An electronic thermometer shows the correct temperature. Electronic baby thermometers. Methods for measuring temperature and instructions for use

  • 24.04.2020

One of the main indicators of human health is the temperature of his body. At the first signs of pathogenic bacteria or viruses entering the body, the body immediately responds with an increase in the degree. Interestingly, depending on the place where such indicators are measured, the result can be radically different even for healthy person. What should be the temperature in the mouth or armpit and how to measure it correctly is described below.

Rules for measuring in the usual way

This option is considered the safest and is used everywhere in Russia, but in some states it is considered inaccurate. To measure the temperature axillary (armpit), you must first shake off the mercury thermometer so that its column drops below 35 degrees.

After that, its entire tip must be placed in the armpit. At this time, it is advisable not to make sudden movements so as not to knock down the readings, and it is better to hold the hands of the children until the end of the process.

How much to keep a mercury thermometer under your arm depends on the accuracy of the desired readings. An approximate result can be seen after 5 minutes, but the exact data will be known only after 10 minutes. You can keep the thermometer longer, the thermometer still does not rise above body temperature.

Mouth measurement rules

It should be noted right away that it is strictly forbidden to measure the temperature in the mouth with a mercury thermometer for children. This is due to the fact that they can accidentally damage the instrument with their teeth and get hurt, besides, mercury is very toxic.

Before starting the procedure, it is forbidden to eat too cold or hot food, this may affect the result. Any inflammation in the oral cavity automatically raises the local temperature, so the thermometer will show an overestimated result. With nasal congestion, you should also not measure the temperature in the mouth, since mouth breathing will cool the thermometer. Unreliable indicators are often observed in smokers.

How to measure the temperature in the mouth

Before starting the procedure, the thermometer should be thoroughly washed and dried. If a mercury thermometer is used, then it must be shaken off so that the column drops to a value no higher than 35 degrees. Before the procedure, the patient must be in a calm state for a while so that his pulse returns to normal. Remove dentures, braces or plates from the oral cavity so as not to damage the instrument.

Before measuring the temperature in the mouth with an electronic thermometer, you should also remove all potentially dangerous objects. After that, the instrument is placed behind the cheek or under the tongue. The mouth should be kept closed at all times during the measurement. The procedure time is usually 4-5 minutes.

Difference of indicators

Before measuring, you should pay attention to the fact that even if absolutely all of the above rules are observed, the temperature in the mouth will differ significantly from the measurements in the armpit. The difference can vary within 0.3-0.8 degrees, and sometimes reach a whole degree, depending on the structural features of the body or the location of the focus of infection during the disease.

Some electronic devices today are specially tuned for mouth only. Such thermometers do not give an error and show the same data as mercury ones in axillary measurement, since they are configured this way and give a signal about the completion of the process earlier.

Norms for adults

The norm in the mouth for each person is individual. On average, it is 37.3 degrees for a healthy person. It can be determined more precisely based on the thermometer readings when measuring the temperature on the surface of the skin, that is, under the armpit.

There, the column in most cases shows 36.4-36.7 degrees, but in some cases the result is 35-37 degrees. To the data obtained, you need to add an average of half a degree, you get the norm of thermometer readings in the mouth.

Norms for children

Body temperature in young children is generally poorly controlled by the body and depends on many external factors, even ordinary overheating. For example, during sleep, the body temperature of a child is higher than when he is awake. The result also depends on the method of measurement. The temperature in the mouth is considered normal for children if it does not exceed 37.1 degrees. At the same time, an armpit measurement will show the usual 36.6, but the measurement rate in the anus will be much higher and is usually half a degree higher than in the mouth. Since many parents measure the temperature of babies rectally, you need to know about this.

There are also special nipple thermometers that are configured to immediately show the baby's body temperature, as with axillary measurement.

What is the temperature

In fact, the temperature norm is exactly the indicator at which a person feels comfortable and maintains efficiency. It may depend on the region of residence, nationality, time of measurement and many other factors. During the day, these indicators fluctuate absolutely for everyone within a whole degree. During rest, the heart rate slows down and the temperature drops. With active movement, stress, or after taking a hot meal or drink, on the contrary, it rises.

In addition, temperature indicators are divided into several types that persist in any state of a person.

  1. Increased At the same time, the indicators when measured in the mouth exceed 37.5 degrees, but the person is completely healthy and feels good.
  2. Decreased temperature. In such cases, the thermometer readings do not rise above 36 degrees in the oral cavity. This condition is called hypothermia.
  3. Norm. This includes the average for all people, which fluctuate between 36-37.5 degrees in the mouth or half a degree lower in the axillary measurement.


Despite the fact that the temperature norms for adults and children depend on many factors, it is easy to determine the deviation. First of all, this is poor health, always accompanied by additional symptoms of the disease. Too low indicators may indicate overwork and weakness of the body, which also necessarily signals secondary signs. In any case, the norm of your temperature should be determined by measuring only in good health and subject to all the rules, then the results will be as accurate as possible.

Body temperature is checked in different ways:

  1. Rectally - in the rectum.
  2. Orally - in the mouth.
  3. Under the arm.
  4. On the forehead - for this, infrared scanners are used to check the artery.
  5. In the ear - also with the help of scanners.

For each method, there are electronic thermometers specially designed for each location. There are plenty to choose from. But there is a problem: cheap (sometimes not very cheap) devices often lie or fail. Therefore, when choosing an electronic thermometer, do not save money, be sure to read the reviews and check the readings of the mercury one at least once.

The latter, by the way, is preferred by many. The maximum mercury thermometer (as the thermometer is correctly called) costs a penny and is quite accurate, which cannot be said about many electronic devices with “so-so” quality. However, it is dangerous because it is easy, and glass fragments and mercury vapor have not made anyone even healthier.

It doesn't matter which thermometer you use, read the instruction manual first.

After each use, it would be good to clean the thermometer: wash it, if possible, or wipe it with an antiseptic. Be careful if the thermometer is sensitive to moisture and may deteriorate. It's embarrassing to mention, but still, a rectal thermometer should not be used anywhere else.

How to measure the temperature under the arm

Most often, we measure the temperature under the arm with a conventional mercury or electronic thermometer. Here's how to do it right:

  1. You can not measure the temperature after eating and physical exertion. Wait half an hour.
  2. Before starting the measurement, the glass thermometer must be shaken off: the mercury column should show less than 35 ° C. If the thermometer is electronic, just turn it on.
  3. The armpit should be dry. Sweat must be wiped off.
  4. Keep your hand firmly pressed. In order for the temperature under the arm to become the same as inside the body, the skin must warm up, and this takes time. It is better to press the child’s shoulder on your own, for example, taking the baby in your arms.
  5. The good news is that if you follow the previous rule, a mercury thermometer will take 5 minutes, not 10, as is commonly believed. Many electronic thermometers respond to changes in temperature and measure as long as these changes are present. Therefore, if the hand is not pressed, the temperature can change for a long time and the results will be inaccurate.

How to measure temperature rectally

This method is needed when it is necessary to check the temperature of infants: it is difficult for them to hold their hand, it is not safe to put something in their mouth, and not everyone has an expensive infrared sensor.

  1. The part of the thermometer that you will insert into the rectum must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly (sold at any pharmacy).
  2. Put the child on his side or on his back, bend his legs.
  3. Gently insert the thermometer into the anus by 1.5-2.5 cm (depending on the size of the sensor), hold the child while the measurement is in progress. A mercury thermometer must be held for 2 minutes, an electronic one - as long as it is written in the instructions (usually less than a minute).
  4. Remove the thermometer, look at the data.
  5. Treat the child's skin, if necessary. Wash the thermometer.

How to measure the temperature in the mouth

This method is not suitable for younger children. four years, because at this age, children cannot yet be guaranteed to hold the thermometer. Do not take your temperature in your mouth if you have eaten something cold in the last 30 minutes.

  1. Wash the thermometer.
  2. The sensor or reservoir of mercury should be placed under the tongue and hold the thermometer with your lips.
  3. Use an ordinary thermometer to measure the temperature for 3 minutes, electronic - as much as necessary according to the instructions.

How to measure the temperature in the ear

For this, there are special infrared thermometers: it is useless to put other thermometers in the ear. Children under 6 months of age do not have their ear temperature taken. Age guidelines, because due to developmental features, the results will be inaccurate. You can measure the temperature in your ear only 15 minutes after you have returned from the street.

Pull your ear a little to the side and insert the thermometer probe into your ear. It takes a few seconds to measure.

Some infrared devices measure the temperature on the forehead, where the artery passes. Data from the forehead or from the ear is not as accurate Fever: First aid, as with other measurements, but they are fast. And for household measurement, it is not so important what temperature you have: 38.3 or 38.5 ° C.

How to read a thermometer

The result of the measurement depends on the accuracy of the thermometer, the correctness of the measurements and where the measurements were taken.

The temperature in the mouth is higher than under the arm by 0.3-0.6 °C, rectal - by 0.6-1.2 °C, in the ear - up to 1.2 °C. That is, 37.5 ° C is an alarming figure for measuring under the arm, but not for rectal.

Also, the rate depends on age. In children up to a year, rectal up to 37.7 ° C (36.5-37.1 ° C under the arm), and there is nothing wrong with that. The 37.1°C under the arm that we suffer from becomes a problem with age.

In addition, there are individual characteristics. The temperature of a healthy adult ranges from 36.1 to 37.2 ° C under the arm, but someone's personal norm is 36.9 ° C, and someone's is 36.1. The difference is big, so in an ideal world it would be nice to take your temperature when you are healthy for the sake of interest, or at least remember what the thermometer showed there at the physical examination.

The karapuzika is a rather difficult task. It makes many parents worry - not only beginners who do not yet know how to do it right, but even experienced dads and moms. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in this. You just need to understand how to handle the baby and the thermometer. In this article we will try to figure out how to measure the temperature of infants.

Normal temperature. What does it depend on?

The body of adults is very different from the body of babies. In adults, everything is already “set up” correctly, and crumbs are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. At first, they have not yet learned to track changes in the temperature of their small body. A toddler can overheat very quickly if a caring mother puts on too many clothes. But just as quickly, it cools down. All mothers who are too worried about the increase (or seeming increase) in the temperature of the baby should remember: when their child is actively awake, his body temperature may be higher than during his sleep.

Constant control

For a newly born baby, an indicator in the range of 36.3-37.7 o C is considered normal. And how to understand what an elevated temperature is? The temperature above the norm is an indicator that the body of the little one produces special antibodies that are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In order for the health of the baby to be under the tireless control of parents, it is necessary to measure his body temperature daily. Only in this case it will be possible to find out in time when at least a minimal deviation from the norm has occurred. If the temperature has risen slightly, and the baby is completely calm, he has a good appetite, parents do not need to worry.

When is temperature taken?

First you need to find out what is the normal and constant temperature of the minnow. To do this, you need to measure it daily for a week, then calculate the average number (a regular table with numbers will help).

When and how to measure the temperature of infants? It is worth doing this only when mothers suspect that not everything is in order. The baby may become restless, sleep poorly, the skin will turn red, the baby will not have an appetite. At the same time, the mother can feel with her hand that the temperature is higher than usual.

It is also necessary to monitor the state in which the baby will be when the mother approaches him with a thermometer. It is best if the baby is half asleep. Adults should make sure that the baby does not irritate or excite anything while the temperature is being measured.

If the baby is crying, screaming or awake very actively, it is better not to even try to take his temperature. It will only harm the baby. It is more correct when this process is carried out by people close to the baby, because he can be frightened of other people's uncles and aunts and nothing will work out.

We measure the temperature of the baby correctly

Not all mothers know how to measure the temperature of a baby correctly. This is especially true for young parents. difficult process because they have not yet figured out what to do and why. Consider possible ways this, in general, a simple process.

First way. You can measure the temperature in the ear, in the mouth, under the arm and rectally. The classic way to measure temperature is a thermometer in the armpit of a little one. To begin with, you should comfortably seat the crumbs on your knees. After that, place a thermometer under the arm. While the required time lasts, you can sing a song to the baby, tell a fairy tale, talk to him. After a beep or after seven minutes, the procedure is considered completed. If the baby is very small and does not know how to sit yet, before starting to measure the temperature, he must be laid on his back.

What doesn't the little one like?

And here is another way to measure the temperature of infants. This method is quite effective, but it is not very pleasant for the baby. The temperature is measured in the rectum. It is believed that this is the most truthful option to find out the exact temperature. The peanut should be put on its back and gently bend its legs at the knees. At the end of the thermometer, any baby or softening cream is applied in advance. This thermometer must be very carefully inserted into the baby's rectum by about two centimeters. After completing this procedure, it is imperative to disinfect the thermometer.

Where else to take the temperature of the baby? As an option - the ear canal of the little one. The main reminder to parents: the measurement can be taken only when the baby is calm. By the way, during feeding, the temperature of the child can be increased.

And now about the normal temperature of the baby. Under the arm, it is 36.3-37.3 degrees Celsius; in the rectum - 37.6-38 degrees, and in the mouth - 37.1.

Mercury thermometer helps

Using a regular classic thermometer, you can find out the temperature of the baby in several ways. Let's try to understand how to measure the temperature of a baby with a mercury thermometer.

As a rule, mothers are accustomed to the standard method, so they place a thermometer in the baby's armpit. In order to get information about the temperature of the baby in this way, the baby must be laid on a flat surface - on a table, bed or changing table. After the thermometer has firmly settled in the armpit of the child, its handle must be gently held so that the thermometer does not move to another place or fall out from under the handle.

Another option is to place the thermometer in the groin so that it can be pressed against the thigh. True, in this case, the baby will have to be put in a position that is not very convenient for him.

Not all moms and dads are sympathetic to measuring temperature rectally. But this method of obtaining the necessary information is the most accurate than all the others.

We use an electronic thermometer

With the help of an electronic thermometer, you can measure the baby's temperature in the same places in which they measure with a mercury thermometer. How to measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer baby? It really won't be difficult.

By the way, some types of electronic thermometers can be applied to the baby’s forehead (if he doesn’t like it when the thermometer is under his arm) or gently inserted into the ear. This type of measuring device will determine for itself how much time it will take. After the end of the procedure, it will emit a sound signal.

Measuring the temperature of a little one will almost always be hassle-free and uncomplicated if the mother correctly selects both the thermometer and the method of carrying out the necessary procedure. Plus, everything must be done correctly, paying close attention to the condition of the child.

One of the most convenient to use is a thermometer made in the form of a nipple. Working with it is very simple: gently insert it into the baby's mouth, he will suck it for five minutes, and the temperature will be displayed on the display. But what if the child is not familiar with nipples? Then you should not start using such a modern thermometer.

Accurate or not?

How to measure the temperature of the baby with an electronic thermometer? There is nothing easier. Such a magical device should only be attached to the child's ear, put into the armpit or measure the temperature rectally (this was already mentioned above). Nowhere can you find data on indicating the exact time of measurement: such a thermometer will emit a signal when all the readings are known to it. As a rule, it lasts about three minutes.

But when using this modern device, you can notice only one significant drawback: an error occurs within one degree. And in the case of a serious illness of the baby, such an error can be critical for him. That is why many doctors do not recommend the use of such a thermometer.

Each parent has to choose how to measure the temperature of infants. Which thermometer he chooses - a classic mercury one or a more modern, electronic one, it's up to him. The main thing is that the baby is sick as little as possible.

In every home where a small child lives, there must certainly be a thermometer, since the rise in temperature in early age requires an immediate response from parents and a doctor. If earlier all the thermometers used to determine the temperature in children were mercury, now there are many alternatives to this very unsafe type of thermometers. And one of the most popular options for young parents is an electronic thermometer.


Temperature measurement in an electronic thermometer is provided by a built-in sensor located at the narrow end of the thermometer. The measurement results are displayed on the display of the device in digital form, so this thermometer is also called digital.


  • The electronic thermometer does not contain mercury, so damage to it does not threaten the health of the child.
  • Such a device is universal, as it allows you to determine the temperature in different ways (rectally, orally, under the arm, in the elbow, in the groin).
  • It often takes only 30-60 seconds to measure.
  • Mom will know by a sound signal that the temperature has been determined.
  • Evaluating the measurement result is very simple - just look at the display of the device.
  • Many electronic thermometers "remember" the last measurement, and some can store up to 25-30 measurements in memory.
  • The case of some of these thermometers is waterproof, which allows them to be used to determine the heating of water in the bath.
  • The device automatically turns off after waiting a certain period, which saves battery power.
  • In many electronic thermometers, you can switch the measurement scale from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • The displays of some digital thermometers have a backlight.
  • Tips for some models may vary.
  • Especially for children, bright and cute models in the form of toys and nipple-thermometers have been created.


  • Inexpensive models cannot be wetted and treated with disinfectants, and not all electronic thermometers have a waterproof case.
  • If you follow the recommendations in the instructions and keep the thermometer for some time after the beep, this requires you to separately record the time, which is not very convenient.
  • Thermometers in the form of a dummy can only be used until the teeth appear, and some babies do not recognize the pacifier.
  • High-quality digital thermometers are much more expensive than mercury counterparts.

Failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and tips for correct measurement may result in inaccurate results.

How to use an electronic thermometer correctly

  • In order for the measurement to be accurate, the sensitive sensor must be in close contact with the child's body.
  • The most informative is the measurement of temperature in the child's mouth or in the rectum.
  • Wait for the beep before evaluating the result on the display.
  • When measuring the temperature in the armpit, you should wait a little longer than stated by the manufacturer. On average, the measurement time on this area of ​​the skin is 1.5-3 minutes.
  • Do not take your oral temperature after eating or drinking.
  • Do not measure the temperature under the arm after bathing the child.
  • Do not try to take the temperature of a crying baby with a nipple thermometer.
  • The batteries in the device should be changed regularly. Often they are designed for 2-5 years of using a thermometer, but so that the thermometer does not fail in important point, one set of batteries should be kept in reserve.

Popular Models

Bright and cute children's electronic thermometers are produced by different companies. Among them, the most often chosen:

  • Chicco Digi light– baby thermometer with flexible spout, illuminated display, beeps and protective case.

  • B.Well WT-06- a bright children's thermometer, presented in the form of a "duckling" or "rabbit". Measures the temperature in 10 seconds, remembers the last measurement, emits a sound signal in case of fever and automatically turns off. The advantage of the device is also the presence of a moisture-resistant housing and a flexible tip.

  • Gamma T-50- a thermometer that measures the temperature of children and adults in 60 seconds. The device remembers the last measurement and automatically turns off to save battery.

  • Microlife MT 3001– a reliable Swiss thermometer with a large power button, electronic display and sound signals. The accuracy of the device is 0.1 º C. It measures the temperature in 1 minute and remembers the latest data.

  • Thermoval Basic- a moisture-proof thermometer that emits a signal at the end of the measurement and remembers the last temperature measurement. Such a thermometer works very economically, performing up to 3 thousand measurements on one battery.

  • AND DT-501- shockproof thermometer that measures the temperature in 1 minute, signals this and saves the data in memory. The sensor of the device is protected from moisture, and the measurement accuracy is 0.1 ºС.

  • OMRON Eco Temp Basic- an electronic thermometer that allows you to measure the temperature rectally, axillary and orally. The measurement time with such a device is 1-1.5 minutes. The device has a sound signal, options for remembering the last measurement and automatic shutdown.

in great demand mothers of babies also use dummy thermometers, for example, Little Doctor LD-303 or Microlife MT 1751. The baby sucks such a thermometer for several minutes, and after the signal, measurement data appears on the muzzle.

How to choose the best for newborns?

To buy an electronic thermometer for babies, it is best to go to a pharmacy or to a specialized store that sells medical equipment. Ask the seller about the features of the selected model, the rules of use and the availability of a guarantee for the device. Do not buy a digital thermometer for an infant in a supermarket or store household appliances, since the accuracy of their measurement is questionable.

Other criteria for buying an electronic thermometer for a child will be:

  • Manufacturing firm.
  • your budget.
  • Appearance thermometer.
  • Additional functions of the device.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all the details about the children's thermometer (pyrometer).

Mercury thermometers are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The most main reason- this is not entirely safe, because a broken mercury thermometer is a serious health hazard. An alternative to old thermometers is electronic temperature meters. Only there is one thing - they very often incorrectly show body temperature. In the rubric, we decided to figure out why this happens and how to measure the temperature correctly with electronic thermometers

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of an electronic thermometer is significantly different from the classic mercury one, which is logical. The indication of temperature in the second occurs due to the increase in the volume of mercury when heated, which by and large makes it unimportant how to hold it. In electronic thermometers, the sensor is located at the end, so only the heating of this part affects the readings. The rest of the thermometer has only wires. It is for this reason that one must carefully monitor the position of the thermometer in order to achieve accuracy. If the contact with the body is loose or the sensor is partially loose, the temperature will be lower.

The error of an electronic thermometer can be quite large (1.5 degrees), especially if you measured the temperature incorrectly and quickly.

How long to keep an electronic thermometer?

Most electronic thermometers are equipped with a sound sensor that notifies that the temperature has been measured. But you should not deceive yourself. Most instructions state that a beep is not a reason to end a measurement. Your temperature may still slightly rise by 0.3-0.4 degrees. So it is better to hold the thermometer longer. Or remember the difference that the thermometer shows a few minutes after the beep and add it in the future. Usually the difference is 0.3-0.4 degrees, but it is better to check it yourself.

By the way, in the US, the temperature is measured mainly in the mouth, and not in the armpit. In the armpit, the thermometer does not have time to heat up. Even expensive models of thermometers with an enlarged sensor, specially designed for measuring under the arm, show 0.2-0.3 degrees less. So you can try to measure the temperature according to the American method.

How to check the health of the thermometer?

If you doubt the correctness of the thermometer readings, then you can conduct the following simple test using two thermometers and a glass of water. Take ordinary warm water and place both thermometers there. The data will be the same after three minutes. This will give you the opportunity to judge how well the thermometer is working. If the data of the electronic thermometer is very different, then you have a direct road to the service center.

By the way, the temperature test can be carried out not only on the water, but also on yourself by measuring the temperature with a mercury and electronic thermometer. Remember the difference in readings and then just add the missing degrees. As a rule, the difference is about 2 tenths. On mercury 36.6, on electronic - 36.4. On mercury 37.5 - on electronic 37.3.

Final instruction: how to measure temperature correctly

  1. Be sure to hold the thermometer correctly (vertically/at an angle down, press firmly).
  2. Ignore the squeak, keep as much time under your arm as mercury, until the temperature finally stops increasing (5-10 minutes).
  3. Add a fixed number at the time of the squeak (the number is individual for the person and the method of measurement).
  4. Measure the temperature not under the arm, but in the mouth.
  5. Buy a mercury thermometer, but in a shell that does not let mercury through when broken.