Presentation on the topic of ecology and human health. Presentation, report ecology and human health Presentations ecology and a healthy person

  • 04.04.2021

The work was done by students of class 10 "B" Nadeeva Milya and Kaldina Anna

Human ecology is the science of the relationship of a person with the environment in various aspects (economic, technical, physical and technical, socio-psychological) and is designed to determine optimal conditions human existence, including the permissible limits of its impact on the environment. The relationship with the human environment as an organism is studied by autecology, the ecology of human communities - synecology. F. Bacon

Chemical pollution of the atmosphere industry domestic boilers transport The main source of pyrogenic pollution: thermal power plants, metallurgical and chemical enterprises, boiler plants, (consuming more than 70% of the annually mined solid and liquid fuel.) The main harmful impurities of pyrogenic origin: carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydride nitrogen oxides hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide fluorine compounds chlorine compounds

Human exposure to sulfurous and sulfuric anhydride Symptoms of poisoning: runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. When inhaled in high concentrations - suffocation, speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, acute pulmonary edema is possible. The impact on a person of nitrogen oxides gas mixed with oxygen is used for anesthesia. It is called laughing. number of symptoms Small amounts of dulling pain sensitivity. Small amounts of feeling intoxicated. Breathing pure gas causes narcotic state and suffocation

weather and human well-being Biorhythm - a set of rhythmic processes in the body (rhythms of the heart, breathing, bioelectrical activity of the brain). Daily rhythms and biorhythms The study of changes in circadian rhythms makes it possible to identify the occurrence of certain diseases at the earliest stages Climate and health XVII century - the foundations of a scientific direction in medicine about the influence of climatic factors on human health were born 1725 - the beginning of studying the influence of climate, seasons and weather on a person in Russia

nutrition and human health Doctors say that a full-fledged balanced diet is an important condition for maintaining the health and high performance of adults, and for children also necessary condition growth and development. For normal growth, development and maintenance of life, the body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in the right amount. Regular overeating, consumption of excessive amounts of carbohydrates and fats are the cause of the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Many food products have bactericidal action, inhibiting the growth and development of various microorganisms.

The surrounding landscape can have a different impact on the psycho-emotional state. landscape as a health factor Nature increases vitality and calms the nerves. One of the strong influences on health is the forest, especially the forest air. Camping is useful for urban residents due to the busy rhythm of life and polluted air, including noise pollution and in general environment cities.

Thank you for your attention!

Ecology and human health

Problems of the impact of environmental pollution on human health in Russia.

According to available data, the changed environment, combined with the wrong attitude of a person to his health, is the cause of diseases in 77% of cases, the cause of death in 50%, and the cause of improper physical development in 57% of cases.

Of the poisons that regularly enter the human body, 70% come from food, 20% from the air and 10% from water.

Food products.

Control over the content of harmful substances in food products is carried out for 14 elements, the most dangerous and toxic of which are cadmium, mercury and lead. Cadmium is most found in plant foods and mushrooms, mercury and nitrosamines - in fish products, lead - in both plant and animal products. There are a lot of pesticides in plant foods, nitrites are used as preservatives in the manufacture of sausages, ham, and many canned food. Many of them are carcinogenic. Peanuts exported from other countries are 24% contaminated with aflatoxin.

Radionuclides migrate through food chains and enter the human body through food in radio-contaminated areas. The half-life of strontium-90 and cesium-137 (the fission products of uranium) occurs in about 30 years.

Among food products that do not meet hygienic safety indicators, the largest share is:

Wine products (21%); - honey and bee products (19%);

Drinks (15%); - bakery and flour-grinding products (13%).

atmospheric air.

As we already know, the atmospheric air is most polluted in large cities, industrial centers, especially those with a developed metallurgical, processing and coal industry where the main pollutants are dust, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, soot, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, phenol, metals, etc.

In such centers, the average incidence of the population is 40% higher than the norm for respiratory organs, 130% for diseases of the cardiovascular system, 176% for skin diseases, and 35% for malignant neoplasms. At the same time, the least sensitive group of the population is aged 20-39 years, and the most sensitive are children from 3 to 6 years old (3.3 times higher) and over 60 years old (1.6 times higher).

Drinking water.

Up to 80% of all chemical compounds entering the external environment, sooner or later enter the water sources. In Russia, quality drinking water supplied to the population does not meet the hygienic requirements for sanitary and chemical indicators in 20-25% of cases and for microbiological indicators - in 10-15% of cases.

In most water bodies modern Russia water quality does not meet regulatory requirements. the process of increasing the number of objects with high (more than 10 MPC) and extreme levels of exceeding the norm (more than 100 MPC) continues. The water bodies of the lower reaches of the Volga, the southern Urals, Kuzbass, and some territories of the North are most polluted.

About 50% of the population of the Russian Federation continue to use drinking water that does not meet hygienic requirements for various quality indicators.

In large cities of Russia, every year during the spring flood, the quality of drinking water deteriorates. In this regard, drinking water is hyperchlorinated, which, however, is unsafe for health due to the formation of organochlorine compounds. In 22% of cases, water from centralized water supply sources does not meet sanitary and chemical requirements. When using decentralized sources, 28% of sources do not meet sanitary and chemical standards, 29% do not meet bacteriological standards.

In general, 50% of the Russian population continues to use unfit for drinking water. The situation with regard to water in Russia is especially difficult in the Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl, Kaluga and Kaliningrad regions, Primorsky Krai, Kalmykia and Dagestan.

In a number of regions, including our region, up to 64% of sources drinking water supply do not have sanitary protection zones.

Ecology and healthy lifestyle.

2.1.Man is a component of the biosphere.

Each person, like any other living organism, exists in a certain biotic and abiotic environment and is inextricably linked with it.

Man is a derivative and important element of the biosphere, which entirely depends on its state, and the state of the biosphere, in turn, is regulated by higher-scale processes occurring in solar system, galaxy, space.

Each species of plant or animal organisms has developed in the process of evolution hereditary adaptations (adaptations) to changing environmental conditions that serve its survival, prosperity, optimization of all vital body functions.

Unlike all other species, man (Homo sapiens) is the only intelligent biosocial species on the planet that can control the functions of his body not only on the basis of genetically fixed adaptations or instinctively, but also on the basis of his analytical activity, thereby largely optimizing their relationship with nature, to overcome diseases, to extend the life of each individual person.

The intellectual potential of a person has always been more focused on solving technical, economic and political problems than on improving environmental culture, culture of life and one's own health.

As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, gigantic industrial, energy, military and transport complexes were created, computerization was intensively developed in Everyday life people, mechanization and chemicalization Agriculture, the natural resources of land, oceans, seas and rivers were intensively developed, but the development of the technosphere in most cases had a very negative impact on the health and life of each individual, although, of course, the successful development of some medical and health technologies cannot be denied.

The modern world, thanks to the rapid development of transport and communications, is becoming more and more holistic. Events taking place in a particular country can have an impact and affect the interests of both a number of countries and all of humanity. The further development of mankind depends on how it can solve global problems, which include problems of a political nature - war and peace, human rights, racism, nationalism, etc., economic - economic crises, environmental - environmental protection, exhaustion natural resources. Let us consider in more detail a number of environmental problems and their impact on humanity. Scientific and technical progress with its dramatic socio-economic changes led to the emergence of a global medical and biological problem: the survival of mankind in a man-deformed environment. Medico-sociological and hygienic studies have confirmed the causal relationship between lifestyle, environment and human health.

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5. The birth of a large number of premature babies, and therefore, physically immature. It is associated with a violation in the genetic apparatus. 5. The birth of a large number of premature babies, and therefore, physically immature. It is associated with a violation in the genetic apparatus. 6. "Return" of infectious agents that are able to live in the human environment and become the causative agents of influenza, viral forms of cancer and other diseases. Today, for example, the incidence of tuberculosis has increased even in developed countries due to antibiotic resistance, poverty and high population density in cities. 7. Abiological trends, which are understood as such lifestyle features as physical inactivity, smoking, drug addiction, etc. They are the cause of obesity, cancer, cardiac diseases, etc. At present, all these trends are characteristic to varying degrees for all human habitats, but they stand out most prominently in the urban environment.

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One of the essential negative factors risks that affect the health of the population are alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. A bad habit is a predisease if it is not stopped in time. Tobacco smoking has become an epidemic. Over the past 5-10 years, the number of drug users in the country has increased 4 times, the number of deaths from their use has increased 12 times, including 42 times among children. Alcohol dependence remains the most common in Russia. From drugs and related diseases in our country every 20 seconds a person dies, more often a young one. The share of Russia in the world drug trafficking increased to 8%. One of the significant negative risk factors affecting the health of the population are alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction. A bad habit is a predisease if it is not stopped in time. Tobacco smoking has become an epidemic. Over the past 5-10 years, the number of drug users in the country has increased 4 times, the number of deaths from their use has increased 12 times, including 42 times among children. Alcohol dependence remains the most common in Russia. From drugs and related diseases in our country every 20 seconds a person dies, more often a young one. The share of Russia in the world drug trafficking increased to 8%. Any addiction is the self-enslavement of a person by his desires. If some needs (for food, water, sunlight, security, etc.) are important or even mandatory for survival, then others are of a maladaptive nature, subordinating the will of a person, leading to detrimental consequences. Formation problem healthy lifestyle life is the problem of forming a worldview and corresponding principles of behavior. Further improvement of the health status of the population requires an approach to health from the point of view of its broad understanding and taking into account all the factors that determine health: lifestyle, social well-being, psychological climate, physical and chemical factors of the environment. Drug addiction is understood as a painful craving for substances of plant or synthetic origin that affect the central nervous system and cause sensations of euphoria, intoxication, stunning, pain relief, hallucinations. The word addiction is derived from the Greek words narke (stupor, sleep) and mania (madness, passion, attraction). The term "drug addiction" was used at first in relation to the abuse of narcotic substances in the narrow sense (opium and its preparations, hashish, anasha, marijuana), and later was extended to a large number of substances that stimulate the central nervous system, sedative drugs and others.

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Ecology and human health

The presentation was made by the Teacher of Biology, Secondary School No. 102, Volgograd Shaboldina E.V.

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Human ecology is the science of the relationship of a person with the environment in various aspects (economic, technical, physical-technical, socio-psychological) and is designed to determine the optimal conditions for human existence, including the permissible limits of its impact on the environment.

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Chemical pollution of the atmosphere


domestic boiler rooms


The main source of pyrogenic pollution: thermal power plants, metallurgical and chemical enterprises, boiler plants,

(consuming more than 70% of the annually produced solid and liquid fuels.)

The main harmful impurities of pyrogenic origin: carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydride nitrogen oxides hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide fluorine compounds chlorine compounds

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Human exposure to carbon monoxide

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Human exposure to sulphurous and sulfuric anhydride

Symptoms of poisoning: runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. When inhaled at high concentrations - suffocation, speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, acute pulmonary edema is possible.

Human exposure to nitrogen oxides

gas mixed with oxygen is used for anesthesia. It is called laughing.

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Human exposure to hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide

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Human exposure to fluorine compounds

Leads to the development of chronic poisoning (fluorosis), Symptoms: weight loss, anemia, weakness, joint stiffness, bone fragility, discoloration

Human exposure to chlorine compounds

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Biological pollution of the environment - pollution of its pathogenic organisms

main sources


industrial production


public utilities of cities and towns

domestic and industrial landfills

cemeteries, etc.

Biological pollution and human diseases

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Causative agents of tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene, some fungal diseases. They can enter the human body if the skin is damaged, with unwashed food, if the rules of hygiene are violated.

Polluted water sources have caused epidemics of cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery.

infection occurs through the respiratory tract when air is inhaled. Diseases: influenza, whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria, measles and others. Pathogens get into the air when coughing, sneezing, and even when sick people talk.

Waters: rivers, lakes, ponds.

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The effect of sounds on a person

environments that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 oscillations per second). Noise - loud sounds that have merged into a discordant sound.

Vibrations of a higher frequency - by ultrasound, a smaller one - by infrasound.

Very noisy modern music dulls the hearing, causes nervous diseases.

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weather and health

Biorhythm - a set of rhythmic processes in the body (rhythms of the heart, breathing, bioelectric activity of the brain).

Daily rhythms and biorhythms

The study of changes in circadian rhythms makes it possible to detect the occurrence of certain diseases at the earliest stages.

Climate and health

XVII century - the foundations of a scientific direction in medicine about the influence of climatic factors on human health were born

1725 - the beginning of the study of the influence of climate, seasons and weather on a person in Russia

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INFLUENCE OF WEATHER direct indirect

affects the blood supply to the skin, the respiratory, cardiovascular and sweating systems.

The longer the body is isolated from external climatic factors and is in comfortable or subcomfortable conditions of the microclimate of the room, the more its adaptive reactions to constantly changing weather parameters decrease.

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nutrition and human health

Doctors say that a full-fledged balanced diet is an important condition for maintaining the health and high performance of adults, and for children it is also a necessary condition for growth and development.

For normal growth, development and maintenance of life, the body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in the right amount.

Regular overeating, consumption of excessive amounts of carbohydrates and fats are the cause of the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Many food products have bactericidal action, inhibiting the growth and development of various microorganisms.

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The surrounding landscape can have a different impact on the psycho-emotional state.

landscape as a health factor

Nature increases vitality, calms the nerves. One of the strong influences on health is the forest, especially the forest air.

Camping is useful for urban residents due to the busy rhythm of life and polluted air, including noise pollution and the overall environment of cities.

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Problems of human adaptation to the environment

Tension is the mobilization of all mechanisms that ensure certain activities of the human body.

Human Adaptation Types: Sprinter Stayer

high resistance to short-term extreme factors and poor tolerance of long-term loads.

Reverse type (in the northern regions of the country, stayer type people predominate among the population)

Adaptation is a dynamic process due to which the mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of conditions, maintain the stability necessary for the existence, development and procreation.

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Adapting to adverse environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension, fatigue.

Any violation of the "man-environment" balance is a source of anxiety. Anxiety, referred to as a feeling of vague threat; a feeling of diffuse apprehension and anxious expectation; indefinite anxiety is the most powerful mechanism of mental stress.

The main features of mental stress: 1) stress - the state of the body, its occurrence involves the interaction between the body and the environment; 2) stress - a more tense state than the usual motivational one; it requires the perception of a threat in order to occur; 3) stress phenomena occur when the normal adaptive response is insufficient.