First love in a small town. Love in a small town. Book: Tatyana Podyapolskaya "Love in a small town

  • 28.10.2019

Chapter 1 - First meeting
It all started from the moment when I moved to another class ... there I met Alesya .. a year passed and we became best friends .. before we met, we were quiet exemplary girls .. as one summer it occurred to us to go to a disco ..and it would seem that such a harmless trip to a children's disco..but it was only the beginning...........Our festivities began to drag on, new acquaintances appeared...every time adrenaline covered .. but that's it but something was missing ... well, how it was missing until one day.
On this day, a sister from Minsk "Yulya" came to me in the evening of the same day, the three of us, Lesya and Yulia, went to a disco ... Everything was as usual, we danced ... and as soon as the disco ended, we just went for a walk around the city ... We we were walking and talking about something .. a car drove past us .. she honked us .. and I just mechanically waved back ... a minute passed as this car turned around and drove up to us ... there were about five guys in the car .. one of them asked for a number .. I ignored it, thinking that they would see that we didn’t want to communicate and leave .. but it wasn’t there. not a word left .... we walked and went home ... On the way we met our friend Dima, he was with a friend .. and since everything was on the way .. we all went home in a place .. we walked, made fun , joked. Dima insisted that I invite him for tea .. Yulia and Lesya were talking with a friend ... and when we were halfway there my phone rang .. I answered an unfamiliar number, the guy introduced himself as Pasha, they say, this is the one who asked today number .. I answered that I’m not busy now and asked me to call me back .. when I came home Pasha called me again, we met, exchanged VKontakte IDs .. then he offered to ride tomorrow I refused as I found out that he was 23 years old and thought that he’s a little old. yes, and it was kind of dumb to drive a car ... then he tried to call me, but we mildly insulted him, saying that he was old ... and he was offended ...
It's been a couple of days. We were sitting at Alesya’s house and then Nastya, Lesya’s sister, comes and says that she and her friend met the boys in the car .. Lesya and I felt somehow offended that Nastya was riding with the boys and we were missing the chance .. on the same day we decided to call and make peace with the pasha, we understood that we would have to humiliate ourselves .. but there was no other way out. We called, talked and agreed to go for a ride tomorrow .. the next day we went to a disco because we agreed that he would drive up to the disco and we see him .. he drove up and although it was kind of dumb, but there was no way back and we sat down to his car, then we made a couple of circles around the city, pasha said that he needed to go to the village .. give something to someone. we agreed but at some point we regretted it at first we left the city .. it was dumb but tolerable .. then we turned towards the forest .. it was even scarier but we held on .. but when we arrived at some village where it wasn’t burning not a single lantern and drove up to a house where there was no light, it was an aisle, we sat and didn’t know what to do .. out of fear, I began to write SMS to my mother so that if I could send something ... Pasha got out of the car and said to wait, then my whole life flew by before eyes .. but soon he returned, got into the car and we drove back to the city .. at that time there was one thought that Alesya and I HUU SHIPPED ... we arrived in the city for a little ride and he brought us home ... and we agreed meet tomorrow.....(to be continued)

Chapter 2 - Sasha.
The next day, we were already bolder and more resolute ... Yulia, left, Lesya and I were preparing for a meeting with Pasha ... put on makeup, dressed. And the guard went for a walk with him. As if even from our first trip, I understood that Pasha had a crush on Lesya. And so I was the third wheel in the car. But Pasha, without thinking for a long time, took us to the ring to pick up some guy from work .. his friend ..
Lesya and I sat in the back seat and waited for this friend ... he came, sat in the front seat, said hello to us, and we drove off. All four of us had to bring something to Pasha's home .. Pasha went home and I Lesya and Sasha remained in the car .. Sasha turned to us and we started to get acquainted, he immediately liked me such a cute cute boy .. he was 19 years old .. he asked how we met Pasha and so on .. then Pasha returned to the car .. and we went to Sasha's house because he needed to change clothes ... as soon as we drove to Sasha in the yard, his first words were. AND HERE IS MY SWALLOW, as it turned out it was his car OPEL VKTRA .. WITH NUMBER 0589 .. the car was actually pretty .. then Sasha left to change clothes .. and we were sitting with Pasha and Lesya in the car ... he was cool before that but when he came out of the entrance all so cool, something immediately jumped .... then they decided in whose car we would go for a walk, in the end they decided that we would go by Sasha's car. Lesya and I sat down with Sasha behind the wheel of Pasha next to us and drove to the stadium .. it was forbidden to drive to the stadium itself, but they found a way to drive there ... then Pasha and Sasha got out of the car ... Sasha opened the back door and asked me to sit on the car for five minutes in front .. supposedly hold some kind of button .. but we understood that this was so that Pasha would sit behind with the woods and I would be in front with him .. so it was without a paliva Pasha sat on his back to Alesya and I sat in front with Sasha .Then Sasha said that he would need to drive off for about 20 minutes .. Sasha took us to where Pasha's car was, we got into his car and Sasha left .. the three of us rode around the city then called Sasha said a hundred he is already free and waiting for us near the city baths in the parking lot. We drove up. Sasha transplanted me into his car .. closed the door and we drove off.

In the supermarket, among the shelves full of detective stories, memoirs, romance and historical novels, it is so difficult to choose something to your liking. However, this little book caught my attention. " Love in a small town”- the name itself struck with a pleasant variety. Who else, but I'm already tired of literature dedicated to the life and life of exclusively capitals. It is clear that not everyone will be able to read the police chronicles of domestic drunkenness and stabbing that exist in the outback, but if you write about big cities, it makes sense to write only about rich people. The working days of not very wealthy people are even more boring than in some Ust-Perduysk, because one way to work takes at least an hour, or even two or three! In addition, many of my Muscovite acquaintances found their love in small towns, so the name, in general, hit the mark.

The book tells about the fate of a certain Masha, a girl from, as they say, a dysfunctional family. Mother worked, father abandoned them, stepfather drank and beat. What awaited Masha? Vocational school, and then - work at a local city-forming enterprise, marriage with the same worker, life in a hostel or in a rented room, with father-in-law or, at best, their own apartment, but under the watchful eye of the husband's mother. Life in conditions of overcrowding, where the sexual life of young parents is under the supervision of the elderly and under the nose of their own children. Early aging, fullness from cheap food and the habit of chewing some kind of filth, turning on the TV and briefly being distracted from everyday life. Only Masha did not want all this for herself. She wanted beautiful life, and her beauty was to be her instrument in this. Masha becomes a stripper, but in small town(although Novokuznetsk, described in the book, is not so small, but not a regional center) - this is practically a stigma for life. They walk with strippers, but they don’t marry them, although such work brings money and allows you not to see the hated faces of some household members. From time to time, Masha makes efforts to escape from such a life, she is drawn to the theater, directing, however, she is too beautiful to achieve everything herself and go to the goal like a tank. Men fly at her like flies to honey, alas, none of them treat her as a person, not as a thing. Only Oleg from her hometown is interested in her, he can communicate with her, and not just have sex, but he is not going to marry, especially a stripper. True, at the end the story takes a sharp turn - in Moscow, Masha ends up with an oligarch who keeps her under house arrest (I strongly doubt that in real life you can get out alive from the clutches of such a psycho), and this undermines her dreams of the capital. Moreover, Oleg again remembers her and understands that she is unusual, and this unusualness should be appreciated. The story ends well, and if it's based on real life, hopefully Masha is happy now.

In addition to being Masha, the author in his book traces several more characters, very different (the dancer Sema, the wives of a local businessman Marina and Ksyusha, the stripper Alisa, Masha's admirers Vadim and Kirill, a simple girl named Dasha). Each of them makes his own choice in life. True, those who win are those who want to change themselves, do not stiffen and do not believe that what they have been given in life is something unique and indestructible. For example, Marina transforms from a bird living in a golden cage into a more realistic woman, and in this guise her husband likes her much more. But Ksyusha loses her "money bag" and the rear in search of love, not realizing that she should be banally grateful to her husband for her chic life. The wheel of life moves, and someone is on a horse, and someone is "carried off the stage." And there are those who do not lose anything, like a girl named Dasha. She dreamed of three children, and she will have them, no matter that she will face very serious financial difficulties.

On the one hand, it may seem that this book promotes prostitution, the search for a "sponsor" and informal communication (there is a curse in the book), but this is not entirely true. On the contrary, it does not show examples of successful prostitution, and striptease, if it does not imply sex, is still only a certain kind of dance. I do not think that a book that truthfully shows life phenomena can harm anyone (especially modern children do not really like to read, and students are no longer children). The book captures the tendencies of life in small towns very correctly - a) everyone knows each other b) rumors spread instantly and people love to discuss them c) a woman in a small town has minimal career opportunities - they are associated only with kinship and marriage and d) Due to close distances and greater relaxation at work, people pay more attention to their personal lives.

This book allowed me to take a different look at some things from my own past and observations made in the past. I understood why my path eventually led me to a big city, although I found my love, like the heroine of the book, in a small city. The global conclusion, in my opinion, can be drawn like this - with rare exceptions, but women want to be happy in marriage. And those who find a couple do not rush to big cities (or leave together). Together you can live everywhere, but alone it is easier to get lost in a metropolis where no one cares about you.

I must say that I really liked the design of the book, especially the inclusion of pictures with selected quotes from the book. And quotes like this one will interest fans of philosophizing:

“Still, people are strange creatures, all their lives they strive to get rid of all sorts of troubles and disappointments, to find stability and prosperity, and when they find it, for some reason they again go in search of new disappointments. Or maybe it is nature that does not tolerate emptiness, whether in the soul or space, and seeks to fill in the gaps. Only she doesn’t have enough happiness for everyone, so she distributes what is left, because pain and disappointment are also emotions. Why not a substitute! Or we don’t understand something, and the world of things that surrounds us, whatever it may be, is just an addition to something much more important, something that cannot be understood or appreciated and can only be felt like the beating heart of a loved one. But how not to make a mistake, how to recognize it among that deceit and falsehood, the game, so as not to make mistakes, and is there a finish line? One way or another, we forget about it, because, only by playing, we live.

However, one should not look for any special depth and spirituality in this novel, because it is about the life of the inhabitants from the hinterland of Russia, albeit with different financial wealth. I was pleasantly pleased that the heroes of the book do not watch TV too much - by the way, living in my youth in a small town, I did the same - I was more interested in live communication. The novel will appeal to those who want to keep abreast of modern life, as well as those who recall the past and the 90s with nostalgia. For in the outback much remains as it was then. Only signs have changed, then there were bandits, now they are businessmen. But the main thing remains the same - a beautiful woman needs protection, you won’t get anywhere without connections, and changes are one of the conditions for a happy marriage. Another valuable thing about this book is that it is not a tracing-paper from a foreign plot. This is our, domestic, Russian, albeit imperfect, reality. I think these books are needed. Hope, " Love in a small town» will find its fans on Russian market and it will be a well-deserved success. She fully deserved it, as the heroine of this book deserved happiness.


This book review is the author's intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights", as well as international conventions. Quoting is allowed with the author's name (Renata Grin), as well as an active link to this page. I would be grateful to readers for posting a link to a review on blogs and social networks!

Love does not depend on whether it lives in a small or big city. It depends on the size and depth of human hearts. A very unusual charity project took place in Gatchina, which proves that people with big hearts and kind souls live here.

On the afternoon of February 13 and 14, on Sobornaya Street, everyone could take part in a small photo session, the proceeds of which were planned to be donated to the treatment of little Petersburger Kirill Yudin, who is now undergoing expensive treatment in Spain. Thirty-four families came to support Kirill in two days, twenty thousand rubles were collected in total.

Elena has been photographing for seven years: at first she took pictures for her own pleasure, and after the birth of her daughter, she became a professional.

“When my daughter was born, my picture of the world changed,” Elena admits. - I realized that I want to develop, do my favorite job, I want my own studio. It is important for me that people have a memory. And so it happened - I have my own home studio. I shoot mostly children, but adults also come to me.”

Elena thought about doing a charity photo project for a long time, but, according to her, she lacked experience: shooting in a studio is one thing, and a large-scale outdoor event is quite another. She has already participated in charity events, transferring money for sick children. But then the boy Kirill appeared - not distant, not abstract, whose sad story greatly impressed Lena. I was also impressed by the amount needed for his treatment - a very large one, because Kirill's illness is rare, and he has to be treated in Spain.

“There are a lot of good people,” says Elena. - Money was collected by the whole world, trying to come up with different ideas for this. Not so long ago, to help Kirill in St. Petersburg, they held a photo session, however, in the studio. Then managed to raise about five thousand rubles. I saw a similar project in a different way - I wanted it to be more soulful. I began to think about my own decision.

The last "drop" was the project of a colleague - a photographer from Vologda, who conducted a charity shoot for lovers.

“When I found out about this, everything immediately joined in my head,” says Elena. - Of course, the name arose - "Love in a small town." There are many young families in Gatchina; it is often called the city of mothers. I decided to shoot not in the studio, but right on the street.”

Initially, Elena planned to shoot in the Palace Park, but due to some circumstances, the shooting had to be moved to the Cathedral. “It turned out to be even more convenient,” she says. – The city center is cleaner, and there are more people walking around. At first I thought to limit myself to one day, then I decided to extend the promotion. And if nine families came on the first day, then fifteen families came on the second.”

According to Elena, the call for action posted on social networks was very well received. different people- with different incomes and marital status from different age groups. came to take pictures and mothers of many children, and elderly couples with grandchildren, and high school students in love. “I wanted this - for people to feel free, directly, Elena admits. “It probably wouldn’t have happened in the studio.”

The project was also supported by those who unwittingly encountered trouble. Several families arrived from St. Petersburg, and Elena found out that their children were in the hospital with Kirill. Gatchina resident Nastya Tolstykh came to shoot, who herself is now struggling with the consequences of cancer.

As Elena says, some people just came to give money to Kirill without filming, which was also very nice. And how many warm words were said to the sick boy during these two days!

“Now people are wary of charity, and this, unfortunately, is sometimes justified,” says Elena Anikina. – In addition, everyone has their own problems, sometimes there is not enough time or money. We are all very busy, we are always in a hurry somewhere, in a hurry. We stop noticing the pleasant things that surround us. But after all, each of us still needs a small miracle. These days it turned out that people opened up, were not afraid to be kind.”

The most important thing for Lena was that people believed in her and in her idea, thereby supporting the child.

“In fact, I was very worried, feeling a double responsibility - in front of a little boy who needs money so much, and in front of those people who come to shoot with me,” she admits. Despite some difficulties, everything went off without a hitch. I'm glad I got through this…”

On your page in social network Lena wrote on VKontakte: “Thank you very much to every family, to every participant who wanted to help, who came and supported my idea, who helped Kirill financially and with their good wishes. During these five hours there were so many smiles, so much kindness, so many warm words and wishes, so much joy and laughter - there was so much positive energy on the Cathedral that it certainly swept to Spain to Kirill.

Baby, a lot of people are worried about you, you will definitely get better, return home, live the life of an ordinary child and forget about hospitals and examinations!

Elena Anikina is not going to stop there, she is sure that such projects will become a good tradition for Gatchina. According to her, in next year she will definitely repeat her experience, and, perhaps, not alone. Lena hopes that the city itself will be more supportive of such projects, especially since he is one of the main characters in her photographs.

And more good news: it is possible that your next charity event Elena Anikina will hold it much earlier - already this year, during the celebration of the Great Victory.

“Of course, now we are all our own photographers, there are many opportunities for this,” she says. – But our veterans, our grandparents, due to their age live in their own world, and they are often filmed only on their birthday or May 9th. But you really want the family to have really good, sincere photos ... ”.

The details of the Love in a Small Town campaign and the stories of children who need help can be found on the pages of the VKontakte social network:

Charity photo project group:

Support group of Kirill Yudin (St. Petersburg):

Support group of Nastya Tolstykh (Gatchina):

Help group for Marusa Korotkova (Gatchina): clubpomozhemmashenke

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