New entertainment business ideas. Business ideas for a recreation park. How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery

  • 08.11.2019

Alexey Russkikh

If you are stuck in 2010, when mining at home was still relevant, then this article is especially for you. Now we will talk about whether it is possible to mine digital currency at home, how to do it, and whether mining cryptocurrency on a home PC is profitable at all.

How to start mining on your home computer in 2017

If you are a beginner and do not know how to approach cryptocurrency mining, what to do and, in general, why it is needed, then mining at home is a great way to learn all this.

For those who are wondering where to start mining:

  • choose a cryptocurrency;
  • open wallet;
  • choose a service;
  • Download program;
  • start mining currency.

Since it will not be possible to mine cryptocurrency alone without large capacities, home miners are often combined into pools. These are several machines that combine their efforts to find the required block. After this block is found, the reward is distributed according to the power.

For those who do not understand anything about mining, there is a Kryptex service. It allows you to download the program and it will extract cryptocurrency in the background and exchange it at the current rate. On a powerful PC, you can earn up to 4 thousand rubles a month.

Mining on a home computer only makes sense if you don't understand it at all. For beginners, this will be an opportunity to explore the kitchen of cryptocurrency mining first hand.

How much can you earn

Now to the question of possible earnings with a conventional computer. Modern cryptocurrencies require power that only one part of a computer can produce - a video card. You can forget about cryptocurrency mining and a hard drive. And therefore, how much you get per day directly depends on the power of your video card.

The best for mining right now are NVIDIA GTX. For example, the NVIDIA GTX 1070 video card. An overclocked card brings about $ 1.5 per day. If you overclock and connect normal equipment, then the figure will be about 2-2.5 dollars a day with due luck. And this is if the computer will work 24/7. Agree, not the most impressive figure.

If you want to see how much this or that video card will bring, use ours. Choose your card and see the score for each algorithm.

Having determined the hashrate, you can calculate the full payback period of your card on the Whattomine service - Additionally, you must specify the price for electricity and the power of the device. The service periodically updates the information (including increasing the level of complexity, reducing the fee for decrypting blocks), so you don’t have to worry about the relevance of the data.

Why you shouldn't mine on laptops

Now a little about mining on laptops. In 2010-2011, it was possible to mine cryptocurrency on almost everything. Probably, somewhere there would be craftsmen who could make a farm out of toasters. But now everything has changed a lot. There are a lot of miners, the algorithms have become more complicated, and now, in order to mine 1 bitcoin a day, a computer of crazy power is required.

Mining on a laptop is unprofitable. From the word at all. Especially in Russia. With the surge in the dollar, technology has become very expensive indeed. The average laptop in which the video card will have at least 2GB of memory now costs at least 50,000 rubles.

At the same time, the same GTX 1060 will cost from 13 to 20 thousand. And it has 3GB of memory, and other characteristics are noticeably higher. Even a PC will cost less: 30 thousand rubles, against 50.

It is precisely because of the high cost of equipment and complete inability to mine that laptops are now simply useless for mining cryptocurrency. And given that even powerful PCs cannot mine expensive cryptocurrencies, laptops for mining cryptocurrencies are completely dead.

PC or farm - which is more profitable

Mining at home is an extremely unprofitable undertaking. And this is due to 2 factors:

  • home PCs and laptops have extremely low power for full-fledged mining;
  • home electricity is quite expensive.

As mentioned above, only a video card is needed to mine cryptocurrency. That is, if you buy a full-fledged gaming, powerful computer, the cost efficiency will be 30-40%. And this is a very unprofitable investment.

And if we add to these costs the increasing costs of software, electricity and a cooling system, it turns out that cryptocurrency mining on a home PC is 3-4 times more expensive than a regular farm.

Few numbers. In order to assemble a PC that will support 2 GTX 1070 video cards, you will need 100 thousand rubles. A full-fledged farm on 4 GTX 1070 cards costs 140 thousand rubles if you buy cards on Amazon. That is, 2 times stronger mining power costs only 40% more. And the worse the PC, the greater the difference.

That is why it is simply unprofitable to mine bitcoins, ether, lightcoins and other expensive currencies on a home PC. Let's look at alternatives to mining cryptocurrency on a home PC.

Home PC Alternative

If you want, then it's better to make your own mining farm. In terms of volume, it occupies no more than 1 cubic meter, does not emit strong extraneous noise and, with proper cooling, does not even heat up.

The price of budget farms ranges from 120 to 200 thousand rubles. And such farms pay off if you buy them from Russian parts, all other things being equal, in 170-180 days. But if you order video cards from abroad, then the price will drop by almost 2 times (primarily due to retailers' markup), and the terms will be up to 100-110 days.

Producing bitcoins on budget farms is a controversial undertaking. It makes sense to look at other currencies like Ethereum and Litecoin.

There is also another option - . It works according to the following principle:

  1. A large company buys equipment.
  2. Configures it specifically for mining.
  3. Sells power to ordinary users.

In fact, this is a rental of mining farm power without additional costs. You just buy a certain % of the performance of the equipment along with other people, paying for its work. This is beneficial for those who do not have money to buy a full-fledged mining farm.

You can use the services:

  1. Genesis is one of the leading providers of remote mining power.
  2. HashFlare is a cloud mining service that allows you to remotely complete the process of mining digital currency. You can choose from several coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash.
  3. IQmining is an online power market that appeared in 2016. The equipment is set up to extract the most profitable altcoins with subsequent exchange for bitcoin.

Cloud mining generates an income of about 1% of the costs per day. That is, the payback period is about the same as that of full-fledged farms - 100-120 days. The only difference is that cloud mining requires from 2 to 200 dollars, and the farm will take 3-4 thousand.

Related video (NiceHash Miner):


Purely technically, now you can do mining at home. The only problem is that due to the large number of miners, more and more powerful equipment is needed, and already ordinary computers are not able to cope with such loads normally.

Home mining will be profitable only in one case, if you mine a new cryptocurrency. Then you will not need high power, and even an old laptop can handle it. But if you are aiming for a guaranteed income and want to make mining your business, then it is better to consider alternative options: building your own farm or cloud mining.

We tried to answer the main questions of cryptocurrency mining at home. The production of bitcoins, like any investment, must pay off and make a profit. Does it make sense to mine on a computer at home? Probably, this is already a question of profitability and risks.

It took bitcoin a little less than a decade from its inception before it became one of the most popular means for virtual transfers. There are many reasons for this: no commission for transactions, anonymity, well-coordinated work and no critical shortcomings. A lot of users were attracted by the logical question of how to earn bitcoins.

The increase in capitalization, which reached more than $450 billion by the spring of 2018, only increases people's interest in cryptocurrency. At the same time, a considerable proportion of users are interested in the possible and real prospects of bitcoin as a means of earning.

Purchase and storage

If you don't know how to start earning bitcoins - 7 ways to start with just that. Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​storing a large amount in cryptocurrency. For some, bitcoin earnings without investments quickly evoke associations with financial pyramids. Most users (especially at the beginning of the formation of cryptocurrency) had such thoughts for a reason. Often, bitcoin earnings turned into a failure due to a depreciation. Others succeeded in joining the ranks of btc owners in time and are now reaping the benefits. For them, making money on the Internet on bitcoin has become a reality.

This method is not suitable for those who are interested in how to earn bitcoin without investment. In order to reflect on this way of self-sufficiency, it is enough to give a brief digression into history. In 2009, the BTC rate was $1 for 1300 BTC. At the moment (May 2018), the price of one BTC is 8 thousand dollars. The growth of the rate of about two million times over 9 years demonstrates an unprecedented benefit from the use of means of payment instead of deposits in banks. Here is the answer to the question of how to earn btc without investments quickly. And the question of how to get bitcoins does not rise so sharply. Hundreds of exchanges with a good reputation have been working with cryptocurrency for a long time.

Is the game worth the candle?

However, bitcoin can sometimes lose its value. As is often the case in a free market. Sometimes additional demand for a stock, currency, or any other asset is born out of an existing demand. People want to buy something because they are already buying it - many people want to earn bitcoins, quickly and a lot. This leads to a phenomenon that economists call "soapy". The desire to take far outstrips the real value. And after some time, this leads to a sharp and sudden drop in price.

It happened the same with bitcoin:

  1. In 2011, having risen to $31 apiece, the currency plummeted to $10. The reason was a series of wallet hacks that undermined the trust of users.
  2. In 2013, the price of bitcoin dropped from $266 to $109. The reason is the same soap bubble". Seeing huge bitcoin earnings, users started pouring too much money into cryptocurrency. The catalyst was the arrest of members of the Silk Road website, one of its largest consumers.
  3. In the same year, the cost of 1 BTC soared first to 700, and then to 1,000 and, finally, to 1,200 dollars. But in 2013, bitcoin was very unlucky, because in December the Chinese government banned its use by law. Given that a huge proportion of the trading was done on Chinese exchanges, this brought the price down to $600. For some, the dreams of how to make money on bitcoin have been shattered.

Now the cryptocurrency is experiencing a peak: in a number of countries it has already been recognized as a legal means of payment and businessmen have been allowed to use it to pay for services. A number of critics speak in this vein: if the rate for bitcoin has already fallen so much three times, it may fall again.

But for those wishing to invest their funds for the long term, there are a number of counterarguments:

  1. The platform has been around for a long time and all critical vulnerabilities have been fixed. Bitcoin virtual money: “how to earn?” and “how not to lose them?” - questions that have ceased to torment the Internet community.
  2. Most countries have already expressed their loyalty to the cryptocurrency. This opens up new possibilities for how to quickly earn bitcoin.
  3. Sites that were engaged in illegal trade are mostly closed. This cleared btc electronic money from a tarnished reputation. How to earn currency and sell it has become easier.
  4. takes place with an eye to the previous fall in BTC in price. Most traders already clearly understand how to make money on bitcoin.

How to invest in bitcoins and is it worth it?

Of course, such an investment has a lot of disadvantages. For example, it will be quite difficult to predict the profitability of such an operation. Yes, and at the right moment for withdrawal, the bitcoin rate can crawl down and earn bitcoin quickly in this way will not work.

But it is foolish to deny: in the long run, storing your savings in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency is incredibly profitable and safe. Now, not a single means of payment has even a fraction of the prospect as much as the Internet currency btc has: it will be easier to earn and sell it over time.

Decentralization means that even as a result of the most powerful crisis, bitcoin will not disappear. But a bank deposit can. Yes, and if we compare the average yield of a means of payment compared to a modest 10% per annum, which are given on foreign currency deposits. It becomes clear why the capitalization of btc is growing so fast.

Exchange trading

There is an answer to how to earn bitcoins on the Internet and for those who like trading on Forex and binary options exchanges, cryptocurrencies will also become a discovery - completely similar trading tools and opportunities to earn are available here. The most popular are:

  • about three dozen with a smaller turnover of funds.

The easiest way to make money is to look for exchanges where the information about the fall (growth) is updated the fastest. With a delay of a minute and a half, the user manages to “predict” the course and make a deal. Only the bitcoin exchange gives this opportunity. How to earn and spend a solid amount without knowledge in trading and economics has become possible. At the same time, the user does not need to think about where to earn bitcoin.

Doing business with bitcoin

How can you earn on bitcoin? Another easy way to earn cryptocurrency is to create any traditional type of business that accepts btc as payment. There are a huge number of options here:

  • work for bitcoins;
  • exchange of cryptocurrencies for standard means of payment;
  • earnings on bitcoin from the creation of a store;
  • the implementation of the security of transactions as .

It’s worth noting right away: bitcoin has not yet been accepted as a means of payment in the territory. In other countries of the CIS and Europe, the electronic currency bitcoin is completely legalized. How to earn and spend it in unlimited quantities. At the same time, the exchange of btc for another currency in foreign exchangers, and only then for the ruble is allowed and not punished - good advice for those interested in how to make money on bitcoin without investments.

Now programmers most often use btc as payment. The minimum commission for transfers from anywhere in the world made the currency very interesting for them. Yes, just like that, it will not work automatically from scratch to earn bitcoins without investments - now the currency is already self-sufficient. And also in Europe cafes gradually began to open, accepting electronic currency - this is where you can earn bitcoins without investments and become a pioneer.

Bitcoin faucets

Bitcoin faucets are another quick bitcoin earning, which is an advertising platform with banners. The owner creates a simple game so that users stay longer on his site and bring more income. The resources themselves are divided into two main types:

  • actually, ;
  • rotators (sites that contain several links to faucets).

In addition to the reward itself and income for performing simple actions, you can invite friends and receive bitcoin for this. Most of these sites have a well thought out referral program. Only the use of bots and macros is not allowed on them, as well as the operation of ad blockers - earning bitcoin without investments on the machine is impossible. As an answer to the question "?" not good for making money, but as the first replenishment of the wallet, faucets are not bad.

There are also disadvantages: the withdrawal threshold is too high, the earnings on the Internet of bitcoins without investments are returned no more than once a week (usually, there are instant payout faucets - moonbit). And the ratio of income to time spent is very low.

Enter captcha

To earn bitcoin without investments, you will need to enter the characters from the picture in a short time. A referral program is also supported - you can invite friends and acquaintances who are interested in earning coins. Any such site will ask you for a simple set of registration data before starting: email, password and wallet address.

Now this area is also experiencing stagnation: the size of rewards has fallen with the growth of the exchange rate, which does not allow you to earn enough money. Nevertheless, as a hobby, such earnings on bitcoin without investments on the machine are not so bad.

Sweepstakes and poker rooms

For many, it will not be a secret that such services based on working with cryptocurrency have existed for a long time. Many players from traditional poker rooms have already switched to bitcoin. In a number of countries, this type of earnings is officially prohibited and transfers to and from the accounts of such companies are blocked, which cannot be done using bitcoin. How to earn and spend the amount as you like. With certain playing skills, master the still unoccupied and empty market, where the average level of players is much lower.

There are also disadvantages: given the youth of most of these projects. Poker room clients may be underdeveloped. It is also worth noting that the administrators do not hesitate to raise the commission for withdrawing bitcoin to really serious (10-15% of the amount) values.


Talking about how to earn bitcoins, one cannot fail to mention. At its core, this process is renting out the computing power of your computer in exchange for free coins and a way to earn bitcoins quickly and a lot without investments on the machine (2018).

But at the moment, the complexity of creating new blocks has become so high that specialized microcircuits for counting hash amounts worth hundreds of dollars do not even pay for electricity costs. Most miners have long switched to young cryptocurrencies (like). It will no longer be possible to earn btc on the same platform. Now either , or .

How to earn bitcoins (video)


The concept of a decentralized currency that works with accounts around the globe creates a huge number of new opportunities for earning. At the same time, traditional types of business available to the layman also function if the legislation allows the use of bitcoin in your country. Another advantage of the platform: in Eastern Europe and Asia, there are a large number of empty niches that are not yet occupied by young entrepreneurs and companies. This is where you can earn.

How to earn Bitcoin? Earning Bitcoins is now more relevant than ever. This section contains step-by-step instruction how to earn bitcoin from scratch. Bitcoin is the most profitable way to invest money today. It's no joke, in 2017, the Bitcoin exchange rate increased more than sixteen times, from $970 in January to $16,600 in December. Many crypto enthusiasts simply do not know how to start earning on Bitcoin from scratch, and they also believe that it is too late to enter this market. But these are fundamentally wrong assumptions! Bitcoin is developed on the basis of the innovative Blockchain technology, which is in great demand in the world. Investors believe in Bitcoin and are ready to invest and invest fortunes in the first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is able in the future to replace the known to us financial system, sooner or later every progressive person will start using this coin. In the article you will find answers to the following questions: “What is Bitcoin”, “How to start earning Bitcoins on the Internet”, “How to make money on the difference in Bitcoin rates”, “What are the reviews about earning Bitcoins”, “How can I earn Bitcoins at home”, “Where earn Bitcoins”, “How to earn on Bitcoins with investments” and “How to buy, trade on the stock exchange and withdraw Bitcoins”. You can buy Bitcoin as quickly and simply as possible on the reliable Binance cryptocurrency exchange:

Most big income You can learn from the growth of the Bitcoin exchange rate by trading on the stock exchange. The binary options broker Binomo offers an excellent trading platform to make money with bitcoin. To earn, you do not need to have special skills or learn exchange trading tools. You just need to predict whether the Bitcoin rate will fall or rise for the selected time interval. Binary options are much easier than Forex trading and much more profitable. For one transaction, you can get up to 80% profit. For all new traders, the broker credits 10 thousand dollars to a demo account that will help you learn how to trade. binary options absolutely free. In my opinion, Binomo is the best trading platform for earning Bitcoins today. See a detailed review of the broker. Click on the banner below to register on Binomo and start earning with Bitcoin:

How to start earning on Bitcoins from scratch. Many beginners in the crypto industry do not know where to start making money on Bitcoin. The first step is to study Bitcoin itself and understand what prospects lie in this coin. This section contains many useful information, at the beginning of the article there are links to useful articles that analyze in detail the mechanism of Bitcoin and everything connected with it. Be sure to study all these articles, so you will have a clear understanding of how to make money on Bitcoins from scratch. After studying the background information, of course, we need to buy Bitcoin. Without the coin itself, you won’t be able to earn. This is the first point from which earnings on Bitcoin begin.
How to buy Bitcoin. The procedure for buying Bitcoin is quite simple. But for beginners, it can be difficult. Especially for beginners, we wrote detailed manual"". There are two ways to buy BTC at a favorable rate: through the BestChange service or on the Binance exchange. Buying BTC on the exchange is more profitable. It is possible to deposit rubles, dollars or euros on the exchange bank card and popular payment systems (Payeer, WebMoney, Perfect Money, Advanced Cash, QIWI). Then this money is instantly exchanged for Bitcoins within the exchange itself. The exchange is the most convenient, fastest and easiest way to buy Bitcoin profitably. After an investor has bought Bitcoin on an exchange, he either starts trading on it, or transfers Bitcoin to his wallet if he plans to simply store it.

Investment in Bitcoin

To make money on investments in Bitcoins, you need to choose a reliable crypto exchange and master the basic rules of trading on it. As I said before, Binance best exchange for Bitcoin trading, I recommend everyone to invest in Bitcoin through this trading floor. After buying Bitcoin, you have two options: store it for months or even years, multiplying your money by constantly increasing the value of the coin, or trade Bitcoin on the exchange.

The choice is up to the investor. If you have chosen to multiply money in the long run, we have already sorted out reliable ways to store Bitcoin. If you want to trade Bitcoin, which I recommend you do, then study the article "". Here you will find detailed information on how to make money on the Bitcoin exchange rate, learn profitable Bitcoin trading strategies, understand how to use tools for technical and fundamental analysis crypto market, and more.

The audience of this blog is Russian-speaking, so I am constantly asked how to earn a lot of bitcoins in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. In principle, it does not matter in which country you live and what language you speak. Bitcoin can be used anywhere in the world, all you need is an internet connection. The process of earning Bitcoin is the same in all countries, and this process is described in detail in this section.

The only thing I would like to clarify regarding this topic is the choice of a Bitcoin exchange for trading. The exchange should be focused on Russian-speaking traders. There are many popular American, European or Chinese exchanges with high trading volume and good reputation. But all of them do not support the Russian language, which complicates the trading process, they are required to undergo a complex verification procedure, the documents for which are very difficult to obtain in the CIS countries, technical support does not answer questions, and indeed there are many cases of unreasonable blocking of accounts. That is why I recommend trading on Binance, it is an ideal exchange for Russian speaking traders.

Ways to make money with bitcoin

1) Investment in Bitcoin. How to make money on Bitcoins with investments, we have already discussed above in this article, I see no reason to repeat myself.

2) How to earn on Bitcoins without investments. Many novice crypto enthusiasts want to earn Bitcoin simply and for free. Such a possibility exists. You can earn free Bitcoins using a computer through various services. Basically, these are the so-called faucets and Bitcoin boxes. The essence of earning is simple: you enter a captcha and view ads on these services, and receive a reward in the form of BTC. You won’t earn much in this way, but given that Bitcoin always rises in price, if you don’t spend wages, the amount of earnings will increase over time.

How to make money on Bitcoin faucets and bucks without investments, read.

Just below you can find a table with all reliable cranes. I recommend collecting Satoshi from all faucets, so you will earn the maximum. Explanation to the table: project – crane name; distribution - the name of the cryptocurrency that is distributed on a particular faucet; interval - the time after which you can collect cryptocurrency; satoshi - earnings in satoshi; payouts – which wallet the faucet pays to. Faucets are sorted by profitability, the very first faucet in the list is the most profitable. Most of the faucets distribute cryptocurrency for free once every five minutes, that is, you can earn cryptocurrency without interruption. Add this page to bookmarks, come here as soon as you have free time and earn cryptocurrency on all faucets presented in the table (also, under the table there is detailed video tutorial explaining how to earn Bitcoin without investments):

Project Distribution Interval Satoshi Payouts
free bitcoin bitcoin 60 minutes 22 — 2158664 Binance
FreeDogecoin dogecoin 60 minutes 0.15-26000 Exmo
BonusBitcoin bitcoin 15 minutes 18-5000
bitfun bitcoin 5 minutes 10-5000
MoonBitcoin bitcoin 5 minutes 10-40
MoonBitcoinCash bitcoin cash 5 minutes 50
MoonDogecoin dogecoin 5 minutes 0.35-4
Moon Litecoin Litecoin 5 minutes 600
MoonDashcoin dashcoin 5 minutes 120
adBTC (bux) bitcoin box ~2000+/day Binance
BTCClicks (books) bitcoin box ~600+/day Binance
FreeBitcoinIO bitcoin 60 minutes 8-4617864 Binance
CoinFaucet Ripple 60 minutes 0.0003-350 bitcoin 60 minutes 10-1000 Binance

Bitcoin, the most popular digital currency, continues to intrigue the townsfolk. In the wake of the growth in the value of this currency, many are trying to figure out how to mine Bitcoin (Bitcoin mining) and is it worth it at all?! The project decided to sort it out.

To unambiguously answer the question, is bitcoin mining worth it, there are two components to consider:

  1. The cost of selling mined bitcoins on the exchange and the possibility of withdrawing money (earning bitcoins).
  2. The complexity of the bitcoin mining process and equipment requirements.

Let's consider the first component. Bitcoin price in the market.

To find out the price at which bitcoins can be sold, just go to the website of the popular MtGox exchange. As you can see, since January 2014, the price of one bitcoin has been quite high, about 800-900 US dollars. And on January 26-27, the market closed at a price of more than $1,000 per 1 BTC. But since the beginning of February, perhaps due to a bad news background (the Central Bank of Russia officially recognized Bitcoin as an illegal “surrogate”, a number of other countries have also issued a ban on Bitcoin payments) or due to increased sales on the market, the price of bitcoin has crept down. However, even today the price of 1 BTC remains quite high - about 300 US dollars.

Can I withdraw this money to my account? Yes, by bank transfer (before that, you will need to go through verification, that is, provide your passport and documents confirming your place of residence). In short, the market is liquid, you need to mine bitcoins!

Now let's look at the second component. Namely, how to mine bitcoins and how difficult is it?

To answer this question, let's look at the very process of bitcoin mining. Don't try to fully understand the economics of Bitcoin as it is very difficult. However, the basic process can be understood. It goes something like this...

  • The user generates a request to transfer some amount of bitcoins to another user.
  • This request enters the bitcoin network until users (miners) take it for processing.
  • During the processing or mining of bitcoins, transactions are packaged into blocks of data, which are randomly assigned headers.
  • Miners compete to pick up a one-time code for the header, chosen at random and used to securely transmit the master password. After that, the miners receive an alphanumeric code (hash), which must have a value and a certain level of complexity. Obtaining a hash is one of the most difficult steps.
  • Every hash accepted by the bitcoin network is rewarded with bitcoins. It used to be 50 BTC, today it is 25 BTC. Further, this figure will decrease as the number of miners in the bitcoin network increases. It takes about 10 minutes to process a transaction (in fact, a new block is created every 10 minutes). A successful transaction is irreversible.
  • The hash value is then added to the header of the next block, creating a block chain that serves as a kind of public ledger of all transactions ever made on the bitcoin network.

Thus, with the help of the bitcoin network and miners, the anonymity of the transaction, its authorization and irreversibility are ensured. And Bitcoin itself works as an array of public registry entries. In this case, each entry in the registry represents a hash with a specific place in the block.

Well, the power of the computers of people who take part in mining goes to:

  • securing transactions;
  • support for the crypto-resistance of the bitcoin network;
  • and also, obviously, on the calculation of new blocks, that is, in fact, they are burned for nothing.

Now let's get down to business. Let's try mining bitcoins.

Step #1

To get started you need get wallet. You can download and install on your computer, for example, MultiBit for Windows. Or you can start an online wallet, for example, on the Coinbase website. As you like, but our choice is an online wallet. Simply because it is easier to register and more convenient to use on different computers.

Want to know your wallet address? In Xapo, for example, you need to click on the My Address button, there will be a number and a QR code, if necessary.

Register with Xapo and get 5000 Satoshi for free(1 bit = 100 satoshi and 1 bitcoin = 1 million bits) you can right here.

As soon as you register a bitcoin wallet, go to your account settings and create a new address, for example, this one: 161un41Bv7edfcq5HbD78zKjbXw3FJCmjb. This address is a direct way to send some amount of bitcoins to your wallet.

Step #2

Currently the only way to mine some minimum amount of bitcoins is participation in the pool, where all miners work together to find a solution to get hashes. You need to join one of these pools. One of the popular pools is Slush’s pool (BitcoinCz), one of the first pools that has been running continuously since December 2010 and has a long history of consistent and accurate payments. In principle, the pool site contains enough detailed instructions at the start of work with the pool.

To start mining, this pool will be enough. Next, create several workers in your account if you want to run the miner on different computers. Workers will have kind names . and your own passwords. Also, do not forget to add the bitcoin wallet address that you received before in your account in order to receive a reward.

Step #3

Download and install the miner program on your computer. There are two ways to mine bitcoins - using a processor (CPU) or a video card (GPU) to find solutions. GUIM iner is the easiest GPU/CPU mining solution for Windows available to most beginners. Another popular solution is 50Miner. For mining, we used a laptop with an integrated graphics card, so we decided to try the processor.

There is a wallet, workers in the pool are created, the miner is running. Now let's load the Intel Core i5 core with calculations and see what happens. The monitoring program shows the processor load at a level close to 100% and a temperature of 95 degrees.

After 2 hours of running the GUIM iner program, we got 3 solutions. The expected reward for the current round was 0.00000015 BTC. For an hour of work, the reward estimate turned out to be miserable, and then it completely reset to zero (the success of the pool is about 70%). As you can see, mining on the processor, given the modest capabilities of a regular laptop, does not allow you to compete with other network members.

So is it worth it?

Experts say, and we confirm, that at the moment, ordinary people who have only modest home computers at their disposal, bitcoin mining, in fact, is closed.

This will require a huge amount of time and resources. After all, the mining process itself is accompanied by some problems, for example, a strong heating of the processor and / or video card, and an increase in power consumption. As a result, at home, the cost of mining will be much higher than the market price of mined bitcoins.

A similar conclusion became obvious in 2012, when serious miners began to earn on special “farms” - computers assembled specifically for mining with powerful video cards. In early 2013, ASIC devices entered the arena, capable of replacing an entire farm of computers.

How to earn bitcoin from scratch? To answer this question, you need to understand the topic itself and understand the internal mechanisms. According to statistics, about 80% of Russians have not even heard of this cryptocurrency(digital currency). What is bitcoin and how do people make money on it? We analyze in detail in the article and answer all questions. If you don’t know yet, we recommend reading about (with step-by-step instructions).

BTC in simple words for beginners

Bitcoin is electronic money, the "manufacturing" of which occurs through a computer algorithm. It was created by a man with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. In January 2009, he made the first bitcoin transaction of 100 BTC (short for bitcoin). As of January 15, 2018, 1 BTC is worth around $13,500.

In total, it is planned to “produce” 21 million bitcoins. 1 bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshi or satoshi. The mining of the last bitcoin will end in 2140. The difference between this cryptocurrency and physical money familiar to us is that it is not controlled by anyone. All manipulations (acquisition, sale and transfers) occur due to the power of a huge number of computers around the world.

All transactions remain private within the Blockchain- a global distributed database that contains information about all existing BTC wallets. Thanks to this, such mining appeared - earning bitcoins for any person. What is required for this, and what are the ways? Read on.

Without investments with the withdrawal of money - top 6 sites

There are many ways to earn bitcoins. For beginners, it is recommended to start with special sites, does not require investment. They are called faucets. Here you can get satoshi with a certain activity. For example, clicks on ads, navigation to sites, likes, and so on. For such actions, you get about 50-350 satoshi.

Free bitcoin earnings are similar to, even suitable. Earn more by signing up for multiple faucets, and don't miss the opportunity to increase your earnings through affiliate programs.

Pros of bitcoin faucets:

  • Without investments;
  • Without special knowledge and technology;
  • For all.

Cons of bitcoin faucets:

  • Small profit;
  • Boring job;
  • The possibility of losing earnings due to the closure of the site (fraud).

TOP sites - working in 2018 (January)

Cloud mining is a good area for scammers. There is no guarantee that scammers will not hide with your investments. You act at your own risk.

Small earnings on mining for beginners

For easy bitcoin mining without investments, there is a mining program Kryptex. It must be installed on the computer. It uses your computer's processing power to make you money.

The site of the program promises pretty good earnings per month, given that you do not have to make an effort. Earnings on a regular PC - 1500 rubles, gaming - 3000 rubles, top - 9000 rubles.

The withdrawal takes place in bitcoins, rubles, hryvnia and tenge. The minimum wage is 50 rubles for Qiwi.


This is a more complex method that requires investments. Essentially, you create your bitcoin mining farm by forming a large network of connected computers. This requires the purchase of several high-quality video cards (at least four) and an individual power supply.

To assemble the farm, you need to create a frame to fix the purchased equipment. The frame is assembled from wooden bars or metal corners. After that, the motherboard, hard drive, cooler are installed and connected to the power supply. The next step is to turn on the video cards.

Of course, this is not a way for beginners or those who want to invest their last money. With large investments, you do not know how and when they will pay off. It is also not necessary to count on the sale of equipment, as technologies develop every year.

To mine 300-400 rubles a day, you will have to invest more than 100 thousand rubles and hope for luck.

Earnings on the farm depend on the bitcoin rate. Experts give different forecasts for 2018. Someone says that their cost can rise above 100 thousand dollars. And there is an opinion that they will lose ground and will cost less than 8 thousand dollars.

Cryptocurrency Exchange - Arbitrage

Arbitrage is one of the recently emerging ways to earn bitcoins. This method consists in making a profit on the difference in rates by exchanging cryptocurrencies on different exchanges.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze a large number of sites and try to predict the course movement. The principle of this method is to buy low and sell high. Sometimes the cost difference can reach 20%. Arbitrators use different programs and services to compare rates. For example, MegaTrader or BITKURS.


  • The opportunity to earn on the exchange rate difference in a short time.
  • No need to buy mining equipment.


  • Serious investments;
  • Every second fluctuations in the rate of cryptocurrencies.

Now there are hundreds of exchanges. Let's consider some of them.

This can be done in many ways. For example, download programs to your computer (Bitcoin Knots, Green Address, Arc bit and others). Install the application on your phone (Coin.Space, Bitcoin Wallet, breadwallet, etc.). You can also register on sites (Green Adress, Coin. Space, etc.). For a complete list of methods for any device, look at

After registration, you will receive a secret key. Never give it to others and keep it in a safe place!

Withdrawal and exchange of bitcoins carried out on special services. There are three available methods:

  • Exchangers;
  • Exchanges;
  • Forums.

For example, choose exchangers BestChange , Bit-Changer , X-change . Look for options with a minimum commission. These are the most reliable and proven ways to withdraw bitcoin.

You can also contact cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Exmo,, As a rule, exchanges offer the best bitcoin rate, but it can take up to 24 hours for a transaction to complete.

There is specialized forums, where people offer to buy, sell or exchange bitcoins for electronic or cash for a certain commission. This is not a very secure method, as an unknown person can simply steal your funds. Be sure to read the reviews.