Download scenarios March 8 dudes for dow. Scenario of the holiday "March 8 in the style of dudes". Advance preparation is essential

  • 01.04.2020

Stilyagi-show 2017 |

Stilyagi show!

Scenario spring holiday 2017

Goals and objectives:

  • Creating a positive emotional state of children;
  • Perfectionknowledge about the style of past years;
  • gender education;
  • Raising a respectful attitude towards adults;
  • Strengthen communication skills.

(quiet retro music sounds. The presenter comes out)

♫ 1

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! We are happy to greet you.

We invite you to a musical retro tour called "Stilyagi-show in kindergarten". The atmosphere in the hall promises to be iridescent, romantic, with a slight whiff of nostalgia.
So, sit back. We begin!

2 Dance "Bibika"

(Boys dance, girls come out at the end of the dance. Children stand in pairs obliquely across the hall.)

  1. We do not recognize the gray color, Korshunov
    Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
    Chanson, we don't sing romances,
    We are attracted to jazz and boogie!
  2. When we walk down the street, Zinoviev
    You turn around for us.
    We go to kindergarten

And we love the style from the prime of life!

  1. Here are trousers-pipes and a spinner on the head, Fedotov
  2. Here is a wide-brimmed skirt, Nosova
  1. We are not like everyone else, you think. Fedotov
  2. No, we're just against boredom and sadness. Nosova

Leading: And what does it mean to be known as a dude these days?

  1. Be a positive person hahina
    And love life very, very much!

Leading: Who instilled in you a sense of style?

All: Mom taught me this!

♫ 3 The boys sit on the chairs, the girls remain on the stage.

  1. I have many dresses, Sidorova

But I'm going to the ball

In an unusual dress

Stylish, strawberry!

  1. I chose Zotov's hairstyle

From a very stylish magazine.

Didn't take her from a fairy tale

At Princess Goldilocks

  1. Beads - colored stones Drozdetskaya

Overflowing lights.

I love wearing them

Dress up and dance.

  1. Answer me mirrorwith a mirror in hand

Answer, Nosova

Give me an advice,

What should I wear.

Does a satin scarf suit me,


Orange or red?

  1. And mother's comb is coming,with a mirror in hand

Or quite the opposite! Barminskaya

Do granny hats fit

And the collar

Where is the tail and paws!

  1. Answer! , with a mirror in hand

You see, Zotova

I'm not lazy

Looking at you all day.

4 Dance "Orange Scarf"

♫ 5 (The girls sit on the chairs.)

Leading: Well, with girls everything is clear,

Everything is intelligible and understandable.

What about the boys' fashion?

Hair, jeans or a coat?

♫ 6 Out Boys

  1. Being a man is very stylish! Sokolovsky

Be brave, courageous, strong!

Squat and push-ups -
In general, do sports.
After all, the girls are weak
They will laugh for sure.

  1. Girls are fragile, tender Ukhin
    Everyone should help them.
    They don't carry weights.
    And the boys are asked to help.
    And anyone will answer: "Yes!"
    Will never refuse.
  1. The boy does not give up sadness. Korshunov
    Hands with a sigh will not lower,
    Doesn't wait for help from others
    He will find the solution
    After all, he will soon become a man,
    And the man is the support of all.

♫ Song "Our Army is strong."

(The boys remain on stage.)

  1. To run, to jump Fedotov
    And, hanging, jumping with your feet
    Boys must wear
    Stylish piping pants.
    On benches in skirts
    Let the girls sit all day.
  1. Well, we will not sit, Konoplyov

We'll get a horse!

And rush off into the open field,

To run around there!

♫ Song "Horses."

♫ 6 (The boys sit on the chairs.)

Leading: Our children have proved how courageous they are! But how domestic our men are, we don’t know, so I propose a competition:

☻ 7 Game "BORSCH RECIPE" (for dads)

Dads are divided into two teams, using the hourglass we mark the time for which dads must write a recipe for borscht. Then the teams take turns reading their recipes.

At the end, the presenter says, “Well done, but mothers won! How will you cook borscht without water?” - usually no one enters water into the recipe.

Leading: Yes… Our mothers raised such stylish children… We know what they are like in kindergarten! I wonder how they behave at home?

♫ 8 (Nosov, Suvorov, Zinoviev,

Sidorova, Rodin)

  1. I help my mother Barminskaya

I'll cook soup in the sandbox

And I'll wash the cat in a puddle

How, mom, I love you

  1. And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway of Suvorov

I draw a portrait of Mamule

My brother will help me too

Mammy, similar, or not?

  1. I'll put on my mother's Zinoviev dress

Just cut it to length

Everyone will immediately understand

I love only my mother!

  1. And I'm preparing a gift for her Sidorov

In my dad's new car

I scratch “Mom - with love!

No one can replace you!"

  1. We will not argue in vain Rodin

We will tell our mothers

That their children are simply beautiful,

(Together) After all, we are never naughty!

♫ 8 (Children sit down)

Leading: Wonderful poem! And every mother for her child is an ideal! I propose to divide into two teams: girls and boys. And make portraits of the perfect mother. We have all the blanks: hair, eyebrows, lips, ears and noses! Each child takes one blank and attaches it to their mother's face. And at the end of the relay, we'll see what you've got!

☻ 9 Mom Group Portrait Game

Leading: And now ditties for our ladies!

♫ Chastushki

(Children sit on chairs.)

Leading: That's what our children are capable of for their mothers! Do mothers know their children well enough? Will they be able to draw their faces from memory...

☻ 10 Game for Moms "ARTIST"

(Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Mothers are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. For a certain time, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons. The jury selects the most similar portrait.)

Leading: Stylish grandchildren and grandmothers should have stylish ones!

♫ 11 Suvorov, Promsky, Sokolovsky, Drozdetskaya get out

  1. I congratulate grandma Suvorov
    Happy Women's Day of Spring!
    I love grandma
    People need grandmothers!
  1. There is no more wonderful grandmother, Promsky
    It's good to be with you.
    And laugh and play
    Read a story at night.
  1. Maybe you yourself are from a fairy tale? Sokolovsky
    You give peace, warmth and affection.
    Be always - always cheerful,
    Both happy and healthy.
  1. I'll wash my granny galoshes Drozdetskaya

I'm comin' like a ship in the bathroom,

Grandma will come and see

that I love her very much

12 Dance "Galoshes" Yermolov A. Dance "Galoshes" Yermolov A.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Leading: You have stylish assistants, dear women!

And what do they wish you on such a significant day?

♫ 13 (Konoplyov and Zinoviev exit.)

  1. Mommy of my native Konoplyov

I would like to wish:

At home, be with me more often

To not get bored at home

  1. So that we read Zinoviev's books

We sewed a hat for a bear.

I am light next to my mother

And cozy and warm

♫ 14 Konoplyov sits down.

♫ 14 (All the children go on stage.)

  1. Gentle words in a bouquet of Ukhin

I want to collect
The best in the world

I'll give it to my mom.

  1. Ribbon of love I Rodin

I'll tie him up
There is no dearer mother

Nobody in the world. !

  1. For love, for affection, Hakhina

For invaluable work
Let my bouquets

Flowers for her!

♫ 15 Presentation of gifts to mothers. The children remain on the stage.

  1. We will give Mommy Nosov

Our big secret

kind smile

Little hearts.

  1. Let smiles bloom, Rodin
    Like flowers in spring

Let it become in the world

More kindness!

  1. Let your life be Fedotov

The cloudless one!

Long live the sun!

Long live mom!

Leading: This concludes our stylish matinee. We hope that you liked everything and our stylish women were also satisfied!

♫ 16


Dance "Bibika" boys

Dance "Orange Scarf" girls

♫ Song "Our Army is strong." boys

♫ Song "Horses" boys

☻ Game "BORSCH RECIPE" (for dads)

☻ Mom Group Portrait Game

♫ Chastushki

☻ Game for Moms "ARTIST"

Dance "Galoshes" Ermolov A.

♫ Song "Evening" by D. Zinoviev


Two stacked portraits of mothers

Two magnetic boards


Balls 16 pieces

Markers 16 pieces


Two sheets of paper


Mothers, grandmothers, and fathers gather for children's matinees in the garden on the occasion of the very first and most tender spring holiday on March 8. After all, what is a holiday if there are no guests on it? The script for March 8 in kindergarten for a preparatory group with funny characters will help structure the morning party and make sure that both children and adults participate in the program, especially dear mothers and grandmothers, because, first of all, this holiday is for them.

Holiday "Dandies" is a great option to plunge into the atmosphere of the 50-60s, remind grandmothers of this beautiful time and meet spring brightly and with enthusiasm. After all, with the onset of spring, everything around comes to life, acquires colors, therefore March 8 should also be colorful. The scenario of the holiday "Style" is based on the film of the same name. But, this film will be filmed by children during the program. Each child is a separate character, so they must be dressed up in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

During the scenario, children will sing, dance, read poems about spring, about mothers and grandmothers, involve parents in contests and sketches, and distribute sweets. At the end of the event for mothers and grandmothers, children prepare gifts and distribute them.

This script is designed specifically for preparatory group kindergarten, where children aged 6-7 go. The purpose of this holiday is to create a joyful mood, to familiarize children with the era of 50-60 years, as well as to instill in them kind and bright feelings for mothers and grandmothers.

The main objectives of the event:

1. Learn the dance movements and musical trends characteristic of the 50-60s, learn about the fashion of that time.
2. To arouse the desire of the public to actively participate in the event, to give an opportunity to feel nostalgic.
3. Develop creative activity children.
4. Develop expressive reading and speech actions, the art of pantomime.

How to start a script

The performance should begin with the fact that the children go on stage to the music, the guests are sitting in the hall. The teachers roll out a hanger with clothes behind them. Children talk about their intentions to make a musical film, and therefore they need help choosing outfits that match the theme. Here they should ask for help from mothers and grandmothers, who are better versed in the fashion of that time. This stage in the scenario can be conditionally designated as "Casting".

Next, the film that the children are making will consist of 5 scenes. First scene - musical - children go out and sing songs "Dandies". Next, there is a competition for the best duet, here the participants of the competition must perform songs about mothers and grandmothers paired with their fathers (or grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers). The best duet receives a mini-prize.

Second scene - dancing. Children must learn the dance in advance (you can learn one of the dances from the film "Dandies") and dance it. Then arrange a competition in tandem with parents for the best dance.

Third scene - this is a quiz, children ask questions to the audience about the Stilyagi and that era. Questions can be completely different, and you can even come up with questions on knowledge of the film itself.

Fourth scene - music and dance In this scene, the children will not only sing, but also dance, like in a musical.

Veronika Bychkova

« Styles of our time» will prepare. gr.

The boys are the first to enter the rebuilding hall and become a semicircle.

Boys read poetry:

1. Spring has come to our house again,

Again, we are all waiting for the holiday,

How to drink, how to dance

But where are our girls?

2. They bring beauty

They said they'll be here soon

As long as we perform here without them,

We read poetry for you.

3. Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts

It's good that on this day and hour

You are neither at work nor at work,

Look at us in this room.

4. We love you very, very much

We love selflessly, it's not a secret.

In short

You were not and are not loved.

5. So that you all smile today

Your kids have done a great job.

Accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance.

6. Something girls can not be seen,

How long can you wait here?

Holiday continue!

7. Oh, friends, because we forgot

What is this holiday for them,

We didn't invite them like that.

The girls are waiting for the words of others.

8. The best, cutest

The kindest and most beautiful.

All: We invite girls

And we welcome you!

To the song: "Quadrille" girls come out in pairs and stand next to the boys

Dance: "Quadrille"

Song: "Spring is coming red"

girls read poetry:

1st girl

The evil blizzard has vanished,

A warm wind blows from the south

Drops sing to us

What a mother's day today!

2nd girl

Moms, grandmothers, now

We want to congratulate you!

And also congratulations to the kindergarten teachers!

3rd girl

A lot of songs about mommy are sung.

We are kindness, as warmed by the sun.

Only we want again and again

Mom to say your kind word.

4th girl

We thought for a long time, decided

What to give mom

After all, a gift, they believed,

Should be the best!

5th girl

And the answer came by itself:

We'll give you a ticket to the concert.

All numbers will be performed by ourselves

In a concert that was invented by us.

Song: "My mommy"

(children sit on chairs, girls remain)

1st girl

Dear mother, dear mother. I want to confess how much I love you

With March drop, I give you these congratulations.

2nd girl

I will call you the very best, gentle sun, ray of sunshine.

3rd girl

I will call you a fast river, a clear dawn, silver dew.

4th girl

For me, you are the sweetest, kindest gentle, very beautiful.

5th girl

To tell about my love for my mother, words on this earth are hardly enough.

Dance: "The girls are standing, standing on the sidelines"

(children sit on chairs, a boy and two girls come out)


There are many holidays in the world

Which I can't count.

At the flower stalls today people

Every boy and dad comes with a bouquet.

And I want to congratulate you, dear girls,

You are the most beautiful, I honestly say.


Thank you for your congratulations!

Today is the best holiday

Today is our mothers day.

We congratulate you affectionately, we send sunny greetings,

And our mothers wish you all long years!


Whoever reads books to us takes us to kindergarten.

Who bakes pancakes for relatives grandchildren?

Affectionate, kind, sweet such,

This is our grandmother, my own grandmother.


Our grandmother walks with a stick knocking,

I tell my grandmother, call the doctor.

Give you medicine, you will be healthy

If it's bitter, well, what's wrong with that.

You will suffer a little, and the doctor will leave

You and I are outside, let's play ball.

Let's run grandma, jump high,

See how I jump, it's so easy.

Grandmother smiled that I was a doctor,

I'm not sick, I'm just old.

Just very old, gray hair,

I lost somewhere, young years

Somewhere behind the huge, behind the dark forests,

Behind the high mountain, behind the deep water.

How to get there, people do not know.

I say to my grandmother, remember this place.

I'll go there, I'll swim, I'll go,

I will find you young years.


Look at the clock, the arrows have gone backwards!

What a delight because we got into the young years of our grandmothers.

Song: "But I don't believe what they say"

A girl and a boy sing a song.

1. All the guys are talking about interruption,

What is our morning is not like this.

Not so common but dude parade,

What we got 40 years ago.


But I don't believe what they say

Is it possible to turn back the clock

And now we're standing here

And for an hour we will fly away at that time!

2. All the guys are talking about interruption

What is our morning is not like this.

That today we dance and sing

As once the grandfather and grandmother together.

(to lose all the children go to a song about their grandmother)

Song: "Our grandmother"

Girl 1:

Is it really like I'm a girl, once you were?

I tore unripe apples from the apple tree.

Quarreled with girlfriends because of trifles

And through the warm puddles she raced barefoot.

Girl 2:

And played tag in the summer until dark,

And it was the best at discotheques.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there,

Was grandma once young?

Dance: "Boogie Woogie"


Our grandmothers always want their grandchildren and grandchildren to be obedient and help their grandmother.

And now we will see how obedient our grandchildren are and how much their grandmothers love them.

Game "Vorchalki":

The grandchildren will act as their grandmothers and, using their words, gestures, facial expressions, grumble lovingly on a given topic. The most emotional and artistic will be considered the winner. Themes grumblers: wet shoes, got a deuce, didn’t eat soup, didn’t do homework, pulled a neighbor’s pigtail, offended his younger brother (sister).

A game: "Guess the melody of yesteryear".

You, friends, danced and joked today.

We got carried away and forgot about the main thing.

When they returned to dude parade,

What mothers and beloved kindergarten are waiting for us.

It's time for us to return to 2017.

But we will not forget these stylish little things,

And this, in the past, is an interesting trip.

Good luck to you, health and happiness to you!

All with the first holiday of spring,


Mommy, dear, gentle most

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

Children are given gifts.

1. We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers?

After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!

2. Donate "jacuzzi" we can not

And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus.

3. Mercedes is also difficult to give us,

What to give our mothers?

4. And he came by himself answer:

5. Our gift is not simple,

We give hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

Song: "My only mother"

Children give gifts to their mothers (heart in palms)

Smirnova Tatyana Vasilievna, MADOU "DS No. 32 of Blagoveshchensk", 2016 (preparatory group)
The scenario of the holiday on March 8
preparatory group
To the music of A. Petrov, a waltz from the movie "Beware of the car" children enter pa-
ramie, perform simple dance movements in accordance with the music, then stand in a semicircle.
Purpose: To create a joyful festive mood in children, an atmosphere of mutual
much respect and love of children for their mothers and grandmothers.
Tasks: To introduce dances, music, clothes in the style of dudes. The ability to re-
give their characteristic movements, speech. evoke an emotional response
feeling of empathy, the desire to actively participate in the holiday, the ability to
the ability to implement acquired during the stay in the kindergarten
threading skills. Cultivate endurance, attention, desire to please
friends and relatives with poems, songs, dances.
Attributes and equipment. multimedia screen. Presentation: "Mom
main word. Attributes for dancing, games: hats, crackers, armchair, newspaper,
doll, plate, benches, colored balls, skittles.

1st ved. Today we are as comfortable as at home,
See how many faces in the hall of acquaintances,
Moms came to us -
Glad to see you all!
And we will start the fun holiday now!
2-lead. He is dedicated to you - the sweetest and most gentle,
Beloved, relatives! It's a holiday for women!
Children in order:
How beautiful mothers are
On this sunny day!
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here I am, your son! (waving)
Here I am, your daughter (waving)
Look how you've grown
And more recently
She was a tiny little one.
Here I am, dear grandmother (waving)
Love me!
You love me, I know
My precious!
Happy spring day today
We hasten to congratulate you!
Oh yes! Forgotten kiss
"Air" send you! (air kiss)
All children wish their beloved mothers -
Long happy and joyful years,
Take from your bullies and pranksters
Huge, hot, spring…
All. Hey!
The song "Mommy, you are the best in the world!"
Boys sit on chairs
The beautiful dance continues
Our children's holiday concert,
And mothers most beloved,
Today the children send greetings.
Dance "Virgin Mary"
Dear guests, today is an unusual day, everyone is in a mood
upbeat, excited. We want to continue our
matinee is not usually, but how, the children will tell you.
Children read poetry
All the guys are talking.
That our matinee today is not like that.
Not so ordinary, but a dude parade,
What we got 40 years ago.
That today we dance and sing
As once the grandfather and grandmother together.

I'm in a fashionable shirt, bangs on one side.
I go outside to dispel laziness.
And the shoes are new, they burn with gold,
And the girls are sitting on the bench with the dolls.
Let grandmothers gossip, sitting on a bench,
Childhood is not eternal, oh, if I had time.
They will call me a stylist, I will only be glad.
I'm dressed to the nines, like I'm going to a parade.
I look handsome, I'm only 6 years old.
I will remember the happy days in many years.
Children in turn
1. You listen to the dude,
I'll tell you the truth.
Our life, of course,
Bright, wonderful and very interesting.
And I dream for a long time
To make a movie about March 8.
All: Cinema? (Everyone throws up their hands in surprise)
2. And what is the truth, in fact,
And we wanted to make films.
So what are we filming? Decided?
All: Hurrah! Movies are allowed! (raise hands up)
3. And so, the conversation is over,
Attention friends, motor!
They stand in two lines on the sides, in one the boys,
in another girl.
A child comes out with a clapperboard
Scene one "Who are dudes?"

1. We do not recognize the gray color,
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.
2. When we walk down the street,
You will follow us.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.
3. Here are trousers - pipes and a spinner on the head.
4. Here is a wide-brimmed skirt.
5. We are not like everyone else, you think.
6. No, we are just against boredom, dullness, sadness.
Scene Two: "Dear Mother"
1. Dear mother, dear dear.
I want to confess how much I love you.
With a March drop, these congratulations
I give you.
2. I will call you the best,
Gentle sun, sunshine.
3. I will call you a fast river,
Clear dawn, silvery dew.
4. You are the sweetest for me,
Kind gentle, very beautiful.
5. To tell about my love for my mother,
There are hardly enough words on this earth.
Scene three: "Family".
The boys come out, line up for the dance. (put on hats)
Boy: This holiday is decorated with flowers,
Warmed by the lights of smiles.
Mothers, grandmothers, our sisters
The boys are sending our spring…
All. Hey! (raise hat)
Scene 4: Beloved Grandmother.
Child: I will run my hand over your wrinkles,
There is no such Grandmother in the whole world!
I will never make you sad
Just be healthy my grandmother!

We are your kind smiles
We will collect in a huge bouquet.
For you dear grandmothers
We're singing a song today!
Reb. Grandmother! Is it like I'm a girl
Have you ever been?
I tore unripe apples from the apple tree.
Quarreled with girlfriends because of trifles,
And through the warm puddles she raced barefoot.
Well, of course, the grandmother was a girl!
Letka-Enka could easily dance!
Dance "LETA - ENKA"
Scene 5: Playroom.
Vedas: Grandmothers and mothers!
Set aside all business, knitting!
Fulfill our wish
Guess the tune?
Grandmothers and mothers guess the songs of past years.
Vedas: The next game is called "My beloved grandmother"

Game progress. Grandmothers sit on chairs with baskets in their hands.
On the table away from them is a table and a plate of sweets.
(small caramels). 2 or 3 children are playing, they should
bring one candy and kiss for each candy
grandma on the cheek.
Vedas: The next game is "Electric Train".
(Who will get into the trailer faster)
Vedas: There is one more interesting game
"Stylish Contest"
Game progress. Each of the five playing boys receives
one identical object (flower, ribbon, ball - on
choice of musical director). With the beginning of the sound
village, energetic music "dudes" overcome obstacles
- "mountain road" (running "snake" around the skittles);
- “crossing the river” (walking on bricks);
- "invitation" lady of the heart "to dance ("dude" handed-
there is a selected flower of one of the girls standing at the finish line and invites to dance; being executed
dance improvisation).
Final scene: "Gift".
Children are given gifts.
1. We thought for a long time, decided
What to give our mothers?
After all, a gift, everyone said
Should be the best!
2. We cannot give a "jacuzzi" as a gift
And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus.
3. Mercedes is also hard to give to us.
What to give our mothers?
4. And the answer came by itself:
5. Our gift is not simple.
You can't take it with your hand
We give warmth to our hearts
Smiles, joy, kindness.
Children give gifts.
1st Vedas: Our holiday is already ending.
What else can we say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health.
2nd ved.: Be cheerful. healthy
Give good light to everyone
Come visit again
And live to be a hundred years old!
Dance "WITH MOM"

Calm music sounds, a girl with a boy enters the hall by the hand, sits down on a standing bench, there are a stack of records on it and a player stands

Girl. (takes the plate in his hands, asks)

Don't know what it is?


I know they're records. My grandmother has such a player, before, when she was young, they listened to music, and even fairy tales and different stories, this is the ancestor of our disks.


How interesting, let's listen (they put on a record, the beautiful calm music of Elvis Presley sounds).

Is there anything else? (rearrange the plate on the other side, Rock and roll begins to sound).

(The boy gives the girl a hand, invites to dance)

Children perform a rock and roll dance.

Girl. That's lovely!

Boy. My grandmother has many more of these, let's run, listen? Girl: We run ... ( run away).

1. hello sweet spring

You are fragrant and clear

Green forest and meadow

So beautiful all around!

2. It's already warm, and March is already in the yard,

And the number 8 on the calendar.

Today is the brightest day of the year

He gives people light and kindness.

3. May your life be beautiful

And the kids are always happy.

Let your house be a full bowl!

Good luck, happiness and kindness!

4. Please accept our congratulations

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac.

5 .We congratulate grandmothers and mothers,

We wish you happiness and health!

Today the sun enters every home.


We congratulate you on Women's Day!

Song "Spring"

Girls come out

1. How wonderful it is when men carry us in their arms!

Too bad it doesn't happen every day.

2. Although all women dream of it

1. I wonder what else women dream of?

2. I think that one can guess endlessly here.

I know that mothers sometimes wish they were 20 years old again.

And grandmothers dream that they were - 35 years old

one . Well, that requires a time machine.

2. And I think you can do without it.

We are just announcing...

Leading: We invite you for a short time in the 70s of the twentieth century!

Dance "Twist"


Let's congratulate our grandmothers today in a special way -

After all, they are the mothers of our mothers and fathers!

one . Grandmother! Is it just like me

Girl, when were you?

I tore unripe apples from the apple tree.

Quarreled with girlfriends because of trifles

And through the warm puddles she raced barefoot.

2. And played tag in the summer until dark.

And at the disco the best was.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there,

Was the grandmother a girl?

3. Grandma, happy holiday to you!

With one more year to go

In which you, loving the whole world,

She gave us her care.

Song "Bake Pancakes"


And now we are announcing show jumping for our mothers and grandmothers.

The contest is called:

"Find out from which movie the melody and phrase"

There are excerpts of famous phrases and songs from movies of the 70s. The audience guesses the name of the films.

(boy and girls come out

1 Now let's fast forward

On the dance floor of the 70s of the last century.

There is always noise, fun,

Laughter and good mood.

2. Of course! After all, dances always took place on Saturdays,

And we have been waiting for this day for a whole week.

And all the girls belonged to these dances

with special care.

3. (boy)

I'm standing here all fashionable, my forelock on one side.

We were not too lazy to prepare for the holiday.

And the new boots are polished and shiny.

And the girls with polka dots and babettes are standing.

Dance "Boogie Woogie» all children

Sketch"Three Moms"

(In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table, three chairs. A doll is sitting on one of the chairs. A dish with four cheesecakes is on the table)

Our kids are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this.
Mothers often tell them
But they don't listen to their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
Came from a walk
And the doll asked:

Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, takes the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:

Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
Grandma shouted to dine more than once,
And you answered: now yes now.
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come on, have dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And she asked her mother:

Grandmother enters with a wand, goes to the table and sits on the third chair.

How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without eating.
She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?

All three. Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!


M You, friends, danced and joked today.

We got carried away and forgot about the main thing.

That it's time for us to go back

Moms, grandmothers and our beloved garden are waiting for us.

Electric game

(according to the “Playing with chairs” principle, only the chairs are in a row, one passenger is extra (late). The song “The last train ran away from me again)

After the game, the children become a semicircle

1 . From the southern edges along the expanse of fields

Spring is approaching us.

And it became brighter and warmer in the world

In honor of our mothers day!

2 . The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure.

And the azure expanse beckons.

Look at the beauty all around!

In honor of our sisters!

3 . With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day

Not in vain bequeathed

And we will always dedicate this day -

Our beloved women!

Dance with moms

1. May it be spring on this day

You are in a great mood.

May there be many flowers

Smiles of kind, gentle words!

2. May love be by your side

Life is full of happiness to the brim.

'Cause it's through your eyes

Spring itself looks at the world.

3. Mommy, dear, gentle most

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

In the palms of my hands I will give you a heart

"Thank you" for everything I tell you!

The song "Mom is an expensive word"


Let the sun shine bright today

In the shadows, leaving a heavy burden of worries,

And the whole world is wonderful and beautiful

Today will be all at your feet!