What is called as the struggle of life against life. The philosophy of eternal life against Darwin. I am with two apartments, and they and my family are in a “kopeck piece”. With mother-in-law and a bunch of poison in the shower. Conversation with a mother of many children

  • 11.03.2020

In 1903, the Nobel Prize winner I. I. Mechnikov wrote in his book “Etudes on the Nature of Man”: “Our old age is a disease that needs to be treated like any other.” However, most doctors and physiologists are against recognizing aging as a disease. They believe that aging is a normal physiological process, like embryonic development or puberty.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Genetics of Lifespan and Aging at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Radiobiology and Gerontology of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Alexandrovich Moskalev told the correspondent of the journal "SCIENCE Firsthand" that aging is not so much a natural process, as many believe, but a disease that can and should (!) be treated. Already, there are mechanisms that can radically slow down the aging process and minimize the period of “helpless old age” in model animals, however, according to A. Moskalev, it is impossible to start clinical trials of anti-aging drugs for humans because aging is not officially recognized as a disease

Death before the age of 150 is a violent death.
I. I. Mechnikov

Everyone wants to live long and at the same time not grow old and not get sick, but the reality is that living organisms grow old and die. However, living systems, unlike non-living ones, have an advantage. If a non-living system “gets old”, if something breaks in it, breakdowns will accumulate until it falls apart completely. But living cells have repair mechanisms, with the help of which they can “repair” themselves, and can also be updated due to the reserve of stem cells: when at some point the “repair” becomes “unprofitable”, the cells commit “suicide” - they go into apoptosis , and new mature cells are formed from reserve cells. What we call aging begins when the “repair” mechanisms inadvertently break down, when the maintenance mechanisms are damaged. homeostasis, constancy of the internal environment of the body.

Moskalev Alexey Alexandrovich- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of more than 80 scientific articles, books and popular lectures in the field of biology, genetics of aging and life expectancy, radiation genetics. Organizer of a regular international conference Genetics of aging and longevity. Consultant of international scientific foundations, pharmaceutical companies, expert of the Higher attestation commission Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the European Study Commission

Human cells are not the most perfect when it comes to their ability to renew themselves. It is known that hydras (invertebrate intestinal animals) have potential immortality, and American researchers have recently proved that numerous relatives of hydras - jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and other primitive animals - ctenophores, sponges, lamellar and flat worms have this feature. In these organisms, unlike humans, in the adult state, the unique ability of stem cells to regenerate any tissue of the body is preserved, that is, the ability of organs to self-rejuvenate is high. Adult human stem cells are known to have very limited regenerative potential. Plants are also known in which the youth phase can last for many decades or even centuries, although after reproduction they quickly grow old and die (bamboo, puya Raimondi).

There are several theories of aging; according to one of them, the evolutionary-genetic or mutation accumulation theory, aging is due to the fact that the pressure of natural selection weakens with age. Since animals in the wild rarely live to old age, because they die from predators, hunters, diseases, etc., they "try" to leave offspring as soon as possible. But it follows from this that only those genes, in which unfavorable mutations are manifested in early age. Harmful mutations that appear in old age are no longer under serious evolutionary pressure, since most of the population simply does not live up to them.

Our colleague from California Prof. T. V. Tatarinova, having sequenced the genomes of the fossil remains of ancient people, found that they had a very high frequency of alleles of genes associated with age-related diseases. This can serve as an indirect confirmation of the evolutionary genetic theory of aging: people at that time lived a short life, respectively, they accumulated a greater number of mutations associated with age-related diseases, since they did not live to see them.
But now the opposite situation is also becoming relevant: as life expectancy increases, “harmful” alleles of older age gradually “leave” the population, but, thanks to the development of medicine, mutations that manifest themselves in childhood accumulate. Perhaps in the future we will learn to diagnose alleles of both early and late manifesting mutations at the embryonic stage of development, and we will prepare a gene therapy program for each future person. Now, although we can edit the genome with CRISPR/Cas9 to the letter, this system is not yet perfect. But we need to work in this direction.

The less the individuals of a species are protected from predators, starvation and disease, the earlier its individuals are forced to start reproducing and the earlier old age occurs in their organisms due to the accumulation of mutations in ancestral forms with effects that manifest themselves at older ages. The reverse situation also takes place - species that start breeding late, age slowly and live a long time. Depending on the living conditions, life expectancy varies tenfold. The Greenland shark is recognized as the longest-lived vertebrate animal, it lives 400 years, reaching maturity after 100! Deep-sea groupers live up to 200 years. They live in safe conditions, they do not need early reproduction, so selection rejects mutations with a delayed effect. Or take two rodents of comparable size - a mouse and a naked mole rat. Unlike the mouse, which lives for a maximum of four years (and even then in the conditions of individual laboratories), the lifespan of a naked mole rat can exceed thirty years, and it can leave offspring evenly throughout its life. The naked mole rat lives underground, where neither predators nor cold threaten him, and mice, which are actively hunted by owls and foxes, must leave their offspring as quickly as possible. Again we see a difference in the effects on aging of selection for early or late reproduction.

Our colleagues at Duke University have shown that in just a few decades of economic and political stability in Sweden, there has been a slight parallel shift in the life expectancy curve of the population. Surprisingly, not only the average, but also the maximum life expectancy of the population has increased, and this indicates a slowdown in aging. But these are very slow processes; to radically change the situation in an evolutionary way, you need to live for thousands of years in such conditions as naked mole rats.

More than a dozen mechanisms of aging are known; depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person and his genotype, some play a big role, others play a smaller role, although everyone contributes. In a word, we all age, but in different ways: some develop mitochondrial pathologies and disorders of cellular respiration, others are “biased” towards chronic inflammation or insulin resistance, etc. As a result, age-dependent diseases develop - type 2 diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, neurodegenerative diseases, and oncology. Thus, aging is a preclinical stage of age-related diseases. They, in fact, are late symptoms of the main disease - aging. In the early stages of the development of most of these diseases, the symptoms are often nonspecific, common with other age-related changes, and it is usually too late, expensive and ineffective to deal with them when they manifest themselves clinically. To combat aging, first of all, preventive measures are needed, and the sooner they are applied, the more significant is the result of prolonging the active period of life.

Medicine partly lives by the paradigms of the 19th century. The stereotypes of fighting diseases caused by pathogens - viruses, fungi, bacteria, where there is one causal factor - "spoiled" medicine for 150 years to come. Because there is always a temptation to apply this approach - to kill the enemy and thereby cure the disease - to all diseases. But, as we can see, for example, this does not quite work with cancer, and with aging, too: these are complex processes associated not with external factors, but with deviations in the mechanisms of self-regulation of the existence of a living system.

Before translating any geroprotective therapy into clinical practice, it is first necessary to learn how to determine what “scenario” will develop aging in a particular person, and for this it is necessary to develop objective biomarkers of aging - measurable parameters that qualitatively, quantitatively and reproducibly change with aging. Currently, approaches are being developed that propose the use of several dozens of such biomarkers: to choose one indicator that would satisfy all the criteria objective evaluation the rate of aging is practically impossible, since aging is a complex problem, different organs, such as the liver, brain or skin, age in the same person at different rates.

Since there are several mechanisms of aging, there are also several targets that need to be “hit” in order to slow it down. It is necessary to act, on the one hand, on all targets, on the other hand, having determined with the help of biomarkers the most relevant for a particular person, first of all on them. This means that there will be no universal “pill against old age”, an individual approach to each is needed. In addition, not all targets can be "hit" by drugs, sometimes it will be necessary to apply gene therapy, edit the structure of DNA, or act on the function of the protein product of the gene. At the same time, you will have to regularly monitor and diagnose all body systems in order to maintain homeostasis systems. The introduction of aging biomarkers into everyday life is still far away; a person cannot come, for example, to Invitro and take an analysis of the rate of his aging. But it is important and necessary to work in this direction.

If we correctly pose the problem and look for methods to solve it, we will already be able to repair our body and mental functions, precisely, like a car. To date, at the level of experiments, there is everything: biomarkers of aging, geroprotectors that prolong the life of model animals, even experimental gene therapy drugs. But in order to get this problem off the ground, a large international megaproject is needed to radically slow down the aging process, like the construction of the Large Hadron Collider. Or at least a national program for the development of biomedical innovations for active longevity.

For any progress to be made, for the work to prolong youth to be well funded, aging must be officially recognized as a disease. To date, the international classification of diseases does not include such a disease, which means that scientists do not have the opportunity to receive funding for anti-aging research, and pharmaceutical companies cannot bring drugs to the market to prevent aging. As practice has shown, some grant-giving foundations (I will not name them) cut off applications on the word “aging”, anti-aging research is perceived as pseudo-scientific. There is a paradigm firmly in the minds of people that aging is a natural process, and why fight against the law of nature? After all, it's like inventing a perpetual motion machine. However, the practically ageless long-lived animal species, examples of which I gave, show that there is no such law of nature, but there is an accumulation of errors and breakdowns in the systems of maintaining homeostasis of the human body, which in the future it will theoretically become possible to put in order, how to fix an old car.

The problem does not get off the ground, not because the majority of scientists do not work well. Scientists are part of society, and if there is no social order, then there is no redistribution of finances in this area. Remember when AIDS patients held demonstrations around the world, huge resources were thrown into the fight against this disease, and as a result, their quality of life improved significantly. Now it is not a fatal disease, but a chronic disease with an acceptable quality of life. This is an example of the fact that in a short period of time, literally in a few years, with the investment of significant resources, with the understanding and support of society, great results can be achieved in solving even such serious problems as AIDS, which, unlike old age, affects only a few percent of the entire population. .

If we live long, humanity will become more wise, balanced and responsible both in relation to nature and in relation to itself. The human age is too short to see and evaluate the results of their rash actions, their ignorance. For example, politicians come to power, do something, but do not have time to see all the results of their actions, then the next ones come ... If these people, in 50, 100 years, could see the consequences of their actions, they might disposed of their power

Unfortunately, both in our country and in others, there are forces that do not benefit from recognizing aging as a disease - these are, in particular, pseudoscientific corporations that are completely at the mercy of the struggle to prolong youth, companies that market unreasonable drugs supposedly to combat aging . There is a huge market for anti-aging cosmetics and dietary supplements, which are not drugs, therefore, do not have an evidence base, do not undergo fundamental clinical research and clinical trials. Now such firms earn a lot of money, simply pointing out on the packaging of their product anti-age if aging is recognized as a disease, they will have to go through FDA-like procedures and prove that their cosmetic or dietary supplement really has an anti-aging effect. In the meantime, some are earning a lot of money, while others are guessing on coffee grounds whether the next bioadditive will help them or not.

There are also religious organizations that convince that it is impossible to interfere with the plan of God. And why fight aging if everyone is already destined for eternal life? In addition, people, especially the elderly, with a bouquet of age-related diseases, suffering from depression, often believe that the struggle to extend life will only prolong their suffering. However, you need to understand that these problems - chronic pain, depression - are also associated with age-related changes and the fight against aging is the key to improving the quality of life of older people.

There is such a concept - “compression of morbidity”. Unfortunately, in Russian there is no analogue of this term, it means short period of illness- This is a phenomenon that is observed in hereditary centenarians, people who live 90 years or more in each generation. A study of the structure of their incidence showed that they not only live longer than most, but also age-related diseases and, as a result, disability, come to them on average 20 years later. This is what modern medicine should strive for: prevention of aging and timely complex therapy will be able to push old age in its current understanding as far as possible. If we do not get sick for a long time, we will live an active quality life for a long time.

We are very fond of talking about overpopulation, it is believed that the state is not profitable for people to live long. However, the US pension system is already stalling, because 60% of the funds are spent on the treatment of age-related diseases, but even this is ineffective. We need to fight aging, and not just its symptoms, then we will be able to relieve the burden on the pension system as well. If now to increase the retirement age to 65-70 years, it would be a crime, but if people are healthy, they will not only be able to work longer, they themselves will want to work, and will be happy with what they can.

Life in the world is one long struggle, and a person who does not know the struggle of life represents either an immature soul or a soul that has risen above the life of this world. The goal of a human being in this world is to achieve the perfection of humanity, and therefore it is necessary for a person to go through what we call the struggle of life.
There are two different attitudes that people show when participating in the struggle of life. One fights bravely, the other becomes frustrated, his heart is broken before he reaches his goal. As soon as a man gives up courage while he is fighting the battle of life, the burden of the whole world will fall on his head. But he, on the move, leading the battle of life, only he makes his way. The one whose patience is exhausted, the one who fell in this struggle, will be trampled by those who go through life. Even courage and bravery are not enough to go through the battle of life, something else must be studied and understood: a person must investigate the nature of life, he must understand the psychology of such a battle.
In order to understand this struggle, one must see how many sides it has. There are three sides: the struggle with oneself, the struggle with others and the struggle with circumstances. One person may be able to fight with himself, but this is not enough. Another is able to fight with other people, but this is not enough. And the third meets the requirements of the circumstances, but even this is not enough. All three sides must be studied and known, a person must be able to fight in all three directions.

Now the question arises: where should we start and where should we end? In general, a person starts by fighting with others, he fights all his life and never comes to an end. If a person is wise, he fights against circumstances, and maybe something gets a little better. But the one who fights with himself turns out to be the wisest of all, because as soon as he enters into a fight with himself, which is the most difficult, all other battles become easy for him. Fighting with yourself is like singing without accompaniment. Fighting others is the definition of war. Fighting with yourself is the definition of the world. In the beginning and outwardly it may seem cruel to fight with oneself, especially when one is right, but one who has penetrated deeper into life will find that fighting with oneself is the most beneficial in the end.
Turning to the question of the nature of the struggle with oneself: it has three aspects. The first is to bring our thought, word, and action into line with the demands of our ideal, while at the same time giving expression to all the impulses and desires that are within our natural being. The next aspect of the struggle with oneself is to adapt to others, to their various ideas, their various requirements. By adapting to them, we become as narrow or as broad as their established requirements for us are - this is very subtle, difficult for everyone to understand and put into practice. The third aspect of the struggle with oneself is to give place - large or small, depending on the need - to others in one's own life, in one's own heart.
When we consider the issue of fighting with others, there are also three things to think about. The first is how to control and manage people and activities, which, by the will of fate, is our duty, our duties. Another aspect is the extent to which we allow ourselves to be used by others in different situations and situations in life, where should we put a limit beyond which we should not allow others to use our time, our energy, our work, our patience - where to draw the line. And the third aspect is to adapt to different concepts that other people have who have reached different levels development.

As for the third aspect of the struggle - the struggle with circumstances, then there are circumstances that can be changed, and there are circumstances that cannot be changed, over which a person is powerless. Again, there are circumstances that can be changed, and yet, a person does not consider himself capable, does not find the strength and means in himself to change them. If one investigates these questions of life, thinks about them and meditates so that inspiration and light will shed on them, then one can understand how to struggle in life, then one will surely find help. Of course, a person can come to such a state when he sees that his life has become easier.
In addition to what I have already said, I would like to note how a Sufi looks at this issue, how a Sufi would arrange such a work. The Sufi looks at struggle as an inevitability, as a struggle to be passed through. From a mystical point of view, he sees that the more he pays attention to the struggle, the wider the struggle will spread, the less he pays attention to it, the better he will get through it. When he looks at the world, what does he see? He sees that everyone, clasping his head in his hands, is busy only with his own struggle, and it is no wider than the palm of his hand. He thinks, “Am I going to sit like this, watching my own struggle? This is not an answer to the question." Therefore, his job is to be involved in the struggle of others, to comfort them, to strengthen them, to extend a helping hand to them. In doing so, he levels out his own struggle, it frees him to move forward.

Now the question is: how does a Sufi fight? He fights with strength, with understanding, with open eyes and armed with patience. He does not look at losses: what is lost is lost. He does not think about the pain of yesterday, yesterday is gone for him. Yes, if there is a pleasant memory, then he keeps it in front of him, it helps on the way. He accepts both admiration and hatred from those around him with a smile, he thinks only that both of them make up a rhythm similar to the rhythm of musical measures. There is “and one and two” and - strong, accented and weak stress. Praise cannot do without blasphemy, and blasphemy cannot do without praise.
He does not let power blindly guide him, he holds the torch of wisdom in front of him as he believes that the present is an echo of the past and that the future will be a reflection of the present. It is good for a man to think of only one moment, but he must think of where he comes from and where he will go. Every thought that comes into his mind, every impulse, every word he utters, is like a seed for him - a seed that falls into this soil of life and takes root. Thus, he discovers that nothing is lost, every good deed, every small act of kindness, love, no matter who it is directed to, will someday sprout and bear fruit.

The Sufi does not consider life apart from the deed, but sees how the real deed can be achieved. The symbol of Chinese mystics is a branch hung with fruits, which they held in their hand. What does this mean? This means that the goal of life is to reach a stage where every moment becomes fruitful. What is fruitful? Does it mean bearing fruit for itself? No, trees do not bear fruit for themselves, but for others. The true benefit is not in a person doing something for himself, the true benefit is in what he does for others. Achieving everything he wants to achieve, whether on earth or in heaven, what result follows from this? The result is this: so that a person can present before others everything that he has achieved, everything that he has gained on earth or in heaven. Propkar - in the language of Vedanta means work for the benefit of others, the only fruit of life.

As long as the baby is innocent, he is happy, he knows nothing about the struggle of life. I remember these lines written by the late Nizam of Hyderabad, the great mystic:
Ah, what a time it was when my eyes did not see sadness,
When the heart did not know desires, and life was devoid of suffering!

This is the first stage. From here we move on to the maturity of the mind. A person sees that no one can be trusted: neither a friend, nor a relative, no one can withstand the time of testing, everyone lies, there is nothing true around. At first, he thinks that all this is directed directly against him. One dervish once wrote on the wall of the mosque, near which he spent the night, the following lines:

The world believes in God's ideal,
Not knowing if He is friend or foe.
So the waves all run on the shore,
And the atom thinks that they are playing for him.

He thinks: " The wave rises me, it is favorable for me, the wave descends, it is unfavorable for me. A person thinks: “My friend is he good for me or he is harmful”, but then realizes that this is the nature of the world. In all of us there is nafs - ego, and each ego fights against the other. In each hand is a sword, in the hand of a friend, as well as in the hand of an enemy. A friend will hit after a kiss - there is no other difference.
And then a person realizes that there is nothing to expect from the world. The great Indian poet Tulsidas said: "Everyone does and says as much as he understands." Why should we blame the other for what he could not understand? If he has no greater understanding, where will this poor man get it from? As far as he understands, he does. After that, a person understands that everything that happens should be taken calmly. If he receives an insult, he takes it calmly; if a kind word comes, he accepts it with great gratitude; if a bad word comes, he accepts it calmly and gratefully. If it's just a bad word, he's grateful it's not a hit. If it's a hit, he's grateful it's not something worse. He is ready to give his time, his service to everyone, both worthy and unworthy alike, because he sees the manifestation of God in everything. he sees God in every form, both in the highest and in the lowest, in the most beautiful, in the most insignificant.

Sufi says: If God is separate from the universe, then I would rather worship that God who can be seen, heard, tasted, felt in the heart and perceived by the soul.". He worships the God who is in front of him, he sees the God who is present in everything.
Christ said: You will see that I am just like Him who sent me.". This does not mean that Christ claimed the divinity of his own person. This is what the dervishes call hamin ost – everything is He and He is everything. There is not a single atom in the universe that He is not. We must recognize Him, we must respect Him in every person, even in the face of our enemy, even in the most insignificant. Our piety, our spirituality is worth nothing if we don't do it.

It is not enough to read a few books on philosophy and know that everything is God. Reading a religious book and feeling that we are pious is not enough. Going to some religious place and being happy with how religious we are is not enough. Giving alms, convinced that we are doing something great, is not enough. We must give our ministry and our time to the worthy and the unworthy alike, for that is the only way to give. This life lasts only a few days, and we will never again have the opportunity to give, to serve another, to do something for another. We should be thankful to God that He has made us capable of giving, capable of serving others.

Fight Against Life: Population Reduction Technologies

In addition to drugs, the weapons used to wage modern total war are population reduction technologies. That is, technologies that achieve the same goals as drugs, the same goals as conventional weapons. Therefore, we have the right to call these technologies weapons. Ultimately, all these types of weapons are aimed at the destruction of life itself - the most important target against which modern warfare is waged. To destroy life in man and humanity in all its manifestations - spiritual, physical and intellectual - that's what the collective global aggressor wants.

The war in the demographic subspace is aimed primarily at the destruction of physical life. However, in this way a double blow is dealt to both the spiritual and mental space. Indeed, along with the reduction of the population, not only the physical, but also the spiritual and intellectual potential of society is reduced. A people weakened in this way ceases to be able to defend its country, its faith, ceases to realize the need for such protection.

I emphasize that the deepest meaning of modern warfare is the confrontation of forces committed to life and forces committed to death - the forces of vitacracy (life power) and the forces of thanatocracy (death power). The worship of the cult of death and its spread is what underlies the new world order, for the creation of which the global clique is waging war, waging all means that sow death in the body, soul and consciousness of a person, peoples, humanity.

Above we said that the use of drugs as a weapon to achieve the goals of modern warfare gives it a narcotic dimension. In connection with the use of population reduction technologies, we have the right to introduce the term “medical-biological dimension of war”. In this war, as well as in the anti-state, everything is just the opposite, everything is perverted - medicine is turning from a servant of life into a distributor of all kinds and most sophisticated forms of death.

We will talk about how population reduction technologies are used and how this biomedical dimension of war manifests itself in this chapter.

This will be a difficult conversation. War is war. And evil is great and insidious. But in order to resist him, we must know his methods, the weapons that our opponent uses. Coming into contact with darkness in this analysis, we must have and keep the light in the soul, we must cling even more strongly to life. Because life is God, and He is the best Warrior. Trusting in Him, keeping faith in the soul, we will overcome the enemy. And with a feeling of bright hope, let's start the story.

Russia has long been the target of a demographic attack. The World Bank projects in the field of health care, or, as they were also called, health burials, which were so generously given to us under loans, provided for obvious measures to reduce the birth rate and population. The World Bank, as an organ of world government, generally specializes in such cases. They do this under the slogan of family planning, motherhood and childhood protection. They issue tied (that is, under what they themselves indicate) loans, for example, for health care reform, in some regions of the country, and there, as a condition for obtaining this loan, all sorts of vile requirements are recorded. In particular, to purchase laparoscopes that are used to sterilize the population. Another part of this project was the distribution of free contraceptives to girls from 15 years old and low-income women (they are the vast majority). So the state itself, on a tip from the World Bank, had to finance the reduction of its own population, simultaneously corrupting schoolchildren through the lessons of the so-called sex education, also imposed by foreign "benefactors". The details of the World Bank project do not end there. They want more. They provide for the closure of maternity hospitals. And, indeed, why are they, if the birth rate is not provided. Well, one more detail that hit the heads of bank designers was to organize, as an experiment, assistance to patients with sexually transmitted diseases in women's consultations. That is, where healthy pregnant women are served, “as an experiment” (remember the fascist experiments) an infection is introduced that can lead to illness in the future mother and child, causing changes leading to his possible death or genetic pathology.

Do you think that I write abstract facts? Not at all. All this was incorporated into the World Bank's project to reform the healthcare system in the Tver and Kaluga regions. The loan was taken, and the relevant government decree regarding the implementation of this World Bank project was adopted in 1996.

Drugs are easier to deal with. There are international organizations that are criminalized for distributing drugs that lead to sickness and death, ultimately to population reduction. The World Bank achieves the same goals, only by different means. So what is the difference between him and international criminal organizations? “By their fruits you shall know them” (Matthew 7:16).

Alas, the WB is not alone in these criminal acts. There are still other organizations pursuing the same aims, and collectively forming the forces of what may be called biomedical NATO, which is understood as a collective meta-aggressor that introduces and distributes biomedical means of destruction, reduction and prevention of the birth of human life.

One of the members of biomedical NATO (this is consonant with the Gestapo) is the international eugenics organization "Public Relations" (CLO) with headquarters in Washington. Founded in 1968, this organization was called Population Zero Growth. In 2002, it changed its name, but the essence remained the same.

It is known that CSN seeks to “stabilize” the growth of the world population through the use of such tools as “family planning (otherwise called birth prevention), education of women (that is, persuading them not to have children) and the realization of the right to personal reproductive choice (that is, to abortion and sterilization)

Considering what they do, her motto is mocking: "Educate and act for a better world."

All this eugenic concoction is spreading under the guise of combating global warming. It is known that the best remedy for a headache is the guillotine. Moreover, the organization does not even question whether people are really the cause of global warming.

Professor Paul Reiter, one of the UN experts on climate control, said: “We imagine that we live in an age of reason, and anxiety about global warming is presented as a kind of science. But this is not science. This is propaganda... I have often heard that there is a consensus of thousands of scientists on the problem of global warming. And that humans are causing catastrophic change in the climate system. So here I am that one scientist, and there are many more of us who believe that this is simply not true.

Incidentally, as good example, to which all other countries should be equal, the activists of the organization cite Russia with its dynamics of a significant reduction in the population. In what - in what, and in this they vigorously praise us.

At a meeting of the organization's employees with this very population, one of those present asked a question about the conformity of the population control policy with the constitution and received a bewildering answer: "We are not engaged in population control, we are engaged in population stabilization." You might think that this very stabilization does not imply control.

The slyness in this answer also consisted in the fact that one of the founders of the organization Paul Ehrlich, which, I recall, was originally called “Zero Population Growth”, literally said the following: “We must control the population not only through a system of rewards and punishments, but and through coercion, if voluntary methods fail.”

As part of the family planning program, tens of thousands of Russian women were sterilized in the first years of its implementation. Voluntary methods under the conditions of "shock therapy" had an effect here.

In that presentation, where the organization's employees were asked uncomfortable questions, it was shown how African women are sterilized with vaccines. Activists are in favor of adopting a law that would provide for the introduction of "sex education" as a compulsory subject in schools, which, as practice shows, is actually the corruption of children and youth. The textbook on sex education, which was developed for the second grade of Russian schools, was called "Your friend is a condom." It's not a joke. That's what he was called. As part of this program, older students were provided with "lessons to remove the feeling of shame." And the "What do you know about sex" questionnaire, distributed to teenage schoolchildren by family planning program uncles, was banned by the Attorney General's Office for its molestation. One of these uncles was, by the way, the owner of a peep show, and the other was awarded the MacArthur Foundation for the protection of the rights of sexual minorities.

It is known from sexopathology that early sexual intercourse quickly leads to the extinction of reproductive functions.

In the mid-90s, the Federal Target Program "Family Planning", which provides for what the organization "Communication with the population" does, was financed from the federal budget, and almost in full, in contrast to such target programs as "Children with Disabilities "and" Orphans ", which are catastrophically underfunded.

At that time, before the adoption of the next federal budget, which provides for the extension of funding for the Family Planning program, through the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church and a number of Muslim organizations organized a collection of signatures against the financing of the program. And the State Duma, before the adoption of the budget, was literally inundated with letters, telegrams, huge bundles of signatures from all over Russia. It was a powerful people's campaign, unprecedented in its organization, composure and manifestation of the strength of the people's spirit and its capabilities.

And the Duma, literally stunned by this protest flow, despite the active attempts of all kinds of radical liberals and democrats to break through the financing of the program, voted against it. It was a truly popular victory, and it was the victory of the Russian Orthodox Church, which carried out colossal explanatory work and managed to organize the people. It is precisely for these opportunities that the enemies of Russia so fiercely hate the Russian Orthodox Church, they call it enemy number one, trying in every possible way to denigrate it, to tear it away from the people.

The other day on the Inosmi website, I read a translation of Philip Ball's article "How life (and death) originates from disorder" from the American Quanta Magazine, published here on February 6 of this year. ( https://inosmi.ru/science/20170206/238672003.html).

Philip Ball

Philip Ball, a 52-year-old British science writer, holds a degree in chemistry from Oxford and a PhD in physics from the University of Bristol. For more than twenty years he has been the editor of the journal Nature, for which he continues to write regularly. He now writes a regular column for World of Chemistry. He has contributed to the publication of such prestigious publications as the scientific journal New Scientist, as well as New York Times, The Guardian, Financial Times and New Statesman. He is a regular contributor to Prospect magazine and is also a science columnist for World Chemistry World, Nature Materials and BBC Future.

Valery Ivanov

In the article by Philip Ball presented below, there are a lot of strange omissions, distortions, contradictions and violations of elementary logic when making a judgment about what is happening or a phenomenon. Moreover, through the context of a seemingly scientific reasoning on the subject of philosophical principles of worldview, the Darwinian theory of evolution is suddenly declared in its most unacceptable, misanthropic interpretation - “the strongest wins” (by definition, the physically strongest). It is declared as true and, moreover, having justification from a physical point of view - the law of nature. This strange and very dangerous doctrine in its social dimension (history testifies to this), is implicitly raised by the same author to the rank of an absolute social doctrine. This is what made me carefully read the text of this publication and critically comment on the judgments of the author of the article on very important and topical problems of the modern scientific understanding of the world order, not only on the earthly scale, but also on the universal scale.
In fact, a new philosophical rethinking of universal essences is on the agenda, with the expansion of the dialectical worldview, which was laid down by the great Greek philosopher Plato almost 2.5 thousand years ago. It is obvious that a transition to a more adequate philosophical worldview method is necessary, in which the dialectics of the antinomy "plus" and "minus", "matter" and "consciousness", "body" and "spirit", etc. are only elements of a more detailed method of understanding the world of the three-dimensionality of the material universal being. (For more information on switching to such a method, see here:)
Trinity also takes into account "zero" - "neutrality" between antinomies, which is also included as an absolute condition for the existence of such opposites themselves. But in the paradigm of the named triadic method of cognition of the world, there is also the fourth dimension - an unchanging potency (generated by the principles of dyadism and triadism of the systemic organization of the world around us). This is the principle of binary triadity - eternal potency, an obligatory factor that makes this whole method logically systemically conditioned and fundamentally complete, extending to all universal entities, and determining them.
In the context of the article below, I give my comment (highlighted in burgundy), based on a new - triallectic method of understanding the world, which, I hope, will allow the reader to see all the logical flaws and overexposures made by the author in his article.

A Homo Sapiens skull compared to a Neanderthal skull (background) at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, USA.
Illustration from Quanta Magazine for this article

"How life (and death) springs from disorder"
Philip Ball

For a long time, life was thought to follow its own set of rules. (maybe laws?). But because simple systems show signs of natural behavior, scientists debate whether this apparent complexity is solely due to thermodynamics.
What is the difference between physics and biology? (Physics lives according to the laws of quantitative mathematics. Biology lives according to the laws of qualitative mathematics, which is not linear) Take a golf ball and a cannonball and drop them off the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The laws of physics allow you to predict the trajectories of their fall so accurately that you can not wish for a better one.
Now do the same experiment again, but replace the cannonball with a dove.
Naturally, biological systems defy the laws of physics. (really? They live not only according to the laws of physics, but also self-organizing effective systems, which have their own energy-provided mover. The mover itself with its energy is fully described by the laws of physics.)- but, apparently, the latter are also not able to predict their behavior. Biosystems are distinct in that they are purposeful in order to survive and reproduce. (No, not exactly. There are biological systems for which reproduction is more important than the survival of each of them) You could say they have a purpose (this is not a goal as such, i.e. a pragmatically logically materialized idea with the help of the environment)- or what philosophers traditionally call teleology - which guides their behavior.
Similarly, from the state of the universe a billionth of a second after the Big Bang, physics now allows us to predict what our universe looks like today. (This premise is built on a highly controversial idea) But no one thinks that the appearance on Earth of the first primitive cells predictably led to the emergence of the human race. It seems that the course of evolution is not dictated by laws. (It is not clear here what the author calls evolution? If evolution is a gradual change in the forms of the system in the linear process of development of a specific biological system, the organism which is carried out only under the influence external environment then the author is wrong. However, a logical error was made here - the process of evolution depends not only on its own changes in the body, which, of course, are systemic and are due to physical (chemical)- mathematical laws, and therefore are linear in their own way, but also due to the fact that changes occur outside of such a system, i.e. due to non-linear processes between the system and its environment. And this leads to energy emissions and, as a consequence, to the evolution of the system, if it is immanently stable enough.
Teleology (as such, it does not exist, if you do not take the existence of NOOS as the Truth) and the historical conditioning of biology (?!), according to evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr, make it unique among the sciences. Both of these features result (what does it mean - flow out ?!), perhaps from the only general guiding principle of biology, evolution. It has a random and arbitrary character, but natural selection gives it the appearance (visibility only!) intentions and goals. Animals are drawn to water not by some magnetic attraction, but by instinct, the desire to survive. (desire is already meaningful behavior. Instinct is not a product of meaningful behavior - here there is a substitution of concepts). The legs, among other things, serve to lead us to the water. (Stupid example: you can crawl and fly to the water)
Mayr argued that these features make biology an exceptional science - a law in its own right. Meanwhile, recent advances in nonequilibrium physics:
theories complex systems and
information theory - challenge this view.
If we consider living beings as agents that perform calculations (how animals meaningfully carry out calculations - some kind of nonsense)- collection and storage of information about an unpredictable environment - their abilities and limitations, such as reproduction, adaptation, activity, purpose and meaning, can be understood not as arising from evolutionary improvisation, but as inevitable consequences of physical laws. In other words, the activity of beings and their development in this direction seems to be based on a kind of physics. (Too many reservations: “consequences of physical laws”, “a kind of physics” - this is not possible, the voiced assumptions are not a consequence of these assumptions) Meaning and intent - which were considered the defining characteristics of living systems - can then naturally emerge from the laws of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. (probably, they can, in principle, but what does “meaningfulness” have to do with it when we need to talk about “unconditionality”).
Last November, physicists, mathematicians, and computer and systems theorists met with evolutionary and molecular biologists to talk—and sometimes argue—about these ideas at a workshop at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, a mecca for scientists "complex systems". The question was raised: how special (or not) is biology a scientific discipline?
Not surprisingly, opinions are divided. But one thought was very clear: if there is some physics behind biological factors and teleology, then it must deal with the same concept that seems to have become central to the most fundamental physics: information (what is information? - the author does not explain this here. Too bad!).

Disorder and demons

The first attempts to introduce information and intention into the laws of thermodynamics were made in the mid-19th century, when the Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell invented statistical mechanics. (Statistical mechanics is built on certain principles for isolating information, that is, using certain principles to determine patterns, etc.) Maxwell showed how, with the introduction of these two ingredients, it seemed to be possible to do things that thermodynamics declared impossible.
Maxwell had by then demonstrated how predictable and reliable mathematical relationships between the properties of a gas—pressure, volume, and temperature—could be deduced from the random and incomprehensible movements of countless molecules feverishly colliding under the influence of thermal energy. In other words, thermodynamics is a new science of heat flow that combines the vast properties of matter, such as pressure and temperature. (is that the whole scope?!)- was the result of statistical mechanics at the microscopic level of molecules and atoms.
According to thermodynamics, the ability to extract useful work from the energy resources of the Universe is decreasing all the time. (Why would that?! Thermodynamics has a number of flaws, since it claims about entropy in closed systems - and where are these closed systems? The universe is also not a “closed” and not an “open” system, but a system, systems, systems, where “openness ” and “closedness” of each of them are very conditional and mostly subjective, when assessing such properties) The centers of energy are reduced, clots of heat gradually disappear. (And they arise again in the infinite systemic expanses of the Universe) In any physical process, part of the energy is inevitably dissipated in the form of useless heat, lost among the random movements of molecules. This randomness is measured by a thermodynamic quantity called entropy - a measure of disorder - which is constantly growing. (In closed systems that do not exist, never existed and never will!!! How to relate to a "closed system" - no way!!! For it is completely closed, i.e., in fact, it is absent for us, thinking people) This is the second law of thermodynamics. Eventually, the entire universe will be reduced to a uniform mess: a state of equilibrium in which entropy is at its maximum and nothing meaningful will ever happen. (Absolute nonsense!!! The rationale for such a statement is in the previous comment)
Are we really waiting for such a bleak fate? Maxwell did not want to believe it, and in 1867 the scientist set himself the task of, as he put it, "punch a hole" in the second law. His goal was to take a container of gas with molecules moving around at random, and then separate the fast molecules from the slow ones, thereby reducing the entropy. (That is, he himself essentially “opens a closed system” and “introduces another system into it”, i.e., thereby denying his original fundamental principle - “closed system”. Well, that’s not possible, let’s be logical to the end The further development of this logical absurdity is not interesting - because all this is naive speculation, a child's game of some kind of demon. Not serious!). Imagine a microscopic being - the physicist William Thomson would later call it, rather to Maxwell's chagrin, a demon - that could see every single molecule in the vessel. The demon divides the vessel into two compartments, and in the partition between them there is a sliding door. Every time he sees a particularly fast molecule approaching the door from the right side, he opens the door to let it through to the left. And every time a slow, “cold” molecule approaches the door from the left side, he also lets it through to the other side. In the end, he has a vessel with a compartment for cold gas on the right and hot gas on the left: a heat accumulator that can be used to do work. This is only possible under two conditions. First, the demon has more information than we do: it can see all the molecules individually, not just statistical averages. And secondly, he has an intention: a plan to separate the hot from the cold. Using his knowledge for a specific purpose, he can defy the laws of thermodynamics. (A false premise makes all further constructions on it false - the first law of logic.)
Or so it seemed. It took a hundred years to understand why Maxwell's demon could not really subvert the second law and prevent the inexorable slide towards the fatal universal equilibrium. And the reason for this suggests that there is a deep connection between thermodynamics and information processing - or, in other words, computing. German and American physicist Rolf Landauer has shown that even if a demon can gather information and (avoiding friction) move a door without any expenditure of energy, sooner or later there will still be retribution. Since his memory, where information about every movement of molecules is stored, cannot be unlimited, he will have to clean it from time to time - that is, erase what he has already seen and start all over again - before he can continue to accumulate energy. This act of removing information has its inevitable cost: it dissipates energy (“dissipation of energy and thereby an increase in entropy” - the chaos of the system, where does this connection between completely non-one-dimensional, ambiguous entities come from? Energy itself has three expressions: potential, kinetic and effective, actually manifested in the system and mathematically measured in certain physical units) and therefore increases the entropy (of what? What system?). All arguments against the second law offered by the clever demon are thwarted by the "Landauer limit": the ultimate cost of erasing information (or more generally of transforming information from one form to another). (Some kind of magic, linguistic tricks of tightrope walkers and conjurers from physics)
Living organisms are to some extent similar to Maxwell's demon. While a beaker full of reacting chemicals will eventually use up its energy and fall into boring stasis and equilibrium (?!) , living systems collectively avoid a lifeless state of equilibrium from the very beginning of life for about three seconds. half a billion years. They accumulate energy from the environment in order to maintain this non-equilibrium state, and they do this with "intention" (?!) . Even simple bacteria move with a "purpose": to sources of heat and nutrition. (Instinctive action, predetermined by the system of organization of a given living being - and no "goal" - an embodied will!) In his 1944 book What Is Life? physicist Erwin Schrödinger expressed this idea when he said that living organisms feed on "negative entropy". (Another articulated "physical nonsense")
According to Schrödinger, they manage to achieve this by collecting and storing information. (All biological systems, except for an intelligent person, do not meaningfully collect and store information, because they do not know what “information” is. They, due to the physical laws inherent in them, accumulate energy potentials that work according to physical laws, and create new entities for these biological systems, including for an intelligent person, since the bulk of information is processed by the receptors of his body without the will and understanding of it by the given person himself) Some of this information is encoded in their genes and passed down from generation to generation: a set of instructions for harvesting negative entropy. (not entropy, but the reproduction of a given system by means of mathematically determined principles embedded in the system itself and causing its existence). Schrödinger didn't know where the information was stored or how it was encoded, but his intuition told him that it was recorded in what he defined as an "aperiodic crystal," and this thought was the inspiration for Francis Crick, a physics major , and James Watson, who in 1953 understood how genetic information could be encoded in the molecular structure of the DNA molecule. (But what does entropy, or anti-entropy have to do with it? The principle of the systemic nature of everything that exists and the absence of chaos as such operates here, because chaos is outside the system and cannot therefore be determined by physical methods in any way. How can one relate to something that is absolutely not systemic?! )
Hence, the genome is at least in part a record of useful knowledge. (this is not knowledge - meaningful information, but simply a certain systematized structure encoded in genes with the help of periodically variable organic chemical molecules), which allowed the organism's ancestors - already in the distant past - to survive on our planet. According to David Wolpert, a mathematician and physicist at the Santa Fe Institute who initiated the recent seminar, and his colleague Artemy Kolchinsky, the key is that well-adapted organisms relate to this environment. (This is how Charles Darwin and other biologists wrote about this since the 19th century - nothing new) If a bacterium is guaranteed to swim left or right when there is a food source in that direction, it is better adapted and will flourish than one that swims in random directions and therefore finds food only by chance. (A strange way to justify the a priori premeditation of the movement of a bacterium to food - indirectly declaring the behavior of bacteria meaningful. This is not so. There are many bacteria, and those that will survive will be in the right place with a nutrient medium, i.e., let's say, "commensurate with the environment", not "commensurate" - will die) The correlation between the state of the organism and the state of the environment implies that they share common information. (I hope it’s not meaningful - unconscious, otherwise it’s already some kind of magic and magic, from non-biological systems) Volpert and Kolchinsky argue that it is this information that helps the body avoid equilibrium - because, like Maxwell's demon, it can adapt its behavior to extract work from the volatility of the environment. If he did not receive this information, the organism would gradually come to a state of equilibrium, that is, to death. (There is no balance and cannot be in the Universe, the principles of trialectics prohibit balance, otherwise the world would have “collapsed” long ago in the dialectical confrontation of “plus” and “minus”, releasing colossal energy. Harmony is not balance. Harmony is an effective systemic unity of physical opposites , balanced by the third metaphysical - quantitative factor, and determining the stable quality of this system, among other similar systems).
From this point of view, life can be seen as a computational process aimed at optimizing the storage and use of meaningful information. (No, not so. Life is the ability of a system to self-replicate and reproduce, through the use of the environment: biological and non-biological, physical, which, each in itself, and both are systematically organized) And life, as it turns out, is very successful in this. Landauer's solution to the Maxwell's demon riddle placed an absolute lower limit on the amount of energy required for a finite memory computing system, namely the energy cost of forgetting. (Well, what does this have to do with it?) The best computers today are incomparably more wasteful, typically using and dissipating a million times more power. (“I started for health, but ended for peace.” And what does “energy dissipation” have to do with it ?! - don’t drag the second law of thermodynamics here by the ears, it itself is a fiction and dragging this fiction here only further discredits this article) However, as Wolpert says, “According to the most conservative estimates, the thermodynamic efficiency of the overall computational process performed by the cell is only about 10 times greater than the Landauer limit.” (It is known that natural biological systems are many times, not 10 times, superior in their energy efficiency to computational processors created by the human mind.)
The implication is that “natural selection is highly concerned with minimizing the thermodynamic cost of computation. It will do its best to reduce the total number of calculations that the cell has to perform.” (She, that she has her own brains and consciousness, what are you talking about?) In other words, biology (perhaps with the exception of ourselves) seems to take active measures not to bother with the problem of survival. This cost-benefit issue of an organism calculating its own path through life, he says, has so far been largely ignored in biology. (What kind of meaningful mercantilism is in biology - living organisms are not pragmatic and do not play on the stock exchange with the shares of their lives. What is this stock exchange jargon for?)

Inanimate Darwinism

Thus, living organisms can be considered as objects that adapt to the environment with the help of information, absorbing energy and thereby avoiding equilibrium. (Actually, living organisms, like crocodiles, lie calm and wait for a very long time, “without deviating from balance” anywhere, when some kind of “biological system” floats by to eat it, if it’s too tough) Of course, this is a very important statement. (Is it?) But note that it doesn't say anything about genes and evolution, which many biologists, including Mayer, have assumed are biological intentions and goals. (Notice!)
How far can such a notion take us? Genes, polished (by whom?) through natural selection, undoubtedly occupy a central place in biology. (A habitat, a social systems biological organisms, starting with protozoan colonies, and ending with states ...) But could it be that evolution by natural selection is itself only a special case of a more general imperative in relation to function and apparent purpose that exists in a purely physical universe? Everything is starting to look like this. (An interesting premise! But why is the universe personified only with a physical - material essence. And what about the same biological essence of the universe, metaphysical - mathematical, systemic - structural. These entities exist objectively and they cannot be discarded from the sphere of our systemic meaningful being, smart understanding of the world)
Adaptation has long been seen as a hallmark of Darwinian evolution. (For example, in a person, the endocrine system serves as an integral system of adaptation to the environment, with its various centers in the human body, which allows his body, if he is healthy, to successfully adapt to the animal, social and metaphysical environment of each person. This is at the biological level. But for the human spiritual personality, first of all, the most important function is played by the human brain. This is the function of his mind, knowledge and consciousness. The functioning brain of a normal person allows you to adequately, intelligently respond to external stimuli.) Meanwhile, Jeremy England of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology argues that adaptation to the environment can occur even in complex non-living systems. (Naturally, there are mathematical laws, essentially metaphysical, of the material world of physics)
Adaptation here has a more concrete meaning than the usual Darwinian view of the organism as being well-equipped with the means to survive. (But they are not absolute, because in extreme situations the body may not survive) There is a catch in Darwin's theory: we can only define a well-adapted organism in hindsight. The "strongest" are those who are better equipped to survive and reproduce, but we cannot predict what this fitness requires. Whales and plankton are well adapted to marine life, but in such a way that one can hardly find anything clearly in common between them. (The quintessence of Charles Darwin's theory - “survival of the fittest” - is absolute nonsense !!! Newly born cubs survive in the herd, because the herd protects them from predator attacks. The social version of this principle of super individualism in society has developed in Europe in the theory of inequality of races and nations, expressed in the policy of racial and national genocide with the physical extermination of the “inferior…” The main thing here is who established their value.)
England's definition of "adaptation" is closer to the definition of Schrödinger and, in fact, Maxwell: a well-adapted object (what is that?!) can absorb energy efficiently (How? In what way?) from an unpredictable, changing environment - like a man who is able to stand on his feet during a ship's toss when everyone else is falling, because he is better adapted to deck vibrations. (What is this for?) Using the concepts and methods of statistical mechanics in a nonequilibrium setting, England and his colleagues argue that it is precisely these well-adapted systems (what are “well-adapted systems”?! Physical systems are built according to the laws of mathematics - they have a clearly defined metaphysical expression and cannot have another in essence. But biological systems, human society, has another expression determined by moral taboos - the religion of a given society ) absorb and dissipate energy from the environment, generating entropy in the process. (What does entropy have to do with it again? Oh, shit!)
Complex systems tend to (what this “inclination” is based on, or rather, it is due to the laws of physics) to come into these well-adapted states with surprising ease, says England: "Thermally vibrating matter can often spontaneously fold into forms that absorb work well from the time-varying environment." (And all this according to the laws of physics. By the way, this England understands what a form is, in itself, in its essence? As I see it, no!)
Nothing in this process suggests a gradual adaptation to the environment through the Darwinian mechanisms of reproduction, mutation and inheritance of traits. There is no replication at all. “That is, when we give a physical account of the origin of some apparently adapted structures (so structures are no longer quite physical matter in their essence, since there are not material, linear expressions of being there - but described by high-quality cyclic mathematics that determines feedback in systems, i.e. not ordinary - quantitative mathematics) we see that they don't have to have parents in the usual biological sense (so is it physics? or biology? If the latter, then the parent must be)“And these findings are incredibly exciting,” says England. “Evolutionary adaptation can be explained by thermodynamics even in those curious cases where there are no self-replicators and Darwinian logic falls apart.” (And there are no “self-reproducers” in any system, only when systems interact, their multiplication is possible on the basis of the matrix of one of these systems, if they are organically close. Otherwise, only on the basis of the matrix of the absorbing system) Unless, of course, the system in question is complex, flexible and sensitive enough to respond to changes in the environment. (The environment is secondary if the system is stable and adapted to its environment)
However, there is no conflict between physical and Darwinian adaptation. In fact, the latter can be seen as a special case of the former. (Well, hello! One feels like exclaiming: “Genossen, the social class international theory of scientific communism is dead, long live racist social Darwinism! Physicists have found confirmation of this in the entropy theory of the evolution of the universe. Hail!”) If replication is present, then natural selection becomes the route by which systems acquire the ability to absorb work - Schrödinger's negative entropy - from the environment. The mechanism of self-replication is, in fact, especially good for stabilizing complex systems, and therefore it is not surprising that it is precisely this that biology uses. But in the non-living world, where replication usually does not occur (in the material world, all systems are eternal, because they are mathematical, determined by the unshakable laws of nature. In the world of biological systems, other laws operate, described by high-quality mathematics, taking into account nonlinearity - the systemic cyclicity of biological processes) Well-adapted dissipative structures tend to be highly organized structures, such as undulating layers of sand and dunes crystallizing from the random dance of sand and wind. From this point of view, Darwinian evolution can be seen as a specific example of a more general physical principle governing non-equilibrium systems. (The circle is an equilibrium system and both physical and biological balanced systems are built on its principle. Although in essence it is the circle itself, an infinite system from the point of view of mathematics, because its description includes an infinite, irrational number "Pi")

Prediction mechanisms

This notion of complex structures adapting to changing environments also allows us to draw some conclusions about how these structures store information. (Naturally, all systems are built on eternal, because metaphysical, mathematical matrices) In short, since such structures - alive or not - are forced (False premise! Who is "forcing" them? Why such a teleological definition. The physical laws of nature are at work!) efficient use of available energy, they are more likely to become “predictive engines”. (What? Processes - yes. Empirical statistics will allow you to find the patterns of physical processes, and not only, and, therefore, make a forecast.)
The fact that biological systems change their state in response to some control signal from the external environment is perhaps the main characteristic feature of life. (Not necessarily! And not always biological systems can “change their state” for objective reasons, because the signal may be unrealizable, i.e. lead to self-destruction of the system of the recipient of the signal. Or - it may be simple disproportionate to this system) Something happens - you respond to it. Plants are drawn to the light or produce toxins in response to pathogens. (Why only toxins? Oxygen, for example, is produced - so important for humans, but deadly for some biological systems) These environmental cues are generally unpredictable, but living systems learn from experience by gathering information about their environment and using it to shape their behavior in the future. (This is true only for humans and higher forms of life on earth)(Genes, in this view, simply give you (the organism) the most basic, necessary, general-purpose elements.)
True, this forecast is not something auxiliary. According to a study by Susanne Still of the University of Hawaii, Gavin Crooks, former employee Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, and their colleagues, the ability to predict the future seems to be fundamental to any energy-saving system in a random, variable environment. (Any social scientist who has enough knowledge and information about ongoing events and understands the direction of their development has the ability to predict the future)
Still and her colleagues show that storing information about the past that is not valuable for predicting the future comes at a thermodynamic price. (What is this for? Undoubtedly, the quintessence of an indicator of the civilization of any society, starting with the state, is the power supply of its members for each person and the ability to constructively systematize this energy for the benefit of the quantitative development of this society, maintaining its stability and not losing its fundamental roots, expressed in stable cultural values ​​of a given society) To be as effective as possible, the system must be selective. If she remembers everything indiscriminately, she will suffer large energy losses. (Pragmatism, of course, is a necessary thing, but it is still determined by moral principles in this case, which are primary for an intelligent person in any society) On the other hand, if it does not take the trouble of storing at least some information about its environment at all, it will have to put a lot of effort all the time in order to cope with the unexpected. (Naturally. For this, humanity accumulates knowledge obtained empirically)"A thermodynamically optimal mechanism would balance memory and prediction by minimizing nostalgia, useless information about the past," says co-author David Sivak, currently at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. (And who will determine this “useless information about the past,” maybe this Mr. Sivak. Thank you. No need. Let him even represent a few more universities. The usefulness of the stored information is always determined individually by seekers of knowledge and Truth, visitors to libraries, archives and other information institutions character.) In short, he must learn to accumulate meaningful information - that which is most likely to be useful for future survival. (Yes, only GOD has significant information, or if you want - NOOS)
Natural selection might be expected to favor organisms that use energy efficiently. But even individual biomolecular devices, such as the pumps and motors in our cells, must in some important way learn from the past in order to anticipate the future. (They just adjust to environment. To do this, the body has organs with the appropriate adjustment functions - the endocrine system, and organelles, even at the cellular level) To be remarkably effective, Still says, these devices must “implicitly construct capacious representations of the phenomena they have encountered so far, which would enable them to predict future events.” (Again skidded to the "smart cells". Not even funny, but sad. Still, it seems, a learned person)

Thermodynamics of death

Even if some of these basic features of information processing by living systems, in the absence of evolution or replication, are already due to non-equilibrium thermodynamics (why is this here?), one might suggest that more complex traits—say, tool use or social cooperation—must be provided by evolution.
But don't count on that either. Such behaviors, which are usually considered the exclusive prerogative of a highly developed evolutionary niche, including primates and birds, can be simulated using a simple model consisting of a system of interacting particles. (Well, you can’t interfere with God’s gift - with scrambled eggs!). Cunning (That's right, "cunning"!) is that the system is controlled by a constraint: it acts in such a way that it maximizes the amount of entropy (in this case defined by taking into account the various possible paths that the particles could take), which generates over a given period of time. (Any objective system is built on mathematics and is controlled by mathematical laws - which are a formalized physical law! In any system, the movement of its constituent entities is strictly predetermined by physical laws and is carried out only on their basis. Any Brownian particle strictly observes Newton's laws - the movement of bodies under the influence of These particles do not have any own thinking or will and cannot, by definition, exist in material, non-biological, inert bodies.)
Entropy maximization has long been considered a feature of nonequilibrium systems. (This is not a subjective phenomenon, a change in the structure of systemicity, but an objective process that takes place under the energy impact on a given system from the outside by another system.) But the system in this model obeys a rule that allows it to push its entropy to its limit within a fixed time window that extends into the future. (How is it that a non-living system brings its entropy to a certain period of time by itself? This is something from the world of unscientific fairy tales) In other words, she is able to predict. (Wow. With the help of what signs does this one express its forecasts: informs us on the radio, or just screams, or draws pictures of the future? Some kind of nonsense) In essence, the model takes into account all possible particle paths and forces them to follow the path that produces the most entropy. Roughly speaking, this is a path that keeps open the greatest number of possibilities for the movement of particles in the future. (I would like to read here who and how is directly involved in all this in the system? What is his name? Otherwise, it’s too abstract and there’s nothing ...)
It can be said that the particle system experiences a kind of desire (well, not sexual attraction!) preserve freedom of action in the future (I would explain what “freedom of action in the future” is for this system? But just like that, there is no freedom - otherwise there is only chaos! Freedom can only be concrete from something. Freedom by itself does not exist - in the very sense of the word concluded the paradigm of independence from something - meaning freedom), and that this striving guides her behavior at any moment. (I wonder what hand this direction of behavior does, because of its aspiration?) The researchers who developed this model - Alexander Wissner-Gross of Harvard University and Cameron Freer, a mathematician at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - call it the "causal entropy force." (Wow, how interesting, because in translation it means something like this: “causal entropy force”, i.e., the initial conditionality on the chaotization of the system as such. But, this contradicts Newton’s first law, which says that if no external force acts on the body, then it remains at rest – it does not decompose. conditioned mathematically, by means of permanent self-efficacy, according to the laws of nature). In computer simulations of disc-shaped particle configurations moving in circles under certain conditions, this force produces results that are frighteningly suggestive of intelligence. (The metaphysical laws of mathematics, both quantitative and qualitative, operate there. I got very interesting results on a computer - fantastic. I realized that NOOS is a reality. There is a God!)
In one case, a large disk was able to "use" a small disk to extract a second small disk from a narrow tube, a process that was similar to using a tool. Freeing the disk increased the entropy of the system. In another example, two disks in separate bays synchronized their behavior to bring down a larger disk so that they could interact with it, thereby giving the appearance of social cooperation. (The mathematical laws of NOOS are universal. See my work TRIALECTICS - a new philosophical system, see the link here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/DZsb/ctG1PDG3H

Of course, these simple interacting agents get the advantage of seeing into the future. (It would be interesting to know what the author understands by the future?) Life, as a rule, does not have it. (Why? Life self-replicates in systems) Then what does this have to do with biology? The answer is not clear, although Wiessner-Gross says he is currently working on a "practical biologically plausible mechanism for causal entropy forces." At the same time, he believes that this approach provides additional, practical opportunities, offering quick access to artificial intelligence. (Gentlemen, you do not know what intelligence is, but you are already talking about artificial intelligence - be more modest)“According to my predictions, a shorter way to achieve it is to first detect such behavior, and then work in the opposite direction, starting from physical principles and restrictions, instead of working on the basis of specific methods of calculation or prediction,” - he claims. In other words, first find a system that does what you want it to do, and then figure out how it does it. (Well, what nonsense. The human intellect, and the other is unknown, operates with knowledge, moral attitudes, information and empiricism. Here, try to systematize all this, maybe get closer to what the intellect is in essence. And the mechanistic, purely material approach is not at all the way to the knowledge of the intellect, but to the creation of a more perfect machine for faster counting, with less energy.)
Aging is also traditionally seen as a trait dictated by evolution. Organisms have a lifespan that creates opportunities for reproduction, and yet, as they say, the survival prospects of the offspring are not hindered by parents who loom too close and compete for resources. (Parents, this is the main initial social cell that forms the morality of a person, without which any child would turn into cattle). It really seems to be true (This is nonsense!!!, which does not need to be strengthened by this statement) However, Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, a physicist at the Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, believes that aging is ultimately a physical, not a biological, process governed by the thermodynamics of information. (Thermodynamics of information?! - funny. Here one could come up with something cooler to create the desired effect for the uninitiated)
Of course, the issue is not just wear and tear. “Most of the soft material that we are made of is renewed before it has a chance to age,” says Meyer-Ortmanns. But this renewal process is not perfect. The thermodynamics of information copying requires that there be a relationship between accuracy and energy. The body has finite energy resources, so over time, errors are bound to accumulate. Then the body is forced to spend an increasing amount of energy in order to correct these errors. The upgrade process produces copies too corrupted to function properly, followed by death.
Empirical evidence seems to support this. (It doesn't seem like it is) It has long been known that cultured human cells seem to be able to reproduce no more than 40-60 times (the so-called Hayflick limit) before this process stops and aging begins. And recent studies of human lifespan suggest that there is a fundamental reason why most people cannot survive a hundred years of age. (Heroes of the Bible lived for a thousand years. Apparently the reason is how time was counted)
There is a natural consequence of the fact that this obvious desire for energy-efficient organized predictive systems (what?) arises in a fluid non-equilibrium environment. We ourselves are such systems, like all our ancestors down to the first primitive cell. (Unlike us, cells did not think and did not regulate their behavior by volitional morally determined actions) And non-equilibrium thermodynamics seems to tell us that this is exactly what matter does under these circumstances. (... according to the laws of physics!) In other words, the emergence of life on a planet like early Earth, with its many sources of energy such as sunlight and volcanic activity that continue to keep it out of balance, is beginning to seem no longer an extremely unlikely event, as many scientists believe, but practically inevitable. (Naturally!) In 2006, Eric Smith and the late Harold Morowitz of the Santa Fe Institute argued that the thermodynamics of non-equilibrium systems makes organized complex systems much more likely to emerge under prebiotic conditions on Earth far from equilibrium, than it would be if the original chemical ingredients simply sat and simmered quietly in a "little warm pond" (in the words of Charles Darwin).
Ten years after this statement was first made, researchers have added details and penetrated deeper into the essence of the phenomenon. Those qualities that Ernst Mayr considered fundamental to biology - meaning and intention - could have arisen as a natural consequence of statistics and thermodynamics. And these common properties can in turn naturally lead to some semblance of life. (I repeat once again - life is much cooler and systemically multidimensional than material linear reality.)
At the same time, astronomers are showing us how many worlds orbit other stars in our galaxy: by some estimates, they number in the billions. Many of them are far from equilibrium, and at least some are similar to the Earth. And there, of course, the same rules apply. (And the laws of the Universal Mind, - as Pythagoras used to say!)
