Unified order form t 5. Sample order for transfer to another position. Free form of order

  • 10.01.2024

Transferring an employee to another job is a rather complicated procedure. In what cases is an order in the T-5 form used for these purposes, and is its use mandatory?

From the article you will learn:

Transfer of an employee to another job: registration issues

Transferring an employee to another job is one of the fairly widespread personnel procedures. Therefore, in the current labor legislation a special section is devoted to this issue: in particular, articles 72, 72.1 and 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are devoted to various types of this procedure. In accordance with these articles of this regulatory legal act, the following main types of translations can be distinguished:

However, the main stages of the procedure are similar in almost all of the situations listed. In particular, after all the conditions for its implementation have been agreed upon between the employer and the employee, and the latter has agreed to cooperate on new terms (or such consent is not required in the current situation), the employer must issue an order for transfer to another job in accordance with the procedure provided for by current legislation.

Note! In addition to the order to transfer to another job, to formalize this procedure, you will need to conclude an additional agreement with the employee (except for transfers without the employee’s consent).

Order for transfer to another job

The procedure for issuing an order for transfer to another job depends on the characteristics of the personnel document flow adopted at the enterprise. Thus, until the end of 2012, organizations prepared and published the most common types of personnel documents using the standards set forth in Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and its payment».

However, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting”, from January 1, 2013, the obligation to use unified forms approved by this resolution for commercial organizations was canceled. In practice, this means that from this date companies have the right to independently develop the forms of documents they need to prepare personnel documents. However, those of them who, for some reason, were comfortable using the familiar unified forms could continue to use them. This procedure for processing personnel documentation remains in effect in 2017. At the same time, it extends its effect, including the execution of orders for transfer to another job.

Note! In accordance with Part 4 of Article 9 of 402-FZ, the mandatory use of a number of unified forms remains mandatory for public sector organizations.

How to use forms T-5 and T-5a

In total, Goskomstat Resolution No. 1 provides for about 30 different types of personnel and accounting documents. At the same time, to issue an order to transfer employees to another position, forms T-5 and T-5a were developed. The purpose of these forms is identical, and the main difference between them is that the T-5 order form for transfer to another job is used to formalize the fact of the transfer of one employee, and the T-5a form is used to issue a general order for the transfer of several employees at the same time. Before starting the registration procedure, it is worth downloading the order to transfer the employee to another job and T-5a on a valid sample form.

Note! Forms T-5 and T-5a can be used to process both permanent and temporary transfers of employees.

Sample order for transfer to another position in form T-5

The prevalence of the use of an order for transfer to another position in the T-5 form, even after the abolition of the mandatory nature of its use in personnel practice, is largely due to the fact that it is a convenient template for the formation of a corresponding order. The HR employee only needs to enter the necessary information in the empty fields, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of errors during registration. A sample form of an order for transfer to another T-5 position is available for free on our website.

Sample order for transfer to another position in form T-5a

If an organization intends to simultaneously transfer several employees, it is advisable to use a general order to transfer employees to another job. A sample of filling out such a document allows the use of form T-5a, which was also approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Note! One common reason for transferring multiple employees may be a change in the company's current staffing schedule.

An order to transfer an employee to another job, form T-5 (the form can be downloaded on our website) contains the same substantive sections as form T-5a. The only difference between these forms is that in the second case, the employer needs to enter the relevant information about several employees at once. Therefore, for ease of registration, the necessary columns in this form are formed in the form of a table.

In addition, the sample for filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job on form T-5a suggests a slightly different layout of the sections to be filled out. Thus, the structural unit and position of each employee here are represented as separate columns, each of which has a field for indicating the old and new values ​​of these parameters. The type of transfer and the dates of its implementation are combined into one column, and the line “Reason for transfer” is completely abolished: to familiarize yourself with this information, interested parties can refer to the document indicated in the column “Reason for transfer”, where its date and number are recorded.

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Preparation of documents based on an order to transfer an employee to another job

Instructions for filling out the order transfer of an employee for another job, Form T-5 (the form can be downloaded on our website) specifies that on its basis changes are made to other personnel documents issued for an employee in this organization. Thus, the procedure for implementing Goskomstat Resolution No. 1 of January 5, 2004, as well as other current regulations, involves the implementation of the following necessary procedures:

entering information about the transfer in the employee’s personal card, which is usually maintained using form No. T-2 (for state and municipal employees - T-2GS (MS));

placing a corresponding mark in the employee’s personal account, for the maintenance of which forms No. T-54 or T-54a can be used;

making an entry on transfer to the employee’s work book if this transfer is permanent; For temporary transfers, making entries in the work book is not provided. According to clause 10 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, recorded by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books”, the corresponding entry must be made in the work record no later than a week from the date of publication an order to transfer an employee to another job using the T-5 form or another sample.

Thus, despite the fact that the mandatory use of the order form for transfer to another job T-5 has now been canceled, many experienced personnel service employees continue to use this form, since it is quite convenient and reflects all the necessary information in the correct form.

The unified form T-5 is an order to move an employee, which is drawn up in the event of an employee moving within an organization, or moving with the organization to another location. This standard form is not used for transfer to part-time work; in this case, the order is drawn up in free form. The article provides a sample of filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job; the form and completed sample can be downloaded below for free in Word.

Relocation is possible only with the employee’s consent to it, and this consent must be in written form. Based on the statement of consent, the personnel employee draws up a transfer order in the T-5 form, after which the document is submitted to the manager for approval. Next, the employee familiarizes himself with the order, confirming his awareness with a signature.

Since 2013, standard forms are not mandatory for use, this means that the employer retains the right to choose a convenient form for issuing an order - you can use the standard form, you can edit it by adding or deleting lines, you can develop your own order form.

The main thing is that the administrative document meets the requirements for primary documentation and contains all the required details.

If an organization needs to transfer a group of employees to another job, position, or division, then it is more convenient to fill out the standard form T-5a.

Sample of filling out T-5 when transferring to another job

The order form must be filled out with the following information:

  • name of the employer's company, OKPO;
  • number and date of issue of the order - the number is determined by the numbering of administrative documentation in accordance with the registration journal that all companies are required to maintain; the number can be supplemented with letter designations for convenience;
  • date of transfer to another job - the day when the employee begins new duties;
  • in the “to” line, you should indicate the date of completion of duties in the new position; the field is filled in if the transfer is made for a limited period;
  • Full name, personnel number of the employee to be transferred to another job within the organization, data to fill out can be found in;
  • type of transfer - permanent or temporary;
  • previous place of work - the position and department that the employee is leaving;
  • reason for movement within the organization;
  • new place of work - department, position, information about remuneration (rate, salary, allowances);
  • basis - a document justifying the transfer, as a rule, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract, which specifies changes in the place of work, indicates the number and date of this basis document, and the basis may also be another document, for example, a medical report, if the reason for the move is other work - the employee’s health condition,

Since last year, the pages of the magazine have been discussing the rules for filling out and applying unified forms approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 and put into effect since April 2004:

  • No. 6/2004 - “Registration and accounting of vacations using new unified forms” (No. T-6, T-6a, No. T-60);
  • No. 8/2004 - “Dismiss” cannot “terminate the employment contract”: is there a comma?” (No. T-8, T-8a, T-61);
  • No. 10/2004, 11/2004, 12/2004 - “Employee’s personal card: working with the new form No. T-2”;
  • No. 11/2004 - “Vacation schedule: time for “X” is coming (No. T-7).

In this issue, the subject of detailed analysis was the transfer order (instruction) forms No. T-5 and T-5a.

Before we begin to outline recommendations for working with these forms, it must be emphasized that both of them are intended for processing internal transfers - that is, transfers to another job in the same organization, and are not suitable for processing employee transfers to other organizations.

Ways to solve problems with filling out forms

Transfer time

If an employee is transferred to another job to replace an absent employee who went on parental leave before the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, how to indicate the time of transfer in Form No. T-5?

I.V. Larina,

Vyazniki, Vladimir region.

The first difficulties for personnel officers arise when entering information into the “Date” column of form No. T-5 and the “Type of transfer” column of form No. T-5a.

Firstly, not all transfers can have a specific end date for the transfer. Thus, if an employee is temporarily transferred to another job to replace an absent employee, and the time of absence of this employee is unknown or cannot be established by an exact calendar date (for example, the time spent on parental leave before the child reaches a specified age), then a specific date, when the transfer is completed cannot be indicated in the order (instruction) forms, at least at the time of preparation.

It is also problematic to indicate the end date of the transfer if the employee is transferred to another job due to a medical report, for example, due to pregnancy. In this case, the transfer is temporary - until the employee becomes entitled to maternity leave and uses this leave.

Problems with indicating the time of transfer in forms No. T-5 and T-5a are solved in two ways:

1. The event, the occurrence of which the parties determined the end of the transfer time, is recorded in the “to” line of the “Date” attribute of form No. T-5 in words and in full.

In order for the text to fit completely, when preparing the form for printing, it is necessary to expand the “by” cell. Such a change in form is allowed in accordance with part five of the Procedure for the use of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 No. 20, according to which: “when producing blank products based on unified forms of primary accounting documentation, it is allowed to make changes in terms of expansion and narrowing the columns and lines taking into account the significance of the indicators, including additional lines (including free ones) and loose sheets for the convenience of placing and processing the necessary information.” In the same order, the width of column 9 of form No. T-5a increases if a transfer of a group of employees is completed.

Taking into account the above, an entry in the form of an order (instruction) can be made according to the following model:

Fragment of form No. T-5

2. When issuing an order (instruction) for a transfer, the “by” line is not filled in and remains empty until the occurrence of an event with which the parties associate the end of the transfer. The event itself is described in the “type of transfer” line of form No. T-5. For example:

Fragment of form No. T-5

The exact calendar date for the end of the transfer is given in the “to” line only after the occurrence of the expected event, that is:

Fragment of form No. T-5

If the translation is permanent, the question arises, what to do with the “by” line?

By analogy with the explanations for filling out forms No. T-1 and T-1a contained in the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, when making a permanent transfer of the line (column) “by” in the details “Date” (form No. T-5) or “Type of transfer” (form No. T-5a) may not be filled in. However, since there are no direct indications in this regard, it seems that it would be quite legitimate to put a regular dash in the line (column) “by”.

Types of translation

The type of transfer in the T-5a form is indicated by crossing out the transfer that does not take place, that is, if a permanent transfer is made, then the word “temporarily” is crossed out, and vice versa, for example:

Fragment of form No. T-5a

Tariff rate (salary)

How can the unified form No. T-5 reflect the preservation of average earnings for 1 month, and then the salary at the new rate?

S.Yu. Karaulova,

Semiluki, Voronezh region.

According to Article 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when transferring an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs to be provided with another job, to another permanent lower-paid job in a given organization, he retains his previous average earnings for 1 month from the date of transfer, and when transferring in connection with labor injury, occupational disease or other work-related health damage - until a permanent loss of professional ability to work is established or until the employee recovers.

Unfortunately, the design of form No. T-5 does not contain details intended to indicate information about the amount of remuneration of the employee during different periods of transfer. In order for the accounting department not to forget about the specifics of remuneration for an employee transferred for health reasons to a lower-paid job (with his consent, of course), the transfer order must contain a corresponding instruction. For it, free lines can be provided in form No. T-5, and, it seems, their inclusion should not be formalized in a special organizational and administrative document (see above). Free lines can be included as follows:

Fragment of form No. T-5

The head of the organization can also give an order to the accounting department to pay the employee amounts in the specified amounts and order in another way, for example, in a separate order (instruction) drawn up in a simple form, or in a resolution on one of the documents preceding the transfer of the employee.


According to the above-mentioned Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment, if an employment contract was not concluded with the employee (the employee was hired before 10/06/1992), and his hiring was formalized by order, then when filling out unified form No. T-5 “Order (instruction) to transfer an employee to another job”, in the line “Bases”, specific documents are indicated on the basis of which the employee will be transferred to another job (application, medical report, memo, etc.), and The “Change to the employment contract” detail is not filled in.

With form No. T-5a the situation is more complicated. Actually, there are also certain difficulties in filling out the “Base” line in form No. T-5 (see the next section).

Ways to correct form deficiencies

The most significant shortcomings of the unified forms No. T-5 and T-5a appear in the structures intended to indicate the essential terms of the employment contract. To correct them, you should use part two of the above-mentioned Procedure for applying unified forms of primary accounting documentation, according to which the organization, if necessary, can enter additional details into the unified forms of primary accounting documentation (except for forms for recording cash transactions) approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia; at the same time, all details of the unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia remain unchanged (including code, form number, document name); Removing individual details from unified forms is not allowed.

In order for the additions made to the unified forms to be legal, they must be formalized by the relevant organizational and administrative document, for example, an order from the head of the organization approving changes to the unified forms of primary accounting documentation. In such an order, it is necessary to indicate which details are included in forms No. T-5 and T-5a and indicate their location (an approximate version of the order is given in the “PAPERS” section - 70 p.). If graphic elements are included in the form (additional columns, tables, graphs, etc.), then the changes made are drawn up as an appendix to the order.

Let's consider the main disadvantages of unified forms No. T-5 and T-5a and ways to correct them.

Reason for transfer

Where in T-5a should I indicate the reason for the transfer? Or is it not important at all?

Yu.E. Pakhomova,


If the structure of form No. T-5 provides space for indicating the reason for the transfer, then in form No. T-5a there is no line or column in which this information could be reflected.

This deficiency can be eliminated in two ways:

1) inclusion in the form of a free line (ruler) with the decoding “reason for transfer”, for example<*>:

Fragment of form No. T-5a

Taking into account the fact that Form No. T-5a is mainly used to formalize the transfer of a group of workers for one reason, this method is optimal;

2) by including an additional column with the heading “Reason for transfer” after the “Type of transfer” columns, for example:

Fragment of form No. T-5a

When column 10 is included in the table of form No. T-5a, the numbering of the columns changes accordingly.

Other essential terms of the employment contract

Forms No. T-5 and T-5a are mainly focused on changing such essential terms of the employment contract as structural unit, labor function and wages. Changes in other conditions, for example, work and rest schedules, characteristics of working conditions, etc., can be reflected by including in form No. T-5 additional lines intended to indicate these essential conditions of the employment contract. For example:

Fragment of form No. T-5

In form No. T-5a, to indicate other essential terms of the employment contract changed as a result of the transfer, an additional column 8 is included and the numbering of the table columns is changed accordingly. For example:

Fragment of form No. T-5a

It will be necessary to include additional details in the form to reflect changes in the essential terms of the employment contract until employment contracts with all employees hired before 10/06/1992 are formalized in writing. Since this category of workers in most cases was hired by order (instruction), and the employment contract with them was not concluded in the form of a separate agreement, then HR employees cannot take into account all changes in the essential conditions in the additional agreement to the employment contract, since there is no such is being compiled. Consequently, these changes must be taken into account in the order (instruction) on the transfer and this can be done by making the above additions to forms No. T-5 and T-5a.

When making transfers that do not involve changing any essential terms of the employment contract except the structural unit, the name of the position (profession, specialty) and the amount of remuneration, dashes are added in additional lines (columns).


The “Bases” detail in both forms does not take into account the fact that changes to the employment contract can be made repeatedly, and for the correct accounting of the transfer, not only the details of the employment contract (number and date) are important, but also the details of the agreement, which are entered into the employment contract by order (order) to transfer the change.

In fact, from the design of the forms it is generally not clear what kind of document we are talking about in the “Bases” detail - either the employment contract itself, or an additional agreement to the employment contract.

Since additional agreements to an employment contract are often entitled “Changes”, the following additions can be made to Form No. T-5, allowing you to track the document that amended the employment contract:

Fragment of form No. T-5

The structure of form No. T-5a does not allow making the necessary additions. Columns 10 and 11 are generally designed very poorly and do not allow the above information to be reflected.

Since the basis for the temporary transfer are other documents, and an additional agreement to the employment contract is not drawn up, the words “change to the employment contract” are crossed out in the “Bases” detail of form No. T-5a (naturally, provided that the transfer of all employees is carried out for the same reason ). In other cases, crossing out in the “Grounds” detail should not be done.

When working with form No. T-5a, personnel service employees encounter difficulties of a different kind. If the basis for the transfer is an employee’s statement, medical report or other document (which is typical for almost all temporary transfers), then it is simply impossible to reflect its name and correctly provide its details.

The inclusion of an additional column according to the above rules will not be able to completely eliminate the shortcomings of form No. T-5a, but will at least make filling it out more convenient:

1 -1

When a staff position is vacated, it is sometimes more expedient to transfer to this position an existing employee with work experience and whose abilities are already known to management than to hire an unknown person. In this case, the HR department must correctly formalize the transfer to another position, observing the procedure established by law.

The transfer can be carried out either at the initiative of the administration of the business entity or at the request of the employee. It is associated with a change in the employee’s job responsibilities.

The transfer can be made on a permanent or temporary basis. Often this may be due to a change in the main activity of the company.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that when a transfer is carried out by decision of the employer, a notification is sent to the employee with an offer to fill a vacant position. In response to it, the employee must also give either a positive or negative answer in writing.

In some situations (prevention of accidents, disasters, etc.), the employee’s consent is not necessary, but then a temporary period of one month applies. It is also temporarily permitted to transfer an employee during downtime at work, to replace a temporarily absent employee, to ensure the safety of property.

If a change in job function occurs at the request of the employee himself, then he must draw up an application for transfer to another position. Often, for an employer to take such a step, it is necessary to provide supporting documents, for example, for health reasons - a medical report. At the same time, the administration must remember that if an employee has requested a transfer for health reasons to an easier job, it must be carried out if the company has such a free position.

After this, the parties must draw up an additional agreement to the previously concluded employment contract between them. Management must take into account that if work on his initiative is paid lower than the employee’s salary before, then this person will retain earnings no lower than the average from his previous place.

Based on the concluded agreement, the administration issues a transfer order, which, after signing, must be provided to the employee for review. In confirmation of which the latter puts his visa.

If the transfer is permanent, then the corresponding entry must be made in the employee’s work book.

How to correctly draw up an order for transfer to another position

To draw up this document, you can use the recommended form in the T-5 form. In addition, the company can develop its own form of order, provided that it uses some mandatory details. In case of mass transfer of employees, the standard T-5a form must be used.

Filling out the document begins with indicating the full name of the company; in addition, a code is entered on the left side of the form according to the OKPO classifier.

Then the serial number of the order and the date of its preparation are indicated. After the name of the document, you must indicate the dates during which the translation is valid. If it is temporary, then both fields – “from” and “to” – are filled in. If the action is performed on an indefinite basis, then the “to” field should be left blank.

Sometimes situations arise when a transfer is carried out temporarily (for example, to replace another employee due to illness, child care, vacation, etc.), but the exact date of completion of the event cannot be determined. In this case, it is possible to enlarge the “by” column as much as possible, and in it, in words, describe as fully as possible under what conditions the translation period will be completed.

Next you need to fill out your full name. employee in the genitive case, and on the right in a special window - his personnel number. The next line indicates the type of transfer - permanent or temporary.

Next comes a form to indicate your previous place of employment. Here you need to write down the structural unit, job title, existing rank or qualification. The next field details the reason for the transfer to another position.

Next, fill out the section with the new place of work. The names of the structural unit and position to which the transfer is being made are sequentially indicated there. Below you need to enter the salary or tariff rate in numbers, as well as the bonus (if applicable).

After this, the order must contain the details of the amendment to the employment contract - its number and date of preparation. Below there is also a field in which you can enter the details of other documents on the basis of which the decision was made - petitions, memos, employee statements, etc.

The order is signed by the head of the company. The employee must also be familiar with it and confirm this fact with his personal signature and date.

Sample order for transfer to another position

Download the transfer order form in form T-5 in Word format.

In the event of an employee being transferred to a new position within the same company, a corresponding order is issued on the uniform T-5 form. The form and the finished sample, as well as the features of filling out the form, are discussed in the article.

Compiled in cases where an employee is transferred to a new position (within the same company). Transfer may be due to various reasons:

  • moving to another region (to work in a branch or at the company’s head office);
  • replacing another employee (for example, due to long sick leave);
  • transfer to a new department due to the reorganization of structural divisions, etc.

An employee can switch to either permanent or temporary work - the content and form do not change.

Sample and order form 2017 - 2018

A blank T-5 form is presented below.

And here is a ready-made sample that can be used when drawing up an order.

NOTE. Both printed and handwritten filling is allowed (blue or black pen). However, blots, corrections, illegible text, tears and other violations are prohibited. If an error is discovered, a new document should be drawn up and the old one should be torn.

Instructions for filling

The document must fill in all fields containing the following data:

  1. Codes for OKUD and OKPO.
  2. Name of the organization (an abbreviated version is allowed, for example, Romashka LLC or Individual Entrepreneur Svetly V.A.).
  3. Date of compilation and date of translation in the format 12/11/2017.
  4. The final date of transfer is filled in in cases where it is initially known that the employee will replace another employee temporarily, and the deadline is determined. Temporary transfer is possible in many situations, for example:
  • replacing an employee who went on maternity leave, the end of which is known;
  • replacing an employee who received a medical contraindication, for which treatment was prescribed, the end date of which is known;
  • the transferring employee received a temporary medical contraindication, and the end date of treatment is also known, etc.

In other cases, put a dash in this field (it is also possible to simply leave it blank).

  1. Full last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, his personnel number.
  2. Type of transfer – permanent or temporary. In the case of a temporary one, as a rule, it is known beforehand until what time the employee will occupy another position.
  3. Next, you need to indicate your previous place of work: indicate the structural unit (if any) - usually a department, as well as the full name of the position. The name must exactly match that specified in the employment contract, work book and other documents.
  4. Similar information is provided for the new location (regardless of whether it is temporary or permanent): the name of the structural unit (if any) and the title of the position.
  5. The salary is described by the tariff rate and bonus (if any). The amount is indicated in numbers accurate to kopecks (if necessary, the symbol “00” is written). If there is no allowance, the field should be left blank.
  6. The last part indicates the date of preparation and number of the employment contract. The responsible person (usually the director of a division or branch) puts a signature, a transcript of the signature (last name, initials) and writes the full name of his position.
  7. In the very bottom line, the employee must put his personal signature and date of review. A similar signature and date are entered in the internal documentation register, which is kept in free form.

NOTE. In the line “Date... from... to...” fill in the date of transfer. As for the line “by”, there are different versions of its origin, one of which is discussed above (temporary translation). Along with this, sometimes instead of a date, a possible reason is prescribed that would stop working in a new place - for example, complete recovery and removal of relevant medical contraindications.

Reverse side of the order

An employee of the HR department, at his own discretion (as well as at the request of management), can create notes on the reverse side:

  • about undelivered items that are still owned by the employee;
  • about the equipment for which he is still responsible;
  • about unsubmitted documents that he must bring within the established time limits and others.

The company can use its own sample transfer order instead of (or along with) the T-5 form. However, it is preferable to use this document - it is convenient because it contains almost all the necessary fields and is filled out simply and clearly.

How to reflect the tariff rate

This issue also needs further consideration. Current labor legislation provides that if an employee is transferred to a position that obviously should be paid lower due to medical contraindications, then the lower pay is not allowed. The Labor Code prescribes maintaining average earnings at the current place for at least 1 month from the day the transfer is made.

Moreover, if the disease is directly related to professional activity (for example, injury as a result of an accident at work), then the average earnings from the old place of work should be maintained until the day when:

  • the employee will fully recover;
  • or permanent disability will be recognized, the onset of which occurred as a result of an industrial injury or other disease associated with professional activity.

Both cases must be confirmed by relevant medical documents. In such non-standard situations, you should not rush to fill out - first you need to carefully analyze the situation and find out the position of the current labor legislation.

Transfer procedure

From the HR department's point of view, the order looks something like this:

  1. Management declares its intentions.
  2. An order is drawn up.
  3. A corresponding entry is made in the work book (as shown in the sample below).

In the case of a temporary transfer, there is no need to make an entry in the work book.

If several employees are transferred at once

In most cases, it is more advisable to use another form - T-5a, which completely coincides with the main one. The only difference is the presence of additional lines in which information about employees is entered. An example document is presented below.