of polymeric ingredients under high-temperature influence. Equipped with a shaft that provides uniform mixing, and easily replaceable heating elements.
  • Melting and heating unit (abbreviation APN). It is used for mixing crushed polymer agglomerate with sand and pigment. Provides different speed and heating the mass passing through it, which guarantees uniformity of mixing.
  • Press. Small-sized pressing installation with a movable plate at the bottom. equipped with two independent cooling circuits, which provides a temperature difference on the back and front surfaces of the tiled petal.
  • Hydrostation and water tanks for cooling. The power of the hydraulic pumping station and the useful volume of the cooling tanks are selected based on the expected performance.

In addition to the basic types of equipment required for the production of polymer sand tiles, additional machines will be required. For example, a crusher for marriage, which is used to crush unsuccessful tiles.

On the other hand, you can crush defective products with a sledgehammer, and then pass them through a crusher used in the preparatory stage for all waste.

It does not hurt to get a sand dryer. Although excess moisture in the material evaporates during the heat treatment period, pores and cavities may form in the polymer-sand mass at this time, which will certainly reduce the strength characteristics of the product.

Scope and laying technology

Like any other type of piece roofing, polymer-sand tiles are not suitable for flat roofs. It will look good and serve well if the slope of the structure is at least 22º.

There are no upper slope limits, laying on extremely steep surfaces is available. For example, the heads of narrow observation towers with a spiral staircase inside. However, it is recommended not to get carried away with steepness over 60º.

Since this type of tile is lightweight, there is no need to build a powerful truss system. For the manufacture of rafter legs, they take a beam with sides of 50 ... 70 mm, install them after 1.0 m - 1.5 m.

The crate is constructed from a bar with sides of 50 mm, the counter-lattice is made from a bar 30 × 50 mm. The spacing of the laths depends on the size of the tiles, each of which must rest on at least three supports.

The laying technology is similar to the installation of traditional clay tiles. Laying starts from the eaves line and moves up to the ridge. The slats serve as both supports and guides.

Tin corner elements are placed in the valleys, which are fixed to the crate even before the tiling is installed. For ridge and hip ridges, standard parts for tiled roofs are produced.

Those who want to equip a hip roof will freely cut the elements to the desired size, and install the rest in the next rows or on another slope. Absolutely useless scraps, as a rule, at a minimum.

The video will acquaint you with the nuances of manufacturing a polymer-sand piece roof:

Video about the rules for testing polymer-sand roofing:

Video presentation of the coating from the Russian manufacturer:

Features of the manufacture of a polymer-sand piece roof deprive the material of the disadvantages that are standard for building ceramics. If they are known to the owner of the house, who is looking for a suitable option for arranging the roof, he will certainly pay attention to this view. And will not regret the next 50 years.

In the early 90s of the last century, an innovative material appeared on the European construction market - polymer sand tiles. Composite roofing, compared to conventional ceramics, is characterized by increased strength and impact resistance, low specific gravity, and a wide range of colors. An additional plus is the democratic price, explained by the availability of raw materials. It is necessary to organize the flow of secondary waste, find a room, purchase machines and arrange them in accordance with the technological scheme.

Production technology and necessary equipment

The raw materials for molding are quartz sand, pre-recycled plastic waste and dyes, which also play the role of a binder in the mixture.

1. Polymer component. It is a combination of an agglomerate obtained during the melting of conventional polyethylene and a solid part (polystyrene, polypropylene, ABS plastic). Thanks to soft polyethylene, the future roof will not be afraid of frost and will acquire gloss, and the “hard” product will provide heat resistance under the influence of sunlight.

No need to carefully sort, wash and dry waste. It is enough just to launch 40-50% soft and 60-50% hard plastics - approximately in this ratio they go to landfills. It is advisable to immediately separate refractory polycarbonates, fluoroplastics, rubber, small scrap metal, foil. Paper and fusible inclusions burn out during the remelting of raw materials.

2. Sand (filler) must be coarse (3 mm), dry, without clay and dust particles. There are no special requirements for the origin and color of the bulk material.

3. A variety of pigments allow you to get the output polymer tiles any desired shade. To prevent the roof from fading ahead of time, you should look for a reliable brand of paint.

It is important that production is carried out in compliance with the correct proportions of all components: polymer material- 24%, sand - 75%, dye - 1%.

The production of tiles occurs in stages:

  • Drying sand. It is poured into the loading hopper, then it enters the feeder, which delivers it in doses to the conveyor, and then into the chamber, where gases or air heated by the burner are supplied. Ready sand enters the unloading chamber.
  • Shredding of plastic waste. In order for the polymer component of various sizes to become homogeneous, it is passed through a crushing machine.
  • Mixing. For this operation, extrusion equipment is used, into which crushed solid polymer product is loaded, as well as polyethylene and polypropylene films. A high temperature is created inside the extruder machine, at which the components are mixed and fused to form a viscous pasty mass. Balls up to 10 cm in diameter are formed from it and immersed in water to cool. Then they are removed from the liquid and kept in air for complete cooling and setting.
  • Re-grinding. The cooled balls are again passed through the crusher.
  • Preparation of polymer-sand mixture. This production is harmful, it should be isolated from harvesting area. In the room where the machine will work, powerful ventilation is installed to remove harmful gaseous waste.

Crushed polymer semi-finished product, dry sand and pigments are loaded into a thermal mixer. The finished mass, heated to 180 ° C, is squeezed out of the chamber when the damper is opened. The operator cuts off with a knife a portion weighing approximately 2 kg - this is how much is spent on the manufacture of one polymer tile.

After weighing, the cake is placed into the mold with the help of a scoop and sent under the press. The last stage has its own nuances.

  • In order to obtain glossy products, the press equipment is set up for uneven cooling of the mold. Its upper half has a temperature of 80 o, and the lower half - only 45 o. The bottom must be cooled as quickly as possible so that the shingles are formed in 30-50 seconds. Under such conditions polymer composition rises and fills the pores between the grains of sand on the surface.
  • To prevent unevenly cooled products from “driving”, they are placed on the table and pressed down with a load. If this condition is not met, the roof will be uneven.
  • The production of the matt variety requires uniform rapid cooling of the upper and lower molds.

Overview of popular machine models

Manufacture of polymer sand tiles small entrepreneurs. In this case, it makes sense to buy affordable compact units (you can use them) and place them in a suitable room. Equipment is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Dryer. For this purpose, drum sets of various capacities are mainly used. When the chamber rotates, the sand is poured and dries faster (the process is accelerated if there are blades on the inside of the drum for mixing the bulk product).
  • Shredder of polymeric waste. It is advisable to buy a crusher that can grind any plastic raw materials: cans, canisters, film, basins.
  • extruder. It is chosen depending on the projected output. The maximum productivity reaches 1000 kg/h.
  • Press for molding. The machine should have a force of approximately 100 tons. If it is planned to manufacture not only polymer-sand tiles, but also paving slabs, curbs, it is advisable to choose a table with adjustable dimensions.

Sometimes, in order to reduce costs, used equipment is purchased, but it is better not to save on it. Only high-quality molds made of alloyed steels with subsequent heat treatment are able to work out 5 million molding cycles and ensure the production of conditioned products.

As an example, we give several models of machines for operations included in the technological cycle.

1. Drum type dryer SBP.

It is used for any bulk materials, it runs on natural gas or diesel fuel. An electric drive is rigidly fixed on the frame, which transmits rotation to the drum tires. At the time of unloading, the sand is heated to +80 o, so you can additionally purchase a cooler.

The equipment of the SBP series is characterized by a wide range of performance characteristics:

  • dimensions - from 3000x950 to 13500x2200 mm;
  • drum capacity - from 2.12 to 51.3 m3;
  • burner power - from 100 to 16000 kW;
  • productivity - from 1.25 to 50 t / h;
  • electric drive power - 5-15 kW.

2. Impact crusher IPR (polymer grinder).

The machine is assembled from such units: bed, rotor, body, hopper, electric drive. The housing and the electric motor with a belt drive are fixed on the frame. In the body part, a cutting device (rotor) with knives attached to the side disks rotates on bearings. Waste is placed in the loading neck manually or automatically. The dimensions of the finished fraction depend on the dimensions of the grid cells fixed at the bottom of the grinder.

The crusher features a rigid structure, no dust, minimal noise and high efficiency. The machine has the following technical data:

  • rotor diameter - 250-500 mm;
  • rotor speed - 450-1100 rpm;
  • engine power - 7.5-45 kW;
  • weight - 500-2700 kg.

3. Extruder EG-300.

Serves for melting of different-fraction soft and hard plastic. The machine consists of a metal case with a loading hopper, an electric drive (motor and gearbox), electric tape heaters, a temperature controller, an unloading window.


  • productivity - not less than 300 kg / h;
  • power source - 3-phase AC network with a voltage of 380 V;
  • electric motor power - 2.2 kW;
  • total power consumption - 11.2 kW;
  • dimensions - 3600x1200x400 mm.

4. Thermo screw machine APN.

The melting and heating unit operates on the principle of continuous operation. Serves for mixing crushed polymers with sand filler and dye, as well as preparing hot mass for feeding into the press. The amount of the working mixture in it is maintained at the same level, adding the following portions as it is unloaded. In order for the polymer-sand tile to turn out to be of high quality, the grains of sand must be completely covered with a polymer shell.

The APN consists of a frame, a body-pipe, a bunker, a damper, an auger, a drive (motor, a chain coupling and a reducer), heaters, a damper, a fence, and two temperature control sensors. The body is insulated with heat-insulating material, dimensions - 520x3200x1230 mm.

5. Hydraulic molding press PASH-1.

The machine for pressing polymer sand tiles generates a force of up to 100 tons. The equipment is equipped with a gear hydraulic pump NSh-10, a three-phase electric motor with a power of 5.5 kW, dimensions - 1000x500x2000 mm.

Full cycle lines

If you plan to produce large volumes of products, it is better to purchase a set of installations that fully support the entire process. It is produced in Russia, and the cost is very acceptable.

1. Polimerstroy 18 (Izhevsk).

The company supplies high-quality machines from China, and also practices the manufacture of its own developments. The latter include extruders, melting and heating equipment (up to 600 kg / h), presses with a force of 100-400 tons. Grinding polymer scrap (hard, soft, film) is offered on crushers of domestic and Chinese production. Their power is not more than 300 W, the resulting fraction is 5-8 mm.

2. Monolith (Chrysostom).

The complex includes:

  • radial crusher of used polymers (plastic thickness up to 8 mm) - 100 kg / hour;
  • extruder own design Mastek - 500-600 kg / hour;
  • semi-automatic press - force 100 tons.

Additionally, you can purchase a dryer-sifter for sand, an agglomerator for producing polyethylene granules, a forced mixer.


The cost of equipment for the manufacture of tiles from polymer waste.